Questions to Mark Weber!
Since Weber turned the whole thing [IHR] over to this Kelso, he
gives the final blow to
the IHR. This will drive away the last "academics".
Faurisson was told [by Weber?] before
l993 that Willis [my husband] would turn the Journal into a
"racist rag" As you know, F. [Faurisson]
got scared and believed Weber.
But he was just petrified being tied to "racists", what
does he [Faurisson] say now that
his protégé has done it?!
Weber, as you stated, is closing down organizations, not just IHR
Spotlight and LL [Liberty Lobby] too as a result. He is now doing
a final assault on
revisionism and it is not unplanned. He disables anyone who has a
work ethic
and is trustworthy.
$1.1 mil go that IHR got last spring from the Trust they stole
from LL in
October of 2002?
Weber has money but is spending it destructively. Did you ever
ask him about
the Allen Trust (not connected to Andrew Allen), a nice old lady
who left the
money to LL? Wells Fargo held the trust and finally had to turn
it over to
Weber last year.
Where did the millions go that they got since 2000 from LL, paid
under the
settlement we had, from the sale of our house ($400,000) and
legacies that the
Maino court turned over to Weber? These are serious questions
that need to be
Maybe Harvey and the other officers don't know about this money?
Raven bought a 1.6 million dollar property for himself early
2003, before he
left to string tennis rackets. We have proof. Do you find this
shocking? It
is certainly worth looking into.
Elisabeth Carto