Known Space Chronological Ordering

Based on the timeline in Tales of Known Space (1975); updated by Richard S. Holmes. If your web browser can't handle tables, see an older version of this page.

This is a listing of all the Known Space fiction by Larry Niven I know of in what I believe to be correct chronological order. Estimated dates for (the start of) each story are given where possible. For a more detailed chronology of events in the Known Space universe, see Larry King's Known Space Chronology page. Larry's page is based on a chronology by I. Marc Carlson supplemented with other information. (Note that there are some minor diasagreements on dates between Larry's page and mine.)

I have not included the non-Niven Known Space stories in the Man-Kzin Wars books, most of which I haven't read. Spike R. MacPhee had a chronological ordering, with a few specific dates, in his Man-Kzin Wars page, but that seems to have gone the Way of All Pages. Larry King's page also includes entries based on the Man-Kzin War stories.

"Down in Flames" is not included here for a couple of reasons; (1) it was never completed -- what has been published (in N-Space) is an outline for a proposed novel; and (2) it was written before Ringworld and is badly inconsistent with many of the later stories.

I also have not made use of the Ringworld game or the book Larry Niven's Guide to Known Space or whatever it was called, since I don't have either.

I've found it easiest to treat Protector as two stories, "The Adults" (the first part, which was first published separately under that name) and "Vandervecken".

Up to three dates are given for each story:

Dates are for the start of each story, with the obvious exception of World of Ptaavs. (Date given for The Ringworld Throne is for the start of the main action, exclusive of the prologue).

Stories are listed along with the title of a book in which the story is collected; not necessarily the only such book, nor the first nor latest. Titles are abbreviated:

Anything without such an abbreviation listed is a novel.
TOKS dateExplicit dateBest dateTitleCollection
1975 - 2000 ====================

"The Coldest Place" [TOKS]

"Becalmed in Hell" [TOKS]

1989 1989 "Wait It Out" [TOKS]

"Eye of an Octopus" [TOKS]
2001 - 2100 ====================
<2025 "How the Heroes Die" [TOKS]
>2082 "The Jigsaw Man" [TOKS]
2101 - 2200 ====================
2108 World of Ptaavs

2112 2112 "At the Bottom of a Hole" [TOKS]

2113 "Intent to Deceive" [TOKS]

2123 2121* "Death by Ecstasy" [FL]

2125 2123* "The Defenseless Dead" [FL]

2124 2124* "ARM" [FL]

2125 "The Adults" [Protector, 1st half] [P]

2125* "Patchwork Girl" [FL]

2127* "The Woman in Del Rey Crater" [FL]

"Cloak of Anarchy" [TOKS]
2201 - 2300 ====================
2301 - 2400 ====================
2340 2341 2341 "Vandervecken" [Protector, second half] [P]
* A Gift from Earth
* "The Ethics of Madness" [NS]
c. 2350* "The Warriors" [TOKS]
2425 2514 c. 2370* "Madness Has Its Place" [N-SP]
2401 - 2500 ====================
2501 - 2600 ====================
2601 - 2700 ====================
2640 * "Neutron Star" [CL]

"A Relic of the Empire" [NS]

2644 "At the Core" [CL]

2644 * "Flatlander" [CL]

<2656 "The Handicapped" [NS]

2648 "Grendel" [CL]

2650 * "The Borderland of Sol" [CL]

2655 * "Procrustes" [CL]

2656 "Ghost" [CL]

2656 "The Soft Weapon" [NS]
2701 - 2800 ====================
2801 - 2900 ====================
2830 2830 2830 "There is a Tide" [TOKS]
2850 Ringworld

2872 * The Ringworld Engineers

2892 2892 The Ringworld Throne
2901 - 3000 ====================
3001 - 3100 ====================
3101 - 3200 ====================

>3100 "Safe at Any Speed" [TOKS]


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