• CONTENTS Be The Island of Varos for Art o e GalleryBy Severna Park, illustration by Janet Chui Pa ph 2 June 2003 os Article o s Early in the Occupation when the Conqueros came, my mother painted her birds by Lo o Colum in secret. Materials were scarce so she resorted to the old technique of distilling color from the night air. Glass tubes ran from the single window in her studio to the rett ns filter jars in the middle of the floor, leaking droplets of yellow, red, and green. She a Ca o Fiction only had a bit of blue, since it was the hardest color to extract, even under a full ste moon. o Poetry en She painted on vellum, as it was more conducive to a lifelike appearance. Jays with o Revie gray-blue feathers, sparrows all dowdy brown, and magpies in black and white. 8 ws Jan When the paint was dry, they would pull themselves from the paper like damp uar hatchlings, then fly off into the dark. The creation of life was her act of rebellion o Archiv y while so much was being destroyed. es 20 I would stand transfixed and silent while she worked and she would pretend she 07 • ABOUT US didn't see me. When she was done she'd put away her brushes and smile. It o Staff "Remedios," she'd say, acting surprised but secretly pleased. "Have you been there sta all night?" rts o Guideli nes As a child I thought everything she did was magical. As a grown woman, I know I ag should have asked questions and learned more. ain o Contac . The news of the massacre came early one winter morning, six months after my t Th mother's death. That there had been a massacre was no surprise. The Conqueros e o Award destroyed us regularly, by families. You could tell who had fallen out of favor by ba s whose close relatives had been killed. This time, when they listed the names of the by dead, my cousin, Tortola, was one of them. be o Banner gin s Tortola had been a flighty, silly girl, no more dangerous than a flower. s • to SUPPORT I put on my clothes and went to see my Conquero soldier, Huitzle Pochtli. co US At the beginning of the Occupation, soldiers had been on the banks of every canal, ug o Donateon every market corner. Now they were quartered just outside the city, where, h an except for the killing, they kept to themselves. o Bookst d ore Huitzle was a commander and had his own house, built of metal and concrete. His ch pennants waved over the plain metal door and his guards. They recognized me and ok o Merch let me in, leering, the way they always did. There was no shame for them in e. andise consorting with the conquered, only shame for me. Lo • COMMUNIT Huitzle sat naked on the edge of the bed with a flower in one hand and money in ck Y the other. ed Do o Forum "Which would you like first?" he said. ors o Reader I sat next to him, wearing only my long fine hair. His bulk still amazed me after all by s' these months. Where my people were thin as wind, his were broad, thick with Ste Choice muscle, furry on the face and chest. I felt expressionless compared to him when we ph had sex. His grunts and shouts. My breathless silence. ani e He slid his hand up my leg but I stopped his hot fingers. "Something terrible