IV. THE FIRST 'SILMARILLION' MAP. This map was made on a sheet of examination paper from the University of Leeds (as was most of the A-text of the Lay of the Children of Hurin, III. 4), which suggests that it originated in association with the Lay, or perhaps rather with the 'Sketch of the Mythology' which was written to accompany it (p. 11). On the other hand, some names which seem to belong with the first making of the map do not appear in the texts before the Quenta. Though it was not drawn initially in a way that would suggest that my father intended it to endure, it was his working map for several years, and it was much handled and much al- tered. Names were emended and places re-sited; the writing is m red ink, black ink, green ink, pencil, and blue crayon, often overlaying each other. Lines representing contours and others representing streams tangle with lines for redirection and lines cancelling other lines. But it is striking that the river-courses as drawn on this first map were scarcely changed at all after- wards. Associated with the map are two supplementary sheets, giving an Eastern and a Western extension to the main or cen- tral map; these are reproduced and annotated subsequently (see insert). The main map is on a single sheet but is here repro- duced in two halves, Northern and Southern. Names that were written in red ink all seem to belong to the original 'layer' of names, as do some (e.g. Huan, Mavwin, Turgon) of those in black ink; but Taiglin, Geleidhian, in red, do not otherwise oc- cur before the Quenta. Those in green ink are few: Broseliand; Gnomes on the Northern half beside Gondolin, and on the Southern half beside Nargothrond; and Wandering Gnomes in the South-east. In the following alphabetically-ordered list I take each half in turn* and comment on almost every item, noticing especial- ly where the name in question first appears in the narrative texts. The Northern HaIf of the Map. Aglon, Gorge of The name itself is a hasty later addition. The Gorge of Aglon first occurs in the Lay of Leithian (lines 2062, 2995, passages composed in 1928). In the Lay and in Q ($$9, 10) the Gorge is the dwelling of the Sons of Feanor, who are placed on the map to the North of it (and circled with an arrow directing to the East). Angband The placing of Angband in relation to Thangoro- drim shows how my father saw them at the time of the long Lays and the 'Sketch'. In the Lay of the Children of Hurin (lines 712 - 14) the 'hopeless halls of Hell' are wrought at the roots of the roaring cliffs of Thangorodrim's thunderous mountain. In the Lay of Leithian (lines 3526ff.) Angband's gate seems clearly to lie beneath Thangorodrim; and in S ($8) Thangorodrim is 'the highest of the Iron Mountains around Morgoth's fortress'. See further the commentary on the Ambarkanta, p. 307. Angeryd The Iron Mountains. Cf. Angorodin in the Tale of Turambar (II. 77). Angrin Aiglir Aiglir Angrin occurs twice in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (lines 711, 1055), emended later to Eiglir Engrin (in The Silmarillion Ered Engrin). (* The list of names for the northern half includes names as far south as the fold in the original map, which can be seen in the reproductions; thus Ginglith, Esgalduin, Thousand Caves appear in the first list, but Doriath be- yond Sirion, Aros in the second.) Aryador This name reappears, rather surprisingly, from the Lost Tales, as a third name of Hithlum. In the tale of The Coming of the Elves (I. 119) hador is said to be the name among Men for Hisilome; see also I. 249. Battle of Unnumbered Tears The Mound of Slain is placed in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (lines 1439 ff.) 'at the fur- thest end of Dor-na-Fauglith's dusty spaces' (Flinding and Turin were wandering westward, line 1436); cf. also Q$11 'Finweg and Turgon and the Men of Hithlum were gathered in the West upon the borders of the Thirsty Plain.' Beleg and Turin These names mark the north march of Doriath, where Beleg and Turin fought together against the Orcs, an element that first entered the story in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (see III. 27). Cristhorn Placed in the mountains north (not as originally south) of Gondolin, as already in the fragment of the alliter- ative Lay of Earendel (III. 143). Deadly Nightshade, Forest of See Taur-na-Fuin. Dorlomin See Hithlum. Dor-na-Fauglith This name arose during the composition of the Lay of the Children of Hurin (see III. 55), where also the Thirsty Plain is found. On the map this is an emendation of The Black Plain. Dwarf-road to Belegost and Nogrod in the South It is inter- esting that the Dwarf-road is shown as leading all the way from Nogrod and Belegost in the far South to the very doors of the Thousand Caves. It is possible, if not very likely, that the 'Dwarf-road' on the map merely indicates the path that the Dwarves did in fact take when summoned to Doriath, rather than a beaten track. Eredwethion A later replacement of Eryd Lomin, as also in Q II $15 (note 1). Eryd Lomin This name occurs in the caption to the painting of Tol Sirion of July 1928, where, as on the map and in Q II $15, it refers to the Shadowy Mountains; see pp. 192-3. Esgalduin First found in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 93). It is said in Q ($9) that it 'came out of secret wells in Taur-na-Fuin', see Shadowy Spring. The course of Esgalduin was not afterwards changed. Ginglith First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 88). Its course was never changed. Gondolin Placed as it was to remain. The lines running south and west from the Encircling Mountains perhaps represent the hidden 'Way of Escape'. Hithlum Obviously Hithlum was not intended to extend south of the Shadowy Mountains, despite the placing of the M. The contour lines show that the Mountains of Mithrim did not yet exist. Dorlomin is given as an alternative name, as it is in S and Q ($8), where Lake Mithrim is placed in Hisilome/Hithlum/Dorlomin; on the map Mithrim is simply and solely the name of the lake (cf. III. 103). Huan That a territory, south and east of Ivrin, is assigned to Huan shows a very early stage in the legend of Beren and Luthien, when Huan was independent of any master (see III. 244). Isle of the Werewolves The Isle first appears in the Lay of Leithian in a passage written in March 1928 (see III. 234). Originally marked on the map S.W. of Gondolin, and with the river Sirion dividing quite broadly and enclosing a large island, this site was struck out, and an arrow directs from here to a more northerly position, not far south of the battle- field of Unnumbered Tears. The later map brought it some- what southward again. (line 1526); it is placed on the map in the position that I dunk is indicated in the Lay (see III. 87), and where it re- mained. Land of Dread Occurs twice in the Lay of Leithian (lines 49, 383) of the realm of Morgoth. Mavwin It is curious that the map retains the old name, which goes back to the Tale of Turambar, for Morwen is found already in the second version of the Lay of the Chil- dren of Hurin (III. 94) and in S. In S ($9) Hurin and Morwen 'lived in the woods on the borders of Hithlum'. Mindeb First occurs in the Lay of Leithian, line 2924 (April 1928). Mithrim, Lake See Hithlum. Mountains of Iron See Angeryd, Angrin Aiglir. Nan Dun-Gorthin As the map was originally drawn this was placed west of Sirion, S.W. of Gondolin and very close to the Isle of the Werewolves (as that was originally placed). This cannot be the same placing as in the Lay of the Fail of Gondolin (III. 148), where the hidden door of Gondolin was actually 'in dark Dungorthin'. Subsequently Nan-Dungorthin was struck out and the name written again further north, still west of Sirion, but close beneath the Shadowy Mountains. This position is clearly that of the Lay of the Children of Hurin, where Turin and Flinding passed the site of the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, crossed Sirion not far from his source, and came to 'the roots ... of the Shadowy Mountains', where they en- tered the valley of Nan Dungorthin (see III. 59, 87). Later again, an arrow was drawn moving Nan Dungorthin to a position east of Sirion and north of Doriath, and so more or less into the position of Nan Dungorthin (Nag Dungortheb) on the later map. Orcs' Road of Haste Cf. S $12: 'the Orc-road... which the Orcs use when in need of haste.' Shadowy Mountains First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (see III. 29). See Eryd Lomin. Shadowy Spring It is notable that the rivers Aros and Esgalduin arise at the same place, in the Shadowy Spring (not previously named in the texts; see Esgalduin). In the later map, on which mine in the published Silmarillion was based, this is still the case, and my map, showing the two sources as separate, is regrettably in error. Silver Bowl Shown in the Taiglin itself (not as later in the tributary stream Celebros), as in the Tale of Turambar and still in S and Q ($13). Sirion The course of the river was never changed; in the later map my father followed the earlier precisely. Sirion's Well This is referred to in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (line 1460). Its site remained unchanged. Sons of Feanor See Aglon. Taiglin This looks like an original element on the map, al- though the name does not otherwise occur until the Quenta, $13 (see p. 223). Taur-na-Fuin This name (for Taur Fuin of the Lost Tales) and its translation Deadly Nightshade first occur in the Lay. of the Children cf Hurin (III. 55). Thangorodrim See Angband. Thimbalt This name occurs nowhere else. It is not clear from the map what it represents, but since an area marked out by dots surrounds Angband, and a similar area surrounds Thimbalt, it seems likely that this was another fortress. Thimbalt was struck out in pencil. Thirsty Plain See Dor-na-Fauglith. Thirsty is an emendation in black ink of Black in red ink. Thousand Caves First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin. It is here placed as it was to remain, where Esgalduin bends westward towards Sirion. Woodmen of Turambar This is the second and later placing of the Woodmen on the map; see notes on the southern half. The Southern Half of the Map. Aros, River Aros has only been named hitherto in the Tale of the Nauglafring, where after the sack of Artanor (Doriath) the Dwarves journeying thence to their homes in the South (II. 225) had to pass the 'fierce stream' Aros at Sarnathrod, the Stony Ford (II. 236). It is also said in the same place that Aros, nearer to its spring, ran past the doors of the Caves of the Rodothlim, though against this my father later noted (II. 244 note 15) 'No [?that] is Narog', while in the Tale of Turambar it is said (II. 81) that the Caves were above a stream that 'ran down to feed the river Sirion'. I am not sure how to interpret this. If it is assumed that the Stony Ford in the Tale of the Nauglafring was on the (later) Aros, then the Caves of the Rodothlim were on that river also, which is most improbable. On the other hand, if Aros was simply the earlier name of Narog, the question arises why the Dwarves fleeing out of Artanor should have been going in this direc- tion. On the whole I am inclined to think that the phrase in the Tale of the Nauglafring saying that Aros ran past the Caves of the Rodothlim was a momentary confusion in a text writ- ten at very great speed (II. 221), and that the Stony Ford (but not the Caves) was always on the Aros, this river hav- ing always borne this name. If this is so, this is still the ge- ography on the map (as originally marked in this detail), where Athrasarn (Stony Ford) was placed on the Aros half- way between Umboth-muilin and the inflowing of Celon. At this time the Land of the Cuilwarthin was in the North of the Hills of the Hunters; and therefore in the story implied by the map Beren and his Elves crossed Sirion from his land and ambushed the Dwarves on the southern confines of Doriath. It is not clear why the Dwarves were not taking the Dwarf-road from the Thousand Caves, which crossed the Aros much higher up; on this point see the note on the Dwarf-road in the northern half of the map. Before the first map was laid aside the idea had changed, and when the Land of the Cuilwarthin was moved eastward (see note on Beren) the Stony Ford was moved eastward also; for the later history see under the Eastward Extension of this map. Athrasarn (Stony Ford) See Aros. Beren The first placing of Beren and Land of the Cuilwarthin (Land of the Dead that Live), in the North of the Hills of the Hunters and in the proximity of Nargothrond, agrees with the Lay of the Children of Hurin lines 1545 - 6 (see III. 89), and so still in S ($10). In the Last Tales the Dead that Live Again were (i-)Guilwarthon, changed in the Tale of Tinuviel (II. 41) to i-Cuilwarthon; in Q ($14) the land is called Cuilwarthien, changed to Gwerth-i-Cuina. Subsequently Beren and Land of the Cuilwarthin were struck out in this position, and Land of the Cuilwarthin re- entered much further to the East, in the empty lands between Sirion and Gelion. This was again struck out, in pencil, with the note 'Lies to the east of this and beyond the Great Lands of the East and of wild men' (on which see Beren and Luthien and Great Lands under the Eastward Extension of the map). In Q (514) the Land of the Dead that Live is in Assariad (>Ossiriand), 'between the river [Gelion] and the [Blue] mountains'. Broseliand This name occurs first in the Lay of Leithian, with the spelling Broceliand (III. 158-9, 169); BeLeriand first appears (i.e. as originally typed, not as an emendation of Broseliand) in Q $13, and in the Lay of Leithian at line 3957. Broseliand occurs also in the note in red ink in the south-east corner of the map; this is given together with the later alterations to it at the end of these notes on the south- ern half. Celon, River This has not occurred in any text. The course of Celon is the same as on the later map, the river rising (in the Eastward Extension of the present map) in Himling. Cuilwarthin, Land of the See Beren. Doriath The bounds of Doriath are represented, I think, by Mindeb, by the dotted line (above 'Beleg and Turin') be- tween Mindeb and Aros, then by Aros and Sirion to the dot- ted line encircling 'Doriath beyond Sirion', and so back to Mind eb. Doriath beyond Sirion It is said in Q ($13) that the Taiglin 'enters the land of Doriath ere it joins with the great waters of Sirion'. As a name, 'Doriath beyond Sirion' has only oc- curred in a note on the MS of the Tale of the Nauglafring (II. 249). Duil Rewinion This name of the Hills of the Hunters (also on the Westward Extension of the map) is not found elsewhere. Dwarf-road See Aros. Geleidhian This occurs in the note in the corner of the map as the Gnomish name of Broseliand. It is found in additions to Q, $9 (note 2) and $10 (note 15); see also photo insert. Guarded Plain, The First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 88). On the later map the name is written over a much larger area further to the North-east, and outside the boundaries of the realm of Nargothrond as shown on that map (see Realm of Narog beyond Narog). Hill of Spies This first appears in Q $13 (see p. 224). If, as would seem natural, the Hill of Spies is the eminence marked by radiating lines a little north of east from Nargothrond, the name itseif is placed oddly distant from it, and seems rather to refer to the highland rising N.E. of Nargothrond, between Narog and Taiglin. Hills of the Hunters, The First named in the Lay of the Chil- dren of Hurin, though they had been described without be- ing named in the Tale of Turambar; see my discussion, III. 88. On the map the Hills of the Hunters a-e shown as extending far southwards towards the coast of the Sea, with the Narog bending south-eastwards along the line of the Hills; and there is an outlying eminence above the unnamed cape in the S.W. corner of the map (later Cape Balar). Ingwil First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 88 - 9). Luthien caught by Celegorm In the Lay of Leithian (lines 2342 - 7) Celegorm and Curufin hunting oui of Nargothrond with Huan on the occasion when Luthien was captured rode for 'three days', till nigh to the borders in the West of Doriath a while they rest. Marshes of Sirion On the later map called 'Fens of Sirion'. Nan Tathrin (Land of Willows) For the name Nan Tathrin see III. 89. It was already placed essentially thus in the tale of The Fall of Gondolin (see II. 153, 217), and in Q $16 Nan- Tathrin 'is watered by the Narog and by Sirion'. Nargothrond Nargothrond was placed first further to the South and nearer to the confluence with Sirion; the second site is where it remained - but it is curious that in both sites it is marked as lying on the east side of the river: in the Lay of the Children of Hurin it was on the western side (cf. line 1762), and, I would think, always had been. (On the West- ward Extension map this is corrected.) In Q $9, after the Battle of Sudden Flame Barahir and Felagund 'fled to the fens of Sirion to the South', and after swearing his oath to Barahir Felagund 'went South' (emended to 'South and West') and founded Nargothrond. This would in fact point to the first site of Nargothrond on the map; since the later site is due West from the fens. Narog First occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin. The course of the river was scarcely changed subsequently. Realm of Narog beyond Narog This was hastily added to the map in blue crayon, together with the broken line indicating its boundaries. On the later map the 'Realm of Nargothrond beyond the river' covers a much larger territory to the North-east (see Guarded Plain). Sirion See notes on the northern half. Sirion flows underground See Umboth-muilin. Sirion's fall is also referred to in the Lay of the Children of Hurin, lines 1467-8. Umboth-muilin The name goes back to the Tale of the Nauglafring (II. 225). It emerges from the Lay of Leithian (lines 1722 if.) that the Twilight Meres were north of Sirion's fall and passage underground, whereas in the tale of The Fall of' Gondolin the reverse was the case (see II. 217, HI. 222 - 3). Waters of Sirion Cf. S $16 'The remnant reaches Sirion and journeys to the land at its mouth - the Waters of Sirion', and $l7 'He returned home and found the Waters of Sirion desolate.' Woodmen of Turambar The Woodmen were first placed a long way away from their later location - south of Sirion's passage underground and north of Nan Tathrin, with their land (shown by a dotted line) extending on both sides of the river. This position is quite at variance with what was said in the Tale of Turambar (II. 91): 'that people had houses... in lands that were not utterly far porn Sirion or the grassy hills of that river*s middle course', which as I said (II. 141) 'may be taken to agree tolerably with the situation of the Forest of Brethil'. The first placing of the name was struck out, and the second agrees with Q ($13); 'their houses were in the green woods about the River Taiglin that enters the land of Doriath ere it joins with the great waters of Sirion.' Note on the south-east corner of the map, in red ink with later pencilled additions: All the lands watered by Sirion south of Gondolin [added: or more usually R. Taiglin] are called in English 'Broseliand', Geleidhian by the gnomes. [Added: - but this usually does not include Doriath. Its east boundary is not shown. It is the Blue Mountains.] It is interesting that Broseliand is said to be the English name; and that Doriath is not usually included in Broseliand. Lastly, it may be mentioned that of the highlands rising on the eastern side of the lower course of Sirion there is no trace on the later map. THE WESTWARD AND EASTWARD EXTENSIONS TO THE MAP. These supplementary maps were drawn in relation to the main or central map and substantially overlapping it: they are in close accord with it in all features where they overlap. These sheets were carefully laid out, but the actual markings were done extremely rapidly in soft pencil, and are now very faint; the paper is thin and the maps are battered. Some alter- ations and additions were made in ink (some of the rivers of Ossiriand are written in ink and some in pencil). The notes on these supplementary maps include almost all names that do not occur on the main map, and a few that occur on both which have features of interest on the extensions. The Westward Extension. Bridge of Ice The words in the N.W. corner 'Far north lies the bridge of Ice' refer to the Helkarakse, but the meaning of the word 'bridge' is only explained in the Ambarkanta (see pp. 291 - 2). Brithombar (and Eldorest) This is the first occurrence of the Havens of the Falas. That Osse persuaded some of the Teleri to remain 'on the beaches of the world' is mentioned in Q $3; and in a later rewriting of a passage in Q $11 (note 14) the presence of Elves 'from the Falas' before the Battle of Unnumbered Tears is referred to. Brithon, River The first occurrence of the name, as of Brithombar the haven at its mouth. The later imposition on the coast-line as originally drawn of the river-mouth and the long cape giving protection to the haven can be seen. Celegorm and Curufin They are shown as being lords of a 'fief' N.W. of the Hills of the Hunters, with Felagund ruling in Nargothrond. Eldor, River The first occurrence of the name. This river was later named Eglor, Eglahir, and finally Nenning, its course remaining unchanged. Eldorest, Haven of Eldorest The first occurrence of the name (see Brithombar). The haven at the mouth of the Eldor be- came Eglorest when the river became the Eglor, and so re- mained (Eglarest in The Silmarillion) when the river was again renamed Nenning. Felagund See Celegorm and Curufin. Hithlum The mountain-range fencing Hithlum on the West (later Ered Lomin when that name was transferred from the Shadowy Mountains, see pp. 233 - 4) is shown. Morwen This is written over Mavwin (see this entry under the main map). Nargothrond is now placed on the west bank of Narog. Orc-Mountains Extensive highlands cover the entire region between Brithombar and the range forming the southern fence of what was later called Nevrast. On the later map these highlands are retained in the region between the sources of the Brithon and the Eldor (Nenning), and are too little represented on my map in the published Silmarillion. Here Morgoth reaches the shores is probably a reference to the story that has not yet emerged in the texts, that in the year after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears 'Morgoth sent great strength over Hithlum and Nevrast, and they came down the rivers Brithon and Nenning and ravaged all the Falas' (The Silmarillion p. 196). Realm of Narog Of the three occurrences, that in the centre between the Hills of the Hunters and the river was put in at the time of the making of the map; the other two (Realm of Narog in the West, and Realm of Narog Beyond Narog to the East of the river) were entered in blue crayon at the same time as Realm of Narog beyond Narog on the main map, as also was the continuation of the broken line, mark- ing the northern boundary, as far as the river Eldor. Tower of Tindobel This stands where on the later map is Barad Nimras (the tower raised by Felagund 'to watch the western sea', The Silmarillion pp. 120, 196). Tindobel is first mentioned in the Annals of Beleriand (later than the Quenta), p. 398. Ylmir's Way Ylmir, almost certainly the Gnomish form of Ulmo, is found in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 93) and regularly in S. With 'Ylmir's Way' cf. the tale of The Fall of Gondolin (II. 149 - 50): Thereafter 'tis said that magic and destiny led [Tuor] on a day to a cavernous opening down which a hidden river flowed from Mithrim. And Tuor entered that cavern seek- ing to learn its secret, but the waters of Mithrim drove him forward into the heart of the rock and he might not win back into the light. And this, 'tis said, was the will of Ulmo Lord of Waters at whose prompting the Noldoli had made that hidden way. It is not clear from this passage at what point the river out of Lake Mithrim went underground. In the story of Tuor written long afterwards and given in Unfinished Tales Tuor followed 'a sudden spring of water in the hills' (p. 21), and he came down from the tall hills of Mithrim and passed out into the northward plain of Dor-lomin; and ever the stream grew as he followed it westward, until after three days he could descry in the west the long grey ridges of Ered Lomin... (Unfinished Tales, p. 20). The Gate of the Noldor, where the stream went under- ground, was in the eastern foothills of Ered Lomin. Ylmir's Way issues in a firth that is unnamed on the map (Drengist has hitherto only occurred in the list of Old En- glish names, p. 257). It will be seen that the western coastline is closely similar to that on the later map. The Eastward Extension. Adurant, River The most southerly of the tributaries of Ge- lion, named in an addition to Q 514 (note 4). Its course and relation to the mountains and the other rivers was not changed. Ascar, River The name of the northernmost of the tributaries of Gelion occurs in Q $14 (see entry Flend below). Its course and relation to the mountains and the other rivers was not changed. Beren and Luthien Here dwelt Beren and Luthien before de- struction of Doriath in Land of Cuilwarthin. On the main map the second placing of this land, between Sirion and Gelion, was rejected with the note: 'Lies to the east of this and beyond the Great Lands of the East and of wild men.' This must mean that my father was moving the Land of the Dead that Live far away into unknown regions (see the entry Great Lands); but the Eastward Extension map places it in the final position, in the region of the Seven Rivers: see Gweirth-i-cuina. Blue Mountains These were first named in Q $9. Brilthor, River This, the fifth of the tributaries of Gelion, is named in an addition to Q $14 (note 4); later emendation to Q moved Duilwen further south and brought Brilthor into the fourth place. Broseliand Here is end of Broseliand, written between the rivers Ascar and Thalos, and against the western feet of the Blue Mountains. Cf. the addition to the note in the corner of the main map (p. 280): 'Its east boundary is not shown. It is the Blue Mountains.' Cuilwarthin See Beren and Luthien, Gweirth-i-cuina. Damrod and DirieL The note above the name Diriel reads: 'Here is a wide forest where many fugitive gnomes wander. Orcs come seldom.' Cf. Q $14: 'the woods about the River [Flend/Gelion], where aforetime were the hunting grounds of Damrod and Diriel.' The note below the name Diriel reads: 'Here also are many Ilkorins who do not live in Doriath but fought at Nirnaith Unoth.' Nirnaith Unoth occurs in the Lay of the Children of Hurin, replaced by Nirnaith Ornoth (III. 79, 102, 123). On Dark-elves at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears see S and Q $11. Dolm, Mt. This is the first appearance of the mountain after- wards named Dolmed, placed as on the later map. Duilwen This, the third of the tributaries of Gelion, is named m an addition to Q $14 (note 4), where it is placed as on the map between Thalos and Loeglin. Later emendation to Q gave the final order, with Duilwen moved south to become the fifth tributary. Dwarf-road and Sarn Athra As the Dwarf-road was first marked on this map, after crossing Aros it bent south-east and ran in that direction in a straight line across East Broseliand, crossing (Flend) Gelion at Sarn Athra, which (having been moved from its position on the main map, where it was on the Aros) was now placed at the confluence of the third tributary river (here Duilwen). The line of the road goes off the map in the south-east corner, with the di- rection: 'Southward in East feet of Blue Mountains are Belegost and Nogrod.' This site for Sarn Athra agrees with Q $14, where the ford is near the confluence of (Flend) Gelion and Duilwen. A later route for the Dwarf-road is also marked on this map. Here the road bears more nearly east in the land of Damrod and Diriel and so crosses (Flend) Gelion further north: Sarn Athra is now placed just below the confluence of Ascar with Gelion (this is the reason for the emendation of Duilwen to Ascar in Q 514, note 7). It then follows the course of Ascar on the southern side, crosses the mountains by a pass below Mount Dolm, and then turns sharply south and goes away on the eastern side of the mountains. On the later map Sarn Athra is placed just above the con- fluence of Ascar and Gelion, and the road therefore goes along the northern bank of Ascar, but still crosses the moun- tains south of Mount Dolmed; the Dwarf-cities are now placed in the eastern side of the mountains not far from Mount Dolmed. East Broseliand The term East Beleriand occurs in Q $14. Flend In Q $14 the great river of East Beleriand was first named Ascar, but since Ascar was already in Q the name of the northernmost of the tributaries from the Blue Mountains I think that this was a mere slip (see p. 229 and footnote) for Flend, to which it was emended. Flend then > Gelion, as on the map. The course of Gelion was not changed afterwards, but the map does not show the later eastern tributary arm ('Greater Gelion'). Gelion See Flend. Great Lands The note down the right hand side of the map reads: 'Here lie the Great Lands of the East where Ilkorins (dark-elves) and Wild Men live, acknowledging Morgoth as God and King.' This use of Great Lands for the lands of . Middle-earth east of the Blue Mountains is notable; it is used also on the main map, where the third site of the Land of the Dead that Live is said to lie 'beyond the Great Lands of the East and of wild men' (see Beren and Luthien). In the Lost Tales the term Great Lands always means the lands be- tween the Seas (i.e. the whole of the later Middle-earth); in S and Q Outer Lands (which in the Lost Tales meant the Western Lands) is used of Middle-earth, with later emenda- tion to Hither Lands in Q. The statement here that in the Great Lands of the East both Wild Men and Dark-elves acknowledged Morgoth as God and King is significant for the future. Cf. the emenda- tion to Q II $18, note 3: 'But most Men, and especially those new come out of the East, were on the side of the En- emy.' The corruption of certain Men in the beginning of their days appears in very early synopses (for Gilfanon's Tale); see I. 236. Gweirth-i-cuina This name, in which Gweirth- is apparently emended from Gwairth-, is written over Cuilwarthin. Gwerth-i-cuina (not Gweirth- as on the map) has appeared in two emended passages in Q: $10 (note 15) 'they wan- dered... upon the confines of Geleidhian in fair Ossiriand, Land of Seven Streams, Gwerth-i-cuina, the Living Dead' (where the name seems to be used of Beren and Luthien themselves); and $14 (note 6) 'Elves called it oft Gwerth-i- cuina', where it is used of the land, as on the map. Humling The first occurrence is in the Lay of Leithian lines 2994 - 5 (April 1928): where Himling's watchful hill o'er Aglon's gorge hung tall and still. Loeglin As the fourth of the tributaries of Gelion this is named in an addition to Q 514 (note 4). Later emendation moved Duilwen further south and brought Loeglin (> Lego- lin) into the third place. Nirnaith Unoth See Damrod and Diriel. Ossiriath (of the Seven rivers) This form is not found else- ' where. It is written over Assariad, which occurs in Q $14, later emended to Ossiriand (note 4). Ossiriand(e) is found as a rejected alternative to Broseliand in Canto I of the Lay of Leithian (III. 158 - 60). The placing of the name, between the sixth and seventh rivers, is odd, but in view of 'of the Seven rivers' probably not significant. Rathlorion This is the form of the new name of Ascar found in Q ($14), later emended to Rathloriel. Sarn Athra See Dwarf-road. In Q 514 Sarn-athra, emended to Sarn-athrad (note 8). Sons of Feanor See entry Aglon to the northern half of the main map. Thalos This, the second of the tributaries of Gelion, is named in an addition to Q $14 (note 4). Its course and relation to the mountains and the other rivers was not changed.