Good Omens
Neil Gaiman and
Terry Pratchett
Compiled and edited, with Footnotes of an Educational Nature and Precepts for the Wise, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter
2. And bye the border of Dan, from rne the east side to the west side, a portion for Afher.[The Buggre Alle This Bible was also noteworthy for having twenty.. seven verses in the third chapter of Genesis, instead of the more usual twenty.. four.
3. And bye the border of Afher, fromme the east side even untoe the west side, a portion for Naphtali.
4. And bye the border of Naphtali from the east side untoe the west side, a portion for Manaff 'eh.
5. Buggre Alle this for a Larke 1 amme sick to mye Hart of typefettinge. Master Biltonn if no Gentelmann, and Master Scagges noe more than a tighte fisted Southwarke Knobbefticke. I telle you, onne a daye laike thif Ennywone withe half an oz of Sense shoulde bee oute in the Sunneshain, ane nott Stucke here alle the liuelong dale inn thif mowldey olde By.. Our.. Lady Workefhoppe.
6. And bye the border of Ephraim, from the east fide even untoe the west fide, a portion for Reuben.
"So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life,"and read:
25. And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying Where is the flaming sword which was given unto thee?It appears that these verses were inserted during the proof stage. In those days it was common practice for printers to hang proof sheets to the wooden beams outside their shops, for the edification of the populace and some free proofreading, and since the whole print run was subsequently burned anyway, no one bothered to take up this matter with the nice Mr. A. Ziraphale, who ran the bookshop two doors along and was always so helpful with the translations, and whose handwriting was instantly recognizable.]
26. And the Angel said, I had it here only a moment ago, I must have put it down some where, forget my own head next.
27. And the Lord did not ask him again.
Oh, the grand old Duke of York
He had Ten Thousand Men
He Marched them Up To The Top of The Hill
And Crushed all the nations of the world and brought them
under the rule of Satan our master.
This little piggy went to Hades
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy ate raw and steaming human flesh
This little piggy violated virgins
And this little piggy clambered over a heap of dead bodies to
get to the top.
The prophecies were numbered, and there were more than four thousand of them.The Nife and Accurate Prophefies of Agnes Nutter
In slightly smaller type:
Being a Certaine and Prefice Hiftory from
the Prefent Day Unto the Endinge of this World.
In slightly larger type:
Containing therein Many Diuerse Wonders and
precepts for the Wife
In a different type:
More complete than ever yet before publifhed
In smaller type but in capitals:
In slightly desperate italics:
And events of a Wonderful Nature
In larger type once more:
'Reminifent of Noftradamus at hif beft'
.. Ursula Shipton
3819: When Orient's | Japanese car? Upturned. |
chariot inverted be, four | Car smash ... not serious |
wheles in the skye, a man | injury?? |
with bruises be upon | ... take in ... |
Youre Bedde, achinge his | ... willowfine = Aspirin |
hedd for willow fine, a | (cf.3757 Pin = |
manne who testeth with a | witchfinder (cf. 102) Good |
pyn yette his hart be | witchfinder?? Refers to |
clene, yette seed of myne | Pulsifer (cf. 002) Search |
own undoing, take the | for matches, etc. In the |
means of flame from | 1990s! |
himme for to mayk ryght | ... hmm ... |
certain, together ye sharle | ... less than a day |
be, untyl the Ende that is | (cf. 712, 3803, 4004) |
to come. |
3988. Whene menne of | ... Crocus=saffron (cf.2003) |
crocus come frome the | |
Earth and green manne | ... Aliens ...?? |
frome thee Sky, yette ken | ... paratroops? |
not why, and Pluto's | ... nuclear power stations |
barres quitte the light- | (see cuttings Nos. 798806) |
ning castels, and sunken | |
landes riseth, and Levia- | ... Atlantis, cuttings 812819 |
than runneth free, and | |
Brazil is vert, then Three | ... leviathan=whale (cf.1981)? |
cometh together and | ... South America is green? ? |
Four arise, upon iron | 3=4? Railways? |
horses ride; I tell you the | ('iron road', cf.2675) |
ende draweth nigh. |
2315. Sum say It cometh | ... 4 years early [New |
in London Town, or New | Amsterdam till 1664] ... |
Yorke, butte they be | ... Taddville, Norfolk ... |
Wronge, for the plase is | ... Tardesfield, Devon ... |
Taddes Fild, Stronge inne | ... Tadfield, Oxon ... |
hys powr, he cometh like | ..!.. See Revelation, C6, v10 |
a knight inne the fief, he | |
divideth the Worlde into | |
4 partes, he bringeth the | |
storme. |
1111. An the Great | ? Is this something to do with |
Hound sharl coom, | Bismark? |
and the Two Powers sharl | [A F Device, June 8, 1888] |
watch in Vane, for it | |
Goeth where is its Mas | ... ? |
ter, Where they Wot | |
Notte, and he sharl name | Schleswig.. Holstein? |
it, True to Ittes Nature, | |
and Hell sharl flee it. |
3017. I see Four Riding, | The Apocalyptic Horsemen. |
bringing the Ende, and | the Man = Pan, The Devil |
the Angells of Hell ride | The Witch Trials of Lancashire, |
with them, And Three | Brewster, 1782).?? |
sharl Rise. And Four and | |
Four Together be Four, | I feel good Agnes had drunk |
an the Dark Angel sharl | well this night, |
Own Defeat, Yette the | [Quincy Device, Octbr. 15, 1789] |
Manne sharl claim his | I concur. We are all human, alas. |
Own. | [Miss O J Device, Janry. 5, 1854] |
3477. Lette the wheel of | ? Some mysticism here, one fears. |
Fate turne, let harts en- | [A F Device, Octbr 17, 1889] |
join, there are othere | |
fyres than mine; when the | |
wynd blowethe the blos | |
soms, reach oute one to | |
anothere, for the calm | |
cometh when Redde and | Peas/blossoms? [OFD, 1929, Sept 4] |
Whyte and Blacke and | |
Pale approche to Peas is | Revelations Ch 6 again, I presume. |
Our Professioune. | [Dr Thos. Device, 1835] |
In Shadwell's dream, he is floating high above a village green. In the center of the green is a huge pile of kindling wood and dry branches. In the center of the pile is a wooden stake. Men and women and children stand around on the grass, eyes bright, cheeks pink, expectant, excited.A crash of thunder.
A sudden commotion: ten men walk across the green, leading a handsome, middle.. aged woman; she must have been quite striking in her youth, and the word "vivacious" creeps into Shadwell's dreaming mind. In front of her walks Witchfinder Private Newton Pulsifer. No, it isn't Newt: The man is older, and dressed in black leather. Shadwell recognizes approvingly the ancient uniform of a Witchfinder Major.
The woman climbs onto the pyre, thrusts her hands behind her, and is tied to the stake. The pyre is lit. She speaks to the crowd, says something, but Shadwell is too high to hear what it is. The crowd gathers around her.
A witch, thinks Shadwell. They're burning a witch. It gives him a warm feeling. That was the right and proper way of things. That's how things were meant to be.
Only ...
She looks directly up at him now, and says "That goes for yowe as welle, yowe daft old foole."
Only she is going to die. She is going to burn to death. And, Shadwell realizes in his dream, it is a horrible way to die.
The flames lick higher.
And the woman looks up. She is staring straight at him, invisible though he is. And she is smiling.
And then it all goes boom.
3001. Behinde the Eagle's"Is that all?"
Neste a grate Ash hath fallen.
Adam looked around. He looked
down. His face took on an expression of
calculated innocence.
There was a moment of conflict.
But Adam was on his own ground.
Always, and ultimately, on his own ground.
He moved one hand
around in a blurred half
Late frost burns the bloomRestrain the body?
Would a fool not let the belt
... it would say. And,He sat staring at the wall until a knock at the door brought him back to earth.
The cherry blossom
Tumbles from the highest tree.
One needs more petrol ]
Giles Baddicombe"Yes?" he said politely. "And what can I do for you, Mr. Baddicombe?"
Robey, Robey, Redfearn and Bychance
13 Demdyke Chambers,