III. THE QUENTA. This work is extant in a typescript (made by my father) for which there is no trace of any preliminary notes or drafts. That the Quenta, or at any rate the greater part of it, was written in 1930 seems to me to be certainly deducible (see the commen- tary on $10, pp. 213-4). After a quite different initial section (which is the origin of the Valaquenta) this text becomes a re- working and expansion of the 'Sketch of the Mythology'; and it quickly becomes evident that my father had S (the 'Sketch') in front of him when he wrote the Quenta (which I shall refer to as 'Q'). The latter moves towards The Silmarillion in its published form, both in structure and in language (indeed al- ready in S the first forms of many sentences can be perceived). Eriol (as in S; not AElfwine) is mentioned both in the title of Q and at the end of the work, and his coming to Kortirion, but (again as in S) there is no trace of the Cottage of Lost Play. As I have said of its absence from S (p. 48), this does not dem- onstrate that my father had rejected the conception in its en- tirety: in S he may have omitted it because his purpose was solely to recount the history of the Elder Days in condensed form, while in the title of Q it is said that the work was 'drawn from the Book of Lost Tales which Eriol of Leithien wrote'. At least then, we may think, some venue in which the Lost Tales were told to Eriol in Kortirion still existed.* The title makes it very plain that while Q was written in a finished manner, my father saw it as a compendium, a 'brief (*It is said at the end of the Quenta that Eriol 'remembered things that he had heard in fair Cortirion'. But this Book of Lost Tales was composed by Eriol (according to the title) out of a 'Golden Book' which he read in Kortirion. (Previously the Golden Book of Tavrobel was written either by Eriol (AElwine) himself, or by his son Heorrenda, or by some other person un- named long after; see II. 291.)) history' that was 'drawn from' a much longer work; and this aspect remained an important element in his conception of 'The Silmarillion' properly so called. I do not know whether this idea did indeed arise from the fact that the starting point of the second phase of the mythological narrative was a con- densed synopsis (S); but it seems likely enough, from the step by step continuity that leads from S through Q to the version that was interrupted towards its end in 1937. It seems very probable that the greater number of the exten- sions and elaborations found in Q arose in the course of its composition, and that while Q contains features, omitted in S, which go back to the earliest version, these features argue only a recollection of the Lost Tales (to be assumed in any case! - and doubtless a very clear recollection), not a close derivation from the actual text. If that had been the case, one might ex- pect to find the re-emergence of actual phrasing here and there; but that seems to be markedly lacking. The history of the typescript becomes rather complex towards the end (from $15), where my father expanded and re- typed portions of the text (though the discarded pages were not destroyed). But I see no reason to think that much time elapsed between the two versions; for near the very end ($19) the original typescript gives out, and only the second version continues to the conclusion of the Quenta, which strongly sug- gests that the revisions belong to the same time as the original text. Subsequently the whole text was revised throughout, the corrections being made carefully in ink; these changes though frequent are mostly small, and very often no more than slight alterations of expression. This 'layer' of emendation was clearly the first;* afterwards further changes were made at dif- ferent times, often very hastily and not always legibly in pen- cil. To present the text as first typed with annotation of every small stylistic improvement is obviously quite unnecessary, and (*The occurrence of Beleriand in the original typescript, first in $13, note 10, not as previously by emendation in ink from typescript Broseliand, shows that some of this 'layer' was carried out while the typescript was still in process of composition.) would in any case require the introduction into the text of a forest of reference numbers to the notes. The text given here includes, therefore, without annotation, all minor changes that in no way affect the course of the narrative or alter its impli- cations. Those emendations that are not taken up into the text but recorded in the notes are marked as 'late changes' if they are clearly distinguishable, as is not always the case, from the first 'layer' described above. I have divided the text into the same 19 divisions made in S (see p. 11); but since the opening of Q has nothing corre- sponding in S this section is not given a number. * THE QUENTA herein is QENTA NOLDORINWA OT Pennas-na-Ngoelaidh. This is the brief History of the Noldoli or Gnomes, drawn from the Book of Lost Tales which Eriol of Leithien wrote, having read the Golden Book, which the Eldar call Parma Kuluina,* in Kortirion in Tol Eressea, the Lonely Isle. After the making of the World by the Allfather, who in El- vish tongue is named Iluvatar, many of the mightiest spirits that dwelt with him came into the world to govern it, be- cause seeing it afar after it was made they were filled with delight at its beauty. These spirits the Elves named the Valar, which is the Powers, though Men have often called (*The Elvish name of the Golden Book in the early dictionary of Qenya is Parma Kuluinen (II. 310).) them Gods. Many spirits' they brought in their train, both great and small, and some of these Men have confused with the Eldar or Elves: but wrongly, for they were before the world, but Elves and Men awoke first in the world after the coming of the Valar. Yet in the making of Elves and Men and in the giving to each of their especial gifts Iluvatar alone had part; wherefore they are called the Children of the World or of Iluvatar. The chieftains of the Valar were nine. These were the names of the Nine Gods in Elvish tongue as it was spoken in Valinor, though other or altered names they have in the speech of the Gnomes, and their names among Men am manifold. Manwe was the Lord of the Gods and Prince of the airs and winds and the ruler of the sky. With him dwelt as spouse the immortal lady of the heights, Varda the maker of the stars. Next in might and closest in friendship to Manwe was Ulmo Lord of Waters, who dwells alone in the Outer Seas, but has in government all waves and waters, rivers, fountains and springs, throughout the earth. Subject to him, though he is often of rebellious mood, is Osse the master of the seas of the lands of Men, whose spouse is Uinen the Lady of the Sea. Her hair lies spread through all the waters under skies. Of might nigh equal to Ulmo was Aule. He was a smith and a master of crafts, but his spouse was Yavanna, the lover of fruits and all the growth of the soil. In might was she next among the ladies of the Valar to Varda. Very fair was she, and often the Elves named her Palurien, the Bosom of the Earth. The Fanturi were called those brothers Mandos and Lorien. Nefantur the first was also called, the master of the houses of the dead, and the gatherer of the spirits of the slain. Olofantur was the other, maker of visions and of dreams; and his gar- dens in the land of the Gods were the fairest of all places in the world and filled with many spirits of beauty and power. Strongest of all the Gods in limbs and greatest in all feats of prowess and valour was Tulkas, for which reason he was surnamed Poldorea, the Strong One,(2) and he was the enemy and foe of Melko. Orome was a mighty lord and little less in strength than Tulkas. He was a hunter, and trees he loved (whence he was called Aldaron and by the Gnomes Tavros,(3) Lord of Forests), and delighted in horses and in hounds. He hunted even in the dark earth before the Sun was lit, and loud were his horns, as still they are in the friths and pastures that Orome possesses in Valinor. Vana was his spouse, the Queen of Flowers, the younger sister of Varda and Palurien, and the beauty both of heaven and of earth is in her face and in her works. Yet mightier than she is Nienna who dwells with Nefantur Mandos. Pity is in her heart, and mourning and weeping come to her, but shadow is her realm and night her throne. Last do all name Melko. But the Gnomes, who most have suffered from his evil, will not speak his name (Moeleg) in their own tongue's form, but call him Morgoth Bauglir, the Black God Terrible. Very mighty was he made by Iluvatar, and some of the powers of all the Valar he pos- sessed, but to evil uses did he turn them. He coveted the world and the lordship of Manwe, and the realms of all the Gods; and pride and jealousy and lust grew ever in his heart, till he became unlike his wise and mighty brethren. Violence he loved and wrath and destruction, and all excess of cold and flame. But darkness most he used for his works and turned it to evil and a name of horror among Elves and Men. * 1. Many spirits > Many lesser spirits (late change). 2. the Strong One > the Valiant (late change). 3. Tavros > Tauros (late change). Accents were put in throughout the work in ink (the typewriter did not possess them), and in addition short marks were put in on certain names in this section: Fanturi, Olofantur, Orome, Aldaron, Vana. 1. In the beginning of the overlordship of the Valar they saw that the world was dark, and light was scattered over the airs and lands and seas. Two mighty lamps they made for the lighting of the world and set them on vast pillars in the North and South. They dwelt upon an island in the seas while they were labouring at their first tasks in the ordering of the earth. But Morgoth contested with them and made war. The lamps he overthrew, and in the confusion of dark- ness he aroused the sea against their island. Then the Gods removed into the West, where ever since their seats have been, but Morgoth escaped, and in the North he built him- self a fortress and great caverns underground. And at that time the Valar could not overcome him or take him captive. Therefore they built then in the uttermost West the land of Valinor. It was bordered by the Outer Sea, and the Wall of the World beyond that fences out the Void and the Eldest Dark; but eastward they built the Mountains of Valinor, that are highest upon earth. In Valinor they gathered all light and all things of beauty, and built their many mansions, their gardens, and their towers. Amid most of the plain was the city of the Gods, Valmar the beautiful of many bells. But Manwe and Varda have halls upon the highest of the Mountains of Valinor, whence they can look across the world even into the East. Taniquetil the Elves named that holy height, and the Gnomes Taingwethil, which in the tongue of this island of old was Tindbrenting. In Valinor Yavanna planted two trees in the wide plain not far from the gates of Valmar the blessed. Under her songs they yew, and of all the things which the Gods made most renown have they, and about their fate all the stories of the world are woven. Dark-green leaves had one, that beneath were shining silver, and white blossoms like the cherry it bore, from which a dew of silver light was ever falling. Leaves of young green like the new-opened beech the other had. Their edges were of shining gold. Yellow flowers swung upon its boughs like the hanging blossom of the merry trees Men now call Golden Rain. But from those flowers there is- sued warmth and blazing light. For seven hours each tree waxed to full glory, and for seven hours it waned.' Each fol- lowed each, and so twice every day in Valinor there came an hour of softer light, when each tree was faint and their gold and silver radiance was mingled; for when white Silpion for six hours had been in bloom, then golden Laurelin awoke. But Silpion was the elder of the Trees, and the first hour that ever it shone the Gods did not count into the tale of hours, and called it the Hour of Opening, and from that hour dated the beginning of their reign in Valinor, and so at the sixth hour of the first of days Silpion ceased its first time of flower, and at the twelfth was the first blossoming of Laurelin at an end. These Trees the Gnomes called in after times Bansil and Glingol; but Men have no names for them, for their light was slain before the coming of the younger children of Iluvatar upon earth.(2)' * 1. This sentence was emended to read: In seven hours each tree waxed to full glory and waned Before this emendation, the text was confused since periods of both fourteen and seven hours are attributed to the Trees; but the following sentence, beginning Each followed each... was retyped over erasures that cannot be read, and this no doubt ex- plains the confusion, which was rectified later by the emendation. 2. The typescript page beginning with the words Sea, and the Wall of the World beyond and continuing to the end of the section was replaced by another. As far as the end of the first paragraph the replacement is al- most identical with the first, but with these differences: Manwe and Varda had hails, whence they could look out; and new names appear for Taniquetil: Taniquetil the Elves named that holy height, and Ialasse the Ever- lasting Whiteness, and Tinwenairin crowned with stars, and many names beside; and the Gnomes spake of it in their later tongue as Amon-Uilas; and in the language of this island of old Tindbrenting was its name. The replacement page then coatinues: In Valinor Yavanna hallowed the mould with mighty song, and Nienna watered it with tears. The Gods were gathered in silence upon their thrones of council in the Ring of Doom nigh unto the golden gates of Valmar the Blessed; and Yavanna Palurien sang be- fore them, and they watched. From the earth came forth two slender shoots; and silence was over all the world save for the slow chanting of Palurien. Under her songs two fair trees uprose and grew. Of all things which the Gods made most renown have they, and about their fate all the tales of the world are woven. Dark-green leaves had the one, that beneath were as silver shining, and he bore white blossoms like the cherry, from which a dew of silver light was ever falling, and earth was dappled with the dark and dancing shadows of his leaves amid the pools of gleaming radiance. Leaves of young green like the new-opened beech the other bore; their edges were of glit- tering gold. Yellow flowers swung upon her boughs like the hanging blossoms of the merry trees Men now call Golden-rain; and from those flowers there came forth warmth and a great light. In seven hours the glory of each tree waxed to full and waned again to nought; and each awoke to life an hour before the other ceased to shine. Thus in Valinor twice each day there came a gentle hour of softer light, when both Trees were faint, and their gold and silver radiances mingled. Silpion was the elder of the Trees, and came first to full stature and to bloom, and that first hour wherein he shone, the white glimmer of a silver dawn, the Gods reckoned not into the tale of hours, but named it the Opening Hour, and counted there from the ages of their reign in Valinor. Wherefore at the sixth hour of the First of Days, and all the joyous days thereafter until the Darkening, Silpion ceased his time of flower, and at the twelfth Lautelin her blos- soming. These Trees the Gnomes called in after days Bansil and Glingol; but Men have no names for them, for their light was slain before the coming of the younger children of the world. On the next page, and obviously associated with this re- placement text, is a typed table here represented. At the bottom of the replaced page, and clearly associated with the emendation given in note 1 above, is a simpler table of pre- cisely similar significance, with the note: 'Day' ends every second waning to nought of Laurelin or at end of sec- ond hour of mingling of light. 2. In all this time, since Morgoth overthrew the lamps, the Outer (1) Lands east of the Mountains of Valinor were without light. While the lamps had shown growth began therein, which now was checked because of the darkness. But the oldest of all things already grew upon the world: the great weeds of the sea, and on the earth the dark shade of yew and fir and ivy, and small things faint and silent at their feet.' In such forests did Orome sometimes hunt, but save Orome and Yavanna the Valar went not out of Valinor, while in the North Morgoth built his strength, and gathered his demon broods about him, whom the Gnomes knew after as the Balrogs with whips of flame. The hordes of the Orcs he made of stone, but their hearts of hatred. Glamhoth, people of hate, the Gnomes have called them. Goblins may they be called, but in ancient days they were strong and cruel and fell. Thus he held sway. Then Varda looked on the darkness and was moved. The silver light that dripped from the boughs of Silpion she hoarded, and thence she made the stars. Wherefore she is called Tinwetari, Queen of Stars, and by the Gnomes Tim-Bridhil. The unlit skies she strewed with these bright globes of silver flame, and high above the North, a challenge unto Morgoth, she set the crown of Seven mighry Stars to swing, the emblem of the Gods, and sign of Morgoth's doom. Many names have these been called; but in the old days of the North both Elves and Men called them the Burning Briar, and some the Sickle of the Gods. It is said that at the making of the stars the children of the earth awoke: the elder children of Iluvatar. Themselves they named the Eldar, whom we call the Elves, but in the begin- ning mightier and more strong were they, yet not more fair. Orome it was that found them, dwelling by a star-lit mere Cuivienen,(3) Water of Awakening, far in the East. Swift he rode home to Valinor filled with the thought of their beauty. When the Valar heard his tidings they pondered long, and they recalled their duty. For they came into the world knowing that their office was to govern it for the children of Iluvatar who should after come, each in the appointed time. Thus came it that because of the Elves the Gods made an assault upon the fortress of Morgoth in the North; and this he never forgot. Little do the Elves or Men know of that great riding of the power of the West against the North and of the war and tumult of the battle of the Gods. Tulkas it was who overthrew Morgoth and bound him captive, and the world had peace for a long age. But the fortress which Morgoth had built was hidden with deceit in dungeons and caverns far beneath the earth, and the Gods did not destroy it utterly, and many evil things of Morgoth lingered there still, or dared to roam in the secret pathways of the world. Morgoth the Gods drew back to Valinor in chains, and he was set in prison in the great halls of Mandos, from which none, God, Elf, nor Man has ever escaped save by the will of the Valar. Vast they are and strong, and built in the North of the land of Valinor. The Eldalie,' the people of the Elves, the Gods invited to Valinor, for they were in love with the beauty of that race, and because they feared for them in the starlit dusk, and knew not what deceits and evil wrought by Morgoth still wandered there. Of their own free will, yet in awe of the power and maj- esty of the Gods, the Elves obeyed. A great march therefore they prepared from their first homes in the East. When all was ready Orome rode at their head upon his white horse shod with gold. Into three hosts were the Eldalie arrayed. The first to march forth were led by that most high of all the elfin race, whose name was Ingwe, Lord of Elves. Ing the Gnomes now make his name, but never came he back into the Outer Lands until these tales were near their end.' The Quendi' were his own folk called, who some- times are alone called Elves; they are the Light-elves and the beloved of Manwe and his spouse. Next came the Noldoli. The Gnomes we may call them, a name of wis- dom; they are the Deep-elves, and on that march their lord was the mighty Finwe, whom his own folk in their tongue later changed call Finn.' His kindred are renowned in elfin song, and of them these tales have much to tell, for they warred and laboured long and sore in the Northern lands of old. Third came the Teleri. The Foamriders may they be called; they are the Sea-elves, and the Solosimpi (9) they were named in Valinor, the pipers of the shores.(10) Elwe (or Elu) was their lord " Many of the elfin race were lost upon the long dark roads, and they wandered in the woods and mountains of the world, and never came to Valinor, nor saw the light of the Two Trees. Therefore they are called Ilkorindi, the Elves that dwelt never in Cor, the city of the Eldar in the land of the Gods. The Dark-elves are they, and many are their scattered tribes, and many are their tongues. Of the Dark-elves the chief in renown was Thingol. For this reason he came never to Valinor. Melian was a fay. In the gardens of Lorien she dwelt, and among all his fair folk none were there that surpassed her beauty, nor none more wise, nor none more skilled in magical and enchanting song. It is told that the Gods would leave their business, and the birds of Valinor their mirth, that Valmar's bells were silent, and the fountains ceased to flow, when at the -mingling of the light Melian sang in the gardens of the God ' of Dreams. Nightingales went always with her, and their song she taught them. But she loved deep shadow, and of- ten strayed on long journey into the Outer Lands, and there filled the silence of the dawning world with her voice and the voices of her birds. The nightingales of Melian Thingol heard and was en- chanted, and left his folk. Melian he found beneath the trees and was cast into a dream and a great slumber, so that his people sought him in vain. In after days Melian and Thingol became Queen and King of the woodland Elves of Doriath; and Thingol's halls were called the Thousand Caves. * 1. At all three occurrences of Outer Lands in this section Hither is writ- ten above Outer (which is not struck out). 2. After at their feet is added: and in their thickets dark creatures, old and strong. 3. Cuivienen > Kuivienen 4. the battle > the first battle 5. Written against Eldalie: Quendi (late change). 6. This sentence, beginning Ing the Gnomes now make his name, was changed to read: He entered into Valinor and sits at the feet of the Powers, and all Elves revere his name, but he hath come never back into the Outer Lands. 7. Quendi > Lindar (late change). 8. whom his own folk in their tongue later changed call Finn > wisest of all the children of the world 9. Solosimpi > Soloneldi 10. the pipers of the shores > for they made music beside the breaking waves. 11. Elwe {or Elu) was their lord > Elwe was their lord, and his hair was long and white. 12. Cor > Kor Short marks were written in on the names Eldalie, Teleri. 3. In time the hosts of the Eldar came to the last shores of the West.' In the North these shores in the ancient days sloped ever westward, until in the northernmost parts of the Earth only a narrow sea divided the land of the Gods from the Outer' Lands; but this narrow sea was filled with grind- ing ice, because of the violence of the frosts of Morgoth. At that place where the elfin hosts first looked upon the sea in wonder a wide dark ocean stretched between them and the Mountains of Valinor. Over the waves they gazed waiting; and Ulmo, sent by the Valar, uprooted the half-sunk island upon which the Gods had first had their dwelling, and drew it to the western shores. Thereon he embarked the Quendi (3) and the Noldoli, for they had arrived first, but the Teleri were behind and did not come until he had gone. The Quendi and the Noldoli he bore thus to the long shores be- neath the Mountains of Valinor, and they entered the land of the Gods, and were welcomed to its glory and its bliss. The Teleri thus dwelt long by the shores of the sea awaiting Ulmo's return, and they grew to love the sea, and made songs filled with the sound of it. And Osse loved them and the music of their voices, and sitting upon the rocks he spoke to them. Great therefore was his grief when Ulmo re- turned at length to take them to Valinor. Some he persuaded ' to remain on the beaches of the world, but the most em- barked upon the isle and were drawn far away. Then Osse followed them, and in rebellion, it is said, he seized the isle and chained it to the sea-bottom far out in the Bay of Faerie, whence the Mountains of Valinor could but dimly be descried, and the light of the realms beyond that filtered through the passes of the hills. There it stood for many an age. No other land was near to it, and it was called Tol Eressea, or the Lonely Isle. There long the Teleri dwelt, and learned strange music of Osse, who made the seabirds for their delight. Of this long sojourn apart came the sundering of the tongue of the Foamriders and the Elves of Valinor. To the other Elves the Valar gave a home and dwelling. Because even among the Tree-lit gardens of the Gods they , longed at whiles to see the stars, a gap was made in the : encircling mountains, and there in a deep valley that ran down to the sea the green hill of Cor' was raised. From the West the Trees shone upon it; to the East it looked out to the Bay of Faerie and the Lonely Isle and the Shadowy Seas. Thus some of the blessed light of Valinor came into , the lands without, and fell upon the Lonely Isle, and its , western shore grew green and fair. There bloomed the first flowers that ever were east of the mountains of the Gods. On the top of Cor the city of the Elves was built, the . white walls and towers and terraces of Tun. The highest of those towers was the tower of Ing,(5) whose silver lamp shone far out into the mists of the sea, but few are the ships of mortals that have ever seen its marvellous beam. There dwelt the Elves and Gnomes. Most did Manwe and Varda love the Quendi, the Light-elves,' and holy and immortal were all their deeds and songs. The Noldoli, the Deep- elves, that Men call Gnomes, were beloved of Aule, and of Mandos the wise; and great was their craft, their magic and their skill, but ever greater their thirst for knowledge, and their desire to make things wonderful and new. In Valinor of their skill they first made gems, and they made them in countless myriads, and filled all Tun with them, and all the halls of the Gods were enriched.' Since the Noldoli afterwards came back into the Great Lands, and these tales tell mostly of them, here may be said, using the names in form of Gnomish tongue as it long was spoken on the earth, that King of the Gnomes was Finn.' His sons were Feanor, Fingolfin, and Finrod. Of these Feanor was the most skilful, the deepest in lore of all his race; Fingolfin the mightiest and most valiant; Finrod the fairest and most wise of heart. The seven sons of Feanor were Maidros the tall; Maglor a musician and mighty singer whose voice carried far over hill and sea; Celegorm the fair, Curufin the crafty, the heir of well nigh all his father's skill, and Cranthir the dark; the last Damrod and Diriel, who after were great hunters in the world, though not more than Celegorm the fair, the friend of Orome. The sons of Fingolfin were Finweg, o who was af- ter king of the Gnomes in the North of the world, and Turgon of Gondolin; and his daughter was Isfin the White. The sons of Finrod were Felagund, Orodreth, Angrod, and. Egnor. In those far days Feanor began on a time a long and mar- vellous labour, and all his power and all his subtle magic he called upon, for he purposed to make a thing more fair than any of the Eldar yet had made, that should last beyond the end of all. Three jewels he made, and named them Silmarils. A living fire burned within them that was blended of the light of the Two Trees; of their own radiance they shone even in the dark; no mortal flesh impure could touch them, but was withered and was scorched. These jewels the Elves prized beyond all the works of their hands, and Manwe hallowed them, and Varda said: 'The fate of the Elves is locked herein, and the fate of many things beside.' The heart of Feanor was wound about the things he himself had made. Now it must be told that the Teleri seeing afar the light of Valinor were torn between desire to see again their kin- dred and to look upon the splendour of the Gods, and love of the music of the sea. Therefore Ulmo taught them the craft of shipbuilding, and Osse, yielding to Ulmo at last, brought to them as his last gift the strong-winged swans. Their fleet of white ships they harnessed to the swans of Osse, and thus were drawn without help of the winds to Valinor. There they dwelt upon the long shores of Fairy- land, and could see the light of the Trees, and could visit the golden streets of Valmar, and the crystal stairs of Tun, if they wished - but most they sailed the waters of the Bay of Faerie and danced in those bright waves whose crests gleamed in the light beyond the hill. Many jewels the other Eldar gave to them, opals and diamonds and pale crystals that they strewed upon the pools and sands. Many pearls they made, and halls of pearl, and of pearls were the man- sions of Elwe at the Haven of the Swans. That was their chief town, and their harbour. A marvellous arch of living rock sea-carven was its gate, and it lay upon the confines of Fairyland, north of the pass of Cor. * 1. the last shores of the West > the last western shores of the Hither Lands. 2. Hither written above Outer (see $2 note 1). 3. Quendi > Lindar at all three occurrences (late change; cf. $2.note 7). 4. Cor > KOr at both occurrences (as in $2). 5. Ing > Ingwe (see $2 note 6). 6. Light-elves > High-elves, and later to Fair-elves. 7. On a separate slip is the following passage in manuscript without pre- cise direction for its insertion, but which seems best placed here: But the love of the outer earth and stars remained in the hearts of the Noldoli, and they abode there ever and in the hills and valleys about the city. But the Lindar after a while grew to love rather the wide plains and the full light of Valinor, and they forsook Tun, and came seldom back; and the Noldoli became a separate folk and their king was Finwe. Yet none dwelt in the tower of Ingwe nor... save such as tended that unfailing lamp, and Ingwe was held ever as high-king of all the Eldalie. 8. Hither written above Great. 9. Finn > Finwe (see $2 note 8). 10. Finweg > Fingon. Now it may be told how the Gods were beguiled by Morgoth. This was the high tide of the glory and the bliss of Gods and Elves, the noontide of the Blessed Realm. Seven' ages as the Gods decreed had Morgoth dwelt in the halls of Mandos, each age in lightened pain. When seven ages had passed, as they had promised, he was brought be- fore their conclave. He looked upon the glory of the Valar, and greed and malice was in his heart; he looked upon the fair children of the Eldalie that sat at the knees of the Gods, and hatred filled him; he looked upon their wealth of jewels and lusted for them; but his thoughts he hid and his ven- geance he postponed. There Morgoth humbled himself before the feet of Manwe and sought for pardon; but they would not suffer him to depart from their sight and watchfulness. A humble dwelling he was granted in Valinor within the gates of the city, and so fair-seeming were all his deeds and words that after a while he was allowed to go freely about all the land. Only Ulmo's heart misgave him, and Tulkas clenched his hands whenever he saw Morgoth his foe go by. Never has Tulkas the strong forgotten or forgiven a wrong done to himself or his. Most fair of all was Morgoth to the Elves and he aided them in many works, if they would let him. The people of Ing,(2) the Quendi,(3) held him in suspicion, for Ulmo had warned them and they had heeded his words. But the Gnomes took delight in the many things of hidden and secret wisdom that he could tell to them, and some hark- ened to things which it had been better that they had never heard. And when he saw his chance he sowed a seed of lies and suggestions of evil among such as these. Bitterly did the folk of the Noldoli atone for it in after days. Often he would whisper that the Gods had brought the Eldar to Valinor but out of jealousy, for fear their marvellous skill and beauty and their magic should grow too strong for them, as they waxed and spread over the wide lands of the world. Visions he would set before them of the mighty realms they might have ruled in power and freedom in the East. In those days, moreover, the Valar knew of the com- ing of Men that were to be; but the Elves knew nought of this, for the Gods had not revealed it, and the time was not yet near. But Morgoth spoke in secret to the Elves of mor- tals, though little of the truth he knew or cared. Manwe alone knew aught clearly of the mind of Iluvatar concerning Men, and ever has he been their friend. Yet Morgoth whis- pered that the Gods kept the Eldar captive so that Men coming should defraud them of their kingdoms, for the weaker race of mortals would be more easily swayed by them. Little truth was there in this, and little have the Valar ever prevailed to sway the wills or fates of Men, and least of all to good. Yet many of the Elves believed or half- believed his evil words. Gnomes were the most of these. Of the Teleri there were none. Thus, ere the Gods were aware, the peace of Valinor was poisoned. The Gnomes began to murmur against the Valar and their kindred, and they became filled with vanity, and forgot all that the Gods had given them and taught them. Most of all did Morgoth fan the flames of the fierce and eager heart of Feanor, though all the while he lusted for the Silmarils. These Feanor at great feasts wore on brow and breast, but at other times, locked fast in the hoards of Tun, they were guarded close, though them were no thieves in Valinor, as yet. Proud were the sons of Finn,4 and the proudest Feanor. Lying Morgoth said to him that Fingolfin and his sons were plotting to usurp the leadership of Feanor and his sons, and supplant them in the favour of their fa- ther and of the Gods. Of these words were quarrels born between the children of Finn, and of those quarrels came the end of the high days of Valinor and the evening of its ancient glory.(5) Feanor was summoned before the council of the Gods, and there were the lies of Morgoth laid bare for all to see who had the will. By the judgement of the Gods Feanor was banished from Tun. But with him went Finn his father who loved him more than his other sons, and many other Gnomes. Northward in Valinor in the hills near the halls of Mandos they built a treasury and a stronghold; but Fingolfin ruled the Noldoli in Tun. Thus might Morgoth's words seem justified, and the bitterness he sowed went on, though his lies were disproved, and long after it lived still between the sons of Fingolfin and of Feanor.(6) Straight from the midst of their council the Gods sent Tulkas to lay hands on Morgoth and bring him before them in chains once more. But he escaped through the pass of Cor, and from the tower of Ing the Elves saw him pass in thunder and in wrath. Thence he came into that region that is called Arvalin, which lies south of the Bay of Faerie, and beneath the very eastern feet of the mountains of the Gods, and there are the shadows the thickest in all the world. There secret and un- known dwelt Ungoliant, Gloomweaver, in spider's form. It is not told whence she is, from the outer darkness, maybe, that lies beyond the Walls of the World. In a ravine she lived, and spun her webs in a cleft of the mountains, and sucked up light and shining things to spin them forth again in nets of black and choking gloom and clinging fog. Ever she hungered for more food. There Morgoth met her, and with her plotted his revenge. But terrible was the reward that he must promise her, ere she would dare the perils ofd Valinor or the power of the Gods. A great darkness she wove about her to protect her, and then from pinnacle to pinnacle she swung on her black ropes, until she had scaled the highest places of the moun- tains. In the south of Valinor was this, for there lay the wild woods of Orome, and there was little watch, since, far from the old fortress of Morgoth in the North, the great walls there looked on untrodden lands and empty sea. On a lad- der that she made Morgoth climbed, and he looked down upon the shining plain, seeing afar off the domes of Valinor in the mingling of the light; and he laughed as he sped down the long western slopes with ruin in his heart. So came evil into Valinor. Silpion was waning fast and Laurelin but just begun to glow, when protected by fate Morgoth and Ungoliant crept unawares into the plain. With his black sword Morgoth stabbed each tree to its very core, and as their juices spouted forth Ungoliant sucked them up, and poison from her foul lips went into their tissues and withered them, leaf and branch and root. Slowly they suc- cumbed, and their light grew dim, while Ungoliant belched forth black clouds and vapours as she drank their radiance. To monstrous form she swelled. Then fell wonder and dismay on all in Valmar, when twi- light and mounting gloom came on the land. Black vapours floated about the ways of the city. Varda looked down from Taniquetil and saw the trees and towers all hidden as in a mist. Too late they ran from hill and gate. The Trees died and shone no more, while wailing throngs stood round them and called on Manwe to come down. Out upon the plain the horses of Orome thundered with a hundred hooves, and fire started in the gloom about their feet. Swifter than they ran Tulkas on before, and the light of the anger of his eyes was as a beacon. But they found not what they sought. Wherever Morgoth went a darkness and confu- sion was around him that Ungoliant made, so that feet were bewildered and search was blind. This was the time of the Darkening of Valinor. In that day there stood before the gates of Valmar Gnomes that cried aloud. Bitter were their tidings. They told how Morgoth had fled North and with him was a great black shape, a spider of monstrous form it had seemed in the gathering night. Sudden he had fallen on the treasury of Finn. There he slew the king of the Gnomes before his doors, and spilled the first elfin blood and stained the land of Valinor. Many others too he slew, but Feanor and his sons were not there. Bitterly they cursed the chance, for Morgoth took the Silmarils and all the wealth of the jewels of the Noldoli that were hoarded there. Little is known of the paths or journeys of Morgoth after that terrible deed; but this is known to all, that escaping from the hunt he came at last with Ungoliant over the Grinding Ice and so into the northern lands of this world. There Ungoliant summoned him to give her the promised reward. The half of her pay had been the sap of the Trees of Light, The other half was a full share in the plundered jewels. Mor- goth yielded these up, and she devoured them, and their light perished from the earth, and still more huge grew Ungoliant's dark and hideous form. But no share in the Silmarils would Morgoth give. Such was the first thieves' quarrel. So mighty had Ungoliant become that she enmeshed Morgoth in her choking nets, and his awful cry echoed through the shuddering world. To his aid came the Orcs and Balrogs that lived yet in the lowest places of Angband. With their whips of flame the Balrogs smote the webs asun- der, but Ungoliant was driven away into the uttermost South, where she long dwelt. Thus came Morgoth back to Angband, and there count- less became the number of the hosts of his Orcs and de- mons.' He forged for himself a great crown of iron, and he called himself the king of the world. In sign of this he set the three Silmarils in his crown. It is said that his evil hands were burned black with the touch of those holy and enchanted things, and black they have ever been since, nor was he ever afterward free from the pain of the burning, and the anger of the pain. That crown he never took from his head, and it never was his wont to leave the deep dun- geons of his fortress, but he governed his vast armies from his northern throne. * 1. Nine written above Seven but then struck out. 2. Ing > Ingwe at both occurrences, as previously. 3. Quendi > Lindar, as previously (late change). 4. Finn > Finwe at all occurrences (except once where overlooked), previously. 5. The following was added here later faintly in pencil: And Feanor spoke words of rebellion against the Gods and plotted to depart from Valinor back into the outer world and deliver the Gnomes, as he said, from thraldom. 6. The following was added here in the same way and at the same time as the passage given in note 5: But Morgoth hid himself and none knew whither he had gone. And while the Gods were in council, for they feared that the shadows should lengthen in Valinor, a messenger came and brought tidings that Morgoth was in the North of the land, journeying towards the house of Finwe. 7 Cor > Kor, as previously. 8 Written here later is the direction: Here mention making of Orcs (p. 4). Page 4 of the typescript contains the sentence (p. 100) The hordes of the Orcs he made of stone, but their hearts of hatred See p. 352. 5. When it became at last all too clear that Morgoth had es- caped, the Gods assembled about the dead Trees and sat there in darkness for a long while in dumb silence, and mourned in their hearts. Now that day which Morgoth chose for this assault was a day of high festival throughout Valinor. On this day it was the custom of the chief Valar, all save Osse who seldom came thither, and of many of the Elves, especially the people of Ing,(1) to climb the long winding paths in white-robed procession to Manwe's halls on the summit of Tindbrenting. All the Quendi and many of the Gnomes, who under Fingolfin still lived in Tun, were there- fore on Tindbrenting's height and were singing before the feet of Varda, when the watchers from afar beheld the fading of the Trees. But most of the Gnomes were in the plain, and all the Teleri, as was their wont, were on the shore. The fogs and darkness now drifted in from off the sea through the pass of Cor,(3) as the Trees died. A murmur of dismay ran through all Elfland, and the Foamriders wailed beside the sea. Then Feanor rebelling against his banishment summoned all the Gnomes to Tun. A vast concourse gathered in the great square on the top of the hill of Cor, and it was lit by the light of many torches which each one that came bore in hand. Feanor was a great orator with a power of moving words. A very wild and terrible speech he made before the Gnomes that day, and though his anger was most against Morgoth, yet his words were in great part the fruit of Morgoth's lies. But he was distraught with grief for his fa- ther and wrath for the rape of the Silmarils. He now claimed the kingship of all the Gnomes, since Finn (4) was dead, in spite of the decree of the Gods. 'Why should we obey the jealous Gods any longer,' he asked, 'who cannot, even keep their own realm from their foe?' He bade the Gnomes prepare for flight in the darkness, while the Valar were still wrapped in mourning; to seek freedom in the world and of their own prowess to win there a new realm, since Valinor was no longer more bright and blissful than the lands outside; to seek out Morgoth and war with him for ever until they were avenged. Then he swore a terrible oath. His seven sons leaped to his side and took the self- same vow together, each with drawn sword. They swore the: unbreakable oath, by the name of Manwe and Varda and the holy mountain,(5) to pursue with hate and vengeance to the ends of the world Vala, Demon, Elf, or Man, or Orc who hold or take or keep a Silmaril against their will. Fingolfin and his son Finweg' spake against Feanor, and wrath and angry words came near to blows; but Finrod spoke and sought to calm them, though of his sons only Felagund was on his side. Orodreth, Angrod, and Egnor took the part of Feanor. In the end it was put to the vote of the assembly, and moved by the potent words of Feanor the Gnomes decided to depart. But the Gnomes of Tun would not renounce the kingship of Fingolfin, and as two divided. hosts therefore they set forth: one under Fingolfin who with his sons yielded to the general voice against their wisdom, because they would not desert their people; the other under Feanor. Some remained behind. Those were the Gnomes who were with the Quendi upon Tindbrenting. It was long ere they came back into this tale of the wars and wander- ings of their people. The Teleri would not join that flight. Never had they lis- tened to Morgoth. They desired no other cliffs nor beaches than the strands of Fairyland. But the Gnomes knew that they could not escape without boats and ships, and that there was no time to build. They must cross the seas far to the North where they were narrower, but further still feared to venture; for they had heard of Helkarakse, the Strait of the Grinding Ice, where the great frozen hills ever shifted and broke, sundered and clashed together. But their white ships with white sails the Teleri would not give, since they prized them dearly, and dreaded moreover the wrath of the Gods. Now it is told that the hosts of Feanor marched forth first along the coast of. Valinor; then came the people of Fingolfin less eager, and in the rear of this host were Finrod and Felagund and many of the noblest and fairest of the Noldoli. Reluctantly they forsook the walls of Tun, and more than others they carried thence memories of its bliss and beauty, and even many fair things made there by hands. Thus the people of Finrod had no part in the dreadful deed that then was done, and not all of Fingolfin's folks shared in it; yet all the Gnomes that departed from Valinor came under the curse that followed. When the Gnomes came to the Haven of the Swans they attempted to seize by force the white fleets that lay anchored there. A bitter affray was fought upon the great arch of the gate and on the lamplit quays and piers, as is sadly told in the song of the Flight of the Gnomes. Many were slain on either side, but fierce and desperate were the hearts of the people of Feanor, and they won the battle; and with the help beside of many even of the Gnomes of Tun they drew away the ships of the Teleri, and manned their oars as best they might, and took them north along the coast. After they had journeyed a great way and were come to the northern confines of the Blessed Realm, they beheld a dark figure standing high upon the cliffs. Some say it was a messenger, others that it was Mandos himself. There he spoke in a loud dread voice the curse and prophecy that is called the Prophecy of Mandos,' warning them to return and seek for pardon, or in the end to return only at last after sorrow and endless misery. Much he foretold in the dark words, which only the wisest of them understood, of things that after befell; but all heard the curse he uttered upon those that would not stay, because they had at Swanhaven spilled the blood of their kindred, and fought the first battle between the children of earth unrighteously. For that they should suffer in all their wars and councils from treachery and from the fear of treachery among their own kindred. But Feanor said: 'He saith not that we shall suffer from cowardice, from cravens or the fear of cravens', and that proved true.(8) All too soon did the evil begin to work. They came at last far to the North and saw the first teeth of the ice that floated in the sea. Anguish they had of the cold. Many of the Gnomes murmured, especially of those that followed less eagerly under the banners of Fingolfin. So it came into the heart of Feanor and his sons to sail off suddenly with all the ships, of which they had the mastery, and 'leave the grumblers to grumble, or whine their way back to the cages of the Gods.' Thus began the curse of the slaying at Swanhaven. When Feanor and his folk landed on the shores in the West of the northern world, they set fire in the ships and made a great burning terrible and bright; and Fingolfin and his people saw the light of it in the sky. Thereafter those left behind wandered miserably, and were joined by the companies of Finrod that marched up after. In the end in woe and weariness Finrod led some back to Valinor and the pardon of the Gods - for they were not at Swanhaven - but the sons of Finrod and Fingolfin (9) would not yield, having come so far. They led their host far into the bitterest North, and dared at last the Grinding Ice. Many were lost there wretchedly, and there was small love for the sons of Feanor in the hearts of those that came at last by this perilous passage into the Northern lands. * 1. Ing > Ingwe, as previously. 2. At neither of the occurrences of Quendi is the name changed, as pre- viously, to Lindar, clearly through oversight. 3 Cor > Kor at both occurrences, as previously. 4 Finn not emended to Finwe as previously, through oversight. 5 This sentence was rewritten: They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name of the Allfather, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them, if they kept it not, and Manwe they named in witness, and Varda, and the Holy Mount, vowing 6. Finweg > Fingon, as in $3, note 10. 7. Prophecy of Mandos > Prophecy of the North 8. Here is written lightly in pencil: Finrod returned. 9. the sons of Finrod and Fingolfin > Fingolfin and the sons of Finrod. (This emendation was made, I think, simply for clarity, the original text having been intended to mean 'the sons of Finrod, together with Fingolfin': for Fingolfin, not his son Finweg/Fingon, has become the leader of the hosts across the Grinding Ice, since Finrod is now the one who returned to Valinor - see the commentary on S $5, pp. 55 - 6.) 6. When the Gods heard of the flight of the Gnomes they were aroused from their grief. Manwe summoned then to his council Yavanna; and she put forth all her power, but it availed not to heal the Trees. Yet beneath her spells Silpion bore at last one great and single silver bloom, and Laurelin a great golden fruit. Of these, as is said in the song of the Sun and Moon, the Gods fashioned the great lamps of heaven, and set them to sail appointed courses above the world. Rana they named the Moon, and Ur the Sun; and the maiden who guided the galleon of the sun was Urien,(1) and the youth who steered the floating island of the Moon was Tilion. Urien was a maiden who had tended the golden flowers in the gardens of Vana, while still joy was in the Blissful Realm, and Nessa daughter of Vana (2) danced on the lawns of never-fading green. Tilion was a hunter from the company of Orome, and he had a silver bow. Often he wandered from his course pursuing the stars upon the heav- enly fields. At first the Gods purposed that the Sun and Moon should sail from Valinor to the furthest East, and back again, each following the other to and fro across the sky. But because of the waywardness of Tilion and his rivalry with Urien, and most because of the words of Lorien and Nienna, who said that they had banished all sleep and night and peace from the earth, they changed their design. The Sun and Moon were drawn by Ulmo or his chosen spirits through the caverns and grottoes at the roots of the world, and mounted then in the East, and sailed back to Valinor, into which the Sun descended each day at time of Evening. And so is Evening the time of greatest light and joy in the land of the Gods, when the Sun sinks down to rest beyond the rim of earth upon the cool bosom of the Outer Sea. Tilion was bidden not to mount until Urien was fallen from the sky, or far had journeyed to the West, and so it is that they are now but seldom seen in the heaven together. Still therefore is the light of Valinor more great and fair than that of other lands, because there the Sun and Moon together rest a while before they go upon their dark journey under the world, but their light is not the light which came from the Trees before ever Ungoliant's poisonous lips touched them. That light lives now only in the Silmarils. Gods and Elves therefore look forward yet to a time when the Magic Sun and Moon, which are the Trees, may be re- kindled and the bliss and glory of old return. Ulmo foretold to them that this would only come to pass by the aid, frail though it might seem, of the second race of earth, the youn- ger children of Iluvatar. Little heed did they pay to him at that time. Still were they wroth and bitter because of the in- gratitude of the Gnomes, and the cruel slaying at the Haven of the Swans. Moreover for a while all save Tulkas feared the might and cunning of Morgoth. Now therefore they for- tified all Valinor, and set a sleepless watch upon the wall of hills, which they now piled to a sheer and dreadful height - save only at the pass of Cor.' There were the remaining Elves set to dwell, and they went now seldom to Valmar or Tindbrenting's height, but were bidden to guard the pass ceaselessly that no bird nor beast nor Elf nor Man, nor any- thing beside that came from the lands without, should ap- proach the shores of Faerie, or set foot in Valinor. In that day, which songs call the Hiding of Valinor, the Magic Isles were set, filled with enchantment, and strung across the confines of the Shadowy Seas, before the Lonely Isle is reached sailing West, there to entrap mariners and wind them in everlasting sleep. Thus it was that the many emis- saries of the Gnomes in after days came never back to Valinor - save one, and he came too late.4 The Valar sit now behind the mountains and feast, and dismiss the exiled Noldoli from their hearts, all save Manwe and Ulmo. Most in mind did Ulmo keep them, who gathers news of the outer world through all the lakes and rivers that flow into the sea. At the first rising of the Sun over the world the younger children of earth awoke in the land of Eruman (5) in the East of East.' But of Men little is told in these tales, which con- cern the oldest days before the waning of the Elves and the waxing of mortals, save of those who in the first days of Sunlight and Moonsheen wandered into the North of the world. To Eruman there came no God to guide Men or to summon them to dwell in Valinor. Ulmo nonetheless took thought for them, and his messages came often to them by stream and flood, and they loved the waters but understood little the messages. The Dark-elves they met and were aided by them, and were taught by them speech and many things beside, and became the friends of the children of the Eldalie who had never found the paths to Valinor, and knew of the Valar but as a rumour and a distant name. Not long was then Morgoth come back into the earth, and his power went not far abroad, so that there was little peril in the lands and hills where new things, fair and fresh, long ages ago devised in the thought of Yavanna, came at last to their budding and their bloom. West, North, and South they spread and wandered, and their joy was the joy of the morning before the dew is dry, when every leaf is green. * 1. Urien > Arien at all occurrences. 2. daughter of Vana struck out. See pp. 326 - '7. 3. Cor > Kor, as previously. 4. and he came too late > the mightiest mariner of song. 5. At the first occurrence the name Eruman was later underlined in pen- cil, as if for correction, but not at the second. 6. Added here: for measured time had come into the world, and the first of days; and thereafter the lives of the Eldar that remained in the Hither Lands were lessened, and their waning was begun. 7. Now began the times of the great wars of the powers of the North, when the Gnomes of Valinor and Ilkorins and Men strove against the hosts of Morgoth Bauglir, and went down in ruin. To this end the cunning lies of Morgoth that he sowed amongst his foes, and the curse that came of the slaying at the Haven of the Swans, and the oath of the sons of Feanor, were ever at work; the greatest injury they did to Men and Elves. Only a part do these tales tell of the deeds of those days, and most they tell concerning the Gnomes and the Silmarils and the mortals that became entangled in their fate. In the early days Eldar and Men were of little different stature and bodily might; but the Eldar were blessed with greater skill, beauty, and wit, and those who had come from Valinor as much surpassed the Ilkorins in these things as they in turn surpassed the people of mortal race. Only in the realm of Doriath, whose queen Melian was of the kindred of the Valar, did the Ilkorins come near to match the Elves of Cor.(1) Immortal were the Elves, and their wisdom waxed and grew from age to age, and no sickness or pestilence brought them death. But they could be slain with weapons in those days, even by mortal Men, and some waned and wasted with sorrow till they faded from the earth. Slain or fading their spirits went back to the halls of Mandos to wait a thousand years, or the pleasure of Mandos' according to their deserts, before they were recalled to free life in Valinor, or were reborn,' it is said, into their own children.' More frail were Men, more easily slain by weapon or mis- chance, subject to ills, or grew old and died. What befell their spirits the Eldalie knew not. The Eldar said that they went to the halls of Mandos, but that their place of waiting was not that of the Elves, and Mandos under Iluvatar knew alone whither they went after the time in his wide halls be- yond the western sea. They were never reborn on earth, and none ever came back from the mansions of the dead, save only Beren son of Barahir, who after spoke never to mortal Men. Maybe their fate after death was not in the hands of the Valar. In after days, when because of the triumphs of Morgoth Elves and Men became estranged, as he most wished, those of the Eldalie that lived still in the world faded, and Men usurped the sunlight. Then the Eldar wandered in the lone- lier places of the Outer' Lands, and took to the moonlight and to the starlight, and to the woods and caves.' * 1. Cor > Kor, as previously. 2. Mandos > Nefantur 3. or were reborn > or sometimes were reborn 4. Added here: And of like fate were those fair offspring of Elf and mortal, Earendel, and Elwing, and Dior her father, and Elrond her child. Hither written above Outer, but Outer not struck out. Added at the end: and became as shadows, wraiths and memories, such as set not sail unto the West and vanished from the world, as is told ere the tale's ending. 8. But in these days Elves and Men were kindred and allies. Before the rising of the Sun and Moon Feanor and his sons marched into the North seeking for Morgoth. A host of Orcs aroused by the light of the burning ships came down on them, and there was battle on the plain renowned in song. Yet young and green it stretched' to the feet of the tall mountains upreared over Morgoth's halls; but afterward it became burnt and desolate, and is called the Land of Thirst, Dor-na-Fauglith in the Gnomish tongue. There was the First Battle.' Great was the slaughter of the Orcs and Balrogs, and no tale can tell the valour of Feanor or of his sons. Yet woe entered into that first great victory. For Feanor was wounded to the death by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs, whom Ecthelion after slew in Gondolin. Feanor died in the hour of victory, looking upon the gigantic peaks of Thangorodrim, the greatest of hills of the world;(3) and he cursed the name of Morgoth, and laid it on his sons never to treat or parley with their foe. Yet even in the hour of his death there came to them an embassy from Morgoth ac- knowledging his defeat, and offering to treat, and tempting them with a Silmaril. Maidros the tall persuaded the Gnomes to meet Morgoth at the time and place appointed, but with as little thought of faith on his side as there was on the part of Morgoth. Wherefore each embassy came in far greater force than they had sworn, but Morgoth brought the greater, and they were Balrogs. Maidros was ambushed and most of his company was slain; but Maidros was taken alive by the command of Morgoth, and carried to Angband and tortured, and hung from the face of a sheer precipice upon Thangorodrim by his right wrist alone. Then the six sons of Feanor dismayed drew off and en- camped by the shores of Lake Mithrim, in that northern land which was after called Hisilome, Hithlum or Dorlomin by the Gnomes, which is the Land of Mist. There they heard of the march of Fingolfin and Finweg (4) and Felagund, who had crossed the Grinding Ice. Even as these came the first Sun arose; their blue and sil- ver banners were unfurled, and flowers sprang beneath their marching feet. The Orcs dismayed at the uprising of the great light retreated to Angband, and Morgoth thwarted pondered a long while in wrathful thought. Little love was there between the two hosts encamped upon the opposing shores of Mithrim, and the delay engen- dered by their feud did great harm to the cause of both. Now vast vapours and smokes were made in Angband and sent forth from the smoking tops of the Mountains of Iron, which even afar off in Hithlum could be seen staining the radiance of those earliest mornings. The vapours fell and coiled about the fields and hollows, and lay on Mithrim's bosom dark and foul. Then Finweg the valiant resolved to heal the feud. Alone he went in search of Maidros. Aided by the very mists of Morgoth, and by the withdrawal of the forces of Angband, he ventured into the fastness of his enemies, and at last he found Maidros hanging in torment. But he could not reach him to release him; and Maidros begged' him to shoot him with his bow. Manwe to whom all birds are dear, and to whom they bring news upon Tindbrenting of all things which his far- sighted eyes do not see, sent' forth the race of Eagles. Thorndor was their king. At Manwe's command they dwelt in the crags of the North and watched Morgoth and hin- dered his deeds, and brought news of him to the sad ears of Manwe. Even as Finweg sorrowing bent his bow, there flew down from the high airs Thorndor king of eagles. He was the mightiest of all birds that ever have been. Thirty feet' Was the span of his outstretched wings. His beak was of gold. So the hand of Finweg was stayed, and Thorndor bore to the face of the rock where Maidros hung. But nei- ther could release the enchanted bond upon the wrist, nor sever it nor draw it from the stone. Again in agony Maidros begged them to slay him, but Finweg cut off his hand above the wrist, and Thorndor bore them to Mithrim, and Maidros' wound was healed, and he lived to wield sword with his left hand more deadly to his foes than his right had been. Thus was the feud healed for a while between the proud sons of Finn' and their jealousy forgotten, but still there held the oath of the Silmarils. * 1. Yet young and green > Yet dark beneath the stars (and later it stretched > the plain stretched). (This change was made no doubt because the Sun had not yet risen; but it destroys the force of the antithesis with but afterward it became burnt and desolate.) 2. Added here: the Battle under Stars. 3. the world > the hither world 4. Finweg > Fingon, as previously, at all occurrences. 5. The typescript had present tenses, finds, cannot, begs, early emended to found, could not, begged; an indication that my father was closely following the S manuscript. Present tenses are occasionally found later in Q as originally typed. 6. sent > had sent 7. feet > fathoms 8. Finn > Finwe, as previously. 9. Then the Gnomes marched forward and beleaguered Angband from West, South, and East. In Hithlum and on its borders in the West lay the hosts of Fingolfin. The South was held by Felagund son of Finrod and his brethren. A tower they had on an island in the river Sirion, which guarded the valley between the northward bending mountains on the bor- ders of Hithlum and the slopes where the great pine-forest grew, which Morgoth after filled with such dread and evil that not even the Orcs would go through it, save by a single road and in great need and haste, and the Gnomes came to call it Taur-na-Fuin, which is Deadly Nightshade. But in those days it was wholesome, if thick and dark,' and the peo- ple of Orodreth, of Angrod and Egnor, ranged therein and watched from its eaves the plain below, that stretched to the Mountains of Iron. Thus they guarded the plain of Sirion, most fair of rivers in elfin song, most loved of Ulmo, and all that wide land of beech and elm and oak and flowering mead that was named Broseliand.(2) In the east lay the sons of Feanor. Their watchtower was the high hill of Himling, and their hiding place the Gorge of Aglon, cloven deep between Himling and Taur-na-Fuin, and watered by the river of Esgalduin the dark and strong, which came out of secret wells in Taur-na-Fuin and flowed into Doriath and past the doors of Thingol's halls. But they needed little a hiding place in those days, and ranged far and wide, even to the walls of Angband in the North, and east to the Blue Mountains,' which are the borders of the lands of which these tales tell. There they made war upon (4) the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost; but they did not dis- cover whence that strange race came, nor have any since. They are not friend of Valar' or of Eldar or of Men, nor do they serve Morgoth; though they are in many things more like his people, and little did they love the Gnomes.' Skill they had well-nigh to rival that of the Gnomes, but less beauty was in their works, and iron they wrought rather than gold and silver, and mail and weapons were their chief craft. Trade and barter was their delight and the winning of wealth of which they made little use. Long were their beards and short and squat their stature. Nauglir the Gnomes called them, and those who dwelt in Nogrod they called Indrafangs, the Longbeards, because their beards swept the floor before their feet. But as yet little they trou- bled the people of earth, while the power of the Gnomes was great. This was the time that songs call the Siege of Angband. The swords of the Gnomes then fenced the earth from the ruin of Morgoth, and his power was shut behind the walls of Angband. The Gnomes boasted that never could he break their leaguer, and that none of his folk could ever pass to work evil in the ways of the world. A time of solace it was beneath the new Sun and Moon, a time of birth and blossoming. In those days befell the first meeting of the Gnomes with the Dark-elves, and the Feast of Meeting that was held in the Land of Willows was long recalled in after days of little joy. In those days too Men came over the Blue Mountains into Broseliand (7) and Hithlum,(8) the bravest and fairest of their race. Felagund it was that found them, and he ever was their friend. On a time he was the guest of Celegorm in the East, and rode a-hunting with him. But he became separated from the oth- ers,(9) and at a time of night he came upon a dale in the western foothills of the Blue Mountains. There were lights in the dale and the sound of rugged song. Then Felagund marvelled, for the tongue of those songs was not the tongue of Eldar or of Dwarves.(10) Nor was it the tongue of Orcs, though this at first he feared. There were camped the peo- ple of Beor, a mighty warrior of Men, whose son was Barahir the bold. They were the first of Men to come into Broseliand. After them came Hador the tall, whose sons were Haleth and Gumlin, and the sons of Gumlin Huor and Hurin,(11) and the son of Huor Tuor, and the son of Hurin Turin. All these were tangled in the fates of the Gnomes and did mighty deeds which the Elves still remember among the songs of the deeds of their own lords and kings. But Hador was not yet seen in the camps of the Gnomes. That night Felagund went among the sleeping men of Beor's host and sat by their dying fires where none kept watch, and he took a harp which Beor had laid aside, and he played music on it such as mortal ear had never heard, having learned the strains of music from the Dark-elves alone. Then men woke and listened and marvelled, for great wisdom was in that song, as well as beauty, and the heart grew wiser that listened to it. Thus came it that Men called Felagund, whom they met first of the Noldoli, Wisdom;(12) and after him they called his race the Wise, whom we call the Gnomes.(13) Beor lived till death with Felagund, and Barahir his son was the greatest friend of the sons of Finrod.(14) But the sons of Hador were allied to the house of Fingolfin, and of these Hurin and Turin were the most renowned. The realm of Gumlin was in Hithlum, and there afterward Hurin dwelt and his wife Morwen Elfsheen, who was fair as a daughter of the Eldalie.(15) Now began the time of the ruin of the Gnomes. It was long before this was achieved, for great was their power grown, and they were very valiant, and their allies were many and bold, Dark-elves and Men. But the tide of their fortune took a sudden turn. Long had Morgoth prepared his forces in secret. On a time of night at winter he let forth great rivers of flame that poured over all the plain before the Mountains of Iron and burned it to a desolate waste. Many of the Gnomes of Finrod's sons perished in that burning, and the fumes of it wrought darkness and confusion among the foes of Morgoth. In the train of the fire (16) came the black armies of the Orcs in numbers such as the Gnomes had never before seen or imagined. In this way Morgoth broke the leaguer of Angband and slew by the hands of the Orcs a great slaugh- ter of the bravest of the besieging hosts. His enemies were scattered far and wide, Gnomes, Ilkorins, and Men. Men he drove for the most part back over the Blue Mountains, save the children of Beor and of Hador who took refuge in Hithlum beyond the Shadowy Mountains, where as yet the Orcs came not in force. The Dark-elves fled south to Broseliand (17) and beyond, but many went to Doriath, and the kingdom and power of Thingol grew great in that time, till he became a bulwark and a refuge of the Elves. The magics of Melian that were woven about the borders of Doriath fenced evil from his halls and realm. The pine-forest Morgoth took and turned it to a place of dread as has been told, and the watchtower of Sirion he took and made it into a stronghold of evil and menace. There dwelt Thu the chief servant of Morgoth, a sorcerer of dreadful power, the lord of wolves.(18) Heaviest had the bur- den of that dreadful battle, the second battle and the first defeat (19) of the Gnomes, fallen upon the sons of Finrod. There were Angrod and Egnor slain. There too would Felagund have been taken or slain, but Barahir came up with all his men and saved the Gnomish king and made a wall of spears about him; and though grievous was their loss they fought their way from the Orcs and fled to the fens of Sirion to the South. There Felagund swore an oath of undying friendship and aid in time of need to Barahir and all his kin and seed, and in token of his vow he gave to Barahir his ring. Then Felagund went South, (20) and on the banks of Narog established after the manner of Thingol a hidden and cav- ernous city, and a realm. Those deep places were called Nargothrond. There came Orodreth after a time of breath- less flight and perilous wanderings, and with him Celegorm and Curufin, the sons of Feanor, his friends. The people of Celegorm swelled the strength of Felagund, but it would have been better if they had gone rather to their own kin, who fortified the hill of Himling (21) east of Doriath and filled the Gorge of Aglon with hidden arms. Most grievous of the losses of that battle was the death of Fingolfin mightiest of the Noldoli. But his own death he sought in rage and anguish seeing the defeat of his people. For he went to the gates of Angband alone and smote upon them with his sword, and challenged Morgoth to come out and fight alone. And Morgoth came. That was the last time in those wars that he left the gates of his strong places, but he could not deny the challenge before the faces of his lords and chieftains. Yet it is said that though his power and strength is the greatest of the Valar and of all things here below, at heart he is a craven when alone, and that he took not the challenge willingly. The Orcs sing of that duel at the gates, but the Elves do not, though Thorndor looked down upon it and has told the tale. High Morgoth towered above the head of Fingolfin, but great was the heart of the Gnome, bitter his despair and ter- rible his wrath. Long they fought. Thrice was Fingolfin beaten to his knees and thrice arose. Ringil was his sword, as cold its blade and as bright as the blue ice, and on his shield was the star on a blue field that was his device. But Morgoth's shield was black without a blazon and its shadow was like a thundercloud. He fought with a mace like a great hammer of his forges. Grond the Orcs called it, and when it smote the earth as Fingolfin slipped aside, a pit yawned and smoke came forth. Thus was Fingolfin over- come, for the earth was broken about his feet, and he tripped and fell, and Morgoth put his foot, that is heavy as the roots of hills, upon his neck. But this was not done be- fore Ringil had given him seven wounds, and at each he had cried aloud. He goes halt in his left foot for ever, where in his last despair Fingolfin pierced it through and pinned it to the earth.(22) But the scar upon his face Fingolfin did not give. This was the work of Thorndor. For Morgoth took the body of Fingolfin to hew it and give it to his wolves. But Thorndor swept down from on high amid the very throngs of Angband that watched the fight, and smote his claw" into the face of Morgoth and rescued the body of Fingolfin, and bore it to a great height. There he set his cairn upon a mountain, and that mountain looks down upon the plain of Gondolin, and over the Mount of Fingolfin no Orc or de- mon ever dared to pass for a great while, till treachery was born among his kin. But Finweg (24) took the kingship of the Gnomes, and held yet out, nighest of the scattered Gnomes to the realm of their foe, in Hithlum and the Shadowy Mountains of the North that lie South and East of the Land of Mist, between it and Broseliand and the Thirsty Plain. Yet each of their strongholds Morgoth took one by one, and ever the Orcs growing more bold wandered far and wide, and numbers of the Gnomes and Dark-elves they took captive and carried to Angband and made thralls, and forced them to use their skill and magic in the service of Morgoth, and to labour unceasingly in tears in his mines and forges.(25) And Mor- goth's emissaries went ever among the Dark-elves and the thrall-Gnomes and Men (to whom in those days he feigned the greatest friendship while they were out of his power), and lying promises they made and false suggestions the greed and treachery of each to each; and because of the curse of the slaying at Swanhaven often were the lies be- lieved; and the Gnomes feared greatly the treachery those of their own kin who had been thralls of Angband, that even if they escaped and came back to their people lit- tle welcome they had, and wandered often in miserable ex- ile and despair (26) 1. Added here: and it was called Taur Danin (late change). 2. Broseliand > Beleriand (see note 7), and the following added: in Gnomish tongue; and Noldorien has it been called, [Geleithian>] Geleidhian, the kingdom of the Gnomes, and Ingolonde the fair and sorrowful. 3. east to the Blue Mountains > east unto Erydluin, the Blue Mountains. Against Erydluin was pencilled later Eredlindon. 4. made war upon > had converse with (late change). 5. This sentence was emended to read: Little friendship was there be- tween Elf and Dwarf, for these are not friend of Valar, &c. (late change). 6. and little did they love the Gnomes bracketed for exclusion (late change). 7. Broseliand > Beleriand at all occurrences (see note 2). 8. and Hithlum struck out. 9. Added here: and passed into Ossiriand (late change). 10. Almost illegible words were pencilled above Eldar or of Dwarves. the (? Valar] or of [?Doriath ] nor yet of the Green Elves. 11. This sentence was emended to read: After them came Hador the Golden-haired, whose sons were Gundor and Gumlin, and the sons of Gumlin Hurin and Huor, &c. (late change). At the bottom of the page, without direction for its insertion, is written: Haleth the hunter, and little later 12. Wisdom > Gnome that is Wisdom > Gnome or Wisdom 13. Added here: Took F[elagund] to be a god (late change). 14. Added here: but he abode in Dorthonion (late change). 15. Written here, with mark of insertion: Dagor Aglareb and the Fore- boding of the Kings (late addition). 16. In the train of the fire > In the pont of that fire came Glomund the golden, the father of dragons, and in his train 17. Above Beleriand (emended from Broseliand, see note 7) is pencilled Geleidhian (see note 2). 18. Scribbled against this: Sauron his servant in Valinor whom he sub- orned. 19. the second battle and the first defeat > the Second Battle, the Battle of Sudden Flame, and the first defeat (and later Second > Third). 20. Added here: and West 21. Himling > Himring (late change; at the first two occurrences of the name, near the beginning of this section, it was not emended). 22. and pinned it to the earth struck through (late change). 23. claw > bill 24. Finweg > Fingon, as previously. 25. In this sentence magic > craft and in tears in his mines and forges to an uncertain reading, probably and tears and torment were their wages (late changes). 26. A page of the typescript ends here, and at the bottom of the page is written Turgon (late addition). 10. In these days of doubt and fear, after the Second (1) Battle, many dreadful things befell of which but few are here told. It is told that Beor was slain and Barahir yielded not to Morgoth, but all his land was won from him and his people scattered, enslaved or slain, and he himself went in out- lawry with his son Beren and ten faithful men. Long they hid and did secret and valiant deeds of war against the Orcs. But in the end, as is told in the beginning of the lay of Luthien and Beren, the hiding place of Barahir was be- trayed, and he was slain and his comrades, all save Beren who by fortune was that day hunting afar. Thereafter Beren lived an outlaw alone, save for the help he had from birds and beasts which he loved; and seeking for death in desper- ate deeds found it not, but glory and renown in the secret songs of fugitives and hidden enemies of Morgoth, so that the tale of his deeds came even to Broseliand,(2) and was ru- moured in Doriath. At length Beren fled south from the ever-closing circle of those that hunted him, and crossed the dreadful Mountains of Shadow,(3) and came at last worn and haggard into Doriath. There in secret he won the love of Luthien daughter of Thingol, and he named her Tinuviel, the nightingale, because of the beauty of her singing in the twilight beneath the trees; for she was the daughter of Me- lian. But Thingol was wroth and he dismissed him in scorn, but did not slay him because he had sworn an oath to his daugh- ter. But he desired nonetheless to send him to his death. And he thought in his heart of a quest that could not be achieved, and he said: If thou bring me a Silmaril from the crown of Morgoth, I will let Luthien wed thee, if she will. And Beren, vowed to achieve this, and went from Doriath to Nargo- thrond bearing the ring of Barahir. The quest of the Silmaril there aroused the oath from sleep that the sons of Feanor had sworn, and evil began to grow from it. Felagund, though he knew the quest to be beyond his power, was willing to lend all his aid to Beren, because of his own oath to Barahir. But Celegorm and Curufin dissuaded his people and roused up rebellion against him. And evil thoughts awoke in their hearts, and they thought to usurp the throne of Nargothrond, because they were sons of the eldest line. Rather than a Sil- maril should be won and given to Thingol, they would ruin the power of Doriath and Nargothrond. So Felagund gave his crown to Orodreth and departed from his people with Beren and ten faithful men of his own- board. They waylaid an Orc-band and slew them and dis- guised themselves by the aid of Felagund's magic as Orcs.- But they were seen by Thu from his watchtower, which' once had been Felagund's own, and were questioned by him, and their magic was overthrown in a contest between Thu and Felagund. Thus they were revealed as Elves, but the spells of Felagund concealed their names and quest. Long they were tortured in the dungeons of Thu, but none betrayed the other. In the meanwhile Luthien learning by the far sight of Melian that Beren had fallen into the power of Thu sought in her despair to fly from Doriath. This became known to Thingol, who imprisoned her in a house in the tallest of his mighty beeches far above the ground. How she escaped and came into the woods, and was found there by Celegorm as they hunted on the borders of Doriath, is told in the lay of Luthien. They took her treacherously to Nargothrond, and Curufin the crafty became enamoured of her beauty. From her tale they learned that Felagund was in the hands of Thu; and they purposed to let him perish there, and keep Luthien with them, and force Thingol to wed Luthien to Curufin,4 and so build up their power and usurp Nargo- thrond and become the mightiest of the princes of the Gnomes. They did not think to go in search of the Sil- marils, or suffer any others to do so, until they had all the power of the Elves beneath themselves and obedient to them. But their designs came to nought save estrangement and bitterness between the kingdoms of the Elves. Huan was the name of the chief of the hounds of Celegorm. He was of immortal race from the hunting-lands of Orome. Orome gave him to Celegorm long before in Valinor, when Celegorm often rode in the train of the God and followed his horn. He came into the Great' Lands with his master, and dart nor weapon, spell nor poison, could harm him, so that he went into battle with his lord and saved him many times from death. His fate had been de- creed that he should not meet death save at the hands of the mightiest wolf that should ever walk the world. Huan was true of heart, and he loved Luthien from the hour that he first found her in the woods and brought her to Celegorm. His heart was grieved by his master's treach- ery, and he set Luthien free and went with her to the North. There Thu slew his captives one by one, till only Felagund and Beren were left. When the hour for Beren's death came Felagund put forth all his power, and burst his bonds, and wrestled with the werewolf that came to slay Beren; and he killed the wolf, but was himself slain in the dark. There Beren mourned in despair, and waited for death. But Luthien came and sang outside the dungeons. Thus she beguiled Thu to come forth, for the fame of the loveliness of Luthien had gone through all lands and the wonder of her song. Even Morgoth desired her, and had promised the greatest reward to any who could capture her. Each wolf that Thu sent Huan slew silently, till Draugluin the greatest of his wolves came. Then there was fierce battle, and Thu knew that Luthien was not alone. But he re- membered the fate of Huan, and he made himself the great- est wolf that had yet walked the world, and came forth. But Huan overthrew him, and won from him the keys and the spells that held together his enchanted walls and towers. So the stronghold was broken and the towers thrown down and the dungeons opened. Many captives were released, but Thu flew in bat's form to Taur-na-Fuin. There Luthien found Beren mourning beside Felagund. She healed his sor- row and the wasting of his imprisonment, but Felagund they buried on the top of his own island hill, and Thu came there no more. Then Huan returned to his master, and less was the love between them after. Beren and Luthien wandered careless in happiness, until they came nigh to the borders of Doriath once more. There Beren remembered his vow, and bade Luthien farewell, but she would not be sundered from him. In Nargothrond there was tumult. For Huan and many of the captives of Thu brought back the tidings of the deeds of Luthien, and the death of Felagund, and the treachery of Celegorm and Curufin was laid bare. It is said they had sent a secret embassy to Thingol ere Luthien escaped, but Thingol in wrath had sent their letters back by his own ser- vants to Orodreth.' Wherefore now the hearts of the people: of Narog tumed back to the house of Finrod, and they mourned their king Felagund whom they had forsaken, and they did the bidding of Orodreth. But he would not suffer them to slay the sons of Feanor as they wished. Instead he banished them from Nargothrond, and swore that little love should there be between Narog and any of the sons of Feanor thereafter. And so it was. Celegorm and Curufin were riding in haste and wrath through the woods to find their way to Himling,(7) when they came upon Beren and Luthien, even as Beren sought to part from his love. They rode down on them, and recognizing them tried to trample Beren under their hooves. But Curufin swerving lifted Luthien to his saddle. Then befell the leap of Beren, the greatest leap of mortal Men. For he sprang like a lion right upon the speeding horse of Curufin, and grasped him about the throat, and horse and rider fell in confusion upon the earth, but Luthien was flung far off and lay dazed upon the ground. There Beren choked Curufin, but his death was very nigh from Celegorm, who rode back with his spear. In that hour Huan forsook the ser- vice of Celegorm, and sprang upon him so that his horse swerved aside, and no man for fear of the terror of the great hound dared go nigh. Luthien forbade the death of Curufin, but Beren despoiled him of his horse and weapons, chief of which was his famous knife, made by the Dwarves. It would cut iron like wood. Then the brothers rode off, but shot back at Huan treacherously and at Luthien. Huan they did not hurt, but Beren sprang before Luthien and was wounded, and Men remembered that wound against the sons of Feanor, when it became known. Huan stayed with Luthien, and hearing of their perplexity and the purpose Beren had still to go to Angband, he went and fetched them from the ruined halls of Thu a werewolf's coat and a bat's. Three times only did Huan speak with the tongue of Elves or Men. The first was when he came to Luthien in Nargothrond. This was the second, when he de- vised the desperate counsel for their quest. So they rode North, till they could no longer go on horse in safety. Then they put on the garments as of wolf and bat, and Luthien in guise of evil fay rode upon the werewolf. In the lay of Luthien is all told how they came to Angband's gate, and found it newly guarded, for rumour of he knew not what design abroad among the Elves had come to Morgoth. Wherefore he fashioned the mightiest of all Wolves, Carcharas (8) Knife-fang, to sit at the gates.' But Luthien set him in spells, and they won their way to the presence of Morgoth, and Beren slunk beneath his chair. Then Luthien dared the most dreadful and most valiant deed that any of the women of the Elves have ever dared; no less than the challenge of Fingolfin is it accounted, and may be greater, save that she was half-divine. She cast off her disguise and named her own name, and feigned that she was brought captive by the wolves of Thu. And she be- guiled Morgoth, even as his heart plotted foul evil within him; and she danced before him, and cast all his court in sleep; and she sang to him, and she flung the magic robe she had woven in Doriath in his face, and she set a binding dream upon him - what song can sing the marvel of that deed, or the wrath and humiliation of Morgoth, for even the Orcs laugh in secret when they remember it, telling how Morgoth fell from his chair and his iron crown rolled upon the floor. Then forth leaped Beren casting aside the wolvish robe, and drew out the knife of Curufin. With that he cut forth a Silmaril. But daring more he essayed to gain them all. Then: the knife of the treacherous Dwarves snapped, and the ring- ing sound of it stirred the sleeping hosts and Morgoth groaned. Terror seized the hearts of Beren and Luthien, and they fled down the dark ways of Angband. The doors were barred by Carcharas, now aroused from the spell of Luthien. Beren set himself before Luthien, which proved ill; for ere she could touch the wolf with her robe or speak word of magic, he sprang upon Beren, who now had no weapon. With his right he smote at the eyes of Carcharas, but the wolf took the hand into his jaws and bit it off. Now that hand held the Silmaril. Then was the maw of Carcharas burned with a fire of anguish and torment, when the Silmaril touched his evil flesh; and he fled howling from before them, so that all the mountains shuddered, and the madness of the wolf of Angband was of all the horrors that ever came into the North o the most dire and terrible. Hardly did Luthien and Beren escape, ere all Angband was aroused. Of their wanderings and despair, and of the healing of Beren, who ever since has been called Beren Ermabwed the One-handed, of their rescue by Huan, who had vanished, suddenly from them ere they came to Angband, and of their coming to Doriath once more, here there is little to tell.(11) But in Doriath many things had befallen. Ever things had gone ill there since Luthien fled away. Grief had fallen on all the people and silence on their songs when their hunting found her not. Long was the search, and in searching Dairon the piper of Doriath was lost, who loved Luthien before Beren came to Doriath. He was the greatest of the musicians of the Elves, save Maglor son of Feanor, and Tinfang Warble. But he came never back to Doriath and strayed into the East of the world.> Assaults too there were on Doriath's borders, for rumours that Luthien was astray had reached Angband. Boldog cap- tain of the Orcs was there slain in battle by Thingol, and his great warriors Beleg the Bowman and Mablung Heavyhand were with Thingol in that battle. Thus Thingol learned that Luthien was yet free of Morgoth, but that he knew of her wandering; and Thingol was filled with fear. In the midst of his fear came the embassy of Celegorm in se- cret, and said that Beren was dead, and Felagund, and Luthien was at Nargothrond. Then Thingol found it in his heart to regret the death of Beren, and his wrath was aroused at the hinted treachery of Celegorm to the house of Finrod, and because he kept Luthien and did not send her home. Wherefore he sent spies into the land of Nargothrond and prepared for war. But he learned that Luthien had fled and that Celegorm and his brother were gone to Aglon. So now he sent an embassy to Aglon, since his might was not great enough to fall upon all the seven brethren, nor was his quarrel with others than Celegorm and Curufin. But this embassy journeying in the woods met with the onslaught of Carcharas. That great wolf had run in madness through all the woods of the North, and death and devastation went with him. Mablung alone escaped to bear the news of his coming to Thingol. Of fate, or the magic of the Silmaril that he bore to his torment, he was not stayed by the spells of Melian, but burst into the inviolate woods of Doriath, and far and wide terror and destruction was spread. Even as the sorrows of Doriath were at their worst came Luthien and Beren and Huan back to Doriath. Then the heart of Thingol was lightened, but he looked not with love upon Beren in whom he saw the cause of all his woes. When he had learned how Beren had escaped from Thu he was amazed, but he said: 'Mortal, what of thy quest and of thy vow?' Then said Beren: 'Even now I have a Silmaril in my hand.' 'Show it to me,' said Thingol. 'That I cannot,' said Beren, 'for my hand is not here.' And all the tale he told, and made clear the cause of the madness of Carcharas, and Thingol's h art was softened by his brave words, and his forbearance, and the great love that he saw between his daughter and this most valiant Man. Now therefore did they plan the wolf-hunt of Carcharas. In that hunt was Huan and Thingol and Mablung and Beleg and Beren and no more. And here the sad tale of it must be short, for it is elsewhere told more fully. Luthien remained behind in foreboding, as they went forth; and well she might, for Carcharas was slain, but Huan died in the same hour, and he died to save Beren.'4 Yet Beren was hurt to the death, but lived to place the Silmaril in the hands of Thingol, when Mablung had cut it from the belly of the wolf. Then he spoke not again, until they had borne him with Huan at his side back to the doors of Thingol's halls. There beneath the beech, wherein before she had been im- prisoned, Luthien met them, and kissed Beren ere his spirit departed to the halls of awaiting. So ended the long tale of Luthien and Beren. But not yet was the lay of Leithian, re- lease from bondage, told in full. For it has long been said that Luthien failed and faded swiftly and vanished from the earth, though some songs say that Melian summoned Thorndor, and he bore her living unto Valinor. And she came to the halls of Mandos, and she sang to him a tale of moving love so fair that he was moved to pity, as never has befallen since. Beren he summoned, and thus, as Luthien had sworn as she kissed him at the hour of death, they met beyond the western sea. And Mandos suffered them to de- part, but he said that Luthien should become mortal even as her lover, and should leave the earth once more in the man- ner of mortal women, and her beauty become but a mem- ory of song. So it was, but it is said that in recompense Mandos gave to Beren and to Luthien thereafter a long span of life and joy, and they wandered knowing thirst nor cold in the fair land of Broseliand, and no mortal Man thereafter spoke to Beren or his spouse.> Yet he came back into these tales when one more sad than his was done. * 1. Second > Third (late change); see $9 note 19. 2. Broseliand > Beleriand, as previously. 3. Mountains of Shadow > Mountains of Terror (see III. 170 - 1). 4. Curufin struck through and Cele[gorm] written above (late change). 5. Great > Hither (cf. $3 note 8). 6. This sentence, from Thingol in wrath, emended to: Thingol was wroth, and would have gone to war with them as is later told. 7. Himling > Himring, as in $9 note 21 (late change). 8. Carcharas > Carcharoth at all occurrences. 9. Added here: Dire and dreadful was that beast; and songs have also named him Borosaith, Everhungry, and Anfauglin, Jaws of Thirst. 10. Added here: ere Angband's fall 11. Late addition in the margin: Thorndor bore them over Gondolin to Brethil. 12. save Maglor son of Feanor, and Tinfang Warble > and Maglor son of Feanor and Tinfang Gelion alone are named with him. 13. Added here: where long he made secret music in memory of Luthien. 14. Added here: and he bade him farewell, and that was the third and last time Huan spoke. 15. This sentence emended to: and they wandered knowing neither thirst nor cold upon the confies of Geleidhian in fair Ossiriand, Land of Seven Streams, Gwerth-i-cuina, the Living Dead; and no monal Man thereafter, &c. 11. Now' it must be told that Maidros son of Feanor per- ceived that Morgoth was not unassailable after the deeds of Huan and Luthien and the breaking of the towers of Thu,(2) but that he would destroy them all one by one, if they did not form again a league and council. This was the Union of Maidros and wisely planned. The scattered Ilkorins and Men were gathered together, while the forces of Maidros made ever fiercer assaults from Himling,' and drove back the Orcs and took their spies. The smithies of Nogrod and Belegost were busy in those days making mail and sword and spear for many armies, and much of the wealth and jewelry of Elves and Men they got into their keeping in that time, though they went not themselves to war. 'For we do not know the rights of this quarrel,' they said, 'and we are friends of neither side - until it hath the mastery.' Thus great and splendid was the army of Maidros, but the oath and the curse did injury to his design. All the hosts of Hithlum, Gnomes and Men, were ready to his summons, and Finweg (4) and Turgon and Huor and Hurin were their chiefs.' Orodreth would not march from Narog at the word of Maidros, because of the death of Felagund, and the deeds of Curufin and Celegorm.(6) Yet he suffered a small company of the bravest, who would not endure to be idle when the great war was afoot, to go North. Their leader was the young Flinding son of Fuilin, most daring of the scouts of Nargothrond; but they took the devices of the house of Finweg and went beneath his ban ners, and came never back, save one.' From Doriath none came.' For Maidros and his brethren had before sent unto Doriath and reminded Thingol with exceedingly haughty words of their oath, and summoned him to yield up the Silmaril. This Melian counselled him to do, and maybe he would have done, but their words were overproud, and he thought how the jewel had been gained by the sorrows of Thingol's people,' and despite the crooked deeds of the sons of Feanor; and greed" too, it may be, had some part in the heart of Thingol, as after- wards was shown. Wherefore he sent the messengers of Maidros back in scorn. Maidros said nought, for at that time he was beginning to ponder the reunion of the forces of the Elves. But Celegorm and Curufin vowed aloud to slay Thingol or any of his folk they should ever see, by night or day, in war or peace. For this reason Thingol went not forth,(13) nor any out of Doriath save Mablung, and Beleg who obeyed no man. Now came the day when Maidros sent forth his sum- mons and the Dark-elves, save out of Doriath, marched to his banner, and Men from East and South. But Finweg and Turgon and the Men of Hithlum were gathered in the West upon the borders of the Thirsty Plain, waiting for the signal of the advancing standards from the East. It may be that Maidros delayed too long gathering his forces; certain it is that secret emissaries of Morgoth went among the camps, thrall-Gnomes or things in elfin form, and spread forebod- ing and thoughts of disunion. To Men they went most, and the fruit of their words was later seen. Long the army waited in the West, and fear of treachery fell upon them, when Maidros came not, and the hot hearts of Finweg and Turgon became impatient.'4 They sent their heralds across the plain and their silver trumpets rang; and they summoned the hosts of Morgoth to come out. Then Morgoth sent forth a force, great and yet not too great. And Finweg was moved to attack from the woods at the feet of the Shadowy Mountains where he lay hid. But Hurin spoke against it. Then Morgoth led forth one of the heralds of Finweg that he had wrongfully taken prisoner and slew him upon the plain, so that the watchers from afar might see - for far and clear do the eyes of the Gnomes behold things in bright air. Then the wrath of Finweg burst its bonds and his army leaped forth to sudden onslaught. This was as Morgoth de- signed, but it is said that he reckoned not the true number of their array, nor knew yet the measure of their valour, and well nigh his plan went ill. Ere his army could be suc- coured they were overwhelmed, and that day there was a greater slaughter of the servants of Morgoth than there yet had been, and the banners of Finweg were raised before the walls of Angband. Flinding, it is said, and the men of Nargothrond burst even within the gates; and fear came on Morgoth on his throne. But they were slain or taken, for no help came." By other secret gates Morgoth let issue forth the main host that he had kept in waiting, and Finweg and the Men of Hithlum were beaten back from the walls. Then in the plain began the Battle of Unnumbered Tears,' of which no song or tale tells the full, for the voice of the teller is whelmed in lamentation. The host of the Elves was surrounded. Yet in that hour there marched up at last the banners of Maidros and his allies from the East. Even yet the Elves might have won the day, for the Orcs wavered. But as the vanguard of Maidros came upon the Orcs, Morgoth let loose his last forces, and all Angband was empty. There came wolves and serpents, and there came Balrogs like fire, and there came the first of all the dragons, the eldest of all the Worms of Greed. Glomund was his name and long had his terror been noised abroad, though he was not come to his full growth and evil, and seldom had he been seen.(17) Thus Morgoth strove to hinder the joining of the hosts of the Elves, but this the Eldar say he would not even so have achieved, had not the captains of Men in the hosts of Maidros turned and fled, and their number was very great. Treachery or cowardice or both was the cause of that grievous wrong. But worse is to tell, for the swart Men, whom Uldor the Accursed led, went over to the foe and fell upon Maidros' flank. From that day were Elves estranged from Men, unless it be from the chil- dren of the children of Hador.(18) There Finweg fell in flame of swords, and a fire it is said burst from his helm when it was cloven; but he was beaten to the earth and his white banners were trodden under foot. Then the army of the West, sundered from Maidros, fell back as best it could win its way, step by step, towards the Shadowy Mountains or even the dreadful fringes of Taur- na-Fuin. But Hurin did not retreat, and he held the rear- guard, and all the Men of Hithlum and his brother Huor were there slain about him in a heap, so that not one came back with tidings to their home. The valiant stand of Hurin is still remembered by the Elves, for by it was Turgon en- abled to cleave his way from the field and save part of his battle, and rescue his people from the hills, and escape southward to Sirion. Renowned in song is the axe of Hurin that slew a hundred Orcs, but the magic helm that Gumlin his sire bequeathed him he did not wear that day. Thereon was set in mockery the image of the head of Glomund, and oft it had gone into victory, so that the Men of Hithlum said: We have a dragon of more worth than theirs. It was Telchar's work, the great smithy of Belegost, but it would not have availed Hurin on that field, for by the command of Morgoth he was taken alive, grasped by the hideous arms of the uncounted Orcs, till he was buried beneath them. Maidros and the sons of Feanor wrought great slaughter on Orc and Balrog and traitor Man that day, but the dragon they did not slay and the fire of his breath was the death of many. And they were driven in the end far away, and the Gorge of Aglon was filled with Orcs and the hill of Himling with the people of Morgoth. But the seven sons of Feanor, though each was wounded, were not slain. o Great was the triumph of Morgoth. The bodies of his en- emies that were slain were piled in a mound like a great hill upon Dor-na-Fauglith, but there the grass came and grew green in that place alone in all the desert, and no Orc there- after trod upon the earth beneath which the Gnomish swords crumbled into rust. The realm of Finweg was no more, the sons of Feanor wandered in the East, fugitives in the Blue Mountains. The armies of Angband ranged all the North. To Hithlum Morgoth sent Men who were his ser- vants or afraid of him. South and East his Orcs went in plunder and ruin-, well nigh all Broseliand (22) they overran. Doriath yet held where Thingol lived, and Nargothrond. But he heeded these not much as yet, maybe because he knew little of them. But one thing grievously marred his triumph, and great was his wrath when he thought of it. This was the escape of Turgon, and in no way could he learn whither that king had gone." Hurin was now brought before Morgoth and defied him. He was chained in torment. Afterward Morgoth remember- ing that treachery or the fear of it, and especially the treach- ery of Men, alone would work the ruin" of the Gnomes, came to Hurin and offered him honour and freedom and a wealth of jewels, if he would lead an army against Turgon, or even tell him whither that king had gone; for he knew that Hurin was close in the counsels of the sons of Fingolfin. But Hurin mocked him. Therefore Morgoth de- vised a cruel punishment. Upon the highest peak of Thangorodrim he set him chained upon a chair of stone, and he cursed him with a curse of never-sleeping sight like unto the Gods, but his kin and seed he cursed with a fate of sorrow and ill-chance, and bade Hurin sit there and watch the unfolding of it. * The first part of this section was heavily but hastily and roughly emended, on top of the careful alterations that belong to an earlier 'layer'. In three of the following notes (7, 14, 15) I give the final text of the passages that were most changed. 1. Scribbled in the margin is Swarthy Men, apparently with a mark of insertion to this point in the narrative. 2. the towers of Thu > Sauron's tower (late change). 3. This sentence emended to read: The Dark-elves were summoned again from afar, and Men of the East were gathered together; and the forces of Maidros sallied forth from Himling (late change). Himling > Himring subsequently. 4. Finweg > Fingon throughout, as previously. 5. Added here: Yet less was the aid that Maidros had of Men than should have been, because of the wounding of Beren in the wood; and (Orodreth would nor march, &c.) 6. Celegorm > Celegorn at both occurrences (this change has not been made previously). 7. This paragraph, after the changes given in notes 4-6, was rewritten later (introducing the later story of the foundation of Gondolin), thus: All the hosts of Hithlum, Gnomes and Men, were ready to his sum mons; and Fingon and Huor and Hurin were their chiefs. And Turgon himself deeming that haply the hour of deliverance was at hand came forth himself unlooked for, and he brought a great army, and they encamped before the West Pass in sight of the walls of Hithlum, and there was joy among the people of Fingon his brother. [An addition here was struck out, no doubt at the time of writing, and replaced by a different statement about the folk of Haleth below: The folk of Haleth made ready in the forest of Brethil.] Yet less was the aid that Maidros had of Men than should have been, because of the wounding of Beren in the wood; for the folk of Haleth abode in the forest, and few came to war. Orodreth, moreover, would not march from Narog at the word of Maidros, because of the death of Felagund, and the deeds of Curufin and Celegorn. Yet he suffered a small company of the bravest, who would not endure to be idle when great war was afoot, to go North. Their leader was Gwindor son of Guilin, a very valiant prince; but they took the devices of the house of Fingon and went beneath his banners, and came never back, save one. 8. From Doriath none came > From Doriath too came scanty aid. 9. Added here: and the anguish of Luthien 10. greed > covetice 11. beginning to ponder > already beginning to devise (late change). 12. This sentence changed to read: vowed aloud to slay Thingol, and de- stroy his folk, if they came victorious from war, and the jewel were not yielded of free-will 13. Thingol went not forth > Thingol fortified his realm, and went not forth 14. From the beginning of the preceding paragraph (Now came the day ...) the text was extensively rewritten in the later 'layer' of change: At length having gathered at last all the strength that he might Maidros appointed a day, and sent word to Fingon and Turgon. Now for a while the Gnomes had victory, and the Orcs were driven out of Beleriand, and hope was renewed; but Morgoth was aware of all that was done, and he took counsel against their uprising, and he sent forth his spies and emissaries among Elves and Men, but especially did these come unto the Swarthy Men, and to the sons of Ulfang. Upon the East under the banner of Maidros were all the folk of the sons of Feanor, and they were many; and the Dark-elves coming from the South were with him, and the battalions of the Easterlings, with the sons of Bor and Ulfang. But Fingon and Turgon and the Men of Hithlum and such as came from the Falas and from Nargothrond were gathered ready in the West upon the borders of the Thirsty Plain, waiting under the banner of Fingon for the signal of the advancing standards from the East. But Maidros was delayed upon the road by the machinations of Uldor the Accursed son of Ulfang, and ever the secret emissaries of Morgoth went among the camps, thrall-Gnomes or things in elvish form, and spread foreboding and thoughts of treason. Long the army waited in the West, and fear of treachery grew in their thought, when Maidros came not. Then the hot hearts Fingon and Turgon became impatient. 15. This passage, from Flinding, it is said, was changed by late emenda- tion to read: Gwindor son of Guilin, it is said, and the men of Nargothrond were in the forefront of the battle and burst within the gates; and they slew the Orcs in the very halls of Morgoth, and fear came on Morgoth on his throne. But at the last Gwindor and his men were all slain or taken, for no help came to them. 16. Added here: Nirnaith Arnediad (late change). 17. Added here: since the second battle of the North. 18. Added here: and of Beor (late change). 19. But Hurin did not retreat > But there Hurin turned to bay 20. The following passage was added here: But their arms were scattered, and their folk minished and dis- persed and their league broken; and they took to a wild and wood- land life, beneath the feet of Eryd-luin [later > Ered-luin], mingling with the Dark-elves, and forgetting their power and glory of old. 21. wandered in the East, fugitives in the Blue Mountains > wandered as leaves before the wind. 22. Broseliand > Beleriand, as previously. 23. The following passage was added here: and his anger was the greater, for it is said that of all the Gnomes he feared and hated most the house and people of Fingolfin, who had harkened never to his lies and blandishments, and came into the North, as has been told, only out of loyalty to their kin. 24. the ruin > the final ruin 12. Morwen (1) the wife of Hurin was left in Hithlum and with her were but two old men too old for war, and maidens and young boys. One of these was Hurin's child, Turin son of Hurin renowned in song. But Morwen was with child once more, and so she stayed and mourned in Hithlum, and went not like Rian wife of Huor to seek for tidings of her lord. The Men' of the faithful race were slain, and Morgoth drove thither in their stead those who had betrayed the Elves, and he penned them behind the Shadowy Mountains, and slew them if they wandered to Broseliand (3) or beyond; and such was all they got of the love and rewards he had promised them. Yet their hearts were turned to evil, and lit- tie love they showed to the women and children of the faithful who had been slain, and most of them they en- slaved. Great was the courage and majesty of Morwen, and many were afraid of her, and whispered that she had learned black magics of the Gnomes.4 But she was poor and well nigh alone, and was succoured in secret by her kinswoman Airin whom Brodda, one of the incoming Men, and mighty among them, had taken to wife. Wherefore it came into her heart to send Turin, who was then seven years of age, to Thingol, that he might not grow up a churl or servant; for Hurin and Beren had been friends of old. The fate of Turin is told in the 'Children of Hurin', and it need not in full be told here, though it is wound with the fates of the Silmarils and the Elves. It is called the Tale of Grief, for it is very sorrowful, and in it are seen the worst of the deeds of Morgoth Bauglir. Turin grew up in Thingol's court, but after a while as Morgoth's power grew news came no more from Hithlum, for it was a long and perilous road, and he heard no more of Nienor his sister who was born after he left his home, nor of Morwen his mother; and his heart was dark and heavy. He was often in battle on the borders of the realm where Beleg the Bowman was his friend, and he came little to the court, and wild and unkempt was his hair and his at- tire, though sweet his voice and sad his song. On a time at the table of the king he was taunted by a foolish Elf, Orgof by name, with his rough garb and strange looks. And Orgof in jest slighted the maidens and wives of the Men of Hithlum. But Turin unwitting of his growing strength slew Orgof with a drinking vessel at the king's board. He fled then the court, and thinking himself an outlaw took to war against all, Elves, Men, or Orcs, that crossed the path of the desperate band he gathered upon the borders of the kingdom, hunted Men and Ilkorins and Gnomes. One day, when he was not among them, his men captured Beleg the Bowman and tied him to a tree, and would have slain him; but Turin returning was smitten with remorse, and re- leased Beleg and forswore war or plunder against all save the Orcs. From Beleg he learned that Thingol had pardoned his deed the day that it was done. Still he went not back to the Thousand Caves; but the deeds that were done on the marches of Doriath by Beleg and Turin were noised in Thingol's halls, and in Angband they were known. Now one of Turin's band was Blodrin son of Ban, a Gnome,' but he had lived long with the Dwarves and was of evil heart and joined Turin for the love of plunder. He loved little the new life in which wounds were more plen- tiful than booty. In the end he betrayed the hiding-places of Turin' to the Orcs, and the camp of Turin was surprised. Blodrin was slain by a chance arrow of his evil allies in the gloom, but Turin was taken alive, as Hurin had been, by the command of Morgoth. For Morgoth began to fear that in Doriath behind the mazes of Melian, where his deeds were hidden from him, save by report,(7) Turin would cheat the doom that he had devised. Beleg was left for dead be- neath a heap of slain. There he was found by Thingol's messengers who came to summon them to a feast in the Thousand Caves. Taken back thither he was healed by Me- lian, and set off alone to track Turin. Beleg was the most marvellous of all woodsmen that have ever been, and his skill was little less than Huan in the following of a trail, though he followed by eye and cunning not by scent. None- theless he was bewildered in the mazes of Deadly Night- shade and wandered there in despair, until he saw the lamp of Flinding Fuilin's son,(8) who had escaped from the mines of Morgoth, a bent and timid shadow of his former shape and mood. From Flinding he learned news of the Orc-band that had captured Turin; and it had delayed long in the lands plundering East among Men, but was now come in great haste, owing to the angry message of Morgoth, and was passing along the Orc-road through Taur-na-Fuin itself. Near the issuing of this road, where it reaches the edge of the forest upon the face of the steep' slopes that lie to the south of the Thirsty Plain, Flinding and Beleg lay and watched the Orcs go by. When the Orcs left the forest and went far down the slopes to camp in a bare dale in sight of Thangorodrim, Beleg and his companion followed them. At night Beleg shot the wolf-sentinels of the Orc-camp, and stole with Flinding into its midst. With the greatest diffi- culty and direst peril they lifted Turin, senseless in a sleep of utter weariness, and brought him out of the camp and laid him in a dell of thick thorn trees high up on the hill- side. In striking" off the bonds Beleg pricked Turin's foot; and he, roused in sudden fear and anger, for the Orcs had often tormented him, found himself free. Then in his mad- ness he seized Beleg's sword, and slew his friend thinking him a foe. The covering of Flinding's lamp fell off at that moment, and Turin saw Beleg's face; and his madness left him and he was turned as to stone. The Orcs, awakened by his cries as he leaped on Beleg, discovered the escape of Turin, but were scattered by a ter- rible storm of thunder and a deluge of rain. In the morning Flinding saw them marching away over the steaming sands of Dor-na-Fauglith. But through all the storm Turin sat without movement; and scarcely could he be roused to help in the burying of Beleg and his bow in the dell of thorns. Flinding afterwards led him, dazed and unwitting, towards safety; and his mind was healed when he drank of the spring of Narog by Ivrin's lake. For his frozen tears were loosed, and he wept, and after his weeping made a song for Beleg, the Bowman's Friendship, which became a battle song of the foes of Morgoth. * 1. Written in the margin against the opening of this section is Take in Helm of Gumlin from page 34. Page 34 in the typescript contains the passage concerning the Helm in $11, p. 142. 2. The Men > Most of the Men 3. Broseliand > Beleriand, as previously. 4. whispered that she had learned black magics from the Gnomes > whispered that she was a witch (late change). 5. a Gnome > a Gnome of Feanor's house 6. the hiding-places of Turin > the hiding-places of Turin beyond the eaves of Doriath 7. save by report > or upon its borders whence came but uncertain re- port 8. Flinding Fuilin's son > Gwindor son of Guilin, and subsequently Flinding > Gwindor (late changes; see 511 note 15). 9. steep > long 10. Added after high up on the hillside: Then Beleg drew his renowned sword, made of iron that fell from heaven as a blazing star, and it would cut all earth-dolven iron. But fate was that day more strong, for in striking, &c. 13. Flinding' led Turin in the end to Nargothrond. There in days long gone' Flinding had loved Finduilas daughter of Orodreth, and he called her Failivrin, which is the gleam on the waters of the fair lake whence Narog comes. But her, heart was turned against her will to Turin, and his to her. Out of loyalty' he fought against his love and Finduilas grew wan and pale, but Flinding perceiving their hearts grew bitter. Turin grew great and mighty in Nargothrond, but he loved not their secret manner of fighting and ambush, and began to long for brave strokes and battle in the open. Then he caused to be forged anew the sword of Beleg, and the craftsmen of Narog made thereof a black blade with shining edges of pale fire; from which sword he became known among them as Mormaglir.(4) With this sword he thought to avenge the death of Beleg the Bowman, and with it he did many mighty deeds; so that the fame of Mormaglir, the Black-sword of Nargothrond, came even unto Doriath and to the ears of Thingol, but the name of Turin was not heard. And long victory dwelt with Mormaglir and the host of the Gnomes of Nargothrond who followed him; and their realm reached even to the sources of Narog, and from the western sea to the marches of Doriath; and there was a stay in the onset of Morgoth. In this time of respite and hope Morwen arose, and leav- ing her goods in the care of Brodda, who had to wife' her kinswoman Airin, she took with her Nienor her daughter, and adventured the long journey to Thingol's halls. There did new grief await her, for she learnt of the loss and van- ishing of Turin; and even as she dwelt a while as the guest of Thingol, in sorrow and in doubt, there came to Doriath the tidings of the fall of Nargothrond; whereat all folk wept. Biding his hour Morgoth had loosed upon the folk of Narog at unawares a great army that he had long prepared, and with the host came that father of the dragons, Glo- mund, who wrought ruin in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. The might of Narog was overwhelmed upon the Guarded Plain, north of Nargothrond; and there fell Flind- ing son of Fuilin,(6) mortally wounded, and dying he refused the succour of Turin, reproaching him, and bidding him, if he would amend the evil he had wrought his friend, to has- ten back to Nargothrond to rescue even with his life, if he could, Finduilas whom they loved, or to slay her else. But the Orc-host and the mighty dragon came upon Nargothrond before Turin could put it in defence, and they overthrew Orodreth and all his remaining folk, and the great halls beneath the earth were sacked and plundered, and all the women and maidens of the folk of Narog were herded as slaves and taken into Morgoth's thraldom. Turin only they could not overcome, and the Orcs fell back be- fore him in terror and amaze, and he stood alone. Thus ever did Morgoth achieve the downfall of men by their own deeds; for but little would men have accounted the woe of Turin had he fallen in brave defence before the mighty doors of Nargothrond. Fire was in the eyes of Turin, and the edges of his sword shone as with flame, and he strode to battle even with Glomund, alone and unafraid. But it was not his fate that day to rid the world of that creeping evil; for he fell under the binding spell of the lidless eyes of Glomund, and he was halted moveless; but Glomund (7) taunted him, calling him deserter of his kin, friend-slayer, and love-thief. And -the dragon offered him his freedom either to follow seeking to rescue his 'stolen love' Finduilas, or to do his duty and go to the rescue of his mother and sister, who were living in great misery in Hithlum (as he said and lied) and nigh to death. But he must swear to abandon one or the other. Then Turin in anguish and in doubt forsook Finduilas against his heart, and against his last word to Flinding (8) (which if he had obeyed, his uttermost fate had not befallen him), and believing the words of the serpent whose spell was upon him, he left the realm of Narog and went to Hithlum. And it is sung that he stopped in vain his ears to keep out the echo of the cries of Finduilas calling on his name as she was borne away; and that sound hunted him: through the woods. But Glomund, when Turin had gone, crept back to Nargothrond and gathered unto himself the greater part of its wealth of gold and gems, and he lay thereon in its deepest hall, and desolation was about him. It is said that Turin came at length to Hithlum, and he found not his mother or his kin; for their hall was empty and their land despoiled, and Brodda had added their goods unto his own. In his wooden hall at his own board Turin slew Brodda; and fought his way from the house, but must needs afterward flee from Hithlum.(9) There was a dwelling of free Men in the wood, the rem- nant of the people of Haleth, son of Hador and brother of Gumlin the grandsire of Turin. They were the last of the Men that were Elf-friends to linger in Beleriand,(10) neither subdued by Morgoth, nor penned in Hithlum beyond the Shadowy Mountains. They were small in numbers, but bold, and their houses were in the green woods about the River Taiglin that enters the land of Doriath ere it joins with the great waters of Sirion, and maybe some magic of Melian had yet protected them. Down from the sources of Taiglin that issues from the Shadowy Mountains Turin came seeking for the trail of the Orcs that had plundered Nargothrond and must pass that water on their road back to the realm of Morgoth. Thus he came upon the woodmen and learned tidings of Finduilas; and then he thought that he had tasted his fill of woe, yet it was not so. For the Orcs had marched nigh to the borders of the woodmen, and the woodmen had am- bushed them, and come near to rescuing their captives. But few had they won away, for the Orc-guards had slain most of them cruelly; and among them Finduilas had been pierced with spears,(11) as those few who had been saved told him amid their tears. So perished the last of the race of Finrod fairest of Elven-kings, and vanished from the world of Men. Grim was the heart of Turin and all the deeds and days of his life seemed vile; yet the courage of the race of Hador was as a core of unbent steel. There Turin vowed to re- nounce his past, his kin, his name, and all that had been his, save hatred of Morgoth; and he took a new name, Turambar (Turumarth (12) in the forms of Gnomish speech), which is Conqueror of Fate; and the woodmen gathered to him, and he became their lord, and ruled a while in peace. Tidings came now more clear to Doriath of the fall of Orodreth and the destruction of all the folk of Narog, though fugitives no more than could be counted on the hands came ever into safety there, and uncertain was their report. Yet thus was it known to Thingol and to Morwen that Mormaglir was Turin; and yet too late; for some said that he had escaped and fled,' and some told that he had been turned to stone by the dreadful eyes of Glomund and lived still enthralled in Nargothrond. At last Thingol yielded so far to the tears and entreaties of Morwen that he sent forth a company of Elves toward Nargothrond to explore the truth. With them rode Morwen, for she might not be restrained; but Nienor was bidden to remain behind. Yet the fearlessness of her house was hers, and in evil hour, for love and care of her mother, she dis- guised herself as one of the folk of Thingol, and went with that ill-fated riding. They viewed Narog afar from the summit of the tree-clad Hill of Spies to the east of the Guarded Plain, and thence they rode down greatly daring towards the banks of Narog. Morwen remained upon the hill with scanty guard and watched them from afar. Now in the days of victory when the folk of Narog had gone forth once more to open war, a bridge had been built across the river before the doors of the hidden city (and this had proved their undoing). Towards this bridge the Elves of Doriath now came, but Glomund was aware of their coming, and he issued forth on a sudden and lay into the stream, and a vast and hissing va- pour arose and engulfed them. This Morwen saw from the hill-top, and her guards would not stay longer but fled back to Doriath taking her with them. In that mist the Elves were overwhelmed, and their horses were stricken with panic, and they fled hither and thither and could not find their fellows; and the most part returned never back to Doriath. But when the mist cleared Nienor found that her wandering had taken her only back unto the banks of Narog, and before her lay Glomund, and his eye was upon her. Dreadful was his eye, like to the eye of Morgoth his master who had made him, and as she gazed perforce upon it a spell of darkness and utter forget- fulness fell upon her mind. Thence she wandered witless in the woods, as a wild creature without speech or thought. When her madness left her, she was far from the borders of Nargothrond, she knew not where; and she remembered not her name or home. Thus was she found by a band of Orcs and pursued as a beast of the woods; but she was saved by fate. For a party of the woodmen of Turambar in whose land they were fell upon the Orcs and slew them; and Turambar himself placed her upon his horse and bore her to the woodmen's pleasant homes. He named her Niniel, Tear-maiden, for he had first seen her weeping. There is a narrow gorge and a high and foaming fall in the river Taiglin, that the woodmen called the Falls of Silver- bowl;(14) and this fair place they passed as they rode home, and would camp there as they were wont; but Niniel would not stay, for a chill and a mortal shivering took her in that place. Yet afterwards she found some peace in the dwellings of the woodmen, who treated her with kindliness and honour. There she won the love of Brandir, son of Handir, son of Haleth; but he was lame of foot, being wounded by an Orc- arrow as a child, and uncomely and of less might than many, wherefore he had yielded the rule to Turin at the choice of the woodfolk. He was gentle of heart and wise of thought, and great was his love, and he was ever true to Turambar; yet bitter was his soul when he might not win the love of Niniel. For Niniel would not be parted ever from the side of Turambar, and great love was ever be- tween those twain from the hour of their first meeting. Thus Turin Turambar thinking to cast off his ancient woes was wed to Nienor Niniel, and fair was the feast in the woods of Taiglin. Now the power and malice of Glomund waxed apace and well-nigh all the realm of Nargothrond of old he laid waste, both west of Narog and beyond it to the east; and he gath- ered Orcs to him and ruled as a dragon-king; and there were battles on the marches of the woodmen's land, and the Orcs fled. Wherefore learning of their dwelling, Glomund issued from Nargothrond, and came crawling, filled with fire, over the lands and to the borders of the woods of Taiglin, leaving behind him a trail of burning. But Turambar pondered how the horror could be warded from his people; and he marched forth with his men, and Niniel rode with them, her heart foreboding ill, until they could descry afar the blasted track of the dragon and the smoking place where he now lay, west of the deep-cloven bed of Taiglin. Between them lay the steep ravine of the river, whose waters had in that spot fallen, but a little way before, over the foaming fall of Silver-bowl. There Turambar thought of a desperate counsel, for he knew but too well the might and malice of Glomund. He resolved to lie in wait in the ravine over which the dragon must pass, if he would reach their land. Six of his boldest men begged to come with him; and at evening they climbed up the further side of the ravine and clung in hiding among the bushes at its brink. In the night the great dragon moved nigh to the river, and the rumour of his approach filled them with fear and loathing. Indeed in the morning all had slunk away leaving Turambar only. The next evening, when Turambar was now nearly spent, Glomund began the passage of the ravine, and his huge form passed over Turambar's head. There Turambar trans- fixed Glomund with Gurtholfin, Wand-of-Death, his black sword; and Glomund coiled back in anguish and lay dying nigh to the river's brink and came not into the woodmen's land. But he wrested the sword from Turambar's grasp in his throes, and Turambar came now forth from hiding, and placed his foot upon Glomund and in exultation drew out his sword. Greedy was that blade and very fast in the wound, and as Turambar wrenched it with all his might, the venom of the dragon spouted on his hand and in the an- guish of its burning he fell in a swoon. So it was that the watchers from afar perceived that Glomund had been slain,'yet Turambar did not return. By the light of the moon Niniel went forth without a word to seek him, and ere she had long gone Brandir missed her and followed after. But Niniel found Turambar lying as one dead beside the body of Glomund. There as she wept be- side Turambar and sought to tend him, Glomund opened his eyes for the last time, and spake, telling her the true. name of Turambar; and thereafter he died, and with his death the spell of forgetfulness was lifted from Niniel, and she remembered her kin. Filled with horror and anguish, for she was with child, she fled and cast herself over the heights of Silver-bowl, and none ever found her body. Her last lament ere she cast herself away was heard only by Brandir; and his back was bowed and his head turned grey in that night. In the morn Turin awoke and found that one had tended his hand. Though it pained him grievously, he returned in triumph filled with joy for the death of Glomund, his an- cient foe; and he asked for Niniel, but none dared tell him, save Brandir. And Brandir distraught with grief reproached him; wherefore Turin slew him, and taking Gurtholfin red with blood bade it slay its master; and the sword answered that his blood was as sweet as any other, and it pierced him to the heart as he fell upon it. Turin they buried nigh to the edge of Silver-bowl, and his name Turin Turambar was carved there upon a rock. Beneath was written Nienor Niniel. Men changed the name of that place thereafter to Nen-Girith, the Shuddering Water. So ended the tale of Turin the unhappy; and it has ever been held the worst of the works of Morgoth in the ancient world. Some have said that Morwen, wandering woefully from Thingol's halls, when she found Neinor not there on her return, came on a time to that stone and read it, and there died. * 1. Flinding > Gwindor at all occurrences, as previously (late changes). 2. in days long gone > in days before (late change). 3. Out of loyalty > Out of loyalty to Gwindor (late change). 4. Added here: but the sword he named Gurtholfin, Wand-of-Death. 5. The words Brodda, who had to wife struck through (late change), so the sentence reads leaving her goods in the care of her kinswoman Airin 6. Flinding son of Fuilin > Gwindor son of Guilin (late change). This passage, from and he was halted moveless, was extended: and long time he stood there as one graven of stone silent before the dragon, until they two alone were left before the doors of Nargothrond. Then Glomund taunted him, &c. 8. and against his last word to Flinding struck though. 9. This sentence rewritten to read: Then Turin knew the lie of Glomund, and in his anguish and in his wrath for the evil that had been done to his mother he slew Brodda at his own board and fought his way from the house; and in the night, a hunted man, he fled from Hithlum. 10. Beleriand here as originally typed, not emended from Broseliand; and subsequently. 11. and among them Finduilas had been pierced > and Finduilas they fastened to a tree and pierced 12. Turumarth > Turamarth 13. This passage, from came ever into safety there, was altered thus; ... came ever into safety in Doriath. Thus was it known to Thingol and to Morwen that Mormaglir was Turin himself; and yet too late they learned this; for some said that he was slain, and some told, &c. 14. Ealls of Silver-bowl > Falls of Celebros, Foam-silver; and subse- quently Silver-bowl > Celebros. 14. But after the death of Turin and Nienor, Hurin was re- leased by Morgoth, for Morgoth thought still to use him; and he accused Thingol of faint heart and ungentleness, saying that only thus had his purpose been brought about; and Hurin distraught, wandering bowed with grief, pon- dered these words, and was embittered by them, for such is the way of the lies of Morgoth. Hurin gathered therefore a few outlaws of the woods unto him, and they came to Nargothrond, which as yet none, Orc, Elf, or Man, had dared to plunder, for dread of the spirit of Glomund and his very memory. But one Mim the Dwarf they found there. This is the first coming of the Dwarves into these tales' of the ancient world; and it is said that Dwarves first spread west from Erydluin,(2) the Blue Mountains, into Beleriand after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Now Mim had found the halls and treasure of Nargothrond unguarded; and he took possession of them, and sat there in joy fingering the gold and gems, and letting them run ever through his hands; and he bound them to himself with many spells. But the folk of Mim were few, and the outlaws filled with the lust of the treasure slew them, though Hurin would have stayed them, and at his death Mim cursed the gold. And the curse came upon the possessors in this wise. Each one of Hurin's company died or was slain in quarrels upon the road; but Hurin went unto Thingol and sought his aid, and the folk of Thingol bore the treasure to the Thou- sand Caves. Then Hurin bade cast it all at the feet of Thingol, and he reproached the Elfking with wild and bitter words. 'Receive thou,' said he, 'thy fee for thy fair keeping of my wife and kin.' Yet Thingol would not take the hoard, and long he bore with Hurin; but Hurin scorned him, and wandered forth in quest of Morwen his wife, but it is not said that he found her ever upon the earth; and some have said that he cast himself at last into the western sea, and so ended the might- iest of the warriors of mortal Men. Then the enchantment of the accursed dragon gold began to fall even upon the king of Doriath, and long he sat and gazed upon it, and the seed of the love of gold that was in his heart was waked to growth. Wherefore he summoned the greatest of all craftsmen that now were in the western world, since Nargothrond was no more (and Gondolin was not known), the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost, that they might fashion the gold and silver and the gems (for much was yet unwrought) into countless vessels and fair things; and a marvellous necklace of great beauty they should make, whereon to hang the Silmaril. But the Dwarves coming were stricken at once with the lust and desire of the treasure, and they plotted treachery. They said one to another: 'Is not this wealth as much the right of the Dwarves as of the elvish king, and was it not wrested evilly from Mim?' Yet also they lusted for the Silmaril. And Thingol, falling deeper into the thraldom of the spell, for his part scanted his promised reward for their la- bour; and bitter words grew between them, and there was battle in Thingol's halls. There many Elves and Dwarves were slain, and the howe wherein they were laid in Doriath was named Cum-nan-Arasaith, the Mound of Avarice. But the remainder of the Dwarves were driven forth without re- ward or fee. Therefore gathering new forces in Nogrod and in Belegost they returned at length, and aided by the treachery of certain Elves on whom the lust of the accursed treasure had fallen they passed into Doriath secretly. There they sur- prised Thingol upon a hunt with but small company of arms; and Thingol was slain, and the fortress of the Thou- sand Caves taken at unawares and plundered; and so was brought well nigh to ruin the glory of Doriath, and but one stronghold of the Elves against Morgoth now remained, and their twilight was nigh at hand. Queen Melian the Dwarves could not seize or harm, and she went forth to seek Beren and Luthien. Now the Dwarf- road to Nogrod and Belegost in the Blue Mountains passed through East Beleriand and the woods about the River Ascar,(3) where aforetime were the hunting grounds of Damrod and Diriel, sons of Feanor. To the south of those lands between the river and the mountains lay the land of Assariad, and there (4) lived and wandered still in peace and bliss Beren and Luthien, in that time of respite which Luthien had won, ere both should die; and their folk were the Green Elves of the South, who were not of the Elves of Cor,' nor of Doriath, though many had fought at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. But Beren went no more to war, and his land was filled with loveliness and a wealth of flowers; and while Beren was and Luthien remained Men called it oft Cuilwarthien,(6) the Land of the Dead that Live. To the north of that region is a ford across the river Ascar, near to its joining with Duilwen (7) that falls in torrents from the mountains; and that ford is named Sarn-athra,(8) the Ford of Stones. This ford the Dwarves must past ere they reached their homes," and there Beren fought his last fight, warned of their approach by Melian. In that battle the Green Elves took the Dwarves unawares as they were in the midst of their passage, laden with their plunder; and the Dwarvish chiefs were slain, and well nigh all their host. But Beren took the Nauglafring, o the Necklace of the Dwarves, whereon was hung the Silmaril; and it is said and sung that Luthien wearing that necklace and that immortal jewel on her white breast was the vision of greatest beauty and glory that has ever been seen outside the realms of Valinor, and that for a while the Land of the Dead that Live became like a vision of the land of the Gods, and no places have been since so fair, so fruitful, or so filled with light. Yet Melian warned them ever of the curse that lay upon the treasure and upon the Silmaril. The treasure they had drowned indeed in the river Ascar, and named it anew Rathlorion,(11) Golden-Bed, yet the Silmaril they retained. And in time the brief hour of the loveliness of the land of Rathlorion departed. For Luthien faded as Mandos had spo- ken, even as the Elves of later days faded, when Men waxed strong and usurped the goodness of the earth; and she vanished from the world; and Beren died, and none know where their meeting shall be again." Thereafter was Dior Thingol's heir, child of Beren and Luthien, king in the woods, most fair of all the children of the world, for his race was threefold: of the fairest and goodliest of Men, and of the Elves, and of the spirits divine of Valinor; yet it shielded him not from the fate of the oath of the sons of Feanor. For Dior went back to Doriath and for a time a part of its ancient glory was raised anew, though Melian no longer dwelt in that place, and she de- parted to the land of the Gods beyond the western sea, to muse on her sorrows in the gardens whence she came. But Dior wore the Silmaril upon his breast and the fame of that jewel went far and wide; and the deathless oath was waked once more from sleep. The sons of Feanor, when he would not yield the jewel unto them, came" upon him with all their host; and so befell the second slaying of Elf by Elf, and the most grievous. There fell Celegorm and Curufin and dark Cranthir, but Dior was slain," and Doriath was destroyed and never rose again. Yet the sons of Feanor gained not the Silmaril; for faith- ful servants fled before them and took with them Elwing the daughter of Dior, and she escaped, and they bore with them the Nauglafring, and came in time to the mouth of the river Sirion by the sea. * 1. This is the first coming of the Dwarves into these tales > Now for the first time did the Dwarves take part in these tales 2. Eryd-luin > Ered-luin (late change). 3. Ascar > Flend > Gelion at the first two occurrences, but left un- changed at the third. 4. This sentence emended to read: To the south of those lands between the river Flend [> Gelion ] and the mountains lay the land of Ossiriand, watered by seven streams, Flend [> Gelion], Ascar, Thalos, Loeglin [> Legolin ], Brilthor, Duilwen, Adurant. There leved, &c. (The rivers were first written Flend, Ascar, Thalos, Loeglin, Brilthor, Adurant. Duilwen was then added between Thalos and Loeglin; then Legolin replaced Loeglin and Duilwen was moved to stand between Brilthor and Adurant.) 5. Cor > Kor, as previously. 6. Men called it oft Cuilwarthien > Elves called it oft Gwenh-i-cuina (see $10 note 15). 7. Duilwen > Ascar (see p. 285, entry Dwarf-road). 8. Sarn-athra > Sarn-athrad. 9. ere they reached their homes > ere they reached the mountain passes that led unto their homes 10. Nauglafring > Nauglamir at both occurrences (late changes). 11. Rathlorion > Rathloriel at both occurrences (late changes). 12. Added here: Yet it hath been sung that Luthien alone of Elves hath been num- bered among our race, and goeth whither we go to a fate beyond the world. A large pencilled X is made in the margin against the sentence in the typescript beginning For Luthien faded...; in my father's manu- scripts this always implies that there is some misstatement in the text that requires revision. 13. The words The sons of Feanor, when were struck out, and the sen- tence enlarged thus: For while Luthien wore that peerless gem no Elf would dare assail her, and not even Maidros dared ponder such a thought. But now hearing of the renewal of Doriath and Dior's pride, the seven gath- ered again from wandering; and they sent unto Dior to claim their own. But he would not yield the jewel unto them; and they came, &c. 14. Added here: and his young sons Eldun and Elrun (late change). [For much of this section there exist two typescript texts, the later of the two being longer. Subsequently there is a lot more of such replacement, and I shall call the earlier 'Q I', the later 'Q II'. Q II is given after the notes to Q I.] Here must be told of Gondolin. The great river Sirion, mightiest in elvish song, flowed through all the land of Beleriand and its course was south-west; and at its mouth was a great delta and its lower course ran through green and fertile lands, little peopled save by birds and beasts. Yet the Orcs came seldom there, for it was far from the north- ern woods and fells, and the power of Ulmo waxed ever in that water, as it drew nigh to the sea; for the mouths of that river were in the western sea, whose uttermost borders are the shores of Valinor. Turgon, Fingolfin's son, had a sister, Isfin the white- handed. She was lost in Taur-na-Fuin after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. There she was captured by the Dark-elf Eol, and it is said that he was of gloomy mood, and had de- serted the hosts ere the battle; yet he had not fought on Morgoth's side. But Isfin he took to wife, and their son was Meglin. Now the people of Turgon escaping from the battle, aided by the prowess of Hurin, as has been told, escaped from the knowledge of Morgoth and vanished from all men's eyes; and Ulmo alone knew whither they had gone. Their scouts climbing the heights had come upon a secret place in the mountains: a broad valley' entirely circled by the hills, ringed about it in a fence unbroken, but falling ever lower as they came towards the middle. In the mid- most of this marvellous ring was a wide land and a green plain, wherein was no hill, save for a single rocky height. This stood up dark upon the plain, not right at its centre, but nearest to that part of the outer wall that marched close to the borders of Sirion. Highest were the Encircling Moun- tains towards the North and the threat of Angband, and on their outer slopes to East and North began the shadow of dread Taur-na-Fuin; but they were crowned with the cairn of Fingolfin, and no evil came that way, as yet. In this valley the Gnomes took refuge,' and spells of hid- ing and enchantment were set on all the hills about, that foes and spies might never find it. In this Turgon had the aid of the messages of Ulmo, that came now up the river Sirion; for his voice is to be heard in many waters, and some of the Gnomes had yet the lore to harken. In those days Ulmo was filled with pity for the exiled Elves in their need, and in the ruin that had now almost overwhelmed them. He foretold that the fortress of Gondolin should stand, longest of all the refuges of the Elves against the might of Morgoth,' and like Doriath never be overthrown save by treachery from within. Because of his protecting might the spells of concealment were strongest in those parts nearest to Sirion, though there the Encircling Mountains were at their lowest. There the Gnomes dug a great winding tunnel under the roots of the hills, and its issue was in the steep side, tree-clad and dark, of a gorge through which Sirion ran, at that point still a young stream flowing strongly through the narrow vale between the shoulders of the Encir- cling Mountains and the Shadowy Mountains, in whose northern heights it took its rise. The outer entrance of that passage, which they made at first to be a way of secret issue for themselves and for their scouts and spies, and for a way of return to safety for fu- gitives, was guarded by their magic and the power of Ulmo,4 and no evil thing found it; yet its inner gate which looked upon the vale of Gondolin was guarded unceasingly by the Gnomes.' Thorndor King of Eagles removed his eyries from Thangorodrim to the northward heights of the Encircling: Mountains, and there he kept watch, sitting upon the cairn of King Fingolfin. But on the rocky hill amid the vale, Amon Gwareth, the Hill of Watch, whose sides they pol- ished to the smoothness of glass, and whose top they lev- elled, the Gnomes built the great city of Gondolin with gates of steel, whose fame and glory is greatest of all dwellings of the Elves in the Outer Lands. The plain all about they levelled, that it was as smooth and flat as a lawn of grass until nigh unto the feet of the hills; and nothing might walk or creep across unseen. In that city the folk waxed mighty, and their amouries were filled with weapons and with shields, for they pur- posed yet to come forth to war when the hour was ripe. But as the years drew on they grew to love that place, and de- sired no better. and few ever issued forth,(6) they shut them behind their impenetrable and enchanted hills, and suffered ' none to enter, fugitive or foe, and tidings of the outer world came but faint and far, and they heeded them little, and for- got the messages of Ulmo. They succoured not Nargo- thrond or Doriath, and the wandering Elves knew not how to find them; and when Turgon learned of the slaying of Dior, he vowed never to march with any son of Feanor, and closed his realm, forbidding any of his folk to go ever forth.' Gondolin now alone remained of all the strongholds of the Elves. Morgoth forgot not Turgon, and knew that with- out knowledge of that king his triumph could not be achieved; yet his search unceasing was in vain. Nargo- thrond was void, Doriath desolate, the sons of Feanor driven away to a wild woodland life in the South and East, Hithlum was filled with evil men, and Taurna-Fuin was a place of nameless dread; the race of Hador was at an end, and the house of Finrod; Beren came no more to war, and Huan was slain; and all Elves and Men bowed to his will, or laboured as slaves in the mines and smithies of Ang- band, save only the wild and wandering, and few there Were of these save far in the East of once fair Beleriand. His triumph was near complete, and yet was not quite full.(8) * 1. This sentence was rewritten thus: Ulmo alone knew whither they had gone; for they returned to the hidden city of Gondolin that Turgon had built. In a secret place in the mountains there was a broad valley, &c. 2. the Gnomes took refuge > Turgon had taken refuge 3. At this point the replacement text Q II begins. 4. the power of Ulmo > the power of Sirion beloved of Ulmo 5. The following passage was added in pencil in the margin without di- rection for insertion. For its place in Q II, where it is embodied in the text, see below. For Turgon deemed after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears that Morgoth had grown too mighty for Elves and Men, and that it were better to ask the forgiveness and aid of the Valar ere all was lost. Wherefore some of his folk would at whiles go down Sirion, and a small and secret haven they there made, whence ever and anon ships would set forth into the West. Some came back driven by contrary winds, but many never returned; and none reached Valinor. 6. Added here: and they sent no more messengers into the West; 7. Here the replacement text Q II ends. 8. Added at the end: In this wise came the fall of Gondolin. $15 in the Q II version (see note 3 above). and like Doriath never be overthrown save by treachery from within. Because of his protecting might the spells of" concealment were strongest in those parts nearest to Sirion, though there the Encircling Mountains were at their lowest.: In that region the Gnomes dug a great winding tunnel under the roots of the hills, and its issue was in the steep side, tree-clad and dark, of a gorge through which the blissful river ran. There he was still a young stream, but strong, flowing down the narrow vale that lies between the shoul- ders of the Encircling Mountains and the Mountains of Shadow, Eryd-Lomin,(1) the walls of Hithlum, in whose northern heights he took his rise.(2) That passage they made at first to be a way of return for fugitives and for such as escaped from the bondage of Morgoth; and most as an issue for their scouts and messen- gers. For Turgon deemed, when first they came into that yale after the dreadful battle,' that Morgoth Bauglir had grown too mighty for Elves and Men, and that it were bet- ter to seek the forgiveness and aid of the Valar, if either might be got, ere all was lost. Wherefore some of his folk went down the river Sirion at whiles, ere the shadow of Morgoth yet stretched into the uttermost parts of Beleriand, and a small and secret haven they made at his mouth; thence ever and anon ships would set forth into the West bearing the embassy of the Gnomish king. Some there were that came back driven by contrary winds; but the most never returned again, and none reached Valinor. The issue of that Way of Escape was guarded and con- cealed by the mightiest spells they could contrive, and by the power that dwelt in Sirion beloved of Ulmo, and no thing of evil found it; yet its inner gate, which looked upon the vale of Gondolin, was watched unceasingly by the Gnomes. In those days Thorndor' King of Eagles removed his ey- ries from Thangorodrim, because of the power of Morgoth, and the stench and fumes, and the evil of the dark clouds that lay now ever upon the mountain-towers above his cav- ernous halls. But Thorndor dwelt upon the northward heights of the Encircling Mountains, and he kept watch and saw many things, sitting upon the cairn of King Fingolfin. And in the vale below dwelt Turgon Fingolfin's son. Upon Amon Gwareth, the Hill of Defence, the rocky height amidst the plain, was built Gondolin the great, whose fame and glory is mightiest in song of all dwellings of the Elves these Outer Lands. Of steel were its gates and of marble were its walls. The sides of the hill the Gnomes polished to the smoothness of dark glass, and its top they levelled for the building of their town, save amidmost where stood the tower and palace of the king. Many fountains there were in that city, and white waters fell shimmering down the glis- tening sides of Amon Gwareth. The plain all about they smoothed till it became as a lawn of shaven grass from the stairways before the gates unto the feet of the mountain wall, and nought might walk or creep across unseen. In that city the folk waxed mighty, and their armouries were filled with weapons and with shields; for they pur- posed at first to come forth to war, when the hour was ripe. But as the years drew on, they grew to love that place, the work of their hands, as the Gnomes do, with a great love, and desired no better. Then seldom went any forth from Gondolin on errand of war or peace again. They sent no messengers more into the West, and Sirion's haven was desolate. They shut them behind their impenetrable and en- chanted hills, and suffered none to enter, though he fled from Morgoth hate-pursued; tidings of the lands without came to them faint and far, and they heeded them little; and their dwelling became as a rumour, and a secret no man could find. They succoured not Nargothrond nor Doriath, and the wandering Elves sought them in vain; and Ulmo alone knew where the realm of Turgon could be found. Tid- ings Turgon heard of Thorndor concerning the slaying of Dior, Thingol's heir, and thereafter he shut his ear to word of the woes without; and he vowed to march never at the side of any son of Feanor; and his folk he forbade ever to pass the leaguer of the hills. Changes made to this passage. 1. Eryd-Lomin > Eredwethion 2. in whose northern heights he took his rise struck through. 3. This sentence marked with an X in the margin. 4. Thorndor > Thorondor throughout. 16. [A substantial part of this section is again extant both in the original typescript (Q I) and in a replacement text (Q II).] On a time Eol was lost in Taur-na-Fuin, and Isfin came through great peril and dread unto Gondolin, and after her coming none entered until the last messenger of Ulmo, of whom the tales speak more ere the end. With her came her son Meglin, and he was there received by Turgon his moth- er's brother,(1) and though he was half of Dark-elfin' blood he was treated as a prince of Fingolfin's line. He was swart but comely, wise and eloquent, and cunning to win men's hearts and minds. Now Hurin of Hithlum had a brother Huor. The son of Huor was Tuor. Rian Huor's wife sought her husband among the slain upon the field of Unnumbered Tears, and there bewailed him, ere she died. Her son was but a child, and remaining in Hithlum fell into the hands of the faithless Men whom Morgoth drove into that land after the battle; and he became a thrall. Growing of age, and he was fair of face and great of stature, and despite his grievous life val- iant and wise, he escaped into the woods, and he became an outlaw and a solitary, living alone and communing with none save rarely wandering and hidden Elves.(3)' On a time Ulmo contrived, as is told in the Tale of the Fall of Gondolin, that he should be led to a river-course that flowed underground from Lake Mithrim in the midst of Hithlum into a great chasm, Cris-Ilfing,(4) the Rainbow-cleft, through which a turbulent water ran at last into the western sea. And the name of this chasm was so devised by reason of the rainbow that shimmered ever in the sun in that place, because of the abundance of the spray of the rapids and the waterfalls. In this way the flight of Tuor was marked by no Man nor Elf; neither was it known to the Orcs or any spy of Morgoth, with whom the land of Hithlum was filled. Tuor wandered long by the western shores, journeying ever South; and he came at last to the mouths of Sirion, and the sandy deltas peopled by many birds of the sea. There he fell in with a Gnome, Bronweg,' who had escaped from Angband, and being of old of the people of Turgon, sought ever to find the path to the hidden places of his lord, of which rumour ran among all captives and fugitives. Now Bronweg had come thither by far and wandering paths to the East, and little though any step back nigher to the thral- dom from which he had come was to his liking, he pur- posed now to go up Sirion and seek for Turgon in Beleriand. Fearful and very wary was he, and he aided Tuor in their secret march, by night and twilight, so that they were not discovered by the Orcs. They came first into the fair Land of Willows, Nan- Tathrin which is watered by the Narog and by Sirion; and there all things were yet green, and the meads were rich and full of flowers, and there was song of many birds; so that Tuor lingered there as one enchanted, and it seemed sweet to him to dwell there after the grim lands of the North and his weary wandering. There Ulmo came and appeared before him, as he stood in the long grass at evening; and the might and majesty of that vision is told of in the song of Tuor that he made for his son Earendel. Thereafter. the sound of the sea and the longing for the sea was ever in Tuor's heart and ear; and an unquiet was on him at whiles that took him at last into the depths of the realm of Ulmo.' But now Ulmo bade him make all speed to Gondolin, and gave him guidance for the finding of the hidden door; and words were set in his mouth to bear to Turgon, bidding him prepare for battle with Morgoth ere all was lost, and promising that Ulmo would win the hearts of the Valar to send him succour. That would be a mortal and a terrible strife, yet if Turgon would dare it, Morgoth's power should be broken and his servants perish and never after trouble the world. But if Turgon would not go forth to this war, then he must abandon Gondolin and lead his people down Sirion, ere Morgoth could oppose him, and at Sirion's mouth Ulmo would be- friend him, and lend his aid to the building of a mighty fleet wherein the Gnomes should sail back at last to Valinor, but then grievous would be the fate of the Outer Lands. Tuor's part if Turgon should accept the counsels of Ulmo, would be to go forth when Turgon marched to war and lead a force into Hithlum and draw its Men once more, into alliance with the Elves, for 'without Men the Elves shall not prevail against the Orcs and Balrogs'. This errand did Ulmo himself perform out of his love of Elves and of the Gnomes, and because he knew that ere twelve years were passed the doom of Gondolin would come, strong though it seemed, if its people sat still behind their walls. Obedient to Ulmo Tuor and Bronweg journeyed North, and came to the hidden door; and passing down the tunnel neath the hills they came to the inner gate and looked upon the vale of Gondolin, the city of seven names, shining white flushed with the rose of dawn upon the plain. But there they were made captive by the guard of the gate and led before the king. Tuor spoke his embassy to Turgon in the great square of Gondolin before the steps of his palace; but the king was grown proud and Gondolin so fair and beautiful and he was so trustful of its secret and impregna- ble strength, that he and the most of his folk wished no longer to trouble with the Gnomes and Men without, nor did they long more to return to the lands of the Gods. Meglin spake against Tuor in the councils of the king, and Turgon rejected the bidding of Ulmo, and neither did he go forth to war nor seek to fly to the mouths of Sirion; but there were some of his wiser counsellors who were filled with disquiet, and the king's daughter spake ever for Tuor. She was named Idril, one of the fairest of the maidens of the Elves of old, and folk called her Celebrindal, Silver- foot, for the whiteness of her slender feet, and she walked and danced ever unshod. Thereafter Tuor sojourned in Gondolin, and grew a mighty man in form and in wisdom, learning deeply of the lore of the Gnomes; and the heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to hei. At which Meglin ground his teeth, for he loved Idril, and despite his close kinship purposed to Wed her; indeed already he was planning in his heart to oust Turgon and to seize the throne, but Turgon loved and trusted him. Tuor wedded Idril nonetheless, for he had be- come beloved by all the Gnomes of Gondolin, even Turgon the proud, save only Meglin and his secret following. Tuor and Beren alone of mortal Men ever wedded Elves of old, and since Elwing daughter of Dior son of Beren after wed- ded Earendel son of Tuor and Idril, of them alone has come the elfin blood into mortal Men. But yet Earendel was an infant; and he was a child surpassing fair: a light was in his face as of heaven, and he had the beauty and the wisdom of Elfinesse (7) and the strength and hardihood of the Men of old; and the sea spoke ever in his ear and heart, even as with Tuor his father. On a time when Earendel was yet young, and the days of Gondolin were full of joy and peace (and yet Idril's heart misgave her, and foreboding crept upon her spirit like a cloud), Meglin was lost. Now Meglin loved mining and quarrying after metals above other craft; and he was master and leader of the Gnomes who worked in the mountains distant from the city, seeking for metals for their smithying of things both of peace and war. But often Meglin went with few of his folk beyond the leaguer of the hills, though the king knew not that his bidding was defied; and so it came to pass, as fate willed, that Meglin was taken prisoner by the Orcs and taken before Morgoth. Meglin was no weakling or craven, but the torment wherewith he was threatened cowed his soul, and he purchased his life and freedom by revealing unto Morgoth the place of Gondolin and the ways whereby it might be found and assailed. Great indeed was the joy of Morgoth; and to Meglin he promised the lordship of Gondolin, as his vassal, and the possession of Idril, when that city should be taken. Lust for Idril and hatred of Tuor led Meglin the easier to his foul treachery. But Morgoth sent him back to Gondolin, lest men should suspect the betrayal, and so that Meglin should aid the as- sault from within when the hour came; and Meglin abode in the halls of the king with a smile on his face and evil in his heart, while the gloom gathered ever deeper upon Idril- At last, and Earendel was then seven years of age, Morgoth was ready, and he loosed upon Gondolin his Orcs and his Balrogs and his serpents; and of these, dragons of many and dire shapes were now devised for the taking of the city. The host of Morgoth came over the Northern hills where the height was greatest and the watch less vigilant, and it came at night at a time of festival, when all the folk of Gondolin were upon the walls to wait upon the rising sun and sing their songs at its uplifting; for the morrow was the feast which they named the Gates of Summer. But the red light mounted the hills in the North and not in the East; and there was no stay in the advance of the foe until they were beneath the very walls of Gondolin, and Gondolin was beleaguered without hope. Of the deeds of desperate valour there done, by the chief- tains of the noble houses and their warriors, and not least by Tuor, is much told in The Fall of Gondolin; of the death of Rog without the walls; and of the battle of Ecthelion of the Fountain with Gothmog lord of Balrogs in the very square of the king, where each slew the other; and of the defence of the tower of Turgon by the men of his house- hold, until the tower was overthrown; and mighty was its fall and the fall of Turgon in its ruin. Tuor sought to rescue Idril from the sack of the city, but Meglin had laid hands upon her and Earendel; and Tuor fought on the walls with him, and cast him down to death. Then Tuor and Idril led such remnants of the folk of Gondolin as they could gather in the confusion of the burn- ing down a secret way that Idril had let prepare in the days of her foreboding. This was not yet complete, but its issue was already far beyond the walls and in the North of the plain where the mountains were long distant from Amon Gwareth. Those who would not come with them, but fled to the old Way of Escape that led into the gorge of Sirion, were caught and destroyed by a dragon that Morgoth had sent to watch that gate, being apprised of it by Meglin. But of the new passage Meglin had not heard, and it was not thought that fugitives would take a path towards the North and the highest parts of the mountains and the nighest to Angband. The fume of the burning, and the steam of the fair foun- tains of Gondolin withering in the flame of the dragons of the North, fell upon the vale in mournful mists; and thus was the escape of Tuor and his company aided, for then was still a long and open road to follow from the tunnel's mouth to the foothills of the mountains. They came none- theless into the mountains, in woe and misery, for the high places were cold and terrible, and they had among them many women and children and many wounded men. There is a dreadful pass, Cristhorn (8) was it named, the Eagle's Cleft, where beneath the shadow of the highest peaks a narrow path winds its way, walled by a precipice to the right and on the left a dreadful fall leaps into emptiness. Along that narrow way their march was strung, when it was ambushed by an outpost of Morgoth's power; and a Balrog was their leader. Then dreadful was their plight, and hardly would it have been saved by the deathless valour of yellow- haired Glorfindel, chief of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin, had not Thorndor' come timely to their aid. Songs have been sung of the duel of Glorfindel with the Balrog upon a pinnacle of rock in that high place; and both fell to ruin in the abyss. But Thorndor bore up Glorfindel's body and he was buried in a mound of stones beside the pass, and there came after a turf of green and small flowers like yellow stars bloomed there amid the barrenness of stone. And the birds of Thorndor stooped upon the Orcs and drove them shrieking back; and all were slain or cast into the deeps, and rumour of the escape from Gondolin came not until long after to Morgoth's ears. Thus by weary and dangerous marches the remnant of Gondolin came unto Nan-Tathrin and there rested a while, and were healed of their hurts and weariness, but their sor- row could not be cured. There they made feast in memory of Gondolin and those that had perished, fair maidens, wives, and warriors and their king; but for Glorfindel the well-beloved many and sweet were the songs they sang And there Tuor in song spoke to Earendel his son of the coming of Ulmo aforetime, the sea-vision in the midst of the land, and the sea-longing awoke in his heart and in his son's. Wherefore they removed with the most part of the people to the mouths of Sirion by the sea, and there they dwelt, and joined their folk to the slender company of Elwing daughter of Dior, that had fled thither little while before. Then Morgoth thought in his heart that his triumph was fulfilled, recking little of the sons of Feanor, and of their oath, which had harmed him never and turned always to his mightiest aid. And in his black thought he laughed, regret- ting not the one Silmaril he had lost, for by it he deemed the last shreds of the elvish race should vanish yet from the earth and trouble it no more. If he knew of the dwelling by the waters of Sirion he made no sign, biding his time, and waiting upon the working of oath and lie. * 1. mother's brother > sister-son; no doubt as his sister-son was intended. 2. Dark-elfin > Dark-elven 3. This paragraph was largely struck out, as well as some hasty emenda- tions that had been made to it (introducing the idea of Tuor's being born 'in the wild' and fostered by Dark-elves, and Rian's dying on the Hill of Slain - which is here called Amon Dengin). The passage was then rewritten: Now Hurin of Hithlum had a brother Huor, and as has been told Rian his wife went forth into the wild and there her son Tuor was born, and he was fostered by the Dark-elves; but Rian laid herself down and died upon the Hill of Slain. But Tuor grew up in the woods of Hithlum, and he was fair of face and great of stature, and valiant and wise; and he walked and hunted alone in the woods, and he became a solitary, living alone and communing with none save rarely wandering and hidden Elves. 4. Cris-Ilfing > Kirith Helvin 5. Bronweg > Bronwe at the first two occurrences, but not at the third, which occurs in the part replaced by the Q II text. 6. At this point the replacement text Q II begins. 7. Here the replacement text Q II ends. 8. Cristhorn > Kirith-thoronath 9. Thorndor > Thorondor, as previously. $16 in the Q II version (see note 6 above). But now Ulmo bade him make all speed to Gondolin, and gave him guidance for the finding of the hidden door; and a message he gave him to bear from Ulmo, friend of Elves, unto Turgon, bidding him to prepare for war, and battle with Morgoth ere all was lost; and to send again his messengers into the West. Summons too should he send into the East and gather, if he might, Men (who were now multiplying and spreading on the earth) unto his banners; and for that task Tuor was most fit. 'Forget,' counselled Ulmo, 'the treachery of Uldor the accursed, and remember Hurin; far without mortal Men the Elves shall not prevail against the Balrogs and the Orcs.' Nor should the feud with the sons of Feanor be left unhealed; for this should be the last gathering of the hope of the Gnomes, when every sword should count. A terrible and mortal strife he foretold, but victory if Turgon would dare it, the breaking of Morgoth's power, and the healing of feuds, and friendship between Men and Elves, whereof the greatest good should come into the world, and the servants of Morgoth trouble it no more. But if Turgon would not go forth to this war, then he should abandon Gondolin and lead his people down Sirion, and build thee his fleets and seek back to Valinor and the mercy of the Gods. But in this counsel there was danger more dire than in the other, though so it might not seem; and grievous thereafter would be the fate of the Outer' Lands. This errand Ulmo performed out of his love of the Elves, and because he knew that ere many years were passed the doom of Gondolin would come, if its people sat still behind its walls; not thus should anything of joy or beauty in the world be preserved from Morgoth's malice. Obedient to Ulmo Tuor and Bronweg' journeyed North, and came at last to the hidden door; and passing down the tunnel reached the inner gate, and were taken by the guard as prisoners. There they saw the fair vale Tumladin (3) set like a green jewel amid the hills; and amidst Tumladin Gondolin the great, the city of seven names, white, shining from afar, flushed with the rose of dawn upon the plain. Thither they were led and passed the gates of steel, and were brought be- fore the steps of the palace of the king. There Tuor spake the embassy of Ulmo, and something of the power and majesty of the Lord of Waters his voice had caught, so that all folk looked in wonder on him, and doubted that this were a Man of mortal race as he declared. But proud was Turgon be- come, and Gondolin as beautiful as a memory of Tun, and he trusted in its secret and impregnable strength; so that he and the most part of his folk wished not to imperil it nor leave it, and they desired not to mingle in the woes of Elves and Men without; nor did they any longer desire to return through dread and danger to the West. Meglin spoke ever against Tuor in the councils of the king, and his words seemed the more weighty in that they went with Turgon's heart. Wherefore Turgon rejected the bidding of Ulmo; though some there were of his wisest counsellors who were filled with disquiet. Wise-hearted even beyond the measure of the daughters of Elfinesse was the daughter of the king, and she spoke ever for Tuor, though it did not avail, and her heart was heavy. Very fair and tall was she, well nigh of warrior's stature, and her hair was a fountain of gold. Idril was she named, and called Celebrindal, Silver-foot, for the whiteness of her foot; and she walked and danced ever unshod in the white ways and green lawns of Gondolin. Thereafter Tuor sojourned in Gondolin, and went not to summon the Men of the East, for the blissfulness of Gondolin, the beauty and wisdom of its folk, held him en- thralled. And he grew high in the favour of Turgon; for he became a mighty man in stature and in mind, learning deeply of the lore of the Gnomes. The heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to her; at which Meglin ground his teeth, for he desired Idril, and despite his close kinship pur- posed to possess her; and she was the only heir of the king of Gondolin. Indeed in his heart he was already planning how he might oust Turgon and seize his throne; but Turgon the great, the city of seven names, white, shining from afar, flushed with the rose of dawn upon the plain. Thither they were led and passed the gates of steel, and were brought be- fore the steps of the palace of the king. There Tuor spake the embassy of Ulmo, and something of the power and majesty of the Lord of Waters his voice had caught, so that all folk looked in wonder on him, and doubted that this were a Man of mortal race as he declared. But proud was Turgon be- come, and Gondolin as beautiful as a memory of Tun, and he trusted in its secret and impregnable strength; so that he and the most part of his folk wished not to imperil it nor leave it, and they desired not to mingle in the woes of Elves and Men without; nor did they any longer desire to return through dread and danger to the West. Meglin spoke ever against Tuor in the councils of the king, and his words seemed the more weighty in that they went with Turgon's heart. Wherefore Turgon rejected the bidding of Ulmo; though some there were of his wisest counsellors who were filled with disquiet. Wise-hearted even beyond the measure of the daughters of Elfinesse was the daughter of the king, and she spoke ever for Tuor, though it did not avail, and her heart was heavy. Very fair and tall was she, well nigh of warrior's stature, and her hair was a fountain of gold. Idril was she named, and called Celebrindal, Silver-foot, for the whiteness of her foot; and she walked and danced ever unshod in the white ways and green lawns of Gondolin. Thereafter Tuor sojourned in Gondolin, and went not to summon the Men of the East, for the blissfulness of Gondolin, the beauty and wisdom of its folk, held him en- thralled. And he grew high in the favour of Turgon; for he became a mighty man in stature and in mind, learning deeply of the lore of the Gnomes. The heart of Idril was turned to him, and his to her; at which Meglin ground his teeth, for he desired Idril, and despite his close kinship pur- posed to possess her; and she was the only heir of the king of Gondolin. Indeed in his heart he was already planning how he might oust Turgon and seize his throne; but Turgon loved and trusted him. Nonetheless Tuor took Idril to wife; and the folk of Gondolin made merry feast, for Tuor had won their hearts, all save Meglin and his secret following, Tuor and Beren alone of mortal Men had Elves to wife, and since Elwing daughter of Dior son of Beren after wedded Earendel son of Tuor and Idril of Gondolin, of them alone has come the elfin4 blood into mortal race. But as yet Earendel was a little child: surpassing fair was he, a light was in his face as the light of heaven, and he had the beauty and the wisdom of Elfinesse. Changes made to this passage 1. Outer > Hither 2. Bronweg > Bronwe (see note 5 above). 3. Tumladin > Tumladen 4. elfin > elven 17. [The whole of this section is extant in the two typescript ver- sions Q I and Q II.] Yet by Sirion there grew up an elfin folk, the gleanings of Doriath and Gondolin, and they took to the sea and I the making of fair ships, and they dwelt nigh unto its shores and under the shadow of Ulmo's hand. But in Valinor Ulmo spake grievous words unto the Valar and unto the Elves the kinsfolk of the exiled and ruined Gnomes, and he called on them to forgive, and to rescue the world from the overmastering might of Morgoth, and win back the Silmarils wherein alone now bloomed the light of the days of ancient bliss when the Two Trees st(R) shone. And the sons of the Valar prepared for battle, Fionwe son of Tulcas was the captain of the host. With hi(R) marched the host of the Quendi, the Light-elves, the folk Ingwe, and among them such of the race of the Gnomes [as] had not left Valinor; but remembering Swan Haven the Teleri came not forth. Tun was deserted and the hill of Cor knew no more the feet of the elder children of the world. In those days Tuor felt old age creep upon him, and he could not forbear the longing that possessed him for the sea; wherefore he built a great ship Earame, Eagle's Pinion, and with Idril he set sail into the sunset and the West, and came no more into any tale. But Earendel the shining be- came the lord of the folk of Sirion and took to wife fair Elwing; and yet he could not rest. Two thoughts were in his heart blended as one: the longing for the wide sea; and he thought to sail thereon following after Tuor and Idril Celebrindal who returned not, and he thought to find per- haps the last shore and bring ere he died a message to the Gods and Elves of the West, that should move their hearts to pity on the world and the sorrows of Mankind. Wingelot he built, fairest of the ships of song, the Foam- flower; white were its timbers as the argent moon, golden were its oars, silver were its shrouds, its masts were crowned with jewels like stars. In the Lay of Earendel is many a thing sung of his adventures in the deep and in lands untrod, and in many seas and many isles; and most of how he fought and slew Ungoliant in the South and her darkness perished, and light came to many places which had yet long been hid. But Elwing sat sorrowing at home. Earendel found not Tuor, nor came he ever on that journey to the shores of Valinor; and at last he was driven by the winds back East, and he came at a time of night to the ha- vens of Sirion, unlooked for, unwelcomed, for they were des- olate. Bronweg alone sat there in sorrow, the companion of his father of old, and his tidings were filled with new woe. The dwelling of Elwing at Sirion's mouth, where still she possessed the Nauglafring and the glorious Silmaril, be- came known to the sons of Feanor; and they gathered to- gether from their wandering hunting-paths. But the folk of Sirion would not yield that jewel which Beren had won and Luthien had worn, and for which fair Dior had been slain. And so befell the last and cruellest slaying of Elf by Elf, the third woe achieved by the accursed oath; for the sons of Feanor came down upon the exiles of Gondolin and the remnant of Doriath, and though some of their folk stood aside and some few rebelled and were slain upon the other part aiding Elwing against their own lords, yet they won the day. Damrod was slain and Diriel, and Maidros and Maglor alone now remained of the Seven; but the last of the folk of Gondolin were destroyed or forced to depart and join them to the people of Maidros. And yet the sons of Feanor gained not the Silmaril; for Elwing cast the Nauglafring into the sea, whence it shall not return until the End; and she leapt herself into the waves, and took the form of a white sea-bird, and flew away lamenting and seeking for Earendel about all the shores of the world. But Maidros took pity upon her child Elrond, and took him with him, and harboured and nurtured him, for his heart was sick and weary with the burden of the dreadful oath. Learning these things Earendel was overcome with sor- row; and with Bronweg he set sail once more in search of Elwing and of Valinor. And it is told in the Lay of Earendel that he came at last unto the Magic Isles, and hardly escaped their enchantment, and found again the Lonely Isle, and the Shadowy Seas, and the Bay of Faerie on the borders of the world. There he landed on the immortal shore alone of living Men, and his feet clomb the marvellous hill of Cor; and he walked in the deserted ways of Tun, where the dust upon his raiment and his shoes was a dust of diamonds and gems. But he ventured not into Valinor. He came too late to bring mes- sages to the Elves, for the Elves had gone.(1) He built a tower in the Northern Seas to which all the sea-birds of the world might at times repair, and ever he grieved for fair Elwing looking for her return to him. And Wingelot was lifted on their wings and sailed now even in the airs searching for Elwing; marvellous and magical was that ship, a starlit flower in the sky. But the Sun scorched it and the Moon hunted it in heaven, and long Earendel wandered over Earth, glimmering as a fugitive star. * 1. At the foot of the page is written very quickly and faintly in pencil: Make Earendel move the Gods. And it is said that there were Men of Hithlum repentant of their evil in that day, and that so were ful- filled Ulmo's words, for by Earendel's embassy and the aid of val- iant Men the Orcs and Balrogs were destroyed, yet not as utterly as might have been. At the top of the next page is written; Men turned the [tide] (the last word is illegible). $l7 in the Q II version. Yet by Sirion and the sea there grew up an elfin' folk, the gleanings of Gondolin and Doriath, and they took to the waves and to the making of fair ships, dwelling ever nigh unto the shores and under the shadow of Ulmo's hand. In Valinor Ulmo spoke unto the Valar of the need of the Elves, and he called on them to forgive and send succour unto them and rescue them from the overmastering might of Morgoth, and win back the Silmarils wherein alone now bloomed the light of the days of bliss when the Two Trees still were shining. Or so it is said, among the Gnomes, who after had tidings of many things from their kinsfolk the Quendi, the Light-elves beloved of Manwe, who ever knew something of the mind of the Lord of the Gods. But as yet Manwe moved not, and the counsels of his heart what tale shall tell? The Quendi have said that the hour was not yet come, and that only one speaking in person for the cause of both Elves and Men, pleading for pardon upon their mis- deeds and pity on their woes, might move the counsels of the Powers; and the oath of Feanor perchance even Manwe could not loose, until it found its end, and the sons of Feanor relinquished the Silmarils, upon which they had laid their ruthless claim. For the light which lit the Silmarils the Gods had made. In those days Tuor felt old age creep upon him, and ever a longing for the deeps of the sea grew stronger in his heart. Wherefore he built a great ship Earame, Eagle's Pin- ion,(2) and with Idril he set sail into the sunset and the West, and came no more into any tale or song.(3) Bright Earendel was then lord of the folk of Sirion and their many ships; and he took to wife Elwing the fair, and she bore him Elrond Half-elfin.(4) Yet Earendel could not rest, and his voy- ages about the shores of the Outer (5) Lands eased not his un- quiet. Two purposes grew in his heart, blended as one in longing for the wide sea: he sought to sail thereon, seeking after Tuor and Idril Celebrindal who returned not; and he thought to find perhaps the last shore and bring ere he died the message of Elves and Men unto the Valar of the West, that should move the hearts of Valinor and the Elves of Tun to pity on the world and the sorrows of Mankind. Wingelot' he built, fairest of the ships of song, the Foam- flower; white were its timbers as the argent moon, golden were its oars, silver were its shrouds, its masts were crowned with jewels like stars. In the Lay of Earendel is many a thing sung of his adventures in the deep and in lands untrodden, and in many seas and many isles. Ungoliant' in the South he slew, and her darkness was de- stroyed, and light came to many regions which had yet long been hid. But Elwing sat sorrowing at home. Earendel found not Tuor nor Idril, nor came he ever on that journey to the shores of Valinor, defeated by shadows and enchantment, driven by repelling winds, until in longing for Elwing he turned him homeward toward the East. And his heart bade him haste, for a sudden fear was fallen on him out of dreams, and the winds that before he had striven with might not now bear him back as swift as his desire. Upon the havens of Sirion new woe had fallen. The dwelling of Elwing there, where still she possessed the Nauglafring' and the glorious Silmaril, became known unto the remaining sons of Feanor, Maidros and Maglor and Damrod and Diriel; and they gathered together from their wandering hunting-paths, and messages of friendship and yet stern demand they sent unto Sirion. But Elwing and the folk of Sirion would not yield that jewel which Beren had won and Luthien had worn, and for which Dior the Fair was slain; and least of all while Earendel their lord was in the sea, for them seemed that in that jewel lay the gift of bliss and healing that had come upon their houses and their ships. And so came in the end to pass the last and cruellest of the slayings of Elf by Elf; and that was the third of the great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath. For the sons of Feanor came down upon the exiles of Gondolin and the remnant of Doriath and destroyed them. Though some of their folk stood aside, and some few rebelled and were slain upon the other part aiding Elwing against their own lords (for such was the sorrow and confusion of the hearts of Elfinesse in those days), yet Maidros and Maglor won the day. Alone they now remained of the sons of Feanor, for in that battle Damrod and Diriel were slain; but the folk of Sirion perished or fled away, or departed of need to join the people of Maidros, who claimed now the lordship of all the Elves of the Outer Lands. And yet Maidros gained not the Silmaril, for Elwing seeing that all was lost and her child Elrond (9) taken captive, eluded the host of Maidros, and with the Nauglafring upon her breast she cast herself into the sea, and perished as folk thought. But Ulmo bore her up and he gave unto her the likeness of a great white bird, and upon her breast there shone as a star the shining Silmaril, as she flew over the water to seek Earendel her beloved. And on a time of night Earendel at the helm saw her come towards him, as a white cloud under moon exceeding swift, as a star over the sea moving in strange course, a pale flame on wings of storm. And it is sung that she fell from the air upon the timbers of Wingelot, in a swoon, nigh unto death for the urgency of her speed, and Earendel took her unto his bosom. And in the morn with marvelling eyes he beheld his wife in her own form beside him with her hair upon his face; and she Slept. But great was the sorrow of Earendel and Elwing for the ruin of the havens of Sirion, and the captivity of their son, for whom they feared death, and yet it was not so. For Maidros took pity on Elrond, and he cherished him, and love grew after between them, as little might be thought; but Maidros' heart was sick and weary" with the burden of the dreadful oath. Yet Earendel saw now no hope left in the lands of Sirion, and he turned again in despair and came not home, but sought back once more to Valinor with Elwing at his side. He stood now most oft at the prow, and the Silmaril he bound upon his forehead; and ever its light grew greater as they drew unto the West. Maybe it was due in part to the puissance of that holy jewel that they came in time to the waters that as yet no vessels save those of the Teleri had known; and they came unto the Magic Isles and escaped their magic;" and they came into the Shadowy Seas and passed their shadows; and they looked upon the Lonely Isle and they tarried not there; and they cast anchor in the Bay of Faerie" upon the borders of the world. And the Teleri saw the coming of that ship and were amazed, gazing from afar upon the light of the Silmaril, and it was very great. But Earendel landed on the immortal shores alone of liv- ing Men; and neither Elwing nor any of his small company would he suffer to go with him, lest they fell beneath the wrath of the Gods, and he came at a time of festival even as Morgoth and Ungoliant had in ages past, and the watch- ers upon the hill of Tun were few, for the Quendi were most in the halls of Manwe on Tinbrenting's (13) height. The watchers rode therefore in haste to Valmar, or hid them in the passes of the hills; and all the bells of Valmar pealed; but Earendel clomb the marvellous hill of Cor" and found it bare, and he entered into the streets of Tun and they were empty; and his heart sank. He walked now in the deserted ways of Tun and the dust upon his raiment and his shoes was a dust of diamonds, yet no one heard his call Wherefore he went back unto the shores and would climb once more upon Wingelot his ship; but one came unto the strand and cried unto him: 'Hail Earendel, star most radiant, messenger most fair!" Hail thou bearer of light before the Sun and Moon, the looked-for that comest unawares, the longed-for that comest beyond hope! Hail thou splendour of the children of the world, thou slayer of the dark! Star of the sunset hail! Hail herald of the morn!' And that was Fionwe the son of Manwe, and he sum- moned Earendel before the Gods; and Earendel went unto Valinor and to the halls of Valmar, and came never again back into the lands of Men." But Earendel spake the em- bassy of the two races'" before the faces of the Gods, and asked for pardon upon the Gnomes and pity for the exiled Elves and for unhappy Men, and succour in their need. Then the sons of the Valar prepared for battle, and the captain of their host was Fionwe son of Manwe. Beneath his white banner marche elven 2. Earame, Eagle's Pinion > Earrame, Sea-wing 3. Added here: But Tuor alone of mortal Men was numbered among the elder race, and joined with the Noldoli whom he loved, and in after time dwelt still, or so it hath been said, [struck out: in Tol Eressea] ever upon his ship voyaging the seas of Fairyland [> the Elven-lands], or resting a while in the harbours of the Gnomes of Tol Eressea; and his fate is sundered from the fate of Men. 4. and she bore him Elrond Half-elfin > and she bore him Elros and Elrond, who are called the Halfelven. 5. Outer > Hither at both occurrences. 6. Wingelot > Vingelot at all three occurrences; at the first only, Vingelot later > Wingilot 7. Ungoliant > Ungoliante at both occurrences. 8. Nauglafring > Nauglamir at both occurrences (cf. $14 note 10). 9. her child Elrond > her children Elros and Elrond 10. This passage was rewritten thus: But great was the sorrow of Earendel and Elwing for the ruin of the havens of Sirion, and the captivity of their sons; and they feared that they would be slain But it was not so. For Maglor took: pity on Elros and Elrond, and he cherished them, and love grew af- ter between them, as little might be thought; but Maglor's heart was sick and weary, &c. 11. and they came unto the Magic Isles and escaped their magic > and they came to the Enchanted Isles and escaped their enchantment 12. Bay of Faerie > Bay of Elvenhome 13. Tinbrenting 's > Tindbrenting 's 14. This paragraph was emended at different times, and it is not perfectly clear what was intended. The first change was the addition, after lest they fell beneath the wrath of the Cods, of: And he bade farewell to all whom he loved upon the last shore, and was taken from them for ever. Subsequently nor any of his small company seems to have been removed, with the result: and he would nor suffer Elwing to go with him, lest she fell beneath the wrath of the Gods: but the previous ad- dition was not struck out. 15. Cor > Kor, as previously. 16. This passage was altered to read: Wherefore he turned back towards the shores thinking to set sail once more upon Vingelot his ship; but one came unto him and cried: 'Hail Earendel, radiant star, messenger most fair!' 17. came never again back into the lands of Men > never again set foot upon the lands of Men. 18. races > kindreds 19. Added here: and Ingwiel son of Ingwe was their chief; 20. This passage, from the beginning of the paragraph, was extensively rewritten: In those days the ship of Earendel was drawn by the Gods beyond the edge of the world, and it was lifted even into the oceans of the air. Marvellous and magical was that ship, a starlit flower in the sky, bearing a wavering and holy flame; and the folk of Earth be- held it from afar and wondered, and looked up from despair, saying surely a Silmaril is in the sky, a new star is risen in the West. But Elwing mourned for Earendel yet found him never again, and they are sundered till the world endeth. Therefore she built a white tower upon the confines of the outer world in the Northern regions of the Sundering Seas; and there all the seabirds of the earth at times repaired. And Elwing devised wings for herself, and desired to fly to Earendel's ship. But [?she fell back] ... But when the flame of it appeared on high Maglor said unto Maidros: 18. [The whole of this section is again extant in the two typescript versions Q I and Q II.] Of the march of Fionwe to the North little is said, for in that host there were none of the Elves who had dwelt and suffered in the Outer Lands, and who made these tales; and tidings only long after did they learn of these things from their distant kinsfolk the Elves of Valinor. The meeting of the hosts of Fionwe and of Morgoth in the North is named the Last Battle, the Battle Terrible, the Battle of Wrath and Thunder. Great was Morgoth's amaze when this host came upon him from the West, and all Hithlum was ablaze with its glory, and the mountains rang; for he had thought that he had estranged the Gnomes for ever from the Gods and from their kin, and that content in their blissful realm the Gods would heed no further his kingdom in the world without. For heart that is pitiless counts not the power that pity hath; nor foresees that of gentle ruth for an- guish and for valour overthrown stern anger may be forged, and a lightning kindled before which mountains fall.' There was marshalled the whole power of the Throne of Hate, and well nigh measureless had it become, so that Dor-na-Fauglith might by no means contain it, and all the North was aflame with war. But it availed not. All the Balrogs were destroyed, and the uncounted hosts of the Orcs perished like straw in fire, or were swept away like shrivelled leaves before a burning wind. Few remained to trouble the world thereafter. And Morgoth himself came forth, and all his dragons were about him; and Fionwe for a moment was driven back. But the sons of the Valar in the end overthrew them all, and but two escaped. Morgoth es- caped not. Him they threw down, and they bound him with the chain Angainor, wherewith Tulkas had chained him aforetime, and whence in unhappy hour the Gods had re- leased him; but his iron crown they beat into a collar for his neck, and his head was bowed unto his knees. The Silmarils Fionwe took and guarded them. Thus perished the power and woe of Angband in the North and its multitude of captives came forth into the light again beyond all hope, and looked upon a world all changed. Thangorodrim was riven and cast down, and the pits of Morgoth uncovered, roofless and broken, never to be rebuilt; but so great was the fury of those adversaries that all the Northern and Western parts of the world were rent and gaping, and the sea roared in in many places; the rivers perished or found new paths, the valleys were upheaved and the hills trod down; and Sirion was no more. Then Men fled away, such as perished not in the ruin of those days, and long was it ere they came back over the mountains to where Beleriand once had been, and not till the tale of those days had faded to an echo seldom heard. But Fionwe marched through the lands summoning the remnants of the Gnomes and the Dark-elves that never yet had looked on Valinor to join with the captives released from Angband, and depart; and with the Elves should those of the race of Hador and Beor alone be suffered to depart, if they would. But of these only Elrond was now left, the Half-elfin; and [he] elected to remain, being bound by his mortal blood in love to those of the younger race; and of Elrond alone has the blood of the elder race and of the seed divine of Valinor come among mortal Men. But Maidros would not obey the call, preparing to fulfil even yet the obligation of his oath, though with weary loathing and despair. For he would have given battle for the Silmarils, if they were withheld from him, though he should stand alone in all the world save for Maglor his brother alone. And he sent unto Fionwe and bade him yield up those jewels which of old Morgoth stole from Feanor. But Fionwe said that the right that Feanor and his sons had in that which they had made, had perished, because of the many and evil deeds they had wrought blinded by their oath, and most of all the slaying of Dior and the assault upon Elwing. To Valinor must Maidros and Maglor return and abide the judgement of the Gods, by whose decree alone would he yield the jewels to any keeping other than his own. Maidros was minded to submit, for he was sad at heart, and he said: 'The oath decrees not that we shall not bide our time, and maybe in Valinor all shall be forgiven and forgot, and we shall be vouchsafed our own.' But Maglor said that if once they returned and the favour of the Gods was not granted them, then would their oath still remain, and be fulfilled in despair yet greater; 'and who can tell to what dreadful end we shall come if we disobey the Powers in their own land, or purpose ever to bring war into their Guarded Realm again?' And so came it that Maidros and Maglor crept into the camps of Fionwe, and laid hands on the Silmarils; and they took to their weapons when they were discovered. But the sons of the Valar arose in wrath and prevented them, and took Maidros prisoner; and yet Maglor eluded them and escaped. Now the Silmaril that Maidros held - for the brothers had agreed each to take one, saying that two brethren alone now remained, and but two jewels - burned the hand of Maidros, and he had but one hand as [has] been before told, and he knew then that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. But he cast the Silmaril upon the ground, and Fionwe took it; and for the anguish of his pain and the remorse of his heart he took his own life, ere he could be stayed. It is told too of Maglor that he fled far, but he too could not endure the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and in an agony he cast it from him into a yawning gap filled with fire, in the rending of the Western lands, and the jewel vanished into the bosom of the Earth. But Maglor came never back among the folk of Elfinesse, but wandered singing in pain and in regret beside the sea. In those days there was a mighty building of ships on the shores of the Western Sea, and most upon the great isles, which in the disruption of the Northern world were fash- ioned of old Beleriand. Thence in many a fleet the survi- vors of the Gnomes, and of the Western companies of the Dark-elves, set sail into the West and came no more into the lands of weeping and of war; and the Light-elves marched back beneath the banners of their king following in the train of Fionwe's victory. Yet not all returned, and some lingered many an age in the West and North, and es- pecially in the Western Isles. Yet ever as the ages drew on and the Elf-folk faded on the Earth, they would still set sail at eve from our Western shores; as still they do, when now there linger few anywhere of the lonely companies. But in the West the Gnomes returned rehabited for the most part the Lonely Isle that looks both East and West; and with them were mingled the Dark-elves, especially such as had once belonged to Doriath. And some returned even to Valinor, and were welcomed amid the bright com- panies of the Quendi, and admitted to the love of Manwe and the pardon of the Gods; and the Teleri forgave their an- cient bitterness, and the curse was laid to rest. But Tun was never again inhabited; and Cor stands still a hill of silent and untrodden green. * 1. The content of this passage, from Great was Morgoth's amaze..., has been given at the end of $17 in the Q II version, since it appears there before the words Of the march of the host of Fionwe with which I be- gin $18. $18 in the Q II version. Of the march of the host of Fionwe to the North little is said, for in his armies carne none of those Elves who had dwelt and suffered in the Outer' Lands, and who made these tales; and tidings only long after did they leam of these things from their kinsfolk the Light-elves of Valinor. But Fionwe came, and the challenge of his trumpets filled the sky, and he summoned unto him all Men and Elves from Hithlum unto the East; and Beleriand was ablaze with the glory of his arms, and the mountains rang. The meeting of the hosts of the West and of the North is named the Great Battle, the Battle Terrible, the Battle of Wrath and Thunder. There was marshalled the whole power of the Throne of Hate, and well nigh measureless had it be- come, so that Dor-na-Fauglith could not contain it, and all the North was aflame with war. But it availed not. All the Balrogs were destroyed, and the uncounted hosts of the Orcs perished like straw in fire, or were swept like shriv- elled leaves before a burning wind. Few remained to trou- ble the world thereafter. And it is said that there many Men of Hithlum repentant of their evil servitude did deeds of valour, and many beside of Men new come out of the East;(2) and so were fulfilled in part the words of Ulmo; for by Earendel son of Tuor was help brought unto the Elves, and by the swords of Men were they strengthened on the fields of war.' But Morgoth quailed and he came not forth; and he loosed his last assault, and that was the winged dragons.4 So sudden and so swift and ruinous was the onset of that fleet, as a tempest of a hundred thunders winged with steel, that Fionwe was driven back; hut Earendel came and a myriad of birds were about him, and the battle lasted all through the night of doubt. And Earendel slew Ancalagon the black and the mightiest of all the dragon-horde, and cast him from the sky, and in his fall the towers of Thangorodrim were thrown down. Then the sun rose of the second day and the sons' of the Valar prevailed, and all the dragons were destroyed save two alone; and they fled into the East. Then were all the pits of Morgoth broken and un- roofed, and the might of Fionwe descended into the deeps of the Earth, and there Morgoth was thrown down. He was bound' with the chain Angainor, which long had been pre- pared, and his iron crown they beat into a collar for his neck, and his head was bowed unto his knees. But Fionwe took the two Silmarils that remained and guarded them. Thus perished the power and woe of Angband in the North, and its multitude of thralls came forth beyond all hope into the light of day, and they looked upon a world all changed; for so great was the fury of those adversaries that the Northern regions of the Western world were rent and riven, and the sea roared in through many chasms, and there was confusion and great noise; and the rivers perished or found new paths, and the valleys were upheaved and the hills trod down; and Sirion was no more. Then Men fled away, such as perished not in the ruin of those days, and long was it ere they came back over the mountains to where Beleriand once had been, and not until the tale of those wars had faded to an echo seldom heard. * * * But Fionwe marched through the Western lands sum- moning the remnants of the Gnomes, and the Dark-elves that had yet not looked on Valinor, to join with the thralls released and to depart. But Maidros would not harken, and he prepared, though with weary loathing and despair, to perform even yet the obligation of his oath. For Maidros and Maglor would have given battle for the Silmarils, were they withheld, even against the victorious host of Valinor, and though they stood alone in all the world. And they sent unto Fionwe and bade him yield now up those jewels which of old Morgoth stole from Feanor. But Fionwe said that the right to the work of their hands which Feanor and his sons had formerly possessed now had perished, because of their many and evil deeds blinded by their oath, and most of all the slaying of Dior and the assault upon Elwing; the light of the Silmarils should go now to the Gods whence it came, and to Valinor must Maidros and Maglor return and there abide the judgement of the Gods, by whose decree alone would Fionwe yield the jewels from his charge. Maglor was minded to submit, for he was sad at heart, and he said: 'The oath says not that we may not bide our time, and maybe in Valinor all shall be forgiven and forgot, and we shall come into our own.' But Maidros said that if once they returned and the favour of the Gods were with- held from them, then would their oath still remain, to be fulfilled in despair yet greater; 'and who can tell to what dreadful doom we shall come, if we disobey the Powers in their own land, or purpose ever to bring war again into their Guarded Realm?' And so it came that Maidros and Maglor crept into the camps of Fionwe, and laid hands on the Silmarils, and slew the guards; and there they prepared to defend themselves to the death. But Fionwe stayed his folk; and the brethren departed and fled far away. Each took a single Silmaril, saying that one was lost unto them and two remained, and but two brethren. But the jewel burned the hand of Maidros in pain unbearable (and he had but one hand as has before been told); and he per- ceived that it was as Fionwe had said, and that his right thereto had become void, and that the oath was vain. And being in anguish and despair he cast himself into a gaping chasm filled with fire, and so ended; and his Silmaril was taken into the bosom of the Earth. And it is told also of Maglor that he could not bear the pain with which the Silmaril tormented him; and he cast it at last into the sea, and thereafter wandered ever upon the shore singing in pain and regret beside the waves; for Maglor was the mightiest of the singers of old, but he came never back among the folk of Elfinesse. In those days there was a mighty building of ships on the shores of the Western Sea, and especially upon the great isles, which in the disruption of the Northern world were fashioned of ancient Beleriand. Thence in many a fleet the survivors of the Gnomes and of the Western companies of the Dark-elves set sail into the West and came not again into the lands of weeping and of war; but the Light-elves marched back beneath the banners of their king following in the train of Fionwe's victory, and they were borne back in triumph unto Valinor.' But in the West the Gnomes and Dark-elves rehabited for the most part the Lonely Isle, that looks both East and West; and very fair did that land be- come, and so remains. But some returned even unto Valinor, as all were free to do who willed; and the Gnomes were admitted again to the love of Manwe and the pardon of the Valar, and the Teleri forgave their ancient grief, and the curse was laid to rest. Yet not all would forsake the Outer Lands where they had long suffered and long dwelt; and some lingered many an age in the West and North, and especially in the western isles and the lands of Leithien. And among these were Maglor as has been told; and with him Elrond the Half- elfin,' who after went among mortal Men again, and from whom alone the blood of the elder race' and the seed divine of Valinor have come among Mankind (for he was son of Elwing, daughter of Dior, son of Luthien, child of Thingol and Melian; and Earendel his sire was son of Idril Celebrindal, the fair maid of Gondolin). But ever as the ages drew on and the Elf-folk faded on the Earth, they would still set sail at eve from our Western shores: as still they do, when now there linger few anywhere of their lonely companies. * 1. Hither written above or replacing Outer at both occurrences. 2. In this sentence, in the first 'layer' of emendation, many Men > some few Men and many beside of Men > some beside of Men. Later the sentence was rewritten rapidly in pencil: And it is said that all that were left of the three Houses of the Fa- thers of Men fought for Fionwe, and to them were joined some of the Men of Hithlum who repenting of their evil servitude did deeds of valour against the Orcs; and so were fulfilled, &c. See note 3. 3. Added here at the same time as the rewriting given in note 2: But most Men, and especially those new come out of the East, were on the side of the Enemy. 4. Added here: for as yet had none of these creatures of his cruel thought assailed the air. 5. sons > children (late change). 6. and there Morgoth was thrown down altered and expanded thus: and there Morgoth stood at last at bay; and yet not valiant. He fled unto the deepest of his mines and sued for peace and pardon. But his feet were hewn from under him, and he was hurled upon his face. Then was he bound, &c. Added here: Yet little joy had they in their return, for they came without the Silmarils, and these could not be again found, unless the world was broken and re-made anew. 8. Half-elfin > Half-elven (cf. $17 in the Q II version, note 4). 9. the elder race > the Firstborn 19. [Q I comes to an end soon after the beginning of this section.] Thus did the Gods adjudge when Fionwe and the sons of the Valar returned unto Valmar: the Outer Lands should thereafter be for Men, the younger children of the world; but to the Elves alone should the gateways of the West stand ever open; but if they would not come thither and tar- ried in the world of Men, then should they slowly fade and fail. And so hath it been; and this is the most grievous of the fruits of the works and lies of Morgoth. For a while his Orcs and Dragons breeding again in dark places troubled and affrighted the world, as in far places they do yet; but ere the End all shall perish by the valour of mortal Men. But Morgoth the Gods thrust through the Door of Time- less Night into the Void beyond the Walls of the World; and a guard is set for ever on that door. Yet the lies that [Here the Q I text gives out, at the foot of a typescript page, but Q II continues to the end.] This was the judgement of the Gods, when Fionwe and the sons of the Valar had returned unto Valmar: thereafter the Outer Lands should be for Mankind, the younger chil- dren of the world; but to the Elves alone should the gate- ways of the West stand ever open; and if they would not come thither and tarried in the world of Men, then they should slowly fade and fail. This is the most grievous of the fruits of the lies and works that Morgoth wrought, that the Eldalie should be sundered and estranged from Men. For a while his Orcs and his Dragons breeding again in dark places affrighted the world, and in sundry regions do so yet; but ere the End all shall perish by the valour of mortal Men. But Morgoth the Gods thrust through the Door of Time- less Night into the Void, beyond the Walls of the World; and a guard is set for ever on that door, and Earendel keeps watch upon the ramparts of the sky, Yet the lies that Melko,(1) Moeleg the mighty and accursed, Morgoth Bauglir the Dark Power Terrible, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men have not all died, and cannot by the Gods be slain, and they live to work much evil even to this later day. Some say also that Morgoth at whiles secretly as a cloud that cannot be seen or felt, and yet is, and the poison, is,(2) creeps back surmounting the Walls and visiteth the world; but others say that this is the black shadow of Thu, whom Morgoth made, and who escaped from the Battle Terrible, and dwells in dark places and perverts Men-' to his dreadful allegiance and his foul worship. After the triumph of the Gods Earendel sailed still in the seas of heaven, but the Sun scorched him and the Moon hunted him in the sky, [and he departed long behind the world voyaging the Outer Dark a glimmering and fugitive star.](4) Then the Valar drew his white ship Wingelot-- over the land of Valinor, and they filled it with radiance and hal- lowed it, and launched it through the Door of Night. And long Earendel set sail into the starless vast, Elwing at his side,(6) the Silmaril upon his brow, voyaging the Dark behind the world, a glimmering and fugitive star. And ever and anon he returns and shines behind the courses of the Sun and Moon above the ramparts of the Gods, brighter than all other stars, the mariner of the sky, keeping watch against Morgoth upon the confines of the world. Thus shall he sail until he sees the Last Battle fought upon the plains of Valinor. Thus spake the prophecy of Mandos, which he declared in Valmar at the judgement of the Gods, and the rumour of it was whispered among all the Elves of the West: when the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth shall come back through the Door out of the Timeless Night; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon, but Earendel shall come upon him as a white flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the last battle be gathered on j the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Melko, and on his right shall stand Fionwe and on his left Turin Turambar, son of Hurin, Conqueror of Fate,(7) and it shall be the black sword of Turin that deals unto Melko his death and final end; and so shall the children of Hurin and all Men be avenged. Thereafter shall the Silmarils' be recovered out of sea and earth and air; for Earendel shall descend and yield up that flame that he hath had in keeping. Then Feanor shall bear the Three and yield them unto Yavanna Palurien; and she will break them and with their fire rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth; and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light goes out all over the world. In that light the Gods will again grow young, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Iluvatar be fulfilled concerning them. But of Men in that day the prophecy speaks not, save of Turin only, and him it names among the Gods.' Such is the end of the tales of the days before the days in the Northern regions of the Western world. Some of these things are sung and said yet by the fading Elves; and more still are sung by the vanished Elves that dwell now on the Lonely Isle. To Men of the race of Earendel have they at times been told, and most to Eriol,(10) who alone of the mor- tals of later days, and yet now long ago, sailed to the Lonely Isle, and came back to the land of Leithien" where he lived, and remembered things that he had heard in fair Cortirion, the city of the Elves in Tol Eressea. * 1. Melko > Melkor (but only at the first occurrence). 2. and yet is, and the poison is > and yet is venomous 3. This sentence was rewritten: but others say that this is the black shadow of Sauron, who served Morgoth and became the greatest and most evil of his underlings; and Sauron escaped from the Great Battle, and dwelt in dark places and perverted Men, &c. 4. This sentence survives from an earlier point in the narrative in Q I (end of $17, p. 180); in Q II the latter part of it, and he departed long behind the world voyaging the Outer Dark a glimmering and fugitive star, was struck out, since it recurs immediately below. 5. Wingelot not here emended (as in $17 in the Q II version, note 6) to Vingelot. 6. Elwing at his side struck out. 7. Added here in pencil: coming from the halls of Mandos 8. Thereafter shall the Silmarils > Thereafter Earth shall be broken and re-made, and the Silmarils 9. among the Gods emended in pencil to among the sons of the Gods 10. Apparently changed, in pencil, to Ereol. 11. Leithien emended in pencil to Britain. Commentary on the Quenta. Opening Section. This passage, to which there is nothing corresponding in S, may be compared with the Lost Tales I. 58, 66 - 7 on the one hand and with the Valaquenta (The Silmarillion pp. 25ff.) on the other. This opening section of Q is the origin and precursor of the Valaquenta, as may be seen from the fall of its sentences and from many details of wording; while brief as it is it offers no actual contradictions to the text of the Lost Tales, save in a few details of names. The Nine Valar, referred to in S$1 and in the alliterative Flight of the Noldoli (III. 133), are now for the first time identified. This number was to remain in the Eight Aratar (eight, because 'one is removed from their number', The Silmarillion p. 29), though there was much shift- ing in the composition of the number in later writings; in the Lost Tales there were 'four great ones' among the Valar, Manwe, Melko, Ulmo, Aule (I. 58). The name of Mandos in the Lost Tales, Vefantur 'Fantur of Death', who 'called his hall with his own name Ve' (I. 66, 76), now becomes Nefantur. Nowhere is there any indication of the meaning of the first element: but the new name bears a curious resemblance to the Old English name of Mandos found in a list of such names of the Valar (p. 255): Nefrea (Old English ne(o) 'corpse', frea 'lord'). The late change of Tavros to Tauros is made also to the B-text of the Lay of Leithian (III. 195, 282). Vana (here specifically given as Vana) is now the younger sister of Varda and Palurien (in the Lost Tales these goddesses are not said to be 'related'); in The Silmarillion Vana remains the younger sister of Yavanna. We meet here the Gnomish name of Melko, Moeleg, which the Gnomes will not use; cf, the Valaquenta (p. 31): 'the Noldor, who among the Elves suf- fered most from his malice, will not utter it [Melkor), and they name him Morgoth, the Dark Enemy of the World'. The orig- inal Gnomish form was Belcha (II. 44, 67). In this section of Q, before the replacement page (see note 2) was written, the only important developments from S are the reduction of the periods of the Trees from fourteen hours to seven (and this only came in with an alteration to the typescript, see note 1), and the explicit statement that Silpion was the elder of the Trees, and shone alone for a time (the Opening Hour). It is also said that the Gnomes afterwards called the Trees Bansil and Glingol. In the tale of The Fall of Gondolin these names were expressly those of the Trees of Gondolin (see II. 214 - 16), but (especially since Glingol occurs in a rejected reading in The Cottage of Lost Play (I. 22) as a name of the Golden Tree of Valinor) it seems clear that they were the Gnomish names of the original Trees, which were transferred to their scions in Gondolin; in the Lay of the Chil- dren of Hurin and in the Lay of Leithian, as here in Q, Glingol and Basil (later emended to Glingal and Belthil) are the Trees of Valinor. But in The Silmarillion Glingal and Belthil are the particular names of Turgon's images of the Trees in Gondolin.. With the replacement page in this section (note 2) there are several further developments, and the passage describing the periods of the Trees and the mingling of the lights is effec- tively the final form, only differing from that in The Silmarillion (pp. 38 - 9) in some slight rhythmical changes in the sentences. Yavanna no longer 'plants' the Trees, and Nienna is present at their birth (replacing Vana of the Lost Tales, I. 71-2); the Valar sit upon their 'thrones of council' in the Ring of Doom near the golden gates of Valmar; and the moving shadows of Silpion's leaves, not mentioned in S or in Q as first written, reappear from the Lost Tales (see I. 88). Here also appear the names of Taniquetil, Ialasse 'Everlasting Whiteness', Gnomish Amon-Uilas, and Tinwenairin 'crowned with stars'; cf. The Silmarillion p. 37: Taniquetil the Elves name that holy mountain, and Oiolosse Everlasting Whiteness, and Elerrina Crowned with Stars, and many names beside; but the Sindar spoke of it in their later tongue as Amon Uilos. 'Elves' is still used here in contradistinction to 'Gnomes'; on this usage see pp. 50 - l. 2. Q remains close to S in this section. I have noticed in com- menting on S the absence of certain features that are found both in the Lost Tales and in The Silmarillion: (1) the coming of the three Elvish ambassadors to Valinor, (2) the Elves who did not leave the Waters of Awakening, (3) the two starmakings of Varda, and (4) the chain Angainor with which Morgoth was bound; and there is still no mention of them. As I have said (p. 92), the Quenta though written in a finished manner is still very much an outline, and the absence of these elements may be thought to be due merely to its compressed nature. Against this, however, in respect of (1), is the statement in Q that Thingol 'came never to Valinor', whereas in the old story (I. 115) as in The Silmarillion (p. 52) Tinwelint/Thingol was one of the three original ambassadors; and in respect of (3), Varda is said in Q to have strewn 'the unlit skies' with stars. As regards (4), it is said later in Q ($18) that Morgoth was bound after the Last Battle 'with the chain Angainor, wherewith Tulkas had chained him aforetime'. The constellation of the Great Bear is called the Burning Briar, and the Sickle of the Gods, in the Lay of Leithian. It is said here that the Elves named themselves Eldar, in contrast both to the old idea (I. 235) that Eldar was the name given to them by the Gods, and to The Silmarillion (p. 49), where Orome 'named them in their own tongue Eldar, the peo- ple of the stars'. The original statement in Q that Ingwe 'never came back into the Outer Lands until these tales were near their end' is a reference to his leadership of the March of the Elves of Valinor in the second assault on Morgoth, in which he perished (I. 129). The revised statement given in note 6, saying that Ingwe never came back from the West, is virtually the same as that in The Silmarillion (p. 53); see the Commentary on $17. The Gnomish forms of the names of the three leaders, Ing, Finn, and Elu, are removed by the rewritings given in notes 6, 8 and 11; and the use of Quendi for the First Kindred ('who sometimes are alone called Elves', see p. 51) is displaced by Lindar in a late emendation (note 7), while Quendi reappears (note 5) as the name for all the Elves. These late changes be- . long to a new nomenclature that came in after the Quenta was, completed. 3. While Q again follows S very closely here, there is one im- portant narrative development: the first appearance of the story of Osse's sitting on the rocks of the seashore and instructing the Teleri, and of his persuading some to remain 'on the beaches of the world' (the later Elves of the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest, ruled by Cirdan the Shipwright). And with the late addition given in note 7 there appears the removal of the First Kindred (here called the Lindar) from Tun, and their sunderance from the Gnomes; here there is a detail not taken up into subsequent texts (probably because it was over- looked), that the Noldoli of Tun left the tower of Ingwe unin- habited, though they tended the lamp. As in $2, Finn was emended to Finwe (and Ing to Ingwe), although the names of the Noldorin princes are said to be given in Gnomish form, and Ylmir found in S is not taken up in Q (similarly Oin in S$3, but Uinen in the opening section of Q). In the passage on the Noldorin princes (a later addition to S) Celegorm becomes the friend of Orome (a development aris- ing from the later story of Huan, see $10); Finrod's third son, Anrod in S, becomes Angrod. On the change Finweg > Fingon see p. 54. 4. Many touches found in the story in The Silmarillion now make their appearance in Q (as Feanor's wearing the Silmarils at great feasts, Morgoth's sight of the domes of Valmar far off in the mingling of the lights, his laugh 'as he sped down the long western slopes', his great cry that echoed through the world as Ungoliant's webs enmeshed him). I have noticed in my commentary on S that 'the entire story of Morgoth's going to Formenos (not yet so named) and his speech with Feanor before the doors has yet to appear', and it has not done so in Q; but the late interpolation given in note 6, stating that a mes- senger came to the Gods in council with tidings that Morgoth was in the North of Valinor and journeying to the house of Finwe, is the first hint of this element. In The Silmarillion (p. 72) messengers came to the Valar from Finwe at Formenos telling of Morgoth's first coming there, and this is followed by the news from Tirion that he had passed through the Calacirya - a movement that appears at this point in S and Q ('he escaped through the pass of Kor, and from the tower of Ingwe the Elves saw him pass in thunder and in wrath'). There is no mention in S$4 of the great festival at this point in the narrative, and its appearance in $5 looks like an after- thought (see p. 55); that the same is still true in Q shows the close dependence of the later version on the earlier at this stage in the work. 5. In this section Q as usual contains many details and endur- ing phrases not found in S, such as the wailing of the Foamriders beside the sea, Feanor's contempt for the Valar 'who cannot even keep their own realm from their foe', the drawn swords of the oath-takers, the fighting on 'the great arch of the gate and on the lamplit quays and piers' of Swanhaven, and the suggestion that the speaker of the Prophecy may have been Mandos himself. There was no mention in S of the Gnomes who did not join the Flight (they being those who were on Taniquetil celebrating the festival): this now reappears from the Lost Tales (I. 176); nor was it said that not all Fingolfin's people shared in the Kinslaying at Swanhaven. The reference to 'the song of the Flight of the Gnomes' may be to the alliterative poem The Flight of the Noldoli (III. 131 ff.), though that was abandoned at the Feanorian Oath: perhaps my father still thought to continue it one day, or to write a new poem on the subject.* The pencilled addition 'Finrod returned' (note 8) indicates the later story, according to which Finarfin (Finrod) left the march of the Noldor after hearing the Prophecy of the North (The Silmarillion p. 88); in S as emended (note 9) and in Q Finrod only came up with Fingolfin after the burning of the ships by the Feanorians, and only after that did Finrod return to Valinor. Helkarakse reappears in Q from the Lost Tales, but is now rendered 'the Strait of the Grinding Ice', whereas its original meaning was 'Icefang', and referred to the narrow neck of land which 'ran out from the western land almost to the eastern shores' and was separated from the Great Lands by the Qerkaringa or Chill Gulf (I. 166 - 7 and note 5). 6. If there ever was a 'song of the Sun and Moon' (called in The Silmarillion p, 99 by an Elvish name, Narsilion) it has dis- appeared. The account in Q scarcely expands the extremely cursory passage in S; but the reason now given for the change in the divine plan is not that the Gods 'find it safer' to send the Sun and Moon beneath the Earth: rather it is changed on account of 'the waywardness of Tilion and his rivalry with Urien', and still more because of the complaints of Lorien and Nienna against the unceasing light. This element re-emerges from the Tale of the Sun and Moon (I. 189 - 90), where the Valar who protested were Mandos and Fui Nienna, Lorien, and (*Later this becomes a reference to 'that lament which is named Noldolante, the Fall of the Noldor, that Maglor made ere he was lost' (The Silmarillion p. 87); but I have found no trace of this.) Vana. Likewise the names Rana and Ur given by the Gods to the Moon and Sun go back to the old story, where however Ur is said to be the Elvish name: the Gods named the Sun Sari (I. 186 - 7). The Sun-maiden is now named Urien, emended to Arien (her name in The Silmarillion), replacing Urwendi (< Urwen); she is said to have 'tended the golden flowers in the gardens of Vana', which clearly derives from the tending of Laurelin by Urwen(di) in the Lost Tales (1. 73). Tilion, the hunter with the silver bow from the company of Orome, not Ilinsor, is now the steersman of the Moon; but as I noted in I. 88, Tilion, who in The Silmarillion 'lay in dreams by the pools of Este [Lorien's wife] in Telperion's flickering beams', perhaps owes something to the figure of Silmo in the Lost Tales, the youth whom Lorien loved and who was given the task of 'watering' Silpion. The words of Q concerning Tilion, *often he wandered from his course pursuing the stars upon the heavenly fields', and the reference to his rivalry with Urien (Arien), clearly de- rive from the passage in the old tale (I. 195) where it is told of Ilinsor that he was 'jealous of the supremacy of the Sun' and that 'often he set sail in chase of [the stars]'. A trace of the old conception of the Moon survives in the reference to 'the floating island of the Moon', a phrase still found in The Silmarillion (see I. 202). The occurrence cf the name Eruman of the land where Men awoke (Murmenalda in Gilfanon's Tale, 'far to the east of Palisor', I. 232 - 3, Hildorien in The Silmarillion, 'in the east- ward regions of Middle-earth') is strange, and can only be re- garded as a passing application of it in a wholly different meaning, for it was in fact retained in a refinement of its orig- inal sense - the land between the mountains and the sea south of Taniquetil and Kor, also in the Lost Tales called Arvalin (which is the name given to it in S and Q): Eruman (> Araman) afterwards became the wasteland between the mountains and the sea north of Taniquetil (see I. 82 - 3). Though the phrase in Q 'the oldest days before the waning of the Elves and the waxing of mortals' was retained in The Silmarillion (p. 103), a later addition to Q (note 6), not re- tained, is more explicit: 'for measured time had come into the world, and the first of days; and thereafter the lives of the El- der that remained in the Hither Lands were lessened, and their waning was begun.' The meaning of this is undoubtedly that measured time had come into the Great or Hither Lands, for the phrase 'thus measured time came into the Hither Lands' is found in the earliest Annals of Beleriand (p. 353). This seems to relate the waning of the Elves to the coming of 'measured time', and may in turn be associated with the following pas- sage from The Silmarillion (p. 103): From this time forth were reckoned the Years of the Sun. Swifter and briefer are they than the long Years of the Trees in Valinor. In that time the air of Middle-earth became heavy with the breath of growth and mortality, and the changing and ageing of all things was hastened exceedingly. In the earlier writings the waning or fading of the Elves is al- ways, clearly if mysteriously, a necessary concomitant of the waxing of Men.* Since Men came into the world at the rising of the Sun it may be that the conceptions are not fundamen- tally at variance: Men, and measured time, arose in the world together, and were the sign for the declining of the Elves. But it must be remembered that the doom of 'waning' was, or be- came, a part of the Prophecy of the North (The Silmarillion p. 88): And those that endure in Middle-earth and come not to Mandos shall grow weary of the world as with a great bur- den, and shall wane, and become as shadows of regret be- fore the younger race that cometh after. On the phrase used of Earendel: 'he came too late', see II. 257; and cf. Q$17: 'He came too late to bring messages to the Elves, for the Elves had gone.' ( *See II. 326. In one place it was said that the Elves 'cannot live in an air breathed by a number of Men equal to their own or greater' (II. 283), In the Lay of the Children of Hurin (see III. 54) appears the idea of 'the goodness of the earth' being usurped by Men, and this reappears in $14 in both S and Q (in S with the added statement that 'the Elves needed the light of the Trees')) 7. In this section Q does scarcely more than polish the text of S and embody the later alterations made to it, and the content has been discussed in the commentary on S. In the sentence added to the end of Q (note 6) there is a clear echo of the old idea of the fading Elves of Luthany, and the Elves of Tol Eressea who have withdrawn from the world 'and there fade now no more' (see II. 301, 326). Q provides here new details but otherwise follows S closely. The site of the First Battle (by later interpolation called 'The Battle under Stars') is now in the great Northern plain, still un- named before its desolation, when it became Dor-na-Fauglith; in The Silmnrillion (p. 106) the Orcs attacked through the passes of the Mountains of Shadow and the battle was fought 'on the grey fields of Mithrim'. Feanor's sight of Thangoro- drim as he died now appears, and his cursing of the name of Morgoth as he gazed on the mountain - transferred from Turin, who did the same after the death of Beleg in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 87). A very minor structural change is found in the story of the feign=d offer of a peace-treaty by Morgoth. In S this was made before the death of Feanor, and Feanor indeed refused to treat; after his death Maidros 'induced the Gnomes to meet Morgoth'. In Q 'even in the hour of his death there came to [his sons] an embassy from Morgoth acknowledging his defeat, and offering to treat, and tempting them with a Silmaril'. The greater force sent by Morgoth is now referred to; and it is seen that the numbers of the Balrogs were still conceived to be very great: but Morgoth brought the greater, and they were Balrogs' (contrast The Silmarillion: 'but Morgoth sent the more, and there were Balrogs'). In the story of the rescue of Maidros by Finweg (Fingon) the explicit and puzzling statement of S that it was only now that Manwe 'fashioned the race of eagles' is changed to a statement that it was now that he sent them forth; by the later change of 'sent' to 'had sent' the final text is reached. In Q are found the details that Finweg (Fingon) climbed to Maidros un- aided but could not reach him, and of the thirty fathoms of Thorndor's outstretched wings, the staying of Finweg's hand from his bow, the twice repeated appeal of Maidros that Finweg slay him, and the heading of Maidros so that he lived to wield his sword better with his left hand than he had with his right - cf. the Lay of the Children of Hurin (III. 65): his left wieldeth/his sweeping sword. But there are of course still many elements in the final story that do not appear: as the former close friendship of Maidros and Fingon, the song of Fingon and Maidros' answer, Fingon's prayer to Manwe, and Maidros' begging of forgiveness for the desertion in Araman and waiv- ing of his claim to kingship over all the Noldor. 9. In this section of the narrative Q shows an extraordinary and unexpected expansion of S, much greater than has been the case hitherto, and many elements cf the history in the pub- lished Silmarillion appear here (notably still absent are the en- tire story of Thingol's cold welcome to the new-come Noldor, and of course the origin at this time of Nargothrond and Gondolin):, but S, as emended and interpolated, was still the basis. A few of the new features had in fact already emerged in the poems: thus the Elvish watchtower on Tol Sirion first appears in Canto VII cf the Lay of Leithian (early 1928); the deaths of Angrod and Egnor in the battle that ended the Siege of Angband, called the Battle cf Sudden Flame in one of the earlier additions in this section (note 19), in Canto Vl of the Lay (see p. 66): the Gorge of Aglon in Canto VII and Himling in Canto X (both passages written in 1928); Esgalduin already in the Lay of the Children of Hurin (but its source in 'secret wells in Taur-na-Fuin' has not been mentioned before). But much of the content of Q in this sect!on introduces wholly new elements into the legends. The lates pencilled alterations and additions given in the notes were put in a good while afterwards, and the names thus, intrcduced (Taur Danin, Eredlindon, Ossiriand - which was Assariad in Q$14, Dorthonion, Sauron) belong to later phrases. But it may be noticed here that the change of Second Battle to Third Battle (note 19) is explained by the development of the Glorious Battle (Dagor Aglareb, a late addition given in note 15), so that the Battle of Sudden Flame became the third of the Battles of Beleriand. With 'the Foreboding of the Kings' in note 15 cf. The Silmarillion p. 115: 'A victory it was, and yet a warning', or the reference may be to the foreboding dreams of Turgon and Felagund (ibid. p. 114). The names of Beleriand given in one of the earlier additions (note 2), Noldorien, Geleidhian, and Ingolonde 'the fair and sorrowful', are interesting. With these may be compared the list of names given in III. 160, which include Noldorinan and Golodhinand, the latter showing Golodh, the Sindarin equiva- lent of Quenya Noldo; Geleidhian obviously contains the same element (cf. Annon-in-Gelydh, the Gate of the Noldor). Ingolonde occurs again in the next version of 'The Silmarillion' (the version nearing completion in 1937, see I. 8): And that region was named of old in the language of Doriath Beleriand, but after the coming of the Noldor it was called also in the tongue of Valinor Ingolonde, the fair and sorrowful, the Kingdom of the Gnomes. If Ingolonde means 'the Kingdom of the Gnomes', this name also should probably be associated with the stem seen in Noldo, Golodh. In much later writing my father gave the orig- inal form of the word as ngolodo, whence Quenya noldo, Sindarin golodh, noting that n = 'the Feanorian letter for the back nasal, the ng of king'. He also said that the mother-name of Finrod (= Felagund) was Ingoldo: this was 'a form of noldo with syllabic n, and being in full and more dignified form is more or less equivalent to "the Noldo", one eminent in the kin- dred', and he noted that 'the name was never Sindarized (the form would have been Angolod)'. How significant is the likeness of Ingolonde to England? I cannot certainly answer this; but it seems plain from the con- clusion of Q that England was one of the great isles that re- mained after the destruction of Beleriand (see the commentary on $18). The territory of the other sons of Finrod (Finarfin), Orodreth, Angrod, and Egnor, is now set in the pineclad high- lands which afterwards were Taur-na-Fuin. Quite new in Q is the passage concerning the Dwarves, with the notable statement that the Feanorians 'made war upon' the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost, changed afterwards to 'had converse with' them; this led ultimately to the picture in The Silmarillion (p. 113) of Caranthir's contemptuous but highly profitable traffic with the Dwarves in Thargelion. The older view of the Dwarves (see II. 247) was still present when my father wrote the Quenta: though 'they do not serve Morgoth', 'they are in many things more like his people' (a hard saying indeed); they were naturally hostile to the Gnomes, who as naturally made war on them. The Dwarf-cities of Nogrod and Belegost go back to the Tale of the Nauglafring, where the Dwarves are called Nauglath (Nauglir in Q, Naugrim in The Silmarillion); but in the Tale the Indrafangs are the Dwarves of Belegost. The Feast of Reunion, which goes back to Gilfanon's Tale (I. 240) but is not mentioned in S (where there is only a ref- erence to the 'meeting' of the Gnomes with Ilkorins and Men), reappears in Q ('The Feast of Meeting'); it is held in the Land of Willows, not as in The Silmarillion near the pools of Ivrin. The presence of Men at the feast has been excised, and there now enters the story of the passage of Men over the Blue Mountains (called in an addition Erydluin, note 3) and the en- counter of Felagund, hunting in the East with Celegorm, and Beor. This passage in Q is the forerunner of that in The Silmaril/ion (p. 140), with the strangeness of the tongue of Men in Felagund's ears, his taking up Beor's harp, the wisdom that was in Felagund's song, so that Men called him 'Gnome or Wisdom' (note 12). It is interesting to observe that after my father abandoned the use of the word 'Gnome' (see I. 43 - 4) he retained Nom as the word for 'wisdom' in the language of the people of Beor (The Silmarillion p. 141). The abiding of Beor with Felagund until his death is mentioned (and in a late addi- tion the dwelling of the Beorians on Dorthonion, note 14). Hador, called the Tall and by a later change (note 11) the Golden-haired, now first enters, and he is one of the two lead- ers of Men to cross the Mountains into Beleriand. Later, whereas in the House of Beor the original leader remained, and new generations were introduced beneath him, in the case of the House of Hador the original leader was moved downwards and replaced by Marach; but the two Houses remained known as the House of Beor and the House of Hador. Hador has, beside Gumlin (who appeared in the second ver- sion of the Lay of the Children of Hurin as Hurin's father, III. 115, 126), another son Haleth; and this occurrence of Haleth is not merely an initial application of the name without particular significance, but implies that originally the 'Hadorian' and 'Halethian' houses of the Elf-friends were one and the same: the affinity of the names Hador, Haleth (though Haleth ultimately became the Lady Haleth) goes back to their origin as father and son. The pencilled words 'Haleth the hunter, and little later' (note 11) were very probably intended to go after the words 'After them came', i.e. They were the first of Men to come into Beleriand. After them came Haleth the hunter, and little later Hador, &c. This shows of course the development of the third house of the Elf-friends, later called the Haladin; and with the removal of Haleth to independent status as the leader of a third people the other son of Hador became Gundor (note 11). Thus: Quenta as written. Hador the Tall. Haleth. Hurin Huor. Quenta. Hador the Goldenhaired. Haleth. as emended. the. Hunter. Gundor. Hurin Huor. The. Hador the Goldenhaired. Silmarillion. Gundor. Hurin Huor. Morwen now gains the name 'Elfsheen', and the association of the House of Hador with Fingolfin in Hithlum appears. The battle that ended the Siege of Angband had already been described in Canto VI (III. 212 - 13) of the Lay of Leithian (March 1928); a second description of it is found in Canto XI of the Lay (HI. 275; September 1930). By later additions the name 'The Battle of Sudden Flame' (note 19) and Glomund's presence in it (note 16) are introduced (on the name Glomund. see p. 71). Here also is the flight of many Dark-elves (not Gnomes as in S) to Doriath, to the increase of Thingol's power. It is now suggested that Celegorm and Curufin came to Nargothrond after the Battle of Sudden Flame as to a refuge al- ready in being, and with them came Orodreth their friend; this is to be related to the earlier passage in Q (55): 'Orodreth, Angrod, and Egnor took the part of Feanor' (in the debate be- fore the Flight of the Noldoli). That Thingol's halls in Doriath were the inspiration for Nargothrond is also suggested. With the account here of the challenge of Fingolfin and his death compare the Lay of Leithian Canto XII. This dates from late September 1930, and is later than this section of Q (see the commentary on $10), as is seen by the reference to Thorndor's 'beak of gold' (line 3616, found already in the A-text of the Lay), in contrast to his 'claw' in Q, emended to 'bill' (note 23).* (*Cf. also 'thirty feet' as the span of Thorndor's wings emended to 'thirty fathoms' in Q$8 (note 7), 'thirty fathoms' in the Lay (line 3618).) 10. '7 This version of the legend of Beren and Luthien is unlike previous sections of the Quenta: for whereas hitherto it has 1 been an independent extension of S, here (for a good part of its length) it is a compression of the Lay of Leithian. Very slight differences between Q and the Lay are not in my opin- ion significant, but are merely the results of precis. At the end of the fight with Celegorm and Curufin, however, Q and the Lay diverge. In the Lay Beren's healing (not men- tioned in Q) is followed by debate between him and Luthien (3148ff.), their return to the borders of Doriath, and Beren's departure alone on Curufin's horse, leaving Huan to guard Luthien (3219ff.). The narrative in Canto XI begins with Beren's reaching Dor-na-Fauglith and his Song of Parting; then follows (3342ff.) Luthien's overtaking of Beren, having ridden after him on Huan, Huan's coming to them shortly after with the wolfcoat and batskin from the Wizard's Isle, and his coun- sel to them. In Q, on the other hand, the story is essentially dif- ferent, and the difference cannot be explained by compression (admittedly at this point severe): for Huan went off to the Wiz- ard's Isle for the wolfcoat and batskin and then Beren and Luthien rode North together on horseback, until they came to a point where they must put on the disguises. This is clearly the form of the story given in Synopsis IV for this part of the Lay (III. 273): Luthien heals Beren. They tell Huan of their doubts and de- bate and he goes off and brings the wolfham and batskin from the Wizard's Isle. Then he speaks for the last time. They prepare to go to Angband. But Q is later than Synopsis IV, for the idea had already emerged that Huan. spoke thrice, the third time at his death. It seems at least extremely probable, then, that Q$10 was written when the Lay of Leithian extended to about the point where the narrative turns to the events following the routing of Celegorm and Curufin and Huan's desertion of his master. Now against line 3031 is written the date November 1929, probably referring forwards (see the note to this line), and the next date, against line 3220 (the return of Beren and Luthien to Doriath), is 25 September 1930. In the last week of Septem- ber of that year my father composed the small amount remain- ing of Canto X, and Cantos XI and XII, taking the story from Beren's solitary departure on Curufin's horse to the enspelling of Carcharoth at the gates of Angband; and this part had not, according to the analysis above, been composed when Q$10 was written.* These considerations make 1930 a virtually cer- tain date for the composition of Q or at least the major part of it; and this fits well with my father's statement {see p. 11) that the 'Sketch' was written 'c. 1926 - 30', for we have seen that the original writing of S dates from 1926 (III. 3), and the in- terpolations and emendations to it, which were taken up into Q, would belong to the following years. The statement in Q that 'in the lay of Luthien is all told how they came to Angband's gate' must be an anticipation of further composition of the Lay that my father was at this time premeditating. From here on there are minor narrative divergences between Q and the Lay. Thus in the prose Morgoth 'fashioned' (rather than bred) Carcharoth (cf. Synopsis III 'fashions', Synopsis V 'fashions' > 'chooses', III. 293 - 4). The wolf's names Boro- saith, Everhungry, and Anfauglin, Jaws of Thirst (an addition given in note 9), are not found in the Synopses or the Lay, but the latter, in the form Anfauglir, reappears in The Silmarillion (p. 180) with the same meaning. In the prose Luthien is praised for casting off her disguise and naming her own name, feigning 'that she was brought cap- tive by the wolves of Thu', whereas in the Lay she claims at first to be Thuringwethil, sent to Morgoth by Thu as a messen- ger, and it seems that her bat-raiment falls from her at Morgoth's command (lines 3959 - 65), and that he divines who she is without her naming her name. In these features Q agrees rather with Synopsis III, where she does say who she is, and 'lets fall her bat-garb' (III. 305). It is not said in the Lay that 'she flung the magic robe in his face' (but in The Silmarillion p. 181 'she cast her cloak before his eyes'), and there is in the (*Cf. also the internal evidence given in the commentary on $9 that the Fall of Fingolfin in Canto XII is later than Q's account.) prose the notable detail of the Orcs' secret laughter at Morgoth's fall from his throne. In Q Beren leaps forth, casting aside the wolfcoat, when Morgoth falls, whereas in the Lay Luthien must rouse him from his swoon. The ascription of the snapping of Curufin's knife to dwarvish 'treachery' agrees however with the verse ('by treacherous smiths of Nogrod made', line 4161) - this feature is not found in The Silmarillion, of course; while the arousing of the sleepers by the sound of its breaking agrees with the A-text of the Lay (lines 4163 - 6), not with the revised version of B, where the shard struck Morgoth's brow. From the point where the Lay ends, with the biting off of Beren's hand by the Wolf, the Q account can be compared with the Synopses. The 'wanderings and despair' of Beren and Luthien and 'their rescue by Huan' clearly associate Q with Synopsis V (III. 312), and the marginal addition (note 11) con- cerning their rescue by Thorndor, their flight over Gondolin, and their setting down in Brethil, belongs with the brief late outline given in III. 309. The structure of events in Doriath, with Boldog's raid preceding the embassy from Celegorm to Thingol, agrees with Synopsis IV (III. 310) rather than with Synopsis V (III. 311), where Thingol's host moving against Nargothrond meets Boldog; but Q agrees with Synopsis V in many details, such as the presence of Beleg and Mablung in the battle with Boldog, and Thingol's changed view of Beren. At the end of this section the Land of the Dead that Live reaches, in the emendation given in note 15, its final placing in Ossiriand, and the name Gwerth-i-Cuina appears for the Dead that Live (later in Q as originally written, $14, the names are Assariad and Cuilwarthien, cf. i-Cuilwarthon of the Lost Tales). On the name Geleidhian for Broseliand/Beleriand, oc- curring in this emendation, see the commentary on $9. On the statements at the end of this section concerning Luthien's fate, and the 'long span of life and joy' granted to Beren and Luthien by Mandos, see the commentary on $14. A matter unconcerned with the story of Beren and Luthien arises at the beginning of this section, where it is said that Beor was slain in the Battle of Sudden Flame; in $9, on the other hand, 'Beor lived till death with Felagund'. This can be interpreted to mean that he died in Felagund's service at the time that his son Barahir rescued Felagund, but such an expla- nation is forced (especially since in the later form of his legend his death was expressly of old age, and was a source of great wonder to the Elves who witnessed it, The Silmarillion p. 149). It seems more likely that there is here an inconsistency within Q, admittedly surprising since the two passages are not widely separated. For the emendation of 'Second Battle' to 'Third Battle' (note 1) see the commentary on $9; and with the change of Tinfang Warble to Tinfang Gelion (note 12) cf. line 503 in the Lay of Leithian, where the same change was made. 11. In this section the Quenta becomes, both in structure and in much of its actual wording, the first draft of Chapter 20 ('Of the Fifth Battle') of The Silmarillion. There appears now the unwise and premature demonstration of his gathering strength by Maidros, warning Morgoth of what was afoot among his enemies and allowing him time to send out his emissaries among the Men from the East - though this is less clear and explicit in Q as originally written than it be- comes with the rewriting given in note 14, and even then the two phases of the war are not clearly distinguished. Some fur- ther development in this had still to come: in The Silmarillion the coming of the Easterlings into Beleriand is told at an earlier point (p. 157; cf. note 1 to this section in Q), and it is said that some of them, though not all, 'were already secretly under the dominion of Morgoth, and came at his call', the en- try of his 'spies and workers of treason' was made easier 'for the faithless Men of his secret allegiance were yet deep in the secrets of the sons of Feanor' (p. 189). Though these agents of Morgoth are said in Q (as rewritten, note 14) to have gone es- pecially to the sons of Ulfang, and though Bor and his sons are mentioned, there is no suggestion here of the good faith of the sons of Bor, who slew Ulfast and Ulwarth in the midst of the battle {The Silmarillion p. 193). The Dwarves now play a part in these events, though only as furnishers of weapons; but in Q they are shown as calculat- ing and indeed cynical ('we are friends of neither side - until it has won'), actuated solely by desire for gain. In The Silma- rillion the Dwarves actually entered the war on Maedhros' side, and 'won renown', Azaghal Lord of Belegost wounded Glaurung as the dragon crawled over him (p. 193). But at this time I do not think that my father would have conceived of the Dwarves of the mountains taking any active part in the wars of the Elves. Whereas in S (as emended, $11 note 1) it is only said that 'Orodreth because of Felagund his brother will not come', there now appears in Q the small company out of Nargothrond who went to the war under the banners of Finweg (Fingon) 'and came never back, save one', the leader is Flinding son of Fuilin, who comes out of the old Tale of Turambar and the Lay of the Children of Hurin, and who is thus given a fuller history before he fled from the Mines of Melko to meet Beleg in the Forest of Night. In the tale as in the poem (see III. 53) it is only said that he had been of the people of the Rodothlim (of Nargothrond) and that he was captured by Orcs. By later change in Q (note 7) he becomes Gwindor son of Guilin. But it is notable that although the wild onrush of the Gnomes of Nargothrond, that carried them even into Angband and made Morgoth tremble on his throne, was led by Flinding/Gwindor, his heroic fury had as yet no special cause: for the herald of Finweg/Fingon who was murdered on Dor-na-Fauglith in order to provoke the Elves of Hithlum to attack Morgoth's decoy force is not named.* The next and final stage was for the her- ald to become Gelmir of Nargothrond, Gwindor's brother, who had been captured in the Battle of Sudden Flame: it was in- deed grief for the loss of Gelmir that had brought Gwindor out of Nargothrond against the will of Orodreth (The Silmarillion p. 188). Thus Flinding/Gwindor, devised long before for a dif- ferent story, ends by being, in his earlier life, the involuntary cause of the loss of the great battle and the ruin of the king- doms of the Noldor in Middle-earth. (* The statement that 'Morgoth led forth one of the heralds... and slew him upon the plain' certainly does not mean, I think, that Morgoth himself came forth and did the deed; rather 'Morgoth' here stands for 'the servants of Morgoth, obeying his command.') The account of the behaviour of the people of Haleth in the rewritten passage given in note 7 shows my father in doubt; they made ready for war, then they abode in the forest and few came forth 'because of the wounding of Beren in the wood' (cf. 'Men remembered that wound against the sons of Feanor', Q$10; 'Men remembered at the Marching Forth', the Lay of Leithian line 3103). In the event, the former idea prevailed: 'In the forest of Brethil Halmir, lord of the People of Haleth, gath- ered his men, and they whetted their axes', and in the battle 'fell most of the Men of Brethil, and came never back to their woods' (The Silmarillion pp. 189, 192). In this same rewritten passage the later story of the founda- tion of Gondolin before the Battle of Unnumbered Tears is present, with Turgon coming forth 'unlooked for' with a great host. It is perhaps strange that in the subsequent passage of re- writing (note 14) Maidros 'appointed a day, and sent word to Fingon and Turgon', and 'Fingon and Turgon and the Men of Hithlum... were gathered ready in the West upon the borders of the Thirsty Plain', which does not at all suggest that Turgon had just arrived, but seems rather to revert to the earlier story (in S, note 1, and in Q as originally written) according to which he was one of the leaders of the Western Elves from the beginning of the preparations for war ('all the hosts of Hithlum ... were ready to his summons, and Finweg and Turgon and Huor and Hurin were their chiefs'). It seems that the emended narrative in Q represents an intermediate stage: Turgon now emerges from Gondolin already long since in existence, but he does not march up in the nick of time, on the day itself, as in the later story: he comes, certainly unexpected, but in time to take part in the final strategic preparations. The challenge to Morgoth, summoning by silver trumpets his host to come forth, was afterwards abandoned, but Morgoth's decoying force, 'great and yet not too great', sur- vived, as did Burin's warning against premature attack. The uncontrollable bursting forth of the Elves of Hithlum and their allies is brought about in the same way as in the later story, even though there is still lacking in Q the fine point that the one slaughtered before their eyes was the brother of Gwindor of Nargothrond; and there is present in the Q narrative the ini- tial success of the hosts of Hithlum, the near-miscarriage of Morgoth's plans, the sweeping of the banners of Finweg (Fingon) over the plain to the very walls of Angband. The final stages of the battle are less fully treated in Q, but all the essen- tial structure is there; several features are indeed still absent, as the death of Fingon at the hands of Gothmog (but the flame from his helm as it was cloven is mentioned, a feature that goes back to the Lay of the Children of Hurin, and from which the words Finweg (Fingon) fell in flame of swords derive, see III. 103), the fall of the Men of Brethil in the rearguard (see above), the presence of the Dwarves of Belegost (with the death of Azaghal and the wounding of the dragon), the fateful words between Huor and Turgon that were overheard by Maeglin (The Silmarillion p. 194). Glomund's presence at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears was introduced in a later addition to the text of S ($13, note 3) and is now incorporated in the Q narrative; his earlier appearance at the Battle of Sudden Flame enters with an addition to Q$9 (note 16), and is referred to again here (note 17) - 'the second battle of the North', because the Glorious Battle, Dagor Aglareb, which became the second battle, had not yet been de- veloped. But according to Q the dragon 'was not yet come to his full growth' at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears; later, he was already full grown at the Battle of Sudden Flame (The Silmarillion p. 151), and his first, immature emergence from Angband was placed still further back {ibid. pp. 116 - 17). The Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin here reappears from the Lay of the Children of Hurin (see III. 26, 126), where in the second version it is said that it was the work of Telchar, and Would that he [Hurin] had worn it to ward his head on that direst day from death's handstroke! (665 - 6) But only now does the dragon-crest become the image of Glomund. Afterwards the h! story of the helm was much en- larged: in the Narn i Hin Hurin (Unfinished Tales p. 75) it is told that Telchar (of Nogrod, not as in Q of Belegost) made it for Azaghal of Belegost, and that it was given by him to Maedhros, by Maedhros to Fingon, and by Fingon to Hador, whence it descended to Hador's grandson Hurin. In the Narn it is said that Hurin never in fact wore it; and also that the peo- ple of Hithlum said 'Of more worth is the Dragon of Dorlomin than the gold-worm of Angband!' - which originated in this passage of Q, 'We have a dragon of more worth than theirs'. A pencilled direction against the beginning of $12 in Q (note 1) postpones the introduction of the Helm to the point where Morwen sends it to Thingol, as it is placed in The Silmarillion (p. 199). Some other minor features now enter, as Melian's counsel to restore the Silmaril to the sons of Feanor (The Silmarillion p. 189), and in additions to the text the presence of Elves of the Falas among the Western hosts at the great battle (note 14), and the especial hatred and fear felt by Morgoth of the House of Fingolfin (note 23; The Silmarillion p. 196, where however the reasons for it are their frierdship with Ulmo and the wounds that Fingolfin had given him - and Turgon, Fingolfin's son). In emendations to Q (note 6) the name Celegorm begins a long uncertainty between that form and Celegorn. The mention of 'Dark-elves, save cut of Doriath' marching to Maidros' banners shows that my father still naturally used this term of Thingol's people; cf. the Index to The Silmarillion, entry Dark Elves. 12. It is immediately apparent, from many actual repetitions of wording, that when my father composed the Q version of the tale of Turin Turambar he had the 'Sketch' in front of him; while many of the phrases that occur in The Silmarillion ver- sion are first found here. There are also features in Q's narra- tive that derive from the Lay of the Children of Hurin but which were omitted in S. The statement in Q, repeated from S, that the fate of Turin is told in the no doubt shows that my father had not yet given up all thought of completing that poem some day. In this first of the two sections into which the tale of Turin is here divided there are only minor points to be noticed. Q, though much fuller than S, is still expressly a synopsis, and the entire element of the Dragonhelm is omitted (see note 1 and the commentary on $11), together with the guiding of Turin by the two old men and the return of one of them to Morwen: the guides (Halog and Mailgond in S) are here not named. Rian Huor's wife has already appeared in S at a later point ($16). Airin, wife of Brodda and kinswoman of Morwen, re-enters from the old Tale (she is mentioned in S$13 but not named),* and the aid she gives to Morwen is secret, which perhaps sug- gests a movement towards the worsening of Brodda's character as tyrant and oppressor (see II. 127), though later in Q it is still told that Morwen entrusted her goods to him when she left her home (the text was subsequently altered here, $13 note 5). We meet here the expression 'the incoming Men', surviving in the term 'Incomers' used in the Narn, and also the element that the Easterlings were afraid of Morwen, whispering that she was a witch skilled in Elvish magic. There has been virtually no further development in the story of Turin in Doriath, the slaying of Orgof, and the outlaw band. Blodrin the traitor is now described as a Gnome, and by a later addition (note 5) a member of the House of Feanor; in the Lay (as in S) it is not made clear who he was, beyond the fact that he was an Elf who had been tumed to evil during his upbring- ing among the Dwarves (III. 52). In the passage concerned with Taur-na-Fuin there is the new detail that the Orc-band that captured Turin 'had delayed long in the lands plundering East among Men', which is found in The Silmarillion (p. 206): the Orcs 'had tarried on their road, hunting in the lands and fearing no pursuit as they came north- ward'. This feature clearly arose from a feeling that Beleg would never have caught up with the Orcs if they had returned swiftly to Angband, but in both S and Q they were moving in haste through Taur-na-Fuin, and in Q this is explained by 'the angry message of Morgoth'. The addition concerning Beleg's sword (note 10) is the first indication that it was of a strange nature; the phrase 'made of iron that fell from heaven as a blazing star, and it would cut all (*In the Tale Airin was Morwen's friend (II. 93); in S and Q she was Morwen's kinswoman; in The Silmarillion (p. 198) and the Narn (p. 69) she was Hurin's kinswoman.) earth-dolven iron' is found in The Silmarillion at a different point (p. 201), where the origin of the sword is more fully told. 13. There are several substantial developments in the latter part of the story of Turin in Q. Finduilas' name Failivrin is now ascribed to Flinding (Gwindor); in the Lay occur the lines the frail Finduilas that Failivrin, the glimmering sheen on the glassy pools of Ivrin's lake the Elves in love had named anew. (III. 76, lines 2175 - 8) In Nargothrond Turin, as the Black Sword, is Mormaglir, not as in S Mormakil (cf. the Tale of Turambar, II. 84: 'Hence comes that name of Turin's among the Gnomes, calling him Mormagli or Mormakil according to their speech'). The final form was Mormegil. It is now expressly stated that though ru- mour of the Black Sword of Nargothrond reached Thingol 'the name of Turin was not heard', but there is still no suggestion that Turin deliberately concealed his identity. The place where the Gnomes of Nargothrond were defeated is not said to be between the rivers Ginglith and Narog (The Silmarillion p. 212), but 'upon the Guarded Plain, north of Nargothrond', and as will be seen later the battlefield at this time was east of Narog, not in the triangle of land between it and Ginglith. The impression is given that the reproaches of Flinding (Gwindor) as he died were on account of Finduilas. There is indeed no suggestion here that Turin's policy of open war was opposed in Nargothrond, nor that it was this policy that revealed Nargothrond to Morgoth; but since these ele- ments were fully present in the Tale of Turambar (II. 83-4) their absence from Q must be set down to compression. There is also no mention at this point in Q of the bridge over the Narog (see S$13 notes 1 and 5), but it is referred to later in this section as having proved the undoing of the Elves of Nargothrond. Orodreth was slain at Nargothrond, and not as in The Silmarillion on the battlefield. In an alteration to Q (note 9) a shift is implied in the motive of Turin's slaying of Brodda. In the Tale Turin struck Brodda's head off in explicit vengeance on 'the rich man who addeth the widow's little to his much' (II. 90); in the revised passage in Q (as afterwards in The Silmarillion, p. 215, and most clearly in the Narn, pp. 107 - 8) Turin's action sprang in part from the fury and agony of his realisation that the dragon had cheated him.* Whereas in S the Woodmen are placed 'east of Narog', in Q they are said to dwell 'in the green woods about the River Taiglin that enters the land of Doriath ere it joins with the great waters of Sirion' - these being the first occurrences of Taiglin and 'Doriath beyond Sirion' in the texts (though both are marked on the earliest 'Silmarillion' map, see insert). I noted in connection with the passage in S that it is strange that whereas in the Tale the Woodmen had a leader (Bethos) when Turin joined them, as also in the later story, in S Turin 'gath- ered a new people'. Now in Q the Woodmen have an. identity, 'the remnant of the people of Haleth', Haleth being at this time the son of Hador and uncle of Hurin, and the 'Hadorian' and 'Halethian' houses one and the same, as already in $9; but still as in S Turin at once becomes their ruler. Brandir the Lame, son of Handir son of Haleth, does indeed emerge here, replac- ing Tamar (son of Bethos the ruler) of the Tale of Turambar who is still present in S, and it is said that Brandir had 'yielded the rule to Turin at the choice of the woodfolk', but in the later story it is an important element that Brandir remained the tit- ular ruler until his death, though disregarded by Turin. Here is the first mention of Turin's vain seeking for Finduilas when he came down from Hithlum, and the first ac- count of Finduilas' fate; in the Tale and in S there is no sug- gestion of what became of her. Finduilas is 'the last of the race of Finrod' (later Finarfin) because Galadriel had not yet emerged. The narrative of Q also advances to the later form in making Nienor accompany the expedition from Doriath in disguise (see II. 128); and the 'high place... covered with trees' of the (*In the Narn it is not made clear that Turin actually intended to kill Brodda when he hurled him across the table.) Tale and the 'hill-top' of S now becomes 'the tree-clad Hill of Spies'. But in Q it was only Morwen who was set for safety on the Hill of Spies: there is no mention of what Nienor did until she was confronted by Glomund on the banks of Narog (not, as later, on the Hill). This is a movement away both from the Tale and from the later story, where Morwen and Nienor remained together until the dragon-fog arose; but towards the later story in that Nienor met the dragon alone (on the treat- ment of this in S see the commentary). We must suppose that at this stage in the development of the legend Nienor's pres- ence was never revealed, either to her mother or to anyone else save the dragon; in the later story she was discovered at the passage of the Twilit Meres (The Silmarillion p. 217, Narn pp. 114 - 15). The 'Mablung-element' is still wholly absent; and it is to be noted that Morwen was taken back in safety to the Thousand Caves, whence she afterwards wandered away when she found that Nienor was gone. - The bridge over Narog seems to have been still standing after the sack (in The Silmarillion Glaurung broke it down, p. 214). By emendation in Q (note 14) appears for the first time the name Celebros, translated 'Foam-silver', for Silver-bowl; but in Q (as in S) the falls are still in the Taiglin itself (see II. 132). Later, Celebros became the name of the tributary stream in which were the falls; and the falls were named Dimrost, the Rainy Stair. In the story of the slaying of the dragon, the six (not as af- terwards two) companions of Turambar still survive through S from the Tale (II. 106); though in Q they were not so much the only companions that Turambar could find but rather 'begged to come with him'. In the Tale the band of seven clambered up the far side of the ravine in the evening and stayed there all night; at dawn of the second day, when the dragon moved to cross, Turambar saw that he had now only three companions, and when they had to climb back down to the stream-bed to come up under Glorund's belly these three had not the courage to go up again. Turambar slew the dragon by daylight; Niniel went down to the ravine on the second evening, and threw her- self over the falls at sunrise of the third day; and Turambar slew himself in the afternoon of that day. In S the only indica- tion of time is that all six of Turambar's companions deserted him during the night spent clingirg to the further lip of the ra- vine. In Q the six all deserted Turambar during the first night, as in S, but he spent the whole of the following day clinging to the cliff; Glomund moved to pass over the ravine on the second night (my father clearly wished to make the dragon- slaying take place in darkness, but achieved this at first by ex- tending the time Turambar spent in the gorge). But Niniel went down and found him, and threw herself over the falls, on that same night. Thus in Q the story has moved closer to that of The Silmarillion and the Narn, and needed only the contraction of the time before the dragon crossed the ravine, so that all took place in a single night and the following morning. - It seems to be suggested in Q that Glomund in his death-throes hurled himself back on to the bank from which he was com- ing; he 'coiled back in anguish ... and came not into the woodmen's land'. If this is so Niniel must have crossed the ra- vine to reach Turambar. In the Tale (II. 107) it is explicit that 'almost had [the dragon] crossed the chasm when Gurtholfin pierced him, and now he cast himself upon its farther bank', as also in the later versions. That Niniel was with child by Turambar is now stated in the text as written (in the Tale and in S this appears only in later additions). In the Tale (II. 111) Turambar slew himself in the glade of Silver Bowl; it is not said in S or in Q where he died, though in both he was buried beside Silver Bowl. - At the very end appears in Q the name Nen-Girith, its first occurrence: 'Men changed the name of that place thereafter to Nen-Girith, the Shuddering Water.' In The Silmarillion (p. 220) it is said, in the passage describing the great fit of shuddering that came on Nienor at Dimrost, the falls of Celebros, that - on account of this - 'afterwards that place was called Nen Girith', and in the Narn (p. 123) that 'after that day' it was called Nen Girith. These passages can be taken to mean that the falls of Celebros were renamed Nen Girith simply on account of Nienor's shiv- ering when she first came there. But this is surely absurd; the event was, in itself and without aftermath, far too slight for a renaming - too slight, indeed for narrative mention or legend- ary recollection, if it had no aftermath: places are not renamed in legend because a person, however important, caught a chill there. Obviously the prophetic element is the whole point, and it goes back to the Tale, where before ever the name Nen Girith was devised Nienor 'not knowing why was filled with a dread and could not look upon the loveliness of that foaming water' (II, 101), and in the original story both Nienor and Turambar died in that very place (see II. 134-5). I think that the phrase in the Narn, 'after that day', must be interpreted to mean 'after that time', 'after the events which are now to be described had come to pass'. I noted in Unfinished Tales (p. 149, note 24): One might suppose that it was only when all was over, and Turin and Nienor dead, that her shuddering fit was recalled and its meaning seen, and Dimrost renamed Nen Girith; but in the legend Nen Girith is used as the name throughout. Almost certainly, the use of the name 'Nen Girith' in the later narratives before the account of the events that must have given rise to the name is to be explained in the same way as that proposed by my father for Mablung: concerning which he Silmaril from the belly of Carcharoth the hand [of Beren] and jewel seemed to have so great a j weight that Mablung's own hand was dragged earthward i and forced open, letting the other fall to the ground. It was said that Mablung's name ('with weighted hand') was pro- phetic; but it may have been a title derived from the episode that afterwards became the one that the hero was chiefly re- membered by in legend. I have no doubt that the story in Q shows the original idea: Nienor shivered with prophetic but unconscious fear when she came to the falls of Celebros; there both she and her brother died horrifyingly; and after their deaths the falls were renamed Nen Girith, the Shuddering Water, because the meaning was understood. 'Afterwards', 'After that day', this became the name of the falls; but in the legendary history, when all was well-known both to the historian and to his audience, the later name became generalised, like that of Mablung. 14. At the beginning of this section it is made clear that Mim's presence in Nargothrond did not go back to the time of the dragon, since he 'had found the halls and treasure of Nargothrond unguarded'. In the Lost Tales my father doubtless saw no particular need to 'explain' Mim; he was simply there, a feature of the narrative situation, like Andvari the Dwarf in the Norse Volsung legend. But in Q the first step is taken to relate him to the developing conception of the Dwarves of Middle-earth: they spread into Beleriand from the Blue Moun- tains after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. (Ultimately the need to 'explain' Mim led to the conception of the Petty- dwarves.) But Q's statement that the Dwarves only now enter the tales of the ancient world seems at variance with earlier passages: with $9, where it is said that the Feanorians made war on the Dwarves of Nogrod and Belegost, and with $11, concerning the furnishing of weapons by the Dwarves to the armies of the Union of Maidros. Here Mim has some companions, slain with him by the out- laws of Hurin's band, whom Hurin 'would have stayed', in the Tale of Turambar (II. 113) Mim was alone, and it was Urin himself who gave him his death-blow. Whereas in the Tale Urin's band - large enough to be called a host - brought the treasure of Nargothrond to the caves of Tinwelint in a mass of sacks and rough boxes (while in S there is no indication what- soever of how the treasure came to Doriath, and the outlaws are not further mentioned after the slaying of Mim), in Q Hurin's outlaws are as conveniently got rid of as they were conveniently come by - 'each one died or was slain in quarrels upon the road', deaths ascribed to Mim's curse; and since Hurin now goes alone to Doriath and gets Thingol's help in the transportation of the treasure the outlaw-band seems to serve very little narrative purpose. The fight in the halls of Tinwelint between the woodland Elves and the outlaws, not mentioned in S, has now therefore been expunged (the emergence in Q of a new fight in the halls, between the Elves and the Dwarves, would demand its removal in any case, if Menegroth were not to appear a permanent shambles). But the problem remained: how did the gold come to Doriath? It was an essential idea that Hurin, destroyed by what he had seen (or by what Morgoth allowed him to see) and tor- mented by bitterness and grief, should cast the treasure of Nargothrond at Thingol's feet in a gesture of supreme scorn of the craven and greedy king, as he conceived him to be; hut the new story in Q is obviously unsatisfactory - it ruins the ges- ture, if Hurin must get the king himself to send for the gold with which he is then to be humiliate Gelion). At the third occurrence the name is used, as it is on the map, for the northernmost of the rivers coming down out of the Blue Mountains, afterwards renamed Rahlorion (> Rathloriel).) Beren of the approach of the Dwarves (see p. 75); and the re- moval of the Land of the Dead that Live from 'the woods of Doriath and the Hunters' Wold, west of Nargothrond', where it is still placed in S ($10), to Assariad (Ossiriand) in the East makes the interception of the Dwarves far simpler and more natural: the Stony Ford (which goes back to the Tale of the Nauglafring and is there called Sarnathrod) now lies on the river that bounds that very land. The geographical shift and de- velopment has made the whole organisation of the story here much easier. Beren's people now at last become 'the Green Elves' (see p. 74); but the story of the ambush at the ford is passed over in Q as sketchily as it was in S: there is now no mention even of the taking of the Nauglafring (> Nauglamir) from the slain king. The story of the drowning of the treasure remains much the same as in S, but there are suggestions of wider implica- tions in the wearing of the Nauglafring: that the Land of the Dead that Live became itself so fruitful and so fair because of the presence of Luthien wearing the Silmaril. This passage is retained almost word for word in The Silmarillion (p. 235). It is clearly to be associated with a later passage, found both in Q (p. 182) and in The Silmarillion (p. 247), where the people dwelling at the Havens of Sirion after the fall of Gondolin would not surrender the Silmaril to the Feanorians 'for it seemed to them that in the Silmaril lay the healing and the blessing that had come upon their houses and their ships'. But the Silmaril was cursed (and this may seem a sufficiently strange conception), and Melian warned Beren and Luthien against it. In Q it is not said, as it is in S, that the Silmaril was kept secretly by Beren, merely that he and Luthien 'retained' it. In both texts the fading of Luthien follows immediately; but while Q again makes no actual connection (see p. 75) the very ordering of its sentences suggests that such a connection was there: 'the Land of the Dead that Live became like a vision of the land of the Gods... Yet Melian warned them ever of the curse... yet the Silmaril they retained. And in time the brief hour of the loveliness of the land of Rathlorion departed. For Luthien faded as Mandos had spoken...' The statements made in S$$10 and 14 on the fates of Beren and Luthien have been discussed at some length (pp. 76 - 77). When we turn to Q, we find that in the earlier passage ($10, where the first death of Beren and Luthien's pleading with Mandos is recounted), while there is mention of songs that say that Luthien was borne living to Valinor by Thorndor, these are discounted, and 'it has long been said that Luthien failed and faded swiftly and vanished from the earth', and thus came to Mandos: she had died, as Elves might die, of grief (cf. the old Tale of Tinuviel, II. 40). And the dispensation of Mandos ex- acted that 'Luthien should become mortal even as her lover, and should leave the earth once more in the manner of mortal women'. This seems precise: it can surely only mean that Luthien had become, not an Elf with a peculiar destiny, but a mortal woman. Her nature had changed.* Yet Q retains the conception in the present passage of Luthien's fading - her second fading. I think it can now be seen why my father wrote an X against this sentence (note 12); and note also the marginal addition at this point: 'Yet it hath been sung that Luthien alone of Elves hath been numbered among our race,' and goeth whither we go to a fate beyond the world' (cf. The Silmarillion p. 236: 'Beren Erchamion and Luthien Tinuviel had died indeed, and gone where go the race of Men to a fate beyond the world'). Coming lastly to the story of Dior and the end of Doriath, it is now Celegorm, Curufin, and Cranthir who were slain, as in The Silmarillion (p. 236); and by a late addition to the text (note 14) Dior has sons, Eldun and Elrun, who were killed with their father. In The Silmarillion they were Elured and Elurin, who were left by the servants of Celegorm to starve in the forest. (*The further judgement of Mandos in $10, that 'in recompense' he 'gave to Beren and Luthien thereafter a long span of life and joy', seems at variance with what is implied here in Q. See III. 125. + 'our race': the Quenta, according to its title (pp. 92 - 3), was 'drawn from the Book of Lost Tales which Eriol of Leithien wrote'.) 15. In this version of the story of Eol and Isfin it is told that Eol 'was of gloomy mood, and had deserted the hosts ere the battle [of Unnumbered Tears]'. Nothing has been said before of how Eol came to be dwelling in the terrible forest (and later his earlier history was to be wholly changed again: The Silmarillion p. 132). The general description of the plain and city of Gondolin in Q is obviously closely based on S, and shows little more than stylistic development. But Thorndor is here said to have dwelt on Thangorodrim before he moved his eyries to the Encircling Mountains (see p. 80); and there is an interesting reference to the original intention of the people of Gondolin to go to war again when the time was ripe. The most important alteration here is the pencilled addition (note 5), taken up into the Q II text, telling that Turgon after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears sent at times Elves down Sirion to the sea, where they built a small haven and set sail, in vain, for Valinor. This is the forerun- ner of the passage in The Silmarillion (p. 159), where however the building of ships by the Gondolindrim and the setting sail for Valinor 'to ask for pardon and aid of the Valar' is placed af- ter the Dagor Bragollach and the breaking of the Leaguer of Angband (for the foundation of Gondolin took place centuries before the Battle of Unnumbered Tears). But in The Silmarillion (p. 196) there was also a further attempt by Turgon to reach Valinor in the time after the great battle, when Cirdan of the Falas built for him seven ships, of which the only survivor was Voronwe. The origin of this idea of the fruitless voyages of the Gondolindrim is to be found in the tale of The Fall of Gondolin (II. 162), where Ulmo by the mouth of Tuor counselled Turgon to make such voyages, and Turgon replied that he had done so 'for years untold', and would do so now no more. In the replacement text Q II (pp. 166 - 68), where the old story of the foundation of Gondolin is still present, there is very little to record in narrative development, except that the sending of Elves to Sirion's mouth and the sailing of ships from a secret haven is now incorporated in the text; and it is said that as the years drew on these sailings ceased and the ha- Maps to THE SHAPING OF MIDDLE-EARTH. J. R. R. TOLKIEN. ven was abandoned. It is now explained why it was that Thorndor (> Thorondor) moved his eyries from Thangorodrim. The passage of time is left entirely vague in these narratives. There is no indication of how many years elapsed between the Battle of Unnumbered Tears or its immediate aftermath - when in the first years of Gondolin Turgon was trying to get his messages to Valinor - and the coming of Tuor, by which time the haven at Sirion's mouth was desolate, none could enter Goldolin from the outside world, and neither the king nor the most part of his people wished any more for return to Valinor (p. 171). But the change in feeling in Gondolin - and all the mighty works of levelling and tunnelling - must imply a long lapse of time ('as the years drew on', pp. 165, 168). This con- ception goes back to the original Fall of Gondolin (see my re- marks, II. 208); but at that time Tuor had no associations that would tie him into a chronological framework. Already in S ($16), however, Huor, brother of Hurin, had become Tuor's fa- ther, and Huor was slain in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Clearly there was a major narrative-chronological difficulty lurking here, and it was not long before my father moved the founding of Gondolin {and with it that of Nargothrond) to a far earlier point in the history. Unhappily, as I have mentioned be- fore (II. 208, footnote), the Quenta account was the last that my father ever wrote of the story of Gondolin from Tuor's coming to its destruction; and therefore, though the revised chronological structure is perfectly clear, the latest actual formed narrative retains the old story of the founding of Gondolin after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Against the words in the Q II replacement 'For Turgon deemed, when first they came into that vale after the dreadful battle' my father wrote an X (note 3); but in all the years that followed he never turned to it again.* The name Eryd-Lomin occurs for the first time+ in the Q II (*The passage in The Silmarillion (p. 240) is an editorial attempt to use the old narrative within the later structure. +For the first time in the narrative texts. The actual first occurrence is probably in the caption to my father's painting of Tol Sirion (Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien no. 36) of July 1928, which though it cannot be made out in the reproduction reads: 'The Vale of Sirion, looking upon Dor-na-Fauglith,) with Eryd Lomin (the Shadowy Mountains) on the left and the eaves of Taur- na-Fuin on the right.') replacement text, but its reference is to the Mountains of Shadow fencing Hithlum, and it was later emended (note 1) to Eredwethion (Ered Wethrin in The Silmarillion). The name Eryd-Lomin did at this time mean 'Shadowy Mountains', just as Dor-lomin meant 'Land of Shadows' (see I. 112, and I. 255 entry Hisilome). Subsequently Eryd-Lomin, Ered Lomin was changed both in meaning ('Shadowy Mountains' to 'Echoing Mountains', with lom 'echo', as also in Dor-lomin 'Land of Echoes') and in application, becoming the name of the coastal range to the west of Hithlum. 16. At the beginning of this section we find the first beginnings of the later story of the coming of Isfin and Meglin (Aredhel and Maeglin) to Gondolin, rather than (as still in S) the send- ing of Meglin by his mother; Eol was lost in Taur-na-Fuin, and his wife and son came to Gondolin in his absence. There was much further development to come (the story of Maeglin in The Silmarillion is one of the latest elements in the book). In the rewritten passage given in note 3 the birth of Tuor 'in the wild' appears (see p. 81); the implication is no doubt that as in The Silmarillion (p. 198) and with more detail in the 'later Tuor' (Unfinished Tales p. 17) he was born in the wilds of Hithlum, and that it was after his birth that Rian went east to the Hill of Slain (in the rough rewriting of the passage in Q I now first given an Elvish name, Amon Dengin). But it is odd that in the rewriting Tuor's servitude among 'the faithless Men', found in S and in Q as first written, is excluded. In the account of Tuor's flight from Hithlum the name of the Rainbow Cleft as originally written was Cris-Ilfing (in the tale of The Fall of Gondolin it was Cris Ilbranteloth or Glorfalc), emended to Kirith Helvin (Cirith Ninniach in The Silmaril- lion). Tuor's journey remains unchanged. It was already said in S that Bronweg 'had once been in Gondolin', now it is added that he had escaped from Angband, and had reached Sirion after long wanderings in the East. That he had been in Angband ap- pears in fact already in the Lay of the Fall of Gondolin (III. 148), and is implied in the Tale (II. 156 - 7). The story of his lone survival from the last of the ships sent out on Turgon's or- ders had not yet arisen; and his escape from Angband makes him a rather obvious parallel to Flinding (Gwindor), or at least points a general likeness between the stories of Turin and Tuor at this point. In each case a Man is guided by an Elf escaped from Angband to the hidden city of which the Elf was a citizen in the past. - The visitation of Ulmo to Tuor 'as he stood in the long grass at evening' in the Land of Willows goes back to the Tale, where he stood 'knee-deep in the grass' (II. 155). This was an essential element never abandoned; see II. 205. The song of Tuor that he made for his son Earendel is extant, and is given in Appendix 2 to this chapter (p. 262). Ulmo's instructions to Tuor in Q remain the same as in S; but in the Q II replacement there are important differences. Here, the great war between Gondolin and Angband foreseen by Ulmo is given a larger scope, and its succesful outcome made to seem more plausible: Tuor's errand to Hithlum, where he was to draw the ('evil' and 'faithless') Men of Hithlum (a land full of Morgoth's spies) into alliance with the Elves, a task it would seem of the utmost hopelessness, is now aban- doned, and Tuor is to journey into the East and rouse the new nations of Men; the feud with the Feanorians is to be healed. But in the contrary case, Ulmo no longer makes any promise to aid the people of Gondolin in the building of a fleet. His foreknowledge of the approaching doom of Gondolin is made progressively less precise: in S he knows that it will come through Meglin in seven (> twelve) years, in Q I that it will come in twelve years, but without mention of Meglin, in Q II only that it will come before many years are passed, if nothing is done. In the story of Meglin's treachery in Q it is expressly stated (as it is not in S, though it is almost certainly implied) that he revealed the actual situation of Gondolin, of which Morgoth was until then ignorant. There are strong suggestions in this compressed account that Gondolin's rich heraldry of houses and emblems was only in abeyance, not abandoned. The seven names of Gondolin are referred to, though not given, and Ecthelion of the Fountain and Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower are named. Indeed so many old features reappear - the Gates of Summer, the 'death of Rog without the walls'* - that it does not need the reference in the text to The Fall of Gondolin to show that my father had the Tale very fully in mind. In the reference to the 'devising' (rather than 'breeding') of new dragons by Morgoth for the assault on the city there is even a suggestion of the (apparently) inanimate constructions of the Tale (see II. 213). The relation between the present shor; version of the escape of the fugitives and the ambush in Cristhorn (> Kirith- thoronath), which is effectively that in The Silmarillion (p. 243), and that in the Tale has been discussed in II. 213 - 14. The absence from The Silmarillion of the fugitives who went to the Way of Escape and were there destroyed by the dragon lying in wait, an element present in S and Q, is due to editorial excision, based on evidence in a much later text that the old entrance to Gondolin had been blocked up. That text is the ba- sis for the passage in The Silmarillion (p. 228) where Hurin af- ter his release from Thangorodrim came to the feet of the Encircling Mountains: he looked about him with little hope, standing at the foot of a great fall of stones beneath a shee! rock-wall; and he knew not that this was all that was now left to see of the old Way of Escape: the Dry River was blocked, and the arched gate was buried. The sentence in The Silmarillion p. 240 'Therefore in that time the very entrance to the hidden door in the Encircling Moun- tains was caused to be blocked up' was an editorial addition. In Q reappears from the Tale the sojourn of the survivors of Gondolin in the Land of Willows, and the return of the 'sea- longing' to Tuor, leading to the departure from Nan-Tathrin down Sirion to the Sea. (*For the absence of Rog from the passage in The Silmarillion (p. 242) see II. 211, second footnote.) Lastly may be noticed the description of Idril Celebrindal in Q II (p, 177) - tall, 'well nigh of warrior's stature', with golden hair: the prototype of Galadriel (see especially the de- scription of her in Unfinished Tales pp. 229 - 30), 17. In the original Q text in this section the structure of S is closely followed, and in many respects the story is still un- changed where change was very soon to take place. All trace of Ulmo's urging Earendel to undertake the voyage to Valinor has disappeared (see S$17 note 3); but it is still Ulmo's 'grievous words' to the Valar that lead to the coming forth of the Sons of the Valar against Morgoth, and still Earendel 'came too late to bring messages to the Elves, for the Elves had gone' (cf. Q$6: 'he came too late'). There now ap- pears, on the other hand, Earendel's wish to bring 'a message to the Gods and Elves of the West, that should move their hearts to pity on the world', even though, when he came, there were none in Kor to whom to deliver it. But the ultimate story is noted on the text in pencil (note 1). In the account of the host that came from Valinor Fionwe is still the son of Tulkas (see p. 82}; but now none of the Teleri leave Valinor, while on the other hand there is mention of the Gnomes who had not left Valinor at the time of the Rebellion - cf. the earlier passage in Q ($5): 'Some remained behind... It was long ere they came back into this tale of the wars and wanderings of their people.' Bronweg is still present as in S living alone at Sirion's mouth after the attack by the Feanorians, and he still sails with Earendel on the second voyage of Wingelot that brought them to Kor. Earendel still at this point in the story builds the Tower of Seabirds; his ship is raised, as in S, on the wings of birds, as he searches for Elwing from the sky, whence he is hunted by the Moon and wanders over the earth as a fugitive star. Elwing still casts the Silmaril into the sea and leaps after it, taking the form of a seabird to seek Earendel 'about all the shores of the world'. Minor developments are the dissension among the Feanorians, so that some stood aside and others aided Elwing; the deaths of Damrod and Diriel (see p. 84); the explanation of Maidros' pity for the child Elrond ('for his heart was sick and weary with the burden of the dreadful oath'); and the description of Wingelot. The name of Tuor's ship Earame is translated 'Eagle's Pinion' (the old explanation of the name, when it was Earendel's ship), not 'Sea-wing' (see p. 83). The passage in S concerning the choice of Elrond Halfelven is here omitted, but the matter reappears in $18. With this section the rewriting of Q (as 'Q II') becomes con- tinuous to the end of the work, and the original text ('Q I') in fact gives out before the end. Since substantial stretches of Q I remain unchanged in Q II, I do not suppose that much time elapsed between them; but certain major new strokes are intro- duced into the legend in the rewriting. These major developments in the present section are, first, that Ulmo's words to the Valar did not achieve the war against Morgoth ('Manwe moved not'); second, that Elwing, borne up as a seabird, bore the Silmaril on her breast, and came to Earendel, returning from his first voyage in Wingelot: so that the Silmaril of Beren was not lost, but became the Evening Star; and third, that Earendel, voyaging to Valinor with Elwing, came before the Valar, and it was his 'embassy of the two kin- dreds' that led to the assault on Morgoth.* But there are also many changes of a less structural charac- ter in Q II, as: Earendel's earlier voyages about the shores of the Outer Lands before he built Wingelot; his warning dreams to return in haste to the Mouths of Sirion, which in the event he never came back to, being intercepted by the coming of Elwing as a seabird and her tidings of what had happened there in his absence - hence the disappearance of Bronweg from the story; the healing power of the Silmaril on the people of Sirion (see p. 230): the great light of the Silmaril as Wingelot approached Valinor, and the suggestion that it was the power of the jewel that brought the ship through the en- chantmerts and the shadows; Earendel's refusal to allow any of those that travelled with him to come with him into Valinor; the new explanation of the desertion of Tun upon Kor (for ',he (*The first appearance of this central idea is in a hasty pencilled note to Q I (note 1): 'Make Earendel move the Gods.') story still endured that the city of the Elves was empty of its inhabitants when Earendel came there); the greeting of Earendel by Fionwe (now again the son of Manwe) as the Morning and Evening Star; the manning by the Teleri of the ships that bore the hosts of the West; and the sighting of the Silmaril in the sky by Maidros and Maglor and the people of the Outer Lands. By subsequent emendation to Q II some further elements enter. To Tuor is ascribed a fate (note 3) hardly less astonish- ing than that of his cousin Turin Turambar. Elrond's brother Elros appears (notes 4 and 9); and Maglor takes over Maidros' role as their saviour, and as the less ruthless and single-minded of the two brothers (note 10; see the commentary on $18). Tne addition in note 19 stating that the leader of the Gnomes who had never departed from Valinor was Ingwiel son of Ingwe is at first sight surprising: one would expect Finrod (> Finarfin), as in The Silmarillion (p. 251). I think however that this addi- tion was imperfectly accommodated to the text: the meaning intended was that Ingwiel was the chief of the Quendi (the Light-elves, the Vanyar) among whom the Gnomes of Valinor marched.* In a revision to Q$2 (note 6) the original text, say- ing that Ingwe never came back into the Outer Lands 'until these tales were near their end', was changed to a statement that he never returned. Ingwiel replaces Ingil son of Inwe of the Lost Tales, who built Ingil's Tower in Tol Eressea (I. 16) after his return from the Great Lands. As Q II was first written Earendel was their guide [i e. of the fleet of the hosts of Valinor]; but the Gods would not suffer him to return again,+ and he built him a white tower upon the confines of (*In the final version of this passage my father noticed the (apparent) error, and changed Ingwiel son of Ingwe to Finarfin son of Finwe (hence the read- ing in The Silmarillion). The result is that whereas in Q II only the leader of !he First Kindred is named, Ingwiel, in the final version only the leader of the Noldor of Valinor is named, Finarfin; but the one should not, I think, have re- placed the other - rather both should have been named. + Cf. the letter of 1967 cited in II. 265: 'Earendil, being in part descended from Men, was not allowed to set foot on Earth again.') the outer world in the Northern regions of the Sundering Seas, and there all the sea-birds of the earth at times re- paired. The Tower of Seabirds thus survives in the same place in the narrative as in S and Q, where Earendel builds the tower after his fruitless visit to Kor. At the end of this section in S Earendel sails by the aid of [the seabirds'] wings even over the airs in search of Elwing, but is scorched by the Sun, and hunted from the sky by the Moon, and for a long while he wanders the sky as a fugitive star. Virtually the same is said at the end of the section in Q I. In Q II, however, as first written, Elwing was with Earendel at this time,* in the form of a bird, and it was she who devised wings for his ship, so that 'it was lifted even into the oceans of the air'. In S and Q I Earendel does not yet bear a Silmaril when he wanders the sky 'as a fugitive star' (for the Silmaril of Beren is drowned with the Nauglafring, and the others are still in the Iron Crown of Morgoth); whereas in Q II it is at this time that the Silmaril appears in the sky and gives hope to the people of the Outer Lands. With the revision to Q II given in note 20 enters the idea that it was the Gods themselves who set Earendel and his ship in the sky. It is now Elwing who builds the Tower of Seabirds, devising wings for herself in order to try to reach him, in vain; and they are sundered till the end of the world. This no doubt goes with the revision to Q II given in note 14: 'And he bade farewell to all whom he loved upon the last shore, and was taken from them for ever.' In The Silmarillion the element of a small ship's company remains: the three mariners Falathar, Erellont, and Aerandir (p. 248). These, and Elwing, Earendil refused to allow to set (*It is not actually said in Q II that Elwing returned to Earendel after being bidden by him to remain behind when he landed on 'the immortal shores' and went to Kor; but it is evident that she did, from her having devised wings for his ship.) foot on the shore of Aman; but Elwing leapt into the sea and ran to him, saying: 'Then would our paths be sundered for ever.' There Earendil and Elwing 'bade farewell to the com- panions of their voyage, and were taken from them for ever', but Elwing did not even so accompany Elendil to Tirion. She sojourned among the Teleri of Alqualonde, and Earendil came to her there after he had 'delivered the errand of the Two Kin- dreds' before the Valar; and they went then together to Valmar and heard Manwe s decree, and the choice of fate that was given to them and to their children. A curious point arises in the account in Q II of the voyage of Earendel and Elwing that brought them to the coast of Valinor. Whereas in Q I it is said that Earendel 'found again the Lonely Isle, and the Shadowy Seas', in Q II 'they came into the Shadowy Seas and passed their shadows; and they looked upon the Lonely Isle...' This suggests that the Shad- owy Seas had become a region of the Great Sea lying to the east cf Tol Eressea; and the same idea seems to be present in $6 both in S and in Q, for it is said there that at the Hiding of Valinor 'the Magic Isles were... strung across the confines of the Shadowy Seas, before the Lonely Isle is reached sailing West'. Quite different is the account in the Lost Tales, where 'beyond Tol Eressea [lying west of the Magic Isles] is the misty wall and those great sea glooms beneath which lie the Shadowy Seas' (I. 125); and the Shadowy Seas extend to the coasts of the western land (I. 68). Conceivably, this devel- opment is related to the changed position of Tol Eressea - anchored in, the Bay of Faerie within far sight of the Mountains of Valinor, and not as in the Lost Tales in mid- Ocean: a change that entered the geography in S$3. In emendations to Q II the Magic Isles become the En- chanted Isles (note 11; see II. 324 - 5) and the Bay of Faerie be- comes the Bay of Elven-home (note 12); also the name Earame of Tuor's ship becomes Earrame, with the later inter- pretation 'Sea-wing' (note 2). 18. There are several interesting developments in the story of the Last Battle and its aftermath as told in the original Q I text of this section. The very brief account in S is here greatly ex- panded, and much of the final version appears, if still with many differences( notably the absence of Earendel). That Morgoth had been bound long before by Tulkas in the chain Angainor now re-emerges from the Lost Tales (this feature is absent in Q$2; see pp. 86, 201). The passage describing the rending of Beleriand survives al- most unchanged in The Silmarillion (p. 252), which in fact adds nothing else. There is a notable statement (retained in Q II) that Men fled away, such as perished not in the ruin of those days, and long was it ere they came back over the moun- tains to where Beleriand once had been, and not till the tale of those days had faded to an echo seldom heard. I do not know certainly what this refers to (see below, p. 244). Unhappily the evidence for the development of the conception of the drowning of Beleriand is extremely scanty. Later, it was only a small region (Lindon) that remained above the sea west of the Blue Mountains; but this need not by any means yet have been the case. It is also said in Q (again retained in Q II) that there was a mighty building of ships on the shores of the Western Sea, and most upon the great isles, which in the dis- ruption of the Northern world were fashioned of old Beleriand. Of the size and number of these 'great isles' we are not told. On one of my father's sketchmaps made for The Lord of the Rings there is the island of Himling, i.e. the summit of the Hill of Himring, and also Tol Fuin, i.e. the highest part of Taur-na- Fuin (see Unfinished Tales pp. 13 - 14); and in The Silmarillion (p. 230) it is said that the stone of the Children of Hurin and the grave of Morwen above Cabed Naeramarth stands on Tol Morwen 'alone in the water beyond the new coasts that were made in the days of the wrath of the Valar'. But it seems ob- vious that my father was at this time imagining far larger is- lands than these, since it was on them that the great fleets were built at the end of the War of Wrath. Luthien () Leithien) as the land from which the Elves set sail, named in S $18 and ex- plained as 'Britain or England', is not named in Q; but the words that follow in S: 'Thence they ever still from time to time set sail leaving the world ere they fade', are clearly re- flected in Q: Yet not all returned, and some lingered many an age in the West and North, and especially in the Western Isles. Yet ever as the ages drew on and the Elf-folk faded on the Earth, they would still set sail at eve from our Western shores; as still they do, when now there linger few anywhere of the lonely companies. The relation between these passages strongly suggests that the 'Western Isles' were the British Isles,* and that England still had a place in the actual mythological geography, as is explic- itly so in S. In this connection the opening of AElfwine of En- giand, in the final text AElfwine II (II. 312 - 13), is interesting: There was a land called England, and it was an island of the West, and before it was broken in the warfare of the Gods it was westernmost of all the Northern lands, and looked upon the Great Sea that Men of old called Garsecg; but that part that was broken was called Ireland and many names be- sides, and its dwellers come not into these tales. All that land the Elves named Luthien and do so yet. In Luthien alone dwelt still the most part of the Fading Com- panies, the Holy Fairies that have not yet sailed away from the world, beyond the horizon of Men's knowledge, to the Lonely Island, or even to the Hill of Tun upon the Bay of Faery that washes the western shores of the kingdom of the Gods. (*This may seem to be rendered less likely by the form of the passage in Q II, where the first sentence is expanded: 'and especially in the western isles and the lands of Leithien'. But I do not think that this phrase need be taken too precisely, and believe that the equation holds.) It is possible, as I suggested (II. 323 - 4), that this passage refers to the cataclysm, and its aftermath, that is otherwise first men- tioned in S $18. AElfwine II cannot be dated, but AElfwine I on which it was based was probably written in 1920 or not much later. It is also conceivable, if no more, that the meaning of the words in Q, that it was long before Men came back over the mountains to where Beleriand once had been, refers to the bloody invasions of England in later days described in AElfwine II; for there is very little in that text that cannot be readily ac- commodated to the present passage in S and Q, with the pic- ture of the fading Elves of Luthien 'leaving our Western shores'.* But a serious difficulty with this idea lies in the com- ing of Men 'over the mountains' to where Beleriand once had been. Certainly the most remarkable, even startling, feature of the aftermath of the Last Battle in Q (I) is the statement that when Fionwe marched through the lands summoning the Gnomes and the Dark-elves to leave the Outer Lands, the Men of the Houses of Hador and Beor were 'suffered to depart, if they would'. But only Elrond was left; and of his choice, as Half- elven, the same is told as in S $17. The implications of this passage are puzzling. It is obvious that 'the race of Hador and Beor' means those directly descended from Hador and Beor; afterwards the conception of these Houses became much enlarged - they became clans. But since of the direct descen- dants only Elrond was left, what does this permission mean? Is it a (very curious) way of offering the choice of departure to the Half-elven, if he (they) wished? - because the Half-elven had only come into existence in the Houses of Hador and Beor. (*Two small likenesses may be noticed: in AElfwine 11 the ships of the Elves weigh anchor from the western haven 'at eve' (II. 315), as in Q; and with 'the lonely companies' of Q cf. 'the Fading Companies' of AElfwine II in the pas- sage cited above. A further attractive deduction, that this was the origin of the haven of Belerion in AElfwine of England, the western harbour 'whence the Elves at times set sail' (a survival of the old name Beleriand among the Men of later days when its original reference was forgotten, and 'the tale of those days had faded to an echo seldom heard'), cannot be sustained: for AElfwine 11 was certainly written long before the earliest occurrences of Beleriand (rather than Broseliand).) But this seems too legalistic and contorted to be at all proba- ble. Then does it imply that, if there had in fact been other descendants - if, for example, Gundor son of Hador had had children - they would have been permitted to depart? And what then? Would they have ended their days as mortal Men on Tol Eressea? The permission seems very obscure on either interpretation; and it was removed from Q II. Nonetheless it represents, as I think, the first germ of the story of the depar- ture of the survivors of the Elf-friends to Numenor. The story of the fate of the Silmarils in Q I advances on S, and here reaches an interesting transitional stage between S and Q II, where the final resolution is achieved. Maidros re- mains as in S the less fiercely resolute of the two surviving sons of Feanor in the fulfilment of the oath: in S it is Maglor alone who steals a Silmaril from Fionwe's keeping, and in Q I it is Maidros who is 'minded to submit', but is argued down by Maglor. In Q II the arguments remain, but the parts of Maidros and Maglor are reversed, just as in $17 (by later emendation to Q II, note 10) Maglor becomes the one who saved Elrond and Elros. In Q I both brothers go to steal the Silmarils from Fionwe, as in the final version of the legend; but, as in S, only Maglor carries his away - for in the new story Maidros is captured. Yet, whereas as in S only one of the two remaining Silmarils is consigned to the deep places by the act of one of the brothers (Maglor), and the other is retained by Fionwe and ultimately becomes Earendel's star - Maidros playing, so far as can be seen, no further part in its fate, in Q I the burning of the unrighteous hand, and the realisation that the right of the sons of Feanor to the Silmarils is now void, be- comes that of Maidros; and, a prisoner of Fionwe, he slays himself, casting the Silmaril on the ground (and though the text of Q I does not go so far as this, the logic of the narrative must lead to the giving of this Silmaril to Earendel, as in S). The emended version in S (notes 6 and 7), that Maglor casts his Silmaril into a fiery pit and thereafter wanders singing in sor- row by the sea (rather than that he casts himself also into the pit), is taken up into Q I. In Q II the story has shifted again, to the final harmonious and symmetrical structure: the Silmaril of Beren is not lost, and becomes the star of Earendel: both Maglor and Maidros take a Silmaril from the camp of Fionwe, and both cast them down into inaccessible places. Maidros still takes his own life, but does so by casting himself into the fiery pit - and this is a return to the original story of Maglor told in S. Maglor now casts his Silmaril into the sea - and thus the Silmarils of earth, sea, and sky are retained, but they are different Silmarils; for in the earlier versions it was one of those from the Iron Crown of Morgoth that became the Evening Star. This extraordinarily complex but highly characteristic narra- tive evolution can perhaps be shown more clearly in a table: S. The Silmaril cf Beren is cast into the sea by Elwing and lost. Maglor alone steals a Silmaril from Fionwe, and es- capes. Maglor knows from the pain of the Silmaril that he no longer has a right to it QI. As in S. Maidros is minded to submit, but Maglor argues against him. Maidros and Maglor together steal both Silmarils from Fionwe, but Maidros is cap- tured. Maidros knows from the pair of the Silmaril that he no longe has a right to it. QII. The Silmaril of Beren is brought by Elwing to Earendel on Wingelot; with it he goes to Valinor. Maglor is minded to submit, but Maidros argues against him. As in Q I, hut both Ma! dros and Maglor are permit- ted to depart bear- ing the Silmarils. As in QI. Maglor casts himself and the Silmaril into a fiery pit > He casts the Silmaril into a pit and wanders by the shores. Maidros' Silmaril is adjudged by the Gods to Earendel. Maidros casts his Silmaril on the ground and takes his life. Maglor casts his Silmaril into a fiery pit and wanders by the shores. [As in S, though this point not reached in Q I]. Maidros casts himself and his Silmaril into a fiery pit. Maglor casts his Silmaril into the sea and wanders by the shores. The Silmaril of Beren, never lost, is retained by Earendel. We find still in both versions of Q, as in S, the statement that some of the returning Elves went beyond Tol Eressea and dwelt in Valinor ('as all were free to do who willed'. Q II) - and it is made clear in the Q texts that these included some of the exiled Noldoli, 'admitted to the love of Manwe and the pardon of the Gods'. Also retained in Q I (but not in Q II) is the statement that Tun remained deserted., again without expla- nation given (see p. 87). But whereas in S Tol Eressea was re- peopled by 'the Gnomes and many of the Ilkorins and Teleri and Qendi', in the Q-texts Teleri and Quendi are not mentioned here, only Gnomes and Dark-elves ('especially such as had once belonged to Doriath', Q I). In a hasty pencilled note to Q I ($17 note 1) there is a ref- erence to some Men of Hithlum being repentant, and to !he fulfilment of Ulmo's foretelling (i.e. 'without Men the Elves shall not prevail against the Orcs and Balrogs', $16): both by the valour of the Men of Hithlum, and by the embassy of Earendel to the Valar. This is taken up into Q II in the present section, with the addition that many Men new come out of the East fought against Morgoth; but further revision (notes 2 and 3) altered this to say that most Men and especially these new- comers from the East fought on the side of the Enemy, and also that in addition to the repentant Men of Hithlum 'all that were left of the three Houses of the Fathers of Men fought for S and Q. Earendel (with Bronweg) visits Kor fruitlessly, for the Elves have already gone ($17). He builds the Tower where all seabirds come (Q: and grieves for the loss of Elwing)($17). By birds' wings Wingelot is lifted into the sky ($17). He is scorched by the Sun and hunted by the Moon, and wanders as a fugitive star. He has no Silmaril. ($17). After the Last Battle the Silmaril of Maidros is given to Earendel and Elwing is restored to him; he sails into the Outer Dark with Elwing, bearing the Silmaril ($ 19) [The Q I text ends before this point is reached]. Q II. Earendel (with Elwing, and bearing the Silmaril) goes to Valinor, and forbidding Elwing to accompany him further declares 'the embassy of the Two Kindreds' ($17). He guides the fleet out of the West; he builds the Tower of Seabirds, and Elwing is with him ($17). Elwing devises wings for Wingelot ($17). He sails the sky bearing the Silmaril (? with Elwing), and the star is seen by the people of the Outer Lands ($ 17). He descends from the sky to the Last Battle with countless birds about him, and slays Ancalagon ($ 18). He is scorched by the Sun and hunted by the Moon, and sails as a fugitive star ($19) His ship is hallowed by the Valar and launched through the Door of Night. Elwing is with him ($ 19). Revisions to Q II. Earendel bids farewell to Elwing for ever on the shore of Valinor ($ 17 note 14). Earendel's ship is hallowed by the Valar and set in the sky ($ 17 note 20). Elwing builds the Tower and devises bird-wings for herself, but cannot reach Earendel, and they are sundered for ever ($17 note 20). (Elwing is not with him). (Elwing is not with him; $19 note 6). broken by Maidros); and with the awakening of the Elves and the rising of their dead the purpose of Iluvatar will be fulfilled concerning them. The appearance of Turin at the end remains profoundly mysterious; and here it is said that the prophecy names him among the Gods, which is clearly to be related to the passage in the old Tale of Turambar (II. 116), where it is said that Turin and Nienor 'dwelt as shining Valar among the blessed ones', after they had passed through Fos' Almir, the bath cf flame. In changes to the text of Q II it is said that Turin is named among 'the songs of the Gods', rather than among the Gods, and also that he comes 'from the halls of Mandos' to the final battle; about which I can say no more than that Turin Turambar, though a mortal Man, did not go, as do the race of Men, to a fate beyond the world. APPENDIX 1. Fragment of a translation of the Quenta Noldorinwa into Old English, made by AElfwine or Eriol; together with Old English equivalents of Elvish names. There are extant. fragments of Old English (Anglo-Saxon) ver- sions of the Annals of Valinor (three), the Annals of Beleriand, and Quenta Noldorinwa. All begin at the beginning of the re- spective works arid only one, a version of the Annals of Valinor, constitutes a substantial text. The Old English version of the Quenta which is given here had no title, but my father later inserted in pencil the title Pennas; cf. Qenta Noldorinwa or Pennas-na-Ngoelaidh, p. 77. in a brief detached list of El- vish names and words that belongs to this period occurs this entry: Quenta story, tale (quete-'say'). N[oldorin] pent. pennas history (quentasse). At this time Eriol and AElfwine reappear together as the El- vish and English names of the mariner who came to Tol Eressea and there translated various Elvish works into his own language: in the preamble to the Annals of Valinor (p. 310) he is 'Eriol of Leithien, that is AElfwine of the Angelcynn', and in one of the Old English versions of these Annals the work is said (p. 334) to have been translated by 'AElfwine, whom the Elves named Eriol'. (On the earlier relations of the two names see II. 300 - 1.) The Old English version of the Quenta is a very close equivalent of the Modern English text from its opening 'After the making of the World by the Allfather' to 'shadow is her realm and night her throne' (pp. 94 - 6), where the Old English ends. It is a manuscript in ink, obviously a first draft, with pen- cilled emendations (mostly small alterations of word-order and suchlike) which I take up into the text; the last paragraph is written in pencil, very rapidly. Acute accents on long vowels were put in rather sporadically and I have made the usage con- sistent, as with the Old English texts throughout. Penn as AEfter pam pe Ealfaeder, se pe on elfisc Iluuatar hatte, pas worolde geworhte, pa comon manige pa mihtegostan gaestas pe mid him wunodon hire to stieranne; for pon pe hi hie feorran ofsawon faegre geworhte and hi lustfollodon on hire wlitignesse. has 5 gaestas nemdon pa Elfe Valar, paet is pa Moegen, pe men oft siddan swapeah nemdon Godu. Opre gaestas manige haefdon hi on hira folgode, ge maran ge laessan, 7 para sume tealdon men sippan gedwollice mid paem Elfum; ac hie lugon, for pam pe aer seo 10 worold geworht waere hi waeron, 7 Elfe and Firas (paet sindon men) onwocon aerest on worolde aefter para Valena cyme. Ealfaeder ana geworhte Elfe and Firas ond aegperum gedaelde hira agene gifa; py hatad hi woroldbearn oppe Ealfaederes bearn. 15 Para Valena ealdoras nigon waeron. Pus hatad pa nigon godu on elfiscum gereorde swa swa pa elfe hit on Valinore spraecon, peah pe hira naman sind opre 7 onhwerfede on nold-elfisc, and missenlice sind hira na- man mid mannum. 20 Manwe waes goda hlaford, and winda and wedera wealdend and heofones styrend. Mid him wunede to his geferan seo undeadlice heanessa hlaefdige, uprodera cwen, Varda tunglawyrhte. Him se nyxta on maegene, and on freondscipe se cudesta, waes Ulmo agendfrea 25 ealra waetera, se pe ana wunad on Utgarsecge, 7 styred swapeah eallum waegum 7 waeterum, earn 7 streamum, wyllum ond aewelmum geond eordan ymbhwyrfte. Him underpyded, peah he him oft unhold bid, is Osse, se pe manna landa saem styred, 7 his gefera is Uinen 30 merehlaefdige. Hire feax lip gespraedd geond ealle sae under heofenum. On maegene waes Aule Ulmo swidost gelic. He waes smip and creaftiga, 7 Yavanna waes his gefera, seo pe ofet and haerfest and ealle eordan waestmas lufode. 35 Nyxt was heo on maegene para Valacwena Vardan. Swipe wlitig waes heo, and hie pa Elfe nemdon oft Palurien paet is 'eorpan sceat'. Pa gebropru Mandos 7 Lorien hatton Fanturi. Nefantur hated se aeresta, neoaerna hlaford, and 40 waelcyriga, se pe samnode ofslaenra manna gaestas. Olofantur hated se oder, swefna wyrhta 7 gedwimora; 7 his tunas on goda landum waeron ealra stowa faegroste on worolde 7 waeron gefylde mid manigum gaestum wlitigum and mihtigum. 45 Ealra goda strengest 7 leopucraeftigost and foremaerost ellendaedum waes Tulkas; py hated he eac pon Poldorea se ellenrofa (se dyhtiga); and he waes Melkoes unwine and his wiprbroca. Orome waes mihtig hlaford and lytle laessa maegenes 50 ponne Tulkas sylf. Orome waes hunta 7 treowcynn lufode - py hatte he Aldaron, 7 pa noldielfe hine Tauros nemdon, paet is Wealdafrea - 7 him waeron leofe hors and hundas. Huru he eode on huntod purh pa deorce land aer pam pe seo sunne wurde gyt atend/ 55 onaeled; swipe hlude waeron his hornas, 7 swa beod giet on fridum and feldum pe Orome ah on Valinore. Vana hatte his gefera, seo waes gingra sweostor hira Vardan 7 Palurienne, 7 seo faegernes ge heofenes ge eordan bid on hire wlite and hire weorcum. Hire 60 mihtigre swapeah bid Nienna, seo pe mid Nefantur Mandos eardad. Mildheort bid heo, hire bid geomor sefa, murnende mod; sceadwa bid hire scir 7 hire prymsetl peostru. NOTES. 6. Morgen ('Powers') was emended to Reg... (?Regen ?Regin). Old English regn- in compounds 'great, mighty', related to Old Norse regin 'Gods' (occurring in Ragnarok). 11. Firas is an emendation of Elde (both are old poetic words for 'men'). At line 13 Firas is written beside Elde, which was emended to AElde (and Elfe apparently to AElfe). 13. Valena genitive plural is an emendation from Vala; also in line 16. 26. on Utgarsecge: Ut-garsecg 'the Outer Seas'. Garsecg, one of many Old English names of the sea, is used frequently in AElfwine of England of the Great Sea of the West (in one of the texts spelt Garsedge to represent the pronunciation). 41. waelcyriga: 'chooser of the slain (wael)', the Old English equiva- lent of Old Norse valkyrja (Valkyrie). 55 - 6. atend, onaeled: these words are alternatives, but neither is marked for rejection. 62-3. Cf. Beowulf lines 49 - 50: him waes geomor sefa, murnende mod ('sad was their heart and mourning in their soul'). * Associated with the Old English texts are several lists of El- vish names with Old English equivalents, some of which are of much interest for the light they cast on the meaning of Elvish names; though many are not in fact translations, as will be seen. There is firstly a list of the Valar: The chief gods are Frean. os (ese). [O.E. frea 'ruler, lord', os 'god' (in proper names as Oswald), with mutated vowel in the plural.] Manwe is Wolcenfrea [O.E. wolcen 'sky', cf. Modern English welkin.] Ulmo is Garsecges frea, & ealwaeter-frea [For Garsecg see note to line 26 of the O.E. Quenta. In that text Ulmo is called agendfrea ealra waetera 'Lord of Waters' (literally 'owning lord of all waters').] Aule is Craeftfrea. Tulkas is Afodfrea [O.E. afod, eafod 'might, strength'.] Orome is Wadfrea and Huntena frea [O.E. wad 'hunting', 'Hunting Lord and Lord of Hunters'. In the O.E. Quenta he is Wealdafrea 'Lord of Forests', translating Tauros.] Mandos is Nefrea [O.E. ne(o) 'corpse', cf. neoaerna hlaford 'master of the houses of the dead' in the O.E. Quenta. On the Elvish name Nefantur see p. 199.] Lorien is Swefnfrea [O.E. swefn 'dream'.] Melko is Manfrea, Bolgen, Malscor [O.E. man 'evil, wicked- ness'; bolgen 'wrathful'. An O.E. verbal noun malscrung is recorded, with the meaning 'bewildering, bewitching'; see the Oxford English Dictionary s.v. Masker (verb), 'bewil- der'.] Osse is Saefrea. There are also several lists of Old English equivalents of El- vish names of persons and places, and since they all obviously belong to the same period I combine them and give them in al- phabetical order: Aldaron: Beaming [O.E. beam 'tree'.] A.mon Uilas: Sinsnaw, Sinsnaewen [O.E. sin- 'perpetual', appears in the Quenta, p. 98 note 2.] Ancalagon: Anddraca [O.E. and- as the first element in com- pounds denotes opposition, negation (anda 'enmity, hatred, envy'); draca 'dragon' (see II. 350).] Angband: Engbend, Irenhell [Engbend contains O.E. enge 'narrow, strait, oppressive, cruel' and bend 'bond, fetter', it is thus not a translation but a word-play between the two languages.] Asgar: Baening [This river, Ascar in Q as in The Silmarillion, is also Asgar in the Annals of Beleriand (p. 367). I cannot interpret Baening. If a derivative of O.E. ban 'bone' (cf. baenen 'of bone') it might have some meaning like 'the place (i.e. the river) filled with bones', with reference to the Dwarves who were drowned in the river at the battle of the Stony Ford; but this does not seem at all probable.] Balrog: Bealuwearg, Bealubroga [O.E. bealu 'evil', cf. Mod- ern English bale(ful); wearg 'felon, outlaw, accursed being' (Old Norse vargr 'wolf, outlaw', whence the Wargs); broga 'terror'. These O.E. names are thus like Engbend ingenious sound-correspondences contrived from O.E. words.] Bansil: Beansil, Beansigel [The second element is O.E. sigel 'sun, jewel' (cf. J. R. R. Tolkien, Sigelwara land, in Medium AEvum III, June 1934, p. 106); the first is presumably beam 'tree'. This is another case where AElfwine used Old English words to give a likeness of sound (with of course a suitable meaning), rather than a translation.- In the Name-list to The Fall of Gondolin Bansil is translated 'Fair-gleam', II. 214.] Baragund, Barahir: Beadohun, Beadomaer [O.E. beadu 'battle'.] Bauglir: Broga [O.E. broga 'terror'.] Beleg: Finboga [O.E. boga 'bow'.] Belegar: Ingarsecg, Westsae, Widsae [The Gnomish name of the Great Sea has not yet appeared in the texts. Ingarsecg = Garsecg; Utgarsecg is the Outer Sea (see note to line 26 of the O.E. Quenta).] Belegost: Micelburg ['Great fortress', the original meaning (see II. 336).] Blodrin Ban's son: Blodwine Banan sunu [Blodwine presum- ably contains O.E. blod 'blood'; while bana is 'slayer'.] Doriath: Ealand, Folgen(fold), Infolde, Wudumaeraland [O.E. ealand, land by water or by a river - doubtless with reference to the rivers Sirion and Esgalduin. Folgen(fold): O.E. folgen is the past participle of feolan 'penetrate, make one's way, get to', but the cognate verbs in Gothic and Old Norse have the meaning 'hide', and it may be that folgen is here given the sense of Old Norse folginn 'hidden', i.e. 'the hidden (land)'. Gondolin is called Folgenburg. Infolde, a word not recorded, perhaps has some meaning like 'the in- ner land', 'the land within'. Wudumaeraland no doubt con- tains maere 'boundary, border'.] Dor-lomen: Womanland [See Ered-lomen.] Drengist: Nearufleot [Drengist has not yet appeared in the texts. O.E. nearu' narrow', fleot ' arm of the sea, estuary, firth'.] Ered-lomen: Womanbeorgas [O.E. woma 'sound, noise', beorg 'mountain'; sc. the Echoing Mountains, and similar!y Womanland for Dor-lomen, Land of Echoes. This is the later etymology of these names; see pp. 233 - 4,] Gelion: Glaeden [Gelion appears by emendation of Flend in the Quenta $14. O.E. glaedene 'iris, gladdon', as in the Gladden Fields and Gladden River in The Lord of the Rings.] Gondolin: Stangaldor(burg), Folgenburg, Galdorfaesten [O.E. stan 'stone'; galdor 'spell, enchantment', faesten 'fast- ness, fortress'. For Folgenburg (? 'the hidden city') see Doriath.] Hithlum: Hasuglom, Hasuland (Hasulendingas) [O.E. hasu grey ., glom 'gloaming, twilight'. Hasulendingas the people of Hasuland'.] Laurelin: Gleng(g)old [O.E. gleng ornament, splendour'; Glengold is not a translation but a sound-imitation of Glingol ('Singing-gold', II. 216.] Mithrim: Mistrand, Mistora [O.E. ora 'bank, shore', and rand of the same meaning.] Nargothrond: Hlydingaburg, Stangaldor(burg) [Hly- dingaburg is the city of the Hlydingas, the people of Narog (Hlyda). Stangaldor (burg) is also given as an O.E. name for Gondolin.] Narog: Hlyda [Hlyda 'the loud one' (O.E. hlud 'loud'; see III. 87 - 8).] Silmaril: Sigel, Sigelmaerels [For sigel see Bansil above. O.E maerels 'rope', Sigelmaerels is another case of imitation - but it refers to the Necklace of the Dwarves.] Sirion: Fleot (Flewet), Scirwendel [Fleot must here have the meaning 'river', which is scarcely evidenced in Old English, though it is the general meaning of the word in cognate lan- guage (cf. Drengist above). Scirwendel: O.E. scir 'bright'; wendel does not occur, but certainly refers to the windings of a river's course - cf. Withywindle, the river in the Old Forest, concerning which my father noted: '-windle does not actually occur (Withywindle was modelled on withywind, a name of the convolvulus or bindweed)' (Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings, in A Tolkien Compass, p. 196).] Taur-na-Danion: Furhweald [In an addition to the Quenta $9 (note 1) Taur Danin is given as the former name of Taur-na- Fuin, when it was still 'wholesome, if thick and dark'; Taur- na-Danion here was changed to Taur-na-Donion, precursor of Dorthonion 'Land of Pines'. O.E. furh 'fir, pine', weald 'forest'.] Taur-na-Fuin: Nihtsceadu, Nihtsceadwesweald, Atol Nihtegesa, Nihthelm unfaele [O.E. sceadu 'shadow'; weald 'forest', atol 'dire, terrible', egesa 'terror'; niht-helm 'cover of night', a poetic compound found in BeowuLf and other poems; unfaele 'evil'. Cf. the Modern English translation, found in the long Lays and in the Quenta, 'Forest of Deadly Nightshade'.] Tindbrenting pe pa Brega Taniquetil a nemnad ['Tindbrenting which the Valar name Taniquetil': see III. 127, and for Brega see Vala.] Vala: Bregu [O.E. bregu ruler, lord, plural (unrecorded) brega. Two other words were added to the list: Maegen 'powers', which is used in the O.E. Quenta line 6, and Ese (see p. 255).] Valinor: Breguland, Godedel [O.E. edel 'country, native land'.] Valmar: Godaburg, Bregubold [O.E. bold 'dwelling'.] Another page gives Old English equivalents of the names of the Kindreds of the Elves, and of the princes of the Noldoli ar- ranged in a genealogical table. This page is headed: Firas. Includes both Men and Elves. This contradicts the use of Firas in the O.E. Quenta, where it appears as an emendation of Elde (lines 11 and 13), used in distinction to Elfe. Then follows: Fira bearn. $l. Paet eldre cyn: Elfe oppe Wine. l. Ingwine: lyftelfe, heahelfe, hwitelfe, Lixend. Godwine 2. Eadwine: goldelfe, eordelfe, deopelfe, Raedend. Fin- ning as 3. Saewine: saeelfe, merepyssan, flotwine, Nowend. Elwingas Wine can only be O.E. wine (old plural wine) 'friend' (a word used of equals, of superiors, and of inferiors); but its use here as a general term equivalent to Elfe is curious. Of the names given to the First Kindred, lyftelfe contains O.E. lyft 'sky, air', Lixend 'Shining Ones'. The Second Kin- dred: Ead- in the context of the Noldoli is in no doubt to be interpreted 'riches'. I am not sure of the meaning of Raedend, though it clearly refers to the know1edge and desire for knowl- edge of the Noldoli in some aspect. Finningas 'the people of Finn' (Ing and Finn as the Gnomish forms of Ingwe and Finwe were still found in Q $2, though removed by later changes to the text). The Third Kindred: O.E. merepyssa 'sea-rusher' (used in recorded O.E. poetry of ships); flotwine contains O. flot 'sea', Nowend 'mariners., shipmasters'. In the geneaiogical table that follows Feanor is given the Old English name Finbros Gimwyrhta ('Jewel-wright'); since his sons are here called Brosingas (from Brosinga mene 'the necklace of the Brosings' in Beowulf, line 1199) -bros is pre- sumably a back-formation from Brosingas. They are also called Yrfeloran: an unrecorded compound, 'those bereft o their inheritance', the Dispossessed. The Brosingas or sons o Feanor are given thus: 1. Daegred Winsterhand [O.E. daegred 'daybreak, daven'; winsterhand 'left-banded' {for the right hand of Maidros was cut off in his rescue from Thangorodrim, Q $8). l can cast no light on the O.E. equivalent Daegred for Maidros, un1ess an extremely late note on Maidros (Maedhros) is relevant (for ideas long buried so far as written record goes might emerge again many years later): according to this he inherited 'the rare red- brown hair of Nerdanel's kin' (Nerdanel was the wife of Feanor, The Silmarillion p. 64), and was called 'by his brothers and other kin' Russandol 'copper-top'.] 2. Daegmund Swinsere [I cannot explain Daegmund for Maglor. O.E. mund is 'hand', also 'protection', swinsere (not recorded} 'musician, singer' (cf. swinsian 'make music').] 3. Cynegrim Fagerfeox [Celegorm 'Fairfax', i.e. fair- haired. Cynegrim is probably the substitution of an O.E. name with some;similarity of sound.] 4. Cyrefinn Facensearo [Curufin the Crafty, O.E. cyre 'choice', facen 'deceit, guile, wickedness' (a word of wholly bad meaning); searu 'skill, cunning' (also with bad meaning, 'plot, snare, treachery'); facensearu 'treachery'.] 5. Colpegn Nihthelm [Cranthir the Dark. O.E. col 'coal'; for nihthelm see under Taur-na-Fuin above.] 6. Deormod ) huntan [Damrod and Diriel the hunters. 7. Tirgeld ) O.E. deormod 'brave-hearted', tir 'glory'; -geld (-gild) in names, 'of worth'.] Fingolfin appears as Fingold Fengel (O.E. fengel 'king, prince', cf. III. 145), and his sons are Finbrand (i.e. Finweg/ Fingon) and Finstan (i.e. Turgon); the element stan 'stone' presumably showing that -gon in Turgon is gond (gonn) 'stone', see I. 254. Fingolfin's daughter is Finhwit (i.e. Isfin), and Eol is Eor; Meglin is Manfrid (an unrecorded compound of man 'evil deed, wickedness' and frid 'peace'). Finbrand (i.e. Finweg/Fingon) here has a son, Fingar; and the daughter of Finstan (i.e. Turgon) is Ideshild Silfrenfot (i.e. Idril Celebrindal). Finrod (i.e. the later Finarfin) is called Finred Felanop (felanop 'very bold'), and his sons are Inglaf Felahror (i.e. Felagund; felahror has the same meaning as felanop), Ordred (i.e. Orodreth), Angel (i.e. Angrod), and Eangrim (i.e. Egnor). Ordred (i.e. Orodreth) has two sons, Ordhelm and Ordlaf; his daughter is Fripuswip Fealuleome (i.e. Finduilas Failivrin; fealuleome perhaps 'golden light'). Lastly, there is a fourth child of Finwe given in this table: Finrun Felageomor (felageomor 'very sorrowful'), The name given to Felagund, Inglaf Felahror, is notable; for Felagund was to become his 'nickname', and his true name Inglor (as it remained until replaced long afterwards by Finrod, when the original Finrod became Finarfin); see p, 411. * APPENDIX 2. The Horns of Ylmir. This poem is unquestionably that referred to in the Quent p. 170: 'the might and majesty of that vision is told of in the song of Tuor that he made for his son Earendel.' It is extant in three versions and five texts. The first version, found only in one manuscript, consists of 40 lines, beginning: I sat on the ruined margin of the deep-voiced echoing sea and ending: and I wake to silent caverns, and empty sands, and peace (lines 15 and 66 in the text given below). To the manuscript in ink my father added in pencil the title The Tides, together with the notes Dec. 4 1914 and On the Cornish Coast. For his visit to the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall in the summer of 1914 see Humphrey Carpenter, Biography, pp. 70 - 1. But although I have found nothing earlier than this text it is clear from my fa- ther's notes to subsequent versions that he remembered the or- igin of the poem to be earlier than that time. The second version bears the title Sea Chant of an Elder Day (and Old English Fyrndaga Saeleop), and is extant in two manuscripts which differ only in small details. The second has some minor emendations, and the date: Mar. 1915 < Dec. 1914 < 1912, also Essay Club [of Exeter College, Oxford] March 1915. This version begins: In a dim and perilous region, down whose great tempes- tuous ways I heard no sound of men's voices; in those eldest of the days, I sat on the ruined margin of the deep-voiced echoing sea... (i.e. it begins at line 13 in the text, p. 265) and contains two further lines after 'and empty sands, and peace' (where The Tides ends): In a lovely sunlit region down whose old chaotic ways Yet no sound of men's voices echoed in those eldest of all days. It is from this version, not that of 1914, that Humphrey Car- penter cites the first six lines (ibid. pp. 73 - 4). The Sea Chant differs from The Tides both by extension (it has 50 lines as against 40) and in the reconstruction of many verses. Against the second text of the Sea Chant my father wrote in pencil: This is the song that Tuor told to Earendel his son what time the Exiles of Gondolin dwelt awhile in Dor Tathrin the Land of Willows after the burning of their city. Now Tuor was the first of Men to see the Great Sea, but guided by Ulmo towards Gondolin he had left the shores of the Ocean and passing through the Land of Willows became enamoured of its loveliness, forgetting both his quest and his former love of the sea. Now Ulmo lord of Vai coming in his deep-sea car sat at twilight in the reeds of Sirion and played to him on his magic flute of hollow shells. Thereafter did Tuor hun- ger ever after the sea and had no peace in his heart did he dwell in pleasant inland places.* This very evidently belongs with the tale of The Fall of Gondolin (see especially II. 153 - 6), and was no doubt added at the time of the composition of the tale (and of the third version of the poem), since the Sea Chant has no point of contact with the Tuor legend, nor indeed with any feature of the mythology. The third version, entitled The Horns of Ulmo, is extant in a manuscript and in a typescript taken directly from it, and it is only now that the references to Ulmo and Osse (and to the rending of the Earth by the Gods in the primeval darkness) ap- pear in the poem. A note on the MS, written at the same time as the poem, reads: (*Dor Tathrin occurs in the Name-list to The Fall of Gondolin, II. 346, and Ulmo's 'deep-sea car' in the tale of The Chaining of Melko, I. 101.) 1910-11 - 12 rewr[itten] & recast often. Present shape due to rewriting and adding introd[uction] & ending in a lonely house near Roos, Holderness (Thistle Bridge Camp) Spring 1917 (For Roos see Humphrey Carpenter, Biography, p. 97.) A fur- ther pencilled note adds: 'poem to 'The Fall of Gondolin".' Thus the absorption of the poem into the legend of Tuor and Earendel took place at much the same time as the writing of the tale of The Fall of Gondolin (see I. 203, II. 146); it should have been given in The Book of Lost Tales Part II. A few small emendations were made to the MS of The Horns of Ulmo, notably Ulmo > Ylmir (the latter being the Gnomish form, found in the Lay of the Children of Hurin and in the 'Sketch'), and the second reference to Osse (lines 41 - 2, replacing two earlier verses). The typescript is essentially the same as the manuscript (with the words 'from "The Fall of Gondolin" ' added beneath the title), but it has some small al- terations made in red ball-point pen, which therefore belong to a much later time. These late changes are not incorporated in the text given here, but are given in notes following the poem. The Horns of Ylmir from 'The Fall of Gondolin'. 'Tuor recalleth in a song sung to his son Earendel the visions that Ylmir's conches once called before him in the twilight in the Land of Willows.' 'Twas in the Land of Willows where the grass is long and green - I was fingering my harp-strings, for a wind had crept un- seen And was speaking in the tree-tops, while the voices of the reeds Were whispering reedy whispers as the sunset touched the meads, 5. Inland musics subtly magic that those reeds alone could weave - 'Twas in the Land of Willows that once Ylmir came at eve. In the twilight by the river on a hollow thing of shell He made immortal music, till my heart beneath his spell Was broken in the twilight, and the meadows faded dim 10. To great grey waters heaving round the rocks where sea- birds swim. I heard them wailing round me where the black cliffs towered high And the old primeval starlight flickered palely in the sky. In that dim and perilous region in whose great tempestu- ous ways I heard no sound of men's voices, in those eldest of the days, 15. I sat on the ruined margin of the deep-voiced echoing sea Whose roaring foaming music crashed in endless cadency On the land besieged for ever in an aeon of assaults And torn in towers and pinnacles and caverned in great vaults; And its arches shook with thunder and its feet were piled with shapes 20. Riven in old sea-warfare from those crags and sable capes. Lo! I heard the embattled tempest roaring up behind the tide When the trumpet of the first winds sounded, and the grey sea sang and cried As a new white wrath woke in him, and his armies rose to war And swept in billowed cavalry toward the walled and moveless shore. 25. There the windy-bannered fortress of those high and vir- gin coasts Flung back the first thin feelers of the elder tidal hosts; Flung back the restless streamers that like arms of a ten- tacled thing Coiling and creeping onward did rustle and suck and cling. Then a sigh arose and a murmuring in that stealthy- whispering van, 30. While, behind, the torrents gathered and the leaping bil- lows ran, Till the foam-haired water-horses in green rolling volumes came - A mad tide trampling landward - and their war-song burst to flame. Huge heads were tossed in anger and their crests were towers of froth And the song the great seas were singing was a song of unplumbed wrath, 35 For through that giant welter Osse's trumpets fiercely blew, That the voices of the flood yet deeper and the High Wind louder grew; Deep hollows hummed and fluted as they sucked the sea- winds in; Spumes and great white spoutings yelled shrilly o'er the din; Gales blew the bitter tresses of the sea in the land's dark face 40. And wild airs thick with spindrift fled on a whirling race From battle unto battle, till the power of all the seas Gathered like one mountain about Osse's awful knees, And a dome of shouting water smote those dripping black facades And its catastrophic fountains smashed in deafening cas- cades. 45. Then the immeasurable hymn of Ocean I heard as it rose and fell To its organ whose stops were the piping of gulls and the thunderous swell; Heard the burden of the waters and the singing of the waves Whose voices came on for ever and went rolling to the caves, Where an endless fugue of echoes splashed against wet stone 50 And arose and mingled in unison into a murmuring drone - 'Twas a music of uttermost deepness that stirred in the profound, And all the voices of all oceans were gathered to that sound; 'Twas Ylmir, Lord of Waters, with all-stilling hand that made Unconquerable harmonies, that the roaring sea obeyed, 55. That its waters poured off and Earth heaved her glistening shoulders again Naked up into the airs and cloudrifts and sea-going rain, Till the suck and suck of green eddies and the slap of rip- ples was all That reached to mine isled stone, save the old unearthly call Of sea-birds long-forgotten and the grating of ancient wings. 60. Thus murmurous slumber took me mid those far-off el- dest things (In a lonely twilit region down whose old chaotic ways I heard no sound of men's voices, in those eldest of the days When the world reeled in the tumult as the Great Gods tore the Earth In the darkness, in the tempest of the cycles ere our birth), 65. Till the tides went out, and the Wind died, and did all sea musics cease And I woke to silent caverns and empty sands and peace. Then the magic drifted from me and that music loosed its bands - Far, far-off, conches calling - lo! I stood in the sweet lands, And the meadows were about me where the weeping wil- lows grew, 70. Where the long grass stirred beside me, and my feet were drenched with dew. Only the reeds were rustling, but a mist lay on the streams Like a sea-roke drawn far inland, like a shred of salt sea- dreams. 'Twas in the Land of Willows that I heard th'unfathomed breath Of the Horns of Ylmir calling - and shall hear them till my death. NOTES. The following are the late changes made to the typescript, referred to on p. 264: 1 and 6. Twas to It was. 16. The line changed to: Whose endless roaring music crashed in foaming harmony, and marked with an X. 21. roaring to rolling. 28. The line marked with an X, probably primarily on account of the use of did (cf. III. 153). 65. The line changed to: Till the tides went out, and the Wind ceased, and all sea musics died (but this destroys the rhyme). 72. 'sea-roke'; roke is a medieval English word surviving until re- cent times in dialect meaning 'mist, fog, drizzling rain'.