A Concise Listing of Tolkien Books Internet Tolkien Book featuring lists of books published by Ballantine and HarperCollins in 1995, book resources on the Internet, and members on every inhabited continent! Tolkien card game from Iron Crown Enterprises was released in December, 1995. The game is called 'Middle-earth: The Wizards' and contains nearly five hundred cards featuring new art! To me, this is the best new Tolkien item in years... 1. THE ADVENTURES OF TOM BOMBADIL, 1990, HMCo, art by Roger Garland (also reprinted in THE TOLKIEN READER) 2. A MIDDLE ENGLISH VOCABULARY, Oxford, 1922 (textbook) 3. THE ANNOTATED HOBBIT, annotated by Douglas Anderson, 1988, HMCo 4. "Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode" (collection of essays and papers from Oxford), 1983, HMCo (edited by Alan Bliss) 5. BILBO'S LAST SONG, 1990, HMCo, illustrated by Pauline Baynes 6. MR. BLISS, 1983, HMCo (also HarperCollins?) 7. OLD ENGLISH EXODUS, Clarendon Press, 1980 (hardback) 8. OLIPHAUNT, 1989, Calico Books (poem illustrated by Hank Hinton) 9. POEMS AND STORIES, 1994, HMCo, cover art by Alan Lee 10. SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT / PEARL / SIR ORFEO, 1975, Ballantine (Tolkien's translations) 11. SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT (trans. JRRT and E.V. Gordon), Oxford, 1925 12. SMITH OF WOOTTON MAJOR, 1967, HMCo, illustrated by Pauline Baynes 13. FARMER GILES OF HAM (Grafton) 14. SMITH OF WOOTTON MAJOR & FARMER GILES OF HAM, 1969, Ballantine, illustrated by Pauline Baynes 15. SMITH OF WOOTTON MAJOR & FARMER GILES OF HAM, 1975, Ballantine, red or white cover border with art by Hildebrandt brothers 16. THE TOLKIEN READER, 1966, Ballantine, art by Pauline Baynes (Tolkien's Magic Ring, The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son, Tree and Leaf, Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil) 17. TREE AND LEAF, 1964, George Allen and Unwin [British] - contains "Leaf by Niggle" and "On Fairy-stories" 18. TREE AND LEAF, 1964, Unwin Books [British], cover art by JRRT 19. UNFINISHED TALES, 1988, Ballantine, yellow cover (paperback) 20. UNFINISHED TALES, 1980, HMCo, green hardback with stars (tan slip cover) 21."Leaf by Niggle" [1945] 22. "Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics" [Lecture 1936] 25. "On Fairy-stories" [Lecture 1939] 24. "The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son" [continuation of Anglo-Saxon THE BATTLE OF MALDON] 25. THE SILMARILLION, 1977, HMCo, cover art by JRRT (hardback); the First American Edition is a nice addition to any collection 26. THE HOBBIT, 1937, Ballantine, cover 'Bilbo comes to the Huts of the Raftelves' by JRRT 27. THE HOBBIT, 1937, Ballantine, yellow cover of 'Bilbo rides the Barrels down the River' or Gandalf and Eagles 28. THE HOBBIT, 1966, HMCo, illustrated by JRRT, green cover (hardback with slipcase) 29. THE HOBBIT, 1966, HMCo, cover 'Bilbo comes to the Huts of the Raftelves' 30. THE HOBBIT, 1984, HMCo, illustrated by Michael Hague (Smaug) [Italy] 31. THE HOBBIT, 1987, 50th Anniversary Edition, gold cover and silpcase 32. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1975 Special Edition, Ballantine, cover art of the Shire 33. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1954, Ballantine, cover art 'The Hills: Hobbiton-across-the-Water' by JRRT 34. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1954, Ballantine, blue cover from 1982 calendar (featuring Moria) 35. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1954, Ballantine, 50th Anniversary Edition (black cover featuring Gandalf) 36. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, 1995, Quality Paperback Book Club (QPBC), cover art by Richard Beards 37. THE TWO TOWERS, 1975 Special Edition, Ballantine, cover art of Minas Tirith 38. THE TWO TOWERS, 1955, Ballantine, cover illustration 'Fangorn' by JRRT 39. THE TWO TOWERS, 1955, Ballantine, green cover of statue or Fangorn 40. THE TWO TOWERS, 1955, Ballantine, 50th Anniversary Edition (black cover featuring Legolas and Gimli) 41. THE TWO TOWERS, 1995, QPBC, cover art by Richard Beards 42. THE TWO TOWERS, 1978, HMCo, tan cover featuring Eye of Sauron (part of trilogy edition in red slipcase) 43. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1975 Special Edition, Ballantine, cover art of Mordor 44. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1956, Ballantine, cover art 'Barad-Dur' by JRRT 45. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1956, Ballantine, red cover from 1982 calendar (Aragorn and Gandalf) 46. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1956, Ballantine, 50th Anniversary Edition (black cover featuring Aragorn) 47. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1995, QPBC, cover art by Richard Beards 48. THE LORD OF THE RINGS, 1992 (Centenary Edition), HMCo, illustrated by Alan Lee (50 plates); signed by artist reportedly worth $250 49. THE LORD OF THE RINGS, 1992 (Centenary Edition), HarperCollins, illustrated by John Howe [British] 50. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (red leatherbound edition), HMCo Collector's Edition (with slipcase), 1987 51. THE LORD OF THE RINGS was also (illegally) printed by Ace Books in three volumes, prompting the notice by JRRT on the "authorized" Ballantine paperback editions - hard to obtain (apparently poor cover art) Books about J.R.R. Tolkien's works: 1. J.R.R. TOLKIEN'S THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING [Monarch Notes], 1976 (are there any more of these?) 2. BARRON'S BOOK NOTES: HOBBIT & LOTR, 1986 3. LOTR AND THE HOBBIT [Cliffs Notes], 1977 4. COLES NOTES ON THE HOBBIT AND LOTR, 1979 5. UNDERSTANDING TOLKIEN AND THE LORD OF THE RINGS by William Ready, 1968, Paperback Library (original title - The Tolkien Relation) 6. MASTER OF MIDDLE-EARTH by Paul H. Kocher, 1972, DelRey, cover from 1976 calendar (Hildebrandt) - highly esteemed book 7. THE READER'S GUIDE TO THE SILMARILLION by Paul Kocher 8. TOLKIEN: A LOOK BEHIND THE LORD OF THE RINGS by Lin Carter, 1969, Ballantine, cover art by Curtis Woodbridge (info on Norse sources) - Book Notes #2 21. THE TOLKIEN QUIZ BOOK by Bart Andrews, 1979, Signet (fun!) 22. THE TOLKIEN QUIZ BOOK by Nigel Robinson, St. Martin's Press, 1982 23. THE TOLKIEN QUIZ BOOK by Robinson & Wilson, 1981, HMCo 24. THE MIDDLE EARTH QUIZ BOOK by Suzanne Buchholz, 1979, HMCo 25. TOLKIEN'S WORLD - PAINTINGS OF MIDDLE-EARTH, 1992, HarperCollins 26. TOLKIEN'S RING, HarperCollins, illustrated by Alan Lee (Norse Mythology and other things that inspired Tolkien) 27. POEMS FROM LOTR, HarperCollins 28. AFTER THE KING - STORIES IN HONOR OF JRRT, 1992, Tor 29. LORD OF THE ELVES AND ELDILS by Richard Purtill, 1974, Zondervan Books 30. A TOLKIEN BESTIARY by David Day, 1979, Crescent [British] 31. PICTURES BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN (text by Christopher Tolkien), 1992, HarperCollins, cover art by JRRT 32. A TOLKIEN COMPASS by Jared Lobdell (includes 'Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings' by JRRT), 1975, Open Court Publishing Company - Book Notes #7 54. THE TOLKIEN SCRAPBOOK, edited by Alida Becker, 1978, Running Press, cover art by Tim Kirk (note the recipes!) 55. J.R.R. TOLKIEN: THIS FAR LAND by Robert Giddings, 1983, Vision Press Limited 56. TOLKIEN'S ART by Jane Nitzsche, 1979, St. Martin's Press 57. J.R.R. TOLKIEN by Kinley Roby, 1980 (biography) 58. LIGHTNING FROM A CLEAR SKY by Richard Matthews, 1978, Borgo Press (Vol. 15 Milford Series) - reputedly very good 59. THE HOBBIT: A JOURNEY INTO MATURITY by William Green, Twayne Publishers, 1994 60. J.R.R. TOLKIEN: A DESCRIPTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY by Wayne G. Hammond, Oak Knoll Books, 1993 61. MEN, HALFLINGS, AND HERO WORSHIP by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Baltimore, 1973 (entire essay) 62. ONE RING TO BIND THEM ALL: TOLKIEN'S MYTHOLOGY by Anne C. Petty, Univ. of Alabama Press, 1979 63. J.R.R. TOLKIEN, SCHOLAR AND STORYTELLER edited by Mary Salu and Robert Farrell, Ithaca, 1979 64. TREE BY TOLKIEN by Colin Wilson, Capra Press, 1974 65. J.R.R. TOLKIEN: A CRITICAL BIOGRAPHY by Ivor and Deborah Rogers, Hippocrene, 1980 - Book Notes #1 66. J.R.R. TOLKIEN: LIFE AND LEGEND by Judith Priestman, Oxford, 1992 (Bodleian Library exhibit to commemorate Tolkien's centenary in 1992) 67. POEMS BY JRRT, HarperCollins, 1993 (mini-books, 3 volumes, illustrated by JRRT from The Hobbit and Adventures of Tom Bombadil) 68. J.R.R. TOLKIEN: MASTER OF FANTASY by David Collins, illustrated by William Heagy, First Avenue Editions, 1993 69. JRRT: THE ART OF THE MYTH-MAKER, Starmont House, 1992, Milford Series Popular Writers for Today, vol. 56 70. J.R.R TOLKIEN (Twayne's English Authors Series) by Deborah Rogers, Twayne Publishers, 1980 (#304) 71. JRRT: THE SHORES OF MIDDLE-EARTH by Robert Giddings, Univ. Pubns. of America, 1981 72. MYTH MAKER: JRRT by Anne Neimark, illustrated by Brad Weinman, HarcourtBrace, 1996 73. SHAPING OF MIDDLE-EARTH'S MAKER: INFLUENCES ON THE LIFE AND LITERATURE OF JRRT by John Ryan, American Tolkien Society, 1992 74. TOLKIEN: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT by Brian Rosebury, St. Martin's Press, 1992 75. TOLKIEN: MASTER OF FANTASY (#91) by B. Green, Story House Corp, 1991 (?) 76. A TOLKIEN THESAURUS by Richard Blackwelder, Garland Pub, 1990 - Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 77. A HOBBIT'S JOURNAL, BEING A BLANK BOOK WITH SOME CURIOUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF FRIENDS AND FOES OF THE NINE COMPANIONS, FROM THE COLLECTION OF SAM GAMGEE, illustrated by Michael Green, Exley Pub Ltd, 1985 [British] 78. THE INDIVIDUATED HOBBIT by Timothy R. O'Neill 79. A HOBBIT'S JOURNAL, Running Press (pencil sketches) Other Books: 1. TREASON AT HELM'S DEEP (Middle-earth Quest) by Kevin Barrett and Saul Peters, 1988, I.C.E. (#2) 2. A SPY IN ISENGARD (Middle-earth Quest) by Terry K. Amthor, 1988, I.C.E. (101); also supposedly MINES OF MORIA and SEARCH FOR THE PALANTIR 3. A PORTFOLIO FOR MIDDLE EARTH, illustrated by Tim Kirk 4. THE ROAD GOES EVER ON: A SONG CYCLE (music) with Donald Swann (words by JRRT), 1978, HMCo 5. CASTLES, Alan Lee and David Day, 1984, McGraw-Hill (features art of Minas Tirith and Barad-Dur) 6. THE INKLINGS by Humphrey Carpenter, 1979, HMCo (JRRT, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Williams) 7. SHADOWS OF IMAGINATION: THE FANTASIES OF C.S. LEWIS, J.R.R. TOLKIEN, AND CHARLES WILLIAMS by Mark R. Hillegas (editor), 1969, S. Illinois Univ. Press 8. SHADOWS OF HEAVEN: RELIGION AND FANTASY IN THE WRITINGS OF C.S. LEWIS, CHARLES WILLIAMS, AND J.R.R. TOLKIEN by Gunnar Urang, 1971, Pilgrim 9. BOOKS WITH MEN BEHIND THEM by Edmund Fuller, 1959, Random House (contains "The Lord of the Hobbits") 10. THE MAGICAL WORLD OF THE INKLINGS by Gareth Knight, 1990, Element Books [British] 11. THE HARVARD LAMPOON: BORED OF THE RINGS by Henry N. Beard and Douglas C. Kenney, 1969, ROC (parody) 51st Anniversary Edition 12. THE JEWEL OF ARWEN and THE PARTING OF ARWEN by Marion Zimmer Bradley, 1974 (chapbooks), apparently part of an Arwen Series (continuation of Tolkien's story) 13. MODERN HEROISM by Roger Sale, Univ. of California Press, 1973 (one section devoted to Tolkien) - Book Notes #5 14. ENGLAND AND ALWAYS by Jared Lobdell, 1981, Eerdmans Publishing 15. GOOD NEWS FROM TOLKIEN'S MIDDLE EARTH by Gracia Fay Ellwood, Eerdmans, 1970 (2 essays) 16. MYTH, ALLEGORY, AND GOSPEL by Edmund Fuller, Bethany Fellowship, 1974 (Kilby lectures on Tolkien) 17. MODERN FANTASY by C.N. Manlove, Cambridge, 1975 18. ROMANTIC RELIGION by R.J. Reilly, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1971 19. MANKATO STUDIES IN ENGLISH VOL. 2 NO. 1 (1967) - Tolkien-related 20. SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT (Cliffs Notes - JRRT contributed), 1990 (or is he merely mentioned in the Notes?) 21. FANTASTS: STUDIES OF JRRT, LEWIS CARROLL, MERVYN PEAKE, NOKOLAY GOGOL, AND KENNETH GRAHAME by T. Little, 1984, Humanities Press (?) 22. TREASURES OF MIDDLE EARTH (described as a small handbook and a museum-type guide to an exhibit of Middle-earth artifacts found in an archaeological dig), Pendragon Gallery ("very rare") Posters/Maps: 1. THE MAP OF TOLKIEN'S MIDDLE-EARTH, text by Brian Sibley (in companion booklet), images by John Howe, HarperCollins [US/British] 2. THERE AND BACK AGAIN (map), text by Brian Sibley (in companion booklet), images by John Howe, HarperPrism [US] 3. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (poster) by J. Cauty, 1988 [Switzerland], available in two sizes (Gandalf and Frodo, etc...) 4. THE LORD OF THE RINGS II (poster) by R. Matthews (orcs and Nazgul, etc...) 5. TOLKIEN: LIFE AND LEGEND (poster), 1992, Oxford [British], featuring 'The Halls of Manwe' by JRRT (probably have to get this in Oxford) 6. TOLKIEN CENTENARY POSTER COLLECTION (6 Paintings by Alan Lee), 1992, Grafton [British] 7. TOLKIEN POSTERS: IMAGES OF MIDDLE-EARTH (6 Paintings by John Howe) [British], HarperCollins 8. Map of Middle-Earth produced by I.C.E. (1982?) in which the artist took some liberties with eastern Middle-Earth "wild lands" (2' x 3') 9. Harper Collins produced at least four posters in 1995! 10. There are many SIGNED Hildebrandt prints floating around... 11. I.C.E. has produced a "Northwestern Middle-earth Map Set" Calendars : 1. 1996 Tolkien Calendar by Ted Nasmith (HarperCollins or Harper Paperbacks) 2. 1994 Tolkien Calendar by Michael Kaluta (Ballantine or HarperCollins) 3. 1993 Tolkien Calendar by Alan Lee [US (Ballantine) / British (Grafton Books)] 4. 1992 Centenary Calendar by Ted Nasmith (Ballantine or Grafton Books) 5. 1991 Tolkien Calendar by John Howe (Ballantine) 6. 1991 Tolkien Calendar by Malgorzata Pudlik and Aleksandra Kosriurzuk (Polish Tolkien Society) 7. 1990 Tolkien Calendar by Ted Nasmith (Ballantine) 8. 1990 Not Tolkien Calendar by Paula Di Sante and Christine Lowentrout (The Mythopoeic Society) 9. 1989 Tolkien Calendar by Roger Garland (Ballantine) 10. 1988 Tolkien Calendar by Ted Nasmith, John Howe, Roger Garland, and JRRT (Ballantine) 11. 1987 Tolkien Calendar by Roger Garland, John Howe, Alan Lee, and Ted Nasmith (Ballantine or Unwin Paperbacks) 12. 1986 Tolkien Calendar by Michael Hague (Unwin Paperbacks) 13. 1986 Tolkien Kalender by Dietrich Ebert (Hobbit Presse, Klett-Cotta, Germany) 14. 1985 Tolkien Calendar by Inger Edelfeldt (Unwin Paperbacks and Ballantine) 15. 1984 Tolkien Calendar by Roger Garland (Unwin Paperbacks) 16. 1982 Tolkien Calendar by Darrell K. Sweet, Ballantine 17. 1981 Calendar, "The Great Illustrators Edition" including Sweet, Herring, Morrill, and Rieniets (5 artists), Ballantine 18. 1980 Calendar, "The Great Illustrators Edition" including Darrel Sweet, Michael Herring, etc... (10 artists), Ballantine 19. 1980 Desk Calendar by Brothers Hildebrandt 20. 1979 JRRT Calendar, art from Ralph Bakshi film, Ballantine 21. 1979 JRRT Calendar by JRRT and H.E. Riddett (George Allen & Unwin) 22. 1979 Silmarillion Desk Calendar by JRRT, H.E. Riddett, and Christopher Tolkien (Ballantine) 23. 1978 Silmarillion Calendar by JRRT and H.E. Riddett (George Allen & Unwin) 24. 1978 Hobbit Desk Calendar by JRRT and H.E. Riddett (Ballantine) 25. 1977 LOTR Calendar by JRRT (George Allen & Unwin) 26. 1977 Tolkien Calendar by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt (Ballantine) 27. 1976 Tolkien Calendar by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt (Ballantine) 28. 1976 Hobbit Calendar by JRRT and H.E. Riddett (George Allen & Unwin) 29. 1976 Hobbit Calendar by JRRT and H.E. Riddett (Methuen, Toronto) 30. 1975 Calendar by Tim Kirk (HMCo) 31. 1974 JRRT Calendar by JRRT and Pauline Baynes (Ballantine) 32. 1973 JRRT Calendar by JRRT and Pauline Baynes (Ballantine) 33. Apparently, calendars exist (at least) 1973-1996. Card Packs/Postcards: 1. MIDDLE-EARTH: THE WIZARDS from I.C.E. (484 cards) 2. HILDEBRANDT I card set (includes some Tolkien art) There is also a card set by Michael Kaluta that may contain Tolkien images... 3. TOLKIEN'S MIDDLE-EARTH (20 postcards), HarperCollins 4. TOLKIEN'S DRAGONS AND MONSTERS (20 postcards), HarperCollins 5. THE HOBBIT (set of 36 color cards) by David Wenzel, Eclipse Enterprises Records/Audio: 1. TOLKIEN: THE HOBBIT read by Nicol Williamson, Argo [British] 2. POEMS AND SONGS OF MIDDLE EARTH, Caedmon (Swann on one side, Tolkien reading on the other) 3. TOLKIEN READS AND SINGS, Caedmon, Hobbit and LotR 4. READINGS FROM THE SILMARILLION, Caedmon, Christopher Tolkien reading 5. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (Motion Picture Soundtrack), 1978, Fantasy Records 6. J.R.R. TOLKIEN SOUNDBOOK, Caedmon (4 records) 7. THE HOBBIT SOUNDTRACK (2 records with storybook) 8. BBC RADIO presentation of The Hobbit [British], 4 cassettes, 1988, Bantam Audio Publishing 9. LORD OF THE RINGS by Bo Hansson [Sweden] 10. J.R.R. TOLKIEN COLLECTION (4 tapes), HarperCollins 11. THE HOBBIT (4 tapes), HarperCollins 12. THE HOBBIT (LP) including 12-page storybook (Rankin-Bass), 1977 13. THE SILMARILLION OF BEREN AND LUTHIEN (LP), read by Christopher Tolkien, 1977, Caedmon Records There are also recordings made by BBC and NPR of Tolkien's works: 1. BBC's LotR - 13 cassettes, 780 minutes 2. MUSIC FROM THE BBC'S RADIO DRAMATISATION OF JRRT'S LOTR (LP), 1981, BBC Records 3. There is a symphonic adaptation of LOTR by a Dutch(?) composer named Johan de Meij: Symphony No. 1 "The Lord of the Rings" including (I) Gandalf (The Wizard), (IV) Journey in the Dark (The Mine of Moria / The Bridge of Khazad-Dum), and (V) Hobbits - wind band 4. Blind Guardian (heavy metal - Germany) is popular in Germany and Japan 5. French classical guitar recording La Ballade De Galadriel by Bernard Piris, Editor Henry Lemoine, Paris, 1992 6. An unabridged reading of LotR (by Rob Inglis, a Shakespearean actor) is available from Isis Audio Books [50 hours!], British 7. THE LORD OF THE RINGS (a dramatization originally released in 1981) featuring Brian Sibley and Michael Bakewell (map and CD) 8. THE JOURNEY BEGINS, BK 1: LORD OF THE RINGS by JRRT, Bantam Books - Audio (cassette), 1996 Games/Chess Sets/Figurines: 1. LORD OF THE RINGS ADVENTURE GAME (features great map board), I.C.E., 1991, box cover by Angus McBride (1982) 2. DARKER THAN THE DARKNESS (sequel to previous entry), I.C.E., 1991, cover by Angus McBride 3. OVER THE MISTY MOUNTAINS COLD (another sequel), I.C.E. - as usual for I.C.E. products, this game contains many spurious things like Dark Elves 4. THE HOBBIT ADVENTURE BOARDGAME by I.C.E. (this does not follow JRRT's THE HOBBIT - beware of I.C.E. in this respect) 5. MIDDLE-EARTH ROLE PLAYING from I.C.E. 6. A chess set - Good Versus Evil Fantasy Chess Set, The Soldier Factory (California, 1993) - supposed to have something to do with LotR 7. Pewter figurines were available previously (still?), including Gandalf, Pippin, Orcs, Denethor, Aragorn...Ral Partha? 8. Another company markets about 200 pewter figurines called Mithril (the company is Prince August) - i.e. "Frodo in the Tower," "Gandalf Casting Spell," "Saruman at Orthanc" etc... 9. MIDDLE EARTH (board game), Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI), 1977, art by Tim Kirk including games The War of the Ring, Gondor, and Sauron 10. 12 figurines were minted exclusively for American Express in the mid-1970s, 2 to 3 inches tall, pewter, detailed 11. The Mind's Eye has released four pewter figurines (made in Great Britain), including Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf, and Galadriel (roughly 3") 12. The Tudor Mint (1996) has produced a set of 13 (or more) figurines from Tolkien's works (nice detail but expensive) 13. A pewter chess set from Pendragon Gallery (Rawcliff Corp.) by artist Star York features 12 characters (roughly $1200) 14. Figurines (described as "like Star Wars") were produced (by "Knickerbocker"?) and are worth about $300 to $500 each 15. Riddle of the Ring Game by I.C.E. 16. There is a Hobbit chess set from the Fellowship Foundry 17. Royal Daulton produced a set of figurines 18. Ray Lamb produced a set of pewter figurines Software: 1. THE LORD OF THE RINGS VOL. I (game) by Interplay, box cover of Balrog and Gandalf in Moria 2. THE TWO TOWERS (game) by Interplay, box cover of Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn meeting Gandalf in Fangorn 3. LOTR AND TT (game) by Interplay, 1993, one box ('Collector's Edition') Movies/Animation: 1. Rankin/Bass, 76 minutes (like a cartoon); covers entire sequence in THE HOBBIT by JRRT 2. THE LORD OF THE RINGS, 1978, Republic Pictures, 130 minutes (more 'realistic'); covers period from The Shire to Helm's Deep 3. THE RETURN OF THE KING, 1979, Rankin/Bass, 98 minutes (like a cartoon); basically picks up where the previous movie left off in THE TWO TOWERS 5. J.R.R. TOLKIEN'S LOTR by Fotonovel Publications (about the LOTR Motion Picture by Bakshi) 6. THE FILM BOOK OF J.R.R. TOLKIEN'S LOTR PART I, Ballantine, 1978 (images from Bakshi film) - is there a PART II? 7. THE HOBBIT (picture book), 1978, Ballantine (images from Rankin-Bass) 8. Animation 'cels' are available from the Bakshi film ($100 - $800) - Gallery Lainzberg has at least four for sale (generally the main character's face is turned from you...) Pictures: High quality gifs and jpegs can be obtained in Finland and Sweden (Alan Lee, John Howe, Ted Nasmith, Tim Kirk, Angus McBride, Michael Hague, Hildebrandt...): ftp.funet.fi/pub/pics/fantasy/Tolkien (login as 'pictures'; contains largest collection) ftp.sunet.se/pub/pictures/fantasy/Tolkien (login as 'anonymous'; considerably faster than funet) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last-modified: Fri, 01-Nov-96 06:37:10 GMT