• CONTENTS Century to Starboard Art o GalleryBy Liz Williams, illustration by Ursula Freer 2 February 2004 Article o s Vittoria Pellini, Diary entry, 12 August 2008 Colum o Julio and I went down to the port today, to see the Ship for the first time. It's truly amazing -- I ns had no idea how big it would be. The hull, if that's what you call it, must have been hundreds of Fiction feet up from the water, and I couldn't see the other end at all. Not surprising, since it's supposed o to be a mile long, but even so. . . . o Poetry We flew into Singapore from Rome this morning -- Julio had to see some people, so we thought o Revie we'd combine his business, whatever that is, with a visit to the Ship. After all, in only a few months, it's going to be our home. Rome's so hot these days, with all these climate changes, and ws the villa in St. Barthelemy's been simply unlivable in. So, as I said to Julio, it really does make o Archiv sense to go and live on something that can move around all over the place. I know it's costing a es few million, but it isn't as though we can't afford it -- and there's the whole tax avoidance issue, of course. And if the brochure's anything to go by, the shopping will be wonderful -- the latest • ABOUT US seasons will be showing, and as I told him, I'll really be saving on all the airfares, because it costs o Staff so much to go to New York these days, now that they've brought in the flight restrictions. So the Ship definitely makes sense. Julio muttered something about people saying the same thing about o Guideli the Titanic, but he just likes to grumble. It's his ulcer. nes Diary entry, 14 November 2008 o Contac Back in Singapore again, and this time we've actually been on board. I'm just so thrilled. We've t seen our apartment, and it's a dream, it really is. It's twice the size of our place in Monaco, and o Award the furnishings are beautiful -- exactly as I told the design consultant, and you know how hard it s is for these people to get things right. It's high up, too -- right on the uppermost deck, just as we wanted. There are gardens below, and swimming pools, and full satellite links so Julio can work. o BannerI can't wait, but I'll have to, because the Ship doesn't set out until May. That's nearly six months s away, and I'm going to go crazy in Italy. • SUPPORT Diary entry, 3 May 2009 US Our first night on the Ship -- we're sailing tomorrow. Julio and I have been getting to know our Donatenew neighbours, the Seckers -- really, really lovely people, even if they are Americans. But not o ostentatious -- old money, you see. Well, old money for the States, anyway. Originally from o Bookst Seattle, but they got out before the quake (obviously!) and since then they've been living in ore Houston. Said it was horribly hot. Commiserated. o Merch Diary entry, 4 May 2009 andise Sailed today. Just fabulous, seeing all those thousands of people lined up on the dock to see us • COMMUNIT off. I didn't even realize we were moving, and neither did Lydia Secker, though she says that Y she's always been as sick as a dog on every boat she's ever been on and she's told her husband o Forum that if the Ship starts making her throw up, she's going right back home to Houston, firestorms or no firestorms. . . . o Reader Diary entry, 16th August 2009 s' Choice Can't believe it's been a year since we first saw the Ship. I was a tiny bit worried that I might get bored here, but what with all the traveling I've just been so busy. And there's the salon, and then the shops -- and I'm learning Japanese! Made quite sure that Julio was listening when I told him