I. THE LAY OF THE CHILDREN OF HURIN. There exists a substantial manuscript (28 pages long) entitled 'Sketch of the Mythology with especial reference to "The Children of Hurin"', and this 'Sketch' is the next complete narrative, in the prose tradition, after the Lost Tales (though a few fragmentary writings are extant from the intervening time). On the envelope containing this manuscript my father wrote at some later time: Original 'Silmarillion'. Form orig[inally] composed c. 1926 -- 30 for R. W. Reynolds to explain background of 'alliterative version' of Turin R the Dragon: then in progress (unfinished) (begun c. 1918). He seems to have written first '1921' before correcting this to '1918'. R. W. Reynolds taught my father at King Edward's School, Birming- ham (see Humphrey Carpenter, Biography, p. 47). In a passage of his diary written in August 1926 he wrote that 'at the end of last year' he had heard again from R. W. Reynolds, that they had corresponded subse- quently, and that he had sent Reynolds many of his poems, including Tinuviel and Turin ('Tinueiel meets with qualified approval, it is too prolix, but how could I ever cut it down, and the specimen I sent of Turin with little or none'). This would date the 'Sketch' as originally written (it was subsequently heavily revised) definitely in 1926, probably fairly early in the year. It must have accompanied the specimen of Turin (the alliterative poem), the background of which it was written to explain, to Anacapri, where Reynolds was then living in retirement. My father took up his appointment to the Professorship of Anglo- Saxon at Oxford in the winter term (October -- December) of 1925, though for that term he had to continue to teach at Leeds also, since the appointments overlapped. There can be no doubt that at any rate the great bulk of the alliterative Children of Hurin (or Turin) was completed at Leeds, and I think it virtually certain that he had ceased to work on it before he moved south: in fact there seems nothing to oppose to the natural assumption that he left 'Turin' for 'Tinuviel' (the Lay of Leithian), which he began according to his diary in the summer of 1925 (see p. 159 and footnote). For the date of its commencement we have only my father's later (and perhaps hesitant) statement that it was 'begun c. 1918'. A terminus a quo is provided by a page of the earliest manuscript of the poem, which is written on a slip from the Oxford English Dictionary bearing the printer's stamp May 1918. On the other hand the name Melian which occurs near the beginning of the earliest manuscript shows it to be later than the typescript version of the Tale of Tinuviel, where the Queen's name was Gwenethlin and only became Melian in the course of its composition (II. 51); and the manuscript version of that Tale which underlies the typescript seems itself to have been one of the last completed elements in the Lost Tales (see I. 204). The Children of Hurin exists in two versions, which I shall refer to as I and II, both of them found in manuscript and later typescript (IA, IB; IIA, IIB). I do not think that the second is significantly later than the first; it is indeed possible, and would not be in any way uncharacteristic, that my father began work on II while he was still composing at a later point in I. II is essentially an expansion of I, with many lines, and blocks of lines, left virtually unchanged. Until the second version is reached it will be sufficient to refer simply to 'A' and 'B', the manuscript and typescript of the first version. The manuscript A consists of two parts: first (a) a bundle of small slips, numbered 1 -- 32. The poem is here in a very rough state with many alternative readings, and in places at least may represent the actual beginnings, the first words written down. This is followed by (b) a set of large sheets of examination paper from the University of Leeds, num- bered 33 ff., where the poem is for the most part written out in a more finished form -- the second stage of composition; but my father wrote in line-numbers continuously through (a) and (b) -- lines 1 -- 528 in (a), lines 528 ff. in (b). We have thus one sole text, not two, without any overlap; and if (a), the slips, ever existed in the form of (b), the examination sheets, that part has disappeared. In part (b) there are many later emendations in pencil. Based on this manuscript is the typescript B. This introduces changes not found in A or its emendations; and it was itself emended both in ink and pencil, doubtless involving several movements of revision. To take a single line as exemplification: line 8 was written first in A: Lo! Thalion in the throng of thickest battle The line was emended, in two stages, to Lo! Thalion Hurin in the throng of battle and this was the form in B as typed; but B was emended, in two stages, to Lo! Hurin Thalion in the hosts of war It is obvious that to set this and a great many other similar cases out in a textual apparatus would be a huge task and the result impossibly compli- cated. The text that follows is therefore, so far as purely metrical-stylistic changes are concerned, that of B as emended, and apart from a few special cases there is no mention in the notes of earlier readings. In the matter of names, however, the poem presents great difficulty; for changes were made at quite different times and were not introduced consistently throughout. If the latest form in any particular passage is made the principle of choice, irrespective of any other consideration, then the text will have Morwin at lines 105, 129, Mavwin 137 etc., Morwen 438, 472; Ulmo 1469, but Ylmir 1529 and subsequently; Nirnaith Ornoth 1448, but Nirnaith Unoth 1543. If the later Nirnaith Onroth is adopted at 1543, it seems scarcely justifiable to intrude it at lines 13 and 218 (where the final form is Ninin Unothradin). I have decided finally to abandon overall consistency, and to treat individual names as seems best in the circumstances; for example, I give Ylmir rather than Ulmo at line 1469, for consistency with all the other occur- rences, and while changing Unoth to Ornoth at line 1543 I retain Ornoth rather than the much later Arnediad at line 26 of the second version -- similarly I prefer the earlier Finweg to Fingon (I975, second version 19, 520) and Bansil, Glingol to Belthil, Glingal (2027 -- 8) . All such points are documented in the notes. A has no title. In B as typed the title was The Golden Dragon, but this was emended to Turin Son of Hurin O' Glorund the Dragon. The second version of the poem was first titled Turin, but this was changed to The Children of Hurin, and I adopt this, the title by which my father referred to the poem in the 1926 'Sketch', as the general title of the work. The poem in the first version is divided into a short prologue (Hurin and Morgoth) without sub-title and three long sections, of which the first two ('Turin's Fostering' and 'Beleg') were only introduced later into the typescript; the third ('Failivrin') is marked both in A and in B as typed. The detail of the typescript is largely preserved in the present text, but I have made the capitalisation rather more consistent, added in occasional accents, and increased the number of breaks in the text. The space between the half-lines is marked in the second part of the A-text and begins at line 543 in B. I have avoided the use of numbered notes to the text, and all annotation is related to the line-numbers of the poem. This annotation (very largely concerned with variations of names, and comparisons with names in the Lost Tales) is.found at the end of each of the three major parts, followed by a commentary on the matter of that part. Throughout, the Tale refers to the Tale of Turambar and the Foaloke (II. 69 ff.); Narn refers to the Narn i Hin Hurin, in Unfinished Tales pp. 57 ff. TURIN SON OF HURIN & GLORUND THE DRAGON. Lo! the golden dragon of the God of Hell, the gloom of the woods of the world now gone, the woes of Men, and weeping of Elves fading faintly down forest pathways, is now to tell, and the name most tearful of Niniel the sorrowful, and the name most sad of Thalion's son Turin o'erthrown by fate. 5 Lo! Hurin Thalion in the hosts of war was whelmed, what time the white-clad armies of Elfinesse were all to ruin by the dread hate driven of Delu-Morgoth. That field is yet by the folk named Ninin Unothradin, Unnumbered Tears. There the children of Men, chieftain and warrior, fled and fought not, but the folk of the Elves they betrayed with treason, save that true man only, Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes like gods. There in host on host the hill-fiend Orcs overbore him at last in that battle terrible, by the bidding of Bauglir bound him living, and pulled down the proudest of the princes of Men. To Bauglir's halls in the hills builded, to the Hells of Iron and the hidden caverns they haled the hero of Hithlum's land, Thalion Erithamrod, to their throned lord, whose breast was burnt with a bitter hatred, and wroth he was that the wrack of war had not taken Turgon ten times a king, even Finweg's heir; nor Feanor's children, makers of the magic and immortal gems. For Turgon towering in terrible anger a pathway clove him with his pale sword-blade out of that slaughter -- yea, his swath was plain through the hosts of Hell like hay that lieth all low on the lea where the long scythe goes. A countless company that king did lead through the darkened dales and drear mountains 10 15 20 25 30 35 out of ken of his foes, and he comes not more in the tale; but the triumph he turned to doubt of Morgoth the evil, whom mad wrath took. Nor spies sped him, nor spirits of evil, nor his wealth of wisdom to win him tidings, whither the nation of the Gnomes was gone. Now a thought of malice, when Thalion stood, bound, unbending, in his black dungeon, then moved in his mind that remembered well how Men were accounted all mightless and frail by the Elves and their kindred; how only treason could master the magic whose mazes wrapped the children of Corthun, and cheated his purpose. 40 45 50 'Is it dauntless Hurin,' quoth Delu-Morgoth, 'stout steel-handed, who stands before me, a captive living as a coward might be? Knowest thou my name, or need'st be told what hope he has who is haled to Angband -- the bale most bitter, the Balrogs' torment?' 55 'I know and I hate. For that knowledge I fought thee by fear unfettered, nor fear I now,' said Thalion there, and a thane of Morgoth on the mouth smote him; but Morgoth smiled: 'Fear when thou feelest, and the flames lick thee, and the whips of the Balrogs thy white flesh brand. Yet a way canst win, an thou wishest, still to lessen thy lot of lingering woe. Go question the captives of the accursed people I have taken, and tell me where Turgon is hid; how with fire and death I may find him soon, where he lurketh lost in lands forgot. Thou must feign thee a friend faithful in anguish, and their inmost hearts thus open and search. Then, if truth thou tellest, thy triple bonds I will bid men unbind, that abroad thou fare in my service to search the secret places following the footsteps of these foes of the Gods.' 60 65 70 'Build not thy hopes so high, O Bauglir -- I am no tool for thy evil treasons; torment were sweeter than a traitor's stain.' 75 'If torment be sweet, treasure is liever. The hoards of a hundred hundred ages, the gems and jewels of the jealous Gods, are mine, and a meed shall I mete thee thence, yea, wealth to glut the Worm of Greed.' 80 'Canst not learn of thy lore when thou look'st on a foe, O Bauglir unblest? Bray no longer of the things thou hast thieved from the Three Kindreds. 85 In hate I hold thee, and thy hests in scorn.' 'Boldly thou bravest me. Be thy boast rewarded,' in mirth quod Morgoth, 'to me now the deeds, and thy aid I ask not; but anger thee nought if little they like thee. Yea, look thereon helpless to hinder, or thy hand to raise.' 90 Then Thalion was thrust to Thangorodrim, that mountain that meets the misty skies on high o'er the hills that Hithlum sees blackly brooding on the borders of the north. To a stool of stone on its steepest peak they bound him in bonds, an unbreakable chain, and the Lord of Woe there laughing stood, then cursed him for ever and his kin and seed with a doom of dread, of death and horror. There the mighty man unmoved sat; but unveiled was his vision, that he viewed afar all earthly things with eyes enchanted that fell on his folk -- a fiend's torment. 95 100 I. TURIN'S FOSTERING. Lo! the lady Morwin in the Land of Shadows waited in the woodland for her well-beloved; but he came never from the combat home. No tidings told her whether taken or dead, or lost in flight he lingered yet. Laid waste his lands, and his lieges slain, and men unmindful of his mighty lordship dwelt in Dorlomin and dealt unkindly 105 110 with his widowed wife; and she went with child, who a son must succour now sadly orphaned, Turin Thaliodrin of tender years. Then in days of blackness was her daughter born, and was named Nienor, a name of tears that in language of eld is Lamentation. Then her thoughts turned to Thingol the Elf-king, and the dancer of Doriath, his daughter Tinuviel, whom the boldest of the brave, Beren Ermabwed, had won to wife. He once had known firmest friendship to his fellow in arms, Thalion Erithamrod -- so thought she now, and said to her son, 'My sweetest child, our friends are few, and thy father comes not. Thou must fare afar to the folk of the wood, where Thingol is throned in the Thousand Caves. If he remember Morwin and thy mighty sire he will fain foster thee, and feats of arms he will teach thee, the trade of targe and sword, and Thalion's son no thrall shall be -- but remember thy mother when thy manhood nears.' 115 120 125 130 Heavy boded the heart of Hurin's son, yet he weened her words were wild with grief, and he denied her not, for no need him seemed. Lo! henchmen had Morwin, Halog and Gumlin, who were young of yore ere the youth of Thalion, who alone of the lieges of that lord of Men steadfast in service staid beside her: now she bade them brave the black mountains, and the woods whose ways wander to evil; though Turin be tender and to travail unused, they must gird them and go; but glad they were not, and Morwin mourned when men saw not. 135 140 145 Came a summer day when sun filtered warm through the woodland's waving branches. Then Morwin stood her mourning hiding by the gate of her garth in a glade of the woods. At the breast she mothered her babe unweaned, and the doorpost held lest she droop for anguish. There Gumlin guided her gallant boy, and a heavy burden was borne by Halog; 150 but the heart of Turin was heavy as stone uncomprehending its coming anguish. He sought for comfort, with courage saying: 'Quickly will I come from the courts of Thingol; long ere manhood I will lead to Morwin great tale of treasure, and true comrades' -- for he wist not the weird woven by Bauglir, nor the sundering sorrow that swept between. The farewells are taken: their footsteps are turned to the dark forest: the dwelling fadeth in the tangled trees. Then in Turin leapt his awakened heart, and he wept blindly, calling 'I cannot, I cannot leave thee. 0 Morwin, my mother, why makest me go? Hateful are the hills where hope is lost. 0 Morwin, my mother, I am meshed in tears. Grim are the hills, and my home is gone.' And there came his cries calling faintly down the dark alleys of the dreary trees, and one who wept weary on the threshold heard how the hills said 'my home is gone.' 155 160 165 170 The ways were weary and woven with deceit o'er the hills of Hithlum to the hidden kingdom deep in the darkness of Doriath's forest; and never ere now for need or wonder had children of Men chosen that pathway, and few of the folk have followed it since. There Turin and the twain knew torment of thirst, and hunger and fear and hideous nights, for wolfriders and wandering Orcs and the Things of Morgoth thronged the woodland. Magics were about them, that they missed their ways and strayed steerless, and the stars were hid. Thus they passed the mountains, but the mazes of Doriath wildered and wayworn in wanhope bound them. They had nor bread nor water, and bled of strength their death they deemed it to die forewandered, when they heard a horn that hooted afar, and baying dogs. It was Beleg the hunter, who farthest fared of his folk abroad ahunting by hill and hollow valley, 175 180 185 190 who cared not for concourse and commerce of men. He was great of growth and goodly-limbed, but lithe of girth, and lightly on the ground his footsteps fell as he fared towards them, all garbed in grey and green and brown -- a son of the wilderness who wist no sire. 195 200 'Who are ye?' he asked. 'Outlaws, or maybe hard hunted men whom hate pursueth? ' 'Nay, for famine and thirst we faint,' saith Halog, 'wayworn and wildered, and wot not the road. Or hast not heard of the hills of slain, or the tear-drenched field where the terror and fire of Morgoth devoured both Men and Elves? There Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes like gods vanished from the earth, and his valiant lady weeps yet widowed as she waits in Hithlum. Thou lookest on the last of the lieges of Morwin and Thalion's son Turin, who to Thingol's court are wending by the word of the wife of Hurin.' 205 210 Then Beleg bade them be blithe, and said: 'The Gods have guided you to good keeping. I have heard of the house of Hurin the Steadfast -- and who hath not heard of the hills of slain, of Ninin Unothradin, the Unnumbered Tears? To that war I went not, but wage a feud with the Orcs unending, whom mine arrows bitter oft stab unseen and strike to death. I am the huntsman Beleg of the Hidden People.' 215 220 Then he bade them drink, and drew from his belt a flask of leather full filled with wine that is bruised from the berries of the burning South-- 225 and the Gnome-folk know it, and the nation of the Elves, and by long ways lead it to the lands of the North. There baked flesh and bread from his wallet they had to their hearts' joy; but their heads were mazed by the wine of Dor-Winion that went in their veins, 230 and they soundly slept on the soft needles of the tall pine-trees that towered above. Later they wakened and were led by ways devious winding through the dark wood-realm by slade and slope and swampy thicket through lonely days and long night-times, and but for Beleg had been baffled utterly by the magic mazes of Melian the Queen. To the shadowy shores he showed the way where stilly that stream strikes 'fore the gates of the cavernous court of the King of Doriath. O'er the guarded bridge he gained a passage, and thrice they thanked him, and thought in their hearts 'the Gods are good' -- had they guessed maybe what the future enfolded they had feared to live. 235 240 245 To the throne of Thingol the three were come, and their speech sped them; for he spake them fair, and held in honour Hurin the steadfast, Beren Ermabwed's brother-in-arms. Remembering Morwin, of mortals fairest, he turned not Turin in contempt away; said: '0 son of Hurin, here shalt sojourn in my cavernous court for thy kindred's sake. Nor as slave or servant, but a second king's son thou shalt dwell in dear love, till thou deem'st it time to remember thy mother Morwin's loneliness. Thou wisdom shalt win unwist of Men and weapons shalt wield as the warrior Elves, and Thalion's son no thrall shall be.' 250 255 There tarried the twain that had tended the child, till their limbs were lightened and they longed to fare through dread and danger to their dear lady. But Gumlin was gone in greater years than Halog, and hoped not to home again. Then sickness took him, and he stayed by Turin, while Halog hardened his heart to go. An Elfin escort to his aid was given and magics of Melian, and a meed of gold. In his mouth a message to Morwin was set, words of the king's will, how her wish was granted; how Thingol called her to the Thousand Caves to fare unfearing with his folk again, there to sojourn in solace, till her son be grown; for Hurin the hero was held in mind, and no might had Morgoth where Melian dwelt. 260 265 270 275 Of the errand of the Elves and that other Halog the tale tells not, save in time they came to the threshold of Morwin, and Thingol's message was said where she sate in her solitary hall. But she dared not do as was dearly bidden, for Nienor her nestling was not yet weaned. More, the pride of her people, princes of Men, had suffered her send her son to Thingol when despair sped her, but to spend her days as alms-guest of others, even Elfin kings, it liked her little; and there lived e'en now a hope in her heart that Hurin would come, and the dwelling was dear where he dwelt of old. At night she would listen for a knock at the doors, or a footstep falling that she fondly knew; so she fared not forth, and her fate was woven. Yet the thanes of Thingol she thanked nobly, and her shame she showed not, how shorn of glory to reward their wending she had wealth too scant; but gave them in gift her golden things that last lingered, and they led away a helm of Hurin that was hewn in war when he battled with Beren his brother-in-arms against ogres and Orcs and evil foemen; 'twas o'erwritten with runes by wrights of old. She bade Thingol receive it and think of her. 280 285 290 295 300 Thus Halog her henchman came home, but the Elves, the thanes of Thingol, thrust through the woods, and the message of Morwin in a month's journey, so quick their coming, to the king was said. Then was Melian moved to ruth, and courteously received the king her gift, who deeply delved had dungeons filled with Elfin armouries of ancient gear, but he handled the helm as his hoard were scant; said: 'High were the head that upheld this thing with that token crowned of the towering dragon that Thalion Erithamrod thrice-renowned oft bore into battle with baleful foes.' Then a thought was thrust into Thingol's heart, and Turin he called and told when come 305 310 315 that Morwin his mother a mighty thing had sent to her son, his sire's heirloom, a helm that hammers had hardened of old, whose makers had mingled a magic therein that its worth was a wonder and its wearer safe, guarded from glaive or gleaming axe -- 'Lo! Hurin's helm hoard thou till manhood bids thee battle; then bravely don it', and Turin touched it, but took it not, too weak to wield that weight as yet, and his mind mourned for Morwin's answer, and the first of his sorrows o'erfilled his soul. 320 325 Thus came it to pass in the court of Thingol that Turin tarried for twelve long years with Gumlin his guardian, who guided him thither when but seven summers their sorrows had laid on the son of Thalion. For the seven first his lot was lightened, since he learnt at whiles from faring folk what befell in Hithlum, and tidings were told by trusty Elves, how Morwin his mother was more at ease; and they named Nienor that now was growing to the sweet beauty of a slender maiden. Thus his heart knew hope, and his hap was fairer. There he waxed wonderly and won him praise in all lands where Thingol as lord was held for the strength of his body and stoutness of heart. Much lore he learned, and loved wisdom, but fortune followed him in few desires; oft wrong and awry what he wrought turned; what he loved he lost, what he longed for he won not; and full friendship he found not easily, nor was lightly loved for his looks were sad. He was gloomy-hearted, and glad seldom, for the sundering sorrow that seared his youth. 330 335 340 345 350 On manhood's threshold he was mighty holden in the wielding of weapons; and in weaving song he had a minstrel's mastery, but mirth was not in it, for he mourned the misery of the Men of Hithlum. Yet greater his grief grew thereafter, when from Hithlum's hills he heard no more, 355 Two pages from the original manuscript of The Lay of the Children of Hurin.) and no traveller told him tidings of Morwin. For those days were drawing to the Doom of the Gnomes, and the power of the Prince of the People of Hell, 360 of the grim Glamhoth, was grown apace, till the lands of the North were loud with their noise, and they fell on the folk with flame and ruin who bent not to Bauglir, or the borders passed of dark Dorlomin with its dreary pines that Hithlum unhappy is hight by Men. There Morgoth shut them, and the Shadowy Mountains fenced them from Faerie and the folk of the wood. Even Beleg fared not so far abroad as once was his wont, and the woods were filled with the armies of Angband and evil deeds, 370 365 while murder walked on the marches of Doriath; only mighty magic of Melian the Queen yet held their havoc from the Hidden People. To assuage his sorrow and to sate the rage and hate of his heart for the hurts of his folk then Hurin's son took the helm of his sire and weapons weighty for the wielding of men, and went to the woods with warlike Elves; and far in the fight his feet led him, into black battle yet a boy in years. Ere manhood's measure he met and slew the Orcs of Angband and evil things that roamed and ravened on the realm's borders. There hard his life, and hurts he got him, the wounds of shaft and warfain sword, and his prowess was proven and his praise renowned, and beyond his years he was yielded honour; for by him was holden the hand of ruin from Thingol's folk, and Thu feared him -- Thu who was throned as thane most mighty neath Morgoth Bauglir; whom that mighty one bade 'Go ravage the realm of the robber Thingol, and mar the magic of Melian the Queen.' 375 380 385 390 Only one was there in war greater, higher in honour in the hearts of the Elves, than Turin son of Hurin untamed in war -- even the huntsman Beleg of the Hidden People, 395 the son of the wilderness who wist no sire (to bend whose bow of the black yew-tree had none the might), unmatched in knowledge of the wood's secrets and the weary hills. He was leader beloved of the light-armed bands, the scouts that scoured, scorning danger, afar o'er the fells their foemen's lairs; and tales and tidings timely won them of camps and councils, of comings and goings -- all the movements of the might of Morgoth the Terrible. Thus Turin, who trusted to targe and sword, who was fain of fighting with foes well seen, and the banded troops of his brave comrades were snared seldom and smote unlooked-for. 400 405 410 Then the fame of the fights on the far marches were carried to the court of the King of Doriath, and tales of Turin were told in his halls, and how Beleg the ageless was brother-in-arms to the black-haired boy from the beaten people. Then the king called them to come before him ever and anon when the Orc-raids waned; to rest them and revel, and to raise awhile the secret songs of the sons of Ing. On a time was Turin at the table of Thingol -- there was laughter long and the loud clamour of a countless company that quaffed the mead, amid the wine of Dor-Winion that went ungrudged in their golden goblets; and goodly meats there burdened the boards, neath the blazing torches set high in.those halls that were hewn of stone. There mirth fell on many; . there minstrels clear did sing to them songs of the city of Tun neath Tain-Gwethil, towering mountain, where the great gods sit and gaze on the world from the guarded shores of the gulf of Faerie. Then one sang of the slaying at the Swanships' Haven and the curse that had come on the kindreds since: all silent sat and soundless harkened, and waited the words save one alone -- the Man among Elves that Morwin bore. Unheeding he heard or high feasting 415 420 425 430 435 or lay or laughter, and looked, it seemed, to a deep distance in the dark without, and strained for sounds in the still spaces, for voices that vanished in the veils of night. He was lithe and lean, and his locks were wild, and woodland weeds he wore of brown and grey and green, and gay jewel or golden trinket his garb knew not. 440 445 An Elf there was -- Orgof -- of the ancient race that was lost in the lands where the long marches from the quiet waters of Cuivienen were made in the mirk of the midworld's gloom, ere light was lifted aloft o'er earth; but blood of the Gnomes was blent in his veins. He was close akin to the King of Doriath -- a hardy hunter and his heart was brave, but loose his laughter and light his tongue, and his pride outran his prowess in arms. He was fain before all of fine raiment and of gems and jewels, and jealous of such as found favour before himself. Now costly clad in colours gleaming he sat on a seat that was set on high near the king and queen and close to Turin. When those twain were at table he had taunted him oft, lightly with laughter, for his loveless ways, his haggard raiment and hair unshorn; but Turin untroubled neither turned his head nor wasted words on the wit of Orgof. But this day of the feast more deep his gloom than of wont, and his words men won harder; for of twelve long years the tale was full since on Morwin his mother through a maze of tears he looked the last, and the long shadows of the forest had fallen on his fading home; and he answered few, and Orgof nought. Then the fool's mirth was filled the more, to a keener edge was his carping whetted at the clothes uncouth and the uncombed hair of Turin newcome from the tangled forest. He drew forth daintily a dear treasure, 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 a comb of gold that he kept about him, and tendered it to Turin; but he turned not his eyes, nor deigned to heed or harken to Orgof, who too deep drunken that disdain should quell him: 'Nay, an thou knowest not thy need of comb, nor its use,' quoth he, 'too young thou leftest thy mother's ministry, and 'twere meet to go that she teach thee tame thy tangled locks -- if the women of Hithlum be not wild and loveless, uncouth and unkempt as their cast-off sons.' 485 490 Then a fierce fury, like a fire blazing, was born of bitterness in his bruised heart; his white wrath woke at the words of scorn for the women of Hithlum washed in tears; and a heavy horn to his hand lying, with gold adorned for good drinking, of his might unmindful thus moved in ire he seized and, swinging, swiftly flung it in the face of Orgof. 'Thou fool', he said, 'fill thy mouth therewith, and to me no further thus witless prate by wine bemused' -- but his face was broken, and he fell backward, and heavy his head there hit upon the stone of the floor rock-paved mid flagons and vessels of the o'erturned table that tumbled on him as clutching he fell; and carped no more, in death silent. There dumb were all at bench and board; in blank amaze they rose around him, as with ruth of heart he gazed aghast on his grievous deed, on his wine-stained hand, with wondering eyes half-comprehending. On his heel then he turned into the night striding, and none stayed him; but some their swords half slipped from sheaths -- they were Orgof's kin -- yet for awe of Thingol they dared not draw while the dazed king stonefaced stared on his stricken thane and no sign showed them. But the slayer weary his hands laved in the hidden stream that strikes 'fore the gates, nor stayed his tears: 'Who has cast,' he cried, 'a curse upon me; 495 500 505 510 515 520 for all I do is ill, and an outlaw now, in bitter banishment and blood-guilty, of my fosterfather I must flee the halls, nor look on the lady beloved again' -- yea, his heart to Hithlum had hastened him now, but that road he dared not, lest the wrath he draw of the Elves after him, and their anger alight should speed the spears in despite of Morgoth o'er the hills of Hithlum to hunt him down; lest a doom more dire than they dreed of old be meted his mother and the Maid of Tears. 525 530 In the furthest folds of the Forest of Doriath, in the darkest dales on its drear borders, in haste he hid him, lest the hunt take him; and they found not his footsteps who fared after, the thanes of Thingol; who thirty days sought him sorrowing, and searched in vain with no purpose of ill, but the pardon bearing of Thingol throned in the Thousand Caves. He in council constrained the kin of Orgof to forget their grief and forgiveness show, in that wilful bitterness had barbed the words of Orgof the Elf; said 'his hour had come that his soul should seek the sad pathway to the deep valley of the Dead Awaiting, there a thousand years thrice to ponder in the gloom of Gurthrond his grim jesting, ere he fare to Faerie to feast again.' Yet of his own treasure he oped the gates, and gifts ungrudging of gold and gems to the sons he gave of the slain; and his folk well deemed the deed. But that doom of the King Turin knew not, and turned against him the hands of the Elves he unhappy believed, wandering the woodland woeful-hearted; for his fate would not that the folk of the caves should harbour longer Hurin's offspring. 535 540 545 550 555 * NOTES. 8. 13. 17. 20. 22. 25. 29. 50. 51. 73. (Throughout the Notes statements such as 'Delimorgoth A, and B as typed' (line x x) imply that the reading in the printed text (in that case Delu-Morgoth) is a later emendation made to B). Hurin is Urin in the Lost Tales (and still when this poem was begun, see note to line 213), and his name Thalion 'Stead- fast', found in The Silmarillion and the Narn, does not occur in them (though he is called 'the Steadfast').11. Delimorgoth A, and B as typed. Morgoth occurs once only in the Lost Tales, in the typescript version of the Tale of Tinuviel (II.44); see note to line 20. Ninin Udathriol A, and B as typed; this occurs in the Tale (II. 84; for explanation of the name see II. 346). When changing Udathriol to Unothradin my father wrote in the margin of B: 'or Nirnaithos Unothradin'. Above Erithamrod is pencilled in A Urinthalion. B as typed had Belcha, which was then changed through Belegor, Melegor, to Bauglir. (A has a different reading here: as a myriad rats in measureless army/might pull down the proudest...) Belcha occurs in the typescript version of the Tale of Tinuviel (II. 44), where Belcha Morgoth are said to be Melko's names among the Gnomes. Bauglir is found as a name of Morgoth in The Silmarillion and the Narn. Melko's A; Belcha's B as typed, then the line changed to To the halls of Belegor (> Melegor), and finally to the reading given. See note to.line 20. Above Erithamrod in A is written Urin Thalion (see note to line 17); Urin > Hurin, and a direction to read Thalion Hurin. Finweg's son A, and B as typed; the emendation is a later one, and at the same time my father wrote in the margin of B 'he was Fingolfin's son', clearly a comment on the change of son to heir. Finweg is Finwe Noleme Lord of the Noldoli, who in the Last Tales was Turgon's father (I. 115), not as he afterwards became his grandfather. Kor > Cor A, Cor B as typed. When emending Cor to Corthun my father wrote in the margin of B: 'Corthun or Tun'. Thalion A, and B as typed. Delimorgoth A, and B as typed (as at line 11). In B there is a mark of insertion between lines 72 and 73. This probably refers to a line in A, not taken up into B: bound by the (> my) spell of bottomless (> unbroken) might. 75. 84. 105. 117. 120. 121. 137. 160. 213. 218. 226. 230. 306. Belcha A, and B as typed; the same chain of emendations in B as at lines 20 and 22. Bauglir: as at line 75. Mavwin A, and B as typed; in B then emended to Mailwin, and back to Mavwin; Morwin written later in the margin of B. Exactly the same at 129, and at 137 though here without Morwin in the margin; at 145 Mavwin unemended, but Morwin in the margin. Thereafter Mavwin stands un- emended and without marginal note, as far as 438 (see note). For consistency I read Morwin throughout the first version of the poem. -- Mavwin is the form in the Tale; Mailwin does not occur elsewhere. On the variation Nienori/Nienor in the Tale see II. 118 -- 19. Tinuviel A, Tinwiel B unemended but with Tinuviel in the margin. Tinwiel does not occur elsewhere. Ermabwed 'One-handed' is Beren's title or nickname in the Lost Tales. Gumlin is named in the Tale (II. 74, etc.); the younger of the two guardians of Turin on his journey to Doriath (here called Halog) is not. Belcha A, and B as typed, emended to Bauglir. Cf. notes to lines 20, 22, 75. Urin > Hurin A; but Hurin A in line 216. Ninin Udathriol A, and B as typed; cf. line 13. The distinction between 'Gnomes' and 'Elves' is still made; see I. 43 -- 4. Dorwinion A. For Mavwin was Melian moved to ruth A, and B as typed, with Then was Melian moved written in the margin. The second half-line has only three syllables unless moved is read moved, which is not satisfactory. The second version of the poem has here For Morwen Melian was moved to ruth. Cf. lines 494, 519. 333. Turin Thaliodrin A (cf. line 115), emended to the son of 361. 364. 392. 408. 430. 431. Thalion. Glamhoth appears in The Fall of Gondolin (II. 160), with is the translation 'folk of dreadful hate'. Belcha A, and B as typed; then > Melegor > Bauglir in B. Bauglir: as at line 364. Morgoth Belcha A, and B as typed. Kor > Cor A, Cor B as typed. Cf. line 50. Tengwethil A, and B as typed. In the early Gnomish dic- tionary and in the Name-list to The Fall of Condolin the Gnomish name of Taniquetil is Danigwethil (I. 266, II. 337). 438. Mavwin A, and B as typed, but Mavwin > Morwen a later 450. 461-3. 471. 472. 494 514-16. 517. 519. emendation in 8. I read Morwin throughout the first version of the poem (see note to line 105). Cuinlimfin A, and B as typed; Cuivienen a later emendation in B. The form in the Lost Tales is Koivie-Neni; Cuinlimfin occurs nowhere else. These lines bracketed and marked with an X in B. This line marked with an X in B. Mavwin > Morwen B; see line 438. all mashed in tears A, washed in tears B (half-line of three syllables), with an X in the margin and an illegible word written in pencil before washed. Cf. lines 306, 519. The second version of the poem does not reach this point. Against these lines my father wrote in the margin of B: 'Make Orgof's kin set on him and T. fight his way out.' stonefaced stared: the accent on stonefaced was put in later and the line marked with an X. -- In his essay On Translating Beowulf (1940; The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays (1983) p. 67) my father gave stared stonyfaced as an example of an Old English metrical type. his hands laved: the line is marked with an X in B. Cf. lines 528. 529. 548. 306, 494. With the half-line and their anger alight the second, more finished, part of the manuscript A begins; see p. 4. Belcha A, Morgoth B as typed. Guthrond A, and B as typed. Commentary on the Prologue and Part I 'Turin's Fostering'. The opening section or 'Prologue' of the poem derives from the opening of the Tale (II. 70 -- 1) and in strictly narrative terms there has been little development. In lines 18 -- z t (and especially in the rejected line in A, as a myriad rats in measureless army lmighf pull down the proudest) is clearly foreshadowed the story in The Silmarillion (p. 195): ... they took him at last alive, by the command of Morgoth, for the Orcs grappled him with their hands, which clung to him though he hewed off their arms; and ever their numbers were renewed, until at last he fell buried beneath them. On the other hand the motive in the later story for capturing him alive (Morgoth knew that Hurin had been to Gondolin) is necessarily not present, since Gondolin in the older phases of the legends was not discovered till Turgon retreated down Sirion after the Battle of Un- numbered Tears (II. 120, 208). That he was taken alive by Morgoth's command is however already stated in the poem (line 20), though it is not explained why. In the Tale Morgoth's interest in Hurin as a tool for the discovery of Turgon arose from his knowledge that the Elves of Kor thought little of Men, holding them in scant fear or suspicion for their blindness and lack of skill -- an idea that is repeated in the poem (46 -- 8); but this idea seems only to have arisen in Morgoth's mind when he came to Hurin in his dungeon (44ff.). The place of Hurin's torment (in the Tale 'a lofty place of the moun- tains') is now defined as a stool of stone on the steepest peak of, Thangorodrim; and this is the first occurrence of that name. In the change of son to heir in line 29 is seen the first hint of a development in the kingly house of the Noldoli, with the appearance of a second generation between Finwe (Finweg) and Turgon; but by the time that my father pencilled this change on the text (and noted 'He was Fingolfin's son') the later genealogical structure was already in being, and this is as it were a casual indication of it. In 'Turin's Fostering' there is a close relationship between the Tale ] and the poem, extending to many close similarities of wording -- especially abundant in the scene in Thingol's hall leading to the death of Orgof; and some phrases had a long life, surviving from the Tale, through the poem, and into the.Narn i Hin Hurin, as rather would she dwell poor among Men than live sweetly as an almsguest among the woodland Elves(II. 73) but to spend her days as alms-guest of others, even Elfin kings, it liked her little (284 -- 6) she would not yet humble her pride to be an alms-guest, not even of a king(Narn p. 70) -- though in the Narn the 'alms-guest' passage occurs at a different point, before Turin left Hithlum (Morwen's hope that Hurin would come back is in the Narn her reason for not journeying to Doriath with her son, not for refusing the 1ater invitation to her to go). Of Morwen's situation in Dor-lomin after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears there are a few things to say. In the poem (111--13) men unmindful of his mighty lordship dwelt in Dorlomin and dealt unkindly with his widowed wife -- echoing the Tale: 'the strange men who dwelt nigh knew not the dignity of the Lady Mavwin', but there is still no indication of who these men were or where they came from (see II. 126). As so often, the narrative situation was prepared but its explanation had not emerged. The un- clarity of the Tale as to where Urin dwelt before the great Battle (see II.120) is no longer present: the dwelling was dear where he dwelt of old (288). Nienor was born before Turin left (on the contradic- tion in the Tale on this point see II. 131); and the chronology of Turin's childhood is still that of the Tale (see II. 142): seven years old when he left Hithlum (332), seven years in Doriath while tidings still came from Morwen (333), twelve years since he came to Doriath when he slew Orgof (471). In the later story the last figure remained unchanged, which suggests that the X (mark of dissatisfaction) placed against line 471 had some other reason. There are several references in the poem to Hurin and Beren having been friends and fellows-in-arms (122 -- 4., 248 -- 9, 298). In the Tale it was said originally (when Beren was a Man) that Egnor Beren's father was akin to Mavwin; this was replaced by a different passage (when Beren had become a Gnome) according to which Egnor was a friend of Urin ('and Beren Ermabwed son of Egnor he knew'); see I I. 71 -- 2, 139. In the later version of the Tale of Tinuviel (II.44) Urin is named as the 'brother in arms' of Egnor; this was emended to make Urin's relationship with Beren himself -- as in the poem. In The Silmarillion (p. 198) Morwen thought to send Turin to Thingol 'for Beren son of Barahir was her father's kinsman, and he had been moreover a friend of Hurin, ere evil befell'. There is no mention of the fact in the Narn (p. 63): Morwen merely says: 'Am I not now kin of the king [Thingol]? For Beren son of Barahir was grandson of Bregor, as was my father also.' That Beren was still an Elf, not a Man, (deducible on other grounds) is apparent from lines 178 -- 9: and never ere now for need or wonder had children of Men chosen that pathway -- cf. the Tale (II. 72): 'and Turin son of Urin was the first of Men to tread that way', changed from the earlier reading 'and Beren Ermabwed was the first of Men...' In the parting of Turin from his mother comparison with the Tale will show some subtle differences which need not be spelled out here. The younger of Turin's guardians is now named, Halog (and it is said that Gumlin and Halog were the only 'henchmen' left to Morwen). Some very curious things are said of Beleg in the poem. He is twice (200, 399) called 'a (the) son of the wilderness who wist no sire', and at line 416 he is 'Beleg the ageless'. There seems to be a mystery about him, an otherness that sets him apart (as he set himself apart, 195) from the Elves of Thingol's lordship (see further p. 127). It may be that there is still a trace of this in the 1930 'Silmarillion', where it is said that none went from Doriath to the Battle of Unnumbered Tears save Mablung, and Beleg 'who obeyed no man' (in the later text this becomes 'nor any out of Doriath save Mablung and Beleg, who were unwilling to have no part in these great deeds. To them Thingol gave leave to go...', The Silmarillion p. 189). In the poem (219) Beleg says expressly that he did not go to the great Battle. -- His great bow of black yew-wood (so in The Silmarillion, p. 208, where it is named Belthronding) now appears (400): in the Tale he is not particularly marked out as a bowman (II. 123). Beleg's The gods have guided you (215) and Turin's guardians' thought the gods are good (244) accord with references in the Lost Tales to the influence of the Valar on Men and Elves in the Great Lands: see II. 141. The potent wine that Beleg carried and gave to the travellers from his flask (223 ff.) is notable -- brought from the burning South and by long mays carried to the lands of the North -- as is the name of the land from which it came: Dor-Winion (230, 425). The only other places in my father's writings where this name occurs (so far as I know) are in The Hobbit, Chapter IX Barrels out of Bond: 'the heady vintage of the great gardens of Dorwinion', and 'the wine of Dorwinion brings deep and pleasant dreams'.* See further p. 127. The curious element in Thingol's message to Morwen in the Tale, explaining why he did not go with his people to the Battle of Un- numbered Tears (II. 73), has now been rejected; but with Morwen's response to the messengers out of Doriath there enters the legend the Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin (297 ff.). As yet little is told of it (though more is said in the second version of the poem, see p. 126): Hurin often bore it in battle (in the Narn it is denied that he used it, p. 76); it magically protected its wearer (as still in the Narn, p. 75); and it was arith that token crowned of the towering dragon, and o'er- written with runes by wrights of old (cf. the Narn: 'on it were graven runes of victory'). But nothing is here said of how Hurin came by it, beyond the fact that it was his heirloom. Very notable is the passage (307 ff.) in which is described Thingol's handling of the helm as his hoard were scant, despite his possession of dungeons filled/with Elfin armouries of ancient gear. I have commented previously (see II. 128 -- 9, 245 -- 6) on the early emphasis on the poverty of Tinwelint (Thingol): here we have the first appearance of the idea of his wealth (present also at the beginning of the Lay of Leithian). Also notable is the close echoing of the lines of the poem in the words of the Narn, p. 76: *Doncinion is marked on the decorated map by Pauline Bayncs, as a region on the North-western shores of the Sea of Rhun. It must bc presumed that this, like other names on that map, was communicated to her by my father (see Unfinished Tales p. 261, footnote), but its placing seems surprising.) Yet Thingol handled the Helm of Hador as though his hoard were scanty, and he spoke courteous words, saying: 'Proud were the head that bore this helm, which the sires of Hurin bore.' There is also a clear echo of lines 315-18 Then a thought was thrust into Thingol's heart, and Turin he called and told when come that Morwin his mother a mighty thing had sent to her son, his sire's heirloom in the prose of the Narn: Then a thought came to him, and he summoned Turin, and told him that Morwen had sent to her son a mighty thing, the heirloom of his fathers. Compare also the passages that follow in both works, concerning Turin's being too young to lift the Helm, and being in any case too unhappy to heed it on account of his mother's refusal to leave Hithlum. This was the first of his sorrows (328); in the Narn (p. 75) the second. The account of Turin's character in boyhood (341 ff.) is very close to that in the Tale (II. 74), which as I have noted before (II. 121) survived into the Narn (p. 77): the latter account indeed echoes the poem ('he learned much lore', 'neither did he win friendship easily'). In the poem it is now added that in cueaving song/he had a minstrel's mastery, but mirth was not in it. An important new element in the narrative enters with the companion- ship of Beleg and Turin (wearing the Dragon-helm, 377) in warfare on the marches of Doriath: how Beleg the ageless was brother-in-arms to the black-haired boy from the beaten people. (416 -- 17) Of this there is no mention in the Tale at all (II. 74). Cf. my Com- mentary, II. 122: Turin's prowess against the Orcs during his sojourn in Artanor is given a more central or indeed unique importance in the tale ('he held the wrath of Melko from them for many years'), especially as Beleg, his companion-in-arms in the later versions, is not here mentioned. In the poem the importance to Doriath of Turin's warfare is not dimin- ished, however: for by him was holden the hand of ruin from Thingol's folk, and Thu feared him (389 -- 90) We meet here for the first time Thu, thane most mighty/neath Morgoth Bauglir. It is interesting to learn that Thu knew of Turin and feared him, also that Morgoth ordered Thu to assault Doriath: this story will reappear in the Lay of Leithian. In the story of Turin and Orgof the verses are very clearly following the prose of the Tale, and there are many close likenesses of wording, as already noted. The relation of this scene to the later story has been discussed previously (II. 121 -- 2). Orgof still has Gnome-blood, which may imply the continuance of the story that there were Gnomes among Thingol's people (see II. 43). The occasion of Turin's return from the forest to the Thousand Caves (a name that first occurs in the poem) becomes, as it seems, a great feast, with songs of Valinor -- quite unlike the later story, where the occasion is in no way marked out and Thingol and Melian were not in Menegroth (Narn p. 79); and Turin and Orgof were set on high/near the king and queen (i.e. presumably on the dais, at the 'high table'). Whether it was a rejection of this idea that caused my father to bracket lines 461 -- 3 and mark them with an X I cannot say. The secret songs of the sons of Ing referred to in this passage (421) are not indeed songs of the sons of Ing of the AElfwine history (II. 301 ff.); this Ing is the Gnomish form of Ingwe, Lord of the First Kindred of the Elves (earlier Inwe Lord of the Teleri).* The lines concerning Orgof dead are noteworthy: his hour had come that his soul should seek the sad pathway to the deep valley of the Dead Awaiting, there a thousand years thrice:o ponder in the gloom of Gurthrond his grim jesting, ere he fare to Faerie to feast again.( 544-9) With this compare the tale of The Coming of the Valar and the Building of Valinor (I. 76): There [in the hall of Ve] Mandos spake their doom, and there they waited in the darkness, dreaming of their past deeds, until such time as he appointed when they might again be born into their children, and go forth to laugh and sing again. The name Gurthrond (< Guthrond) occurs nowhere else; the first element is doubtless gurth 'death', as in the name of Turin's sword Gurtholfin (II. 342). *That Ing is the Gnomish form of Ingwe appears from the 1926 'Sketch of the Mythology' and the 1930 'Silmarillion'. Ing was replaced by Inn e in The Cottage of Lost Play, but there the Gnomish name of Inwe is Inwithiel, changed from Gim Githil (I. 16, 22).) There remain a few particular points concerning names. At line 366 Hithlum is explained as the name of Dorlomin among Men: of dark Dorlomin with its dreary pines that Hithlum unhappy is hight by Men. This is curious. In the Lost Tales the name of the land among Men was Aryador; so in the Tale of Turambar (II. 70): In those days my folk dwelt in a vale of Hisilome and that land did Men name Aryador in the tongues they then used. In the 1930 'Silmarillion' it is specifically stated that Hithlum and Dorlomin were Gnomish names for Hisilome', and there seems every reason to suppose that this was always the case. The answer to the puzzle may however lie in the same passage of the Tale of Turambar, where it is said that often was the story of Turambar and the Foaloke in their [i.e. Men's] mouths -- but rather after the fashion of the Gnomes did they say Turumart and the Fuithlug. Perhaps then the meaning of line 366 is that Men called Hisilome Hithlum because they used the Gnomish name, not that it was the name in their own tongue. In the following lines (367 -- 8) the Shadowy Mountains fenced them from Faerie and the folk of the wood. This is the first occurrence of the name Shadowy Mountains, and it is used as it was afterwards (Ered Wethrin); in the Last Tales the moun- tains forming the southern fence of Hithlum are called the Iron Moun- tains or the Bitter Hills (see II. 61). The name Cuinlimfin of the Waters of Awakening (note to line 450) seems to have been a passing idea, soon abandoned. Lastly, at line 50 occurs (by emendation in B from Cor) the unique compound name Corthun, while at 430 the city of Cor was emended to the city of Tun; see II. 292. * II. BELEG. Long time alone he lived in the hills a hunter of beast and hater of Men, or Orcs, or Elves, till outcast folk 560 there one by one, wild and reckless around him rallied; and roaming far they were feared by both foe and friend of old. For hot with hate was the heart of Turin, nor a friend found him such folk of Thingol as he wandering met in the wood's fastness. 565 There Beleg the brave on the borders of Doriath they found and fought -- and few were with him -- and o'erborne by numbers they bound him at last, till their captain came to their camp at eve. Afar from that fight his fate that day had taken Turin on the trail of the Orcs, as they hastened home to the Hills of Iron with the loot laden of the lands of Men. Then soon was him said that a servant of Thingol they had tied to a tree -- and Turin coming stared astonied on the stern visage of Beleg the brave his brother in arms, of whom he learned the lore of leaping blades, and of bended bow and barbed shaft, and the wild woodland's wisdom secret, when they blent in battle the blood of their wounds. 570 575 580 Then Turin's heart was turned from hate, and he bade unbind Beleg the huntsman. 'Now fare thou free! But, of friendship aught if thy heart yet holds for Hurin's son, never tell thou tale that Turin thou sawst an outlaw unloved from Elves and Men, whom Thingol's thanes yet thirst to slay. Betray not my trust or thy troth of yore! ' Then Beleg of the bow embraced him there -- he had not fared to the feast or the fall of Orgof -- there kissed him kindly comfort speaking: 'Lo! nought know I of the news thou tellest; but outlawed or honoured thou ever shalt be the brother of Beleg, come bliss come woe! Yet little me likes that thy leaping sword the life should drink of the leaguered Elves. Are the grim Glamhoth then grown so few, or the foes of Faerie feeble-hearted, that warlike Men have no work to do? 585 590 595 600 Shall the foes of Faerie be friends of Men? Betrayest thou thy troth whom we trusted of yore? ' 'Nor of armed Orc, nor [of] Elf of the wood, nor of any on earth have I honour or love, 0 Beleg the bowman. This band alone I count as comrades, my kindred in woe and friendless fate -- our foes the world.' 605 'Let the bow of Beleg to your band be joined; and swearing death to the sons of darkness let us suage our sorrow and the smart of fate! Our valour is not vanquished, nor vain the glory that once we did win in the woods of old.' 610 Thus hope in the heart of Hurin's offspring awoke at those words; and them well liked of that band the boldest, save Blodrin only -- Blodrin Bor's son, who for blood and for gold alone lusted, and little he recked whom he robbed of riches or reft of life, were it Elf or Orc; but he opened not the thoughts of his heart. There throbbed the harp, where the fires flickered, and the flaming brands of pine were piled in the place of their camp; where glad men gathered in good friendship as dusk fell down on the drear woodland. Then a song on a sudden soaring loudly -- and the trees up-looming towering harkened -- was raised of the Wrack of the Realm of the Gods; of the need of the Gnomes on the Narrow Crossing; of the fight at Fangros, and Feanor's sons' oath unbreakable. Then up sprang Beleg: 'That our vaunt and our vows be not vain for ever, even such as they swore, those seven chieftains, an oath let us swear that is unchanging as Tain-Gwethil's towering mountain! ' Their blades were bared, as blood shining in the flame of the fires while they flashed and touched. As with one man's voice the words were spoken, and the oath uttered that must unrecalled abide for ever, a bond of truth and friendship in arms, and faith in peril. 615 620 625 630 635 640 Thus war was waked in the woods once more for the foes of Faerie, and its fame widely, and the fear of that fellowship, now fared abroad; when the horn was heard of the hunting Elves that shook the shaws and the sheer valleys. Blades were naked and bows twanging, and shafts from the shadows shooting winged, and the sons of darkness slain and conquered; even in Angband the Orcs trembled. Then the word wandered down the ways of the forest that Turin Thalion was returned to war; and Thingol heard it, and his thanes were sped to lead the lost one in love to his halls -- but his fate was fashioned that they found him not. Little gold they got in that grim warfare, but weary watches and wounds for guerdon; nor on robber-raids now rode they ever, who fended from Faerie the fiends of Hell. But Blodrin Bor's son for booty lusted, for the loud laughter of the lawless days, and meats unmeasured, and mead-goblets refilled and filled, and the flagons of wine that went as water in their wild revels. Now tales have told that trapped as a child he was dragged by the Dwarves to their deep mansions, and in Nogrod nurtured, and in nought was like, spite blood and birth, to the blissful Elves. His heart hated Hurin's offspring and the bowman Beleg; so biding his while he fled their fellowship and forest hidings to the merciless Orcs, whose moon-pallid cruel-curved blades to kill spare not; than whose greed for gold none greater burns save in hungry hearts of the hell-dragons. He betrayed his troth; traitor made him and the forest fastness of his fellows in arms he opened to the Orcs, nor his oath heeded. There they fought and fell by foes outnumbered, by treachery trapped at a time of night when their fires faded and few were waking -- some wakened never, not for wild noises, nor cries nor curses, nor clashing steel, 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 swept as they slumbered to the slades of death. But Turin they took, though towering mighty at the Huntsman's hand he hewed his foemen, as a bear at bay mid bellowing hounds, unheeding his hurts; at the hest of Morgoth yet living they lapped him, his limbs entwining, with hairy hands and hideous arms. Then Beleg was buried in the bodies of the fallen, as sorely wounded he swooned away; and all was over, and the Orcs triumphed. The dawn over Doriath dimly kindled saw Blodrin Bor's son by a beech standing with throat thirled by a thrusting arrow, whose shaven shaft, shod with poison, and feather-winged, was fast in the tree. He bargained the blood of his brothers for gold: thus his meed was meted -- in the mirk at random by an orc-arrow his oath came home. 685 690 695 700 From the magic mazes of Melian the Queen they haled unhappy Hurin's offspring, lest he flee his fate; but they fared slowly and the leagues were long of their laboured way over hill and hollow to the high places, where the peaks and pinnacles of pitiless stone looming up lofty are lapped in cloud, and veiled in vapours vast and sable; where Eiglir Engrin, the Iron Hills, lie o'er the hopeless halls of Hell upreared wrought at the roots of the roaring cliffs of Thangorodrim's thunderous mountain. Thither led they laden with loot and evil; but Beleg yet breathed in blood drenched aswoon, till the sun to the South hastened, and the eye of day was opened wide. 705 710 715 720 725 Then he woke and wondered, and weeping took him, and to Turin Thalion his thoughts were turned, that o'erborne in battle and bound he had seen. Then he crawled from the corpses that had covered him over, weary, wounded, too weak to stand. So Thingol's thanes athirst and bleeding in the forest found him: his fate willed not that he should drink the draught of death from foes. Thus they bore him back in bitter torment his tidings to tell in the torchlit halls of Thingol the king; in the Thousand Caves to be healed whole by the hands enchanted of Melian Mablui, the moonlit queen. 730 Ere a week was outworn his wounds were cured, but his heart's heaviness those hands of snow nor soothed nor softened, and sorrow-laden he fared to the forest. No fellows sought he in his hopeless hazard, but in haste alone he followed the feet of the foes of Elfland, the dread daring, and the dire anguish, that held the hearts of Hithlum's men and Doriath's doughtiest in a dream of fear. Unmatched among Men, or magic-wielding Elves, or hunters of the Orc-kindred, or beasts of prey for blood pining, was his craft and cunning, that cold and dead an unseen slot could scent o'er stone, foot-prints could find on forest pathways that lightly on the leaves were laid in moons long waned, and washed by windy rains. The grim Glamhoth's goblin armies go cunning-footed, but his craft failed not to tread their trail, till the lands were darkened, and the light was lost in lands unknown. Never-dawning night was netted clinging in the black branches of the beetling trees; oppressed by pungent pinewood's odours, and drowsed with dreams as the darkness thickened, he strayed steerless. The stars were hid, and the moon mantled. There magic foundered in the gathering glooms, there goblins even (whose deep eyes drill the darkest shadows) bewildered wandered, who the way forsook to grope in the glades, there greyly loomed of girth unguessed in growth of ages the topless trunks of trees enchanted. That fathomless fold by folk of Elfland is Taur-na-Fuin, the Trackless Forest of Deadly Nightshade, dreadly named. 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 Abandoned, beaten, there Beleg lying to the wind harkened winding, moaning in bending boughs; to branches creaking up high over head, where huge pinions of the plumed pine-trees complained darkly in black foreboding. There bowed hopeless, in wit wildered, and wooing death, he saw on a sudden a slender sheen shine a-shimmering in the shades afar, like a glow-worm's lamp a-gleaming dim. He marvelled what it might be as he moved softly; for he knew not the Gnomes of need delving in the deep dungeons of dark Morgoth. Unmatched their magic in metal-working, who jewels and gems that rejoiced the Gods aforetime fashioned, when they freedom held, now swinking slaves of ceaseless labour in Angband's smithies, nor ever were suffered to wander away, warded always. But little lanterns of lucent crystal and silver cold with subtlest cunning they strangely fashioned, and steadfast a flame burnt unblinking there blue and pale, unquenched for ever. The craft that lit them was the jewel-makers' most jealous secret. Not Morgoth's might, nor meed nor torment them vowed, availed to reveal that lore; yet lights and lamps of living radiance, many and magical, they made for him. No dark could dim them the deeps wandering; whose lode they lit was lost seldom in groundless grot, or gulfs far under. 770 775 780 785 790 795 'Twas a Gnome he beheld on the heaped needles of a pine-tree pillowed, when peering wary he crept closer. The covering pelt was loosed from the lamp of living radiance by his side shining. Slumber-shrouded his fear-worn face was fallen in shade. Lest in webs woven of unwaking sleep, spun round by spells in those spaces dark, he lie forlorn and lost for ever, the Hunter hailed him in the hushed forest -- 800 805 to the drowsy deeps of his dream profound fear ever-following came falling loud; as the lancing lightning he leapt to his feet full deeming that dread and death were upon him, Flinding go-Fuilin fleeing in anguish from the mines of Morgoth. Marvelling he heard the ancient tongue of the Elves of Tun; and Beleg the Bowman embraced him there, and learnt his lineage and luckless fate, how thrust to thraldom in a throng of captives, from the kindred carried and the cavernous halls of the Gnomes renowned of Nargothrond, long years he laboured under lashes and flails of the baleful Balrogs, abiding his time. A tale he unfolded of terrible flight o'er flaming fell and fuming hollow, o'er the parched dunes of the Plains of Drouth, till his heart took hope and his heed was less. 'Then Taur-na-Fuin entangled my feet in its mazes enmeshed; and madness took me that I wandered witless, unwary stumbling and beating the boles of the brooding pines in idle anger -- and the Orcs heard me. They were camped in a clearing, that close at hand by mercy I missed. Their marching road is beaten broad through the black shadows by wizardry warded from wandering Elves; but dread they know of the Deadly Nightshade, and in haste only do they hie that way. Now cruel cries and clamorous voices awoke in the wood, and winged arrows from horny bows hummed about me; and following feet, fleet and stealthy, were padding and pattering on the pine-needles; and hairy hands and hungry fingers in the glooms groping, as I grovelled fainting till they cowering found me. Fast they clutched me beaten and bleeding, and broken in spirit they laughing led me, my lagging footsteps with their spears speeding. Their spoils were piled, and countless captives in that camp were chained, and Elfin maids their anguish mourning. 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 845 850 put one they watched, warded sleepless, was stern-visaged, strong, and in stature tall as are Hithlum's men of the misty hills. Full length he lay and lashed to pickets in baleful bonds, yet bold-hearted his mouth no mercy of Morgoth sued, but defied his foes. Foully they smote him. Then he called, as clear as cry of hunter that hails his hounds in hollow places, on the name renowned of that noblest king -- but men unmindful remember him little -- Hurin Thalion, who Erithamrod hight, the Unbending, for Orc and Balrog and Morgoth's might on the mountain yet he defies fearless, on a fanged peak of thunder-riven Thangorodrim.' 855 860 865 In eager anger then up sprang Beleg, crying and calling, careless of Flinding: '0 Turin, Turin, my troth-brother, to the brazen bonds shall I abandon thee, and the darkling doors of the Deeps of Hell?' 870 'Thou wilt join his journey to the jaws of sorrow, 0 bowman crazed, if thy bellowing cry to the Orcs should come; their ears than cats' :are keener whetted, and though the camp from here be a day distant where those deeds I saw, who knows if the Gnome they now pursue that crept from their clutches, as a crawling worm on belly cowering, whom they bleeding cast in deathly swoon on the dung and slough of their loathsome lair. 0 Light of Valinor! and ye glorious Gods! How gleam their eyes, and their tongues are red! ' 'Yet I Turin will wrest from their hungry hands, or to Hell be dragged, or sleep with the slain in the slades of Death. Thy lamp shall lead us, and my lore rekindle and wise wood-craft! ' '0 witless hunter, thy words are wild -- wolves unsleeping and wizardry ward their woeful captives; unerring their arrows; the icy steel of their curved blades cleaves unblunted 875 880 885 890 the meshes of mail; the mirk to pierce those eyes are able; their awful laughter the flesh freezes! I fare not thither, for fear fetters me in the Forest of Night: better die in the dark dazed, forwandered, than wilfully woo that woe and anguish! I know not the way.' 'Are the knees then weak of Flinding go-Fuilin? Shall free-born Gnome thus show himself a shrinking slave, who twice entrapped has twice escaped? Remember the might and the mirth of yore, the renown of the Gnomes of Nargothrond! ' 895 900 Thus Beleg the bowman quoth bold-hearted, but Flinding fought the fear of his heart, and loosed the light of his lamp of blue, now brighter burning. In the black mazes enwound they wandered, weary searching; by the tall tree-boles towering silent oft barred and baffled; blindly stumbling over rock-fast roots writhing coiled; and drowsed with dreams by the dark odours, till hope was hidden. 'Hark thee, Flinding; viewless voices vague and distant, a muffled murmur of marching feet that are shod with stealth shakes the stillness.' 905 910 915 'No noise I hear', the Gnome answered, 'thy hope cheats thee.' 'I hear the chains clinking, creaking, the cords straining, and wolves padding on worn pathways. I smell the blood that is smeared on blades that are cruel and crooked; the croaking laughter -- now, listen! louder and louder comes,' the hunter said. 'I hear no sound', quoth Flinding fearful. 'Then follow after! ' with bended bow then Beleg answered, 'my cunning rekindles, my craft needs not thy lamp's leading.' Leaping swiftly he shrank in the shadows; with shrouded lantern Flinding followed him, and the forest-darkness and drowsy dimness drifted slowly unfolding from them in fleeing shadows, 920 925 930 and its magic was minished, till they marvelling saw they were brought to its borders. There black-gaping an archway opened. By ancient trunks it was framed darkly, that in far-off days the lightning felled, now leaning gaunt their lichen-leprous limbs uprooted. There shadowy bats that shrilled thinly flew in and flew out the air brushing as they swerved soundless. A swooning light faint filtered in, for facing North they looked o'er the leagues of the lands of mourning, o'er the bleak boulders, o'er the blistered dunes and dusty drouth of Dor-na-Fauglith; o'er that Thirsty Plain, to the threatening peaks, now glimpsed grey through the grim archway, of the marching might of the Mountains of Iron, and faint and far in the flickering dusk the thunderous towers of Thangorodrim. But backward broad through the black shadows from that darkling door dimly wandered the ancient Orc-road; and even as they gazed the silence suddenly with sounds of dread was shaken behind them, and shivering echoes from afar came fleeting. Feet were tramping; trappings tinkling; and the troublous murmur of viewless voices in the vaulted gloom came near and nearer. 'Ah! now I hear', said Flinding fearful; 'flee we swiftly from hate and horror and hideous faces, from fiery eyes and feet relentless! Ah! woe that I wandered thus witless hither!' 935 940 945 950 955 960 Then beat in his breast, foreboding evil, with dread unwonted the dauntless heart of Beleg the brave. With blanched cheeks in faded fern and the feathery leaves -- of brown bracken they buried them deep, where dank and dark a ditch was cloven on the wood's borders by waters oozing, dripping down to die in the drouth below. Yet hardly were they hid when a host to view round a dark turning in the dusky shadows 965 970 came swinging sudden with a swift thudding of feet after feet on fallen leaves. In rank on rank of ruthless spears that war-host went; weary stumbling countless captives, cruelly laden with bloodstained booty, in bonds of iron they haled behind them, and held in ward by the wolf-riders and the wolves of Hell. Their road of ruin was a-reek with tears: many a hall and homestead, many a hidden refuge of Gnomish lords by night beleaguered their o'ermastering might of mirth bereft, and fair things fouled, and fields curdled with the bravest blood of the beaten people. 975 980 985 To an army of war was the Orc-band waxen that Blodrin Bor's son to his bane guided to the wood-marches, by the welded hosts homeward hurrying to the halls of mourning swiftly swollen to a sweeping plague. Like a throbbing thunder in the threatening deeps of cavernous clouds o'ercast with gloom now swelled on a sudden a song most dire, and their hellward hymn their home greeted; flung from the foremost of the fierce spearmen, who viewed mid vapours vast and sable the threefold peaks of Thangorodrim, it rolled rearward, rumbling darkly, like drums in distant dungeons empty. Then a werewolf howled; a word was shouted like steel on stone; and stiffly raised their spears and swords sprang up thickly as the wild wheatfields of the wargod's realm with points that palely pricked the twilight. As by wind wafted then waved they all, and bowed, as the bands with beating measured moved on mirthless from the mirky woods, from the topless trunks of Taur-na-Fuin, neath the leprous limbs of the leaning gate. 990 995 1000 1005 1010 Then Beleg the bowman in bracken cowering, on the loathly legions through the leaves peering, saw Turin the tall as he tottered forward 1015 neath the whips of the Orcs as they whistled o'er him; and rage arose in his wrathful heart, and piercing pity outpoured his tears. The hymn was hushed; the host vanished down the hellward slopes of the hill beyond; and silence sank slow and gloomy round the trunks of the trees of Taur-na-Fuin, and nethermost night drew near outside. 1020 'Follow me, Flinding, from the forest cursed! Let us haste to his help, to Hell if need be or to death by the darts of the dread Glamhoth!': and Beleg bounded from the bracken madly, like a deer driven by dogs baying from his hiding in the hills and hollow places; and Flinding followed fearful after him neath the yawning gate, þ through yew-thickets, through bogs and bents and bushes shrunken, till they reached the rocks and the riven moorlands and friendless fells falling darkly to the dusty dunes of Dor-na-Fauglith. In a cup outcarven on the cold hillside, whose broken brink was bleakly fringed with bended bushes bowed in anguish from the North-wind's knife, beneath them far the feasting camp of their foes was laid; the fiery flare of fuming torches, and black bodies in the blaze they saw crossing countlessly, and cries they heard and the hollow howling of hungry wolves. 1025 1030 1035 1040 Then a moon mounted o'er the mists riding, and the keen radiance of the cold moonshine the shadows sharpened in the sheer hollows, and slashed the slopes with slanting blackness; in wreaths uprising the reek of fires was touched to tremulous trails of silver. Then the fires faded, and their foemen slumbered in a sleep of surfeit. No sentinel watched, nor guards them girdled -- what good were it to watch wakeful in those withered regions neath Eiglir Engrin, whence the eyes of Bauglir gazed unclosing from the gates of Hell? 1045 1050 1055 Did not werewolves' eyes unwinking gleam in the wan moonlight -- the wolves that sleep not, that sit in circles with slavering tongues round camp or clearing of the cruel Glamhoth? Then was Beleg a-shudder, and the unblinking eyes nigh chilled his marrow and chained his flesh in fear unfathomed, as' flat to earth by a boulder he lay. Lo! black cloud-drifts surged up like smoke from the sable North, and the sheen was shrouded of the shivering moon; the wind came wailing from the woeful mountains, and the heath unhappy hissed and whispered; and the moans came faint of men in torment in the camp accursed. His quiver rattled as he found his feet and felt his bow, hard horn-pointed, by hands of cunning of black yew wrought; with bears' sinews it was stoutly strung; strength to bend it had nor Man nor Elf save the magic helped him that Beleg the bowman now bore alone. No arrows of the Orcs so unerring winged as his shaven shafts that could shoot to a mark that was seen but in glance ere gloom seized it. Then Dailir he drew, his dart beloved; howso far fared it, or fell unnoted, unsought he found it with sound feathers and barbs unbroken (till it broke at last); and fleet bade he fly that feather-pinioned snaketongued shaft, as he snicked the string in the notch nimbly, and with naked arm to his ear drew it. The air whistled, and the tingling string twanged behind it, soundless a sentinel sank before it -- there was one of the wolves that awaked no more. Now arrows after he aimed swiftly that missed not their mark and meted silent death in the darkness dreadly stinging, till three of the wolves with throats pierced, and four had fallen with fleet-winged arrows a-quivering in their quenched eyes. Then great was the gap in the guard opened, and Beleg his bow unbent, and said: 1060 1065 1070 1075 1080 1085 1090 1095 Wilt come to the camp, comrade Flinding, or await me watchful? If woe betide thou might win with word through the woods homeward to Thingol the king how throve my quest, how Turin the tall was trapped by fate, how Beleg the bowman to his bane hasted.' -: Then Flinding fiercely, though fear shook him: -'- 'I have followed thee far, 0 forest-walker, nor will leave thee now our league denying! ' ' Then both bow and sword Beleg left there : with his belt unbound in the bushes tangled of a dark thicket in a dell nigh them, -' and Flinding there laid his flickering lamp = and his nailed shoes, and his knife only . he kept, that uncumbered he might creep silent. 1100 1105 1110 Thus those brave in dread down the bare hillside wards the camp clambered creeping wary, ', and dared that deed in days long past whose glory has gone through the gates of earth, and songs have sung unceasing ringig ." wherever the Elves in ancient places ':,: bad light or laughter in the later world. With breath bated on the brink of the dale :. they stood and stared through stealthy shadows, ' till they saw where the circle of sleepless eyes e broken; with hearts beating dully ' they passed the places where pierced and bleeding : the wolves weltered by winged death unseen smitten; as smoke noiseless they slipped silent through the slumbering throngs as shadowy wraiths shifting vaguely from gloom to gloom, till the Gods brought them and the craft and cunning of the keen huntsman to Turin the tall where he tumbled lay with face downward in the filthy mire, and his feet were fettered, and fast in bonds anguish enchained his arms behind him. ere he slept or swooned, as sunk in oblivion drugs of darkness deadly blended; he heard not their whispers; no hope stirred him nor the deep despair of his dreams fathomed; 1115 1120 1125 1130 1135 to awake his wit no words availed. No blade would bite on the bonds he wore, though Flinding felt for the forged knife of dwarfen steel, his dagger prized, that at waist he wore awake or sleeping, whose edge would eat through iron noiseless as a clod of clay is cleft by the share. It was wrought by wrights in the realms of the East, in black Belegost, by the bearded Dwarves of troth unmindful; it betrayed him now from its sheath slipping as o'er shaggy slades and roughhewn rocks their road they wended. 1140 1145 1150 'We must bear him back as best we may,' said Beleg, bending his broad shoulders. Then the head he lifted of Hurin's offspring, and Flinding go-Fuilin the feet clasped; and doughty that deed, for in days long gone though Men were of mould less mighty builded ere the earth's goodness from the Elves they drew, though the Elfin kindreds ere old was the sun were of might unminished, nor the moon haunted faintly fading as formed of shadows in places unpeopled, yet peers they were not in bone and flesh and body's fashioning, and Turin was tallest of the ten races that in Hithlum's hills their homes builded. Like a log they lifted his limbs mighty, and straining staggered with stealth and fear, with bodies bending and bones aching, from the cruel dreaming of the camp of dread, where spearmen drowsed sprawling drunken by their moon-blades keen with murder whetted mid their shaven shafts in sheaves piled. 1155 1160 1165 I 170 Now Beleg the brave backward led them, but his foot fumbled and he fell thudding with Turin atop of him, and trembling stumbled Flinding forward; there frozen lying long while they listened for alarm stirring, for hue and cry, and their hearts cowered; but unbroken the breathing of the bands sleeping, as darkness deepened to dead midnight, 1175 1180 d the lifeless hour when the loosened soulo ft sheds the shackles of the shivering flesh. Then dared their dread to draw its breath, and they found their feet in the fouled earth, and bent they both their backs once more to their task of toil, for Turin woke not. There the huntsman's hand was hurt deeply, as he groped on the ground, by a gleaming point -- 'twas Dailir his dart dearly prized he had found by his foot in fragments twain, and with barbs bended: it broke at last neath his body falling. It boded ill. 1185 1190 As in dim dreaming, and dazed with horror, they won their way with weary slowness, foot by footstep, till fate them granted the leaguer at last of those lairs to pass, and their burden laid they, breathless gasping, on bare-bosmed earth, and abode a while, ere by winding ways they won their path up the slanting slopes with silent labour, with spended strength sprawling to cast them in the darkling dell neath the deep thicket. Then sought his sword, and songs of magic o'er its eager edge with Elfin voice there Beleg murmured, while bluely glimmered the lamp of Flinding neath the laced thorns. There wondrous wove he words of sharpness, and the names of knives and Gnomish blades he uttered o'er it: even Ogbar's spear and the glaive of Gaurin whose gleaming stroke did rive the rocks of Rodrim's hall; the sword of Saithnar, and the silver blades of the enchanted children of chains forged in their deep dungeon; the dirk of Nargil, the knife of the North in Nogrod smithied; the sweeping sickle of the slashing tempest, the lambent lightning's leaping falchion even Celeg Aithorn that shall cleave the world. 1195 1200 1205 1210 1215 Then whistling whirled he the whetted sword-blade and three times three it threshed the gloom, till flame was kindled flickering strangely 1220 like licking firelight in the lamp's glimmer blue and baleful at the blade's edges. Lo! a leering laugh lone and dreadful by the wind wafted wavered nigh them; their limbs were loosened in listening horror; they fancied the feet of foes approaching, for the horns hearkening of the hunt afoot in the rustling murmur of roving breezes. Then quickly curtained with its covering pelt was the lantern's light, and leaping Beleg with his sword severed the searing bonds on wrist and arm like ropes of hemp so strong that whetting; in stupor lying entangled still lay Turin moveless. For the feet's fetters then feeling in the dark Beleg blundering with his blade's keenness unwary wounded the weary flesh of wayworn foot, and welling blood bedewed his hand -- too dark his magic: that sleep profound was sudden fathomed; in fear woke Turin, and a form he guessed o'er his body bending with blade naked. His death or torment he deemed was come, for oft had the Orcs for evil pastime him goaded gleeful and gashed with knives that they cast with cunning, with cruel spears. Lo! the bonds were burst that had bound his hands: his cry of battle calling hoarsely he flung him fiercely on the foe he dreamed, and Beleg falling breathless earthward was crushed beneath him. Crazed with anguish then seized that sword the son of Hurin, to his hand lying by the help of doom; at the throat he thrust; through he pierced it, that the blood was buried in the blood-wet mould; ere Flinding knew what fared that night, all was over. With oath and curse he bade the goblins now guard them well, or sup on his sword: 'Lo! the son of Hurin is freed from his fetters.' His fancy wandered in the camps and clearings of the cruel Glamhoth. Flight he sought not at Flinding leaping 1225 1230 1235 1240 1245 1250 1255 1260 with his last laughter, his life to sell gmid foes imagined; but Fuilin's son there stricken with amaze, starting backward, cried: 'Magic of Morgoth! A! madness damned! with friends thou fightest! ' -- then falling suddenly the lamp o'erturned in the leaves shrouded that its light released illumined pale with its flickering flame the face of Beleg. Then the boles of the trees more breathless rooted stone-faced he stood staring frozen on that dreadful death, and his deed knowing wildeyed he gazed with waking horror, as in endless anguish an image carven. So fearful his face that Flinding crouched and watched him, wondering what webs of doom dark, remorseless, dreadly meshed him by the might of Morgoth; and he mourned for him, and for Beleg, who bow should bend no more, his black yew-wood in battle twanging -- his life had winged to its long waiting in the halls of the Moon o'er the hills of the sea. 1265 1270 1275 1280 Hark! he heard the horns hooting loudly, no ghostly laughter of grim phantom, no wraithlike feet rustling dimly -- the Orcs were up; their ears had hearkened the cries of Turin; their camp was tumult, their lust was alight ere the last shadows of night were lifted. Then numb with fear in hoarse whisper to unhearing ears he told his terror; for Turin now with limbs loosened leaden-eyed was bent crouching crumpled by the corse moveless; nor sight nor sound his senses knew, and wavering words he witless murmured, 'A! Beleg,' he whispered, 'my brother-in-arms.' Though Flinding shook him, he felt it not: had he comprehended he had cared little. Then winds were wakened in wild dungeons where thrumming thunders throbbed and rumbled; storm came striding with streaming banners from the four corners of the fainting world; 1285 I 290 1295 1300 then the clouds were cloven with a crash of lightning, and slung like stones from slings uncounted the hurtling hail came hissing earthward, with a deluge dark of driving rain. Now wafted high, now wavering far, the cries of the Glamhoth called and hooted, and the howl of wolves in the heavens' roaring was mingled mournful: they missed their paths, for swollen swept there swirling torrents down the blackening slopes, and the slot was blind, so that blundering back up the beaten road to the gates of gloom many goblins wildered were drowned or drawn in Deadly Nightshade to die in the dark; while dawn came not, while the storm-riders strove and thundered all the sunless day, and soaked and drenched Flinding go-Fuilin with fear speechless there crouched aquake; cold and lifeless lay Beleg the bowman; brooding dumbly Turin Thalion neath the tangled thorns sat unseeing without sound or movement. 1305 1310 1315 1320: 1325 The dusty dunes of Dor-na-Fauglith hissed and spouted. Huge rose the spires of smoking vapour swathed and reeking, thick-billowing clouds from thirst unquenched, and dawn was kindled dimly lurid when a day and night had dragged away. The Orcs had gone, their anger baffled, o'er the weltering ways weary faring to their hopeless halls in Hell's kingdom; no thrall took they Turin Thalion -- a burden bore he than their bonds heavier, in despair fettered with spirit empty in mourning hopeless he remained behind. 1330 '335 * NOTES. 617. Blodrin: Bauglir A, and B as typed. See line 618. 618. Bauglir Ban's son A, and B as typed (Bauglir > Blodrin 631. 636. 653. 661, 696. 711. carefully-made early change, Ban > Bor hasty and later). See lines 661, 696, 990. Fangair A, Fangros B as typed. Tengwethiel [sic] A, Tain-Gwethil B as typed. Cf. line 431. Turin Thaliodrin A, and B as typed. Cf. lines I 15, 333, 720. As at line 618. Aiglir-angrin A, Aiglir Angrin B as typed, emended roughly in pencil to Eiglir Engrin; cf. line 1055. In the Tale of Turambar occurs Angorodin (the Iron Mountains), II.77. 711-14. These lines read in A (and as typed in B, with of Hell is reared for of the Hells of Iron): where Aiglir-angrin the Iron Hills lie and Thangorodrim's thunderous mountain o'er the hopeless halls of the Hells of iron wrought at the roots of the ruthless hills. 718. 720. 780. 816. 818 -- 20. 826. 834. 0. 1055. 1098. 1137. 1147. 1198. 1214. 1324. 335. Cf. Bilbo's second riddle to Gollum. As at line 653. Delimorgoth A, Delu-Morgoth B as typed, dark Mor- goth a late pencilled emendation. At lines 11 and 51 Delu- Morgoth is an emendation of Delimorgoth in B. Tun also in A; see lines 50, 430. Against these lines my father wrote in the margin of B: 'Captured in battle at gates of Angband.' o'er the black boulders of the Blasted Plain A (marked with query). mercy: magic A, and B as typed; mercy in pencil and not quite certain. Daideloth A emended at time of writing to Dor-na- Maiglos, Dor-na-Fauglith B as typed. In margin of A is written: 'a plateau from Dai "high", Deloth "plain"'; con- trast II. 337, entry Dor-na-Dhaideloth.99 Blodrin Ban's son A, and B as typed; Ban's > Bor's later in B. At lines 617 -- 18, 661, 696 A, and B as typed, had Bauglir, changed to Blodrin in B. Aiglir Angrin A, and B as typed; see line 711. Bauglir A and B. This line is emended in B, but the reading is uncertain: apparently Then his bow unbending Beleg asked him: In the margin of B is written r?, i.e. dreadly for deadly. East: South A, and B as typed. bosmed (bosomed) written thus in both A and B. Nargil: Loruin A, with Nargil added as an alternative. Turin Thaliodrin A, and B as typed; see lines 653, 720.1 Thalion-Turin A, and B as typed. Commentary on Part Il 'Beleg'. In this part of the poem there are some narrative developments of much interest. The poem follows the Tale (II. 76) in making Beleg become one of Turin's band on the marches of Doriath not long after Turin's depar- ture from the Thousand Caves, and with no intervening event -- in The Silmarillion (p. 200) Beleg came to Menegroth, and after speaking to Thingol set out to seek Turin, while in the Narn (pp. 82 -- 5) there is the 'trial of Turin', and the intervention of Beleg bringing Nellas as witness, before he set out on Turin's trail. In the poem it is explicit that Beleg was not searching for him, and indeed knew nothing whatever of what had passed in the Thousand Caves (595). But Turin's band are no longer the 'wild spirits' of the Tale; they are hostile to all comers, whether Orcs or Men or Elves, including the Elves of Doriath (560 -- 1, 566), as in The Silmarillion, and in far greater detail in the Narn, where the band is called Gaurwaith, the Wolf-men, 'to be feared as wolves'. The element of Beleg's capture and maltreatment by the band now appears, and also that of Turin's absence from the camp at the time. Several features of the story in the Nant are indeed already present in the poem, though absent from the more condensed account in The Silmaril- lion: as Beleg's being tied to a tree by the outlaws (577, Narn pp. 92 -- 3), and the occasion of Turin's absence -- he was on the trail of the Orcs, as they hastened home to the Hills of Iron with the loot laden of the lands of Men just as in the Narn (pp. 91 -- 2), where however the story is part of a complex set of movements among the Woodmen of Brethil, Beleg, the Gaurwaith, and the Orcs. Whereas in the Tale it was only now that Beleg and Turin became companions-in-arms, we have already seen that the poem has the later story whereby they had fought together on the marches of Doriath before Turin's flight from the Thousand Caves (p.27); and we now have also the development that Turin's altered mood at the sight of Beleg tied to the tree (Then Turin's heart was tumed from hate, 584), and-Beleg's own reproaches (Shall the foes of Faerie be friends of Men? 603), led to the band's turning their arms henceforth only against the foes of Faerie (644). Of the great oath sworn by the members of the band,, explicitly echoing that of the Sons of Feanor (634) -- and showing incidentally that in that oath the holy mountain of Taniquetil (Tain- Gwethil) was taken in witness (636), there is no trace in The Silmarillion or the Narn: in the latter, indeed, the outlaws are not conceived in such a way as to make such an oath-taking at all probable. Lines 643 ff., describing the prowess of the fellowship in the forest, are the ultimate origin of the never finally achieved story of the Land of Dor-Cuarthol (The Silmarillion p. 205, Narn pp. 152-4); lines 651-4 even in Angband the Orcs trembled. Then the word wandered down the ways of the forest that Turin Thalion was returned to war; and Thingol heard it... lead in the end to In Menegroth, and in the deep halls of Nargothrond, and even in the hidden realm of Gondolin, the fame of the deeds of the Two Captains was heard; and in Angband also they were known. But in the later story Turin was hidden under the name Gorthol, the read Helm, and it was his wearing of the Dragon-helm that revealed him to Morgoth. There is no suggestion of this in the earlier phase of the legend; the Dragon-helm makes no further appearance here in the poem. A table may serve to clarify the development: Tale. Turin's prowess on the marches of Doriath (Beleg not mentioned). Death of Orgof. Turin leaves Doriath; a band forms round him which includes Beleg. Great prowess of the band. Lay. Turin and Beleg companions-in-arms on the marches of Doriath; Turin wears the Dragon-helm. Death of Orgof. Turin leaves Doriath; a band of outlaws forms round him which attacks all comers. The band captures Beleg (who knows nothing of Turin's leaving Doriath) and ties him to a tree. Turin has him set free; suffers a change of heart; Beleg joins the band; all swear an oath. Great prowess of the band against the Orcs. Silmarillion and Narn As in the poem. Death of Saeros. Turin leaves Doriath and joins a band of desperate outlaws. The band captures Beleg (whe is searching for Turin bearing Thingol's pardon) (and ties him to a tree, Narn). Turin has him set free; suffers a change of heart; but Beleg will not join the band and departs. (No mention of oath.) (Later Beleg returns and joins the band:) Land of Dor-Cuarthol. Before leaving this part of the story, it may be suggested that lines 605 ff., in which Turin declares to Beleg that This band alone /I count as comrades, contain the germ of Turin's words to him in the Xarn, p.94: The grace of Thingol will not stretch to receive these companions of my fall, I think; but I will not part with them now, if they do not wish to part with me, &c. The traitor, who betrayed the band to the Orcs, now first appears. At first he is called Bauglir both in A and in B as originally typed; and it might be thought that the name had much too obviously an evil signific- ance. The explanation is quite clearly, however, that Bauglir became Blodrin at the same time as Bauglir replaced Belcha as a name of: Morgoth. (By the time my father reached line 990 Blodrin is the name as first written in both A and B; while similarly at line 1055 Bauglir is Morgoth's name, not Belcha, both in A and B as first written.) The change of Ban (father of Blodrin) to Bor was passing; he is Ban in the 1926 'Sketch of the Mythology', and so remained until, much later, he disappeared. Blodrin's origin is interesting: trapped as a child he was dragged by the Dwarves to their deep mansions, and in Nogrod nurtured, and in nought was like, spite blood and birth, to the blissful Elves. (666 -- g) Thus Blodrin's evil nature is explicitly ascribed to the influence of the bearded Dwarves / of troth unmindful (1148-9); and Blodrin follows Ufedhin of the Tale of the Nauglafring as an example of the sinister . effect of Elvish association with Dwarves -- not altogether absent in the tale of Eol and Maeglin as it appears in The Silmarillion. Though the nature -- and name -- of the traitor in Turin's band went through Protean mutations afterwards, it is not inconceivable that recollection of the Dwarvish element in Blodrin's history played some part in the emergence of Mim in this role. On the early hostile view of the Dwarves see II. 247. The words of the poem just cited arise from the 'betrayal' of Flinding by his dwarvish knife, which slipped from its sheath; so later, in the Lay of Leithian, when Beren attempted to cut a second Silmaril from the Iron Crown (lines 4160-2) The dwarvish steel of cunning blade by treacherous smiths of Nogrod made snapped... The idea expressed in the Tale (II. 76) that Turin was taken alive by Morgoth's command 'lest he cheat the doom that was devised for him' reappears in the poem: lest he flee his fate (705). The rest of the story as told in the poem differs only in detail from that in the Tale. The survival of Beleg in the attack by Orcs and his swift recovery from his grievous wounds (II. 77), present in much changed circumstances in The Silmarillion (p. 206), is here made perhaps more comprehensible, in that Elves from Doriath, who were searching for Turin (654 -- 5), found Beleg and took him back to be healed by Melian in the Thousand Caves (727 -- 3I). In the account of Beleg's meeting with Flinding in Taur-na-Fuin, led to him by his blue lamp, the poem is following the Tale very closely.* My father's painting of the scene (Pict- ures by J. R. R. Tolkien no. 37) was almost certainly made a few years later, when the Elf lying under the tree was still called Flinding son of Fuilin (in the Tale bo-Dhuilin, earlier go-Dhuilin, son of Duilin; the . patronymic prefix has in the poem (814, 900) reverted to the earlier form go-, see II. 119). In the Tale it is only said (II. 81 ) that Flinding was of the people of the - Rodothlim 'before the Orcs captured him'-, from the poem (819 -- 21) it ; seems that he was carried off, with many others, from Nargothrond, but this can scarcely be the meaning, since nought yet knew they [the Orcs] of Nargothrond (1578). The marginal note in B against these lines 'Captured in battle at gates of Angband' refers to the later story, first ' appearing in the 1930 'Silmarillion'. The poem follows the Tale in the detail of Flinding's story to Beleg, except that in the poem he was recaptured by the Orcs in Taur-na-Fuin (846ff.) and escaped again (crept from their clutches as a crawling worm, 879), whereas in the Tale he was not recaptured but 'fled heed- lessly'(II. 79). The notable point in the Tale that Flinding 'was overjoyed to have speech with a free Noldo' reappears in the poem: Marvelling he heard/the ancient tongue of the Elves of Tun. The detail of their encountering of the Orc-host is slightly different: in the Tale the Orcs had changed their path, in the poem it seems that Beleg and Flinding merely came more quickly than did the Orcs to the point where the Orc-road emerged from the edge of the forest. In the Tale it seems indeed that the Orcs had not left the forest when they encamped for the night: the eyes of the wolves 'shone like points of red light among the trees', and 'Beleg and Flinding laid Turin down after his rescue 'in the woods at no :great distance from the camp'. The cup outcarven on the cold hill- of the poem (1036), where the Orcs made their bivouac, is the 'bare ;dell' of The Silmarillion. In contrast to the Tale (see p. 26) Beleg is now frequently called :Beleg the bowman, his great bow (not yet named) is fully described, ."and his unmatched skill as an archer (1071 ff.). There is also in the poem the feature of the arrow Dailir, unfailingly found and always unharmed (1080 ff.), until it broke when Beleg fell upon it while carrying Turin :,(1189 -- 92): of this there is never a mention later. The element of Beleg's The element of the blue lamp is lacking from the account in The Silmarillion; see Unfinished Tales p. 51 note 2.) archery either arose from, or itself caused, the change in the story of the entry of Beleg and Flinding into the Orc-camp that now appears: in the Tale they merely 'crept between the wolves at a point where there was a great gap between them', whereas in the poem Beleg performed the feat of shooting seven wolves in the darkness, and only so was 'a great gap opened' (1097). But the words of the Tale, 'as the luck of the Valar had it Turin was lying nigh', are echoed in till the Gods brought them and the craft and cunning of the keen huntsman to Turin the tall where he tumbled lay(I 130 -- 2): The lifting and carrying of Turin by the two Elves, referred to in the Tale as 'a great feat', 'seeing that he was a Man and of greater stature than they' (II. So), is expanded in the poem (1156 ff.) into a comment on the stature of Men and Elves in the ancient time, which agrees with earlier statements on this topic (see I. 235, II. 142, 220). The notable lines though Men were of mould less mighty builded ere the earth's goodness from the Elves they drew (1157 -- 8) are to be related to the statements cited in II. 326: 'As Men's stature grows [the Elves'] diminishes', and 'ever as Men wax more powerful and numerous so the fairies fade and grow small and tenuous, filmy and transparent, but Men larger and more dense and gross'. The mention here (1164) of the ten races of Hithlum occurs nowhere else, and it is not clear whether it refers to all the peoples of Men and Elves who in one place or another in the Lost Tales are set in Hithlum, which as I have remarked 'seems to have been in danger of having too many inhabitants' (see II. 249 251). The Tale has it that it was Beleg's knife that had slipped from him as he crept into the camp; in the poem it is Flinding's (1142 ff.). In the Tale Beleg returned to fetch his sword from the place where he had left it, since they could carry Turin no further; in the poem they carried Turin all the way up to the dark thicket in a dell whence they had set out (1110, 1202). The 'whetting spell' of Beleg over his (still unnamed) sword is an entirely new element (and without trace later); it arises in association with line 1141, No blade mould bite on the bonds he more. In style it is reminiscent of Luthien's 'lengthening spell' in Canto V of the Lay of Leithian; but of the names in the spell, of Ogbar, Caurin, Rodrim, Saithnar, Nargil, Celeg Aithorn, there seems to be now no other trace. There now occurs in the poem the mysterious leering laugh (1224), to which it seems that the ghostly laughter of grim phantom in line 1286 refers, and which is mentioned again in the next part of the poem (1488 -- 90). The narrative purpose of this is evidently to cause the covering of the lamp and to cause Beleg to work too quickly in the darkness at the cutting of the bonds. It may be also that the wounding of leg's hand when he put it on the point of Dailir his arrow (1187)acc ounts for his clumsiness; for every aspect of this powerful scene hadbee n pondered and refined. In the poem the great storm is introduced: first presaged in lines1064 ff., when Beleg and Flinding were at the edge of the dell (as it is inThe Silmarillion): Lo! black cloud-drifts surged up like smoke from the sable North, and the sheen was shrouded of the shivering moon; the wind came wailing from the woeful mountains, and the heath unhappy hissed and whispered and bursting at last after Beleg's death (1301 ff.), to last all through the following day, during which Turin and Flinding crouched on the hillside (1320, 1330 -- r). On account of the storm the Orcs were unable to find Turin, and departed, as in The Silmarillion; in the Tale Flinding roused Turin to flee as soon as the shouts of discovery were heard from theOrc -camp, and nothing more is said of the matter. But in the poem it is still, as in the Tale, the sudden uncovering of Flinding's lamp as he fellbac k from Turin's assault that illumined Beleg's face; in the last accounttha t my father wrote of this episode he was undecided whether it was the cover falling off the lamp or a great flash of lightning that gave the light, and in the published work I chose the latter. There remain a few isolated points, mostly concerning names. In thispart of the poem we meet for the first time: Nargothrond 821, 904; Taur-ma-Fuin (for Taur Fuin of the Lost Tales) 766, 828; called alsoDe adly Nightshade 767, 837, 13I7, and Forest of Night 896; Dor-na-Fauglith 946, 1035, 1326, called also the Plains of Drouth826, the Thirsty Plain 947 (and in A, note to 826, the Blasted Plain). The name Dor-na-Fauglith arose during the composition of the poem(see note to 946). By this time the story of the blasting of the great northern plain, so that it became a dusty desert, in the battle that endedthe Siege of Angband, must have been conceived, though it does not appear in writing for several years. Here also is the first reference to the triple peaks of Thangorodrim(1000 ), called the thunderous towers (951), though in the 'Prologue'to the poem it is said that Hurin was set on its steepest peak (96); and from lines 713- 14 (as rewritten in the B-text) we learn that Angband waswro ught at the roots of the great mountain. The name Fangros (631; Fangair A) occurs once elsewhere, in a veryobs cure note, where it is apparently connected with the burning of the ships of the Noldoli. Melian's name Mablui -- by the hands enchanted of Melian Mablui, 731 -- clearly contains mab 'hand', as in Mablung, Ermabwed (see II. 339). That the Dwarves were said in A and originally in B to dwell in the South (1147, emended in B to East) is perhaps to be related to the statement in the Tale of the Nauglafring that Nogrod lay 'a very long journey southwoard beyond the wide forest on the borders of those great heaths nigh Umboth-muilin the Pools of Twilight' (II. 225). I cannot explain the reference in line 1006 to the wild wheatfields of the wargod's realm; nor that in the lines concerning Beleg's fate after death to the long waiting of the dead in the halls of the Moon (1284). III. FAILIVRIN. Flinding go-Fuilin faithful-hearted the brand of Beleg with blood stained lifted.with loathing from the leafy mould, and hid it in the hollow of a huge thorn-tree; then he turned to Turin yet tranced brooding, and softly said he: 'O son of Hurin, unhappy-hearted, what helpeth it to sit thus in sorrow's silent torment without hope or counsel?' But Hurin's son, by those words wakened, wildly answered: 'I abide by Beleg; nor bid me leave him, thou voice unfaithful. Vain are all things. 0 Death dark-handed, draw thou near me; if remorse may move thee, from mourning loosed crush me conquered to his cold bosom! ' Flinding answered, and fear left him for wrath and pity: 'Arouse thy pride! Not thus unthinking on Thangorodrim's heights enchained did Hurin speak.' 'Curse thy comfort! Less cold were steel. If Death comes not to the death-craving, I will seek him by the sword. The sword -- where lies it? 0 cold and cruel, where cowerest now, murderer of thy master? Amends shalt work, md slay me swift, O sleep-giver.' Look not, luckless, thy life to steal, 1340 1345 1350 1355 1360 nor sully anew his sword unhappy in the flesh of the friend whose freedom seeking he fell by fate, by foes unwounded. Yea, think that amends are thine to make,h is wronged blade with wrath appeasing, its thirst cooling in the thrice-abhorred blood of Bauglir's baleful legions. Is the feud achieved thy father's chains on thee laid, or lessened by this last evil? Dream not that Morgoth will mourn thy death, or thy dirges chant the dread Glamhoth -- less would like them thy living hatredan d vows of vengeance; nor vain is courage, hough victory seldom be valour's ending.' 1365 1370 1375 Then fiercely Turin to his feet leapingc ried new-crazed: 'Ye coward Orcs, why turn ye tail? Why tarry ye now,w hen the son of Hurin and the sword of Beleg in wrath await you? For wrong and woe here is vengeance ready. If ye venture it not, I will follow your feet to the four corners f the angry earth. Have after you! ' Sainting Flinding there fought with him, and words of wisdom to his witless ears he breathless spake: 'Abide, 0 Turin, for need hast thou now to nurse thy hurt, and strength to gather and strong counsel. Who flees to fight wears not fear's token, and vengeance delayed its vow achieves.' The madness passed; amazed pondering neath the tangled trees sat Turin wordless brooding blackly on bitter vengeance, till the dusk deepened on his day of waking, and the early stars were opened pale. 1380 1385o 1390 1395 Then Beleg's burial in those bleak regions did Flinding fashion; where he fell sadly he left him lying, and lightly o'er him with long labour the leaves he poured. But Turin tearless turning suddenly on the corse cast him, and kissed the mouth cold and open, and closed the eyes. 1400 1405 His bow laid he black beside him, and words of parting wove about him: 'Now fare well, Beleg, to feasting long neath Tengwethil in the timeless halls where drink the Gods, neath domes golden o'er the sea shining.' His song was shaken, but the tears were dried in his tortured eyes by the flames of anguish that filled his soul. His mind once more was meshed in darkness as heaped they high o'er the head beloved a mound of mould and mingled leaves. Light lay the earth on the lonely dead; heavy lay the woe on the heart that lived. That grief was graven with grim token on his face and form, nor faded ever: and this was the third of the throes of Turin. 1410 1415 1420 Thence he wandered witless without wish or purpose; but for Flinding the faithful he had fared to death, or been lost in the lands of lurking evil. Renewed in that Gnome of Nargothrond was heart and valour by hatred wakened, that he guarded and guided his grim comrade; with the light of his lamp he lit their ways, and they hid by day to hasten by night, by darkness shrouded or dim vapours. 1425 1430 The tale tells not of their trave) weary, how roamed their road by the rim of the forest, whose beetling branches, black o'erhanging, did greedy grope with gloomy malice to ensnare their souls in silent darkness. Yet west they wandered, by ways of thirst and haggard hunger, hunted often, and hiding in holes and hollow caverns, by their fate defended. At the furthest end of Dor-na-Fauglith's dusty spaces to a mighty mound in the moon looming they came at midnight: it was crowned with mist, bedewed as by drops of drooping tears. 'A! green that hill with grass fadeless, where sleep the swords of seven kindreds, where the folk of Faerie once fell uncounted. 1435 1445 There was fought the field by folk named Nirnaith Ornoth, Unnumbered Tears. 'Twas built with the blood of the beaten people; neath moon nor sun is it mounted ever by Man nor Elf; not Morgoth's host ever dare for dread to delve therein.' Thus Flinding faltered, faintly stirring Turin's heaviness, that he turned his hand toward Thangorodrim, and thrice he cursed the maker of mourning, Morgoth Bauglir. 1450 1455 Thence later led them their lagging footsteps o'er the slender stream of Sirion's youth; not long had he leapt a lace of silver from his shining well in those shrouded hills, the Shadowy Mountains whose sheer summits there bend humbled towards the brooding heights in mist mantled, the mountains of the North. Here the Orcs might pass him; they else dared not o'er Sirion swim, whose swelling water through moor and marsh, mead and woodland, through caverns carven in the cold bosom of Earth far under, through empty lands and leagues untrodden, beloved of Ylmir, fleeting floweth, with fame undying in the songs of the Gnomes, to the sea at last. Thus reached they the roots and the ruinous feet of those hoary hills that Hithlum girdle, the shaggy pinewoods of the Shadowy Mountains. There the twain enfolded phantom twilight and dim mazes dark, unholy, in Nan Dungorthin where nameless gods have shrouded shrines in shadows secret, more old than Morgoth or the ancient lords the golden Gods of the guarded West. But the ghostly dwellers of that grey valley hindered nor hurt them, and they held their course with creeping flesh and quaking limb. Yet laughter at whiles with lingering echo, as distant mockery of demon voices1 there harsh and hollow in the hushed twilight Flinding fancied, fell, unwholesome 1460 1465 1470 1475 1480 485 as that leering laughter lost and dreadful that rang in the rocks in the ruthless hour of Beleg's slaughter. "Tis Bauglir's voice that dogs us darkly with deadly scorn' he shuddering thought; but the shreds of fear and black foreboding were banished utterly when they clomb the cliffs and crumbling rocks that walled that vale of watchful evil, and southward saw the slopes of Hithlum more warm and friendly. That way they fared during the daylight o'er dale and ghyll, o'er mountain pasture, moor and boulder, over fell and fall of flashing waters that slipped down to Sirion, to swell his tide in his eastward basin onward sweeping to the South, to the sea, to his sandy delta. 1490 1495 1500 After seven journeys lo! sleep took them on a night of stars when they nigh had stridden to those lands beloved that long had known Flinding aforetime. At first morning the white arrows of the wheeling sun gazed down gladly on green hollows and smiling slopes that swept before them. There builded boles of beeches ancient marched in majesty in myriad leaves of golden russet greyly rooted, in leaves translucent lightly robed; their boughs up-bending blown at morning by the wings of winds that wandered down o'er blossomy bent breathing odours to the wavering water's winking margin. There rush and reed their rustling plumes and leaves like lances louted trembling peen with sunlight. Then glad the soul of Flinding the fugitive; in his face the morning here glimmered golden, his gleaming hair was washed with sunlight. 'Awake from sadness, Turion Thalion, and troublous thoughts! On Ivrin's lake is endless laughter. o! cool and clear by crystal fountains he is fed unfailing, from defilement warded 1505 1510 1515 1520 1525 by Ylmir the old, who in ancient days, wielder of waters, here worked her beauty. From outmost Ocean yet often comes his message hither his magic bearing, the healing of hearts and hope and valour for foes of Bauglir. Friend is Ylmir who alone remembers in the Lands of Mirth the need of the Gnomes. Here Narog's waters (that in tongue of the Gnomes is 'torrent' named) are born, and blithely boulders leaping o'er the bents bounding with broken foam swirl down southward to the secret halls of Nargothrond by the Gnomes builded that death and thraldom in the dreadful throes of Nirnaith Ornoth, a number scanty, escaped unscathed. Thence skirting wild the Hills of the Hunters, the home of Beren and the Dancer of Doriath daughter of Thingol, it winds and wanders ere the willowy meads, Nan- Tathrin's land, for nineteen leagues it journeys joyful to join its flood with Sirion in the South. To the salt marshes where snipe and seamew and the sea-breezes first pipe and play they press together sweeping soundless to the seats of Ylmir, where the waters of Sirion and the waves of the sea murmurous mingle. A marge of sand there lies, all lit by the long sunshine; there all day rustles wrinkled Ocean, and the sea-birds call in solemn conclave, whitewinged hosts whistling sadly, uncounted voices crying endlessly. There a shining shingle on that shore lieth, whose pebbles as pearl or pale marble by spray and spindrift splashed at evening in the moon do gleam, or moan and grind when the Dweller in the Deep drives in fury the waters white to the walls of the land; when the long-haired riders on their lathered horses with bit and bridle of blowing foam, in wrack wreathed and ropes of seaweed, to the thunder gallop of the thudding of the surf.' 1530 '535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 1565 1570 Thus Flinding spake the spell feeling of Ylmir the old and unforgetful, which hale and holy haunted Ivrin and foaming Narog, so that fared there never Orc of Morgoth, and that eager stream no plunderer passed. If their purpose held to reach the realms that roamed beyond (nought yet knew they of Nargothrond) they harried o'er Hithlum the heights scaling that lay behind the lake's hollow, the Shadowy Mountains in the sheen mirrored of the pools of Ivrin. Pale and eager Turin hearkened to the tale of Flinding: the washing of waters in his words sounded, an echo as of Ylmir's awful conches in the abyss blowing. There born anew was hope in his heart as they hastened down to the lake of laughter. A long and narrow arm it reaches that ancient rocks o'ergrown with green girdle strongly, at whose outer end there open sudden a gap, a gateway in the grey boulders; whence thrusteth thin in threadlike jets newborn Narog, nineteen fathoms o'er a flickering force falls in wonder, and a glimmering goblet with glass-lucent fountains fills he by his freshets carven in the cool bosom of the crystal stones. 1575 1580 1585 1590 1595 There deeply drank ere day was fallen Turin the toilworn and his true comrade; hurt's ease found he, heart's refreshment, from the meshes of misery his mind was loosed, as they sat on the sward by the sound of water, and watched in wonder the westering sun o'er the wall wading of the wild mountains, whose peaks empurpled pricked the evening. Then it dropped to the dark and deep shadows up the cliffs creeping quenched in twilight the last beacons leashed with crimson. To the stars upstanding stony-mantled the mountains waited till the moon arose 1600 1605 1610 o'er the endless East, and Ivrin's pools dreaming deeply dim reflected their pallid faces. In pondering fast woven, wordless, they waked no sound, till cold breezes keenly breathing clear and fragrant curled about them; then sought they for sleep a sand-paved cove outcarven; there kindled fire, that brightly blossomed the beechen faggots in flowers of flame; floated upward a slender smoke, when sudden Turin on the firelit face of Flinding gazed, and wondering words he wavering spake: '0 Gnome, I know not thy name or purpose or father's blood -- what fate binds thee to a witless wayworn wanderer's footsteps, the bane of Beleg, his brother-in-arms?' 1615 1620 1625 Then Flinding fearful lest fresh madness should seize for sorrow on the soul of Turin, retold the tale of his toil and wandering; how the trackless folds of Taur-na-Fuin, Deadly Nightshade, dreadly meshed him; of Beleg the bowman bold, undaunted, and that deed they dared on the dim hillside, that song has since unceasing wakened; of the fate that fell, he faltering spake, in the tangled thicket neath the twining thorns when Morgoth's might was moved abroad. Then his voice vanished veiled in mourning, and lo! tears trickled on Turin's face till loosed at last were the leashed torrents of his whelming woe. Long while he wept soundless, shaken, the sand clutching with griping fingers in grief unfathomed.1 But Flinding the faithful feared no longer; no comfort cold he kindly found, for sleep swept him into slumber dead. There a singing voice sweetly vexed him and he woke and wondered: the watchfire faded; the night was aging, nought was moving but a song upsoaring in the soundless dark 1630 1635 1640 645 1650 went strong and stern to the starlit heaven. 'Twas Turin that towering on the tarn's margin, up high o'er the head of the hushed water now falling faintly, let flare and echo a song of sorrow and sad splendour, the dirge of Beleg's deathless glory. There wondrous wove he words enchanted, that woods and water waked and answered, the rocks were wrung with ruth for Beleg. That song he sang is since remembered, by Gnomes renewed in Nargothrond it widely has wakened warfain armies to battle with Bauglir -- 'The Bowman's Friendship'. 1655 1660 1665 'Tis told that Turin then turned him back and fared to Flinding, and flung him down to sleep soundless till the sun mounted to the high heavens and hasted westward. A vision he viewed in the vast spaces of slumber roving: it seemed he roamed up the bleak boulders of a bare hillside to a cup outcarven in a cruel hollow, whose broken brink bushes limb-wracked by the North-wind's knife in knotted anguish did fringe forbidding. There black unfriendly was a dark thicket, a dell of thorn-trees with yews mingled that the years had fretted. The leafless limbs they lifted hopeless were blotched and blackened, barkless, naked, a lifeless remnant of the levin's flame, charred chill fingers changeless pointing to the cold twilight.. There called he longing: '0 Beleg, my brother, 0 Beleg, tell me where is buried thy body in these bitter regions? ' -- and the echoes always him answered 'Beleg'; yet a veiled voice vague and distant he caught that called like a cry at night o'er the sea's silence: 'Seek no longer. My bow is rotten in the barrow ruinous; my grove is burned by grim lightning; here dread dwelleth, none dare profane this angry earth, Orc nor goblin; 1670 1675 1680 1685 1690 none gain the gate of the gloomy forest by this perilous path; pass they may not, yet my life has winged to the long waiting in the halls of the Moon o'er the hills of the sea. Courage be thy comfort, comrade lonely! ' 1695 Then he woke in wonder; his wit was healed, courage him comforted, and he called aloud Flinding go-Fuilin, to his feet striding. There the sun slanted its silver arrows through the wild tresses of the waters tumbling roofed with a radiant rainbow trembling. 'Whither, 0 Flinding, our feet now turn we, or dwell we for ever by the dancing water, by the lake of laughter, alone, untroubled?' 'To Nargothrond of the Gnomes, methinks,' said Flinding, 'my feet would fain wander, that Celegorm and Curufin, the crafty sons f Feanor founded when they fled southward; there built a bulwark against Bauglir's hate, who live now lurking in league secret with those five others in the forests of the East, fell unflnching foes of Morgoth. Maidros whom Morgoth maimed and tortured is lord and leader, his left wieldeth his sweeping sword; there is swift Maglor, there Damrod and Diriel and dark Cranthir, the seven seekers of their sire's treasure. ow Orodreth rules the realms and caverns, the numbered hosts of Nargothrond. 'There to woman's stature will be waxen full frail Finduilas the fleet maiden his daughter dear, in his darkling halls a light, a laughter, that I loved of yore, and yet love in longing, and love calls me.' 1700 1705 1710o 1715 1720N 1725 Where Narog's torrent gnashed and spouted down his stream bestrewn with stone and boulder, swiftly southward they sought their paths, and summer smiling smoothed their journey through day on day, down dale and wood where birds blithely with brimming music thrilled and trembled in thronging trees. 1730 No eyes them watched onward wending till they gained the gorge where Ginglith turns all glad and golden to greet the Narog. There her gentler torrent joins his tumult, and they glide together on the guarded plain to the Hunters' Hills that high to southward uprear their rocks robed in verdure. There watchful waited the Wards of Narog, lest the need of the Gnomes from the North should come, for the sea in the South them safe guarded, and eager Narog the East defended. Their treegirt towers on the tall hilltops no light betrayed in the trees lurking, no horns hooted in the hills ringing in loud alarm; a leaguer silent unseen, stealthy, beset the stranger, as of wild things wary that watch moveless, then follow fleetly with feet of velvet their heedless prey with padding hatred. In this fashion fought they, phantom hunters that wandering Orc and wild foeman unheard harried, hemmed in ambush. The slain are silent, and silent were the shafts of the nimble Gnomes of Nargothrond, who word or whisper warded sleepless from their homes deep-hidden, that hearsay never was to Bauglir brought. Bright hope knew they, and east over Narog to open battle no cause or counsel had called them yet, though of shield and shaft and sheathed swords, of warriors wieldy now waxed their host to power and prowess, and paths afar their scouts and woodmen scoured in hunting. 1735 1740 1745 1750 1755 1760 1765 Thus the twain were tracked till the trees thickened and the river went rushing neath a rising bank, in foam hastened o'er the feet of the hills. In a gloom of green there they groped forward; there his fate defended from flying death Turin Thalion -- a twisted thong of writhing roots enwrapped his foot; as he fell there flashed, fleet, whitewinged, 1770 1775 a shrill-shafted arrow that shore his hair, and trembled sudden in a tree behind. Then Flinding o'er the fallen fiercely shouted: 'Who shoots unsure his shafts at friends? Flinding go-Fuilin of the folk of Narog and the son of Hurin his sworn comrade here flee to freedom from the foes of the North.' 1780 His words in the woods awoke no echo; no leaf there lisped, nor loosened twig there cracked, no creak of crawling movement stirred the silence. Still and soundless in the glades about were the green shadows. Thus fared they on, and felt that eyes unseen saw them, and swift footsteps unheard hastened behind them ever, till each shaken bush or shadowy thicket they fled furtive in fear needless, for thereafter was aimed no arrow winged, and they came to a country kindly tended; through flowery frith and fair acres they fared, and found of folk empty the leas and leasows and the lawns of Narog, the teeming tilth by trees enfolded twixt hills and river. The hoes unrecked in the fields were flung, and fallen ladders in the long grass lay of the lush orchards; every tree there turned its tangled head and eyed them secretly, and the ears listened of the nodding grasses; though noontide glowed on land and leaf, their limbs were chilled. Never hall or homestead its high gables in the light uplifting in that land saw they, but a pathway plain by passing feet was broadly beaten. Thither bent their steps Flinding go-Fuilin, whose feet remembered that white roadway. In a while they reached to the acres' end, that ever narrowing twixt wall and water did wane at last to blossomy banks by the borders of the way. A spuming torrent, in spate tumbling from the highest hill of the Hunters' Wold 1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815 clove and crossed it; there of carven stone with slim and shapely slender archway a bridge was builded, a bow gleaming in the froth and flashing foam of Ingwil, that headlong hurried and hissed beneath. Where it found the flood, far-journeyed Narog, there steeply stood the strong shoulders of the hills, o'erhanging the hurrying water; there shrouded in trees a sheer terrace, wide and winding, worn to smoothness, was fashioned in the face of the falling slope. Doors there darkly dim gigantic were hewn in the hillside; huge their timbers, and their posts and lintels of ponderous stone. 1820 1825 1830 They were shut unshakeable. Then shrilled a trumpet as a phantom fanfare faintly winding in the hill from hollow halls far under; a creaking portal with clangour backward was flung, and forth there flashed a throng, leaping lightly, lances wielding, and swift encircling seized bewildered the wanderers wayworn, wordless haled them through the gaping gateway to the glooms beyond. Ground and grumbled on its great hinges the door gigantic; with din ponderous it clanged and closed like clap of thunder, and echoes awful in empty corridors there ran and rumbled under roofs unseen; the light was lost. Then led them on down long and winding lanes of darkness their guards guiding their groping feet, till the faint flicker of fiery torches flared before them; fitful murmur as of many voices in meeting thronged they heard as they hastened. High sprang the roof. Round a sudden turning they swung amazed, and saw a solemn silent conclave, where hundreds hushed in huge twilight neath distant domes darkly vaulted them wordless waited. There waters flowed with washing echoes winding swiftly 1835 1840 1845 1850 855 amid the multitude, and mounting pale for fifty fathoms a fountain sprang, and wavering wan, with winking redness flushed and flickering in the fiery lights, it fell at the feet in the far shadows of a king with crown and carven throne. 1860 A voice they heard neath the vault rolling, and the king them called: Who come ye here from the North unloved to Nargothrond, a Gnome of bondage and a nameless Man? No welcome finds here wandering outlaw; save his wish be death he wins it not, for those that have looked on our last refuge it boots not to beg other boon of me.' Then Flinding go-Fuilin freely answered: 'Has the watch then waned in the woods of Narog, since Orodreth ruled this realm and folk? Or how have the hunted thus hither wandered, if the warders willed it not thy word obeying; or how hast not heard that thy hidden archer, who shot his shaft in the shades of the forest, there learned our lineage, 0 Lord of Narog, and knowing our names his notched arrows, loosed no longer?' Then low and hushed a murmur moved in the multitude, and some were who said: "Tis the same in truth: the long looked-for, the lost is found, the narrow path he knew to Nargothrond who was born and bred here from babe to youth'; and some were who said: 'The son of Fuilin was lost and looked for long years agone. What sign or token that the same returns have we heard or seen? Is this haggard fugitive with back bended the bold leader, the scout who scoured, scorning danger, most far afield of the folk of Narog?' 'That tale was told us,' returned answer the Lord Orodreth, 'but belief were rash. That alone of the lost, whom leagues afar the Orcs of Angband in evil bonds have dragged to the deeps, thou darest home, 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 by grace or valour, from grim thraldom, what proof dost thou proffer? What plea dost show that a Man, a mortal, on our mansions hidden should look and live, our league sharing?' 1900 Thus the curse on the kindred for the cruel slaughter at the Swans' Haven there swayed his heart, but Flinding go-Fuilin fiercely answered: 'Is the son of Hurin, who sits on high in a deathless doom dreadly chained, unknown, nameless, in need of plea to fend from him the fate of foe and spy? Flinding the faithful, the far wanderer, though form and face fires of anguish and bitter bondage, Balrogs' torment, have seared and twisted, for a song of welcome had hoped in his heart at that home-coming that he dreamed of long in dark labour. Are these deep places to dungeons turned, a lesser Angband in the land of the Gnomes?' 1905 1910 1915 Thereat was wrath aroused in Orodreth's heart, and the muttering waxed to many voices, and this and that the throng shouted; when sweet and sudden a song awoke, a voice of music o'er that vast murmur mounted in melody to the misty domes; with clear echoes the caverned arches it filled, and trembled frail and slender, those words weaving of welcome home that the wayweary had wooed from care since the Gnomes first knew need and wandering. Then hushed was the host; no head was turned, for long known and loved was that lifted voice, and Flinding knew it at the feet of the king like stone graven standing silent with heart laden; but Hurin's son was waked to wonder and to wistful thought, and searching the shadows that the seat shrouded, the kingly throne, there caught he thrice a gleam, a glimmer, as of garments white. 'Twas frail Finduilas, fleet and slender, to woman's stature, wondrous beauty, 1920 1925 1930 1935 now grown in glory, that glad welcome there raised in ruth, and wrath was stilled. Locked fast the love had lain in her heart that in laughter grew long years agone when in the meads merrily a maiden played with fleet-footed Fuilin's youngling. No searing scars of sundering years could blind those eyes bright with welcome, and wet with tears wistful trembling at the grief there graven in grim furrows on the face of Flinding. 'Father, ' said she, 'what dream of doubt dreadly binds thee? 'Tis Flinding go-Fuilin, whose faith of yore none dared to doubt. This dark, lonely, mournful-fated Man beside him if his oath avows the very offspring of Hurin Thalion, what heart in this throng shall lack belief or love refuse? But are none yet nigh us that knew of yore that mighty of Men, mark of kinship to seek and see in these sorrow-laden form and features? The friends of Morgoth not thus, methinks, through thirst and hunger come without comrades, nor have countenance thus grave and guileless, glance unflinching.' 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 Then did Turin's heart tremble wondering at the sweet pity soft and gentle of that tender voice touched with wisdom that years of yearning had yielded slow; and Orodreth, whose heart knew ruth seldom, yet loved deeply that lady dear, gave ear and answer to her eager words, and his doubt and dread of dire treachery, and his quick anger, he quelled within him. No few were there found who had fought of old where Finweg fell in flame of swords, and Hurin Thalion had hewn the throngs, the dark Glamhoth's demon legions, and who called there looked and cried aloud: "Tis the face of the father new found on earth, and his strong stature and stalwart arms; 1965 1970 1975 1980 though such care and sorrow never claimed his sire, whose laughing eyes were lighted clear at board or battle, in bliss or in woe.' Nor could lack belief for long the words and faith of Flinding when friend and kin and his father hastening that face beheld. Lo! sire and son did sweet embrace neath trees entwining tangled branches at the dark doorways of those deep mansions that Fuilin's folk afar builded, and dwelt in the deep of the dark woodland to the West on the slopes of the Wold of Hunters. Of the four kindreds that followed the king, the watchtowers' lords, the wold's keepers and the guards of the bridge, the gleaming bow that was flung o'er the foaming froth of Ingwil, from Fuilin's children were first chosen, most noble of name, renowed in valour. 1985 1990 1995 In those halls in the hills at that homecoming mirth was mingled with melting tears for the unyielding years whose yoke of pain the form and face of Fuilin's son had changed and burdened, chilled the laughter that leapt once lightly to his lips and eyes. Now in kindly love was care lessened, with song assuaged sadness of hearts; the lights were lit and lamps kindled o'er the burdened board; there bade they feast Turin Thalion with his true comrade at the long tables' laden plenty, where dish and goblet on the dark-gleaming wood well-waxed, where the wine-flagons engraven glistened gold and silver. Then Fuilin filled with flowing mead, dear-hoarded drink dark and potent a carven cup with curious brim, by ancient art of olden smiths fairly fashioned, filled with marvels; there gleamed and lived in grey silver the folk of Faerie in the first noontide of the Blissful Realms; with their brows wreathed 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 in garlands golden with their gleaming hair in the wind flying and their wayward feet fitful flickering, on unfading lawns the ancient Elves there everlasting danced undying in the deep pasture of the gardens of the Gods; there Glingol shone and Bansil bloomed with beams shimmering, mothwhite moonlight from its misty flowers; the hilltops of Tun there high and green were crowned by Cor, climbing, winding, town white-walled where the tower of Ing with pale pinnacle pierced the twilight, and its crystal lamp illumined clear with slender shaft the Shadowy Seas. Through wrack and ruin, the wrath of the Gods, through weary wandering, waste and exile, had come that cup, carved in gladness, in woe hoarded, in waning hope when little was left of the lore of old. Now Fuilin at feast filled it seldom save in pledge of love to proven friend; blithely bade he of that beaker drink for the sake of his son that sate nigh him Turin Thalion in token sure of a league of love long enduring. '0 Hurin's child chief of Hithlum, with mourning marred, may the mead of the Elves thy heart uplift with hope lightened; nor fare thou from us the feast ended, here deign to dwell; if this deep mansion thus dark-dolven dimly vaulted displease thee not, a place awaits thee.' There deeply drank a draught of sweetness Turin Thalion and returned his thanks in eager earnest, while all the folk with loud laughter and long feasting, with mournful lay or music wild of magic minstrels that mighty songs did weave with wonder, there wooed their hearts from black foreboding; there bed's repose their guest was granted, when in gloom silent the light and laughter and the living voices 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 were quenched in slumber. Now cold and slim the sickle of the Moon was silver tilted o'er the wan waters that washed unsleeping, nightshadowed Narog, the Gnome-river. In tall treetops of the tangled wood there hooted hollow the hunting owls. Thus fate it fashioned that in Fuilin's house the dark destiny now dwelt awhile of Turin the tall. There he toiled and fought with the folk of Fuilin for Flinding's love; lore long forgotten learned among them, for light yet lingered in those leaguered places, and wisdom yet lived in that wild people, whose minds yet remembered the Mountains of the West and the faces of the Gods, yet filled with glory more clear and keen than kindreds of the dark or Men unwitting of the mirth of old. Thus Fuilin and Flinding friendship showed him, and their halls were his home, while high summer waned to autumn and the western gales the leaves loosened from the labouring boughs; the feet of the forest in fading gold and burnished brown were buried deeply; a restless rustle down the roofless aisles sighed and whispered. Lo! the Silver Wherry, the sailing Moon with slender mast, was filled with fires as of furnace golden whose hold had hoarded the heats of summer, whose shrouds were shaped of shining flame uprising ruddy o'er the rim of Evening by the misty wharves on the margin of the world. Thus the months fleeted and mightily he fared in the forest with Flinding, and his fate waited slumbering a season, while he sought for joy the lore learning and the league sharing of the Gnomes renowned of Nargothrond. 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 The ways of the woods and the land's secrets by winter unhindered whether snow or sleet he wandered far, he learned swiftly to weathers hardened, or slanting rain 2100 from glowering heavens grey and sunless cold and cruel was cast to earth, till the floods were loosed and the fallow waters of sweeping Narog, swollen, angry, were filled with flotsam and foaming turbid passed in tumult; or twinkling pale ice-hung evening was opened wide, a dome of crystal o'er the deep silence of the windless wastes and the woods standing like frozen phantoms under flickering stars. By day or night danger needless he dared and sought for, his dread vengeance ever seeking unsated on the sons of Angband; yet as winter waxed wild and pathless, and biting blizzards the bare faces lashed and tortured of the lonely tors and haggard hilltops, in the halls more often : was he found in fellowship with the folk of Narog, and cunning there added in the crafts of hand, and in subtle mastery of song and music and peerless poesy, to his proven lore and wise woodcraft; there wondrous tales were told to Turin in tongues of gold in those mansions deep, there many a day to the hearth and halls of the haughty king did those friends now fare to feast and game, for frail Finduilas her father urged to his board and favour to bid those twain, and it grudging her granted that grimhearted king deep-counselled -- cold his anger, his ruth unready, his wrath enduring; yet fierce and fell by the fires of hate his breast was burned for the broods of Hell (his son had they slain, the swift-footed Halmir the hunter of hart and boar), and kinship therein the king ere long in his heart discovered for Hurin's son, dark and silent, as in dreams walking of anguish and regret and evergrowing feud unsated. Thus favour soon by the king accorded of the company of his board he was member made, and in many a deed 2105 2110 2115 2120 2125 2130 2135 2140 2145 and wild venture to West and North he achieved renown among the chosen warriors and fearless bowmen; in far battles in secret ambush and sudden onslaught, where fell-tongued flew the flying serpents, their shafts envenomed, in valleys shrouded he played his part, but it pleased him little, who trusted to targe and tempered sword, whose hand was hungry for the hilts it missed 2150 2155 but dared never a blade since the doom of Beleg to draw or handle. Dear-holden was he, though he wished nor willed it, and his works were praised. When tales were told of times gone by, of valour they had known, of vanished triumph, glory half-forgot, grief remembered, then they bade and begged him be blithe and sing of deeds in Doriath in the dark forest by the shadowy shores that shunned the light where Esgalduin the Elf-river by root-fenced pools roofed with silence, by deep eddies darkly gurgling, Rowed fleetly on past the frowning portals of the Thousand Caves. Thus his thought recalled the woodland ways where once of yore Beleg the bowman had a boy guided by slade and slope and swampy thicket neath trees enchanted; then his tongue faltered and his tale was stilled. 2160 2165 2170 At Turin's sorrow one marvelled and was moved, a maiden fair the frail Finduilas that Failivrin, the glimmering sheen on the glassy pools of Ivrin's lake the Elves in love had named anew. By night she pondered and by day wondered what depth of woe lay locked in his heart his life marring; for the doom of dread and death that had fallen on Beleg the bowman in unbroken silence Turin warded, nor might tale be won of Flinding the faithful of their fare and deeds in the waste together. Now waned her love 2175 2180 2185 for the form and face furrowed with anguish, for the bended back and broken strength, the wistful eyes and the withered laughter of Flinding the faithful, though filled was her heart with deepwelling pity and dear friendship. Grown old betimes and grey-frosted, he was wise and kindly with wit and counsel, with sight and foresight, but slow to wrath nor fiercely valiant, yet if fight he must his share he shirked not, though the shreds of fear in his heart yet hung; he hated no man, but he seldom smiled, save suddenly a light in his grave face glimmered and his glance was fired: Finduilas maybe faring lightly on the sward he saw or swinging pale, a sheen of silver down some shadowy hall.* Yet to Turin was turned her troublous heart against will and wisdom and waking thought: in dreams she sought him, his dark sorrow with love lightening, so that laughter shone in eyes new-kindled, and her Elfin name he eager spake, as in endless spring they fared free-hearted through flowers enchanted with hand in hand o'er the happy pastures of that land that is lit by no light of Earth, by no moon nor sun, down mazy ways to the black abysmal brink of waking. 2190 2195 2200 2205 2210 From woe unhealed the wounded heart of Turin the tall was turned to her. Amazed and moved, his mind's secret half-guessed, half-guarded, in gloomy hour of night's watches, when down narrow winding paths of pondering he paced wearily, he would lonely unlock, then loyal-hearted shut fast and shun, or shroud his grief in dreamless sleep, deep oblivion where no echo entered of the endless war of waking worlds, woe nor friendship, Bower nor firelight nor the foam of seas, 2215 2220 Here the B-typescript ends, and the remainder of the text is manuscript. See the Note on the Texts, p. 81.) a land illumined by no light at all. 2225 '0! hands unholy, 0! heart of sorrow, 0! outlaw whose evil is yet unatoned, wilt thou, troth-breaker, a treason new to thy burden bind; thy brother-in-arms, Flinding go-Fuilin thus foully betray, who thy madness tended in mortal perils, to thy waters of healing thy wandering feet did lead at the last to lands of peace, where his life is rooted and his love dwelleth? O! stained hands his hope steal not! ' 2230 2235 Thus love was fettered in loyal fastness and coldly clad in courteous word; yet he would look and long for her loveliness, in her gentle words his joy finding, her face watching when he feared no eye might mark his mood. One marked it all -- Failivrin's face, the fleeting gleams, like sun through clouds sailing hurriedly over faded fields, that flickered and went out as Turin passed; the tremulous smiles, his grave glances out of guarded shade, his sighs in secret -- one saw them all, Flinding go-Fuilin, who had found his home and lost his love to the lying years, he watched and wondered, no word speaking, and his heart grew dark 'twixt hate and pity, bewildered, weary, in the webs of fate. Then Finduilas, more frail and wan twixt olden love now overthrown and new refused, did nightly weep; and folk wondered at the fair pallor of the hands upon her harp, her hair of gold on slender shoulders slipped in tumult, the glory of her eyes that gleamed with fires of secret thought in silent deeps. 2240 2245 2250 2255 2260 Many bosoms burdened with foreboding vague their glooms disowned neath glad laughter. In song and silence, snow and tempest, winter wore away; to the world there came a year once more in youth unstained, r were leaves less green, light less golden, the flowers less fair, though in faded hearts no spring was born, though speeding nigh danger and dread and doom's footsteps to their halls hasted. Of the host of iron came tale and tidings ever treading nearer; Orcs unnumbered to the East of Narog roamed and ravened on the realm's borders, the might of Morgoth was moved abroad. No ambush stayed them; the archers yielded each vale by vale, though venomed arrows 2265no 2270 2275 ere both A and B end abruptly, and I think it is certain that no more of the poem was ever written. NOTES. 1409. 1417-18. 448. 469. 1525. 1529. 1537. 1542-3. 1558. 1673-6. Tengwethil B, Taingwethil A. This is the reverse of the previous occurrences; see lines 43 I, 636. These lines are bracketed in B, and line 1418 struck through; in the margin is a mark of deletion, but with a query beside it.1 Nirnaith Unoth A, and B as typed; emended in pencil in B to Nirnaith Ornoth. Earlier in the poem (lines 13, 218) the forms were Ninin Udathriol emended in B to Ninin Unothradin (also Nimaithos Unothradin at line 13). Cf. line 1543.1 Ulmo A, and B as typed; in B Ulmo struck through in pencil and replaced by Ylmir, but this also struck through. I read Ylmir; see note to line 1529. Turin Thalion A, and B as typed (not Turin Thaliodrin, see note to line 1324). Ylmir: so already in A and B as typed; so also at lines 1534, 1553, 1572, 1585. See note to.line 1469. This line was struck through in pencil in B. These lines were bracketed in pencil in B, and Not so written in margin. Though Unoth was not here emended I read Ornoth (see note to line 1448). the sea-birds call in solemn conclave: cf. the tale of The Coming of the Elves and the Making of Kor, I. 124. Cf. lines 1036 -- 9. 1696 -- 7. 1710 -- 11. Cf. lines 1283 -- 4. Line 1710 is wholly and 1711 partly crossed out in B, wit marginal additions to make 1711 read: [by) Felagund founded flying southward 1713 -- 20 Also written in the margin is, before Nirnaith Unoth . At line 1711 A has found for founded, but as the manuscript was written very rapidly this may not be significant. These lines are bracketed in B, as if needing revision, and two lines are written in the margin for insertion after 1715: that home came never to their halls of old since the field of tears was fought and lost. I have not included these lines (written, it seems, at the same time as the other marginal comments in this passage) in the text in view of the complexity of the 'historical background' at this point; see the Commentary, pp. 84 -- 5. Against this passage is written in the margin: but Nargothrond was founded by Felagund Finrod's son (whose brothers were Angrod Egnor & Orodreth). Curufin and Celegorm dwelt at Nargothrond. 1719. 1724 Cranthor A, Cranthir B as typed. Finduilas: Failivrin A, and B as typed; Finduilas written in pencil in the margin of B; so also at line 1938. See lines 2130, 2175, 2199. 1938. 1945. 1974-5. 1975. ,993-8 Finduilas: as at line 1724. The word youngling is struck out in B and Flinding written against it, but the resulting Fuilin's Flinding (with alliter- ation in the second half-line) cannot possibly have been intended. Subsequently another word was written in the margin, but this is illegible. Not so written in the margin of B. Finmeg A, and B as typed; late emendation to Fingon in B. I retain Firnweg since that is still the name in the 1930 'Silmarillion'. In A and in B as typed these lines were differently ordered: Of the four kindreds that followed the king, most noble of name, renowned in valour, the watchtowers' lords, the wold's keepers from Fuilin's children were first chosen, and the guards of the bridge, the gleaming bow that was flung o'er the foaming froth of Ingwil. 2027 Glingol A, and B as typed; late emendation to Glingal in B. I retain Glingol, the form in the Lost Tales and still in the 1930 'Silmarillion', in the published work Glingal is the name of the golden tree of Gondolin. 2028. Bansil A, and B as typed; late emendation to Belthil in B. I retain Bansil for the same reason as Glingol in line 2027. 2030. there high and green the hill of Tun A, and B as typed; emended in pencil in B to the reading given; was 2031 not corrected to mere, but that hilltops (plural) was intended is shown by the text C, see p. 82. 2130. I give Finduilas, though Failivrin was not so emended here in B, as it was at lines 1724, 1938. See notes to lines 2175. 2199. 2164. Esgaduin A, and B as typed; emended in pencil to Esgalduin in B. 2175. the frail Finduilas that Failivrin as typed B; the frail Failivrin changed at the time of writing in A to Findoriel (sc. the frail Findoriel that Failivrin &c.). 2199. Finduilas A and B; Failivrin written in the margin of A. At the subsequent occurrences (Failivrin 2242, Finduilas 2253) the names both in A and in B are as in the printed text. Note on the texts of the section 'Failivrin '. B comes to an end as a typescript at line 2201, but continues as a well-written manuscript for a further 75 lines. This last part is written onthe paper of good quality that my father used for many years in all his writing (University lectures, The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, etc.) in ink or pencil (i.e. when not typing): this plain paper was supplied to him by the Examination Schools at Oxford University, being the used pages of the booklets of paper provided for examination candi- dates. The change in paper does not show however that he had moved from Leeds to Oxford (cf. p. 3), since he acted as an external examiner at Oxford in 1924 and 1925; but it does suggest that the final work on the Lay (before Leithian was begun) dates from the latter part of the one year or the earlier part of the next. The conclusion of A is also written on paper. There is a further short text to be considered here, a well-written manuscript that extends from line 2005 to line 2225, which I will call 'C'. Textual details show clearly that C followed B -- not, I think, at any longin terval. Some emendations made to B were made to C also. I give here alist of the more important differences of C from B (small changes of punctuation and sentence-connection are not noticed). C bears the title Turin in the House of Fuilin and his son Flinding. It is not clear whether this was to be the title of a fourth section of the poem, but it seems unlikely, if the third section was to remain Failivrin . 2005 Now was care lessened in kindly love C 2020 noontide] summer pencil emendation in C 2027-8. 2029. 2030-- 2. Clingol > Clingal and Bansil > Belthil pencil emend- ations in C as in B The original reading of B and C was like magic moon- light from its mothwhite flowers; this was differ- ently emended in C, to like moths of pearl in moon- lit flowers. C as written was exactly as the text of B after emendation (with were for was 2031); these lines were then crossed out and the following substituted: there high and green that hill by the sea was crowned by Tun, climbing, winding in tall walls of white, where the tower of Ing 2036-53. 2069. 2083. 2090. 2114 -- 16. 2123 -8. are omitted in C (with Thence for There 2054). After hunting owls C has lines of omission dots, and the text takes up again at line 2081. maned to autumn] waned lowards winter pencil emendations in C as of furnace golden] as a furnace of gold C are omitted in C. C omits 2124, 2125b -- 7, and reads: and in subtle mastery of song and music to his wise woodcraft and wielding of arms. To the hearth and halls of the haughty king 2135-8. C omits these lines (referring to Orodreth's son Halmir, slain by Orcs) and reads: his ruth unready, his wrath enduring. But kinship of mood the king ere long 2142b -- 2143a. C omits these lines, and reads: of anguish and regret. Thus was honour granted by the king to Turin; of the company of his board 2158. were told] men told emendation in C. 2164. Esgalduin C as written; see note to this line above. Commentary on Part III 'Failivrin'. In this very remarkable section of the poem a great development has taken place in the story since the Tale of Turambar (if there was an intervening stage there is now no trace of it); while concurrently the history of the exiled Noldoli was being deepened and extended from its representation in the outlines for Gilfanon's Tale --. a factor that compli- cates the presentation of the poems, since statements about that history were often superseded during the long process of composition. Most notable of all in this part of the poem is the description of Nargothrond, unique in the Lay. In all the later rewritings and restruc- turings of the Turin saga this part was never touched, apart from the development of the relations between Turin, Gwindor, and Finduilas which I have given in Unfinished Tales, pp. 155 -- 9. In this there is a parallel to Gondolin, very fully described in the tale of The Fall of Gondolin, but never again. As I said in the introduction to Unfinished Tales (p. 5): It is thus the remarkable fact that the only full account that my father ever wrote of the story of Tuor's sojourn in Gondolin, his union with Idril Celebrindal, the birth of Earendil, the treachery of Maeglin, the sack of the city, and the escape of the fugitives -- a story that was a central element in his imagination of the First Age -- was the narrative composed in his youth. Gondolin and Nargothrond were each made once, and not remade. They remained powerful sources and images -- the more powerful, perhaps, because never remade, and never remade, perhaps, because so powerful. Both Tuor and Turin were indeed to receive written form outside the condensed Silmarillion as long prose narratives, and what my father achieved of this intention I have given in the first two sections of Unfinished Tales; but though he set out to remake Gondolin he never reached the city again: after climbing the endless slope of the Orfalch Echor and passing through the long line of heraldic gates he paused with Tuor at the vision of Gondolin amid the plain, and never recrossed Tumladen. The remaking of Turin went much further, but here too he skirted the imaginative focus of Nargothrond. The founding of Nargothrond. I shall discuss first the 'background' history, which centres on the complex question of the founding of Nargothrond. In the Tale (I I. 81 -- 2) Nargothrond is not named, and is represented by the Caves of the Rodothlim; as in the poem, Orodreth was the chief of these Gnomes, but he was then an isolated figure, and not yet associated in kinship with other princes. Nothing is said there of the origin of the redoubt, but that it was imagined to have arisen (like Gondolin) after the Battle of Un- numbered Tears is, I think, certain, since in the earliest phase of the legends, as I remarked in commenting on Cilfanon's Tale (I. 242), the entire later history of the long years of the Siege of Angband, ending with the Battle of Sudden Flame (Dagor Bragollach), of the passage of Men over the Mountains into Beleriand and their taking service with the Noldorin Kings, had yet to emerge; indeed these outlines give the effect of only a brief time elapsing between the coming of the Noldoli from Kor and their great defeat [in the Battle of: Unnumbered Tears]. In the poem, this idea is still clearly present in lines 1542-- 4: the secret halls of Nargothrond by the Gnomes builded that death and thraldom in the dreadful throes of Nirnaith Ornoth, a number scanty, escaped unscathed. Against this passage my father wrote ' Not so', and this comment obviously means 'Nargothrond was not founded after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears', as is further shown by his note to lines 1710 -- 11: (to Nargothrond) that Celegorm and Curufin, the crafty sons of Feanor founded when they fled southward against which he wrote: 'before Nirnaith Unoth'. When, then, was it founded? The 'Sketch of the Mythology', certainly later than the poem (the background of which it was written to explain), already in its earliest form knows of the Leaguer of Angband and of Morgoth's breaking of the: Leaguer -- though described in the barest possible way, without any reference to the battle that ended it; and it is said there that at that time 'Gnomes and Ilkorins and Men are scattered... Celegorm and Curufin found the realm of Nargothrond on the banks of Narog in the south of the Northern lands.' The 'Sketch' (again, in its earliest, unrevised, form) also states that Celegorm and Curufin despatched a host from Nargo- thrond to the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, that this host joined with that of Maidros and Maglor, but 'arrived too late for the main battle'. 'They are beaten back and driven into the South-east, where they long time dwelt, and did not go back to Nargothrond. There Orodreth ruled the remnant.' The problem is to explain how it comes about in the earlier story, as found in the poem (Nargothrond founded by Celegorm and Curufin after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears), that Celegorm and Curufin are no longer there when Turin comes, and Orodreth is king. Why do they live now lurking... in the forests of the East with their five brothers (1713-14)? The only explanation that I can put forward is as follows. When my father wrote lines 1542--4 his view was that Nargothrond was founded after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (this is quite explicit). But when he wrote lines 1710 -- 15 (to Nargothrond) that Celegorm and Curufin, the crafty sons of Feanor founded when they fled southward; there built a bulwark against Bauglir's hate, 1710 who live now lurking in league secret with those five others in the forests of the East fell unflinching foes of Morgoth1715 the later story was already present. (There would be nothing uncharac- teristic about this; in the Lay of Leithian the story changes from one Canto to the next.) Thus when they fled southward refers to the flight of Celegorm and Curufin from the battle that ended the Leaguer of Angband; they live now lurking... in the forests of the East refers to the period after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, when 'they did not go back to Nargothrond' and 'Orodreth ruled the remnant', as stated in the 'Sketch'.* On this view, my father's note against lines 1710 -- 11('before Nirnaith Unoth') was mistaken -- he took the lines to refer to the old story (as 1542 -- 4 certainly do), whereas in fact they refer to the later. This explanation may seem far-fetched, but it is less so than the demonstrably correct solutions to other puzzles in the history of 'The Silmarillion', and I see no other way out of the difficulty. -- The two additional lines to follow 1715: that home came never to their halls of old since the field of tears was fought and lost refer (I think) to Celegorm and Curufin, and reinforce the reference to the later story (i.e. that after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears they did not return to Nargothrond). The change of lines 1710 -- 11 to make the passage read (to Nargothrond) by Felagund founded flying southward and the marginal note against 1713 -- 20 'but Nargothrond was founded by Felagund Finrod's son' etc., reflect of course a further stage, though a stage that came in soon after the 'Sketch' was first written. The essential shifts in the history of Nargothrond to this point are certainly thus: (1) Orodreth ruled the Rodothlim in their caves, first inhabited after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. (2) Celegorm and Curufin founded Nargothrond after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Celegorm and Curufin founded Nargothrond after the breaking of the Leaguer of Angband; they went with a host to the Battle of Unnumbered Tears and did not return, but remained in the East; Orodreth ruled the remnant of the Gnomes of Nargothrond. Felagund son of Finrod and his brothers Angrod, Egnor, and (* Cf. lines 1873 -- 4: Has the watch then waned in the woods of Narog since Orodreth ruled this realm and folk? ) Orodreth founded Nargothrond after the breaking of the Leaguer of Angband; Celegorm and Curufin dwelt there. Another sign of development in the history and genealogy of the Gnomish princes is the mention of Finweg, later emended in the B-text to Fingon, who fell in flame of swords at the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (1975). Finweg has appeared early in the poem (line 29), but there as a spelling or form of Finwe (Noleme), founder of the line; this Finweg appears in the 'Sketch', as originally written, as the son of Fingolfin. The Sons of Feanor have previously all been named only in the Tale of the Nauglafring (II. 241); now (1716 ff.), with Cranthir (emended from Cranthor in B), and Diriel for earlier Dinithel (?Durithel), they reach the forms they long retained. Characteristic epithets appear: Maglor is 'swift', Cranthir 'dark', and Curufin's 'craftiness', already appearing in the Tale of the Nauglafring, extends here to Celegorm. Maidros' wielding his sword with his left hand is mentioned, which clearly implies that the story that Morgorth had him hung from a cliff by his right hand, and that Finweg (> Fingon) rescued him, was already present, as it is in the 'Sketch'. His torment and maiming was mentioned in the outlines for Gilfanon's Tale (I. 238, 240), but not described. To turn now to the foreground narrative of this part of the poem. The poem advances on the Tale by mentioning the disposal of Beleg's sword, not mentioned in the Tale; but here Flinding hides it in the hollow of a tree (1342), and it plays no further part in the story. If the poem had gone further Turin would have received his black sword in Nargothrond in gift from Orodreth, as happens in the Tale (II. 83). In the Tale it is said that Turin 'had not wielded a sword since the slaying of Beleg, but rather had he been contented with a mighty club', in the poem this reappears with the implication made explicit (2155 -- 6): dared never a blade since the doom of Beleg to draw or handle. The burial of Beleg now appears, with his great bow beside him (1399 ff.), and Turin's kiss survives from the Tale; that the mark of his grief over the death of Beleg (called the third of his sorrows, 1421) never left his face was an enduring feature of the legend. Geography. In the Tale (II. 80 -- 1) very little is made of the journey of Flinding and Turin from the place of Beleg's death to Nargothrond: by the light of Flinding's lamp they 'fared by night and hid by day and were lost in the hills, and the Orcs found them not'. In the poem, on the other hand, the journey is quite fully described, and contains some noteworthy features; moreover there is nothing in the description that contradicts the earliest 'Silmarillion' map (to be given in the next volume), which dates from this period and may have been made originally in association with this poem. The wanderers pass at midnight by the Mound of Slain, looming up under the moon at the furthest end/of Dor-na-Fauglith's dusty spaces (1439 -- 40); this feature does not recur again in the story of Turin. The only previous reference to the great burial-mound is in the outlines for Cilfanon's Tale, where it is called the Hill of Death, and was raised by the Sons of Feanor (I. 241). It is said in the poem that Turin despite his heavy listlessness turned his hand/ toward Thangorodrim at Flinding's words concerning the Mound, and cursed Morgoth thrice -- as did Feanor in the hour of his death after the Battle-under-Stars (The Silmarillion p. 107); the one was doubtless the precursor of the other. The inviolability of the Mound now appears (1450 -- 2). Turin and Flinding now crossed Sirion not far from his source in the Shadowy Mountains, where the river was fordable (1457 ff.); this is the first reference to Sirion's Well. Sirion's great journey to the Sea is described, with references to his passage underground (1467; cf. II. 195, 217) and through lands beloved of Ylmir (Ulmo). The travellers then find themselves in Nan Dungorthin, which was mentioned in the Tale of Tinuviel (see II. 35, 62 -- 3): Huan found Beren and Tinuviel after their escape from Angband in 'that northward region of Artanor that was called afterward Nan Dumgorthin, the land of the dark idols', 'even then a dark land and gloomy and foreboding, and dread wandered beneath its lowering trees'. My father hesitated long about the placing of this land: in the Gnomish dictionary it was east of Artanor (II. 62), in the Tale of Tinuviel a 'northward region of Artanor', while here it is west of Sirion, in a valley of the southern slopes of the Shadowy Mountains. In the earliest 'Silmarillion' map Nan Dungorthin was first likewise placed west of Sirion (west of the Isle of Werewolves), before being returned once more to the region north of Doriath, where it remained. It is said that when Turin and Flinding climbed out of the vale of Nan Dungorthin they southward sam the slopes of Hithlum/more warm and friendly (1496 -- 7). At first sight this seems difficult to understand, but I think that the meaning is: they were indeed on the slopes of Hithlum at the time (i.e. below the southern faces of the Shadowy Mountains that fenced Hithlum), but looking southward (actually southwestward) they saw more agreeable regions further along the foothills, towards Ivrin. This is the first appearance of Ivrin, source of the Narog, and it is seen very clearly. The line (1537) giving the meaning of Narog (Gnomish, 'torrent') was struck out, but this (I think) was because my father felt that it was intrusive, not that the etymology was rejected. In this connection it may be mentioned that in a list of Old English equivalents of Elvish names, composed some years after the time of the present poem and associated with AElfwine's translations of Elvish texts into his own language, occur Narog: Hlyda and Nargothrond: Hlydingaburg. Hlyda was the name in Old English of March ('the noisy month of wind', cf. the Quenya name Sulime' and the Sindarin name . Greaeron); related words are hlud (Modern English loud), hlyd 'sound', hlydan 'make a sound'. The meaning is here undoubtedly 'the loud one'; it lies behind the English stream-name Lydbrook. Following the course of the Narog southward from Ivrin, the travellers gained the gorge where Ginglith turns all glad and golden to greet the Narog. There her gentler torrent joins his tumult, and they glide together on the guarded plain to the Hunters' Hills that high to southward uprear their rocks robed in verdure.(1736 -- 41) A little earlier Flinding has described to Turin how Narog, passing Nargothrond, 'thence skirted wild the Hills of the Hunters, the home of Beren and the Dancer of Doriath' (1544-- 6). In these verses are the first appearances of the river Ginglith, the Guarded Plain, and the Hills of the Hunters (all shown on the earliest map), though the hills themselves are described without being named in the Tale, II. 96. On the map Nargo- thrond is shown near the northern extremity of the Hills of the Hunters, which extend far to the southward, falling down to the coast of the Sea west of Sirion's mouths. Various things are said of these hills. In the Tale they are 'high and tree-grown', in the poem they uprear their rocks robed in verdure; in The Silmarillion (p. 122), where they are called Taur-en-Faroth or the High Faroth, they are 'great wooded highlands', in the Narn (p. 116) they are 'brown and bare'. In the poem they are also called the Hunters' Wold (1816), the Wold of Hunters (1992), where the word is probably used in the old sense of 'forest, wooded uplands'. If we judge by my father's unfinished watercolour of the Doors of Nargothrond, painted in all probability in 1928 (see Pic- tures by J. R. R. Tolkien no. 33), he saw the hills as great rocky heights standing up from thick forest on their lower slopes. At line 1746 the Wards of Narog look out from their treegirt towers on the tall hilltops; these watchtowers were in the north of the Hills of the Hunters and looking northwards (1743-5), and it may not be casual therefore that on the earliest map the northern end (only) of the hills are shown as heavily forested. As Turin and Flinding came south down the west bank of Narog the river hastened o'er the feet of the hills (1770), and the fields and orchards through which they passed ever narrowing twixt wall and water did wane at last to blossomy banks by the borders of the way (1812 -- 14) The map likewise shows the Narog drawing steadily closer to the northeastern edge of the Hills of the Hunters. Here the travellers crossed the foaming Ingwil, falling down from the hills, by a slender bridge; this is the first appearance of this stream (cf. The Silmarillion p. 122: 'the short and foaming stream Ringwil tumbled headlong into Narog from the High Faroth'), and the bridge over it is mentioned nowhere else. The Land of the Dead that Live (Beren and Tinuviel after their return) is now placed in the Hills of the Hunters (1545 -- 6), where it was originally placed also on the map. This land was moved even more often than was Nan Dungorthin. In the Tale of the Nauglafring it was in Hisilome (but with a note on the manuscript saying that it must be placed in 'Doriath beyond Sirion', II. 249); in the Tale of Tinuviel Beren and Tinuviel 'became mighty fairies in the lands about the north of Sirion' (II. 41). From the Hills of the Hunters it would subsequently be movedse veral times more. Before leaving the Narog, we meet here for the first time in narrative writing the name Nan-Tathrin (1548), in the Lost Tales always called by its name in Eldarissa, Tasarinan (but Nantathrin occurs in the Gnomish dictionary, I. 265, entry Sirion and Dor-tathrin in the Name- list to The Fall of Gondolin, II. 346). Far fuller than in any later account is the story in the poem of the sojourn of Turin and his companion at Ivrin, and much that lies behind the passage in The Silmarillion (p. 209) is here revealed. In The Sil- marillion Turin drank from the water of Ivrin and was at last able to weep, and his madness passed; then he made a song for Beleg (Laer Cu Beleg, the Song of the Great Bow), 'singing it aloud heedless of peril'; and then he asked Gwindor who he was. In the Lay all these features of the story are present, somewhat differently ordered. Flinding describes to Turin the courses of Narog and Sirion and the protection of Ulmo, and Turin feels some return of hope (1586 -- 7); they hasten down to the lake and drink (1599 -- 1600); and from the meshes of misery his mind was loosed (1602). In the early night, as they sat beside their fire by the pools of Ivrin, Turin asked Flinding his name and fate, and it was Flinding's reply that led Turin at last to weep. Flinding fell asleep, but woke towards the end of the night to hear Turin singing the dirge of Beleg by the edge of the lake (and here the song is called 'the Bowman's Friendship'). Turin then himself fell asleep, and in his sleep he returned tothe terrible place on the edge of Taur-na-Fuin where he slew Beleg, seeking the place of his burial and the lightning-blackened trees, and heard the voice of Beleg far off telling him to seek no longer but to take comfort in courage. Then he woke in wonder; his wit was healed, courage him comforted, and he called aloud Flinding go-Fuilin, to his feet striding. (1699 -- 1701) The structure of the episode in the Lay is firm and clear, the images strong and enduring. I said in the introduction to Unfinished Tales that it was grievous that my father went no further, in the later Tale of Tuor, than the coming of Tuor and Voronwe to the last gate and Tuor's sightof Gondolin across the plain. It is no less grievous that he never retold, in his later prose, the story of Turin and Gwindor at the Lake of Ivrin. The passage in The Silmarillion is no substitute; and it is only from this poem that we can fully grasp the extremity of the disaster for Turin, that he had killed his friend. The description in the poem of the stealth and secrecy of the defenders of Nargothrond is derived, in concept, from the Tale (II. 81). In the Tale the spies and watchers of the Rodothlim... gave warning of their approach, and the folk withdrew before them, such as were abroad from their dwelling. Then they closed their doors and hoped that the strangers might not discover their caves... When Flinding and Turin came to the mouths of the caves, the Rodothlim sallied and made them prisoners and drew them within their rocky halls, and they were led before the chief, Orodreth. All this is taken up into the poem and greatly elaborated; there is also the incident of Turin's stumbling on a root and thus being missed by the arrow aimed at him, and Flinding's cry of reproach to the unseen archers, after which they were not further molested. It is perhaps not so clear in the poem as in the Tale that the farmlands and orchards of Nargothrond were deserted lest the travellers should find the entrance to the caves, especially since a pathway plain by passing feet/was broadly beaten (1808 -- 9) -- though it is said that the throng in the great hallof Nargothrond was waiting for them (1856). Moreover, in the Tale they were not attacked. As the story is told in the poem, one might wonder why the hidden archers in the woods, if they believed Flinding's cry sufficiently to withhold their arrows, did not emerge at that point and conduct them as prisoners to the caves. The new element of the arrow shot in the woods has not, I think, been altogether assimilated to the old account of the timorous withdrawal of the Rodothlim in the hope that Turin and Flinding would not find the entrance. But the passage describ- ing the 'home-fields' of Nargothrond is of great interest in itself, for rarely are there references to the agriculture of the peoples of Middlle- earth in the Elder Days. The great Doors of Nargothrond are here first described -- the triple doors of timber as my father imagined them are seen in his drawing of the entrance made in Dorset in the summer of 1928, and (in a different conception) their posts and lintels of ponderous stone (1830)in the watercolour of the same period referred to above (Pictures nos 33 34). In the Tale the fear and suspicion among the Rodothlim of Noldoli who had been slaves is attributed to 'the evil deeds of the Gnomes atC opas Alqalunten', and this element reappears in the poem (1903 -- 4). Nevertheless, there is no suggestion in the Tale of any serious question- ing of the identity and goodwill of Flinding, greatly changed in aspect though he was, so that 'few knew him again'. In the poem, on the other hand, Orodreth emerges as hostile and formidable, and his character is carefully outlined: he is quick to anger (1973) but his wrath is cold and long-enduring (2133 -- 4), he is seldom moved to pity (1969, 2134), grim-hearted and deep-counselled (2132 -- 3), but capable of deep love (1970) as also of fierce hate (2135). Afterwards, as the legends devel- oped, Orodreth underwent a steady decline into weakness and insignifi- cance, which is very curious. Many years later, when meditating the development of the Turin saga, my father noted that Orodreth was 'rather a weak character'; cf. the Narn, p. 160: 'he turned as he ever did to Turin for counsel'. Ultimately he was to be displaced as the second King of Nargothrond (Unfinished Tales p. 255, note 20). But all this is a far cry from the hard and grim king in his underground hall depicted in the poem; Felagund had not yet emerged, nor the rebellious power of Celegorm and Curufin in Nargothrond (see further p. 246). The killing of Orodreth's son Halmir the hunter by Orcs (2137 -- 8; omitted in the C-text, p. 82) is a new element, which will reappear, though not found in The Silmarillion, where the name Halmir is borne by a ruler of the People of Haleth. In the Tale, as I noticed in my commentary (II. 124), Failivrin is already present, and her unrequited love for Turin, but the complication of her former relation with Gwindor is quite absent, and she is not the daughter of Orodreth the King but of one Galweg (who was to disappear utterly). In the poem Galweg has already disappeared, and Failivrin has become Orodreth's daughter, loved by Flinding and returning his love before his captivity; and it is her plea to her father before the assembled multitude that sways the king and leads to the admission of Flinding and Turin to Nargothrond. Of this intervention there is probably a trace in the very condensed account in The Silmarillion (p. 209): At first his own people did not know Gwindor, who went out young and strong, and returned now seeming as one of the aged among mortal Men, because of his torments and his labours; but Finduilas daughter of Orodreth the King knew him and welcomed him, for she had loved him before the Nirnaeth, and so greatly did Gwindor love her beauty that he named her Faelivrin, which is the gleam of the sun on the pools of Ivrin. In the poem she is called Failivrin in A and B as written, emended or not in B to Finduilas (1724, 1938, 2130), but the name Finduilas emerges towards the end in the texts as first written (2175, 2199), and Failivrin (the glimmering sheen on the glassy pools/of Ivrin's lake) is the name by which the Elves renamed Finduilas. In the Lay as in the Tale there is no hiding of Turin's identity, as there is in The Silmarillion, where he checked Gwindor, when Gwindor would declare his name, saying that he was Agarwaen, the Bloodstained, son of Umarth, Ill-fate (p. 210). Finduilas (Failivrin) asks: But are none yet nigh us that knew of yore that mighty of Men [Hurin], mark of kinship to seek and see in these sorrow-laden form and features? (1958 -- 61 ) and then No few were there found who had fought of old where Finweg fell in flame of swords and Hurin Thalion had hewn the throngs, the dark Glamhoth's demon legions (1974 -- 7) and they declared that Turin's face was the face of the father new found on earth. Against the second of these passages my father wrote in the margin: 'Not so.' This is a comment on the idea that there were many Gnomes in Nargothrond who had fought in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears (see pp. 84 -- 5); according to the later story scarcely any went from Nargothrond, and of the small company that did none came back, save Flinding/Gwindor himself. -- In The Silmarillion (p. 210) Turin is not said to be the image of his father; on the contrary, he was in truth the son of Morwen Eledhwen to look upon: dark-haired and pale-skinned, with grey eyes. Cf. also the Narn, p. 161, where Turin said to Arminas: But if my head be dark and not golden, of that I am not ashamed. For I am not the first of sons in the likeness of his mother. Hurin himself was shorter in stature than other men of his kin; in this he took after his mother's people, but in all else he was like Hador his grandfather, fair of face and golden-haired, strong in body and fiery of mood (Nant P 57)- But Turin was already conceived to be dark-haired in the Lay: the black-haired boy from the beaten people (417) and in the second version of the poem Hurin also has dark tresses (p. 97, line 88). At the feast of welcome in the house of Fuilin Flinding's father, deep in the woods on the slopes of the Hunters' Wold (1989 -- 92), Fuilin filled with mead a great ancient silver cup that had come from Valinor: carved in gladness, in woe hoarded, in waning hope when little was left of the lore of old. (2038 -- 40) It was of such things as that cup, carved with images of the folk of Faerie in the first noontide/of the Blissful Realms, of the Two Trees, and of the tower of Ing on the hill of Cor, that my father was thinking when he wrote of the treasures that Finrod Felagund brought put of Tirion (The Silmarillion p. 114); 'a solace and a burden on the road' (ibid. p. 85). -- This is the first reference to the tower of Ing (Ingwe, see p. 28) in the Elvish city, whose pale pinnacle pierced the twilight, and its crystal lamp illumined clear with slender shaft the Shadowy Seas (2033-5) as afterwards the silver lamp of.the Mindon Eldalieva 'shone far out into the mists of the sea' (The Silmarillion p. 59). According to the readings of the A and B texts at lines 2030 -- 2 the hill on which the Elvish city was built, figured on Fuilin's cup, is Tun, þ crowned by the white-walled city of Cor; and this is anomalous, since the name Tun certainly arose as the name of the city (see II. 292), and in the 'Sketch of the Mythology' and the 1930 'Silmarillion' Kor is the hill and Tun the city. In the C-text of the poem, however, these lines were changed, and the city is named Tun (p. 82). The elaboration at the end of the relationship of Turin and Finduilas is an indication of the large scale on which this work was planned: seeing how much in bare narrative terms is yet to come (the fall of Nargothrond, the Dragon, the loss of Finduilas, Turin's journey to Dor-lomin, Morwen and Nienor in Doriath and the journey to Nargothrond, the enspelling of Nienor, Turin and Nienor among the Woodmen, the coming and death of the Dragon, and the deaths of Nienor and Turin) it must have run to many more thousands of lines. There remain a few isolated matters. The name, Esgalduin now first appears, but the form in A and B as typed (2164), Esgaduin, is the original name. The C-text has Esgalduin (p. 82). The Moon is seen in lines 2088 -- 94 as a ship, the Silver Wherry, with mast, hold, and shrouds, sailing from wharves on the margin of the world; but the imagery has no real point of contact with the Ship of the Moon in the Tale of the Sun and Moon (I. 192 -- 3). Ulmo is now called Ylmir (first appearing by emendation in B at line 1469, but thereafter in both A and B as first written); in the 'Sketch' he first appears as Ulmo (Ylmir), thereafter as Ylmir, suggesting that at this time Ylmir was the Gnomish form of his name (in the Gnomish dictionary it was Gulma, I. 270). He is also called the Dweller in the Deep at line 1565, as he is in the later Tuor (Unfinished Tales pp. 22, 28). Flinding mentions messages from Ulmo that are heard at Ivrin, and says that Ulmo alone remembers in the Lands of Mirth / the need of the Gnomes (153 I ff.); cf. the Tale, II. 77. Lastly may be noticed Turin's words of parting to Beleg at his burial (1408 -- 11), in which he foresees for him an afterlife in Valinor, in the halls of the Gods, and does not speak of a time of 'waiting'; cf. lines 1283 -- 4, 1696-7. THE SECOND VERSION OF THE CHILDREN OF HURIN. This version of the poem (II) is extant in a bundle of very rough manuscript notes (IIA), which do not constitute a complete text, and a typescript (IIB) -- the twia of the typescript (IB) of the first version, done with the same distinctive purple ribbon -- based on I I A. That II is a later work than I is obvious from a casual scrutiny -- to give a single example, the name Morwen appears thus both in IIA and I IB. As I have said (p. 4), I do not think that II is significantly later than I, and may indeed have been composed before my father ceased work on I.* Towards the end of II the amount of expansion and change from I becomes very much less, but it seems best to give II in full. The text of the opening of the second version is complicated by the existence of two further texts, both extending from lines II. x -- 94. The earlier of these is another typescript (IIC), which takes up emendations made to I IB and is itself emended: the second is a manuscript (I ID) written on 'Oxford' paper (see p. 81 ), which takes up the changes made to IIC and introduces yet further changes. At the beginning of the poem, therefore, we have lines that exhibit a continuous development through six different texts, as for example line 18 in the first version, which is line 34 in the second: IA. Yet in host upon host the hillfiends, the orcs emended in the manuscript to: Yet in host upon host the hillfiend orcs IB. There in host on host the hill-fiend Orcs (* The only external evidence for date (other than the physical nature of the texts, whicb were clearly made at Leeds, not at Oxford) is the fact that a page of IIA is written on the back of a formal letter from The Microcosm (a Leeds literary quarterly, in which my father published the poem The City of the Gods in the Spring 1923 issue, see I. 136) acknowledg- ing receipt of a subscription for 1922; the letter was evidently written in 1923.) IIA. but in host on host from the hills of darkness (with from the hills swarming as an alternative). IIB. but in host on host from the hills swarming. IIC.as IIB but emended on the typescript to: and in host on host from the hills swarming. IID. In host upon host from the hills swarming. The majority of the changes throughout the successive texts of the poem were made for metrical reasons -- in the later revisions, especially for the removal of 'little words', to achieve an effect nearer to that of Old English lines, and to get rid of metrical aids such as ed pronounced as a separate syllable; and as I have said, the provision of a full apparatus would be exceedingly lengthy and complex (and in places scarcely possible, for the actual texts are often more obscure than appears in print). For the second version of the poem, therefore, I give the text of I ID (the last one) to its end at line 94 (since the changes from IIB though pervasive are extremely minor), and continue thereafter with IIB (the major typescript of the second version); and as before purely verbal/metrical alterations that have no bearing on the story or on names are not cited in the notes. IIA has no title; in IIB it was TURIN, then THE CHILDREN OF HURIN, which is also the title in IIC and I ID. The 'Prologue', greatly expanded in the second version, is still given no subheading, except that in IIC it is marked 'I'; in IIB Turin's Fostering is a section-heading, to which my father afterwards added 'II'. THE CHILDREN OF HURIN. Ye Gods who girt your guarded realms with moveless pinnacles, mountains pathless, o'er shrouded shores sheer uprising of the Bay of Faery on the borders of the World! Ye Men unmindful of the mirth of yore, wars and weeping in the worlds of old, of Morgoth's might remembering nought! Lo! hear what Elves with ancient harps, lingering forlorn in lands untrodden, fading faintly down forest pathways, in shadowy isles on the Shadowy Seas, 5 10 sing still in sorrow of the son of Hurin, how his webs of doom were woven dark with Niniel's sorrow: names most mournful. A! Hurin Thalion in the hosts of battle was whelmed in war, when the white banners of the ruined king were rent with spears, in blood beaten; when the blazing helm of Finweg fell in flame of swords, and his gleaming armies' gold and silver shields were shaken, shining emblems in darkling tide of dire hatred, the cruel Glamhoth's countless legions, were lost and foundered -- their light was quenched! That field yet now the folk name it Nirnaith Ornoth, Unnumbered Tears: the seven chieftains of the sons of Men fled there and fought not, the folk of the Elves betrayed with treason. Their troth alone unmoved remembered in the mouths of Hell Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes renowned. Torn and trampled the triple standard of the house of Hithlum was heaped with slain. In host upon host from the hills swarming with hideous arms the hungry Orcs enmeshed his might, and marred with wounds pulled down the proud Prince of Mithrim. At Bauglir's bidding they bound him living; to the halls of Hell neath the hills builded, to the Mountains of Iron, mournful, gloomy, they led the lord of the Lands of Mist, Hurin Thalion, to the throne of hate in halls upheld with huge pillars of black basalt. There bats wandered, worms and serpents enwound the columns; there Bauglir's breast was burned within with blazing rage, baulked of purpose: from his trap had broken Turgon the mighty, Fingolfin's son; Feanor's children, the makers of the magic and immortal gems. For Hurin standing storm unheeding, unbent in battle, with bitter laughter 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 his axe wielded -- as eagle's wings the sound of its sweep, swinging deadly; as livid lightning it leaped and fell, as toppling trunks of trees riven his foes had fallen. Thus fought he on, where blades were blunted and in blood foundered the Men of Mithrim; thus a moment stemmed with sad remnant the raging surge of ruthless Orcs, and the rear guarded, that Turgon the terrible towering in anger a pathway clove with pale falchion from swirling slaughter. Yea! his swath was plain through the hosts of Hell, as hay that is laid on the lea in lines, where long and keen goes sweeping scythe. Thus seven kindreds, a countless company, that king guided through darkened dales and drear mountains out of ken of his foes -- he comes no more in the tale of Turin. Triumph of Morgoth thus to doubt was turned, dreams of vengeance, thus his mind was moved with malice fathomless, thoughts of darkness, when the Thalion stood bound, unbending, in his black dungeon. 55 60 65 70 75 Said the dread Lord of Hell: 'Dauntless Hurin, stout steel-handed, stands before me yet quick a captive, as a coward might be! Then knows he my name, or needs be told what hope he has in the halls of iron? The bale most bitter, Balrogs' torment! ' 80 Then Hurin answered, Hithlum's chieftain -- his shining eyes with sheen of fire in wrath were reddened: '0 ruinous one, by fear unfettered I have fought thee long, nor dread thee now, nor thy demon slaves, fiends and phantoms, thou foe of Gods! ' His dark tresses, drenched and tangled, that fell o'er his face he flung backward, in the eye he looked of the evil Lord -- since that day of dread to dare his glance has no mortal Man had might of soul. There the mind of Hurin in a mist of dark 85 90 neath gaze unfathomed groped and foundered,* yet his heart yielded not nor his haughty pride. But Lungorthin Lord of Balrogs on the mouth smote him, and Morgoth smiled: 'Nay, fear when thou feelest, when the flames lick thee and the whistling whips thy white body and wilting flesh weal and torture! ' Then hung they helpless Hurin dauntless in chains by fell enchantments forged that with fiery anguish his flesh devoured, yet loosed not lips locked in silence to pray for pity. Thus prisoned saw he on the sable walls the sultry glare of far-off fires fiercely burning down deep corridors and dark archways in the blind abysses of those bottomless halls; there with mourning mingled mighty tumult the throb and thunder of the thudding forges' brazen clangour; belched and spouted flaming furnaces; there faces sad through the glooms glided as the gloating Orcs their captives herded under cruel lashes. Many a hopeless glance on Hurin fell, for his tearless torment many tears were spilled. 95 100 105 110 115 Lo! Morgoth remembered the mighty doom, the weird of old, that the Elves in woe, in ruin and wrack by the reckless hearts of mortal Men should be meshed at last; that treason alone of trusted friend should master the magic whose mazes wrapped the children of Cor, cheating his purpose, from defeat fending Fingolfin's son, Turgon the terrible, and the troth-brethren the sons of Feanor, and secret, far, homes hid darkly in the hoar forest where Thingol was throned in the Thousand Caves. 120 125 Then the Lord of Hell lying-hearted to where Hurin hung hastened swiftly, 130 * Here the latest text IID ends, and I IB is followed from this point; sec p. 95.) and the Balrogs about him brazen-handed with flails of flame and forged iron there laughed as they looked on his lonely woe; but Bauglir said: '0 bravest of Men, 'tis fate unfitting for thus fellhanded warrior warfain that to worthless friends his sword he should sell, who seek no more to free him from fetters or his fall avenge. While shrinking in the shadows they shake fearful in the hungry hills hiding outcast their league belying, lurking faithless, he by evil lot in everlasting dungeons droopeth doomed to torment and anguish endless. That thy arms unchained I had fainer far should a falchion keen or axe with edge eager flaming wield in warfare where the wind bloweth the banners of battle -- such a brand as might in my sounding smithies on the smitten anvil of glowing steel to glad thy soul be forged and fashioned, yea, and fair harness and mail unmatched -- than that marred with flails my mercy waiving thou shouldst moan enchained neath the brazen Balrogs' burning scourges: who art worthy to win reward and honour as a captain of arms when cloven is mail and shields are shorn, when they shake the hosts of their foes like fire in fell onset. Lo! receive my service; forswear hatred, ancient enmity thus ill-counselled -- I am a mild master who remembers well his servants' deeds. A sword of terror thy hand should hold, and a high lordship as Bauglir's champion, chief of Balrogs, to lead o'er the lands my loud armies, whose royal array I already furnish; on Turgon the troll (who turned to flight and left thee alone, now leaguered fast in waterless wastes and weary mountains) my wrath to wreak, and on redhanded robber-Gnomes, rebels, and roaming Elves, that forlorn witless the Lord of the World 135 140 145 I SO 155 160 165 170 defy in their folly -- they shall feel my might. I will bid men unbind thee, and thy body comfort! Go follow their footsteps with fire and steel, with thy sword go search their secret dwellings; when in triumph victorious thou returnest hither, I have hoards unthought-of' -- but Hurin Thalion suffered no longer silent wordless; through clenched teeth in clinging pain, '0 accursed king', cried unwavering, 'thy hopes build not so high, Bauglir; no tool am I for thy treasons vile, who tryst nor troth ever true holdest-- seek traitors elsewhere.' 175 180 185 Then returned answer Morgoth amazed his mood hiding: 'Nay, madness holds thee; thy mind wanders; my measureless hoards are mountains high in places secret piled uncounted agelong unopened; Elfin silver and gold in the gloom there glister pale; the gems and jewels once jealous-warded in the mansions of the Gods, who mourn them yet, are mine, and a meed I will mete thee thence of wealth to glut the Worm of Greed.' 190: 195 Then Hurin, hanging, in hate answered: 'Canst not learn of thy lore when thou look'st on a foe, 0 Bauglir unblest? Bray no longer 205 of the things thou hast thieved from the Three Kindreds! 200 In hate I hold thee. Thou art humbled indeed and thy might is minished if thy murderous hope and cruel counsels on a captive sad must wait, on a weak and weary man.' To the hosts of Hell his head then he turned: 'Let thy foul banners go forth to battle, ye Balrogs and Orcs; let your black legions go seek the sweeping sword of Turgon. Through the dismal dales you shall be driven wailing like startled starlings from the stooks of wheat. 210 Minions miserable of master base, your doom dread ye, dire disaster! The tide shall turn; your triumph brief and victory shall vanish. I view afar the wrath of the Gods roused in anger.' 215 Then tumult awoke, a tempest wild in rage roaring that rocked the walls; consuming madness seized on Morgoth, yet with lowered voice and leering mouth thus Thalion Erithamrod he threatened darkly: 'Thou hast said it! See how my swift purpose shall march to its mark unmarred of thee, nor thy aid be asked, overweening mortal mightless. I command thee gaze on my deeds of power dreadly proven. Yet if little they like thee, thou must look thereon helpless to hinder or thy hand to raise, and thy lidless eyes lit with anguish shall not shut for ever, shorn of slumber like the Gods shall gaze there grim, tearless, on the might of Morgoth and the meed he deals to fools who refuse fealty gracious.' 220 225 230 To Thangorodrim was the Thalion borne, that mountain that meets the misty skies on high over the hills that Hithlum sees blackly brooding on the borders of the North. There stretched on the stone of steepest peak in bonds unbreakable they bound him living; there the lord of woe in laughter stood, there cursed him for ever and his kindred all that should walk and wander in woe's shadow to a doom of death and dreadful end. There the mighty man unmoved sat, but unveiled was his vision that he viewed afar with eyes enchanted all earthly things, and the weird of woe woven darkly that fell on his folk -- a fiend's torment. 235 240 245 * NOTES. 14. After this line IIB had the following: how the golden dragon of the God of darkness wrought wrack and ruin in realms now lost -- only the mighty of soul, of Men or Elves, doom can conquer, and in death only. These lines were struck out in I IB, and do not appear in I IC, I ID. 19. Cf. I. 1975: where Finweg fell in flame of swords with Finweg > Fingon a later pencilled change in IB. All the texts of II have Finweg (IIA Fingmeg), but Fingon appears in a late pencilled emendation to I ID. 26. Nirnaith Unoth IIB, IIC; Nirnaith Ornoth IID, emended in pencil to Nirnaith Arnediad. For Unoth, Ornoth in the first version see p. 79, notes to lines 1448, 1542 -- 3. I read Ornoth here, since Arnediad is a form that arose much later. 27 All the texts of II have the chosen chieftains of the children of Men, but IID is emended in pencil to the seven chieftains of the sons of Men. 49. Fingolfin's son: see p. 21, note to line 29. Feanor's children I ID; and Feanor's children IIA, B, C. 76. 'Is it dauntless Hurin,' quoth Delu-Morgoth IIB, as in IB (line 51). 157. as a captain among them I IB as typed. Cf line 165. Commentary on Part I of the second version. This part has been expanded to two and a half times its former length, partly through the introduction of descriptions of Angband (42 -- 5, 105 -- 15) -- to be greatly enlarged some years later in the Lay of Leithian, and of Hurin's last stand (51 -- 61), but chiefly through the much ex- tended account of Morgoth's dealings with Hurin, his attempted seduc- tion of 'the Thalion', and his great rage (not found at all in the first version) at his failure to break his will. The rewritten scene is altogether fiercer, the sense of lying, brutality, and pain (and the heroic power of Hurin's resistance) much stronger. There are some interesting details in this opening section. Hurin's dark hair (88) has been referred to above (p. 92). The thane of Mor- goth who smote him on the mouth (version I, 59) now becomes Lun- gorthin, Lord of Balrogs (96) -- which is probably to be interpreted as 'a Balrog lord', since Gothmog, Lord or Captain of the Balrogs in The Fall of Condolin, soon reappears in the 'Silmarillion' tradition. Notable is the passage (88 -- 94) in which Hurin, thrusting back his long hair, looked into Morgoth's eye, and his mind in a mist of dark... groped and foundered: the originator of the power of the eye of Glorund his servant, which this poem did not reach. A line that occurs much later in the first version (1975) where Finweg [> Fingon] fell in flame of swords is introduced here (19), and there is mention also of his white ban- ners... in blood beaten, and his blazing helm: this is ultimately the origin of the passage in?he Silmarillion (pp. 193-4): a white flame sprang up from the helm of Fingon as it was cloven... they beat him into the dust with their maces, and his banner, blue and silver, they trod into the mire of his blood. At line 26 is the first occurrence of Nirnaith Arnediad, but this is a hasty pencilled change to the last text (I ID) and belongs to a later phase of nomenclature. It is said that Turgon guided seven kindreds (67) out of the battle; in the tale of TheFall of Condolin there were twelve kindreds of the Gondothlim. Hurin is named the Prince of Mithrim (37), and his men the Men of Mithrim (59). This may suggest that the meaning of Mithrim, hitherto the name of the lake only, was being extended to the region in which the lake lay; on the earliest 'Silmarillion' map, however, this is not suggested. The land of Mithrim occurs at line 248, but the phrase was changed. The passage in the first version (46 -- 50) saying that Morgoth remembered well how Men were accounted all mightless and frail by the Elves and their kindred; how only treason could master the magic whose mazes wrapped the children of Corthun is changed in the second (118 -- 24) to Lo! Morgoth remembered the mighty doom, the weird of old, that the Elves in woe, in ruin and wrack by the reckless hearts of mortal Men should be meshed at last; that treason alone of trusted friend should master the magic whose mazes wrapped the children of Cor There has been no reference in the Lost Tales to any such ancient 'doom' or 'weird'. It is possible that the reference to 'treason' is to the 'Prophecy of the North', spoken by Mandos or his messenger as the host of the Noldor moved northward up the coast of Valinor after the Kinslaying (The Silmarillion pp. 87 -- 8); in the earliest version of this, in the tale of The Flight of the Noldoli (I. 167), there is no trace of the idea, but it is already explicit in the 1930 Silmarillion' that the Gnomes should pay for the deeds at Swanhaven in 'treachery and the fear of treachery among their,own kindred'. On the other hand, to the mighty doom, the weird of old is ascribed also the ultimate ruin of the Elves which is to come to pass through Men; and this is not found in any version of the Prophecy of the North. This passage in the revised version of the poem is echoed in the same scene in the 1930 Silmarillion'. Afterward Morgoth remembering that treachery or the fear of it, and especially the treachery of Men, alone would work the ruin of the Gnomes, came to Hurin... TURIN'S FOSTERING Lo! the lady Morwen in the land of shadow waited in the woodland for her well-beloved, but he came never to clasp her nigh from that black battle. She abode in vain; no tidings told her whether taken or dead or lost in flight he lingered yet. Laid waste his lands and his lieges slain, and men unmindful of that mighty lord in Dorlomin dwelling dealt unkindly with his wife in widowhood; she went with child, and a son must succour sadly orphaned, Turin Thalion of tender years. In days of blackness was her daughter born, and named Nienor, a name of tears that in language of eld is Lamentation. Then her thoughts were turned to Thingol the Elf, and Luthien the lissom with limbs shining, his daughter dear, by Dairon loved, who Tinuviel was named both near and far, the Star-mantled, still remembered, who light as leaf on linden tree had danced in Doriath in days agone, on the lawns had lilted in the long moonshine, 250 255 260 265 270 while deftly was drawn Dairon's music with fingers fleet from flutes of silver. The boldest of the brave, Beren Ermabwed, to wife had won her, who once of old had vowed fellowship and friendly love with Hurin of Hithlum, hero dauntless by the marge of Mithrim's misty waters. Thus to her son she said: 'My sweetest child, our friends are few; thy father is gone. Thou must fare afar to the folk of the wood, where Thingol is throned in the Thousand Caves. If he remember Morwen and thy mighty sire he will foster thee fairly, and feats of arms, the trade he will teach thee of targe and sword, that no slave in Hithlum shall be son of Hurin. A! return my Turin when time passeth; remember thy mother when thy manhood cometh or when sorrows snare thee.' Then silence took her, for fears troubled her trembling voice. Heavy boded the heart of Hurin's son, who unwitting of her woe wondered vaguely, yet weened her words were wild with grief and denied her not; no need him seemed. 275 280 285 290 Lo! Mailrond and Halog, Morwen's henchmen, were young of yore ere the youth of Hurin, and alone of the lieges of that lord of Men now steadfast in service stayed beside her: now she bade them brave the black mountains and the woods whose ways wander to evil; though Turin be tender, to travail unused, they must gird them and go. Glad they were not, but to doubt the wisdom dared not openly of Morwen who mourned when men saw not. 295 300 Came a day of summer when the dark silence of the towering trees trembled dimly to murmurs moving in the milder airs far and faintly; flecked with dancing sheen of silver and shadow-filtered sudden sunbeams were the secret glades where winds came wayward wavering softly warm through the woodland's woven branches. 305 310 Then Morwen stood, her mourning hidden, by the gate of her garth in a glade of Hithlum; at her breast bore she her babe unweaned, crooning lowly to its careless ears a song of sweet and sad cadence, lest she droop for anguish. Then the doors opened, and Halog hastened neath a heavy burden, and Mailrond the old to his mistress led her gallant Turin, grave and tearless, with heart heavy as stone hard and lifeless, uncomprehending his coming torment. There he cried with courage, comfort seeking: 'Lo! quickly will I come from the court's afar, I will long ere manhood lead to Morwen great tale of treasure and true comrades.' He wist not the weird woven of Morgoth, nor the sundering sorrow that them swept between, as farewells they took with faltering lips. The last kisses and lingering words are over and ended; and empty is the glen in the dark forest, where the dwelling faded in trees entangled, Then in Turin woke to woe's knowledge his bewildered heart, that he wept blindly awakening echoes sad resounding in sombre hollows, as he called: 'I cannot, I cannot leave thee. 0! Morwen my mother, why makest me go? The hills are hateful, where hope is lost; 0! Morwen my mother, I am meshed in tears, for grim are the hills and my home is gone.' And there came his cries calling faintly down the dark alleys of the dreary trees, that one there weeping weary on the threshold heard how the hills said 'my home is gone.' 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 *** The ways were weary and woven with deceit o'er the hills of Hithlum to the hidden kingdom deep in the darkness of Doriath's forest, and never ere now for need or wonder had children of Men chosen that pathway, save Beren the brave who bounds knew not 350 to his wandering feet nor feared the woods or fells or forest or frozen mountain, and few had followed his feet after. There was told to Turin that tale by Halog that in the Lay of Leithian, Release from Bonds, in linked words has long been woven, of Beren Ermabwed, the boldhearted; how Luthien the lissom he loved of yore in the enchanted forest chained with wonder -- Tinuviel he named her, than nightingale more sweet her voice, as veiled in soft and wavering wisps of woven dusk shot with starlight, with shining eyes she danced like dreams of drifting sheen, pale-twinkling pearls in pools of darkness; how for love of Luthien he left the woods on that quest perilous men quail to tell, thrust by Thingol o'er the thirst and terror of the Lands of Mourning; of Luthien's tresses, and Melian's magic, and the marvellous deeds that after happened in Angband's halls, and the flight o'er fell and forest pathless when Carcharoth the cruel-fanged, the wolf-warden of the Woeful Gates, whose vitals fire devoured in torment them hunted howling (the hand of Beren he had bitten from the wrist where that brave one held the nameless wonder, the Gnome-crystal where light living was locked enchanted, all hue's essence. His heart was eaten, and the woods were filled with wild madness in his dreadful torment, and Doriath's trees did shudder darkly in the shrieking glens); how the hound of Hithlum, Huan wolf-bane, to the hunt hasted to the help of Thingol, and as dawn came dimly in Doriath's woods was the slayer slain, but silent lay there Beren bleeding nigh brought to death, till the lips of Luthien . in love's despair awoke him to words, ere he winged afar to the long awaiting; thence Luthien won him, the Elf-maiden, and the arts of Melian, 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 her mother Mablui of the moonlit hand, that they dwell for ever in days ageless and the grass greys not in the green forest where East or West they ever wander. Then a song he made them for sorrow's lightening, a sudden sweetness in the silent wood, that is 'Light as Leaf on Linden' called, whose music of mirth and mourning blended yet in hearts does echo. This did Halog sing them:* 395 400 ' The grass was very long and thin, The leaves of many years lay thick, The old tree-roots wound out and in, And the early moon was glimmering. There went her white feet lilting quick, And Dairon's flute did bubble thin, As neath the hemlock umbels thick Tinuviel danced a-shimmering. 405 410 The pale moths lumbered noiselessly, And daylight died among the leaves, As Beren from the wild country Came thither wayworn sorrowing. He peered between the hemlock sheaves, And watched in wonder noiselessly Her dancing through the moonlit leaves And the ghostly moths a-following. 415 There magic took his weary feet, And he forgot his loneliness, And out he danced, unheeding, fleet, Where the moonbeams were a-glistening. Through the tangled woods of Elfinesse They fled on nimble fairy feet, And left him to his loneliness In the silent forest listening, 420 425 Still hearkening for the imagined sound Of lissom feet upon the leaves, For the textual history of this poem's insertion into the Lay sec the Note on pp.120-2.) For music welling underground In the dim-lit caves of Doriath. But withered are the hemlock sheaves, And one by one with mournful sound Whispering fall the beechen leaves In the dying woods of Doriath. 430 He sought her wandering near and far Where the leaves of one more year were strewn, By winter moon and frosty star With shaken light a-shivering. He found her neath a misty moon, A silver wraith that danced afar, And the mists beneath her feet were strewn In moonlight palely quivering. 435 440 She danced upon a hillock green Whose grass unfading kissed her feet, While Dairon's fingers played unseen O'er his magic flute a-flickering; And out he danced, unheeding, fleet, In the moonlight to the hillock green: No impress found he of her feet That fled him swiftly flickering. 445 450 And longing filled his voice that called 'Tinuviel, Tinuviel,' And longing sped his feet enthralled Behind her wayward shimmering. She heard as echo of a spell His lonely voice that longing called 'Tinuviel, Tinuviel': One moment paused she glimmering. 455 And Beren caught that elfin maid And kissed her trembling starlit eyes, Tinuviel whom love delayed In the woods of evening morrowless. Till moonlight and till music dies Shall Beren by the elfin maid Dance in the starlight of her eyes In the forest singing sorrowless. 460 465 Wherever grass is long and thin, And the leaves of countless years lie thick, And ancient roots wind out and in, As once they did in Doriath, Shall go their white feet lilting quick, But never Dairon's music thin Be heard beneath the hemlocks thick Since Beren came to Doriath. 470 This for hearts' uplifting did Halog sing them as the frowning fortress of the forest clasped them and nethermost night in its net caught them. There Turin and the twain knew torture of thirst and hunger and fear, and hideous flight from wolfriders and wandering Orcs and the things of Morgoth that thronged the woods. There numbed and wetted they had nights of waking cold and clinging, when the creaking winds summer had vanquished and in silent valleys a dismal dripping in the distant shadows ever splashed and spilt over spaces endless from rainy leaves, till arose the light greyly, grudgingly, gleaming thinly at drenching dawn. They were drawn as flies in the magic mazes; they missed their ways and strayed steerless, and the stars were hid and the sun sickened. Sombre and weary had the mountains been; the marches of Doriath bewildered and wayworn wound them helpless in despair and error, and their spirits foundered. Without bread or water with bleeding feet and fainting strength in the forest straying their death they deemed it to die forwandered, when they heard a horn that hooted afar and dogs baying. Lo! the dreary bents and hushed hollows to the hunt wakened, and echoes answered to eager tongues, for Beleg the bowman was blowing gaily, who furthest fared of his folk abroad by hill and by hollow ahunting far, careless of comrades or crowded halls, as light as a leaf, as the lusty airs 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 as free and fearless in friendless places. He was great of growth with goodly limbs and lithe of girth, and lightly on the ground ' his footsteps fell as he fared towards them all garbed in grey and green and brown. 510 'Who are ye?' he asked. 'Outlaws, maybe, : hiding, hunted, by hatred dogged?' 'Nay, for famine and thirst we faint,' said Halog, 'wayworn and wildered, and wot not the road. Or hast not heard of the hills of slain, field tear-drenched where in flame and terror þ Morgoth devoured the might and valour of the hosts of Finweg and Hithlum's lord? The Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes dauntless ,there vanished from the earth, whose valiant lady yet weeps in widowhood as she waits in Hithlum. Thou lookest on the last of the lieges of Morwen, 'and the Thalion's child who to Thingol's court now wend at the word of the wife of Hurin.' 515 520 525 Then Beleg bade them be blithe, saying: 'The Gods have guided you to good keeping; I have heard of the house of Hurin undaunted, . and who hath not heard of the hills of slain, : of Nirnaith Ornoth, Unnumbered Tears! To that war I went not, yet wage a feud : with the Orcs unending, whom mine arrows fleeting ' smite oft unseen swift and deadly. 1 am the hunter Beleg of the hidden people; the forest is my father and the fells my home.' Then he bade them drink from his belt drawing a flask of leather full-filled with wine that is bruised from the berries of the burning South -- the Gnome-folk know it, from Nogrod the Dwarves by long ways lead it to the lands of the North : for the Elves in exile who by evil fate the vine-clad valleys now view no more in the land of Gods. There was lit gladly a fire, with flames that flared and spluttered, of wind-fallen wood that his wizard's cunning rotten, rain-sodden, to roaring life 530 535 540 545 there coaxed and kindled by craft or magic; there baked they flesh in the brands' embers; white wheaten bread to hearts' delight he haled from his wallet till hunger waned and hope mounted, but their heads were mazed by that wine of Dor-Winion that went in their veins, and they soundly slept on the soft needles of the tall pinetrees that towered above. Then they waked and wondered, for the woods were light, and merry was the morn and the mists rolling from the radiant sun. They soon were ready long leagues to cover. Now led by ways devious winding through the dark woodland, by slade and slope and swampy thicket, through lonely days, long-dragging nights, they fared unfaltering, and their friend they blessed, who but for Beleg had been baffled utterly by the magic mazes of Melian the Queen. To those shadowy shores he showed the way where stilly the stream strikes before the gates of the cavernous court of the King of Doriath. Over the guarded bridge he gained them passage, and thrice they thanked him, and thought in their hearts 'the Gods are good' -- had they guessed, maybe, what the future enfolded, they had feared to live. 550 555 560 565 570 To the throne of Thingol were the three now come; there their speech well sped, and he spake them fair, for Hurin of Hithlum he held in honour, whom Beren Ermabwed as a brother had loved and remembering Morwen, of mortals fairest, .he turned not Turin in contempt away. There clasped him kindly the King of Doriath, for Melian moved him with murmured counsel, and he said: 'Lo, O son of the swifthanded, the light in laughter, the loyal in need, Hurin of Hithlum, thy home is with me, and here shalt sojourn and be held my son. In these cavernous courts for thy kindred's sake thou shalt dwell in dear love, till thou deemest it time to remember thy mother Morwen's loneliness; thou shalt wisdom win beyond wit of mortals, 575 580 585 and weapons shalt wield as the warrior-Elves, nor slave in Hithlum shall be son of Hurin.' 590 There the twain tarried that had tended the child, till their limbs were lightened and they longed to fare through dread and danger to their dear lady, so firm their faith. Yet frore and grey eld sat more heavy on the aged head 595 of Mailrond the old, and his mistress' love his might matched not, more marred by years than Halog he hoped not to home again. Then sickness assailed him and his sight darkened: 'To Turin I must turn my troth and fealty,' 600 he said and he sighed, 'to my sweet youngling', but Halog hardened his heart to go. An Elfin escort to his aid was given, and magics of Melian, and a meed of gold, and a message to Morwen for his mouth to bear, 605 words of gladness that her wish was granted, and Turin taken to the tender care of the King of Doriath; of his kindly will now Thingol called her to the Thousand Caves to fare unfearing with his folk again, 610 there to sojourn in solace till her son be grown; for Hurin of Hithlum was holden in mind and no might had Morgoth where Melian dwelt. Of the errand of the Elves and of eager Halog the tale tells not, save in time they came 615 to Morwen's threshold. There Thingol's message was said where she sat in her solitary hall, but she dared not do as was dearly bidden, who Nienor her nursling yet newly weaned would not leave nor be led on the long marches 620 adventure her frailty in the vast forest; the pride of her people, princes ancient, had suffered her send a son to Thingol when despair urged her, but to spend her days an almsguest of others, even Elfin kings, 625 it little liked her; and lived there yet a hope in her heart that Hurin would come, and the dwelling was dear where he dwelt of old; at night she would listen for a knock at the doors or a footstep falling that she fondly knew. 630 Thus she fared not forth; thus her fate was woven. Yet the thanes of Thingol she thanked nobly, nor her shame showed she, how shorn of glory to reward their wending she had wealth too scant, but gave them in gift those golden things 635 that last lingered, and led they thence a helm of Hurin once hewn in wars when he battled with Beren as brother and comrade against ogres and Orcs and evil foes. Grey-gleaming steel, with gold adorned 640 wrights had wrought it, with runes graven of might and victory, that a magic sat there and its wearer warded from wound or death, whoso bore to battle brightly shining dire dragon-headed its dreadful crest. 645 This Thingol she bade and her thanks receive. Thus Halog her henchman to Hithlum came, but Thingol's thanes thanked her lowly and girt them to go, though grey winter enmeshed the mountains and the moaning woods, 650 for the hills hindered not the hidden people. Lo! Morwen's message in a month's journey, so speedy fared they, was spoken in Doriath. For Morwen Melian was moved to ruth, but courteously the king that casque received, 655 her golden gift, with gracious words, who deeply delved had dungeons filled with elvish armouries of ancient gear, yet he handled that helm as his hoard were scant: 'That head were high that upheld this thing 660 with the token crowned, the towering crest to Dorlomin dear, the dragon of the North, that Thalion Erithamrod the thrice renowned oft bore into battle with baleful foes. Would that he had worn it to ward his head 665 on that direst day from death's handstroke! ' Then a thought was thrust into Thingol's heart, and Turin was called and told kindly ' that his mother Morwen a mighty thing had sent to her son, his sire's heirloom, 670 o'er-written with runes by wrights of yore in dark dwarfland in the deeps of time, ere Men to Mithrim and misty Hithlum o'er the world wandered; it was worn aforetime by the father of the fathers of the folk of Hurin, 675 whose sire Gumlin to his son gave it ere his soul severed from his sundered heart - 'Tis Telchar's work of worth untold, its wearer warded from wound or magic, from glaive guarded or gleaming axe. 680 Now Hurin's helm hoard till manhood to battle bids thee, then bravely don it, go wear it well!' Woeful-hearted did Turin touch it but take it not, too weak to wield that mighty gear, 685 and his mind in mourning for Morwen's answer was mazed and darkened. Thus many a day came to pass in the courts of Thingol for twelve years long that Turin lived. But seven winters their sorrows had laid 690 on the son of Hurin when that summer to the world came glad and golden with grievous parting; nine years followed of his forest-nurture, and his lot was lightened, for he learned at whiles from faring folk what befell in Hithlum, 695 and tidings were told by trusty Elves how Morwen his mother knew milder days and easement of evil, and with eager voice all Nienor named the Northern flower, the slender maiden in sweet beauty 700 now graceful growing. The gladder was he then and hope yet haunted his heart at whiles. He waxed and grew and won renown in all lands where Thingol as lord was held for his stoutness of heart and his strong body. 705 Much lore he learned and loved wisdom, but fortune followed him in few desires; oft wrong and awry what he wrought turned, what he loved he lost, what he longed for failed, and full friendship he found not with ease, 710 nor was lightly loved, for his looks were sad; he was gloomy-hearted and glad seldom for the sundering sorrow that seared his youth. On manhood's threshold he was mighty-thewed in the wielding of weapons; in weaving song 715 he had a minstrel's mastery, but mirth was not in it, for he mourned the misery of the Men of Hithlum. Yet greater his grief grew thereafter when from Hithlum's hills he heard no more and no traveller told him tidings of Morwen. 720 For those days were drawing to the doom of the Gnomes and the power of the Prince of the pitiless kingdom, of the grim Glamhoth, was grown apace, till the lands of the North were loud with their noise, and they fell on the folk with fire and slaughter 725 who bent not to Bauglir or the borders passed of dark Dorlomin with its dreary pines that Hithlum was called by the unhappy people. There Morgoth shut them in the Shadowy Mountains, fenced them from Faerie and the folk of the wood. 730 Even Beleg fared not so far abroad as once was his wont, for the woods were filled with the armies of Angband and with evil deeds, and murder walked on the marches of Doriath; only the mighty magic of Melian the Queen 735 yet held their havoc from the hidden people. To assuage his sorrow and to sate his rage, for his heart was hot with the hurts of his folk, then Hurin's son took the helm of his sire and weapons weighty for the wielding of men, 740 and he went to the woods with warrior-Elves, and far in the forest his feet led him into black battle yet a boy in years. Ere manhood's measure he met and he slew Orcs of Angband and evil things 745 that roamed and ravened on the realm's borders. There hard his life, and hurts he lacked not, the wounds of shaft and the wavering sheen of the sickle scimitars, the swords of Hell, the bloodfain blades on black anvils 750 in Angband smithied, yet ever he smote unfey, fearless, and his fate kept him. Thus his prowess was proven and his praise was noised and beyond his years he was yielded honour, for by him was holden the hand of ruin 755 from Thingol's folk, and Thu feared him, and wide wandered the word of Turin: 'Lo! we deemed as dead the dragon of the North, but high o'er the host its head uprises, its wings are spread! Who has waked this spirit 760 and the flame kindled of its fiery jaws? Or is Hurin of Hithlum from Hell broken? ' And Thu who was throned as thane mightiest neath Morgoth Bauglir, whom that master bade 'go ravage the realm of the robber Thingol 765 and mar the magic of Melian the Queen', even Thu feared him, and his thanes trembled. One only was there in war greater, more high in honour in the hearts of the Elves than Turin son of Hurin, tower of Hithlum, 770 even the hunter Beleg of the hidden people, whose father was the forest and the fells his home; to bend whose bow, Balthronding named, that the black yewtree once bore of yore, had none the might; unmatched in knowledge 775 of the woods' secrets and the weary hills. He was leader beloved of the light companies all garbed in grey and green and brown, the archers arrowfleet with eyes piercing, the scouts that scoured scorning danger 780 afar o'er the fells their foemen's lair, and tales and tidings timely won them of camps and councils, of comings and goings, all the movements of the might of Morgoth Bauglir. Thus Turin, who trusted to targe and sword, 785 who was fain of fighting with foes well seen, where shining swords made sheen of fire, and his corslet-clad comrades-in-arms were snared seldom and smote unlooked-for. Then the fame of the fights on the far marches 790 was carried to the courts of the king of Doriath, and tales of Turin were told in his halls, of the bond and brotherhood of Beleg the ageless with the blackhaired boy from the beaten people. Then the king called them to come before him 795 did Orc-raids lessen in the outer lands ever and often unasked to hasten, to rest them and revel and to raise awhile in songs and lays and sweet music the memory of the mirth ere the moon was old, 800 when the mountains were young in the morning of the world. On a time was Turin at his table seated, and Thingol thanked him for his thriving deeds; there was laughter long and the loud clamour of a countless company that quaffed the mead 805 and the wine of Dor-Winion that went ungrudged in their golden goblets; and goodly meats there burdened the boards neath blazing torches in those high halls set that were hewn of stone. There mirth fell on many; there minstrels clear 810 did sing them songs of the city of Cor that Taingwethil towering mountain o'ershadowed sheerly, of the shining halls where the great gods sit and gaze on the world from the guarded shores of the gulf of Faerie. 815 One sang of the slaying at the Swans' Haven and the curse that had come on the kindreds since Here the typescript IIB ends abruptly, in the middle of a page; the manuscript IIA has already ended at line 767. NOTES. The first page of the typescript of this section of the poem, covering lines 248-95, is duplicated, the one version (b) taking up changes made to the other (a) and itself receiving further changes. There is no corresponding text of IIA until line 283. 248. in the land of Mithrim (a), and (b) as typed. The emendation in (b) reverts to the reading of the first version (105), in the Land of Shadows. 265. Dairon's sister (a), and (b) as typed. 266 - 8. These three lines were inserted in (b), with change of who had danced 269 to had danced. See below, Note on the poem 'Light as Leaf on Lindentrre'. 273. Etmabweth (a), and (b) as typed. The emendation in (b) to Ermabwed reverts to the form of the name in the Lost Tales and in the first version of the poem (121). 274-8. As typed, (a) was virtually identical with the first version lines 122 - 5. This was then changed to read: did win her to wife, who once of old fellowship had vowed and friendly love Elf with mortal, even Egnor's son with Hurin of Hithlum, hunting often by the marge of Mithrim's misty waters. Thus said she to her son... This passage was then typed in (b), with change of hunting often to hero dauntless. Subsequently the line Elf with mortal, even Egnor's son was struck out, and other minor changes made to give the text printed. 294. Mailrond: Mailgond IIA, IIB; I read Mailrond in view of the emendations at lines 319, 596. 319. Mailrond: Mailgond IIA, and IIB as typed, emended in pencil to Mailrond; similarly at line 596. 356. Release from Bondage IIB as typed (the change to Release from Bonds was made for metrical reasons). The reference to the Lay of Leithian is not in IIA, but the manuscript is here so scrappy and disjointed as to be of no service. 358-66. These nine lines are typed on a slip pasted into IIB, replacing the following which were struck out: how Luthien the lissom he loved of yore in the enchanted forest chained with wonder as she danced like dreams of drifting whiteness of shadows shimmering shot with moonlight; In the first line (358) of the inserted slip the boldhearted is an emendation of brave undaunted; and above Ermabwed is written (later, in pencil) Er(h)amion. 374. Carcharoth: Carcharolch IIA, and IIB as typed. 398-402. These five lines are typed on a slip pasted into I IB at the same time as that giving lines 358 - 66, but in this case there was nothing replaced in the original typescript. Line 400 as typed read: that 'Light as Leaf on Lind' is called emended to the reading given. Beneath the five typed lines my father wrote: 'Here follow verses "Light as leaf on linden-tree".' Note on the poem 'Light as Leaf on Lindentree' Lines 266 - 8 (see note above) were clearly added to the typescript at the same time as the two pasted-in slips (giving lines 358 - 66 and 398 - 402), in view of line 268 who light as leaf on linden tree. This poem, here to be inset into the Lay of the Children of Hurin, is found in three typescripts, here referred to as (a), (b), and (c), together with a small manuscript page giving reworkings of the penultimate stanza. These type- scripts were made with the same purple ribbon used for the texts IB and IIB of the Lay and obviously belong to the same period. (a), earliest of the three, had no title as typed: the title Light as leaf on lind was written in in ink, and before the poem begins there is written also in ink: 'Light was Tinuviel as leaf on lind light as a feather in the laughing wind.' Tinuviel! Tinuviel! On this typescript my father wrote some notes on the poem's dating: 'first beginnings Oxford 1919 - 20 Alfred St.', 'Leeds 1923, retouched 1924'. (a) is the 1923 version; it differs from the later (1924) only in the penultimate stanza, on which see note to lines 459 - 66 below. (b) again has no title as typed, but As light as Leaf on: Lindentree was written in ink. This begins with 15 lines of alliterative verse: In the Lay of Leithian, Release from Bondage in linked words has long been wrought of Beren Ermabwed, brave, undaunted; how Luthien the lissom he loved of yore in the enchanted forest chained in wonder. 5 Tinuviel he named her, than nightingale more sweet her voice, as veiled in soft and wavering wisps of woven dusk shot with starlight, with shining eyes she danced like dreams of drifting sheen, 10 pale-twinkling pearls in pools of darkness. And songs were raised for sorrow's lightening, a sudden sweetness in a silent hour, that 'Light as Leaf on Linden-tree' were called - here caught a cadent echo. 15 (c) has the typed title As Light as Leaf on Lind, the last word emended to Linden-tree. This has only the text of the poem, without the alliterative introduction; and the text is identical to that of (b). It will be seen that of the alliterative verses in (b) lines 1 - 2 are very close to lines 356 - 7 of the Lay (which were original lines in the typescript, not inserted later): (There was told to Turin that tale by Halog) that in the Lay of Leithian, Release from Bonds [< Bondage], in linked words has long been woven while lines 3 - 11 are identical with those on the first pasted-in slip, 358 - 66 (as typed: the boldhearted in line 358 is an emendation from brave undaunted). Further, lines 12 - 15 are close to those on the second pasted-in slip, 398 - 402: Then a song he made them for sorrow's lightening, a sudden sweetness in a silent hour, that is 'Light as Leaf on Linden' called, whose music of mirth and mourning blended yet in hearts does echo. This did Halog sing them: The order of events is very difficult to determine, but the key is probably to be found in the fact that lines 356 - 7 are found in IIB as originally typed, not in the pasted-in inser- tion. I think (or perhaps rather guess) that my father com- posed an alliterative continuation of 13 lines (beginning of Beren Erma&wed, brave undaunted) as an introduction to the poem Light as Leaf on Lindentree; and then, at the same time as he typed text (b) of this poem, with the alliter- ative head-piece, he added them to the typescript of the Lay already in existence. Light as Leaf on Lindentree was published in The Gryphon (Leeds University), New Series, Vol. VI, no. 6, June 1925, p. 217. It is here preceded by nine lines of alliterative verse, beginning 'Tis of Beren Ermabwed brokenhearted and continuing exactly as in (b) above (and in the text of the Lay) as far as in pools of darkness; the last four lines do not appear. In his cutting from The Gryphon my father changed broken-hearted (which is obviously a mere printer's error) to the boldhearted (as in the Lay, 358); changed the title to As Light as Leaf on Lindentree; and wrote Erchamion above Ennabwed (see note to lines 358 - 66). The text of the inserted poem given in the body of the Lay is that published, which is identical to that of the typescripts (b) and (c). My father made a very few changes to (c) afterwards (i.e. after the poem had been printed) and these are given in the notes that follow, as also are the earlier forms of the penultimate verse. It may finally be observed that if my deductions are correct the introduction in the Lay of the reference to the Lay of Leithian and the outline of the story told by Halog preceded the publication of Light as Leaf on Lindentree in June 1925. 419. magic > wonder, later emendation made to the typescript (c) of Light as Leaf on Lindentree after the poem published. 424. fairy > elvish, see note to 419. 459, 464. elfin > elvish, see note to 419. 459- 66. In the typescript (a) this penultimate stanza reads as follows: And Beren caught the elfin maid And kissed her trembling starlit eyes: The elfin maid that love delayed In the days beyond our memory. Till moon and star, till music dies, Shall Beren and the elfin maid Dance to the starlight of her eyes And fill the woods with glamoury. The single manuscript page (bearing the address 'T University, Leeds') has two versions of the stanza inter mediate between that in (a) and the final form. The first these reads: Ere Beren caught the elfin maid And kissed her trembling starlit eyes Tinuviel, whom love delayed In the woven woods of Nemorie In the tangled trees of Tramorie. Till music and till moonlight dies Shall Beren by the elfin maid Dance in the starlight of her eyes And fill the woods with glamoury. Other variants are suggested for lines 4 and 8: In the woven woods of Glamoury O'er the silver glades of Amoury and Ere the birth of mortal memory And fill the woods with glamoury. I can cast no light on these names. The second version advances towards the final form, with for lines 4 and 8 of the stanza: In the land of laughter sorrowless > In spells enchanted sorrowless In eve unending morrowless The lines finally achieved are also written here. This rewrit- ing of the penultimate stanza is unquestionably the 1924 'retouching' referred to in the note on typescript (a) (see p. 120). 475. did Halog sing them: did Halog recall IIB as typed. The emendation was made at the same time as the insertion of Light as Leaf on Lindentree; as originally written the line followed on 397, at the end of Halog's story. 520. Finweg IIB unemended; see note to second version line 19. 531. Nirnaith Unoth IIA, and IIB as typed. See note to second version line 26. 550. haled underlined in IIB and an illegible word substituted, perhaps had. 576. Ermabweth IIA, and IIB as typed. Cf. line 273. 596. Mailrond: see note to line 3 I 9. 658. elfin IIA, elvish IIB as typed. 767. The manuscript IIA ends here. 811. Cor emended in pencil to Tun, but Tun later struck out. In the first version (IB, line 430) the same, but there the emend- ation Tun not struck out. 812. Taingwethil: Tengwethil as typed. In the first version IB introduces Tain- for Ten- at lines 431, 636, but at line 1409 IB has Ten- for IA Tain-. A later pencilled note here says: 'English Tindbrenting' (see Commentary, p. 127). Commentary on Part II of the second version 'Turin's Fostering'. (i) References to the story of Beren and Luthien In this second part of the second version the major innovation is of course the introduction of the story of Beren and Luthien, told to Turin by his guardian Halog when they were lost in the forest, at once reminiscent of Aragorn's telling of the same story to his companions on Weathertop before the attack of the Ringwraiths (The Fellowship of the Ring I. 11); and with the further introduction of the poem Light as Leaf on Lindentree, the original form of the very song that Aragorn chanted on Weathertop, we realise that the one scene is actually the precursor of the other. At line 264(an original, not an interpolated line) is the first appearance of the name Luthien for Thingol's daughter, so that Tinuviel becomes her acquired name (given to her by Beren, line 361). The suggestion of the interpolated lines 266 - 7 is that Tinuviel meant 'Starmantled', which seems likely enough (see I. 269, entry Tinwe Linto; the Gnomish dictionary, contemporary with the Lost Tales, rather surprisingly gives no indication of the meaning of Tinuviel). On the other hand, in the interpolated line 361 the suggestion is equally clear that it meant 'Nightingale'. It is difficult to explain this.* The original reading at line 265, Dairon 's sister, goes back to the Tale of Tinuviel, where Dairon was the son of Tinwelint (II. 10). I noted earlier (p. 25) that lines 178-9 in the first version and never ere now for need or wonder had children of Men chosen that pathway show that Beren was still an Elf, not a Man; but while these lines are retained without change in the second version (349 - 50) their meaning is reversed by the new line that immediately follows - save Beren the brave, which shows equally clearly that Beren was a Man, not an Elf. At this time my father was apparently in two minds on this subject. At lines 273 ff. of the second version (referring to Beren's friendship with Hurin) he originally repeated lines 122 - 5 of the first, which make no statement on the matter; but in the first revision of this passage (given in the note to lines 274-8) he explicitly wrote that Beren was an Elf: (* A possible if rather finespun explanation is that lines 266-8 werc not in fact written in to the text at the same time as the two pasted-in slips (giving lines 358-66 and 398 - 402), as I have supposed (p. 120), but were earlier. O&his view, when 266-8 were written Tiniviel was not yet Beren's name for Luthien, but was her common soubriquet, known both near and far (266), and meant 'Star-mantled'. Later, when 358 - 66 were added, it had become the name given to her by Beren (361 ), and meant 'Nightingale'. If this were so, it could also supposed that line 268, who light as leaf on linden tree, gave risc to the title of the poem.) (Beren) who once of old fellowship had vowed and friendly love Elf with mortal, even Egnor's son with Hurin of Hithlum... Since this is a rewriting of the original text of IIB it is presumably a withdrawal from the idea (that Beren was a Man) expressed in lines 349 - 50; while the further rewriting of this passage, getting rid of the line Elf with mortal, even Egnor's son, presumably represents a return to it. In Halog's recounting of the story of Beren and Luthien there are some apparent differences from that told in the Tale of the Nauglafring and the Lay of Leithian. The reference to Melian's magic in line 371 is presumably to Melian's knowledge of where Beren was; cf. the Tale of Tinuviel II. 17: '"0 Gwendeling, my mother," said she, "tell me of thy magic, if thou canst, how doth Beren fare..."' A probable explanation of the mention later in this passage of the arts of Melian (393), in association with Luthien's winning Beren back from death, will be given later. But in no other version of the story is there any suggestion that Carcharoth 'hunted' Beren and Luthien (377) after he had devoured Beren's hand holding the Silmaril - indeed, the reverse: from the Tale of Tinuviel (II. 34) 'Then did Tinuviel and Beren flee like the wind from the gates, yet was Karkaras far before them' to The Silmarillion (p. 181) 'Howling he fled before them'. (The form Carcharoth now first appears, by emendation of Carcharolch, which occurs nowhere else; in the Tale of Tinuviel the forms are Karkaras and (in the second version) Carcaras.) More important, lines 395-7 that they dwell for ever in days ageless and the grass greys not in the green forest where East or West they ever wander seems to represent a conception of the second lives of Beren and Luthien notably different from that in the Tale of the Nauglafring (II. 240), where the doom of mortality that Mandos had spoken fell swiftly upon them (as also in The Silmarillion, p. 236): nor this time did those twain fare the road together, but when yet was the child of those twain, Dior the Fair, a little one, did Tinuviel slowly fade... and she vanished in the woods, and none have seen her dancing ever there again. But Beren searched all the lands of Hithlum and Artanor ranging after her; and never has any of the Elves had more loneliness than his, or ever he too faded from life... However this matter is to be interpreted, the lines in the Lay are clearly to be associated with the end of Light as Leaf on Lindentree: Till moonlight and till music dies Shall Beren by the elfin maid Dance in the starlight of her eyes In the forest singing sorrowless. Compare the end of the song that Aragorn sang on Weathertop: The ring Seas between them lay, And yet at last they met once more, And long ago they passed away In the forest singing sorrowless. (ii) The Dragon-helm and Hurin's ancestors The elder of Turin's guardians, still Gumlin in the first version, is now named (Mailgond >) Mailrond; and Gumlin becomes the name of Hurin's father, who has not been even mentioned before (other than in the reference in the first version to the Dragon-helm being Hurin's heirloom, 318). In the second version the Dragon-helm was worn aforetime by the father of the fathers of the folk of Hurin, whose sire Gumlin to his son gave it ere his soul severed from his sundered heart. (674.- 7) The last line suggests that a story of Hurin's father had already come into existence; and line 675 suggests a long line of ancestors behind Hurin - as also does line 622, the pride of her people, princes ancient, behind Morwen. It is hard to know how my father at this time conceived the earlier generations of Men; and the question must be postponed. The Dragon-helm itself now begins to gather a history: it was made in dark dwarfland in the deeps of time, ere Men to Mithrim and misty Hithlum o'er the world wandered (672 - 4) and was the work of Telchar (678), now named for the first time. But there is still no indication of the significance attaching to the dragon-crest. Lines 758 - 62 (Lo! me deemed as dead the dragon of the North ... Or is Hurin of Hithlum from Hell broken?), to which there is nothing corresponding in the first version, clearly foreshadows the Narn, p. 79: and word ran through the woods, and was heard far beyond Doriath, that the Dragon-helm of Dor-lomin was seen again. Then many wondered, saying: 'Can the spirit of Hador or of Galdor the Tall return from death; or has Hurin of Hithlum escaped indeed from the pits of Angband?' (iii) Miscellaneous Matters. The curious references to Beleg in the first version ('son of the wilderness who wist no sire', see p. 25) reappear in the second, but in a changed form, and at one of the occurrences put into Beleg's own mouth: the forest is my father 536, cf. 772. Beleg the ageless is retained in the second version (793), and at lines 544 ff. he shows a Gandalf-like quality of being able to make fire in wet wood, with his wizard's cunning (cf. The Fellowship of the Ring II. 3). The great bow of Beleg is now at last named: Balthronding (773; later Belthronding). We learn now that the strong wine of Dor-Winion that Beleg gave to the travellers and which was drunk at the fateful feast in the Thousand Caves was brought to the Northern lands from Nogrod by Dwarves (540 - 1); and also that there was viticulture in Valinor (543 - 4), though after the accounts of life in the halls of Tulkas and Orome in the tale of The Coming of the Valar (1. 75) this causes no surprise - indeed it is said that Nessa wife of Tulkas bore 'goblets o( the goodliest wine', while Measse went among the warriors in her house and 'revived the fainting with strong wine' (I. 78). An interesting detail in the second account of Turin's reception in Doriath, not found again, is that Melian played a part in the king's graciousness: for Melian moved him with murmured counsel. (580) From the feast at which Turin slew Orgof the songs of the sons of Ing of the first version (line 421) have now disappeared. The chronology of Turin's youth is slightly changed in the second version. In the first, as in the Tale (see p. 25), Turin spent seven years in Doriath while tidings still came from Morwen (line 333); this now becomes nine years (line 693), as in The Silmarillion (p. 199). Lastly, at line 812 a pencilled note against the name Taingwethil (Taniquetil) says 'English Tindbrenting'. This name is found in notes on the Old English forms of Elvish names (see p. 87), Tindbrenting pe pa Brega Taniquetil nemnad ('Tindbrenting which the Valar name Taniquetil'; Old English bregu 'king, lord, ruler' = 'Vala'). The name is perhaps to be derived from Old English tind 'projecting spike' (Modern English tine) and brenting (a derivative of brant 'steep, lofty'), here used in an unrecorded sense (brenting occurs only once in recorded Old English, in Beowulf, where it means 'ship'). * Verses associated with The Children of Hurin. There is a poem found in three manuscripts, all on 'Oxford' paper (see p. 81), in which my father developed elements in the passage lines 2082 - 2113 in The Children of Hurin to a short independent work. The first text has no title, and reads: The high summer waned to autumn, and western gales the leaves loosened from labouring boughs. The feet of the forest in fading gold and burnished brown were buried deeply; 5 a restless rustle down the roofless aisles sighed and whispered. The Silver Wherry, the sailing moon with slender mast was filled with fires as of furnace hot; its hold hoarded the heats of summer, 10 its shrouds were shaped of shining flame uprising ruddy o'er the rim of Evening by the misty wharves on the margin of the world. Then winter hastened and weathers hardened, and sleet and snow and slanting rain 15 from glowering heaven, grey and sunless, whistling whiplash whirled by tempest, the lands forlorn lashed and tortured: floods were loosened, the fallow waters sweeping seaward, swollen, angry, 20 filled with flotsam, foaming, turbid passed in tumult. The tempest failed: frost descended from the far mountains, steel-cold and still. Stony-glinting icehung evening was opened wide, 25 a dome of crystal over deep silence, the windless wastes, the woods standing frozen phantoms under flickering stars. Against deeply in line 5 is given thickly as an alternative reading, and against Wherry in line 7 is given vessel. The first 13 lines of this are almost identical to 2082 - 94 in the Lay, with only a few slight changes (mostly for the common purpose in my father's revisions of his alliterative verse of making the lines more taut). Then follow in lines 14 - 16 adaptations of 2102 - 4; 17 is a new line; 18 contains a part of 2119; 19 - 22a are based on 2106 - 9a; 22b) - 24 are new; and 25 - 8 are almost the same as 2110 - 13. The second version of the poem bears the title Storm over Narog, and is much developed. This version as written retained lines 14 - 15 from the first, but they were changed and expanded to three; and the third text, entitled Winter comes to Nargothrond, is a copy of the second with this alteration and one or two other very slight changes. I give the third text here. Winter comes to Nargothrond. The summer slowly in the sad forest waned and faded. In the west arose winds that wandered over warring seas. Leaves were loosened from labouring boughs: fallow-gold they fell, and the feet buried 5 of trees standing tall and naked, rustling restlessly down roofless aisles, shifting and drifting. The shining vessel of the sailing moon with slender mast, with shrouds shapen of shimmering flame, 10 uprose ruddy on the rim of Evening by the misty wharves on the margin of the world. With winding horns winter hunted in the weeping woods, wild and ruthless; sleet came slashing, and slanting hail 15 from glowering heaven grey and sunless, whistling whiplash whirled by tempest. The floods were freed and fallow waters sweeping seaward, swollen, angry, filled with flotsam, foaming, turbid, 20 passed in tumult. The tempest died. Frost descended from far mountains steel-cold and still. Stony-glinting icehung evening was opened wide, a dome of crystal over deep silence, 25 over windless wastes and woods standing as frozen phantoms under flickering stars. On the back of Winter comes to Nargothrond are written the follow- ing verses, which arose from lines 1554 - 70 of the Lay. The poem has no title. With the seething sea Sirion's waters, green streams gliding into grey furrows, murmurous mingle. There mews gather, seabirds assemble in solemn council, whitewinged hosts whining sadly 5 with countless voices in a country of sand: plains and mountains of pale yellow sifting softly in salt breezes, sere and sunbleached. At the sea's margin a shingle lies, long and shining 10 with pebbles like pearl or pale marble: when the foam of waves down the wind flieth in spray they sparkle; splashed at evening in the moon they glitter; moaning, grinding, in the dark they tumble; drawing and rolling, 15 when strongbreasted storm the streams driveth in a war of waters to the walls of land. When the Lord of Ocean his loud trumpets in the abyss bloweth to battle sounding, longhaired legions on lathered horses 20 with backs like whales, bridles spuming, charge there snorting, champing seaweed; hurled with thunder of a hundred drums they leap the bulwarks, burst the leaguer, through the sandmountains sweeping madly 25 up the river roaring roll in fury. The last three lines were later placed within brackets. It may be mentioned here that there exists a poem in rhyming couplets entitled The Children of Hurin. This extends only to 170 lines and breaks off abruptly, after a short prologue based on the opening of the later version of the alliterative Lay and an incomplete second section titled 'The Battle of Unnumbered Tears and Morgoth's Curse'. This poem comes however from a rather later period - approximately the time of the abandonment of the Lay of Leithian in the same metre, in the early 1930s, and I do not give it here.