CADMIAN'S CHOICE The Fifth Book of the Corean Chronicles L. E. Modesitt, Jr. TOR A TOM DOHERTY ASSOCIATES BOOK NEW YORK NOTE: If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and deÂ-stroyed" to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book." This is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. CADMIAN'S CHOICE: THE FIFTH BOOK OF THE COREAN CHRONICLES Copyright © 2006 by L. E. Modesitt, Jr. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or porÂ-tions thereof, in any form. Edited by David G. Hartwell A Tor Book Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010 Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC. ISBN-13: 978-0-7653-5467-9 ISBN-10: 0-7653-5467-5 First Edition: April 2006 First Mass Market Edition: June 2007 Printed in the United States of America 0987654321 For Carol Ann ALECTORS OF ACORUS Khelaryt Duarch of Elcien Zelyert High Alector of Justice Chembryt High Alector of Finance Alseryl High Alector of Transport Samist Duarch of Ludar Ruvryn High Alector of Engineering Jaloryt High Alector of Trade Zuthyl High Alector of Education Brekylt High Alector of the East [Alustre] Asulet Senior Alectorâ"Lyterna Paeylt Senior Engineerâ"Lyterna Shastylt Marshal of Myrmidons Dainyl Submarshal of Myrmidonsâ"West [Elcien] Alcyna Submarshal of Myrmidonsâ"East [Alustre] Dhenyr Colonel of Myrmidonsâ"Operations [Elcien] Noryan Majer of Myrmidons, deputy to Alcyna Table Cities [Recorders of Deeds] Elcien [Chastyl] Ludar [Puleryt] Alustre [Zorater] Dereka [Jonyst] Lysia [Sulerya] Lytera [Myenfel] Tempre [Patronyl] Hyalt [Rhelyn] Soupat [Nomyelt] Dulka [Deturyl] Norda [Kasyst] Prosp [Noryst] Blackstear [Delari] Faitel [Techyl] The young choose once, choose twice, even thrice, and never ever seek or ask advice. The older wiser landers ask a friend, someone wise, but never seem to do as he'd advise. So choose as if an unwise choice would kill, because, when one expects it least, it will. 1 Mykel leaned forward on the ancient chair In the officers' mess, finishing rubbery egg toast a good glass before morning muster, thinking about how much more training his battalion needed, and debating whether he should extend the mounted unit maneuvers practice another week. Another ten days might help, if he canceled end-day passes. He shook his head. That would be too hard on both mounts and morale. He'd known that rebuilding Third BatÂ-talion would be difficult and take time, but he had his doubts about whether he'd be allowed that time. Captain Vield walked through the doors to the mess and straight toward Mykel. Mykel offered a pleasant smile, although he distrusted the purposeful stride of the captain, not personally, but because Vield was the colonel's adjutant. The captain's aura was a golden brown that suggested a background in the Lanachronan fanning district. Mykel silently warned himself, far from the first time, not to comment on what the aura revealed. He kept reminding himself because his growing sense of the depth of life and its ties to the land was so new, and he had yet to get adjusted to itâ"or to know truly its extent. He'd always had an extraordinarily good sense of aim with a rifle, but the seeing of auras was all too recent. From what he'd overheard, that sort of talÂ-ent was something like what the alectors were supposed to have, and the last thing he needed was to have an alec-tor examining his abilities, not that anyone had ever suggested that. Still... he had the feeling that concealing the ability was for the best, especially where alectors were concerned. "Majer, sir?" "Yes, Captain?" "Colonel Herolt would like a moment of your time beÂ-fore muster, sir. At your earliest convenience." "I was just finishing, Captain." Mykel stood, glancing around the mess. The plastered walls had once been white, but time and decades of food preparation had turned them a light beige. Even the yearly whitewash succumbed to the underlying beige within a few weeks. The only officer in the mess from Third Battalion was Captain Culeyt, and he was eating with one of his former comradesâ"an undercaptain from Fourth Battalion. Rhystan had not eaten yet, nor had any of Mykel's undercaptains. Mykel could sense Vield's eyes following him as he left the mess. Since the campaign in Dramur, Mykel had been far more aware of others' feelings about himâ"or their scrutinyâ"as a result of the life-sensing that was a complement to his vision and not restricted to where his eyes focused. He crossed the stone-paved courtyard in the light before dawn, making his way to the regimental headquarters building. The outer anteroom was empty, and the door to the colÂ-onel's study was ajar. "Majer Mykel, come on in. Close the door behind you." Colonel Herolt did not rise when Mykel stepped into the study, but merely gestured for him to take a seat. "How are you this morning? How are you coming with getting Third Battalion back into shape?" "We're working at it, sir." "I've noticed." Herolt paused. "I'd like to give you more time, but we don't have it." His eyes fixed on Mykel. "We've received two sets of orders from MyrmiÂ-don headquarters." "Yes, sir." Mykel smiled politely, waiting. From the earlier conversation with the colonel when Mykel had been given command of the Third Battalion, Mykel knew that whatever mission was assigned to Third Battalion would be difficult. "Fourth Battalion will be going to Iron Stem to mainÂ-tain order there after all the difficulties. I had thought about sending you and Third Battalion, but the other reÂ-quirement seems particularly suited to your capabilities, Majer. Second Battalion is returning from the grasslands, and reports permanent casualties over thirty percent. Fifth Battalion is still operating out of Northport, and Sixth Battalion is finishing up the relocation of the Squawts from norm of the Vedra. That doesn't leave meâ"or youâ"much choice." Mykel nodded, waiting. A year earlier, he would have asked for details immediately and inquired about the high casualties taken by Second Battalion. One thing he had learned was that such inquiries would not be answered, and would only irritate the colonel. "Majer Hersiod and I will be briefed by the Marshal of Myrmidons tomorrow about Iron Stem. It's a more delicate ... situation." "Yes, sir." Mykel understood. He didn't like what Herolt was suggestingâ"that Mykel was lacking in finesse and just about everything besides battlefield and anti-insurgent tacticsâ"but there was little enough he could or should say. Herolt smiled again. "There are armed groups in the south similar to the Reillies, and they have been causing trouble in the hills west of Hyalt." Hyalt? That was about as far as one could get from anywhere, even more isolated in some ways than Dramur, Mykel reflected. "The leader and the worst of the troublemakers were handled by a Myrmidon squad several weeks ago, but the others have gone to ground and scattered throughout the region. This is similar to what you encountered in DraÂ-mur, but on a smaller scale. You should be able to handle it, while completing your retraining and rebuilding Third Battalion." "Do we have any information on the troublemakers, sir?" "Very little. The High Alector of Justice believes that stronger local control is necessary in the area, and part of your deployment will require that you facilitate the rebuildÂ-ing of a local Cadmian garrison there. There was only a small local garrison there. It was scarcely more than a pa-troller outpost, and the rebel elements wiped them out. "Third Battalion will take a transport ship to Southgate first. There you will oversee the remainder of the training of two companies going to Hyalt. They're locally reÂ-cruited Cadmians. The officers and squad leaders will come from the contingent in Southgate, but you will be in charge, Majer. You will continue training them on the ride to Hyalt. You're expected to arrive there around the first week of summer. While you are pacifying the rebels, you will supervise the rebuilding of the garrison in a larger and more permanent locale and install the local Cadmian cadre there. You're to have Third Battalion ready to ride out a week from Octdi. You'll embark from the Elcien pier...." Mykel listened as the colonel went on to outline the schedule and the details of the embarkation plan. "... and now you know what I do, Majer." Herolt stopped and looked at Mykel. "Do we know to what degree the locals supported the rebels?" "The local merchants and crafters were the ones who reported the rebel activity and who requested assistance in establishing a large local patrol force. The High Alec-tor was reluctant to create a large locally controlled peacekeeping force, and that's why a local Cadmian garÂ-rison will be established." Mykel kept an attentive expression in place, walling away his consternation. The ride from Southgate to Hyalt would take between two and three weeks. Spring had beÂ-gun two weeks earlier, and that meant he would have less than a month to work with the new Cadmians before they began the ride to Hyaltâ"and that was if Third Battalion embarked on the Duarches' transport within the week. Hyalt didn't sound that different from Dramur, except that he wouldn't have to deal with a prison mine and inÂ-dependent local seltyrs. But then, he suspected there would be something else. There always was. As the most junior battalion commander, he had known that he would get the least-agreeable deployÂ-ments and duties, but more than half the rankers in Third Battalion were little more than recruits themÂ-selves, and three of his company commanders were juÂ-nior undercaptains. "I did mention the sort of duties that would fall to Third Battalion, Majer, did I not?" "Yes, sir." "Do you have any other questions?" That was a perfunctory question, Mykel knew, because the colonel had already indicated that he had provided all he knewâ"or would say. Still... "If you obtain any addiÂ-tional information or briefing materials, sir, I would very much appreciate being able to study them." "Anything we get, Majer, you'll certainly see." Herolt smiled and stood. "I'm expecting Majer Hersiod, to tell him about his assignment to Iron Stem." With a nod, Mykel slipped out of the colonel's study and made his way to the north wing of the building and his own, far smaller study. He did not see Hersiod, and that was probably for the best. He also hadn't liked the alÂ-most casual way that the colonel had dismissed the high casualties inflicted on Second Battalion, although the grassland nomad brigands were reported to be far better horsemen than the mounted rifles. In the past, from what he recalled, the Myrmidons had dealt with them, but it was clear that had changed, and he doubted he would find out why any time soon, because Third Battalion would have left Elcien before Second Battalion returned and the colonel wasn't about to answer questions from Mykel that didn't pertain to Third Battalion. Not for the first time, Mykel wished that he had access to one of the ruÂ-mored Tables of the alectors, the ones that were supposed to show what happened anywhere on Corns. While he waited for his officers, Mykel unrolled the maps until he found the one that showed the southwestern areas of Coras, from Southgate to Soupat and north to Krost and the west to Hafin. After unrolling the map and seÂ-curing the corners with lead map weights, he took out the calipers and measured the distance from Southgate to Zalt and then north to Tempre and back south to Hyalt. Six hunÂ-dred twenty vingts, roughly, or more than two long weeks, at least twenty days on the road. Given that, he could underÂ-stand the need for a larger permanent garrison in Hyalt, but he had to wonder why one had not been established earlier. As always, Rhystan was the first to arrive. "Good morning, sir." Rhystan's deference had conÂ-cerned Mykel at first when he had first taken command of Third Battalion. Rhystan had been senior to him when they had both been captains, but Mykel hadn't been about to argue when the Marshal of Myrmidons and the High Alector of Justice had promoted him to majer over RhysÂ-tan. The senior captain in Third Battalion, Rhystan comÂ-manded Sixteenth Company. "Good morning." Mykel gestured to the center chair across the desk. "Swerkyl said that the colonel received a dispatch early this morningâ"well before breakfast, delivered by pteridon." "You know things before I do." Mykel laughed easily. "Did Swerkyl know what was in it?" "He never does. He just assumes the worst." A wry smile appeared on Rhystan's thin lips, then vanished. "How bad is it?" "We had two choicesâ"either go and do patrol duty in Iron Stem ..." Mykel paused. "... or what we got, and that's another bunch of rebels in the hills, this time in Hyalt." "From what I heard from Clensdyf about the Iron ValÂ-leys, the colonel was kind." "Fourth Battalion is going to Iron Stem." Mykel stopped and gestured for Culeyt to enter the study. Be- hind him were the three undercaptains. He waited until all five officers in their maroon-and-gray uniforms were seated in the small study that had once been Majer Va-clyn's and was now assigned to him. In the center was Rhystan. To his right was Culeyt, who had been recently promoted from undercaptain and transferred from Fourth Battalion to take over Fourteenth Company. Loryalt, Fab-rytal, and Dyarth were all undercaptains. Fabrytal was the most junior, a former senior squad leader from Fourth Battalion, but he was commanding Fifteenth Company, Mykel's former command and the only company besides Sixteenth Company that had come out of the Dramurian campaign largely intact. Fourteenth Company had been left with a core of some forty seasoned rankers, but ThirÂ-teenth and Seventeenth Companies had been effectively wiped out, necessitating their re-formation with a majorÂ-ity of recruits and only a handful of experienced rankers pulled from elsewhere in the regiment. Mykel waited for a moment. "First off, I'm changing the drills for the next week. We'll be moving out to the broken-ground training area from now on. We'll be workÂ-ing on tactics against irregulars." The red-haired Loryalt raised his eyebrows, but did not speak. Rhystan saw the expression, and the faintest smile crossed his thin lips. "I can see you have a question, Loryalt," Mykel obÂ-served. "Ah... no, sir." Mykel laughed. So did Rhystan. "You're wondering why we're moving onto broken-terrain training when Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and SevenÂ-teenth Companies still are not up to standards in field drills." Mykel's words were an exceedingly charitable asÂ-sessment of the three companies, mainly troopers barely more than recruits with squad leaders who had mostly been rankers promoted earlier than what would have been normal. "First, the break will do your men good. Second, we've gotten orders." "So soon?" murmured Fabrytal almost inaudibly. "The Myrmidons smashed some rebels in Hyalt, but not all of them. We're being sent to finish the job. That includes training some local Cadmians in Southgate and on the ride from there to Hyalt. They'll be manning a new garrison in Hyalt, and in addition to running down the remaining rebels, we get to supervise building the garrison and setting up the local structure there." Mykel shook his head. "I know. They're calling it a local garrison, but they're taking recruits from Southgate. Officers and squad leaders, too." 'The hardasses, probably," suggested Rhystan. "Almost certainly," Mykel agreed. "The colonel emÂ-phasized that Third Battalion was in charge." "When do we leave, sir?" asked Culeyt. "A week from Octdi, from Elcien...." Mykel went on to explain the schedule. As he did, he could only hope that he and his captains could make the next two weeks as effective as possible in improving the readiness and skills of Third Battalion. 2 Submarshal Dainyl looked out through the window of his study, out across the front courtyard of Myrmidon headquarters in Elcien. For a Londi, the first day of the week, the weather had been less than promisÂ-ing all day, and by midafternoon a light and cold spring rain fell from low gray clouds. His right arm and left leg still ached slightly, a reminder that they had not healed fully. Through Talent, both his and Lystrana's, in another few days he would be close to being completely healed, but he was not going to be staying in Elcien so long as he would have preferred. The rain continued to fall heavily enough that he could not see beyond the walls of the compound to the towers that flanked the Palace of the Duarch to the east. When he'd been a colonel and the operations chief, he'd had a study with a view of the rear courtyard, and the flight stage where he'd been able to see the pteridons take off and land. He still missed being a flying officer. He supÂ-posed he always would. His eyes dropped to the stack of reports on the polished wood of the table desk before him. Colonel Dhenyr had brought them in less than half a glass before, just when Dainyl had thought he'd managed to get current on everyÂ-thing. He slowly picked up the top report and began to read. He needed to get through the stack, because he would be leaving on Tridi morning on his trip to Alustre. That gave him just two days to catch up on everything. The topmost quintal report was from Captain Fhentyl, the commanding officer of the Myrmidon Fifth Company in Dereka. Dainyl hurried through the text, looking to see if any more skylances had vanished, but Fhentyl's report stated that all weapons and equipment were present and in working order. Dainyl nodded. The last thing he wanted to discover was that more skylancesâ"or pteridonsâ"had vanished. For the moment, at least, the ancients remained quiet. How long they would remain inactive was another question. He set aside the Fifth Company report and lifted the next oneâ"Sixth Company at Lyterna. All was satisfacÂ-tory there as well. As he set that report atop the Fifth Company report, a tall figure appeared in his study doorwayâ"Marshal Shastylt. "Dainyl... if you would join me in my study." The marshal was a typical alector in general appearance, somewhat over two and a half yards in height, with shimÂ-mering jet black hair, deep-set violet eyes that domiÂ-nated, a strong nose, and an alabaster complexion. "Yes, sir." Dainyl set aside the report and rose, following his superior officer out of the study and down the corridor to the end. He did close the study door behind him after he entered. Shastylt always preferred complete privacy when addressing his subordinates. Dainyl had learned that quickly years earlier when he had been promoted from command of First Company to the head of operations. As usual, Marshal Shastylt studied Dainyl as he enÂ-tered Shastylt's spaces. The marshal's violet eyes were unblinking, his alabaster face smooth and pleasant, and a faint smile played over his lips. He seated himself and gestured for Dainyl to take one of the chairs across the table desk from him. "Are you ready to go to Alustre on Tridi? The Highest asked about that this morning." "Yes, sir." Dainyl kept his Talent shields tight and high, as he always did with the marshal and the High Alector of Justice. Once he had returned from resolving the rebelÂ-lion in Dramur, he had hoped for more than a few weeks with Lystrana before heading to Alustre, since he and his wife had had little time together over much of the last year. Yet he knew that spring was the best time for him to be away from headquarters, since the indigens and lanÂ-ders usually were more occupied with their own affairs, especially those in the outlying regions where trouble seemed to brew. "After Alustre, I'll visit a few other eastÂ-ern areas, unannounced, as we discussed. While I'm mere, is there anything else you'd like me to look into?" "No. Don't spend too much time in the other cities, AlusÂ-tre is most important. Tyanylt had planned to visit Alustre before his untimely death and the ... difficulties in Iron Stem and Dramur. High Alector Zelyert has always been concerned that those in Alustre might develop a different inÂ-terpretation of the plans of the Archon for Acorus. UnfortuÂ-nately, the Recorders of Deeds can only use the Tables to view landers and indigens or physical events. Periodic visits to alectors and frequent personal communications remain one of the few reliable keys to assuring that all alectors are working toward the same goal in the same fashion." The skills of the Recorders had only been revealed to Dainyl after he had become a submarshal, and he was just as glad they were unable to view alectorsâ"or he had been until he had discovered some very real disadvanÂ-tages for him personally. He nodded. "I remain conÂ-cerned about the losses of pteridonsâ"and about the loss of the Cadmian company on its relocation from Scien. Isolated losses of pteridons in high and cold areas where the ancients still have their portalsâ"" "We don't know that those are portals, Submarshal, not for certain." "No, sir." Dainyl offered an agreeable smile. He wasn't about to reveal the extent of his Talent, not after years of keeping that hidden. "But I did observe the cave with the stone mirror in Dramur from a pteridon, and upon two occasions, there was an ancient present. When I landed, no one was there. There was no exit from the cave, and the mirror was placed where it would have been difficult if not impossible to climb down, and especially without being observed." "They might have other abilities." "That is certainly possible, sir. But when in doubt, I tend to follow the Views of the Highest." "Ah, yes. Well... I will be spending much of the next few days with the High Alector and possibly the Duarches. Because I may not be here immediately beÂ-fore you depart, convey my best wishes to Submarshal Alcyna, and, should you see him, to High Alector Brekylt." "He's been the Highest of the East for as long as I can recall." "Twenty-some years. It may be time for a change, but that is the decision of the Archon and the Duarches. He is one of the oldest alectors outside of Lyterna." "He must know a great deal." Dainyl briefly thought about asking, Just as Submarshal Tyanylt was? But the question would have served no purpose except to reveal that Dainyl knew more than Shastylt thought he did, parÂ-ticularly about the circumstances of Tyanylt's death ... and Dainyl was well aware that Shastylt already harbored suspicions about Dainyl. "That he does. He is cautious, and he and Submarshal Alcyna have worked closely together over the past ten years." That was all Shastylt really had to say to confirm what Dainyl suspectedâ"and why he was being sent to Alustre so soon after having been promoted to submarshal. "Did High Alector Brekylt ever serve as a Myrmidon?" Shastylt laughed. "That was not one of his qualifications. He was the High Alector of Trade in Ludar. His predecessor suggested that the Duarchy in Ludar be moved to Alustre, but nothing came of that after Viorynt's Table accident, and Brekylt was appointed the High Alector of the East." "I remember something about that." Dainyl recalled that the Highest of the East had suffered a fatal translaÂ-tion mishap using a Table to return to Elcien. That had occurred years ago, when Dainyl had been a junior capÂ-tain in Lysia. With what Shastylt had just revealed, Dainyl doubted that the "mishap" had been coincidental in the slightest degree. "I can see why you feel communiÂ-cations with Alustre are most important." "I thought you might once I mentioned the history." Shastylt's tone was dry. "Distance and time have a way of blurring matters." "Does Alcyna have a husband? I don't recall anything about that." "No. She has always steered clear of obvious personal commitments." And that was doubtless how she had become a submarÂ-shal, reflected Dainyl, before he went on. But then, Shastylt had separated from his wife years before, long before she had removed herself to Sinjin, and the marshal had followed that same pattern of avoiding deep personal commitments. "I've met Captain Josaryk before," Dainyl said. "He seems straightforward enough. What about Majer No-ryan? Is there anything I should know about him?" "He's been in command of Third Company for almost five years. He was transferred from Seventh Company in Dulka something like seven years ago. Alcyna promoted him to majer three years ago, insisting that his value merÂ-ited that." "You had some concerns about that, sir?" "I did discuss it with the High Alector of Justice, but we decided that Alcyna had a valid point, although no one really knew much about Noryan." Shastylt's increasingly drier tone suggested to Dainyl that the decision had not been the marshal's, but that of the High Alector. Abruptly, the marshal stood. "It's getting late, and the High Alector is expecting me to join him to brief the Duarch on the situation in Hyalt." "You don't think we'll need to send a squad of MyrmiÂ-dons back down there?" Dainyl rose quickly. "I think the Cadmians will be sufficient." Shastylt shrugged. "If not, we can have a squad there in less than two days." He smiled. "I probably won't see you much in the next few days. I wish you well in preparing to visit Alustre." "Yes, sir." Dainyl returned the smile, then turned and left the marshal's study. Although he'd already briefed Colonel Dhenyr on what the operations chief would be covering for him, Dainyl still had another six quintal reports to read before he felt he could leave headquarters for the day. He was still struggling to get matters in order before he left, and wondering if two days would be enough. 3 Dainyl sat in the dim warmth of the corner of the sitting room on the main floor of the house, his half-sipped brandy on the side table that separated him from Lystrana. He shifted his weight, then settled back into the large upholstered chair that would have swalÂ-lowed even die tallest of landers. Once die serving girls had left for flieir quarters after cleaning up die evening meal, Lystrana had blown out die wall lamps. The green carpet looked more like dark gray, even to die night-sight of an alector. He glanced at his wife. In die dimness, die alabaster skin of her face shone below the shimmering black hair diat was the mark of all alectorsâ"except die truly anÂ-cient ones. Lystrana smiled, warmly, but faintly. "You're worried about going to Alustre tomorrow." "Wouldn't you be?" Dainyl laughed softly. "We've lost six pteridons in less dian two seasons. Witii only eight companies of Myrmidons, that's a concern, espeÂ-cially if the ancients are planning somediing. All but two have been lost east of the Spine of Corns, and that's unÂ-der Alcyna's jurisdiction. Do you diink she and Brekylt will be pleased to see me, especially under diose condiÂ-tions?" "You've never met her, have you?" "The last time I was in Alustre was somediing like diirty years ago as a captain. She was a senior majer, and not interested in a former ranker who would never be more man a captain." Lystrana laughed. "She'll have to talk to you now. You're her superior." "Technically, we're equals." He reached out and lifted die goblet, inhaling the aroma of the Syan Amber before taking a small sip and savoring it. "You've been designated as Shastylt's successor." "That can always change. Tyanylt was his successor." Dainyl did not have to emphasize the irony of his words. "They won't replace you immediately. They need you as an example." "Ah, yes, die alector who rose tiirough the ranks. I could almost do wiuiout that, except mat you're right. It would look untoward if anydiing happened to me imme- diately, unless, of course, it could be attributed to Alcyna and Brekylt." "You think that Zelyert and Shastylt worry about Brekylt attempting to replace them?" asked Lystrana softly. "They're worried, and because Zelyert's recorder can't tell what alectors are doing, I'm their stalking pteridon." "No recorder can use a Table to view Talent, except an alector standing before a Table and using it. I certainly wouldn't want them using one to watch us." Lystrana gave a mock shudder. "For all that," Dainyl went on, "I'm not certain that it's just that they think Alcyna and Brekylt want to replace or remove them." "What other reason could there be?" "What if they don't want the Master Scepter to be transferred to Acorus? And Brekylt does? Or has proof that's what they intend?" "You don't believe that... ?" "I don't know, but I should have considered the possiÂ-bility sooner. Zelyert has stressed the fragility of the ecology here and the slowness of lifeforce growth. He's truly concerned about that, for whatever reasons he may have, and he's hinted that lifeforce growth on Efra has been far easier and more productive man here on Acorus. He and the marshal disagreed with Tyanylt, and when I met with the Duarch, he said that Shastylt and Zelyert did not see everything, although they thought they did. Khe-laryt also said that there was great danger in not transferÂ-ring the Master Scepter here, because those who controlled Efra were even more calculating than those who claimed to serve him." "If what Khelaryt says is true, that is a frightening prospect." "I don't think the Duarch was mistaken about any of that, even if he is shadowmatched to the needs of the Archon. I think he struggles against the shadowmatch conditioning." "Anyone with Talent so great could not help but do so, yet the Duarches have such power that some restraint is necessary." Lystrana sipped from her goblet. "There are so many currents beneath everything, and I fear they are strengthening." "Can you tell me how? Or why?" Dainyl looked through the darkness at his wife, an alectress perhaps more powerful than he was by virtue of her position as the chief assistant to the High Alector of Finance in Elcien. â­ "We've talked about it, dearest, over and over. Life-force on Ifryn is fading rapidly. There are fewer alectors on each world than the last, and yet the lifeforce needs are higher. I've heard rumors that more senior alectors are trying the long translation from Ifryn. My highest has reÂ-ported that several wild translations have translated into Table chambers across Coras." "What does a wild translation look like?" "Anything ... half alector, half sandox, or part pteri-don. Those are the commonest ones. The worse appear away from the Tables, anywhere on the world, and then vanish within a glass, their lifeforce spent. Those who alÂ-most make the translation appear in a Table chamber, in some monstrous form or another. They seem to be drawn by someone using the Table to travel or communicate." "Now you tell me." He paused. "Is that why some translations fail? What about the wild translations?" "That's one reason. Some of the creaturesâ"they're creatures even if they were once like usâ"survive, and some do not, but those that do must be killed as well, beÂ-cause they have great strength and little intelligence." Dainyl shook his head. "The more I learn, the more I fear." "With each new world we transform, as Asulet told you, we lose more knowledge and technology. Here on Acorus, no one realized that the ancients still survivedâ"" "I wonder about that," mused Dainyl. "I know Asulet is one of the oldest, and he's close to the Duarch of Lyterna, if Lyterna had a Duarch, but he never said that. In fact, he's hinted that everyone knew there were still ancients. Now ... they might have died out had we not worked to increase and improve the life-forms." "You think the Archon and his advisors miscalculated?" "Alectors must never miscalculate, according to the Views of the Highest. What is it?" Dainyl frowned, trying to recall the passage. "Ah, yes, we must see the universe as it is, not as we would have it be, and we certainly should not follow the irrational path of calculating based on what we wish an outcome to be." "You're being cynical." "A little. But Asulet was very clear in pointing out how many hundreds died establishing Lyterna. Could it not be that there weren't enough alectors with knowledge and not enough lifeforce to find and force an entry to another world? Wide as the universe is, worlds that will support us are few." "So they avoided the ancients, calculating that they would die off in time?" "That's my feeling, and that calculation was based on wistful thinking ... or the irrational as declared in the Views of the Highest." Dainyl finished the last of the brandy and set the goblet on the side table. "Now that we've warmed Acorus and life-form mass and lifeforce are increasing once more, the ancients are recovering as well." "There's not enough lifeforce for us both, is there?" "You would know that far better than I, dear one," Dainyl demurred. "Not if we must take another thousand alectors in translation from Ifryn in the next few years. Those are the numbers set forth by the Archon." Neither mentioned that those thousand Ifrits would be the survivorsâ"and that more than two thousand would perish attempting the long trip through the world translaÂ-tion tubes. Nor did they discuss the thousands of Ifrits who would never have the opportunity even to attempt the arduous Talent-journey from Ifryn to Acorus. Dainyl shook his head. "What is it?" "I don't know exactly what Shastylt has in mind, and whether he's hoping Alcyna will find a way for me to sufÂ-fer an accident, or for me to force her and Brekylt into unwise actions. I have no certainty about what Shastylt and Zelyert are planning, or whether they're right or the Duarch is. I have no idea whether the ancients are preparÂ-ing for some sort of attack, where it might Occur, and how it might take placeâ"only that they have the ability to deÂ-stroy weapons and creatures I grew up believing were inÂ-vincible ... and yet I'm supposed to project absolute certainty and confidence?" "Isn't that what shows leadership?" Lystrana asked with a soft laugh. She rose from her chair and extended a hand in invitation. Hand in hand, they went up the stairs to their bedchamÂ-ber. Later, as he lay beside the sleeping Lystrana in the darkness, he could sense, ever more strongly, the lifeforce of their daughter within Lystrana. Were all unborn chilÂ-dren so strong in potential Talent? Or was he sensing what he hoped, rather than what was? What did the future hold for Kytrana? Or was that, as well, all too dependent upon what he did in the seasons and years ahead? He looked up through the darkness at the ceiling overhead. 4 Dainyl supposed he could have requested the duty coach to take him from the house to the Hall of JusÂ-tice where he would begin his translation to Alustre, but he felt that was an abuse of position. Every morning Dainyl was in Elcien, a hacker named Barodynâ"an indigen, of courseâ"drove Dainyl to Myrmidon headquarters. Lystrana had calculated that the three coppers each way were far cheaper than having a personal carriage, what with the staÂ-ble and horse and driver that would have been required. When Dainyl stepped through the gates of the front courtyard on Quattri morning, two glasses earlier than usual, in the gray of dawn, he wore the traveling uniform of a Myrmidon officerâ"a blue flying jacket over a shim-mercloth tunic of brilliant blue, both above dark gray trousers, with a heavy dark gray belt that held his lightcut-ter sidearm. His collar bore the single stars of a submar-shal. He carried a set of saddlebags that held a spare uniform and personal toiletries. The morning sun had not yet climbed barely above the dwellings to the east, and possibly not even above the waÂ-ters of the back bay separating the isle from the mainland, when the hacker reached back from his seat and opened the carriage door. "Good morning, Submarshal, sir." "Good morning, Barodyn." Dainyl climbed into the coach and closed the door, settling onto the hard seat as the hacker eased the coach away from the mounting block. The driver guided the coach through two turns and headed west on the boulevard, bordered by the public gardens of the Duarch. The main boulevard extended from east to west, down the middle of the isle from the bridge in die east to the gates at the Myrmidon compound at the west end of the isle. As always, Dainyl spent a moment taking in the garÂ-dens, although they looked bleak in the early spring, deÂ-spite the precisely trimmed hedges and stone paths. The fountains flowed, but the topiary that included a lifelike pteridon, a rearing horse, and a long hedge sculpted into the likeness of two sandoxen and a set of transport coaches looked more like a framework of sticks. There was only a hint of the greenery that would fill out the imÂ-ages when the warmer days of late spring finally arrived. Ahead to his left was the Palace of the Duarch, south of the boulevard. Flanking the palace were two towersâ" pointed green cylinders that almost melded with the silver-green sky to the west. Across the boulevard from the palace and the towers was the Hall of Justice, whose golden eternastone glowed even before the morning light struck it. Dainyl nodded solemnly. He might have smiled had he not been worried about the journey ahead. For him, Table travel was too new to be taken casually, especially not when Table "accidents" had been known to happen to those out of favor with the most powerful of the High Alectors. Still, he reflected, as he often did, that Elcien was inÂ-deed a marvel, built on an island of solid stone. The' stone-walled shops with their perfect tile roofs were set around market squares that held everything produced on Acorus. Vessels from across the world disgorged their goods from the wharves and docks on the southern shore into endless warehouses. The hacker eased the coach to a halt. "Submarshal, sir?" After he stepped out, Dainyl extended two coppers, plus an extra copper, although the trip was only half the distance of his normal morning ride. "Thank you, sir." As the first rays of the morning sun struck his back, carrying his gear, Dainyl marched up the wide golden marble steps of the Hall of Justice toward the goldenstone pillars that marked the outer rim of the receiving rotunda. Above the architrave connecting the pillarsâ"thirty yards above the polished stone pavementâ"was a frieze depictÂ-ing the aspects of justice conveyed by the Duarchy. From the cornice over the frieze angled a mansard roof of man-sized green tiles glinting metallically in the early light. Dainyl crossed the receiving rotunda, far too early in the day for petitioners to have assembled, his boots barely clicking on the octagonal sections of polished gold and green marble. On the far side, he turned left toward a pillar behind and beyond the dais. He summoned a hint of Talent and would have vanished to the sight of those without TalÂ-ent, had any been present at so early a glass. Then he reached up and turned the light-torch bracket. The solid stone moved to reveal an entry three yards high and one wide, and a set of steps beyond leading downward and lit by light-torches. The warmer and moister air surrounded him as he stepped through the entry and the stone closed behind himl At the base of the staircase, he turned right along a stone-walled corridor until he reached a doorway on the north side. A single alectress appeared, glanced at Dainyl, then nodded. "Submarshal. Will we expect you back shortly?" "Several days, I would judge, at the least. The Marshal and the Highest have requested I go to Alustre." "Have a good trip, sir." The alectress, an assistant to the High Alector of Justice, stepped back into her study. Dainyl released the hidden Talent-lock, then opened the door, and closed it behind him, replacing the Talent-lock. He stood in a small foyer, lit by single light-torch, with a second door before him, also with a Talent-lock. A moÂ-ment later, he released that lock and stepped into the Table chamber, replacing the second lock behind him as well. The walls of the Table chamber were of white marble, and the floor was of green. Two sets of double light-torches set five yards apart in bronze brackets on each side wall provided the sole illumination. Unlike other Table chambers, the one in the Hall of Justice had no furÂ-nishings, just the Table itself. The Table itself looked like any other Tableâ"a square polished stone pedestal in the center of the room that extended a yard above the stone floor. The stone appeared black on the side, but the top surface bore silvery shimmer that was mirror-like. Each side of the table-like pedestal was three yards in length, and because the Table extended below the floor, its actual shape was closer to a cube. Visible only through Talent was the purple glow that emanated from the Table. After taking a firmer grip on his saddlebags, Dainyl took a long step onto the Table, then a slow and deep breath, concentrating on reaching out with his Talent to the well of darkness below and within the Table. He could feel himself dropping into ... ... a torrent of turbulent purplish blackness that bufÂ-feted him. Intense cold invaded every span of his body, sweeping through his uniform and flying jacket as if he had been unclothed. He saw nothing with his eyes, but reached out with his senses for the dark gray locator, borÂ-dered in purple, that identified Alustre. The closest locaÂ-tor was the bright blue of Tempre, and there was also one of crimson gold that beckoned. Dainyl used thought and Talent to press himself toward the more distant wedge of dark gray. After what felt like a glass, he began to sense the closeÂ-ness of the locator wedge he sought, even as other locaÂ-tors swirled by himâ"wedges of amber, brilliant yellow, green, gray. . . . Well beyond, in a sense he could not have explained, stretched a distant purple-black wedgeâ"the long translation tube back to Ifryn with a sense of disÂ-tance so overpowering that Dainyl felt almost nauseated. He continued to concentrate, focusing on the dark gray, now so nearâ"and yet not quite so close as it seemedâ"before reaching with his Talent to link himself with a line of purple Talent to the dark gray locator wedge that was Alustre. With an abruptness that still nearly stunned him, he felt the dark gray hurtling toward him, even as silver loomed before him, then shattered around him. Dainyl had to take a lurching step before he regained his Balance. He stood on a Table in another windowless chamber. His entire body shivered, and frost had apÂ-peared on his flying jacket and uniform, then vanished, melting as quickly as it had appeared. Like the Table chamber in Lyterna, the room was empty. Unlike it, there was a set of rich black-and-silver-bordered hangings on the walls, each with a scene hold- ing an alector. A long black chest was set against the wall across the Table from the single entranceâ"a square arch, in which a solid oak door was set. It was clear that Dainyl had arrived in the residence and administrative center of the High Alector of the East. He stepped off the Table and walked to the archway. Again, he had to release a Talent-lock before he could open die door. Outside, in the corridor on each side of the arch, were two alectors, both wearing black-and-silver uniforms, rather than the blue-and-gray of Myrmidons. The guard on the left held a lightning-edged short sword ready, the weapon used for guard duty inside buildings. His eyes scanned the uniform and the stars on Dainyl's collar. Then he said, "Submarshal, sir?" "I'm here to see Submarshal Alcyna. She is expecting me." "Yes, sir. There should be a duty coach at the west porÂ-tico. If you go to the end of this corridor and take the stairs there, and then turn right when you reach the main level..." "Thank you." With a smile, Dainyl departed, but used his Talent to extend his hearing, hoping to learn someÂ-thing. "... wouldn't want to be around headquarters after he gets there ..." "Why not? Submarshals and marshals come and go." "Most of them worry about the politics, and who's who. They wouldn't know one end of a skylance from anÂ-other. He's the one Captain Josaryk was talking about. Came all the way up from ranker... crushed that revolt in Dramur..." "... brass bitch won't like that..." Dainyl concealed a wince and kept walking. Although he couldn't help wondering what the rankers who had Served under him called him behind his back, he wasn't certain he wanted to know. The main corridor leading to the west portico was floored in a shimmering silver-gray marble, the octago- nal tiles outlined with thin strips of black marble. The walls below the black marble chair railing were also silver-gray marble. Above the railing, the walls were a textured white. At intervals, silver-and-black-bordered hangings decorated the walls, with each tapestry showing a scene from somewhere in the east of Coras. He heard several children laughing as he passed an open archway. Walking toward him was a slender alector wearing dark silver trousers, a black belt, and a black shimmersilk tunic. The man took in Dainyl's uniform and stars, then nodded politely as he passed. Dainyl had forgotten how Alustre had affected the silÂ-ver and black, as opposed to the greens and blues of the west, but the colors took on a new significance in light of Marshal Shastylt's concernsâ"those both voiced and unvoiced. At the archway that separated the interior of the resiÂ-dence from the portico stood two alector guards, also atÂ-tired in black trimmed with silver. Both barely looked at him, but Dainyl was well aware of their scrutiny as he passed and stepped out into the stiff spring breeze. DeÂ-spite the fact that it was afternoon in Alustre, the air felt cooler than in Elcien, but that was because of the wind, since both had similar climates, even a continent apart. The pavement of the portico was not marble, but white granite, unyielding underfoot, and the columns were smooth circular pillars, also of white granite, and unÂ-adorned, not even fluted. Dainyl glanced toward the waiting area farther west, then nodded. As the Table guard had said, a duty coach was indeed waiting at the west portico, with the MyrmiÂ-don colors on the door. The driver smiled as the submar-shal approached. "Submarshal, sir. I was hoping you'd arrive on my duty." The Myrmidon ranker smiled. "Undercaptain Chelysta is a cousin. If you see her when you get back to Elcien, would you tell her that Granyn sends greetings?" "I'll be happy to. Are you from Alustre?" "No, sir. My parents are on the regional alector's staff in Lysia. My mother's sister is Chelysta's mother." With slightly less than a thousand alectors on Acorus, running across relations was scarcely unheard of. What was unusual was mentioning it, and that suggested that Granyn was new to the Myrmidons. "Is this your first posting?" "Yes, sir." Dainyl smiled. "We'd best be going." "Yes, sir." Granyn grinned. Before Dainyl entered the coach, he turned and looked back at the residence. Unlike the Palaces of the Duarches in the west, which soared into the silver-green sky, the eastern residence was long and solid, only three stories showing above ground level, with two wings angling from the central rectangular core. The outer walls were of a white granite, reinforced with lifeforce, almost slabÂ-like. The only exposed columns Dainyl had seen were those supporting the roof of the west portico, although, given the symmetry of the residence, there were doubtÂ-less columns supporting the east portico as well. Once he was inside the coach, Dainyl consideredâ" againâ"what lay ahead. The question was not whether Al-cyna and Brekylt were plotting, but what they were plotting. As he considered what he might do to tease out inforÂ-mation, Dainyl watched as young Granyn drove them along the divided boulevard that ran from the hilltop resÂ-idence overlooking Alustre itself to the ring-road that enÂ-circled the main sections of the city. Like the eastern residence itself, Alustre sprawled more than did either El-cien or Ludar, with more space between dwellings and structuresâ"except for the warehouse and commercial area directly around the wharves. The bulk of the city lay east of the river and north of Fiere Sound. While there were piers across the river, they were far smaller, and served mainly the fishing community there. The eastern Myrmidon headquarters were on a bluff east of the city proper, and less than a vingt southeast of the park-like grounds surrounding the residence. The walled compound overlooked both the river and the oceanâ"and the Cadmian compound even farther to the south. Granyn guided the coach to a smooth halt directly adÂ-jacent to the long mounting block serving the headquarÂ-ters building, also constructed of perfectly cut and fitted white granite, with blackish green roof tiles that shimÂ-mered in the midafternoon sun. As he swung out of the coach, his gear in hand, Dainyl looked up at the driver. "Thank you, Granyn." "My pleasure, sir." The young alector smiled broadly. The duty officer was waiting in the entry corridor even before Dainyl stepped into the building. "Submarshal, sir, welcome to the eastern headquarters." She was an under-captain, and her violet-green eyes met Dainyl's evenly. "Thank you," he replied gravely. "Submarshal Alcyna requested that I convey you to her study immediately, sir, but would you like to leave your gear here at the duty desk? I can have it taken to the visitÂ-ing senior officers' quarters for you." "I would appreciate that." As he handed her the saddleÂ-bags, Dainyl had no doubts that they would be inspected, at least through Talent, but they held nothing beyond neÂ-cessities. He also reflected that one of the disadvantages of Table travel was that he was totally on his own. Then, that explained, in a way, why the higher alectors were so Talented. No one without Talent-strength could use the Tables and survive. Was his trip to Alustre another test? He repressed a snort. Was there any doubt of that? He followed the undercaptain down the corridorâ" which had a green marble floor, the same as headquarters in Elcien, and the first similarity he had noticed. Stopping short of the open doorway at the very end of the hallway, the undercaptain gestured. "Submarshal Al-cyna's study, sir." Dainyl entered the study, a space even larger than Mar- shal Shastylt's spaces in Elcien. Except for a single depicÂ-tion of the city of Alustreâ"in black ink on white paper and framed in black and silverâ"the walls were bare. There were no coverings on the polished and shining green marÂ-ble floor. The main furnishings were the wide ebony table desk, a circular conference table, also of ebony, and an ebony bookcase two yards high and three long. The eight wooden armchairs were all finished in silver, with five set around the conference table, and three before the table desk, with a larger chair set behind the table desk. Alcyna did rise from behind the table desk, if somewhat belatedly, after Dainyl closed the study door behind him. She was short for an alectress, barely two yards in height, with eyes as black as her hair. Her smile was perfunctory. "Good afternoon, Alcyna." "Good afternoon, Dainyl. I cannot say that I'm exÂ-traordinarily pleased to see you." "I understand." Dainyl certainly did. Alcyna had to have felt that she should have been the one tapped to sucÂ-ceed Marshal Shastylt, but that would never happen. In all the centuries the Myrmidons had existed, no alectress had ever risen higher than submarshal, and Alcyna was only the second to hold the rank. He smiled. "And you will understand if I tell you that I was not extraordinarily pleased to have been ordered to Alustre." He settled into a chair in front of the desk and gestured for her to seat herself behind her desk. His eyes went to the wide south window. "You have a lovely view of the sound." Alcyna remained standing, looking at Dainyl, then pressing a Talent-probe at him, a probe that was fully as strong as any of Shastylt. Dainyl merely smiled, letting the line of purple, invisiÂ-ble to any without Talent, sheet away from his shields, even as he gestured once more for her to be seated. For all the power she had displayed, he could sense that Alcyna had held back some of her strength. "I'm not here to deÂ-liver orders or bad news or anything like that." " tou nave stueids worthy ot a High Alector, Dainyl. It's too bad you have little else, but that makes you a perÂ-fect tool for Zelyert and Shastylt." Alcyna finally seated herself. "You already knew that. Otherwise ..." He shrugged. "It would have been difficult to cover up my death in your study." "Better and better." Alcyna laughed. Dainyl was amazed at the warmth of her laugh, so at odds with the coldness he sensed within her. "You have learned a great deal from Lystrana, haven't you?" noted Alcyna. "Does she wish to be the first woman to hold the Duarchy?" "Not any more than do you." Dainyl watched her closely, with both eyes and Talent. "Oh ... so she wishes to advance you." "No more than you wish to advance Brekylt, or... perhaps a great deal less." "Now that we have all that out of the way," she replied brightly, "why are you here? Officially, that is?" "I told you. Shastylt ordered me to come here and meet with you, and to see what you and the Myrmidons are doÂ-ing. I also wanted to learn more about the pteridons we've lost in the last two seasons." "Don't tell me you don't know how that happened, Dainyl." Her voice was mocking, but with a gentleness of tone that was almost disarming. Almost. "Oh ... I know that it had to be the ancients. What I was interested in was the circumstances surrounding each loss." As he finished speaking, he could sense both cuÂ-riosity and disinterest, but he waited for her to reply. "They were interfering. So I had a squad attack them." "The ones lost near Scien, you mean? The ones lost over the Spine of Corus were on solo flights." "If you had Talent other than shields, Dainyl, you would be formidable. But then, if you did, you wouldn't be Shastylt's submarshal." "Did your squad kill the ancients?" "In one case, yes. In the other, we think so. There aren't very many left, you know, and each one that we deÂ-stroy frees more lifeforce for us. I don't know why the Duarches just didn't rid the world of them in the beginÂ-ning, when they were dying out." "I would judge they felt it was unnecessary. It still probably is." About that, Dainyl had his doubts, but wanted to see how she reacted. Alcyna shrugged. "I wanted to see what it would take." "And ... was it worth it? To lose two pteridons?" "No. Not to take out one ancient, but it was useful to learn they cannot stand up to several skylances concenÂ-trated on thern at once." As appalled as he was at Alcyna's casual spending of the lost Myrmidons and pteridons, Dainyl could at least unÂ-derstand her reasoningâ"and that she was telling the abÂ-solute truth, at least as she saw it... with some reservations. "There may be hope for you yet, Dainyl. You don't even look shocked. You would have been once, you know." Dainyl wasn't certain that represented an improvement in his character, but he nodded. "Times and circumÂ-stances change." "I'd be happy to turn all the records of those flights over to you for your inspection." "I'm certain that they reveal nothing that they should not." "I imagine your records of what happened in Dramur don't, either." "How can you say that?" Dainyl grinned. "They're abÂ-solutely accurate in what they state." Alcyna laughed in her misleadingly warm tone. "We must have a leisurely dinner together, the three of us. Brekylt is actually in Dulka today and this evening, but I am certain he would be pleased to have dinner with us toÂ-morrow night. I assume you will be staying for at least a day or two." "I would be pleased to accept such an invitation. And tomorrow morning, I will Jake you up on the suggestion that I peruse the records of the encounters with the anÂ-cients," replied Dainyl, although he was well aware that Alcyna had not strictly tendered such an offer. "In the meantime, perhaps one of your undercaptains could proÂ-vide me with a guided tour of the headquarters comÂ-pound this afternoon. I would not wish to impose upon you unduly." "You are so thoughtful." Alcyna paused. "Undercap-tain Veluara would be pleased to do so, once you have inÂ-spected the senior guest quarters. I will send her there to meet you." "I appreciate that." Dainyl recognized the undercap-tain's name as a squad leader in Fourth Company, but he had seen nothing else on her. Alcyna rose. "I'll walk over to the senior officers' quarters with you." Dainyl stood, conscious that his left leg was still slightly sore, possibly from the chill of Table travel, and followed Alcyna. The corridor outside her study remained vacant, and not by coincidence, Dainyl was certain, as she accompaÂ-nied him back down and through the back archway and double doors. The flight stage stood in the rear courtyardâ"equidistant from the back of the headquarters building, the front of the pteridon stages, and the quarters. Only half the pteridons were sunning themselves on the top of their stages, their blue crystal beaks and talons glinting in the afternoon sun. "Is one of the companies deployed, or are you running dispatches?" "There are two squads from Third Company temporarÂ-ily flying out of Norda under Majer Noryan. From there they can cover the area south of Scien, as well as the Northern Pass. We've had reports of brigands along the pass, but so far no one has lost anything. Another squad remains at Coren until the High Alector of Justice is satÂ-isfied that situation is fully in control." "Will it ever be, given the greed of landers?" asked Dainyl. "Enough so that third squad can return. Possibly within a few weeks." Alcyna started up the outside steps to the upper level of the quarters building. Dainyl followed her up the stairs and along the railed balcony to the south end of the building. "You should find these quite comfortable, far better than the quarters of Cadmian officers in Dramur." "I am certain I will." An even warmth flowed toward Dainyl as Alcyna opened the quarters door. "I had the duty staff light the stove in the sitting room," she said. "It is a brisk day, and Table travel can be somewhat... chilling." "You are very thoughtful." Thoughtfulâ"and foreÂ-warned by someone of exactly when to expect a traveling submarshal, and that notice had to have been through a Table. "Undercaptain Veluara will be here shortly. If you disÂ-cover anything that needs my attention, don't hesitate to ask me." "From what I have already seen, Alcyna, I doubt that there will be any need to bring anything to your personal attention." Once Alcyna departed, Dainyl walked through the quarters, taking in the sitting room with the wide window that offered a view of the flight stage, the rear of headÂ-quarters, and the greenish waters of the sound beyond the bluff. A wide table desk was set against an inside wall, with a settee and two armchairs positioned so that the heat of the black porcelain stove radiated to all three. The bedchamber contained an enormous triple-width bed, a chest that would have swallowed without difficulty ten times what Dainyl had brought in his saddlebags. Again, he observed that all the furniture was either black or silver, or some combination of both. He also noted that his spare uniform had been hung in the oversized ar-moire, and his toiletries laid out in the bathchamber. His Talent senses suggested that nothing had been altered or searched at length. After washing up, he returned to the sitting room and settled into one of the armchairs to soak up the warmth while waiting for the undercaptain to appear. Through the window he could see one of the Duarches' sea vessels headed southeast down the center of the sound toward the ocean. His first impressions suggested that, outwardly, everything was as it should be, and that meant that Alcyna and Brekylt had gone to great lengths to conceal whatever they had in mind. Was he imagining that? He shook his head. 5 Under the bright midmoming sun of Tridiâ"on the warmest day of early spring so farâ"Mykel shifted his weight in the saddle of the roan. His fingers dropped to his belt, barely brushing the hidden sheath that held the dagger of the ancientsâ"that miniature blade that was not only older, but tougher and harder than any steel forged by men or alectors on Acorus. Mykel had done his best to dismiss the legend that it bore a curse for its possesÂ-sor, and the belief that the curse and dagger could be reÂ-leased only when the dagger was accepted as a gift by one's worst enemyâ"one's worst good-hearted enemy at that. His lips curled. He hadn't realized he'd been that hated when he'd accepted the dagger from the chandler in Jyoha. He hadn't paid for it, now that he recalled what had hapÂ-pened. The chandler had accepted his coins only as a gift to the hungry children of the village. Not that he had felt cursed, not any more than any Cadmian officer, at least. BeÂ-sides, in a strange way, the dagger reminded him of Rachyla, although he doubted he would ever see the seltyr's green-eyed daughter again. She certainly would not wish to see him, and he doubted he would soon return to Dramur. He shook his head, then watched from the low rise as Seventeenth Company's third squad rode along a dirt track that resembled all too many roads in the more reÂ-mote areas of Coras. "Third squad! On the guide! Firing line to the left! FirÂ-ing line to the left!" The high-voiced order came from Esceld, the stolid but young squad leader. â­ The trooper riding guide turned left and halted at the angle that presented the best firing position for the batÂ-tered straw targets set on stands a hundred yards to the south. The squad's response was ragged at best. "Third squad! Fire!" Instead of a volley that should have been almost synÂ-chronized, the rifle reports were even more ragged than the line of twenty-one mounts. "Stand easy!" ordered Esceld, looking to the older and more grizzled figure mounted to his right. "Don't fumble with your pieces!" ordered Bhoral. "You rein up in a firing line, with your weapons ready. You fool around with your piece, and Reillies and irreguÂ-lars will give you your own plot of land." As he listened to the battalion senior squad leader adÂ-dress Loryalt's third squad, Mykel concealed a grinâ"and the exasperation beneath. After seeing the problems the undercaptain was having with Seventeenth Company, Mykel had sent Bhoral to help the undercaptain's squad leaders with training. "Spemat! You want to die now?" continued Bhoral. "You keep that up, and I won't wait for some Reillie to plug you. That's if your mates don't get you first." The angular redhead flushed and stiffened, but kept his eyes on the straw targets set on the hillside to the south. "You think any irregulars are going to wait while you figure out which end of the rifle is the stock and where die trigger is?" demanded Bhoral. "Third squad! Column by twos! Forward!" ordered Esceld. After a last glance at third squad-, Mykel turned his mount and eased the roan toward the next hill, where FifÂ-teenth Company and Sixteenth Company were practicing marksmanship against weighted sand-glass targets that sprang up from irregular positions. Neither company needed that much maneuvering practice, and Mykel hadn't been that pleased with the marksmanship of any of the companies in Dramurâ"not when it turned out that he'd accounted for almost a quarter of all the casualties inflicted on me seltyrs' troops by Fifteenth Company. As he rode over the low hillock to the next terrain maÂ-neuvering area, Mykel heard the sound of rifles. Before he had ridden another hundred yards, the firing died away. Rhystan turned his mount and rode to meet Mykel. The two reined up well back of Sixteenth Company. Mykel could hear the voice of Murthytâ"the company senior squad leader. "Remember. You get a moment when no one's firing, and you reload, even if you got a shell or two in the magÂ-azine. Might not get a chance later." "His voice carries," Rhystan said. "Farther than mine." "How are they doing?" "Better than when we were preparing for Dramur, Ma-jer." Rhystan offered a tight smile. "Some of diem are acÂ-tually hitting the targets consistently." "I'm glad to hear that. Sixteenth Company will have to take the lead. I'll be counting on you especially." Mykel was stating the obvious, but he'd learned that what he'd often thought obvious wasn't always to omers. "How is Fabrytal doing?" "He'll be fine. He needs experience, but he's solid, and he's got a good senior squad leader in Chyndylt." Rhys- tan paused, then asked, "How bad do you think it'll be? Compared to Dramur?" "Better and worse. The irregulars probably won't have the kind of equipment and mounts the seltyrs' companies did, but the ones that are left have survived an attack by the Myrmidons. They were good enough to wipe out the local garrison. The colonel said it was small and not very well commanded." "I can't say I understand." "That they didn't send a battalion with the MyrmiÂ-dons? I don't, either, except that I don't think they like to mix us. Maybe they worry about the Myrmidons using the skylances on us." Mykel frowned. "I got the impresÂ-sion mat they thought the Myrmidons had eliminated the problem." "Without troops on the ground? It doesn't work that way. Not for long, and then we've got to pick up the pieces later, when the locals think it ought to have been solved, and the rebels or brigands are better prepared." Mykel laughed, ruefully. "Something like that is alÂ-ways the problem. By the time anyone realizes it's a problem and we get sent..." "Like Dramur," affirmed Rhystan. "Will we have to paÂ-trol until they start shooting the way it was there?" "Not from what the colonel's said, and unless things change, I'll be the senior officer." "That'll be good." Rhystan paused. "Ah ..." "Yes?" Mykel had a good idea what Rhystan had in mind, but he wasn't completely sure. So he waited. "You led Fifteenth Company from the front, Majer ..." Mykel laughed again, with warmth and amusement. "You're being very tactful, Rhystan. I take it that you feel such tactics are not appropriate for battalion commandÂ-ers?" "No, sir. We might get stuck with another Majer Va-clyn. Or I might get stuck doing it." "You'd do fine, but I'd rather not hand you command mat way, and I hear what you're saying." "That could be hard for you, sir, seeing as you're the best shot in the battalion." Mykel grinned. "I didn't say I wouldn't use my rifle, Captain. I'll try not to use it from the front." "I won't argue with that, sir." Rhystan laughed softly. "I might remind you, though." Mykel hoped Rhystan didn't have to, because, if the captain did, one way or another matters would not be what either of them wished. He just smiled. "I'm going to check on Fifteenth Company. You don't need me looking over your shoulder. Carry on." "Yes, sir." Mykel eased the roan along the dirt track, thoughts swirling through his mind, the same thoughts he'd had for weeks. He'd been in the Cadmians for ten years, and he'd never seenâ"or heard ofâ"as much action and unrest as had happened in the last two years. He'd never encounÂ-tered an ancient before, nor had he ever heard of anyone who had. Yet less than two seasons ago, one had talked to him, insisting that he find his talent to see beyond his eyes or he would perish. That was unprecedented. So was the destruction of two pteridons by the ancients, and the fact that Myrmidon Submarshal Dainyl had avoided explainÂ-ing the true cause of their destruction. Now, in less than two weeks, Third Battalion would be headed south, to deal with another rebellion of sorts. Just what was happening ... and why? 6 An alector who speaks of choices has no place in the governing of a world, for the very word imÂ-plies an equality between alternatives, and such choice is an illusion. Thus, the alector either deceives himself or others. If he deceives himself, he will administer badly. If he deceives others, his deception will eventually be disÂ-covered, and the anger created by such deception will undo any benefits that may have momentarily accrued. While each alternative facing an alector may have difÂ-fering advantages and disadvantages, alternatives are never equal. The task of any high alector is to determine the best of alternatives in light of the desired objective and then implement his decision in the manner most effiÂ-cacious for its accomplishment. Those who prattle about choices either lack underÂ-standing of the matter before them or seek to deceive othÂ-ers into believing that a true choice between equal alternatives exists. The only choice is between a good alÂ-ternative and one not so good. An alector who cannot difÂ-ferentiate between such and make such a determination based upon what is and what will be has failed to learn enough to understand the situation before him. If one must decide between dissimilar alternatives, the overall effectiveness of each must be determined, as well as the costs, the timing, and the lifeforce expenditure gained and that required. In the case of similar alternatives, the same process must obtain. No two pearapples are equal, nor are any two oaks, nor any two steers, nor any two alectors. Nor are any two alternatives. Each alternative has ramificaÂ-tions and outcomes, and those must be studied and deterÂ-mined, in light of what best serves the Archon and the future of all alectors. Views of the Highest Illustra W.T. 1513 7 Undercaptain Veluara knocked on the door to the senior officers' quarters precisely half a glass after Alcyna had departed. As he rose from the chair, Dainyl supposed that there was some significance to the timing, and that he might find it in due course. Then again, given Alcyna's reputation, he might not. He just inÂ-tended to discover what he could about what was happenÂ-ing in Alustre and the east, then return to Elcien, and report what he had discovered to the marshal. He had few doubts that discovering would be easier than returning, since Alcyna was the type who would want him to know how clever she was before arranging some fatal accident or incident. Just before he opened the door, he paused. Alcyna might be far smarter than that, but, however she handled it, he doubted that he would have to worry as much on the first day or so. Too early an "accident" would have the marshal and High Alector Zelyert both after her. Undercaptain Veluara stood tall, nearly as large and as muscular as Dainyl. She wore a flight jacket over her uniÂ-form, unfastened, and her eyes were a blackish brown, a color unusual for an alector. She also seemed to be older than the usual undercaptain, although that was not someÂ-thing Dainyl intended to ask or suggest. "Submarshal, sir? Submarshal Alcyna asked me to be your escort for an informal tour." Dainyl nodded, stepping out onto the balcony and closÂ-ing the quarters door behind him. "It's kind of you, and I appreciate it." "Where would you like to begin, sir?" "With a tour of headquarters here. I am certain everyÂ-thing is in order and as it should be, and I would like to report that to the marshal. I leave the order of inspection to you, Undercaptain." "I would suggest we begin with the outbuildings, sir. Perhaps the pteridon squares?" "That would be fine." Dainyl followed the tall undercaptain down the steps and south across the courtyard of the headquarters comÂ-pound. Despite her size, her movements were practiced and graceful. The pteridon squares were identical to those in Elcien, each thirty yards on a side with a massive perch across the roof. The perch was oriented to face the rising sun. Even with only twenty-one pteridons in a company, the space required for each company was considerable. As he walked down the open area that split the squares of the two companies, past the duty square, Dainyl glanced at the nearest pteridons, those of Fourth ComÂ-pany, presumably third squad, taking in the afternoon sunlight. Their blue crystal eyes held a darkness mat had no color, and their long blue crystalline beaks were hard enough to shatter iron. Each blue leathery wing, even folded back against a pteridon's body, was more than ten yards long. The comparatively short legs ended in three crystal clawsâ"two opposed by one, so that a pteridon could perch anywhere or grasp whatever it wanted, given that the claws were as hard as the beak. "You're a squad leader in Fourth Company. Third squad, as I recall." "Yes, sir." There was the faintest tone of surprise in her voice, as well as hidden amusement. "How have you liked serving under Captain Josaryk? You were in Third Company before, weren't you?" "Captain Josaryk and Majer Noryan are good officers, sir." "Were you on any of the patrols where the pteridons were lost this past winter?" Undercaptain Veluara did not reply for the briefest of moments. "That depends on what you mean, sir. We did some of the overflight patrols, but three of the four losses in the west were from Third Company after I left." "I don't suppose you saw what happened?" "No, sir." About that, the undercaptain was telling die truth. "Have you ever seen one of the ancient ones?" "Sir? Has anyone? Have you?" "Since they once inhabited the higher and colder areas, and there are more of those here in the east," replied Dainyl, not answering her question in a fashion similar to the way she had avoided his, "I had thought it might be more likely that you or others in Third and Fourth ComÂ-pany might have seen them." "I know Major Noryan did, but he said he wasn't able to talk about it. He sent a sealed dispatch to Lyterna, though." Dainyl did not comment, although he had never seen the report. At the end of the pteridon squares, the undercaptain turned west. "The armory is on the lower level in the corÂ-ner here." "About the ancients," Dainyl prompted. "Only from a distance, just once, west of Scien, when we were looking for the missing Cadmian company. That was when third squad was relieving second squad. It was just a green globe of light. I could barely make it out, and then it was gone." From what he could tell through his Talent, Dainyl was fairly certain that she was telling what she had seenâ" mostly. "The old reports say that they could hover. Could you tell?" "It looked that way." "Has anyone found any sign of the Cadmians yet?" "No, sir. Major Noryan thinks they were caught in a sudden early blizzard. Those can get fierce that far north. If that's what happened, we might find them when all the ice melts. The North Road won't be clear until early sumÂ-mer this year." "Even though it's eternastone?" "Yes, sir. That's one reason why the submarshal deÂ-cided to close the posts at Scien. The town is mostly de- serted anyway, except for the fishing crews in the sumÂ-mer, and a handful of indigens who like ice and cold." "What about Pystra?" "It's not much better, but it's east of the Frozen HeadÂ-land, and the harbor's clear of ice most winters." "Besides the problem in Coren, have you had much trouble with indigen intransigence?" "There's always someone who tries to get around the Code, thinking that he can get a few more golds, but we do a lot of overflights, looking for patterns that would show life-form abuse or misuse." She paused. "What reÂ-ally happened in Dramur? I don't mean to pry, sir, but the reports we got seemed so strange." In short, Alcyna wanted to see what Dainyl would reÂ-veal to an attractive and attentive undercaptain. "What happened there wasn't life-form abuse, or anything else that could be seen from the air. Some of the local landowners spent years amassing enough golds to bribe an engineer in the rifle manufactory. They were trying to take control of Dramur while still appearing to follow all the provisions of the Code." That was truthful enough, so far as it went. "Dramur is far enough away from any MyrÂ-midon post that what they were doing went undetected for a time. The marshal discovered some aspects of the plan and sent for me. It took two seasons to resolve, and it won't happen again." Veluara nodded. "You want to see the armory?" "Every bit of it." Dainyl laughed. "Otherwise, how could I explain to the marshal?" His words got the faintest smile from the undercaptain. "You have not been in Alustre in recent years, have you?" asked Veluara. "No. Not since I was a captain," replied Dainyl. "At that time, Submarshal Alcyna was a senior majer." "You both have come far since then." "It has been a while." Dainyl wasn't about to get into a discussion of how either he or Alcyna became submar-shals, not with an undercaptain, and especially not with one as sharp and experienced as Veluara. He realized that he had best be more careful with his comments. "How did you choose the Myrmidons?" "What other choice was there? I wasn't that interested in engineering, and I like being outside. What about you, sir?" "After the armory," Dainyl said with a laugh. "Yes, sir." Veluara smiled openly, leading the way toward the wide archway. The left door of the double doors was ajar. "Technical Squad Leader Vresnyl is in charge of the armory," she added in a low voice before she pulled the door open. Inside was a small stone walled and floored foyer, with a stone counter, waist-high, in the middle of the rear wall. By the time they reached the counter, a broad-shouldered and short alector stood at the counter, waiting. Behind him was a small chamber with little besides a row of tall cabinets against the wall, all closed. "Tech Leader Vresnyl, Submarshal, sir." "I'm pleased to see you, Vresnyl. Weren't you in Lysia before?" "Yes, sir." The armorer smiled. "Been here just over a year." "How are you finding Alustre?" "It's cooler, and that's better in the summer, and worse in the winter. Armory's a little bigger. Otherwise there's not that much different." "Have you had any problems with skylances?" Dainyl asked. "Like they did in Dereka, sir? No, sir. Every single one's accounted for. With proper maintenance, they'll last almost forever. We follow the rotation schedule and send them to Lyterna for inspection every three years. We've never had one fail, though. Haven't lost any, either." "What about sidearms?" Dainyl smiled broadly as he asked, since he doubted there were more than five anyÂ-where in the east, reserved as they were for nonflying seÂ-nior officers. "You need one, sir? If it's not working right, that'd be the first one in more than a century." "No." Dainyl grinned. "I had to ask, though." He paused. "Would you show me through the workroom and repair spaces?" "Yes, sir. I'd be pleased to." Vresnyl gestured to the cabinets. "Those hold the training lances, and not much else." He turned and moved toward the door on the south end of the small chamber. Dainyl made his way around the counter and followed, with Veluara behind him. Vresnyl stopped just inside the next small room. "Here's the crystal testing equipment for the skylances and the sidearms, and the collector that puts a basic charge in a replacement crystal. Only had to do that once or twice this past year. Sometimes happens when they've been flying in winter weather, high clouds and not much sun." "Where do you keep the replacement crystals?" Dainyl knew where they were supposed to be. "Those ... there aren't that many, you know, sir. Those are kept in the usual place, in the vault and lockbox in the watch pteridon's square. After the business in Dereka, the submarshal moved all the skylances there as well. Had another pair of lockers built, one for each company. That's when the flyers are here. On deployment, the lances stay with the pteridons, like always." Dainyl nodded and turned to Veluara. "Are they doing that for the companies in Dulka and Lysia?" "That's what I understood, sir." The precaution made sense, but it also concentrated the control of the fearsome weapons, and that left Dainyl unÂ-easy, even though they were supposedly useless except when used in conjunction with a pteridon. He looked to the armorer. "Let's see what else you have." "Yes, sir." After that came the storeroom for gearâ"pteridon sadÂ-dles, skylance holders, special winter flying parkas, all items tnat wore out more quickly than pteridons and sky-lances. Below the main storeroom was the storeroom for specialized equipment used less frequently, such as emerÂ-gency crystal beacons, or the crimson armbands worn by Myrmidons for the administration of justice, the lash and mace of justice, special solutions, and the cross-form to which malefactors were fastened. After he closed the lower storeroom, Vresnyl turned to Dainyl. "That's what we have for the Myrmidon equipÂ-ment, sir." "How much blasting powder and other explosives do you have down below for the High Alector of Transport?" "Well... sir, not so much as they've got in Dereka or the west. There's not so much of a call for it here. It's on the lowest level." "I think we can skip that, but, if you'd show me the road-cutting equipment... that should wind up what I need to see." "That's all in the lowest vault. You'll have to unlock the Talent-locks, sir." Quietly, the three walked to the end of the corridor and then down the wide ramp that descended in a half circle. After walking another fifty yards, Vresnyl stopped at a solid steel gate, infused and strengthened with lifeforce. He unlocked the gate and swung it open on heavy wide hinges attached to plates fused to the stone walls. A foyer of sortsâ"two yards deep and three wideâ"fronted a secÂ-ond door, not quite the width of the foyer itself. The armorer looked to Dainyl. The submarshal stepped forward and let his Talent-senses range over the octagonal lock plate. After a moÂ-ment of study, he found the lock node and released it. "It's released." Vresnyl looked at the lock, nervously, then inserted a green-tinged key, turning it. There was barely a click as the solid steel door slid to the left, recessing into the stone. The chamber beyond was not that large, no more than fifteen yards wide and ten deep, and lit by only a handful of light-torches, spaced along the side walls above the ten lockers on each side. The road-cutting equipment conÂ-sisted of three identical four-wheeled wagons, each perÂ-haps two yards wide and three long, spaced side by side in the bay. Each was clearly designed to be drawn by a sandox, although the wagon tongue had been unbolted and was set beside the heavy wheels. The rear of the wagon was filled with crystals in matrices linked together so that the power drawn from the crystals and the life-force of the world could be concentrated and focused through a crystalline discharge formulator that looked like a larger version of the end of a skylance, except for the tip, which was shaped into an arc of sixty degrees. The three wagons were the only equipment visible. For several moments, Dainyl studied the nearest wagon, with both eyes and Talent, gleaning what he could. Vresnyl shifted his weight from one booted foot to the other. Veluara was silent. "Where are the operator suits?" asked Dainyl after a time. Because the road-cutting equipment drew lifeforce randomly, any engineer operating the equipment needed to wear the protective coveralls that contained and mainÂ-tained his own lifeforce. "In the lockers there, sir." Dainyl walked to the nearest wall locker and opened it. Within was a single coverall, shimmering a dull gray. He closed the locker door, then turned. "We can go now." Once Vresnyl re-locked the inner door, Dainyl concenÂ-trated and replaced the Talent-lock. Then the three stepped out into the lower corridor. The armorer locked the outer door and looked up, in relief.."I can't say as I like going in there, sir. If they were powered up, those would suck a man dry in moments, exÂ-cept maybe for the Duarches." "I understand, but the marshal was rather insistent." On what, Dainyl did not say, because he couldn't, since Shastylt had merely conveyed the desire that his subordiÂ-nate discover all that he could. "We all have our duties," replied Vresnyl uneasily. "So we do." Dainyl and Veluara followed the armorer back up to the main level of the armory. There, Dainyl turned to Vresnyl. "Thank you. I appreÂ-ciate your care and diligence, and so does the marshal." "Thank you, sir." Neither Dainyl nor Veluara said a word until they were back in the open air of the compound courtyard. "I've never seen the road-cutting equipment before," offered Veluara. Neither had Dainyl, although he had read of it, and he had hoped that seeing it would provide some insight... into something. He felt it had, although uncharged and inert as the equipment had been, he wasn't certain yet what understanding he might have gained. "It is impresÂ- sive, and foreboding." * "I don't think I'd want to operate it." "I doubt there would be any needâ"not unless we get an earthquake or avalanche that blocks one of the high roads through the Spine of Corus." "The wagons aren't very big for what they can do." "Neither is a skylance," replied Dainyl dryly. "There is that, sir." "What's next?" "The carpentry and maintenance shops are just ahead...." Dainyl nodded. It would be a long, but necessary, afÂ-ternoon. It was indeed. By the time he had walked through every building in the headquarters compound, Dainyl's leg was definitely aching, and reminding him that it had been shattered not that many weeks before. As he had suspected even before he had left his temporary quarters, everything he had seen was spotless, all the equipment was present and accounted for,- and the Myrmidons he met were invariably friendly. On the technical and operaÂ-tional side, the eastern regions of the Myrmidons apÂ-peared well run. When Veluara escorted him back to the quarters, the sun was hanging just above the rolling hills on the far side of Alustre and the river. "Sir ... Submarshal Alcyna wanted you to know that the private dining room in the mess area has been reÂ-served for you. She regrets that she cannot join you toÂ-night, but she has cleared her schedule for all the other evenings you will be here in Alustre." "Thank you. I need to think for a while, but I appreciÂ-ate the submarshal's concerns ... and your guiding me through the compound." Dainyl wasn't certain that he wanted to be isolated in a private dining room, but he could also understand Alcyna's motives. Dainyl wouldn't have wanted her wandering through the mess in Elcien with his junior officersâ"if for very different reasons, he suspected. After he closed the quarters door behind him, he sank into one of the armchairs. 8 Quattri morning dawned cloudy and misting, and Dainyl slept later than he would have wished ideally. He had not slept well, awakening several times, although his Talent-alarm had not been the reason. He had to hurry through washing up, dressing, and breakfast in the private dining area in order to make it to headquarÂ-ters to get in his report reading before he was to depart on his late-morning tour of the eastern residence. All in all, he spent two glasses in Majer Noryan's study reading through the daily logs and reports of Third Company, all written in the majer's meticulous hand. According to the operations schedule, Noryan and two squads of Third Company were in Norda. When Dainyl finally discovered it, the entry for the enÂ-counter with the ancients was brief: 21Dueml743 First squad lifted off from temporary quarters in Scien at one glass after morning muster, with Majer Noryan taking operational control. The squad flew a line abreast centered on the North Road with half-vingt spacing. Second squad lifted off a fifth of a glass later. A half glass after the flight began, Ka-gayn noted a green globe of light on a rocky peak to the south of the road, located at vingt-post 37 from Scien. When he investigated, a flash of green light surrounded him and his pteridon. Zuluya followed, and there was a second flash. When the light faded, both pteridons and Myrmidons had dropped from the sky, and two pyres burned on the ice. Majer NoÂ-ryan ordered the remaining Myrmidons from first squad and all Myrmidons from squad two to mount a concentrated skylance attack on the peak and the globe of light. Under the concentrated power of nine skylances, the green globe exploded into shards that appeared to be frozen flame. These vanished before striking the ground. Third Company encountered no further difficulties during the road sweep, but no sign of the missing Cadmian company was discovÂ-ered this day. That was all Noryan had written, and there were no other references to the ancients or anything like mem. Dainyl frowned. He was certain that the reports he had seen two seasons earlier had indicated the pteridons had been lost in separate incidents. He continued to look through the reports, but found nothing more. Finally, Dainyl replaced the reports and stood, con- vinced that he had found all he would find. Alcyna and Noryan had reported the incident, and the majer had reÂ-ported what appeared to be a proper response to an atÂ-tack. From his own encounters in Dramur, Dainyl was certain that Noryan was either mistaken or lying about the ancient's destruction. What bothered him more was that Alcyna had believed that the ancient had been deÂ-stroyed. His own problem was simple. To charge the two with either incompetence or falsification of reports would prove nothing and create an argument about precisely how the pteridons had been lost. In addition, it might well require revealing the extent of his own Talent, and capaÂ-bilities he had concealed for years. Such a revelation would immediately make him a greater and more immeÂ-diate target for both Zelyert and Shastylt than Alcyna ... and could well lead to having all three, as well as Brekylt, looking to create an unfortunate accident for one Sub-marshal Dainyl. Before too long, he would doubtless have to reveal such, but now was not the time, not when there were two "official" reportsâ"at least as he recalled. He saw no point in acting immediately, not until he rechecked the records at headquarters. With a wry smile, he left the ma-jer's study and walked toward the duty desk to meet Un-dercaptain Veluara for his tour of the lower level of the eastern residence. More properly, he supposed, he was a guest or visitor, since he had no real authority except over the Myrmidons, and he would be seeing the administraÂ-tive areas of the east, dealing with five of the six branches of the Duarchy: Finance, Transport, Engineering, Trade, and Education. The sixth branch, of course, was Justice, and all functions associated with it in the east were hanÂ-dled by Alcyna and her subordinates. The High Alectors of Justice, Finance, and Transport were located in Elcien and reported directly to Khelaryt, the Duarch of Elcien, while the other three were in Ludar and reported to Samist, the Duarch there. Each branch had an eastern regional alector, corresponding in position to Alcyna, and each reported on a day-to-day basis to Brekylt, but any High Alector could override Brekylt if he felt it necessary. Dainyl could not remember that ever occurring and, from what he'd observed, doubted he ever would. Either Brekylt or the high alector who disagreed would resignâ" or suffer an accident. He snorted. The Duarchesâ"and esÂ-pecially the Archonâ"valued the appearance of consensus highly. Since the morning remained somewhat chill, Dainyl had worn his flying jacket over his uniform. The sky was a clear silver-green, but the wind out of the northwest was brisk, more like late winter than spring. Undercaptain Veluara stood waiting by the duty desk. She also wore a flying jacket, fastened almost to her neck. "Good morning, Veluara." "Good morning, sir. Are you ready?" "As ready as possible." She turned and started for the archway to the main front entrance. Dainyl followed. Outside, young Granyn stood waiting beside the duty coach. "Where to, Submarshal, sir?" asked the MyrmiÂ-don, opening the door. "The residence, for the administrative sections." "West portico, sir." Dainyl gestured for Veluara to enter the coach. A fleetÂ-ing expression between confusion and consternation flickered across her features before she stepped up from the mounting block and into the coach. Dainyl followed, and Granyn closed the door, then vaulted up to the driÂ-ver's bench. "Which courier flight is the hardest?" Dainyl asked as the coach pulled away from the entrance to the headquarÂ-ters building. "In the east." "I don't know as I could pick one route, Submarshal. The ones to Norda and Passera are bitter in the winter. The longest route is the one to Sinjin in the summer. We've never had to do that one more than once or twice a quint, though. The route to Passera runs every Quattri." "That's a day and a half each way." "Yes, sir. It's almost eleven hundred vingts." "Have you ever gone through the Spine of Corns exÂ-cept by the passes?" "No, sir. You'd run the risk of flying out of the lifeforce levels. Why ..." Veluara broke off whatever she might have said. "I was thinking about the ancients. Supposedly, they like high and cold places. Have you ever seen one?" "Yes, sir, but only from a distance." She frowned. "Didn't I tell you that?" "You may have." Dainyl had been concentrating with his eyes and Talent, and decided that Veluara was defiÂ-nitely lying about how closely she had seen an ancient. He had wondered that when he had first asked her. "You told me you weren't with the squads that had lost pteridons." "That's right. None of Fourth Company was, and I would have recalled that." The last words were odd, Dainyl reflected, but he smiled. "I can imagine that it would be hard to forget an ancient." The coach turned onto the wide avenue that led to the eastern residence, and Dainyl caught a glimpse of the east wing. Unlike the Palaces of the Duarches, or Myrmidon headquarters, where only alectors were permitted, the lower level of the residence was open to any who had business there. That was a necessity, since intelligent lanÂ-ders were the backbone of the day-to-day administration of Corus and since the various decisions and permits were issued directly from the administrative section of the residence. As Granyn slowed the coach at the stone circle before the west portico, Dainyl studied the residence. The west wing alone extended a good hundred yards and was at least forty yards deep. The east wing was a mirror image of the west. Surely, among all the alectors in the resi- dence, there should be someone that Dainyl knew. If not, he would have to come up with another stratagem. Once the two Myrmidons stepped from the coach on the main level of the west portico, Veluara looked to Dainyl. "I'd thought it would be easiest to begin with enÂ-gineering, sir. It's closest to the portico, and there aren't many in the engineering section here. Most of the engiÂ-neers in the east are at Fordall, near the manufactories. There are some at Dulka also." Dainyl smiled politely. Everyone in Elcien referred to the manufactories as being in Alustre, yet they would have been discomfited if anyone had suggested that the manufactories in Faitel were in Elcien. It was just another manifestation of the chauvinism that pervaded the westÂ-ern capital cities, he suspected. He glanced back at the mounting blocks, where anÂ-other carriage had drawn up, and two landers, one white-haired, had stepped out. The younger man gesticuÂ-lated angrily, then lowered his arm after several words from the older. While Dainyl wondered what the exÂ-change had been about, he returned his attention to the undercaptain. Veluara turned right toward the first archway. There were no guards, and she opened the golden oak door. Dainyl stepped through the doorway and into a corriÂ-dor with polished white granite floors, and lined with doors that stretched a good hundred yards. "If most of the engineers are elsewhere, what do the ones here do, then?" "Convey the requests of the High Alector of EngineerÂ-ing and take requests and grant permits, I would imagine." They passed three doorways on the left, and three on the right. The doorways on the right were closed, but those on the left were open, and in each study were two desks, with a lander at each, apparently reading reports or, in one case, studying some sort of building plans. Through his Talent, Dainyl could sense that at least one of the studies to the left held an alector. Veluara stopped at the fourth door on the left and opened it for Dainyl. Inside was a gray-haired lander woman, seated at a table desk in a small foyer. To her right was a closed doorway. "Yes? Might I help you?" The assistant smiled brightly, although Dainyl sensed little warmth behind the expression. "I'm Undercaptain Veluara, escorting Submarshal Dainyl. He's here to see the supervising engineer." "Just a moment." The woman rose quickly, hurried to the door, opened it a crack, and spoke. "The submarshal from Elcien is here to see you, sir." "Send him in, Selya. Send him in." Selya opened the door and stepped back, still offering an empty smile. Veluara followed Dainyl, closing the door behind them, then stepping forward and to the side. "Supervising Engineer Jostyl, this is Submarshal Dainyl from MyrmiÂ-don headquarters in Elcien...." "Ah, yes. High Alector Brekylt had passed the word that you might stop by." Jostyl was slightly taller than Dainyl, but far more angular and much thinner. His face was narrow, especially for an alector, and his deep-set eyes were a light violet. "Please, please sit down." Dainyl took one of the wooden armchairs across the table desk from the engineer. "I must say that I've seldom been visited by a MyrmiÂ-don of such rank before, and certainly not in recent years. What can I do for you?" "I'm not certain," Dainyl offered with an open smile. "Marshal Shastylt felt that I should have a better feel for what occurred east of the Spine of Corus and meet some of the key people in Alustre." "How key I am ..." Jostyl shook his head. "I understand that the majority of the engineering and manufactory activities are in Fordall. How does that afÂ-fect what you do?" "We handle the requests from towns and cities for maÂ-jor repairs and engineering improvements, structures like bridges and access causeways. We also inform the local regional alectors in the east..." Dainyl listened as Jostyl explained, interjecting quesÂ-tions of his own, as appropriate. "How many alector engineers are there in Fordall? ... "Is any expansion of the manufactories in Fordall planned? Especially of the facility producing rifles?" At that question, Jostyl frowned. "None. There is abÂ-solutely no need for additional production." Dainyl mentally marked the reaction before continuing his questions. "Is there any thought of a high road from Sudya or Ty-lora to Sinjin? ..." As Dainyl finally stepped out of Jostyl's study and past Selya, close to a glass after they had entered, he could sense the assistant's eyes on himâ"as well as a combinaÂ-tion of anger and resentment, yet he knew he had never seen the woman before he had stepped into the study. "Education is the next section, sir," offered Veluara once they stood out in the main corridor. "That's fine." Dainyl noted a few landers walking along the corridor, but all moved to avoid the two Myrmidons. Veluara introduced him to the supervisor of education, and after a short conversation, because Dainyl needed less information, they walked through the section, also small, with but three alectors and twelve lander assisÂ-tants. After two sections, and two glasses, they had covÂ-ered roughly seventy yards of the long granite-walled corridor. Dainyl had seen less than ten alectors, and none that he knew, and learned little he had not already read or understood. "What section is next?" "That would be trade, sir. The rest of the west wing is for trade. The east wing is largely finance, and, of course, the supervisors and staff for the residence itself. The reÂ- gional alector for transport is in Prosp for the week, I unÂ- derstand, but his chief assistant is here. His name is Zulanyt " Dainyl concealed a smile. Surely, there could be only one Zulanyt. Then, Zulanyt had been several years older than Dainyl and less than perfectly friendly when they had shared tutors. After the pleasantries had been exchanged, and before Dainyl seated himself in the small study occupied by Zulanytâ"an alector shorter and broader than Dainylâ" the submarshal turned to Veluara. "Undercaptain, ZuÂ-lanyt and I go back a long time. We have a few things to talk over. I certainly don't want you forced to listen to us reflect. Why don't you take the coach back to headquarÂ-ters, and then send Granyn back to wait for me?" "Ah ..." Before she said another word, Veluara realÂ-ized that Dainyl's questioning suggestion was a polite orÂ-der. "Yes, sir. I'll send him right back. Are you sure you won't need anything else? You haven't toured finance ..." "I'm sure Zulanyt can introduce me." "I can do that," affirmed the older alector, who continÂ-ued to smile pleasantly until Veluara had left the small study, closing the door as she departed. Dainyl maintained his own smile, even as he studied Zulanyt. "You've certainly gone farther than anyone could have possibly imagined." The smile vanished. "What do you want? You certainly didn't stop by to chat. As I rememÂ-ber, I was never particularly warm to you, and I can't imagine that you recall me with great kindness." Dainyl laughed. "No. I can't say that you provided me with the warmest of recollections. But I was curious as to how you got from Elcien to Alustre." "By sandox and coach, like any other low-level alector who isn't a Myrmidon." "But why did you choose the eastern region?" Dainyl arched his eyebrows, thinking that Lystrana could have arched either oneâ"and to greater effect. "It's where bright young alectors without connections go to become noticed, especially if they don't want to beÂ-come Myrmidons. Didn't you know that?" Zulanyt's voice dripped irony. "Do you know how much you'll be detested, if you aren't already?" "Because I'm the exception, the alector with few conÂ-nections who made it to second-in-command of the MyrÂ-midons, the one the senior alectors will name to prove that it's ability that counts and not relationships and conÂ-nections? I assume that's what you meant." "You're far more cynical than you used to be." "Aren't we all?" "You didn't answer my question," Zulanyt pointed out. "That's definitely a trait of an alector on the way up." "No. I'm still slow about some things. I was sent here to see what is happening. You were always quite willing to tell meâ"and anyone elseâ"what we didn't wish to hear." Dainyl shrugged. "I felt it couldn't hurt to see if you still felt that way." "You realize that High Alector Brekylt will be interÂ-ested in why you stopped to see me and dismissed your escort? That undercaptain worships the stones Alcyna stands upon and is already reporting that we're talking. By tonight, Brekylt will know as well." "Then tell them the truth, that I was prying and trying to find out if anything untoward is happening. Is it?" "It always is, everywhere in Corns. It always has. You should have learned that by now," replied Zulanyt. "There's a difference between a nephew or niece being preferred for an assistant's position over someone less known and whether die regional alector or eastern sub-marshal is concealing the reasons for the disappearance of ... shall we say, entire companies. Or whether a Cad-mian garrison is being moved because certain individuals don't care for cold weather." "I wouldn't know anything about mat." "You're the chief assistant to the eastern regional alector for Transport. What can you tell me about the elimination of the high road coach service between Pystra and Scien?" "There's nothing secret or untoward about that, Dainyl. There wouldn't even have been anyone in Scien in the winter for the past ten years if it hadn't been for the Cad-mian companies there. It was a terrible place to locate a town. So when your High Alector ordered the Cadmians to Norda, and everyone else left as well, what reason was there to send coaches there?" "Did any of your drivers see the ancients?" "Ancients?" Zulanyt's voice turned incredulous. "They died a long time ago." "Not all of them," replied Dainyl dryly. "One of them was seen just before a company of Cadmians disappeared riding to Pystra on their way to Norda. That's why I wonÂ-dered if your drivers had seen anything. They travel the routes regularly and would be likely to notice anything that changed." "No one ever reported anything. You're sure that there are still ancients?" "A few have been reported by reliable sources." Dainyl paused only slightly. "Can you tell me if passages on the coaches are up or down in the past year?" "Passages for alectors are about the same. Those for landers and indigens are down, perhaps by a fifth. Why did you ask?" "Did the drop-off occur in the fall and winter, or earÂ-lier?" "As I recall, it was in the fall and early winter, and passages have been normal for the last quint." Zulanyt looked squarely at Dainyl. "You still aren't answering my questions." "I was curious as to whether lander passages dropped off before there was unrest along the Spine of Corus, at the same time, or afterward." "Why would you ... Oh." "Exactly," replied Dainyl. "If the drop-off preceded the unrest, we could look at passages as a sign, but it sounds like people just reacted to what had happened." Dainyl asked more questions, from the state of the roads to barge shipping to the ports, but Zulanyt had little more of interest to offer. After little more than half a glass, Zulanyt escorted Dainyl to the east wing, and to the eastern regional alector of finance, Kaparyk, then took his leave. Kaparyk, while the image of the typical alector with his shimmering black hair, broad face, and purple eyes, greeted Dainyl with both a broad smile and a sense of warmth that required little Talent for Dainyl to sense. "Submarshal Dainyl... I'm pleased to meet you. I have met Lystrana upon a number of occasions. An imÂ-pressive woman, your wife." "I was fortunate." "She has that rare ability to hold almost all the acÂ-counts in her head, and the rarer capability of knowing what they mean."- Kaparyk laughed. "Once the staff saw what she could do, there haven't been nearly as many problems with the accounts, either. She's the best chief assistant to the High Alector of Finance that I've known." "How long have you been in your position?" "Twenty-five years and a quint." "You have seen a few." "Five. The last one...." Kaparyk shook his head. "He got dizzy and fell off a pteridon on the way to somewhereâ"Arwyn, as I recall. Poor fellow, it was probÂ-ably better.that way. He'd made a terrible mess of the auÂ-dit of the engineering accounts. Took your wife a quint to set it right." The "unfortunate" assistant hadn't made a mess, Dainyl recalled. He'd tried to conceal the theft of certain engineering equipment that had been under his wife's suÂ-pervision. When she had disappeared, her successor disÂ-covered the discrepancies. Then Davalt had had his "accident." "But enough of that," Kaparyk went on. "What can I do for you?" "I don't know. Not in a definite way, that is." Dainyl quickly explained his tour and concluded, "So I'm introÂ-ducing myself and asking if there's anything I should know that would benefit the Myrmidons and the High Alector of Justice in carrying out our duties." Kaparyk's eyes twinkled. "I imagine you know that alÂ-ready, from Lystrana." Dainyl shrugged. "Certainly about finance, but she wouldn't see what you do here in Alustre on matters imÂ-pacting finance indirectly that might also affect the MyrÂ-midons." "I can't imagine any of that being very useful. There are more Cadmians in Norda, Dulka, and Lysia, and none left at Scien, and that's probably a good thing. The winÂ-ters at Scien meant that the maintenance and supply costs there were a third again that of any other Cadmian comÂ-pound of equivalent size." "There are still more at Lysia," offered Dainyl. "Seems strange to me," said Kaparyk. "Do you know why there are more forces there?" "It was ordered long before I became submarshal." EarÂ-lier, Dainyl had checked the records to see if he could disÂ-cover why there were two full battalions of Cadmians in Lysia, as well as a Myrmidon company, when Lysia was a relatively isolated seaport, serving an area with little hisÂ-tory of unrest and no particularly remarkable resources. He had found nothing, except spare directives ordering various unit transfers. In that light, the continued buildup in Lysia worried at him, but Kaparyk had effectively adÂ-mitted he didn't know why. Was it because it was isolated enough that Brekylt could build a power base there? Dainyl asked a handful of other questions, all anÂ-swered easily by the eastern regional alector of finance. "Oh," interjected Kaparyk, "I almost forgot. You might mention to Lystrana that chief engineer Rensyl in Fordall has adopted the same accounting systems as Azerdyl once used, in dealing with the transport and road mainteÂ-nance accounts of the eastern region." Noting the slightest emphasis on the words "accounting systems," Dainyl replied, "I'll be sure to pass that along. is mis someinmg iiKeiy to oe or interest to the marshal?" "It's rather complex, and I'm certain that your talented wife will be able to explain it far better than I ever could." Dainyl feared that Lystrana could indeed, and that Ka-paryk had doubtless survived by such indirection. "Then I will let her." He smiled. Kaparyk had little else to offer, and after leaving the fiÂ-nance alector's ample study, Dainyl walked to the nearest archway and then created his Talent-based sightshield, the ability he was not supposed to have, before making his way to the staircase that led down to the Table chamÂ-ber. While he kept the sightshield around him, he also walked along the side of the corridor. The staircase and the lower hallway leading to the Table were so deserted he scarcely needed the sightshieldâ"not until he reached the pair of guards staÂ-tioned outside. Neither of the two young alectors looked in his direction. Nor did either say anything for a time. "Quiet morning." "Always quiet here." Dainyl waited, listening, but neither spoke. Finally, he dropped the sightshield and cleared his throat. Both alectors stiffened. "Sir! We didn't see you." "That was obvious," Dainyl replied dryly. "Ah ... sir?" Dainyl stepped forward and released the Talent-lock on the outer doorway, then opened the door and stepped into the foyer, closing the door behind him. He remained in the foyer, extending his Talent-senses back into the corridor in order to listen. "That's the other submarshal?" "He's the one." "Swear he wasn't here, and then he was." "They're like that. You don't want to cross them." "What do you do if one's after the other?" There was a low laugh. "Do as little as you can, and stay out of the way." "Josaryk's wagering on this one." "Majer Noryan is backing the other one." "That's becauseâ"" "Enough. Shouldn't be talking about it. Not really." The guards were silent, and Dainyl released the second Talent-lock and stepped into the Table chamber. For a time, he stood there, just letting his senses range over the Table, trying to get a feeling of how the Table felt. Lystrana had told him that the Tables could also be used for communications, and Asulet had suggested that uhey had other purposes as well. Dainyl could sense a node of something within the Table, and he probed slightly with his Talent. Abruptly, a purple glow appeared above the black surface of the Table. Dainyl leaned forward. Was someone about to arrive? From Elcien? A vague and indistinct image appeared, seemingly within the Table, of gray walls. He squintedâ"and found himself viewing the outer walls of the Myrmidon headÂ-quarters in Elcien. But, while he could see a carriage pass by the front gates, he did not see any Myrmidons, not a one, nor any pteridons. The glow above the Table intensified, and a rush of chill air cascaded over Dainyl as an ugly pink-purple mist expanded above the middle of the Table. He stepped back, his hand dropping to the lightcutter at his side. AbÂ-sently, he noted that the image of headquarters had vanÂ-ished. With another wave of chill air, a ... creatureâ"that was the only word for itâ"appeared on the Table, a composite of alector and pteridon, alector from the mid-chest down, and pteridon above that, with crooked and truncated wings that barely fit within the chamber. Without warnÂ-ing, it lurched toward Dainyl, blue crystal beak jabbing downward. Dainyl yanked out the lightcutter and fired, throwing up Talent-shields in front of himself. The lightcutter beam shimmered and reflected off the pteridon-like head of the creature. It slashed forward with its beak, striking his Talent-shields. The impact hurled Dainyl back into the stone wall. The creature whirled, looking for others. In diat moÂ-ment, Dainyl used the lightcutter beam to aim for the middle of the chestâ"the human part of the monster. A sharp hiss followed, and the monster collapsed in a heap. Holding die lightcutter ready, Dainyl looked at the corpse, a twisted figure with the head and winged shoulÂ-ders and beak of a miniature pteridon. Beneath the head was an alector's body in die green trousers and purple tuÂ-nic usually worn by senior fieldmasters. He waited several moments, but the hideous form did not move, and Dainyl sensed no lifeforce. He extended a Talent-probe. Nothing, and the dead creature was not disÂ-integrating, either, the way alectors usually did. Now what? If he hadn't made his presence known to the guards, he could have raised Talent illusions and just left. But then, if he hadn't been trying to work with the Table, the wild translation wouldn't have focused on him. Could he use the Table to cart the dead alector to a Table less frequently used? He climbed up onto the Table and grasped the shoulÂ-ders of the repulsive form that had once been an alector, then concentrated. The Table turned to black mist beÂ-neath him, and he plummeted down ... . . . into chill darkness. The lifeless form of the wild translation was a leaden weight, not on his arms, but his mind, and he searched for the purple-edged green locator that was Norda. After endless instant moments, he could sense the purple and green. He extended a Talent-probe. Instead of the rushing sense he had felt before, the green locator crept toward him, slowly, ever more slowly, but the silver-green barrier finally loomed closer and closer, and then shattered around him. Dainyl staggered several steps, and dropped the wild translation onto the Table. Ice had coated its form, al- though a misty fog immediately began to rise in the warmer air of the Table chamber. A figure in green by the door to me chamber began to turn toward the Table. Dainyl concentrated and dropped back into the blackÂ-ness. He plunged downward into and beneath the Table. His entire body shuddered, as though it had been coated with ice that pressed in upon him. For an endless moment, he did nothing, wondering what he was doing in the chill, trying to sort out the confusion, even as his legs and hands lost their sensation. The dark gray locator, bordered in purple, that was what he sought, and his thoughts reached for that locator wedge. In time, seemingly forever, gray-silver sprayed away from him, and. . . ... he stood back on me Table in the chamber in Alus-tre, his lungs gasping for air, his entire frame shivering as he climbed down from the Table and leaned against it, trying to catch his breath and warm up. For a time, misty fog enshrouded his entire form before dispersing. Slowly, he began to regain his strength, but decided to wait before leaving the chamber. He still did not understand why the wild translation had not immediately turned to dustâ"or fire. His eyes traveled across the stone walls of the windowless chamÂ-ber, unmarred except for the brackets for the light-torches and hangings. Abruptly, he looked at one light-torch bracket, somehow different, although it appeared the same as did the others to his eyes. Straightening, Dainyl slowly walked to the bracket, reÂ-alizing, as he did, that it was a concealed lock, its Talent so muted that it was not obvious until he stood next to it. There was a concealed door within the Table chamber. Should he try it? He could feel a ragged grin cross his face. If... if anyÂ-one were inside, after dealing with the wild translation and two trips between Tables, he was scarcely in the best condi- non to raKe on another challenge. Investigating the hidden door would have to wait, but he would check all the Table chambers he used in the future to see if they had such doors. He squared his shoulders and walked to the foyer door, opening it, and then re-setting the Talent lock behind him. He opened the outer door. Both guards stiffened. "That didn't take long, sir." Dainyl offered a smile. "Sometimes, it doesn't." He closed the door and replaced the second Talent-lock. "I hope the rest of your duty won't be too long." As he walked away, he extended his Talent-senses, listening. "... couldn't have traveled too far..." "... some of them use it for other things, they say ..." "Best you keep that to yourself..." Dainyl kept walking down the corridor toward the steps. He needed to eat, and get some rest before his eveÂ-ning meal with Brekylt and Alcyna. The effort required by his brief Table transits underscored why it was better not to use the Tables too frequentlyâ"not until he was more adept, anyway. As he climbed the steps, trying not to breathe hard, he couldn't help wondering about the wild translation. Had he caused it by attempting to investigate the Table, or had he just drawn it to him? What about the hidden chamber? Why did the recorders need hidden chambers within largely hidden chambers? 9 Just before sunset, Dainyl made his way from his quarters and across the paved courtyard. To his right, a single pteridon angled in from the south, flared gracefully, and settled onto the stone flight stage, where the Myrmidon flyer dismounted and handed a dispatch case to the waiting duty messenger. Dainyl followed the messenger into the rear entrance to the headquarters building. "The weekly report from Fordall, sir," the messenger announced, handing the dispatch case to the undercaptain at the duty desk. The junior officer saw Dainyl behind the Myrmidon messenger and rose to his feet. "Submarshal, sir. The duty coach is waiting for you. Submarshal Alcyna will meet you at the residence. She is traveling from her house just outside Alustre." "Thank you." Dainyl nodded and made his way out to the front and the coach. The driver was not Granyn, but a woman, a junior Myrmidon ranker. "Submarshal, sir. The residence?" "That's correct." Dainyl paused. "Did you come from Transport, driving sandoxen coaches?" "Yes, sir." "What routes? I drove the Hafin-to-Krost leg, and sometimes the Tempre-Syan square." He laughed. "That was a few years back." "The Northern Pass run from Dereka to Passera. Seven years." Her voice was pleasant, but Dainyl could sense a faint anger and resentment behind the words. "Sometimes, it takes a while," he replied. "For me, I drove for almost eleven years." "Sir ... eleven years?" "A little more than ten and a half," he admitted with a smile. "I never thought they'd take me for the MyrmiÂ-dons." The driver looked at him for a long moment before her eyes shifted to his star insignia. Then she laughed. "Guess I shouldn't complain." "I didn't get your name," Dainyl said. "Olyssa, sir." "How long have you been here at headquarters?" "Just a year, sir. Well.. . four quints, actually." "I'd judge it'll be another three quints before there will be an opening for a flyer here in Alustre, but you never know what might come up. You're next in line after Granyn?" "Yes, sir." "How do you like it here?" "Much better than being a sandoxen driver, sir, and I've been helping Vresnyl in the armory." "With all the changes in the handling of skylances, you mean?" "Yes, sir, and learning about crystal replacements and testing." "Did you help with the testing of the lances used against the ancient?" "Oh, no, sir. The submarshal and Vresnyl did mat." "I suppose they had to replace some of the crystals." "Yes, sir, but I don't know how many. Vresnyl keeps those under lock, and he said that I wasn't supposed to say much about it, except to my superiors." Dainyl suspected that, at the time, no one had thought he might be visiting. "That's wise of you both." He smiled. "I suppose we should be getting to the residence." "Yes, sir." Dainyl stepped from the mounting block into the coach, closing the door behind himself. As the coach passed out through the compound gates, he nodded. His inquiry had been a thrust in the dark, but Olyssa's anÂ-swers confirmed that more than a few details were not beÂ-ing reported to the marshal. Alcyna had mentioned sending a report to Lyterna about the ancients, and when Dainyl had been in Lyterna in late winter, Asulet had told him that too many of the senior alectors were interested in power rather man understanding and that High Alector Zelyert played "little games." Was Alcyna using the reÂ-ports about the ancients to turn Asulet against Zelyert and Shastylt? Or merely fomenting unrest? Dainyl snorted. That wasn't the question. Rather the question was exactly how she had done so. He also worÂ-ried about the finagling in accounts suggested by Ka-paryk, particularly since there was no reason for an alector to amass golds other than to fund some sort of covert operation. This time, the duty coach slowed to a halt under the central portico of the residence, actually a raised entry on the second level on the front of the structure that allowed Brekylt and his guests and visitors to avoid the adminisÂ-trative and government studies and functionaries on the main level. Dainyl opened the door and slipped out of the coach. "I'll be back in two glasses, Submarshal, and wait until you're ready to depart," Olyssa said immediately. "That won't be a problem?" While Dainyl knew it was the ranker's duty, he didn't want to appear too callous or accepting. "No, sir. I'd just be waiting at headquarters, otherwise." "I'll see you then." When Dainyl turned and stepped off the mounting lock, a young alectress moved forward from where she stood beside one of the unfluted stone columns flanking the covered colonnade that led to the receiving rotunda. She wore the black-trimmed silver tunic and black trousers that signified she was attached to the residence staffâ"or to Brekylt's personal retinue. "Submarshal Dainyl, High Alector Brekylt sent me to escort you, since you haven't been to the private quarters of the residence before." She inclined her head slightly. "Thank you." Dainyl had no doubts that he would have an escort no matter how familiar he became with the resÂ-idence and its private quarters. He followed the alectress along the colonnade, through a vaulted archway and past two lander guards in black and silver, one of whom opened the right half of the double doors. Once inside, she headed straight back through a high-ceilinged entry hall, black marble columns spaced at four-yard intervals along the white walls. The floor of the entry hall was composed of black octagons set in white granite. Beyond the entry, the corridor narrowed to a width of a mere six yards, and the stone floor was white granite. At the end of the corridor was another set of golden oak douÂ-ble doors, guarded by a young alector in the black and silver. He nodded to Dainyl's escort, then said, as he opened the right-hand door, "Welcome, Submarshal. The High Alector is expecting you." Dainyl's escort stepped back, and he walked through the door alone, Talent-senses alert. The foyer beyond was empty, and Dainyl faced archways to the left and right. "To the right," called a voice. Dainyl stepped through the archway, and followed anÂ-other corridor to the first open doorway on the left. BeÂ-yond was a study, the inner wall lined with shelves of books. The outer wall held shelves as well, but between them were floor-to-ceiling windows, and in the center of the outer wall was a set of open double doors. Alcyna and Brekylt rose from the pair of armchairs set before the table desk. Brekylt was but a shade shorter than Dainyl, and slenÂ-der. His wide expressive mouth offered a smile, and he Talent-projected warmth and friendliness. "Submarshal Dainyl, I've heard only good things about you. It's good to see you here in Alustre." Behind that projection, well shielded, but not from Dainyl, was a sense of coolness and calculation. Dainyl smiled in response, inclining his head. "I'm pleased to have the chance to visit Alustre again, and to see you. I'm also grateful for the dinner invitation." "I'm the one who is pleased," replied the High Alector. "It has been some time since the submarshal of the west has dined with us. Tyanylt never did, you know. Neither didWeylt." "I hadn't known," said Dainyl with a soft laugh, "but I'm more than happy to break that precedent." "So are we." Brekylt smiled again. "There are only the three of us. I had thought it would be more pleasantâ"and more intimateâ"to enjoy the balcony overlooking the conservatory gardens." "Brekylt has plants from all over Acorus in the gardenâ"only the most beautiful and the most fragrant, of course," added Alcyna. "The gardens must be very special, then," Dainyl replied. "Nothing like them anywhere on Corus, not even in Lyterna." Brekylt turned and walked through the open doors of the study and out onto a balcony within the glass-roofed conservatory and overlooking the gardens below. The light of the almost-setting sun turned the white-granite walls and pillars orangish red, and the scent of flowers filled the warm moist air. Dainyl followed Alcyna, stopping well short of the stone half wall at the edge of the balcony. To his right, five yards away, was a table, set with three places, in full formality. The silver gleamed, as did the crystal goblets. Dainyl concentrated on Brekylt. "It's pleasant here." "One of the great privileges of being the High Alector of the East." Brekylt lifted an amber long-necked bottle and filled three of the four wine glasses set on a side table. The vintage was so clear that the glass would have appeared empty, except for the slight silver sheen to the wine. "You must try the Argentium Grande." He gestured for Dainyl and Alcyna each to take a glass. Dainyl inclined his head to Alcyna. "Thank you, Dainyl. You are so aware of the propriÂ-eties." She took the middle glass. Dainyl took the leftmost one. He lifted it, then inhaled, using the gesture and his Talent sense to check the wine, but he sensed nothing untoward. "It has a wonderful aroma:" "It's from Elcadya," replied Brekylt, holding his glass. "Every bit as good as anything out of the Vyan Hills, and better at times." He sipped the wine. "Elcadya?" "'I'he vineyard region some fifty vingts to the north of Flyr." Brekylt set down his wine on the side table and picked up the empty glass, tapping the rim with his foreÂ-finger. A clear tone filled the balcony. "The crystal gobÂ-lets come from just north of Vysta ..." Dainyl laughed and added, "And they're every bit as good as those from Krost, if not better at times." Alcyna laughed as well. "I think he understands your point, Brekylt." "I'm certain he does." The High Alector of the East set down the empty goblet and lifted his wine, not drinking any. "But does he know why matters have turned as they have?" "No ... I don't," Dainyl admitted. "I have the feeling I'm about to learn, though." He took a sip of the Argentiumâ"as good as Brekylt had suggested. "You're right about the wine." "He's right about many things." Alcyna's tone was dry. "I imagine so. One doesn't become and remain the Highest of the East without great knowledge." Brekylt moved to the balcony wall, where he gestured at the gardens below. "They're beautiful," Dainyl said. "They are ifldeed. Like Acorns itself, they require much care, much planning, and careful pruningâ"but not too much. Do you see the jaelithum there, with the silver blossoms?" "It's especially pleasing." "It is. It wasn't supposed to be there. The original jaelithum was planted in the far corner. No matter what the gardeners did, it failed to thrive. It finally died. The one there planted itself, and I told them to let it grow. Everyone has remarked on its beauty and fragrance." "Some plants are suited for some locales, and some are not," Dainyl observed, as he knew he had been led to conclude. "Exactly. All worlds are like that, and Acorus is no exÂ-ception. There are sand and lime near Vysta and the slop- ing hills with right exposure to sun in Elcadya." "But those exist in Krost and the Vyan Hills as well," pointed out Dainyl. "They do indeed, but does either Duarch remark upon die vintages of Elcadya or the crystal of Vysta?" "I couldn't tell you." Dainyl laughed ruefully. "I've not dined at tiieir tables. You would know better man I." "They do not," murmured Alcyna, who had moved to me balcony wall, at Dainyl's right, so that he stood beÂ-tween the two, "especially not Khelaryt." "Life is like the gardens here," Brekylt said genially. "Some plants and trees you can place anywhere, and othÂ-ers will grow only in certain places. One cannot decree that the jaelithum must only grow in the corner. One must work with what is, not insist that it all follow a plan laid down years before. After all, to build lifeforce, we must be gardeners as well as administrators." "And, according to the Views of the Highest," Dainyl couldn't resist adding, "we must not see choices where there are none." "Exactly." Brekylt swallowed the last of his wine. "Enough of gardens and lifeforce. We should eat before what we have planned spoils, and you must tell us all about our acquaintances ... and how they fare ..." Dainyl understood that message as well. No matter what he tried, Brekylt and Alcyna weren't about to tell him more man they already had. For all their overt courÂ-tesy, they both had made what they had conveyed to Dainyl very clear, so obvious that it could not have been missed. Whether that meant mat they felt he was naive about matters, not that bright, or whether it was all deÂ-signed to mislead himâ"he didn't know. Not yet. He might as well enjoy the dinner... and listen not just to what was said, but how it was said. 10 A light rain fell outside the mess, turning the predawn grayness of Quinti into a misty gloom. InÂ-side, Mykel sat at a table along the wall, slowly eating his egg toast. Fabrytal sat across from him, finishing his own breakÂ-fast. "Chyndylt's a good senior squad leader. After anÂ-other deployment, he might make a good undercaptain." "I'd thought he might," replied Mykel, refraining from pointing out that he'd made the observation to Fabrytal sevÂ-eral weeks earlier. "But it's better not to say anything to him at all. When you think he's ready, make the recommendation to me. That way, if the colonel doesn't want to accept itâ"or wants to delay it because there aren't any officer slots availableâ"Chyndylt doesn't get angry or resentful. There's no sense in creating a problem when you don't have to." "I can see that, sir." Fabrytal paused. "What's it like in Dramur? Majer Dohark must have liked it to accept the post there." "It's like every place else, Fabrytal. It has good points and bad. Majer Dohark said he was tired of the cold, and liked the idea of being in charge of a post." "How many companies?" 'Twoâ"but he has orders to expand to a full battalion. The two companies weren't enough to cover much more than Dramuria and the guano mine. That was one reason why the growers on the west side of the island thought they could do what they wanted...." Mykel laughed. "I can fill you in on that on the ship to Southgate. I imagine you have a few things to do right now." "I do need to check with Chyndylt before muster. By your leave, sir." Mykel nodded, and after the undercaptain had left, took another bite of egg toast that was cooler than he liked and firm, just short of being rubbery. "So... they've decided that you have a talent for butchery, Mykel." Mykel looked up to see Hersiod sitting down at the end of the adjoining table. While Mykel hadn't avoided the older majer over the past weeks, he hadn't gone out of his way to seek him out, either. "Butchery? That's not a good idea, as you've pointed out." "I understand you do it so well, though. How many nearly defenseless companies did you destroy in Dramur? Something like ten? Was that it?" Hersiod's voice was light. Mykel could sense the other's anger, not from the tone of voice, but rather as though it were a color, or a smell. It wasn't either, but related in some fashion to his growing ability to see people's auras. "Well..." He drew out the word, trying to reply with a bantering tone himself. "They had very new rifles and a lot of ammunition, and they were trying to kill us. They kept attacking, and they wanted a fight. So I figured I'd oblige them, but I didn't see much point in losing men I didn't have to." He shrugged. "You're headed to Iron Stem, I heard. Did the colonel tell you how long you'll be there?" Mykel took a swallow of die slightly watered hot cider, concentrating on Hersiod. "It might be better if you concentrated on your own battalion, Mykel. What we're doing won't help you." Hersiod's smile was anything but warm. "But then, you're being sent to do what you do so well. Butchering ... I beg your pardon ... disciplining those who have not seen the error of their ways." Mykel smiled, in return. "Discipline is important. You've often made that point." Mykel could sense a cerÂ-tain hardness ... an intransigence within Hersiod ... something, like the anger concealed by Hersiod, that carÂ-ried a color Mykel could sense with his growing talent, could almost seeâ"the faintest pinkish purple. At the same time, the older majer's words and attitude reminded Mykel of Majer Vaclyn just before Vaclyn had snapped and attacked Mykel. Did being in command of a battalion do that to some men after a time? Or were they always that way? "I'm so glad my words have made an impact upon you, Mykel." Hersiod lifted his mug, as if in a toast, and sipped the steaming cider. Mykel lifted his mug, empty as it was, in response. "I can't imagine them not making an impact, coming as they do from a senior majer." His words, even and polite, were true enough, in more than one way. He knew he should just have nodded and agreed, but he'd always had trouble in making himself agree to what he perceived as outright falsehoods and blatant inaccuracies, even when agreement would have made his own way far smoother. The sense of anger in Hersiod darkened. "We are only Cadmians, Mykel. We are not alectors. We serve at their pleasure. You are a majer at their pleasure. You could be nothing as quickly. You might keep that in mind." "That has been made extremely clear to me." Mykel didn't have to evade or equivocate to say that. An expression of surprise flashed across Hersiod's feaÂ-tures, then vanished as if it had never been. "That is very good to know." Mykel rose from his table. "I hope your day and your training go well." He nodded and turned. Hersiod did not offer a reply. Mykel left the mess and started across the courtyard through the mist that had replaced the rain, heading to meet his captains and undercaptains. Something... something about Hersiod, about Fourth Battalion, about uieir being assigned to Iron Stem, reminded Mykel of Majer Vaclyn, something more than stubbornness and inÂ-transigence. But what? As he neared the Third Battalion barracks, the cerÂ-tainty that there was a connection nagged at Mykel, but he could not identify what it was, no matter how he strugÂ-gled to remember and recall. 11 By Sexdi night, Dainyl had reviewed every record in the eastern Myrmidon headquarters even halfway pertinent to his concerns, observed the majority of pteridons and their squares, and had three more meals with Alcynaâ"two more than he had desired or needed, especially since he had learned little more than the fact that Alcyna was quite talented in revealing nothing that she had not already told Dainyl. He'd seen nothing that referred to engineering or to road building or mainteÂ-nance, but had not expected that he would. He had disÂ-covered that, periodically, she transferred Myrmidons from company to company, far more often than Tyanylt or he had done in the west, and most of the transfers were not for reasons related to promotions. They couldn't be. Promotions were infrequent. His sleep was less than untroubled, despite the various precautions he had taken, including a Talent-alarm on the door to his bedchamber, and he awoke early on Septi morning. After a quick breakfast, he packed his gear, pulled on his flying jacket, slung the saddlebags over his shoulder, and walked down the steps to the courtyard, and through the wind that swirled warm and chill air together toward the headquarters building. He glanced to the south, where gray clouds were building, suggesting that the warm rains of mid-spring were indeed on their way. Someone must have seen him carrying his gear, beÂ-cause, by the time he reached the duty desk inside headÂ-quarters to request the coach, Alcyna was walking toward him. "You're leaving, Dainyl?" He shrugged. "What can I say? You are remarkably able. Your records and accounts are a marvel, and you maintain order and discipline without excessive force or overmanagement. l ma note that you tend to transfer Myrmidons more than in the west." "That's because squads can get too cliquish without regular rotations." There was more there, but Dainyl didn't have any way to press. "I'll report that as well. Those kinds of insights just show your attention to detail, and are the sorts of things that I'll be pleased to report to the marshal." "I do hope that you found your tour instructive." Her smile was polite. "With your example, how could it not be?" His smile was warmer than hers, if not by much. "Do give my warmest regards to Marshal Shastylt, and enjoy the spring in Elcien." "It's cooler there, and it will be a while." "The coach is standing by." Her words were the equivÂ-alent of a dismissal. "Thank you. I hope I can be as hospitable to you when you come to Elcien." Dainyl inclined his head, then turned and walked out to the coach, where Granyn waited. "To the residence, sir?" "The west portico, Granyn." Dainyl swung up into the coach and closed the door behind himself. As he rode toward the residence, Dainyl considered how little he had learnedâ"and how much less he trusted either Brekylt or Alcyna. Brekylt's remarks about gardenÂ-ing might well have been an indirect invitation for Dainyl to join them in whatever they plannedâ"or at least an opening to explore suchâ"but Dainyl knew all too well that following that path would have been too dangerous. He could conceal what he felt well enough, but he had never been able to counterfeit interest in what he disliked, distrusted, or detested, and Alcyna and Brekylt were all too skilled at reading people. He had no doubts that his shortcomings along those lines were why he was indeed the submarshal and why the Highest and Marshal Shastylt had sent him to Alustre. His next stop would be Norda, unannounced, to see what else he could discover. When he exited die coach at die west portico of die residence, he turned to die driver. "The best to you, Granyn. I hope it's not too long before you're flying." "Thank you, sir." Dainyl smiled, nodded, turned, and walked briskly to die rear corridor and the steps down to die lower level and the Table chamber. The two alector guards stiffened as Dainyl apÂ-proached, but neither spoke as he released die Talent-locks and opened die outer door to the foyer leading to the Table chamber. After closing the outer door, he paused, using his Talent to listen, but neidier guard said a word. Their silence suggested that they'd been alerted about something. With that in mind, he released die Talent-lock on the inner door, then eased it open and stepped inside. The Table chamber was empty. At least, the part he saw was. He looked at the wall holding die light-torch bracket with the hidden Talent-lock, but whatever was beÂ-hind the wall was shielded from him by the stone itself. After a moment, his saddlebags over one shoulder, he turned back toward the Table, over which seemed to hang a Talent-mist. As he moved closer to the Table, a pair of long purplish arms formed from the mist, rising from die silver surface and reaching toward Dainyl. What diey were, Dainyl had no idea, but they exuded menace. He stepped back. The arms thickened and lengdiened, separating as if to encircle him. He unholstered the lightcutter at his belt and fired at one arm. The blue fire seared dirough the right arm, but the arm was unchanged. The surface of the stone on the far side of the chamber took on a glazed appearance. Dainyl raised full Talent-shields, and the arms stopped, halted by the barriers as Dainyl stood behind his shields. He had no doubt that he could have stepped up onto the Tableâ"and perhaps even translatedâ"but he didn't think shields were that effective in a translation tube. He didn't want to prove that. He also didn't like the idea of someone using the Table against a submarshal and getÂ-ting away with it. Still... he could feel the increasing pressure exerted by the armsâ"clearly drawing strength from the Table or through Uâ"and he was beginning to sweat with the effort of maintaining shields. He cast his Talent-senses around the chamber, realizÂ-ing that the hidden door was in fact open, that it was conÂ-cealed by the same Talent-cloak as the lock, and that he had not probed deeply enough. The thinnest line of purÂ-ple talent ran from the Table to the doorway. Dainyl turned toward that doorway, sensing someone behind the Talent-illusion. The illusion vanished, and in the open stone doorway stood an angular alector, clad in green and black, the colÂ-ors of a Recorder of Deeds, although Dainyl had never met one. A line of Talent-fire, as hot as anything from a light-cutter, flared toward Dainyl, sheeting around his shields, but rocking him back a half step. He took a half step forÂ-ward, then another. More Talent-fire surged from the Recorder of Deeds, and again Dainyl's shields held, but his broad forehead was dripping sweat, and the corners of his eyes stung from where the sweat had run into them. Dainyl doubted he could match the other alector in proÂ-jecting Talent-force, and trying to do so would only weaken his own shields. But one didn't have to always use projected Talent to stop a Talent-wielder. He took two more steps. Another blast of Talent slammed at Dainyl, but another two steps brought him to where he could almost have reached out and touched the recorder. He did not. Instead, he concentrated on bringing his own shields forward so that, instead of forming a circle around Dainyl, they formed one around the recorder, a wall that Dainyl began to contract. The recorder suddenly realized what Dainyl had done, and tried to step back, but found himself encircled, his own shields being squeezed back around him by the greater power of Dainyl's. The sweat streamed down Dainyl's face, but he conÂ-centrated on contracting the shields around the other alector, ever more tightly. The recorder's hands and arms came up, trying to push back against the encircling force, to no avail. His mouth opened, but the scream was soundÂ-less, lost behind two sets of shields. His face slowly turned dark crimson. CRUMPT! Dainyl felt himself being hurled back across the room, his back slamming into the stone wall. His vision turned black for a long moment, but he struggled through the darkness, somehow reaching out and steadying himself against the wall with his "good" left arm. When he could see clearly again, all that reÂ-mained of the Recorder of Deeds was fast-vanishing dust, and his lifeforce-treated shimmersilk raiment, crumpled in the opening to the hidden chambers. Dainyl's left leg ached, with shivers of pain running up and down it. He could tell he hadn't rebroken it, but he hadn't done it much good, either. Absently, he noted that the purple mist and arms had vanished. "Zorater!" The call came from the hidden chambers. Dainyl was tired, but he certainly didn't want to stay in Alustre, not after what had just occurred, not when his ability to hold shields was diminished. He scooped up the saddlebags that he had dropped along the way and scramÂ-bled to the Table and onto it, wincing as he did, concenÂ-trating on dropping into the blackness below.... The chill jolted his overheated and tired frame, so much that for a long, if timeless, moment, the black chill of the translation tube enfolded him. Where should he go ? He 'd intended on traveling to Norda. Should he? Returning to blcien might raise too many questions. At the moment, no one would really know what happened, but if he appeared in Elcien the marshal might well ask too many questions. No. Better to carry on what he had planned... somehow. He cast his Talent-line out, seeking the green locator wedge, bordered in purple, that was Norda. The Talent-line and the locator wedge touched, and Dainyl could sense himself closer, but the chill surrounding him seemed more intense than on his last journey. Because he'd been overheated, or because he was tired? He concentrated on the greenness of Norda, sensing it grow ever nearer. Then, just as he felt he was about to reach the Table... a line of golden green appeared, as if beside him .. . and then vanished. . . or retreated, he thought, before vanishing. At that moment, the barrier sprayed away from him... . He stood on yet another Table. Two alectors stood before the opening to the hidden chamberâ"did all Table chambers have them? One began to form a Talent probe, one with flame. Dainyl projected a shield that slammed into the alec-tor's hand, throwing him into the stone wall behind him. The recorder beside the fallen alector raised a hand in greeting. "Submarshal! We didn't expect you. My assisÂ-tant was too hasty. He was worried about a wild translaÂ-tion. We've had a number of them recently, and one only a few days ago, although it arrived dead, but it has been disconcerting. I apologize for his carelessness." The stunned alector shook his head. "My apologies, sir... I am so sorry. I thought... I was worried about a wild translation." He was sorry, Dainyl sensed, but not for mistaking Dainyl, but for failing to catch the submarshal off-guard. "Sometimes mistakes happen," Dainyl replied. "You're fortunate I sensed it in time." He smiled coldly. "Most fortunate." The alector swallowed. "I'm Kasyst, Submarshal Dainyl. How could we help you?" "I'm here to see Majer Noryan and the Myrmidons." "Yes, sir. They're actually billeted in the adjoining compound, sir. It's but a hundred yards. I would offer a coach, but we don't have one." "I'll manage." Dainyl kept his shields in place as he moved toward the archway leading to a foyer from the chamber. Unlike the other Table chambers he had visited, there seemed to be only one actual door. As he passed through the archway from the Table chamÂ-ber, he could hear Kasyst's low words to his assistant. "... causal use of power ... one of them could turn you into dust..." "... Myrmidon officer ... not a High Alector..." "A submarshal, and might as well be a High Alector." Dainyl didn't exactly feel like a High Alector, although Asulet had said something along those lines. In any case, he needed to find Majer Noryan. He wasn't looking forÂ-ward to the meeting. Not the way matters had been going so far. He also wondered what the golden green had been, almost the same shade and feeling as the ancient soarer he had encountered in Dramur. Were they trying to attack through the Table grid? Or did their mirror portals work in the same fashion as did a Table? 12 Dainyl had slung his saddlebags over his shoulder and walked up the long narrow steps to a door on the ground level of the regional administration building. The door was Talent-locked and shielded. Dainyl shielded himself as he emerged in a back hallway, but the corridor was both empty and unguarded. After rebuilding the Talent-lock, he made his way to the nearest exit, a single oak door that opened onto a redstone-paved courtyard. Despite the bright sunlight of early morningâ"the local time was two glasses earlier than in Alustre, Dainyl reÂ-minded himselfâ"the wind was winterlike and gusting when he began to cross the courtyard, and he was glad for the flight jacket. He was still a good thirty yards from the first pteridon squareâ"there were only a handful, since Norda held only a Cadmian battalion on a regular basis and seldom hosted Myrmidons for longâ"when a Myrmidon ranker came hurrying toward him, then abruptly stopped. "Submarshal?" "Submarshal Dainyl from Elcien." "Yes, sir. You're here to see Majer Noryan?" Dainyl nodded. "He's in the Cadmian headquarters, sir. It's this way. Good thing you're so early. He's going to take second squad on a recon run along the north road." Dainyl followed the ranker to a study at one end of the one-story redstone structure. Inside, Noryan stood with two undercaptains. He had obviously commandeered the largest study in the building, and from the smaller lander-sized furnishings, had doubtless displaced the Cadmian majer who commanded the Eighth Battalion, Mounted Rifles. "Greetings, Majer," offered Dainyl. Noryan was huge, even for an alector, almost as large physically as Khelaryt, the Duarch of Elcien, close to three yards in height with shoulders to match, and a square head set on a thick neck. He turned and blinked as his eyes took in the stars on Dainyl's collar. "Submarshal, sir. I can't say mat we expected you this morning." "I'm making a number of unannounced visits, pursuant to the marshal's orders." Dainyl's words represented only a slight extension of the marshal's instructions. "We'd heard that you would be in Alustre, sir, but no one mentioned ..." "They weren't told." Dainyl smiled. "I understand you'll be taking a squad on a recon flight shortly." "That was the plan, sir." "Still searching for the missing Cadmian company?" "Yes, sir. We're also looking for other signs." "Then I'll take only a part of a glass of your time, and you can get on with your recon." Noryan glanced to the two undercaptains. "Carloya, have second squad hold for me. Veltuk ... go ahead with the northwest ran as we discussed." "Yes, sir." The two inclined their heads politely, and murmured, "Submarshal, sir," as they eased past Dainyl. Dainyl closed the door after they left. "How might I help you, sir?" Noryan's smile offered an expression somewhere between politeness and worry. Dainyl was impressed by the other's shields, because he detected very little other emotion. "We've had a numÂ-ber of incidents with the ancients, Majer, and yours was the most recent. Your report was brief and to the point, a good Myrmidon report, but I thought it might be worthÂ-while to hear if, on reflection, you might have recalled something else." 'There wasn't much else to recall, sir. The old creature took out two of my rankers. We didn't even attack them. We were looking for those missing Cadmians. Kagayan saw something, and he turned toward it. Zuluya was flyÂ-ing wing on him and followed. The creature hit them both with something. None of us saw anything but a flash of green. Next thing I knew, both pteridons and riders were pyres on the ice below the cliff." "Did they have their skylances at the ready?" "Always do here in the north. The indigens here have rifles. They'll shoot at anything that movesâ"or they would if they didn't know we'd flame them on the spot." "I take it that the sudden appearanceâ"or reappearanceâ"of the ancients at this time was as much a surprise to you as it was to Submarshal Alcyna, although I understand she had a strategy." Noryan laughed, ruefully. "The submarshal... she was the one who'd given me standing orders on how to deal with the ancients if they ever showed up. I'd told her that they were orders I'd never need." Dainyl's Talent told him that the majer was telling the truth as he'd seen it... and that Noryan was letting Dainyl see that. But Alcyna had given Noryan standing orders about the ancients? Not orders on the spot? "I imagine many of us had thought that. The submarshal was more perceptive. Do you recall when she first talked to you about them?" "Had to have been sometime last harvest, maybe earÂ-lier. She didn't emphasize it that much. She just said that there had been some strange sightings, and there might be an ancient or two left. She suggested that they were powÂ-erful and that one skylance, or even two, might not do much to stop them." Noryan shrugged. "What happened after your squads all fired?" "Just what I reported, sir. There was a flare of green light. It looked like shards of green glass flying everyÂ-where for a moment, but we never found anything. There was a circle of melted rock on the bluff. No one's seen any of the creatures since. I'm just guessing, but there probably aren't too many of them left anywhere on Corus." "There never were very many," suggested Dainyl. "Was there any sort of structure near where they atÂ-tacked? A shelter or a cave?" "We did close flybysâ"the snow's too deep to land safely there. We didn't see a sign of anything, and there wasn't anything there last harvest before the snows began." "I assume that the 'other signs' you're looking for on the recon are signs of the ancients." "Yes, sir. Or any tracks by locals that might link them to the ancients." Dainyl had wondered that himself when the ancient ap- pearances naa Degun in uramur. Has mere Deen any sign of any indigens nearby where the ancients appeared?" "No sign of anyone ..." At the end of another quarter glass, Dainyl knew no more than he had after the first few questions he'd asked. He smiled. "I've taken enough of your time." "I wish I could have told you more, but that's what happened." "You can't offer more than what you know." Dainyl stepped back and opened the door. "By the way," he asked from the half-open door of the study, "who is the majer in command of the Cadmian battalion?" "Ferank. He's using one of the studies on the other side of the hall." "Thank you. The best on your recon. I hope you have some success in finding out what happened to the Cadmi-ans." "We may not ever know. The locals say that people have been vanishing here for centuries. They won't go into the higher hills, won't even travel some of the lower ones except in groups." Noryan laughed. "There's nothÂ-ing there, except maybe an old building or two. The weather's bad enough to account for all of the disappearÂ-ances. They find bodies and bones every spring, someÂ-times even in the summer. You can get snow and hail in the high hills in midsummer." He moved away from where he stood beside the undersized desk. "I'd best be getting out to the squad." "I won't keep you longer." Once Noryan had departed, Dainyl located Ferank two doors away on the other side of the hall. In appearance, the Cadmian majer was far different from Noryan. The lander was, rail-thin, blond, with watery blue eyes, and bolted to his feet at Dainyl's appearance in the doorway. "Submarshal, sir, what can I do for you?" "I was just passing through, Majer, and wanted to get your thoughts about a few things." As he closed the door and moved into the chamber, Dainyl remained standing. ii ne inea to sit in one or uie low cnairs set betore the table desk in the small study, he'd be uncomfortable in moments. â­ "Yes, sir. About what, sir?" "I'd be interested in hearing what you know about the missing mounted rifle company." "I've been reporting all I know, sir." Ferank's brows wrinkled in puzzlement. "I'm certain you did, but I'd like to hear it in your words directly from you." "Well... sir, you know that we've kept two companies in Scien. It's been that way since the time I entered serÂ-vice. They say that the winters have been getting warmer, but I was born there, and I never saw that. They seemed as cold as ever. Whatever the reason, late this past fall we got orders from the colonel in Alustreâ"that's Colonel Ubarakâ"to consolidate the whole battalion here in Norda. I ordered Thirty-third Company here immediately, with Thirty-fourth Company to follow the next week. 'Thirty-fourth Company left Scien on Londi. No one ever saw them again, and the early winter storm didn't hit until Septi. They should have been in Pystra by Quinti. By Sexdi at the latest. I had no word, and when one of Majer Noryan's squads stopped here to overnight I asked about a possible recon to see what happened. They couldn't do one then because of some trouble in Coren. I sent back scouts, but they found no traces. When the Myrmidons could fly over the road, they didn't find anything either." "Nothing?" "Not a trace, sir. Not a scrap of equipment, not a trace of flesh or bone. The road between Scien and Pystra is pretty barren, too. There's not much in the way of trees, except scrub. Even the hills are low, except for the one set of ridges where I heard they lost some pteridons. After that, it snowed so much that the whole highway's buried. It usually is earlier than it was this year." "Is there any record of companies or squads being lost along the north road before?" "No, sir. Not in any of the records we have, and they go back almost a century. I checked." That fact did not reassure Dainyl in the slightest. "Have any steps been taken to replace the company?" "We've recruited about half of those we need locally, and we're supposed to get some veterans to leaven the company within the next two weeks. It's hard because we have to keep the hill folk in line in the summers, and the people around Norda have relatives among them." "What's the problem with the hill folk?" "The usual. They want to timber too much of the land, and there aren't enough trees here anyway. They don't want to build with stone or brickâ"it's too much work. Lately, they've been using mesh nets in fishing the lakes, and overfishing. They complain that die Code of the Duarches has rules mat are too strict and unsuited to the north. If the district patrollers go out alone, they get shot at. So we have to make sweeps and send the ones we pick up to the road camps. They're no good at the nature camps; they kill more trees than they plant..." Dainyl listened patiently. After leaving the majer, Dainyl spent the remainder of the day walking through the Cadmian compound, talking to both rankers and squad leaders. He doubted he'd learned too much from it, except mat there was more reÂ-sentment about the Code of the Duarches in the east than was ever reported to the marshal, or, at least, than he had seen in any reports. It was past sunset when he returned to the Table chamÂ-ber, and the chamber itself was empty. The door to the hidden chambers was closed, but he would leave that asÂ-pect of matters ... for the moment. 13 After using the Table from Norda to reach the one in the Hall of Justice in Elcien, Dainyl made his way from the Table chamber up and out of the hall. He stepped out into an afternoon far wanner than it had been in Norda. He was still bemused by the fact that when he traveled by Table, he crossed Coras faster than did the sun. He had left Norda after sunset and arrived in Elcien by mid-afternoon. After hailing a hacker on the boulevard, he took the coach to Myrmidon headquarters. There he dropped his gear in his study and knocked on the marshal's door beÂ-fore stepping inside, since his Talent-sense revealed that no one was with Shastylt. The marshal looked up, a momentary expression of annoyance crossing his face. "You've returned early, far sooner than might be wise." Dainyl looked tiredly at Shastylt. "I'm far from done, but I'd like it reported ... or let it be known ... that I'm here." "You do look a bit worn. I hope that me duties of your position don't prove overtaxing, the way they did with Tyanylt." Dainyl smiled politely. "Normally, it wouldn't be any problem at all, but my arm and leg are not quite fully healed. I have run into a wild translation on one Table and an inadvertent assassination attempt in Norda, because the assistant to the recorder feared I might be a wild translation. In addition to that, I had to deal with ... I have no idea what to call it when a Recorder of Deeds gets possessed by something through the Table. There wasn't much I could do except let events take their course." "Yes ... I did receive a report from the High Alector of Justice ... something about the Recorder of Deeds in Alustre having apparently died around the time of your departure. Most unfortunate, I fear." "From my point of view, it could have been even more unfortunate..." "You look like you've survived well enough." Shastylt's smile was perfunctory. "What have you learned?" "That you have every right to be concerned, and that there's no proof at all of anything." The marshal frowned. "That seems to be contradictory." "Brekylt made an interesting comment. We were standÂ-ing over his gardens the other night, and they are magnifiÂ-cent. He observed that one must often work with what is, rather than base actions on a plan developed centuries beÂ-fore. He concluded by noting that we had to be gardeners as well as administrators. After that, he would only talk pleasantries." "Ah ... I understand. Everything is so precisely as it should be." "And Brekylt has put out the word, if quietly, that younger and more able alectors without contacts who do not wish to be Myrmidons will be rewarded for their abilÂ-ity if they chose to serve in the east." For the briefest moment, Dainyl could sense surprise from Shastylt, although the marshal's facial expression changed not in the slightest. "That is not surprising." "Not in itself," Dainyl agreed pleasantly. "Also, Alcyna has been transferring Myrmidons from company to comÂ-pany, and not just subsequent to promotions." "To reduce loyalty to the company and increase loyalty to her, no doubt." "I thought that might well be the reason." Dainyl was far from sure it was the only reason, but he saw no point in saying that because he didn't know what else the other submarshal had in mind. "You had said you were not finished. What do you plan?" "After catching up on various reports, a good night's sleep, another day here, and then, at die beginning of next week, some more unannounced inspections and tours in the east. While everything is controlled from Alustre, nothing will be discovered there." "You intend to travel by Table from Elcien on a regular basis, instead of going from Table to Table in the east?" "I intend to alternate. For the moment, that would seem far more effective." Dainyl laughed. "I need to check some matters here for a day or so. When I return to the east, I will be rising very early." "So you will. How long will you pursue such a course?" "Until I learn what you need to know, sir." Dainyl paused. "Submarshal Alcyna issued standing orders to Majer Noryan on how to deal with the ancients several months before there were encounters with any ancients." Shastylt did not bother to conceal his surprise. "You're sure of that?" "She indicated she had issued orders, and Noryan conÂ-firmed the timing. Oh ... you might know this, but she also has been sending reports on the ancients directly to Lyterna." "Do you know to whom?" "She did not say, and there was no record of those reÂ-ports in any of the files. I did not press." "That was wise. I should have you visit more places. Do keep me posted, Submarshal." Dainyl understood the dismissal. "That I will, sir." He inclined his head, stepped out of the study, closing the door behind himself. As he walked back to his own study, he reflected on Shastylt's reaction. The marshal clearly had known that Alcyna was sending reports to someone in Lyterna, yet he had not known that she had been aware of the danger posed by the ancients before any of the attacks on MyrÂ-midons and pteridons. He also had not known about Brekylt's efforts to recruit alectors personally loyal to him and not necessarily to the Duarches. More impor- tant, Shastylt continued to conceal his own agendaâ"and that of High Alector Zelyert. Dainyl did not bother to close the door to his own study. Even after only five days, reports were stacked on Dainyl's table desk. For a long moment, he just looked at them. Then he turned and walked to the archives, where he began to search through the older reports, searching for the Fourth Company reports filed about the loss of pteridons in Scien. In less than a quarter glass he had found themâ"and they read exactly as had those he had read in Alustre. Was his memory failing him? He distinctly rememÂ-bered that there had been two separate reports of losses. He continued to search, but found nothing that supÂ-ported his recollections. Then he checked the writing of the report, but it was the same as all the others in the Fourth Company file, and it matched what Majer Noryan had said. That suggested the first reports had been wrong in some fashionâ"and had been replaced with the correct ones after the fact. Was that because someone knew Dainyl would be inspecting in the east? Had Alcyna origÂ-inally wanted to conceal her strategies for dealing with the ancients? Dainyl shook his head. How could he prove that Alcynaâ"or Brekyltâ"had managed to replace false reÂ-ports with accurate ones? And since the reports had been his direct responsibility at the time, even mentioning a substitution that he could not prove would do him little good and much harm. No one was about to listen to the fact that he'd been sent to Dramur during that time. Finally, he turned and walked back to his study, still convinced the original reports had been replaced. But by whom? Back in his study, his eyes fell on the stack of reports. It looked taller than when he had left. Slowly, he sat down and began to read. The majority of the reports, he just glanced through and set aside. He was looking for any inÂ-formation dealing with either past areas of difficulty, ar- eas where signs indicated emerging troubles, or anything dealing with the ancient soarers. The report on Dramur was favorable. Majer Dohark of the Cadmians appeared to have matters well in hand there. The Fourth Cadmian Battalion, Mounted Rifles, was on its way to Iron Stem, suggesting that problem was still not fully under control. No more skylances had vanished from Dereka. While Dainyl looked for any information on Hyalt, the only reference was in the report from the Cadmian headÂ-quarters. Third Battalion, under the command of a Majer Mykel, was being dispatched to complete the pacificaÂ-tion of the area and the training and rebuilding of a local garrison. Dainyl smiled uneasily. Based on what Mykel had acÂ-complished in Dramur, the majer was doubtless the most qualified for the assignment, but the majer was far from conventional in his tactics and approach. Given the fact that the Hyalt situation had been created by a wild lander Talent, and that Mykel possessed latent Talent, Dainyl reÂ-minded himself to follow the Cadmian effort in Hyalt closely as it developed... assuming he could, with Shastylt's preoccupation with what was happening in Alustre. Even though he forced himself to read through the reÂ-ports, what Dainyl really wanted to do was to go home to Lystrana. He needed to discuss what he had discovered with her. He also looked forward to having an uninterÂ-rupted night's sleep. 14 Almost immediately after dinner, one where Dainyl and Lystrana discussed the weather and other pleasantries, they made their way up to their bedÂ-chamber, leaving the two serving girls to clean up. Dainyl made certain that the door was closed before he removed his boots, tunic, and trousers, and stretched out on the long bed. "It feels so good to take the weight off that leg." "You have more on your mind than that." With a smile, she added, "And more than me, and that's unusual when you've been gone." "I'm worried." "You're always worried these days." "Let me tell you what happened, first...." Dainyl reÂ-counted his visit, event by event, including the matter of the altered reportsâ"and the wild translation that had not disintegrated. "The translationâ"that happens sometimes," said Lystrana. "I've heard of that. Despite their appearance, it's as if the translation changes them from alectors into landers ... or something else related to mem." "I wonder how that happens." "I don't know. Asulet might." Dainyl nodded. If he ever saw the senior alector again in person, he could askâ"if he remembered. "What do you think about the reports?" she asked. "The Third Company reports had to have been changed recently," he pointed out, "when someone let Al-cyna know I'd be coming east." He stopped. He was so tired, but he should have seen the obvious. "Dhenyr. He's the only one in headquarters who knew what I'd be doÂ-ing. He either did it, or told someone who did." "Someone had to use a Table, if the reports are written in the same hand." Dainyl liked that not at all. "Then... that means a high alector or someone like you, a chief assistant." Lystrana nodded. There was little enough he could do about that, except watch. He had held back one matter until the last."... Oh, I also met with Kaparyk in Alustre. He had nothing but compliments about you. He did say to tell you that Chief Engineer Rensyl in Fordall has adopted the same accountÂ-ing systems as Azerdyl once used, in dealing with trans- port and road maintenance accounts of the eastern region." Lystrana stiffened. "Did he say it that way?" "Exactly. He also did not answer when I asked him if this might be of interest to the marshal. He said, instead, that it was complex and that you could explain it far betÂ-ter than he could. That suggested to me that some sort of military equipment is being fabricated under the rubric of road construction." "Azerdyl led the abortive eastern rebellion two cenÂ-turies back. He was the head alector of finance in the east, and the High Alector of the East was under his perÂ-sonal shadowmatch." "But Kaparyk used the words 'accounting systems.'" "That suggests that Rensyl is using them under Brekylt's direction." She frowned. "You're right to be worried." "Some aspects are clear enough, but others ... I can't see where they're coming from." Dainyl stifled a yawn. "You're tired. It's been a long day, and you've traveled the Tables as well." "I am tired," he admitted, "but too worried to sleep yet. Not well, anyway. Then there's Shastylt. He knows Al-cyna and Brekylt are plotting something, and yet he's not doing anything." "Oh ... but he is." Dainyl laughed softly. "What am I doing? Upsetting matters enough to provoke them into premature action or forcing them to postpone their plans? Or worse yet, setÂ-ting myself up as a target, thereby providing Zelyert and Shastyltâ"-through my deathâ"with a rationale and a means to guide both Duarches?" "What do you think?" "The third. Shastylt's reactions don't make sense othÂ-erwise." "Unless that's what he wants you to think," Lystrana ofÂ-fered, settling herself onto the corner of the overlarge bed. "Why would he make it so obvious? What deeper moÂ-tive could he have?" "What about setting up /.elyertv then ne can advise the Duarchesâ"and he still would have direct control over the Myrmidons, especially with Alcyna gone." "So ... that's his way of warning me without actually saying so, because he doesn't want to take anyone into his confidences? He figures that I'll be loyal out of necessity, if I survive. If I don't, I can't reveal anything along the way." "He also knows you'll be honest and loyal out of perÂ-sonal integrity." "Isn't that what the Views of the Highest says? That we won't survive without integrity or some such?" Lystrana laughed ironically. "Shastylt should reread it." Dainyl shook his head. The higher he rose in the MyrÂ-midons, the more complexâ"and the more deadlyâ"the plots and intrigues became. "You didn't seem to think it was military equipment that Rensyl was hiding in the transport accounts. What else could it be?" "Road-building equipment. That's under the MyrmiÂ-don control and guarded by Alcyna." Dainyl only had to think briefly about the road-building equipment he had viewed in Alustre before nodÂ-ding. "Will it bring down a pteridon?" "It might. It also might be sufficiently powerful to deÂ-stroy an ancient." "You're suggesting that Brekylt is worried about the ancients, and that he feels the Duarches aren't taking the potential threat seriously enough?" "Are they?" "Not from what I've seen." Dainyl looked at Lystrana, seeing for the first time the circles under her eyes. "You're tired, too." "Carrying a child, even this early, is tiring. She presses for more lifeforce." "I'm sorry." "That's the way it is, dearest." If he hadn't been so exhausted, with pains shooting through both his right arm and left leg, and seeing Lystrana so drained, Dainyl would have laughed, if ruefully. ring the Master Scepter to Acorus would not only destroy the world before its time, but reduce his power and influÂ-ence. The High Alector of the East and Alcyna wanted the Master Scepter transferred, but only after removing Zelyert and Shastylt, in order to gain influence, and they well might be building weapons to use against the anÂ-cients, presumably because they feared that ancients might block the transfer of the Master Scepter. The Duarch of Elcien wanted the transfer because he feared worse if the Master Scepter went to Efra instead of Acorus. And no one talked about any of it, or why it was better for it to be transferred to one world rather than the other. But then, according to the Views of the Highest, there was only one best alternative. Dainyl slowly rose to get ready for bedâ"and sleep too long delayed. 15 On Octdi morning, just after dawn, Mykel stood on the wide goldenstone pier that held the Duarches' Honor. With a length of more than two hunÂ-dred yards and a main deck that rose a good fifteen yards above the pier, the vessel towered over Mykel and the men and mounts of Third Battalion as they waited to board. The greenish gray metal of her hull plates gleamed dully in the light of a sun that had barely risen and strugÂ-gled to shine through hazy clouds. As with all of the great ships of the Duarchy, there were no masts and no sails, and no coal was taken aboard. So the propulsion system could not be one of the rare steam engines such as those used in the manufactories of Faitel, the city, of artisans and engineers where Mykel had grown up. :38l3,ssSil|HSIllI3BS?L Mykel glanced to his right at the long ramp that angled from the pier into a hatchway several decks below the main deck, and then at Undercaptain Dyarth, who stood holding his own mount, waiting to lead the troopers and mounts of Thirteenth Company up the ramp. The faintest halo of yellow-brown surrounded the mount, that aura that enfolded all living thingsâ"or the larger living creaturesâ"but was visible only to Mykel and the soarers, and perhaps a few others. Dyarth's aura was stronger than his mount's, an orangish yellow. As Mykel had quietly concentrated on sensing such auras over the past few weeks and become more adept, he had come to realize that the auras of most peopleâ"at least all those he had encounteredâ"seemed to contain some shades of brown, but there was a wide variation, while the more limited auras of other creatures seemed very simiÂ-lar. All horses seemed orangish yellow. He hadn't been able to sense auras for small creatures, but he had no idea whether that was because creatures below a certain size had none or that he could not discern them. From behind Dyarth, Mykel could hear the low murÂ-murs of the rankers. "... rather ride than take a ship ..." "... easier on the mounts this way ... say it's only two and a half, three days by sea. Take us more like a week just to ride to Southgate." "Something happens on land ... know where you are. Something happens at sea, and where are you?" "That kind of thinking, be glad you're not a Myrmidon." Several rankers laughed. "What's the farthest you've had to carry a battalion?" Mykel asked the deck mate who stood beside him, a gray-haired and wiry man close to the age of Mykel's own father. "Maybe twenty years back, we took a whole battalion to Lysia. For some reason, the High Alector of Justice reÂ-placed all the Cadmians there. I was just a fresh deckhand then." Three quick chimes rang out from the deck above. "You can start 'em up the ramp, Majer. Keep a good two yards between each horse. No more than two on the ramp at once." "Thank you." Mykel turned to Dyarth. "Thirteenth Company, forward. Two yards between each mount. Only two on the ramp at once. Pass it back." "Yes, sir. Thirteenth Company! Forward! Two yards between.. ." Bhoral followed Undercaptain Dyarth. "Everyone forms up on the forward deck after the mounts are stabled," Mykel said as Bhoral passed him. "Yes, sir." Mykel could have gone ahead and left Bhoral to bring up the rear, but he could get a good look at each and every trooper as they passed by him, and if his odd talent told him something he didn't already know about the troopers in his battalion, so much the better. By the time Thirteenth Company and almost half of Fourteenth had passed him, his senses confirmed that, as the troopers were of differing sizes and shapes, so were their auras. He looked past a young ranker and stiffened inside. The man who was next in line did not meet Mykel's eyes, and his aura held streaks of an ugly red. Mykel struggled mentally to recall the name of the trooperâ"Sacyrt. The ranker had been transferred from Second Battalion, and, although Mykel could not have proved it, the color of his aura suggested a troublemaker. "Sacyrt?" "Yes, sir." Surprise and wariness colored the ranker's voice. "You're being transferred to Seventeenth Company. I trust you'll find it a better fit. I expect the best from every man." "Yes, sir." As the older ranker led his mount past Mykel, he heard murmurs. "... picked Sacyrt out..." "... just hope he doesn't pick any of us out... don't want a majer watching you . . ." Mykel hoped Sacyrt felt the same way, but troubleÂ-makers usually thought that different rules applied to them. He concentrated on the men as his own former companyâ"Fifteenth Company, led by Fabrytalâ"started up the ramp. By the time the last troopers and mountsâ"except his ownâ"had walked up the ramp and into the ship, Mykel had a dull headache. He rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, then untied the roan from a cleat attached to the nearest bollard. His saddlebags bulged, partly from the ammunition belt he had tucked in at the last moment. He stepped onto the railed ramp. The surface had been coated with lacquer and then dusted with sand, so that hooves had more purchase than on bare or painted wood. "Easy, big fellow," he murmured to the roan, trying to project reassurance. The railing on the ramp was sturdy, but not enough to take the weight of a spooked mount, and just before the ramp entered the ship, man and mount would be some ten yards above a very hard stone pier. Once inside the ship, where all the bulkheads and decks seemed to be of the same greenish-tinted steel, anÂ-other crewman stood waiting. His eyes took in Mykel's collar insignia. "Majer, your horse's stall is forward. Straight to the next passageway. Then turn forwardâ" that's to your rightâ"and go as far as you can. Your stall will be the first one on the right." "Thank you." As he led the roan inboard and then forward, Mykel was reminded once more that the ship had been built to carry horsesâ"or alectors. The overheads in the main pasÂ-sageways were close to three yards in height. The stalls were narrow, each one barely half the width of one in the stables in headquarters, but that was as much for the protection of the mount in heavy seas as to save space. Still, it would take very heavy seas to make footing unsteady on the Duarches' Honor. After stabling the roan, Mykel made his way forward and up two decks, carrying his saddlebags and gear. UnÂ-like the last trip, he rated a stateroom to himself, even if it had little more than space enough for two bunks, one atop the other, and two doorless lockers barely able to hold an officer's travel gear. Mykel left the saddlebags and hurÂ-ried forward to the open section of the main deck forward of the superstructure. Bhoral and most of the Third Battalion were already there. "Seventeenth Company's last squads are still coming in," announced Bhoral. "We can wait a few moments, but I'll need to report to the captain." Mykel glanced aft and up at the open forÂ-ward bridge where there stood two alectorsâ"the captain and his executive officer, two of the three alectors on a Duarchy ship. The other was the chief engineer. "You been on many of these ships?" Mykel's only other shipboard travel had been to and from Dramur, but Bhoral had spent twenty years in the Cadmians. "Not many," replied the senior squad leader. "This is the fourth. There aren't that many ships. Ten, I think. Ship this size and this fast, you don't need many?' Mykel glanced past Bhoral. "Here come our lagging squads." The rankers and squad leaders of the fourth and fifth squads from Seventeenth Company eased into place. "Third Battalion, report!" ordered Bhoral. "Thirteenth Company, all present and accounted for...." "Fourteenth Company, all present...." When the muster was completed, Mykel stepped forÂ-ward. "The rules here are simple. We'll muster twice a day, before breakfast, and before supper. From lights out to morning call, you stay in your bunking spaces or the shipboard latrines ... if you can stand them...." That got a slight laugh. "All other times, we have the freedom of the main uecK, me mess uecK, anu me siaDie uecK. dvii i go anyÂ-where else. We'll be on the ship until Decdi. That's all for now." "Dismissed!" ordered Bhoral. Mykel turned and moved quickly back to the ladder up to the ship's bridge. When he reached the lower bridge, he found himself facing a ship's officer, a man with grayÂ-ing brown hair and a single silver diamond insignia afÂ-fixed to his collar. "Majer, I'm Cylison, the navigator's mate. The exec asked me to take your report. He and the captain will be occupied for the next few glasses." "I'd like to report that Third Cadmian Battalion, Mounted Rifles, is ready for departure." "I'll convey that to the exec and captain." Cylison smiled. "You're fairly new to battalion command, aren't you?" "Is it that obvious?" Mykel laughed ruefully. "Not by the embarkation. That was as smooth as any I've seen, but you're the youngest majer I've encountered in fifteen years. You came hurrying up to report, and you were surprised to see me. You're all told to report emÂ-barkation to the captain, but that means he needs to be inÂ-formed, not that you'll normally see him or the exec. If the captain needs you, you'll know." Mykel nodded, trying not to be thrown off by the fact that the navigator's aura also bore faint tinges of purplish pink, something he'd seen before only with Majer Her-siod, but the navigator didn't seem at all intransigent the way Hersiod had. "We should be porting in Southgate around the second glass past midday on Decdi, but that could change if we run into high seas. That sometimes happens this time of year, but the reports from the Myrmidons indicate seas are calm as far south as Hafin." Cylison smiled warmly. "How did you get to be a majer so young ... if you don't mind my asking?" "Third Battalion was the one assigned to the Dramu- ran . . . pruDiem. lviyicei sim wasn t certain wnat to call the last campaign, and the most generally used term was the word "problem." "After the majers in charge were killed, the senior captain took over running the comÂ-pound in Dramur, and I ended up commanding the reÂ-maining companies of Third Battalion. The submarshal of Myrmidons appreciated what we did. The senior capÂ-tain was immediately promoted to majer in charge of all Cadmian operations on Dramur, and I ended up with Third Battalion." Mykel shrugged. "How did youâ"" "I'm sorry to have to break this off, Majer, but the capÂ-tain will be needing meâ"and your report. Best of luck in Southgate, in case I don't see you before we port." With that, Cylison turned and hurried up the ladder to the upÂ-per bridge. Mykel managed to keep a pleasant expression on his face as he came back down the ladder and forward to a spot on the main deck, a good thirty yards aft of the bow on the starboard side of the ship. Once there, he looked back at the bridge, where he saw the two alectors, but not the navigator. Neither looked in his direction. The ship hummed, or so it seemed, as Mykel watched the last of the heavy lines be unfastened from the man-high bollards on the dock and then reeled in by the deck crew. Mykel sensed something, not exactly like an aura, nor like the ancient soarer who had confronted him in Dramur, but similar and yet different. There was the same sense of purpleness that had tinged the navigator, except it was far stronger, and that was despite the fact that it was located somewhere aft and far below him. Was that what propelled the vessel? But how? Did it touch or affect all those who crewed the ship? Had Hersiod returned from his last deployment by ship? Offhand, Mykel didn't know, but he thought not. Rhystan eased up to the railing beside Mykel. "Could I join you, Majer?" "Please." After several moments, Rhystan broke the conversa- tional silence. "Couldn't tell this ship from the last one, except for the name. Even the alectors up thereâ"" He gestured back toward the bridge. "â"look like every other alector." "They even call all the ships something of the Duarches," Mykel added. "Duarches' Honor, Duarches' Legacy, Duarches'Valor..." "Majer ... what do you think about Hyalt?" Rhystan's words were cautious. "There's more that we haven't been told," Mykel replied. "You said that they sent the Myrmidons there first?" "According to the colonel, the Myrmidons used their skylances and smashed the heart of the irregulars. Now we're supposed to run down the rest and build a stronger local garrison." "There isn't any more?" "I'm sure there is. I asked, but never got any more inÂ-formation. So I even dug up histories of the place, and I've got a stash of maps with my gear." "Sounds like another mess, sir, Dramur all over again." There was the slightest lurch, and then a dull thrumÂ-ming vibrated through the Duarches'Honor as the vessel eased away from the pier. "Let's hope that's enough, sir." "You've been through it once before," Mykel pointed out. "That will help. And if you see anything I should know, don't wait to tell me." "I won't." Rhystan paused. "That's all I had for now, sir." "I'm here if you need me." Rhystan nodded, then stepped away. Once Rhystan had left, Mykel glanced aft, back toward Elcien. Even after two voyages, he was still amazed at how quickly the huge vessel had built up speed. Less than a quarter of a glass had passed, and they were several vingts west of the western tip of the isle that held Elcien. Rhystan's remarksâ"and what he sensed about the ship itself with his new talentâ"bothered him. Perhaps his younger brother Viencet had been right after all, that there was far more behind the alectors, and that they had made a concerted effort to hide it. He glanced aft, in the direction of the unknown force mat he was convinced propelled the ship, a force that Mykel had just recently learned to sense. That suggested that the alectorsâ"or some of themâ"could also sense it. Yet they kept it hidden, and, the Cadmians, even the offiÂ-cers, were limited to where they could go on board the ship, and the engine spaces were sealed. That suggested to Mykel that his "talent" was someÂ-thing that possibly many alectors had, and that few landers or others did. Should he conceal what he could see? How? He looked out across the dark green waters of the Bay of Ludel. 16 On Octdi, Dainyl had slept later than he should have and had not arrived at headquarters until nearly a glass after morning muster. That had been the first time he'd ever been so tardy. Even so, he had been exhausted, and not really fit for more than catching up on reports, and getting briefed by Colonel Dhenyr. After Dhenyr left, Dainyl found himself wondering how Al-cyna had suborned the colonelâ"if she hadâ"since Dhenyr hadn't been stationed in the east for close to ten years. For all that, Dainyl paid close attention to the colonel. Fortunately, little of major consequence had occurred in Dainyl's absence. The marshal had been nowhere to be seen, not during all of Octdi, for which Dainyl was more than grateful. After another night's decent sleep, Dainyl had spent the half-day of duty on Novdi at headquarters, checking Cadmian deployment schedules and Myrmidon duty roÂ-tations against the accounting ledgers. As always, the maintenance requirements for Lysia seemed high, and he mentally reaffirmed his decision to visit Lysia after Prosp and Dulka. He'd decided to visit Prosp and Dulka first, because not much of import seemed to have happened there, although the resupply levels seemed higher than they should have been in Dulka. He wanted his unanÂ-nounced inspections to seem as innocuous as possible in the beginning. Also, he'd have more background inforÂ-mation before tackling Lysia. The remainder of Novdi and all of Decdi, he spent with Lystranaâ"happily, trying to avoid thinking about the political currents that swirled through Elcien, Ludar, and Alustre, with ripples that might affect all of Corus. Londi morning found Dainyl at the Hall of Justice, less than half a glass after dawn. As he walked along the stone-walled and subterranean corridor toward the Table chair, a door opened ahead of him on his left. "Dainyl... there you are." High Alector Zelyert's voice was deep, rumbling, with an overtone of warmth that was not matched by the emotions behind his shields. "Shastylt said you would be here early. I would like a few words with you before you depart." Dainyl inclined his head, leaving his personal shields firmly in place. "As you desire, sir." He followed Zelyert into the small and spare chamber that was the High Alec-tor's private study. The High Alector of Justice stood a quarter of a head taller than Dainyl, and his flawless alabaster skin was even paler than that of the submarshal, especially in conÂ-trast to his shimmering black hair and deep violet eyes. As usual, at least when Dainyl had seen him, Zelyert wore a tunic of brilliant green, trimmed in a deep purple, with matching purple trousers. Dainyl closed the door and stood waiting. Zelyert did not seat himself. "I will be brief. Marshal Shastylt relayed your concerns about the fashion in which the lesser submarshal has handled the ancients and about the recruiting practices of the High Alector of the East. You were right to be circumspect... and cautious. There may be reasons for these actions that are in fact perfectly acceptable and in accord with the Code and the greater purposes of the Archon. Or they may be as you suspect." "Highest... sir... I do not assume to know enough to claim a suspicion, only that what I perceived appeared to merit your attention and that of the marshal." Zelyert laughed, a sound at variance with the earlier warmth in his words. "I can see why Shastylt holds you in such esteem, Dainyl. You prefer to let the facts speak as they will." "I have observed that what one sees often is a reflecÂ-tion of where one stands, sir, and that more than one pair of eyes are often necessary to see what is." "You sound like the mystic Dulachamyt, now, and a fighting commander cannot afford to rely on mysticism." "I stand corrected." Dainyl maintained a pleasant smile and an equally pleasant tone of voice. "You do indeed, and I am pleased that you remain wise enough to understand that. What do you hope to discover on these journeys?" "Whatever may be at variance with what I was told in Alustre. If nothing appears at variance, then I will report that." "Whatever you discover, you and the marshal will reÂ-port officially that nothing is at variance. Leave it to us to report any discrepancies to the Duarches personally. If there are significant discrepancies, others besides the High Alector of the East may well be involved, and it would not be wise to provide advance warning to them." "Yes, sir. I can see that." "Good. I thought you would. Have a productive jourÂ-ney. We look forward to hearing what you discover." "It may take trips to a number of Tables, sir, and as long as a week, if not longer." 'Take the time necessary, Dainyl. What you discover, one way or another, is of great import." Zelyert smiled, then gestured toward the door. "I will not keep you ionger." "Highest..." murmured Dainyl, inclining his head beÂ-fore turning and departing. Dainyl made his way to the Table chamber, making certain that he replaced each Talent-lock that he passed. Before he stepped onto the Table, he slowly studied the entire chamber, seeking out, with Talent and all other senses, any possible hint of another hidden chamber. So far as he could tell, there was none. Was that because there were so many other adjoining chambers within the Hall of Justice, and all were hidden? Or was the use of Talent and architecture merely more clever? His conversation with Zelyert had been disturbing, for all its superficial pleasantness, particularly the points about Shastylt and Zelyert reporting privately anything Dainyl might find out. Dainyl had strong doubts that, if facts came to light suggesting less than honorable behavÂ-ior by those he served, they would ever reach the ear of the Duarch. Nor would other information. And if Dainyl even revealed such to the marshal, Shastylt would cerÂ-tainly attempt to handle him as he had Tyanylt. Yet, at the moment, all Dainyl had were suspicions, without a single fact to support themâ"and he might well be wrong. Finally, he stepped up onto the Table, concentrating, falling through the stone and into the depths beneath.... The darkness beneath the Table was slightly less dark than he recalled, but more chill. In the distance that could have been yards, or vingts, or hundreds or thousands of vingtsfrom him, he could sense the directional wedges of the fourteen Tables, although the bright blue of Tempre and the brilliant yellow of Ludar were the clearest and strongest. Because he did not wish to arrive in Prosp any more tired than necessary, he immediately concentrated on the silver locator that marked that Table and linked to it with a thin line of purple Talent. As he felt himself ever closer to that Table, although there was no physical sense of motion, once again, briefly, if time even existed within the translaÂ-tion tubes, he thought he sensed a flash or a line of golden green. Then he was at the thin wall of silver, with insubÂ-stantial shards shattering away from him and vanishing. He took only a single step on the silvery and polished surface of the Table, making sure that his shields were firmly in place even before taking in the Table chamber around him. The space was empty, but, as in Alustre, black and silver-trimmed hangings of scenes in the east ornamented the walls. Directly before Dainyl was a vista of the Great Marsh, with the volcanoes of Cape Fiere rising above the sea of rushes. He could sense immediately the special light-torch bracket, touched with Talent, that marked the entrance to the hidden chambers beyond. His hand on his sidearm, he stepped off the Table, still alert for any possible attack, either from the Table, a wild Talent, or an overenthusias-tic Recorder of Deeds or assistant. No one appeared, nor did he sense anyone. Stopping short of the door to the chamber's entry foyer, he released the Talent-lock, and cast out his senses. There was no one in the foyer. Beyond the outer door in the corridor, however, there were two guards, Cadmians rather than Myrmidons. That made sense because there were no Myrmidons stationed anywhere near Prosp, and only two companies of local Cadmians. The rich and agricultural lands that stretched away from Prosp had never seen much unrest, doubtless because there were few places for rebels to hide and no reason to rebel. Dainyl had chosen Prosp because he had hoped the setÂ-ting and situation would favor less plotting and guile, and thus, more directness. He put his hand on the door and opened it, stepping out. Both Cadmians had been leaning against the limestone wall. They scrambled erect. "Sir! We didn't know ... we didn't expect..." "I would have hoped not," replied Dainyl pleasantly. "I'm looking for your commander." "The overcaptain, sir?" Dainyl nodded. "He'll be across the courtyard in the headquarters building." "Then I'll find him." Still leaving his shields up, Dainyl turned, walked down the corridor, and headed up the stone steps to the ground-floor level of the building. "... hope that's not trouble ..." "... Myrmidons ... always trouble ... those stars ... that's a marshal, I drink, and that's big trouble ..." Not for the two Cadmians, Dainyl drought, and probaÂ-bly not for die overcaptain, but he needed to find out more before deciding. Someone saw him crossing the sun-flooded courtyard, almost warm enough to be pleasant without the flying jacket he wore, because the overcaptain was waiting for him just beyond the entry foyer to the small, single-story headquarters building. "Overcaptain Morash, sir. At your service, whatever that might require." "Just a few questions, Overcaptain. If you'd lead the way to your study ..." "Yes, sir. This way." After he closed the study door, Dainyl remained standing, not wanting to cramp himself in the undersized chairs. "What can I do for you, sir? We don't see submarshals here." The bulky and graying overcaptain chuckled. "Matter of fact, I haven't seen Colonel Ubarak ever, or his predecessor, either. We just get dispatches, and not many of those." "You make it sound as though there's little need for your companies here," Dainyl suggested. "Now, I wouldn't be saying that, sir. No, sir. Folk here are just like folk everywhere. At times, if we weren't here, they might do what they shouldn't. Sometimes, they need protection, too. Last fall we had to take to the field against some hill folk that had come from northeast of Flyr. Must have been close to fifty of them, armed with good rifles, too. They burned Ceantor's villa, and looted his strongroom. Took one of his daughters, too." Morash shook his head. "Sad business, that." "What happened?" "What could we do? They broke the Code. We surÂ-rounded them. None of them would surrender. We killed nearly all of them, except for the ones who were wounded and couldn't fight. Some of them died anyway. The jus-ticer sent the rest of them to the quarries south of Catyr for life. They killed the girl. Couldn't believe we wouldn't just let them walk in and take what they wanted." Even though the quarry laborers were well fed and not mistreated, the work was grueling, Dainyl knew, and few lasted more than five or ten years. "How often does someÂ-thing like that happen?" "I'd have to check the records to be really accurate, Submarshal, but as I recall, it takes a couple of years for the hill folk to forget. Say every three-four years. If we weren't here, though, they'd be long gone before one of the battalion outposts could send anyone. Our road paÂ-trols do a good job of keeping the brigandage down, too." Dainyl had his own ideas about why, but he asked, "Just by patrolling the roads?" Morash smiled. "It's simple enough. There are only a few places where goods and coins are concentrated, and that's in the towns and in the strongrooms of the growers and the factors or when people travel the high roads. The growers and factors guard their golds well. We guard the marketplaces and the roads." He shrugged. "We can't do much about all of the petty theft, cutpurses, and that, but most of them get caught in time and sent to the labor camps or quarries." "I suppose you don't get many dispatches directly from the Myrmidons or the High Alector of the East?" INot many, in tact, l can only recall one in tne past year, and that was a reminder to keep the pteridon squares ready. That happened after the troubles out west in Coren." "You don't seem to have problems like mat." "No. But it's a different place. Here, every grower and every holder has his own lands. If he doesn't work them right, he suffers. If he has a problem that's not his makÂ-ing, and he works hard, others will help him. Out there, folks see lands and trees that look empty, and for just a little extra effort, they can pick up quite a few more golds." "If they overlog the slopes, the rains wash off more soil, and the rivers flood, and everyone suffers," Dainyl pointed out. "You know that, Submarshal, and I can figure it out, but the ones that suffer are downstream and out of sight, and people have trouble giving up coins for people they don't know and might never see." Dainyl nodded. He knew what the overcaptain said was true, but it was a facet of lander thought that had alÂ-ways given him difficulty. How could they not see, espeÂ-cially when it was something taught in every school? In the end, Dainyl only spent three glasses in Prosp, inÂ-specting the one company in the compound and making a brief scrutiny of equipment and dispatch orders. After eating a hearty if plain meal at the small mess serving the handful of Cadmian officers, he made his way back to the Table chamber, pondering the general order from Brekylt about the pteridon squares. It might have just been a reminder, but it also might have been a step in makÂ-ing sure Myrmidon companies could be moved quickly. This time, the Recorder of Deeds for Prosp was waitÂ-ing in the Table chamber. He was a comparatively young alector, Dainyl sensed, but he reeked of raw Talent. He bowed to Dainyl. "Submarshal, we had no word that you would be traveling to Prosp. For this reason, we regret that we were not here when you arrived." "Even a Recorder of Deeds cannot be everywhere." "We would wish to be of service, Submarshal, but we cannot do so if we do not know when you will arrive." "You are forgiven," Dainyl said with a smile, managÂ-ing to keep the expression in place, even as he wished he had not delivered the gentle rebuke. He couldn't very well say that he didn't want the Table guardians knowing when he would be arriving or where he was headed. "Sir?" The recorder radiated displeasure. Dainyl wanted to crush him for his youthful arrogance. Instead, he said, "I act at the request of the High Alector of Justice and under the command of the Duarch, and cannot offer explanations or schedules. If you wish, seek an explanation from them." This time, the recorder paled. Dainyl stepped onto the Table, maintaining his shields even as he dropped through the silver-dark surface into the chill blackness below. 17 The spring sun that beat down on Mykel as he rode away from the harbor was as hot as it was in midÂ-summer in Elcien, if not even hotter. Beside Mykel rode Captain Muerwyn, their guide and escort, as well as a company commander stationed at the Cadmian comÂ-pound just northeast of Southgate itself. "It's only about half a vingt to the inner ring," repeated Muerwyn. "We'll take it until it intersects the northeast road out to the compound." Mykel turned in the saddle and looked back. So far as he could tell, Third Battalion continued to ride in good order. He turned his attention to the buildings on each side of the harbor boulevard. None were more than two stories in height, and the exterior walls were finished with white stucco. All followed the same plan he had seen in Dramuria, with few exterior windows and a central courtyard, although some of those courtyards were less man five yards on a side. From the depth of the few barred windows, Mykel judged that the thick walls themselves were either of brick or stone. The roofs, like those in Dramuria, were tiled, but the tile was a pale sandy red. The difference that stood out was that the walls of the houses and buildings in Dramuria had been of dressed gray stone, while every structure in Southgate was white, and the walls clearly had been continually washed in white over the years, so much so mat Mykel found himself blinking from the intensity of the reflected light. "This is the trade quarter?" he asked. "Mostly, sir. There are some artisans and crafters. Mainly potters and stoneworkers." That also figured. There were no metals or coal nearby, and the area was too hot for sheep and too dry for cotton, and the nearest large forests were more than a hundred vingts to the north or east. Mykel looked at the boulevard ahead, flanked by somewhat larger structures, although none were any taller than those he had already passed. A sign caught his eyeâ" STYLEN and sons, factors in cloth. Rachyla had come from Stylan Estate in Dramur. Was the similarity a coinÂ-cidence? He snorted softly. Although he'd been told that some wealthy seltyr families from Dramur had close ties to Southgateâ"and often interests in businesses thereâ" Mykel doubted that Rachyla would have admitted being related to a mere cloth factor, even if it were so. An ironic smile crossed his lips at the thought. He couldn't help but wonder how she was doing, since her father's estate had gone to a male cousin. Seltyr women could not inherit, a custom that bothered Mykel. His own sister Sesalia would certainly inherit from their parentsâ"although it was unlikely that there would be that much for any of the three of them. Viencet would be the neediest, unless matters changed dramatically. Mykel forced his attention back to the boulevard ahead. According to the maps he had studied, the center of Southgate was bounded by a ring road, and within the ring lived the more powerful and wealthy of the lander factors who controlled the trade and commerce of the city. Southgate was far more independent than any city except Dramuria, without any regional alector or MyrmiÂ-dons. The closest administrative centers were in Ludar and Tempre. Third Battalion had ridden less than half a vingt along the boulevard from the harbor before they neared the inÂ-ner ring, arcing away from the boulevard in both direcÂ-tions. The pavement was smooth gray granite, and it was, unlike the other streets, a good thirty yards in width. The outer edge was bordered by a granite wall two yards high, except where other boulevards or streets entered the ring road. Mykel looked both east and west, but he saw no ridÂ-ers on the inner ring and only a single carriage heading on to his right, roughly southward. There was no one on foot. "There's not much traffic on the inner ring," he obÂ-served. "It's reserved for horses and carriages," Muerwyn replied. "Those on foot must use the outer lane." He pointed. Mykel's eyes followed the captain's gesture. A narÂ-rower lane ran outside the low wall, one with scattered pedestrians and peddlers. "We'll go left and pick up the boulevard on the northÂ-east side of the ring," Muerwyn said, turning his mount. Mykel looked to his right, across the expanse of the ring road at a villa, the walls surrounding it a good four yards high. At each corner where the walls joined was a stone tower. The walls did not form a square or a rectanÂ-gle, but a trapezoid. The side of the wall nearest him was roughly a half-vingt long. He looked ahead, still to his right, but farther along the ring road. There was another walled and apparently palatial villa, one of a number set in a circle inside the inner ring. Those walls were also white, glaring white. 'There seem to be quite a number of those villas," ofÂ-fered Mykel. "Thirteen, in all. The wall lengths are identical, but the villas within differ. Or so I've heard. They're not terribly interested in inviting Cadmians to dine with them." "Where did all such wealthy landers come from?" "Where do they come from anywhere?" replied CapÂ-tain Muerwyn. That wasn't exactly a helpful answer, reflected Mykel. "Are most factors, or do their coins come from omer sources?" "I'd guess that half are factors, and perhaps a third own estates to the northwest. The lands to the northeast are not that fertile and better suited to grazing." "And the others?" "I couldn't say, sir. I'm from Dimor, myself." Mykel studied the walls, some sort of white granite, but not eternastone, at least not any that he knew. He hadn't reÂ-alized at first just how large each villa was, but he had ridÂ-den close to half a vingt paralleling just one wall. A quick estimate suggested that each trapezoid was roughly a half-vingt across the outer and larger side, a vingt in depth, and something like two fifths of a vingt across the shorter base. Once past the first villa, Mykel glanced down the avÂ-enue toward the center of the area bounded by the inner ring road. "All the villas face the square," explained the captain. Mykel said nothing, continuing to study the ring road and the villas. At the next intersection, he turned in the saddle for a better look. From what he could glimpse, there were no gates in the side walls, or those closest to the ring road. That meant any gate had to be on the wall that faced whatever might be in the center of the area bounded by the ring road. There was a central circular area with steles of white stone, but before he could see more, his mount carried him past the road, and the walls of the next villa blocked his view of whatever lay down the radial road to the cenÂ-ter of Southgate. "What's down there?" "The city center. It's just a circular square with some columns. No markets, no taverns, or inns. Certainly, no pleasure houses." Muerwyn gave a barking laugh. Mykel turned in the saddle once more to look back, but the battalion remained in good riding order. He said nothÂ-ing while they covered more than two vingts along the inÂ-ner ring, instead studying what he could of Southgate. The more he saw, the more uneasy he felt, and it was not just the glaring whiteness of all the structures, yet he could sense nothing he could put a finger on. The buildings outside the inner ring continued to reÂ-semble those he had seen earlier, resembling those in Dramuria, except for the whiteness of the walls. He felt as though they were little older, or perhaps even newer than those on Dramur. "Is Southgate a newer city?" "Newer?" Muerwyn looked puzzled. "It has been here for centuries. How could it be new?" "From what I can see, Southgate has no eternastone. There are no green towers within sight." "Eternastone is for roads, not buildings." That alone told Mykel that Muerwyn had not traveled far, but he asked anyway. "You've spent all your time with the Cadmians in Southgate?" "No, sir. I started in Dimor, and then was posted to Zalt, before I was transferred to the compound here." Muerwyn might as well have spent all his time in Southgate, Mykel thought. "There's the northeast road ahead, the one with the pilÂ-lars on each side," announced the captain. "The comÂ-pound is a little less than two vingts from here." The vanguard escort troopers turned onto the northeast road, and Mykel and Third Battalion followed. The dwellings and shops bordering the road became progres- sively smaller as the Cadmians ro'de on, but their plasÂ-tered outer walls remained a shimmering white. Even when Mykel could see the walls of the Cadmian compoundâ"also whiteâ"and the half-vingt of open ground that separated the meaner inns and taverns from, the compound itself, the pavement of the road remained granite .. . and not eternastone. Southgate was not at all what he had expected, not in the slightest, and far more disturbing than Dramuria had been, although Mykel could not have said exactly why. He hoped he was mistaken. 18 As he dropped into the darkness, Dainyl imÂ-mediately began to search for the maroon and blue locaÂ-tor vector wedge that was Dulka. Just when he had located it and begun to extend a Talent line to link to the Dulkan Table, he felt himself wrenched, grasped by shoulder and leg. How could that be? Purpleness flooded over his left side, like the arms from the Table in Alustre. Although he could not turn physically in the translaÂ-tion tube, he extended his Talent senses. From what he could tell, the arms flowed from the silver locator that was Prosp. What was the young recorder trying to do? Trap him in the chill? Keep him there until his thoughts congealed in the cold? What had he done to break clear of the arms in AlusÂ-tre? He'd suffocated the recorder there with his shields. That wasn 't likely to work here. Could he even form a shield in the tube? Dainyl visualÂ-ized his Talent coating his garments on his left side, then expanding. Even in the chill of the blackness, he could feel heat building inside his body, as if trapped by his own shields. He kept pressing, expanding the shields against the grip of the purple arms he could sense and feel but not see. Slowly, ever so slowly, he could sense his shields exÂ-panding. Abruptly, the arms released. Dainyl Talent-linked to the maroon and blue locator wedge, then found it flashing toward him. In moments, he shattered the silvered barrier. Dainyl managed not to stagger as he stood on the Table in the empty chamber. He studied the chamber, noting that while it, too, had a hidden chamber, that chamber door was closed. At one end of the chamber was a statue of a single figure, close to three yards in height. From what Dainyl could recall from his one meeting with the Duarch of Elcien, the statue was an acÂ-curate representation of Khelaryt. The stone figure held a silver scepter topped with glittering blue stones arranged to simulate a flame. A dozen light-torches illuÂ-minated the chamber, many more than in any other Table chamber Dainyl had visited thus far, and in their light, the gem-flame sparkled. The decorative hangings on the side walls contained no scenes, but only angular and unfamiliar designs. Between the two hangings to Dainyl's left was an archway and a stonewalled corridor beyond that appeared to end at a wall. His Talent revealed no one near. After stepping down from the Table, he stood for a time beside it, letting his body readjust from the combiÂ-nation of internal heat and external chill. Should he have reemerged in Prosp? Confronted the young recorder? No... he might have emerged into a lightcutter beam with weakened shieldsâ"or his shields might not have worked for the moment of emergence, and he didn't want to chance that unless he had no other opÂ-tions. Should he have gone back to Elcien? In retrospect, perhaps that would have been wisest, but he hadn't made that decision, and immediately attempting another Table journey now before trying to recover seemed unwise. Finally, he wiped his forehead and walked into the corÂ-ridor, realizing as he neared the apparent end that it was only a screen wall, with passages on each side around the central screen. Both the screen wall and the lower archÂ-way before it had been finished with blue ceramic tile, except for a single course at the edge, done in maroon. His Talent-senses revealed a large hall beyond the screen wall, with a platform overlooking it. He could sense but a single person beyond the wall. Still, he held his shields as he stepped around the wall and onto the platform. The amphitheatre beyond was dimly lighted by a handful of light-torches. Their illumination was almost swallowed by the size of the cavern that had to have been carved from the stone by some version of the road-building equipment Dainyl had inspected in Alustre. Or did similar equipment still exist in Dulka? He extended the slightest Talent probe. The entire amÂ-phitheatre filled with a purplish light. Dainyl could feel the abrupt amplification of his Talent, but not why. In that light, he saw a young alector, who stood on the platform, holding a bucket and a brush, gaping at Dainyl. "You're one of the recorder's assistants?" asked Dainyl. "Ah ... yes, sir. Yes, sir. He's not here. I don't know where he is, sir." "I'm not looking for him. I'm Submarshal Dainyl, and I haven't been to Dulka before. I was looking for Majer Faerylt." "The Myrmidon commander, sir? Oh, no! That was my fault. I should have left the screen in the regular position. Faâ"" He broke off what he might have said. "This way, sir. This way." The young alector set down bucket and brush and hurried past Dainyl and around the screen. Dainyl followed. Once Dainyl stood on the Table side of the screen wall, the younger alector reached up and turned one,of the light-torch brackets. The screen wall that Dainyl had thought fixed slid forÂ-ward and to the left, while a section of the wall flanking where the screen wall had been pivoted, revealing a corriÂ-dor leading to a set of stepsâ"and also concealing any trace of the large cavernous amphitheatre. "At the top of the staircase, sir, through the door, turn right and follow the hallway. It comes out on the main level of the small tower in the northwest corner of the Myrmidon compound." "And if I went left?" asked Dainyl with a smile. "You would end up in the administration buildingâ" that's where Regional Alector Kelbryt and his assistants are." "Are you from Dulka?" "Yes, sir. My mother's the trade assistant to Alector Kelbryt." "And your father is the Recorder of Deeds?" The youth swallowed. "Yes, sir." "I won't tell him about the screen wall. If I run across him, I'll just say you gave me directions." Dainyl smiled warmly. "It would help to know your name, though." "Zudet, sir." "You'd like to follow your father as recorder?" "I couldn't be a recorder here, sir. You can't be a recorder in the place closest to where you're born." "Can't be ... or shouldn't be?" asked Dainyl. "BeÂ-cause the ties to the nearest Table are the strongest?" "Yes, sir." Zudet's tone was quietly resigned. "Thank you, Zudet." Dainyl turned and headed up the stairs. As Zudet had not mentioned, there was a Talent-lock on the door, but he released the lock before opening the door and stepping through, replacing the lock after he closed the door behind him. He made it to the main level of the tower and ten yards into the redstone-paved courtyard before a Myrmidon ranker spotted himâ"and his insignia. "Submarshal in the compound!" The ranker, clearly older, "from the lines running from his eyes and the dark- ness ocmnu inem, nasieneu up 10 uainyi anu suneneu 10 attention. "Sir! At your service." "I'm looking for Majer Faerylt." "I don't believe he's in headquarters at the moment, sir, but the duty squad leader would know for certain. This way, if you would, sir." Dainyl followed the Myrmidon across me courtyard. He could see the lower mountains to the west and north, rising high enough in the distance to be seen above the walls, even from inside the compound. The Myrmidon buildings were all redstone, and the pteridon squares to the south were in good order, with most of the pteridons present, not surprisingly, late in the afternoon. One squad appeared to have landed recently and was racking gear. The compound appeared extensive enough to hold two full companies, rather than the one that had always been stationed there. "Submarshal in headquarters!" announced the ranker as Dainyl stepped through the doorway into the corridor leading to the duty desk. An undercaptain bolted upright and waited as Dainyl approached. "Undercaptain Weltak, sir. At your command, sir." Weltak was worried. That Dainyl could tell even without Talent-sensing. "I'm Submarshal Dainyl, from headquarters in Elcien." Somewhere down the corridor was the faintest mutÂ-tered "Frig!" "Submarshal... sir!" The undercaptain stiffened. "There was nothing in the order book that... no one mentioned that you would be coming to Dulka." "There is a point to unannounced visits and inspecÂ-tions, Undercaptain," Dainyl said dryly. He was rapidly tiring of the unspoken presumption that his unanticipated arrival was somehow unfair or unprecedented. But then, it might well be unprecedented, and that was not a good thing, from his perspective. "Where is Majer Faerylt?" "He's with Regional Alector Kelbryt, sir. That's where he said that he'd be." Weltak stood, immobile. Dainyl could sense the conÂ-flict. "I can take you, sir." Another undercaptain appeared, wearing his flying jacket. "Sledaryk, sir. We just landed a bit ago." "I saw you racking your gear. Are the skylances all goÂ-ing in the duty square?" "Yes, sir. Since this winter. That was when we got the orders to change procedures." Dainyl nodded in acknowledgment. As he recalled, Faerylt had reported a single skylance lost two seasons earlier, but he saw no reason to mention it. "You came up from the tower, sir?" asked Sledaryk. "Yes. Is that the quickest way to the RA?" "Yes, sir." 'Then we'll go that way." Dainyl let the undercaptain lead the way, back across the courtyard, into the corner tower, and down and then into the lower level of the adjoining structure. There they took the redstone steps up to the second level and halfway along a corridor before stepping through an archway into an anteroom. An alector stood and moved forward as Dainyl entered behind Sledaryk. "Myrmidons are notâ"" "Not what?" asked Dainyl pleasantly. "Submarshal Dainyl. I'm here from Elcien to see Kelbryt and Faerylt." "The RA is in conference, sir." "With Majer Faerylt, no doubt." Dainyl was being highÂ-handed. He hopedâ"and fearedâ"that the suspicions that fueled his behavior were correct. "Since I'm here to see them both, I'm certain they won't mind." He stepped toward the closed door, strengthening his shields as he did. "I'll announce you, sir." The assistant turned and rapped on the door. "Submarshal Dainyl from Elcien is here to see you." He waited a moment, and then opened the door, gesturing for Dainyl to enter. The chamber beyond was long and narrow, with a se- eled in a dark cherry, and the window casements were inÂ-set in the stone walls, also framed in cherry. The five windows themselves were each less than a yard wide, spaced slightly more than a yard apart, extending the length of the outer wall. Against the inner wall were two bookcases, whose shelves held more small art objects than books. The windows provided a sweeping but interÂ-rupted vista of the mountains. Two men, one in green and one in the silver-gray and blue of a Myrmidon officer, stood facing Dainyl. Neither spoke. Dainyl strengthened his shields. The door closed with a near-inaudible clunk. Purpled Talent-bolts flew toward Dainyl. His shields held, but the intensity of the joint attack against his shields unbalanced him, and he staggered back against the heavy door for a moment. Then he straightened, widening his stance. Both the other alectors began to move toward Dainyl, keeping well away from each other. "He has shields, but not much more," murmured Kel-bryt. Another set of Talent-bolts splattered away from Dainyl. From the way they moved, Dainyl understood that they intended to batter at him, probably physically, and even with Faerylt's lightcutter, as soon as they got closer to him. At close range the impact of Talent and weapons on his shields would be even greater. Dainyl needed to act, and Faerylt was clearly the less Talented alector. Still holding his shields, Dainyl drew the lightcutter and fired at Faerylt's face. The momentary shock was enough for the majer to hesitate, his shields flickering. In that moment, Dainyl fired againâ"Talent-boosting the lightcutter's beam through the majer's less than effective shields. Dainyl turned to Kelbryt, who lunged toward the sub-marshal. Dainyl wrapped his own shields around Kelbryt, conÂ-tracting them, so that nothing escapedâ"not sound, not energy. For a time, only the heavy sound of Dainyl's breathing filled the chamber. A heavy thud followed as the dead form of Kelbryt dropped forward onto the stone floor with an impact that reverberated through the stone. Dainyl took several steps and rested against the table desk, his lightcutter trained on the door to the chamber. No one entered. As he tried to regain some modicum of strength, he considered what had happened. Kelbryt... the name was familiar, yet he'd never met the regional alector, not that he knew. Zudet had to have told his father that Dainyl had arrived, and the recorder must have warned the RA. If not that, then they had already planned for his arrival. Dainyl didn't care for either alternative. He also had to ask himÂ-self what he was missing. While he had no doubts that Brekylt and Alcyna were scheming to grab power in some fashion or another, he had yet to find any concrete eviÂ-dence of such a plotâ"except the attacks. Was he looking in the right place? Could Shastylt have sent him out, and set up the attacks? Dainyl nodded. That was also possible. What about the recorders? In escaping the attacks from them through the Tables, had he discovered a power about the Tables that they did not wish discovered? Could it be the strange underground chamber that amplified Talent? Both were possible, but, if so, that also suggested that the Recorder of Deeds in Dulka was either allied with the plotters or had deceived them into thinking someone else had ordered Dainyl's removal. From his meeting with the Duarch of Elcien, he was more than certain that Khelaryt was not behind the at- tacks, but Shastylt could be. Zelyert could be, and, ot course, Alcyna and Brekylt. Dainyl waited until both bodies had vanished into dust. By then he was breathing normally, but dull aches sufÂ-fused his body, reminding him that he was still not fully recovered from the injuries suffered in Dramur. He also felt very exposed. After what had just happened, he had few choices but to barge ahead, a tactic counter to the quiet, behind-the-scenes expertise that had gotten him to where he'd been selected as Operations Director for the Myrmidons. He smiled wryly. Now ... remaining behind the scenes was more than a little unlikely. He held the lightcutter at the ready as he stepped forÂ-ward and opened the outer door. The assistant who had opened the door turned pale as he saw Dainyl. "Submarshal? Sir?" "Apparently, I intruded upon an argument of some sort. Majer Faerylt was attacking the regional alector with bom his sidearm and Talent. I wasn't able to stop the majer except by killing him, and he had already murÂ-dered the regional alector." Dainyl really didn't care if the assistant knew the truth. His cool voice became harder and colder. "That is exactly what you will report to High Alector Brekylt, as well as to the High Alector of Justice. Is that absolutely clear?" "Yes, sir." "If there are any more arguments or disturbances here in Dulka, I will hold you directly and personally responsibleâ"immediately." "Yes, sir." The man's eyes lowered, and he swallowed. Sledaryk stood by the outer door, waiting. "Back to Myrmidon headquarters, Undercaptain." "Yes, sir!" Beneath the formality of Sledaryk's response, Dainyl detected a vague sense of satisfaction. They had made it all the way back to the corner tower and had started across the Myrmidon compound before the undercaptain spoke again. wnat Happened, sir".'" "You heard, Sledaryk. That's what happened. Majer Faerylt apparently thought he was far better than he was, and far more important." The last sentence was certainly true enough. "I want to speak to all the officers. ImmediÂ-ately, and I don't care where they are." "Yes, sir." While Sledaryk passed the word, Dainyl seated himÂ-self in the commander's study, behind the desk that had once been Majer Faerylt's, his eyes taking in everything in the chamber in turn. There were no personal artifacts, not that he could see. Not a one. He might have missed a small item that had personal significance to the late maÂ-jer, but it was clear that Faerylt had not been a sentimenÂ-tal or overtly prideful officerâ"and that suggested arrogance to Dainyl. "Sir?" offered Sledaryk from the study door. "EveryÂ-one's here." "Come in." Dainyl stood, waiting, surveying the four junior officers as they entered the study and stood facing him. Finally, he spoke. "For the record, I am Submarshal Dainyl. I've been conducting unannounced inspection tours all across Corus. When I went to meet Majer Faerylt and the RA, I discovered the majer had murdered Alector Kelbryt, and I was forced to kill him in order to stop him from doing the same to me." None of the four looked surprised. Dainyl waited, once more, before speaking. "I've met Sledaryk and Weltak. I don't recall meeting any of you before. If I have, please excuse me. Matters have been rather. .. intense here." He looked at the female under-captain. "Lyzetta, sir. I'm the junior undercaptain. Klynd is the senior undercaptain." Dainyl shifted his gaze to the officer beside her. "Is that correct, Klynd?" The man looked squarely at Dainyl. "Yes, sir." "Then, for the moment, you're the acting commander of Seventh Company. Once we're done here, choose someone to act as squad leader in your place." "Yes, sir." Dainyl surveyed the four, slowly, both with his eyes and his Talent-senses. "What is so important to keep from a submarshal that both a majer would attack me and an RA?" He sensed surprise from Lyzetta and Weltak, but none of the four spoke. After a moment, he went on. "I can see that acting Captain Klynd and Undercaptain Sledaryk are not surprised and have some thoughts along those lines. Now ... we can draw this out, and I'll find out, and be even more displeased, or you two can explain and make the process far less painful." Sledaryk paled, while Klynd moistened his lips. They exchanged glances, and Sledaryk nodded to his senior. "It's like this, Submarshal," Klynd began. "When the High Alector of the East assigned his son as the regional alector three years ago, that's when Submarshal Alcyna promoted Faerylt to majer. With the new RA and the maÂ-jer being close, we started getting more supplies. Not a lot more, but before that, we got what we needed. The majer said we'd be needing reserves. Sure enough, the summer before last, the RA hired the locals to begin building a new compound for us. It's almost finished. Looks like there's room for more than two companies. Last year, they added to the Cadmian compound out on the high road and transferred another two companies of Cadmians here." "Do you know where the Cadmians came from?" Dainyl didn't recall any such transfer crossing his desk. He could have checked if he'd been at headquarters, but that would have to wait. "No, sir. No one said." "Why did you think this was strange? Did you think the majer was hiding something?" "I don't know, sir," Klynd replied. "The thing is that in thirty years, we never got extra supplies, not unless we had extra flights or something. Certainly, no one said anything about a new compound. Then, the High Alector of the East visited two times a year ago, and three times last year. I've never seen one before. It could be because his son was the RA, but the two of them met with the ma-jer every time. The majer and the RA spent lots of time together. Usually, company commanders only meet occaÂ-sionally with RAs or High Alectors. After that, there was the trouble in Coren last winter. Sixth Company out of Lyterna was the one first assigned to overfly that. We heard that before Captain Elysara could even get a squad airborne, the Highest of the East went to someone in Lyterna, and next thing we knew, the marshal changed the orders, and we were on the way. Sixth Company could have gotten there a day earlier." "Even in winter?" "You don't have to fly over the Spine. You take the midvale valley and pick up the river heading east. Unless there's a storm, it's an easy flight." Dainyl hadn't known that, but every company had loÂ-cal knowledge. "You were the ones who discovered the timbering against the Code?" "Wasn't that much, sirâ"a patch maybe a quarter vingt on a side. Understood they killed some patrollers over it." "Was there any evidence of earlier timbering?" Klynd shrugged. "Might have been, but not anytime reÂ-cently. There were two or three patches where the tree growth looked younger, but I'm not a forester." Dainyl was getting an even more unsettled feeling. He turned to Sledaryk. "Were you in charge of the overÂ-flights at Catyr last winter?" Sledaryk frowned. "Yes, sir." "The initial reports indicated overlogging, followed by rains, a mud dam, more rains, and a flood. Is that correct?" "Pretty much, sir." Dainyl could tell that the undercaptain wasn't telling everything. "Captain Klynd has suggested he could find just a small bit of overlogging. The area at Catyr had to be much larger for there to be that much flooding. How did you miss the logging?" "We were never assigned to fly near Catyr. Not for the last tWO years, maybe longer. Not a single squad, sir. You can check the flight logs, sir. We weren't told not to fly there, but no one got assigned there." Dainyl managed to keep his expression pleasant. What had been going on in Dulka? More important, what had been behind it all? "Was there anywhere else you would have expected to patrol where you didn't?" His eyes went from one junior officer to the next. "No, sir." "No, sir..." In the end, even after another glass of questioning and discussion, Dainyl had discovered little more than had been revealed in the responses to his first questions. The squad leaders just didn't know any more. He'd be staying in Dulka for the night, perhaps longer. He was too tired to chance another Table translation, not when recorders could apparently attack him during such a trip, brief as it was. He'd also definitely need to set TalÂ-ent alarms to ensure his sleep wasn't interrupted fatally. He just hoped he could eat and get some rest before something else went wrong. He had no doubts that it would. He just didn't know when. 19 Midafternoon on Londi had come and gone before Mykel had Third Battalion settled in the Cadmian compound outside of Southgate on the northÂ-east road. Since he had not seen the post commander yet, he crossed the paved courtyard, trying to ignore the fine reddish sandy soil drifted into corners everywhere. AlÂ-though he blotted his forehead, the sweat there was more from his own hurrying to ensure everything was in order than from the heat of the day. That might well change by the time late spring arrived. Mykel didn't want to conÂ-sider still being in Southgate by full summer. He headed for the small headquarters building set twenty yards inÂ-side the south gate, a gate with hinges that shined only where casually visible, and with rust elsewhere else. Mykel doubted it had been tested or closed in years. The door to the headquarters was ajar, and a patina of fine sandy dust had drifted across the gray tiles of the foyer. Beyond the second archway was an open hall, with two desks, one vacant. At the other sat a senior squad leader who did not look up until Mykel was less than two yards from him. "Majer Mykel to see the post commander." The senior squad leader rose, not quite languidly, eventually assuming a pose approximating attention. "Yes, sir. Overcaptain Sturyk has been expecting you, sir. This way, sir." His steps toward the commander's study were as leisurely as his bearing. The study door was open, and Mykel stepped inside, immediately closing it, and ignoring the momentary frown on the overcaptain's face. Sturyk had whitish blond hair, threaded with silver. His narrow face was tanned, and his bearing distinguished. He was doubtless at least fifteen years older than Mykel. He rose even more slowly than had the senior squad leader. "Majer... you are Majer Mykel, sir?" Mykel could sense the older officer's consternation at discovering his superior was more than a decade younger. Even Sturyk's lifeforce thread had contracted slightly. "The same, Overcaptain." Sturyk offered a smile, belatedly. "You must excuse me, Majer. When I heard Third Battalion was being sent here, I had assumed I would see Majer Vaclyn. How is he?" Mykel returned Sturyk's smile with one he hoped was sympathetic, gesturing for the other officer to resume his seat. "The strain of the campaign in Dramur took a heavy toll on the majer. He began to think everyone was his enÂ-emy, and in the end, he even attacked a senior alector." Mykel settled into the chair across the desk from Sturyk. "Oh, dear. He was such a perfectionist. I can see where that could happen." Vaclyn had been a perfectionist about the wrong things, but Mykel wasn't about to get into that. "I ended up witfi the field command there, and was confirmed as the commander of Third Battalion by the Submarshal of Myrmidons and by Colonel Herolt." "For such experience, you wear your years well, Majer." "I entered service young, Overcaptain, and I've seen my share of action." Mykel smiled more professionally. "Since I didn't see you when we arrived, I thought I would find you and let you know the details of my misÂ-sion and the requirements that it will place on you and the Cadmians here." "I've already made the adjoining study available for you, sir. It's the same size as this one. They're the largest in headquarters, and the visiting barracks and stables were made ready last week." "I saw that, and we.appreciate mat. What about the two companies of trainees?" 'The last of mem arrived on Novdi. They're quartered in me trainee barracks in the southwest corner." "What can you tell me about them?" Sturyk shrugged. "Recruits are hard to get in South-ate. Cadmian duty is regarded as barely a step above beÂ-ing a deckhand on the most decrepit of fishing boats or idng a day laborer in the granite quarries to the north. Half are minor malefactorsâ"petty theft and the likeâ" and the other half are desperate in one way or the other. You've got two or three decent squad leaders, and a fresh captain and a barely promoted undercaptain. Both of Aem are honest and originally came from the Hyalt reÂ-gion, but not from Hyalt itself. They were detached from other companies and sent here." Mykel hadn't expected any better. He did hope that the two officers were not only honest, but competent. "We only have a month before we ride out, and that means a full training schedule Londi through Novdi, starting tomorrowâ"" "Ah ... Majer...." "Yes?" replied Mykel. "We ... ah .. . there are no duties on Novdi, except for the duty squads, of course. That has always been the polÂ-icy in Southgate." Mykel understood, in yet another way, why he had been sent. He was likely to have problems in getting Stu-ryk's active cooperation without some form of coercion. The compound commander had a routine, and it doubtless worked well for the garrison and policing duties generally assigned. "Overcaptain, I'm certain your policies have worked well for the situation here, but I've been tasked with a difÂ-ficult situation that requires whipping less than raw reÂ-cruits into a semblance of Cadmians, and that will require nine days a week, perhaps all ten." "The policy here has been longstanding, Majer. I'm sure you understand the difficulties involved in changingâ"" "I'm not ordering a direct change in your policies," Mykel replied politely, "only in those areas where Third Battalion requires support." "Majer ..." Sturyk shrugged helplessly. "Having all of Novdi in a nonduty status may be the longstanding Southgate policy," said Mykel evenly, "but that is not what is set forth in the regulations. At the very least, Novdi morning is a duty period, and we will be usÂ-ing Novdi, perhaps even Decdi, as necessary, in order to have these men ready in the time required by Colonel Herolt and by the Marshal of Myrmidons." "That timetable, sir, I fear, is unrealistic." "It may well be, Overcaptain Sturyk." Mykel smiled pleasantly. "Would you like to write up a report and subÂ-mit it to me stating why the timetable is unrealistic?" Sturyk's petulant frown vanished as he swallowed. "I think not, sir." "Then I will report to Colonel Herolt that you believe swe can meet the timetable, if we use Novdis for training. I'd like a brief note from you agreeing with me." Sturyk swallowed again. "Sir... that is coercion." "Overcaptain ... you cannot have it both ways. I'm perfectly willing to put your objections on the record, and if I fail, then you will be proven correct." Mykel smiled. "If you are not willing to object, then I would like your agreement on record." "Yes, sir." Mykel could sense the palpable dislike emanating from Sturyk. He wished he had learned to be more politic, but he doubted that anything besides veiled force would ever have moved Sturyk. Mykel had tried not to sound like Majer Vaclyn, but feared he had anyway. Was that what happened when officers became battalion comÂ-manders? That they were placed in positions where they had to make demands that seemed unreasonable to junior officers? He smiled again. "After all, Overcaptain, we'll only be here a month, and, I'm sure that Colonel Herolt will be pleased to learn just how cooperative and supportÂ-ive you have been." "I'm certain we can work things out, sir." The dislike behind Sturyk's professional smile was replaced by a sense of calculation and caution, feelings that were obviÂ-ous to Mykel, yet he knew that he would not have seen and sensed them a year earlier, certainly not nearly so diÂ-rectly and clearly. As he left the study, heading out to find the officers of the trainee companies, he wondered if there were some way he could not only sense what others felt, but offer them reassurance... or confidence, in the case of his own officers. There was still so much yet to learn, and he feared he would learn too much of it by making mistakes. His fin- gers dropped to his belt, just above the concealed daggerâ"was he becoming a true dagger of die ancients, as likely to slash himself as others? Or had he been sent because Colonel Herolt knew all too well the limitations of Overcaptain Sturyk? 20 Dainyl crossed the Myrmidon courtyard in die darkness of early evening on Duadi. He'd indicated he would be leaving on Tridi. Leaving earlier seemed wiser, especially since he had no real evidence that would suggest misdeeds by Alcyna or Brekyltâ"or even what they might be attempting. After a day and a half of talkÂ-ing to Myrmidons and checking the records and logs of Seventh Company, what he had discovered was only what could be inferred by what had not been ordered or underÂ-taken. There was indeed a new Myrmidon compound that was almost completed, and it certainly had enough space for two companies. It was also well to the north of the present compound and away from the hillier groundâ"supposedly to allow easier takeoffs and landÂ-ings. Yet it was not noticeably larger than the present compound, and the current Myrmidon post was far more convenient to the Table and in excellent repair. The curÂ-rent post was higher in the hills and had walls that could be defended. So why were Brekylt and Alcyna building a new compound? The flight patterns were less clear, but still suggestive. Seventh Company had conducted routine patrols of the river and the port at Tylora, and occasionally even overÂ-flown Sinjin. Parts of the southeastern High Steppes had been watched for grass fires or other lifeforce damage. Following reports of scattered brigandage, various squads had periodically patrolled the high roads to Flyr and even the road from Tylora to Sudya. On two occasions, they had even found brigands. But over a period of four years, acÂ-cording to the logs and records, there had been no surveilÂ-lance or monitoring flights to the north along the eastern flank of the mountains that comprised the Spine of Corus. Likewise there had been no written orders from Alcynaâ" or anyone elseâ"directing the scope of Seventh Company flight operations. Dainyl paused before the door concealing the stairs down to the Table chamber, studying it carefully before releasing the Talent-lock. Even so, he felt more Talent, just beyond the door, and linked to the door itself. Rather than open the door immediately, he extended his Talent-senses beyond. The finest film of Talent lay on the other side, a web linked to the door and across the corridorâ"obviously an alarm of some sort. Whatever was happening in the east involved many of the recorders, if not all of themâ"or the recorders were opÂ-posed to Dainyl for reasons of their own, perhaps beÂ-cause he had killed the recorder who had tried to murder him or because he had learned too much about what they could do with the Tables. He studied the web for a time, noting that single strands ran from the web and the door, melding into a larger strand that ran along the top of the corridor and down the steps. Using his own Talent, he created miniaÂ-ture shields, very delicately, to immobilize the unseenâ" but clearly sensedâ"purple threads leading to mat telltale strand. Only then did he gently use his Talent to reÂ-arrange the web so that he could open the door and step through. Leaving the miniature shields in place, he made his way down the steps and then to the right toward the Table chamber. He found no more Talent-webs, but in the dimÂ-ness of the Table chamber, in addition to the Talent-purple glow of the Table itself, he could sense that the Table was somehow more energized. He took a deep breath, then stepped onto the Table and concentrated, dropping into ... . .. the chill darkness of the translation tube. "Above" him he could sense the formation of the purple arms, but he linked immediately with the brilliant white locator of Elcien. Again, he had the illusion of the locator hurtling through the darkness at him until the silver-white barrier shattered. Dainyl stood on the Table in Elcien, breathing heavily, mist forming on his flight jacket and then dispersing. He stepped off the Table, alert for any manifestation from it, but he could sense none, and, after releasing the first Talent-lock, he stepped from the chamber into the foyer beyond. He had no sooner emerged from the foyer and reÂ-placed the second Talent-lock, when High Alector Zel-yert appeared in the outer corridor. "Sir," offered Dainyl, slightly surprised at seeing Zel-yert so late in the day, although it was before sunset. "Dainyl... Shastylt thought you might be returning before the end-days, if only for a brief respite." "Yes, sir. I had planned to travel out again in the mornÂ-ing." Dainyl had no desire to talk to Zelyert, but prudence was more than called for. "I will take but a few moments of your time." Zelyert gestured toward his private study and turned, expecting Dainyl to follow. He did, closing the study door behind him. The High Alector of Justice seated himself. "Shastylt has not reported on your activities...." Seating himself, Dainyl replied, "That is doubtless beÂ-cause I have not completed my investigations and have not made a report to him, sir." "What have you discovered?" "There were no overflights of the Catyr areaâ"the one that was overlogged and flooded this winterâ"for close to four years. There were no orders not to fly there, just orÂ-ders to fly everywhere else." zxiyen uuuueu. iuu iuiiik. uns nas sumc 11111s. iu Brekylt?" "When I arrived at Dulka, I went to pay my respects to the regional alector. You may have already heard what occurred." "There was a report that the Myrmidon majer mere atÂ-tacked the RA, and that you arrived only at the end. It's too bad you weren't a bit sooner, Submarshal." Zelyert's tone was mild. "That was the official report, and the way it should reÂ-main," Dainyl replied. "I might add that the RA was Brekylt's son, and that the majer and he were very close friends. I might also add that Brekylt has paid a number of visits to Dulka in the past years, more than to any other Myrmidon post, and that Dulka has been receiving supÂ-plies slightly in excess of its needs on a continuing basis since Kelbryt had become the regional alector. The Cad-mian compound was enlarged, and there is a new MyrmiÂ-don compound nearly completed, but it is farther from the Table and in a less defensible position." "At times, we do need new compounds," Zelyert said mildly. "I was told that the winds around the old comÂ-pound were erratic and dangerous." "Yes, sir." "I take it that they both attacked you," Zelyert said. "How did you prevail?" "My shields were stronger than their Talent. Call it a test of endurance. In the end, I used the lightcutter." "Brekylt won't believe the report, you know?" "I'm certain he won't. But I doubt he'll want attention called to the irregularities in a region administered by his son." Zelyert laughed, softly. "You're correct there, but he is a deadly enemy. He will be after you." As if he were not already, thought Dainyl. "Wasn't that the point of sending me, sir? The diligent, not-mat-bright submarshal with heavy shields and not too much else?" greater sense of amusement. "Your Talent may not be what it could be, Dainyl, but the diligent exterior masks an observant interior. Do you wish to continue this ... investigation?" "I cannot see much of an alternative, sir. There's little enough evidence of what Brekylt intendsâ"or even what his intentions are. I believe they're harmful to the MyrmiÂ-dons and the Duarchy, but there's no real proof of that. Even if I stopped now, he'd remain an enemy. The only way out of the mess is through it." "Spoken like a true Myrmidon." Zelyert rose. "I look forward to seeing what comes of your efforts." He paused. "I'm certain you know this, but I would suggest you not place any great trust in any officers in the east." Dainyl stood. "Yes, sir." He meant to place no great trust in any senior Myrmidon officers or High Alectors anywhere. 21 The greatest fault of those an alector govÂ-erns is their failure to see themselves as they are. An alecÂ-tor cannot allow himself the luxury of self-deception, whatever the possible rationale or cause. Most alectors understand this, and it is reinforced by our codes and our institutions, and those who do not are less worthy than the steers whose lives we direct, for we should know better. Yet true self-knowledge is rare indeed among steers, for their actions and their self-identity are inseparably interÂ-twined. A steer will rationalize himself into believing an action that is against his own self-interest is for his good and the good of others in order to maintain his self-image. He will avoid actions to improve himself and his self-image, merely to maintain the image he holds of himself. ror mis reason, an mc^ioi wnu uiu.->l auuumnu activiÂ-ties and programs that affect the well-being of the self-deluding massesâ"comprising flawed alectors and the vast majority of steersâ"cannot ever assume that those masses will understand what is truly in their self-interest. Therefore, do not ever rely upon those who are governed to understand the rationale for the decisions that must be made and implemented. At the same time, a conscientious alector must resist the temptation to behave arrogantly, to declare by word or action that there is no reason to explain one's decisions and actions. For there are those few who do understand. Also, despite their self-delusion, all but the most ignorant of the masses can appreciate the effort and the thought behind a well-presented explanation, even one with which they do not agree. Arrogance is always the downfall of those in power, even of alectors, and even the most self-deluded of the masses will rejoice to see an arrogant administrator brought low.... Views of the Highest Illustra W.T. 1513 22 Dainyl had not even attempted to return to Myrmidon headquarters on Tridi evening, but went straight home. He and Lystrana had enjoyed dinner and then retired to their chambers. While they had discussed Dainyl's adventures, neither could add much insight to what he had experienced, and, eventually, they slept. Quattri morning, well before dawn, found Dainyl standing before the Table in the Hall of Justice. He'd actu- **.ij wxj^j^v* uii/ iv/115 wait Hum iuo nvjud^ iu uic nan, aim was glad he'd arrived before the Highest had appeared. He smiled wryly, then stepped onto the Table, wearing his flying jacket, but carrying nothing. He concentrated, letting himself drop downward ... ... into the darkness, seeking the orange-yellow locaÂ-tor of Lysia, his senses alert for any trace of the purplish arms or anything else untoward. In the endless yet equally close distance, he could perÂ-ceive the orange-yellow, but the locator seemed to be tinged with certain overshades of... pinkish purple, overlaid with silver. None of the other locators had such overshades, he realized, but as he focused on the locator wedge that was Lysia, the overshades vanished. He extended a line of Talent toward the locator. As he did, he sensed, seemingly flanking him, but outÂ-side the deep-purpled darkness of the translation tube, blacknessâ"pure blacknessâ"within which flashed an globe of amber-golden-green. For a moment, he just tried to sense the greenish TalÂ-ent, for it had to be something of the ancient soarers, their system of portals and mirrors, but the green vanÂ-ished, although the deeper blackness did not. But had the green vanished? Or was that deeper blackness shaded with green ? He felt colder, chill, and dropped his explorations of whatever he might have sensed, concentrating on Talent-linking with the Table at Lysia. The yellow-orange rushed toward him, and he flashed through the silver barrier, unseen shards spraying out from him. A single step sufficed for him to gain his balance on the Table. His entire uniform was covered with a thin layer of frost, one that did not turn to mist or sublime away immediately, so that he was cloaked in a personal fog for several moments. His Talent-senses indicated that the chamber was empty, but his hand still sought the butt of his sidearm, even as he reinforced his shields. The doorway to the hidÂ-den chamber that adjoined most of the Table chambers slid open. Dainyl stepped forward and off the Table. The recorder who stood in the opening of the usually hidden doorway smiled, an expression both humorous and ironic. "Rather an impressive entrance, Submarshal, if chilling." The doorway closed behind her, leaving the two alectors alone in the chamber. "Just chilling," replied Dainyl. A female recorder? He hadn't realized that there were any. "Your shields are also impressive. You will pardon me if I do not attempt to test them." The recorder was slenÂ-der, a good head shorter than Dainyl, and wore dark green trousers and tunic, unadorned, although the tunic was short-sleeved. Her boots were black, and her eyes were green, unusual for an alector. "I'd prefer that you didn't," Dainyl replied. "A rather unfortunate series of events has occurred folÂ-lowing a number of your translations, Submarshal." Dainyl shrugged. "That may be. The results were not of my choosing. I would have preferred totally uneventÂ-ful translations." He continued to study the recorder. "Asulet suggested the same." The recorder grinned. "By the way, I'm Sulerya. I'm his daughter." Dainyl was npt surprised that the senior alector in Lyterna had placed his daughter well, but Asulet had never mentioned her. "Might I ask why you seem more cordial than your peers?" "Isn't it obvious? I was the first, and for a time, the only female recorder. Total nepotism. My father insisted on it. Since he doesn't insist often, and since he is, in fact, effectively the duarch of Lyterna, no one wanted to cross him." Sulerya's words and feelings rang totally true to Dainyl. His shields still up, he decided to press. "You know that Brekylt and Alcyna are sending messages to others in Lyterna?" "It's no secret there that Paeylt wishes to make changes my father opposes. That's one reason why he has been unable to rest for the past three centuries." Dainyl had no idea who Paeylt was. "Why can't your father... deal with Paeylt?" "He controls the engineering facilities there. Father holds the environmental facilities and support services. No one else has the expertise of either. It is a delicate balÂ-ance. Failure of either would destroy Lyterna, and the deÂ-struction of Lyterna would create a downward spiral in lifeforce all across Acorus." "So they are locked in a stalemate, and Paeylt is younger and will use time to force your father?" "That is his hope." "What do youâ"and your fatherâ"expect of me?" "Father was quite explicit." Sulerya offered a rueful smile. "He told me not to harm you, to answer your quesÂ-tions honestly, but not to oppose actively the other recorders or the Highest of the East." "He's playing a deep game." And one that might just be hard on a certain submarshal, Dainyl reflected silently. "It's the only game that offers hope." "Can you explain why?" "Yes." "Then would you, since you're supposed to answer my questions honestly?" "Perhaps we should adjourn to my private study?" "The hidden one?" She nodded. "Who knows about those, besides the recorders and their assistants?" "The High Alectorsâ"mostly. The marshal. Some of your predecessors did. Tyanylt did not." The stone doorway reopened, and Dainyl followed Sulerya through, noting carefully the Talent-mechanism. Sulerya's Talent was as deft as her father's as she closed the hidden entrance. Her study was smaller even than the space Dainyl had occupied as a colonel, and held but a black chest, set against one wall, a writing table, and three wooden chairs. The single wall hanging was a pen and ink drawÂ-ing of a seaportâ"Lysia. She closed the study door, took one chair, and waited for Dainyl to seat himself. "In return for answers," Sulerya began, "Father and I ask one stipulation." "What might that be?" asked Dainyl warily. "That you report nothing you learn from us until you can verify it from your own observations." Dainyl paused. "There must be a reason for that, beÂ-yond protecting you two. I doubt Asulet needs protection, and I'd wager you've found ways to protect yourself." "It's to protect you." Dainyl needed to think about that for a moment. "It's also another form of assurance for you and your father. I become another player, and that expands the complexity, and keeps Zelyert, the Duarches, and Brekylt and Alcyna from acting even more precipitously." He laughed softly. "That's assuming I survive. Realistically, I don't have a choice." "That's true." "I'll abide by the stipulation." "Father said you would. He said you're one of the last truly honorable Myrmidons." Not only was that assessment frightening, but Dainyl also recognized the direct play on his own sense of honor. "An appeal to my vanity as well." "Of course ... and your honor, of which there is too little in these desperate days." "Let's start there," Dainyl said. "Why are these desperÂ-ate days?" "You know as well as anyone. There's not enough life-force mass to support all those who wish to translate here from Ifryn. Zelyert is trying to create situations that deÂ-pict Acorus as far less desirable. What he doesn't underÂ-stand is that such depictions will only assure that the least honorable and most desperate Ifrits on Ifryn will attempt the long translation here. The others will use their influÂ-ence and position to translate to Efra." That, unfortunately, made sense to Dainyl. "Surely he sees that." "I'm certain he does, but he sees no alternative. The mass of hangers-on around the Archon are Talent-rich and poor in all practical skills. If the Master Scepter is loÂ-cated here and too many of them followed, they could swallow all the excess lifeforce on Acorus and turn all alectors into beings with lifespans shorter than those of the indigens. The Duarch of Elcien has worked to perÂ-suade the Archon to send more alectors with technical abilities before those on Ifryn perceive how short time is there. He has had some success, especially in obtaining Table and translation engineers, and a handful of bioloÂ-gists and life-form specialists." "Where does Brekylt fit into this? He opposes Zelyert, but is he backing the Duarch of Elcien?" "No. His patron is the Duarch of Ludar, and both he and Samist believe that the Master Scepter should come to Acorusâ"without the Archon and his hangers-on. They have not said so, but their plans have. They have also persuaded the Archon to translate a number of amÂ-bitious younger engineers. They have gone to Alustreâ" Fordall, in practice. There are others, as well, but we cannot track them once they leave the Table chambers, and the recorders where they have appeared have not been helpful." "The engineers and the recordersâ"they seek total conÂ-trol of the Tables and translation tubes?" Sulerya smiled. "Shastylt underestimates you." "I'm not sure about that. I'm wondering if he's setting me up against Zelyert to clear his own path to being High Alector. Then he could either dispose of me, or make me marshal, as suits his needs." "He could be. That would be incredibly foolish." "Are you the only recorder not supporting Brekylt and the Duarch of Ludar?" "No. Chastyl in Elcien is Zelyert's creature. That's why you never see him. Then there's Delari. She's the recorder in Blackstear, and, of course, Myenfel in Lyterna is loyal to Father. Except for Lysia, all the other recorders east of the Spine strongly support Brekylt. Lu-dar belongs to Samist, and so do Hyalt and Faitel. Jonyst in Dereka stands alone, but he would not oppose Father, and he is honorable. The others cooperate with those backing Brekylt and Samist, but their support is tacit or coerced through various measures." "Such as?" "Patronyl in Tempre would prefer to support Father, but not Khelaryt, and his family resides in Alustre. No-myelt in Soupat has an un-Talented son who is a squad leader in the palace guard at Ludar. That sort of thing." Dainyl mentally counted. Three recorders backed Asulet; one backed Zelyert; seven backed Brekylt and Samist, two others went along with them, while one was independent, whatever that might mean. "How many supÂ-porters have the Duarch of Elcien and your father lost to the recorders recently?" "Not that many. Most Table travelers have strong shields." Dainyl decided to let the mention of the attacks inside the translation tubes wait for a bit. "Just who is Paeylt? Beyond opposing your father?" "He's the head engineer in Lyterna. He designed and laid out the larger cities, except Southgate. Father had Arylan plan Southgate as an indigen and lander port, and Dramuria, of course." "Of course?" Dainyl wanted to shake his head. "He felt that there ought to be areas where the lanÂ-ders and indigens had more freedom. He wanted to see if that resulted in faster and more efficient lifeforce growth, but they had to be isolated, so that, if they beÂ-came too destructive of lifeforce, they could be conÂ-trolled." "Did it?" Sulerya shrugged. "It worked in Dramur, but not in Southgate." "What about the western isles?" "That was tried. Putting Tables there would have stressed the world too much. The lack of Tables and the distance meant there was no oversight and supervision. Predictably, the indigens destroyed the ecology within a few hundred years. When the Archon found out, he was less than pleased. The survivors were either destroyed or relocated. The isles were reseeded with unsentient fauna and supporting flora." "You obviously control me Table here, but what about the Myrmidons?" "Captain Sevasya is Khelaryt's daughter. He insisted she command here, and she's one of the oldest Myrmidon captains. Alcyna and Brekylt have not involved her. InÂ-stead, they transfer the Myrmidons most loyal to the Duarch of Elcien here, as well as the occasional troubleÂ-maker." Dainyl had known all along that there was far more than he knew taking place, but he now realized just how ignorant he had been. How much more should he trust Sulerya? Did he have any real choice if he wanted to surÂ-vive? "How does a recorder create the purple Talent-arms? Through the Table?" "Yes. It takes experience and practice." "I've been attacked by them three timesâ"twice in the translation tubes." She frowned. "That's not good." "No, it wasn't," Dainyl said dryly. 'That's not what I meant. Feeding that kind of energy back into the links and the grid could set up a nasty enÂ-ergy feedback system. Conceivably, it could funnel life-force right out of the whole world, or destabilize the grid. It could also destroy the user." That meant someone wanted Dainyl dead very badlyâ" or one of the junior recorders was far too eager to do Brekylt's bidding... if not both. Unless it wasn't a recorder, reflected Dainyl. "Could it be someone else usÂ-ing a Table?" "Any highly Talented alector could use a Table for thatâ"given enough practice and experienceâ"but who else would have the access and experience?" She paused. "It could be that Brekylt has suborned an assistant to one of the older recorders." "Without warning them of the dangers?" Sulerya laughed. "Brekylt has never been known for undue concerns for his followers, despite his seeming warmth." That certainly fit with what Dainyl had observed. "Could that destroy the tubes? Especially the long links to Ifryn? Without excessive loss of lifeforce?" Sulerya cocked her head, as if thinking. Finally, she replied. "It's possible, but cutting the links, without movÂ-ing the Master Scepter here, would sever the lifelinks of every alector as matters now stand." Dainyl nodded. "You're on speaking terms with the other recorders, aren't you? Or message terms, anyway?" "You want me to point out mat these attacks have been made and the dangers?" "I don't see how it could hurt. If it doesn't reduce the attempts, we're no worse off, and the fact that you've been told about them indicates that at least some of the victims have escaped, which might suggest ineffectual tactics with high risks for everyone." "I can try." She smiled. "I'll walk over to the MyrmiÂ-don headquarters with you. Sevasya should be there this morning. She'll be glad to see you." If she were, thought Dainyl, she'd be among the few of the Myrmidon commanders in the east who was. They both rose, and Dainyl followed her from her study through the Table chamber and out through unÂ-guarded doors. The corridor to the staircase had been cut dirough solid stone, unlike most of the other Table cham- bers. Beyond the doorway at the top of the steps was a walled courtyard. The warmth of the sunlight was more than welcome, but the air was moist, and he suspected that, even for him, Lysia in summer might be too damp. "What's Captain Sevasya like?" asked Dainyl as he and Sulerya crossed the paved compound courtyard. His eyes took in the immaculate pteridon squares, and the cleanliness of the walls and windows. "Her reports are alÂ-ways precise, but they don't convey much beyond great and quiet competence." "You obviously have not met her," replied Sulerya. "No. My service has been in the west." "I'll let you decide for yourself, Submarshal." "You're just like your father," Dainyl replied with a laugh. "He only said what he wanted and not a word more." "That may be." Sulerya grinned. "I am glad you're not like your mother." Dainyl didn't bother to conceal the wince. "You've met her?" "Once. That was a number of years ago, long before you joined the Myrmidons." Dainyl decided not to say more for the moment. His mother had always had a way of making an impression, not always one useful to Dainyl. The duty officer bolted upright as the two entered the small, one-story stone structure. "Submarshal, sir! Recorder." "We're here to see the captain, Ghedyn," offered the recorder. "Yes, sirs," replied the Myrmidon. "She's in her study." Sulerya turned left and led Dainyl to the second doorÂ-way. It was open. "Sevasya ... one of your superiors arrived while I was on duty." A mischievous smile followed Sulerya's words. "So I escorted him here. I'm certain you two have Myr-midonish business to discuss, and I will leave you in his capable hands." Dainylâ"not totally pleased with that introductionâ" â­ stepped into the study with a smile, still holding his shields. Before he could speak, Sulerya added, "If I'm not in the chamber when you return, Dainyl, wait a moment. I may have more information for you." With that, she closed the study door, leaving the two Myrmidons alone. Captain Sevasya was broad shouldered, and taller than Dainylâ"one of the few alectors or alectresses of such height besides the Duarch Khelaryt. She also radiated Talent, much as her father did, even as her black eyes apÂ-praised him. "Submarshal Dainyl, how good to see you." She smiled, exuding warmthâ"but with cool confidence beÂ-hind it. "It's good to see you, Captain. It's especially refreshÂ-ing to arrive here welcomed." "Are you here because you support Asulet, or my faÂ-ther?" She delivered the question, bluntly phrased, with the same warmth. "I'm not certain whom I should support, except that it won't be Brekylt or Alcyna," he replied dryly. "You sound somewhat skeptical, Submarshal." "There are times for that, especially when dealing with the Duarch's daughter." "And when little is as it once seemed?" Sevasya's eyeÂ-brows arched. "I'm not sure the past was ever what anyone thought." "How might I help you?" "Any information you have on actions Brekylt and AlÂ-cyna have taken against the Marshal, the Highest of JusÂ-tice, or your father would be useful." Dainyl took the chair across from her table desk. Sevasya sat as well, an amused smile still in place. "Isn't that the problem, sir? I can point to no single action that would confirm that they have planned any adverse actions against any of their superiors. Oh ... there are inÂ-dividuals who have suffered mishaps, and those who have died. There have been unusual transfers of personÂ-nel. In no case is there any link to the Highest of the East that could not be supported as a justifiable act in the course of duty." Dainyl waited, a pleasant smile upon his face. "There's no doubt that they plan some sort of treachÂ-ery, as you well know. But to remove themâ"or for them to suffer a mishapâ"without some form of proof would have large numbers of faithful alectors in the east rising against the Duarchyâ"or whoever was perceived as its agent. Right now, you are the one suspected of being that agent." That wasn't exactly a surprise to Dainyl, but her words still sent a chill through him. "What do you suggest I do, then, Captain?" "Finish your inspection tour, and wait until an opportuÂ-nity arises. It will, because Brekylt will have to act in orÂ-der to gain whatever power or control he desires. It won't happen immediately, however. If you do nothing upon your return to Elcien, except to issue a report extolling the state of readiness in the east, that will confound them." "What about visiting Dereka ... and those insignifiÂ-cant other difficulties facing me?" Dainyl offered the question dryly. Sevasya laughed. "Submarshal, sir, I am quite certain you will manage, as you have all along. Visiting Dereka should pose no problems, now that Colonel Dhenyr serves in Elcien as your replacement." "Do you think he had anything to do with removing firelances, say, in order to weaken Fifth Company?" "I doubt he had anything to do with that. With other matters, yes, but handling firelances under those condiÂ-tions would require Talent and initiative, and he was seÂ-lected for lack of such." Sevasya's voice was both warm and ironic. "Especially after his predecessor showed that lack of obvious Talent did not necessarily preclude initiaÂ-tive and effectiveness." "Dereka is the closest Myrmidon company to Lyterna," mused Dainyl. "It is, and I'm very fond of both Captain Elysara and Captain Fhentyl. You might find the visit to Dereka enÂ-joyable, even informative, sir." That answered another question, even as it raised a third. "Why?" "I'm certain I couldn't say, sir, but it is the oldest city on Acorus." In short, Dainyl should go, and the Duarch's daughter, whether she was technically under his command or not, wasn't about to say why ... or much more about anything. He stood. "I would very much appreciate it if you would give me a tour of Eighth Company." "I'd be delighted, Submarshal, and everyone will be pleased to meet you." Those words were genuine, and heartfelt, and that disÂ-turbed Dainyl as well, although he could not have said exÂ-actly why. With a smile, he opened the study door and stepped into the corridor, waiting for the captain. 23 Slightly past midmoming on Quinti, Mykel reined up next to Bhoral as the third squad of the First Hyalt Company wheeled into a firing line, a very ragged firing line. Some of the troopers seemed uncomÂ-fortable, if not unsteady, in the saddle. Most had never been on a mount a week earlier, and that meant extra time in teaching them about horses. Mykel couldn't begrudge that. He'd needed that instruction years back. For a time, he watched as the squad continued to pracÂ-tice standard mounted maneuvers. Then he turned to the battalion senior squad leader. "They're improving. It's slow, but even as soon as it is, I can see some improveÂ-ment. You're getting results, especially with what you have to work with." Bhoral gave a faint smile. "They're beginning to realÂ-ize that they can do something, and that they'll get reguÂ-lar rations and pay. A good lot of 'em never have." That was true of all too many of the locally raised Cad-mian forces, Mykel had come to realize, and why he and Third Battalion were in Southgate. "How are matters working out with getting supplies?" "After the first day or so, all of a sudden, we stopped having problems. Couldn't say why, but I'm not comÂ-plaining." "Good. Still... be as pleasant as possible." "I've laid that on heavy with the squad leaders. They know." Bhoral gave a creased smile. "Hope you don't mind that I told 'em what you said to the officers." "No. It holds true for all of us." All Mykel had said to his officers was that no one was to treat anyone in the compound with disrespect. If they had a problem, they were to bring it to him. He'd only had to go to the over-captain once, and that was to explain the need for extra fodder and water because of the longer use of the mounts. Fodder was a problem because the area around Southgate wasn't all that fertile, not compared with other areas supÂ-porting Cadmian mounted companies. "I'm going to see how the combat squad-on-squad drills are going." Mykel nodded to Bhoral and then eased the roan around the north edge of the main drill field to the east side. There, Fourteenth Company's squads were taking on the squads of Second Hyalt Company, using rattan sabres. Again, Mykel reined up, this time beside Captain Cu-leyt. Once more, he watched for a time, before saying anything. "What do you think?" "Sir... half of them still think a sabre's an axe." "Many of us did at one time," Mykel said with a laugh. "They're looking better. It'll help your men, too." 'The recruits aren't any threat." "No," Mykel replied, "but when your men have to exÂ-plain what they're doing, and then keep doing it, it reinÂ-forces their skills." He grinned. "But... to make sure they don't get sloppy, tell them that they'll be running a drill with the rattan sabres against Sixteenth Company the day after tomorrow." "Sir? Sixteenth Company?" "You're the one who just said that the Hyaltans were no threat." "Yes, sir." Culeyt shook his head. Mykel continued his rounds of observation for another two glasses, before riding back to the compound, where he unsaddled the roan and brushed him out before he walked back to the headquarters building. He settled behind the battered wooden table desk in the study provided for his useâ"he didn't really think of it as hisâ"and began to write. He'd decided to make more changes in the training schedule, based on what he'd observed, deciding to beef up the individual weapons training. Some of the unit maneuvering training could be incorporated into the ride to Hyalt, but doing that with weapons would have been far more difficultâ" and time-consuming. Less than half a glass later, he looked up to a knock on the half-open door. "Yes?" "Overcaptain Sturyk would ask a moment of your time, Majer." The squad leader was far more precise and respectful than he had been when Mykel had first introÂ-duced himself. "If you would not mind?" "That would be fine." Mykel had barely set down the pen before Sturyk apÂ-peared, and he stood. "Overcaptain." "Majer. You've been so involved with your training that I thought I had best catch you when I could, sir. If this is convenient?" "This is fine." Mykel gestured toward the chairs in front of the table. "Oh, no, sir. This will only take a moment." Sturyk paused. "Before that... It's said that you acquired ... a certain appellation ... as a result of your efforts in Dra-mur, Majer, sir. I would not wish to pry ..." Was that why there had suddenly been such a change in attitude and so much cooperation? Mykel offered a smile he hoped was ironic, or wry, or self-deprecating. "I've been told that I did acquire a nameâ"one having to do with ancient knives that cut the user as deeply as the one attacked. It wasn't something I sought." "That explains much. There have only been a handful of men called daggers of the ancients." Sturyk shook his head. "I do not envy you, Majer. Both the ancients and the alectors will try to break you." The overcaptain forced a smile. "That was not why I requested a moment of your time." He extended an envelope. "I must explain. That is an invitation. Every spring, just before summer, the Council of Southgate holds a ball, a dance, if you will. As a matter of courtesy, the commander of the compound and any senior officers in residence are always invited." A ball was the last thing Mykel felt like attending. He tried not to show that feeling as he took the envelope, of heavy parchment, and sealed in deep blue wax. He did not open it. "I realize that you're working hard, sir, but I fear..." "They pay for the compound's expenses, don't they?" "Yes, sir." Mykel could see the relief on Sturyk's face. "I'll be there, but I'll have to be in uniform." The overcaptain chuckled. "That's what they want. It will be formal, and everyone will say a few words about how much they appreciate your coming, but it's as much to show that they're on speaking terms with the Cadmians as anything else. This year... they'll appreciate it more, because you're not married, and that means you can talk and dance with their eligible daughters." "I doubt they'd want a Cadmian for a husband," Mykel pointed out, thinking of Rachyla. "Of course not, but they'll feel very wicked in having met you, especially ..." Sturyk's words trailed off. "Does everyone in Southgate know?" "No, sir. Only a few, but, by the time of the ball..." Mykel wanted to groan. He couldn't dance, except a few folk dances his sister had taught him years before, and he was going to be on exhibit as the dangerous "dagger of the ancients." How many other aspects of command were there that he had no idea of and had yet to face? "It should be very interesting." He managed a smile. "It's likely to be very long, sir. My wife dreads it, but it is one of the responsibilities that accompany command here." Sturyk managed a long-suffering smile. That expression was convincing enough that Mykel acÂ-tually believed Sturyk's words. Had Mykel not been in Dramurâ"and experienced the condescension and near-contempt of the seltyrs thereâ"he might not have. "That's all, sir." Sturyk nodded. "By your leave?" "Thank you." Mykel did not open the envelope until he stood alone in the study. Then he broke the seal and extracted the heavy card, reading it slowly. "The Council of Southgate requests the honor of the presence of Majer Mykel, ComÂ-manding, Third Cadmian Battalion, Mounted Rifles ..." He shook his head. At least, he had almost four weeks before he had to worry about that. A ball, for the Duarches' sake! 24 Dainyl returned to headquarters late on Quattri. Sulerya had provided no more information and had told him that finding out what she had in mind would take longer than she had thought. When he reached El-cien, Dainyl saw neither the marshal nor Lystrana that night. She had left a note at their home explaining that she'd be spending the night in Ludar because she and the High Alector of Finance had an early-morning meeting with the Duarch of Ludar to apprise him of some "irreguÂ-larities" in the engineering accounts in the east. Had she tracked down proof of what Rensyl was doÂ-ing? Was the eastern engineer actually fabricating weapons based on road-building equipment? When Dainyl and Lystrana had last talked, he had not known of the possible involvement of the Duarch of Ludar with Brekylt. He hoped his wife would be safe while she acÂ-companied her Highest. He slept uneasily. As a result, he was up early and in his study at MyrmiÂ-don headquarters well before morning musterâ"and that was after a quick inspection of the compound and First Company. Just after he finished with fourth squad, he recalled something and turned back to Undercaptain Chelysta. "I forgot to mention that I ran across one of your cousins last week." "Sir?" "Granyn. He's a junior ranker at Myrmidon headquarÂ-ters in Alustre. He's a driver, waiting for a place as a flyer. He said to send his greetings." Chelysta shook her head. "That imp. I've only seen him onceâ"that was when he was barely walking. He was always getting into things." "He might get into Third Company under Majer Nor-yan." "Majer Noryan?" Chelysta shook her head. "I never thought he'd make majer. Thin as a rail and not much taller than me. He was a translation orphan, you know. Didn't have many friends. More at home with horses. Came from a tiny place where his foster mother was the only alectress around. I didn't even hear he'd joined until later." Chelysta shook her head. "And Granyn ... that's hard to believe." "Your cousin has that air, still, but he works hard. AnyÂ-way, I promised I'd let you know." Dainyl smiled. "How are things going?" "Some of the dispatch runs have been tight until first squad got replacement pteridons from Sixth Company in Lyterna. Captain Elysara sent word that there weren't any more spares at Lyternaâ"or anywhere else. Can't believe we lost two of them." "It happens. Not often, but it does," Dainyl replied. "But how, sir?" How was he going to answer that without revealing the role of the ancients? He offered a rueful smile. "You know that pteridons can only fly so high before they reach an altitude where there's no lifeforce?" "Yes, sir." "There are places, usually in the mountains, where there's no lifeforce, and sometimes no one knows that they're there. Under certain conditions"â"like an ancient being present and unfriendlyâ""a pteridon and rider can't escape." The undercaptain winced. "I suppose we're lucky that there aren't too many places like that." She paused. "Is there any way to tell?" "The only way I know is that the few I know about were near ruins of the ancients in the mountains." "No one ever mentioned that." "There aren't many," Dainyl said. "Do you have disÂ-patch duty tomorrow?" "No, sir. Not until Octdi." "I hope you get good weather." He nodded and then turned. As he walked back to his study, he considered what Chelysta had said. Noryan was certainly not rail thin and short. Could there be two with the same name? He spent a quarter glass going through all the rosters, but there was only one with that name, and he came from the area near Lysia. Chelysta must have been talking about when he'd been a youth. The issue of spare pteridons was another matter. AcÂ-cording to the Myrmidon records, before the recent losses there had been ten additional pteridons in the cavern squares at Lyterna. Why had Elysara indicated there were no more replacements? Was she saving them to keep them from going to the east in the future? Or was that a decision by Asulet? Dainyl had no doubts that the elder alector's decisions would weigh heavily with the MyrmiÂ-don captain in Lyterna, possibly even outweigh anything except direct intervention by the Duarch of Elcien. Dainyl settled into his study and took out several sheets of paper, jotting down thoughts and phrases for the report on his eastern inspection tour. He wasn't about to attempt even a rough draft until after he spoke with the marshal. He'd worked for close to a glass when Colonel Dhenyr appeared in his doorway. "Sir?" "Come in, Colonel. What can I do for you?" "It's about the Iron Stem flights. The marshal ordered a recon on Septi. He wants third squad to do it, but they're scheduled for dispatch duty then ..." "You'll have to adjust the dispatch schedule. Have fourth squad take their duty and run a three-squad rotaÂ-tion until third squad returns." Dainyl paused. "That'll be down to a two-squad rotation for the first part of next week, with second squad doing a sweep of the Vedra." He studied the colonel, even as he wondered why Dhenyr had even asked him. That was the sort of adjustÂ-ment Dainyl had made routinely when he had been operÂ-ations chief. "You'll get used to making those adjustments. Just don't accept a request from the Duarch's assistants without checking with me or the marshal." Dainyl had learned that one the hard way. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Once Dhenyr had left, Dainyl leaned back in his chair, setting the pen aside. The colonel's Talent-shields were adequate, but not impressive. His organizational skills were modest, to say the least. He could be charming, and his record showed that he had been a good flyer and flight commander, but those were scarcely abilities that merited promotion to colonelâ"except that the Duarch of Elcien would not have wished Sevasya moved from Lysia, alÂ-though Dainyl did not know why, nor would Asulet have wanted Captain Elysara transferred from Lyterna. Gha-sylt and Fhentyl weren't senior enough, and Majer Ke-haryl in Ludar owed his allegiance to Samist. The other company commanders were all in the east, and loyal to Alcyna, and, presumably, Brekylt. So Dhenyr had to be the choice. Yet Sevasya had suggested that there were other reasons as well, without detailing them. That was another reason why Dainyl wanted to go to Dereka. "Dainyl!" The marshal marched into the study, closing the door behind him. Dainyl stood. "Sir." "What do you plan to do, now that you've finished your inspection tour of the east?" asked Shastylt. "I thought I'd write a brief message commending all the Myrmidon companies in the east for their cooperaÂ-tion, their readiness, and their dedication to the Duarchy, and saying that such readiness reflected most favorably upon all Myrmidons, from the newest rankers to the sub-marshal of the east." "Excellent!" Shastylt laughed. "After that, sometime in the next few days, I'll be goÂ-ing to Dereka. I know there's probably nothing I can do about it, but they did lose five skylances there, and a handful of alectors vanished." The marshal frowned. "Besides, Asulet told me that it was an ancient city beÂ-fore we rebuilt it. I'm still concerned about the ancients and any links to the skylances." "Submarshal Alcyna has a strategy for dealing with them. Didn't you tell me that?" Shastylt's tone was gently ironic. "You'll pardon me, sir, if I'm skeptical about a strategy that costs two pteridons and two alectors for every anÂ-cient destroyed. There just might be more than a few hunÂ-dred ancients hiding up on the Aerial Plateauâ"or in the heights of the Spine of Corus." "And you'll find an answer by going to Dereka, Sub-marshal?" "Probably not, but if I visit every Myrmidon outpost that can be reached by Table, neither Brekylt nor Alcyna can bring a complaint to the Duarches that I singled out the east for inspections. In practice, I don't have to visit Ludar, so that just leaves the Myrmidon companies in Dereka and Lyterna, and I can claim I've already been to Lyterna. In addition, we are not faced with an immediate crisis, and this is a good time to remind all of them that headquarters does issue the orders and to let them put a face with a name." Dainyl smiled politely. "Besides, they won't put mere suspicions on paper, and I might learn something more." "There is that." "If you have objections, sir..." Shastylt waved a large hand, dismissing the idea. "No... no. You're right. Now is a good time to make those visits. I'd hope you could make mem as brief as possible. We may be facing some other difficulties before long." "Iron Stem?" "The Cadmian battalion commander has reported a number of disappearances around Iron Stem. In some cases, his scouts have vanished. Their footprints just ended, he claims." "You scheduled recon for the area." "I don't know what it will show, but..." "It's close to the Aerial Plateau," Dainyl said. "Do you think it could be the ancients?" "It's probably the Squawts. They're all over the area and even more devious than the indigen Reillies. Either way, the recon should provide information for the Cadmians." "If it's not Iron Stem... are you thinking about Brekylt?" "The Highest reported that certain resources have been diverted to the engineering manufactories in Fordall. This has been going on for a time, and it was handled in a very sophisticated manner." "What are they manufacturing that they don't want known?" Dainyl knew very well, but decided to avoid that issue. "Is that where the seltyrs of Dramur got their rifles?" "It could be." Shastylt paused. "Or Brekylt could be building something more formidable." "I'll leave for Dereka tomorrow," Dainyl said. "Do that." Shastylt started to leave, then turned back. "As before, no written reports about anything involving the east." "Yes, sir." Dainyl looked at the empty open doorway for several moments after the marshal left. Then he reseated himself and began to draft his report to Alcyna and the Myrmidon company commanders of the east. 25 Dainyl eventually made his way home on Quinti, where he paced around the lower level and then the foyerâ"until he heard the door open. He whirled, stepped forward, and wrapped his arms around his wifeâ"tightly. "I'm so glad to see you." He held on to her for a time. "Careful... there are two of us...." Lystrana stepped back, smiling. "That was quite a welcome." He nodded, not wanting to say more at the moment. "You didn't have any trouble in Ludar?" "We can talk about it later. I'm hungry ... and not so hungry. Some cheese might be good. Some warm bread, if we have any." "Zistele just took some out of the oven." "Good." Lystrana covered her mouth. "Kytrana is makÂ-ing ... some things more difficult. Your mother stopped by the other day. She said uneasy digestion means a strong child." "That sounds like her." Dainyl gave a wry smile, taking Lystrana's cape and hanging it on one of the wall pegs beside the door. "Everything mat's difficult bodes for a better future." They walked toward the sunroom, filled with the late afternoon light. Dainyl eased out a chair for Lystrana. "I'm not delicate. I'm just carrying a child." "I didn't say a word." She laughed. "You didn't have to." Zistele slipped me basket of bread and a small platter of cheese onto the table. "Supper will be ready in half a glass, alectress." "Thank you." As was their custom, Dainyl's and Lystrana's conversaÂ-tion before, during, and after the evening meal dealt with matters other than matters of the Myrmidons and Duarchy. "Your mother said you were a greedy little boar from the time you were born." "I had to be. She didn't like feeding me," countered Dainyl. Lystrana sighed softly, and Dainyl could sense the melancholy. "You're thinking about your mother?" She nodded. "I just wish ..." "I know." Dainyl didn't need to say more. Lystrana's mother had stepped into a Table twenty-two years earlier, and never emerged. Her father had never truly recovered, and had retreated to Lyterna. He'd only lived another four years after his wife's death. "She would have been so happy." "I'm sure she would have been." Later, before they retired to their bedchamber, Lystrana poured half a goblet of the Vyan Grande brandy into a goblet for Dainyl, but less than a fingerful of brandy for herself. "Is that... ?" "I'm being careful. A little doesn't hurt, even helps." They walked upstairs wimout speaking. After closing the door, Dainyl sat on the chair beside the shuttered window, holding his goblet. Lystrana propped herself up on the wide bed. "Why don't you start?" "Me?" "You." "I think some of the recorders are watching the Tables for me, but the translation wasn't a problem." He paused. "I thought I sensed a green flash, like the ancients. Have you ever felt anything like that?" "I can't say I have. Can you tell me any more about what it's like?" "It's ... just amber-green ... for a moment. In any case, when I got to Lysia, the recorder there was quite welcoming. It didn't make much sense, until she inÂ-formed me that she was Asulet's daughter. Likewise, Captain Sevasya is the younger daughter of the Duarch of Elcien ..." Dainyl rushed on to inform Lystrana of what he had discovered and what had occurred until he had reÂ-turned. 'Then, when I read your note, I have to say that I was more than a little worried. Today, I spent some time with Shastylt and wrote out my report on my tour. I tried not to worry too much." "It might be a good thing that I didn't know what you found out when we met with Samist," mused Lystrana. "Once I knew what to look for with Rensyl's accounts, the patterns were obvious. I just pointed mem out to my Highest, and he insisted we both brief the Duarch of Lu-dar, ramer than the High Alector of Engineering." "I'm glad he insisted on that. There have been far too many strange things happening with the engineers lately. The thousands of rifles secretly fabricated for the seltyrs on Dramur, Paeylt's efforts to undermine Asulet, and this business with Rensyl. Did you sense any reaction from Samist?" "He's very conflicted, like you said Khelaryt was when you met him. It was almost as though he wanted to hear and understand... and didn't. My Highestâ"have you ever met Chembryt?â"tried to get the Duarch to see the problem." "I haven't met any of the High Alectors personally, exÂ-cept in passing at receptions. You think that Samist is fighting the shadowmatch conditioning?" "I think it's more than that. We've been forced to alloÂ-cate more golds for supplies to several of the regional adÂ-ministrative centersâ"Hyalt, Tempre, and Dulka are the ones requiring more these days. They all have different reasons. In Tempre, the RAâ"that's Fahyltâ"has docuÂ-mented Squawts crossing the Vedra and buying up more grain and fruit, increasing prices at a time of local drought. In Hyalt, Rhelyn claims that he's having to purÂ-chase supplies from Salcer and Krost, with higher transÂ-port costs, because neither Hyalt or Tempre can supply him fully. Kelbryt claimed that he had to spend extra golds on helping pay for the remediation of the floods north of Dulka." "Those were in Catyr, some four hundred vingts north of Dulka," Dainyl pointed out. "Kelbryt had something else in mind. Otherwise, why would he and Faerlyt have attacked me before I said a word?" "I didn't know that, but even chief assistants to the High Alector of Finance can't speak out too often," Lystrana replied. 'That's particularly true when the Duarch is being curt, as if he didn't want to talk about the extra outlays. Especially after we'd already pointed out the problems in the east." "That may be true of both Duarches. They don't like to hear about problems," reflected Dainyl. "I'm more inÂ-clined to think along the lines Asulet suggested, but I'm not even sure I agree totally with him." "What do you think?" What did he think? Dainyl did not speak for a time. FiÂ-nally, he replied. "I think Zelyert and Asulet are right about the lifeforce constraints. Asulet is certainly correct about how much knowledge we lose with each new world transÂ-lation, but his real interest is lifeforce creation. Alcyna is accurate in the dangers presented by the ancients, and Brekylt is right about the dangers of holding too closely to a rigid plan. Khelaryt distrusts both the Archon and those on Efra, but he is compelled to obey the Archon. I'm not certain that Shastylt is interested in anything but power, alÂ-though he'll use Zelyert's words to the greatest effect." Lystrana nodded. "That's a good summary." Dainyl understood what she meant. He really hadn't offered his own thoughts, except as judgments on others. "I don't know what to think. Acorus won't survive long if the Master Scepter is transferred here. That's clear. It should be clear to most of the High Alectors." "What if it is?" questioned Lystrana. Dainyl nodded slowly. "The internal personal conflicts of the Duarches would make sense, and so would all the plotting. Even the Efrans would prefer it, becauseâ"" "The political second-raters and hangers-on would come here. That would allow the High Alectors from Ifryn and Efra to build Efra without so much lifeforce drain." w "But they would need to make sure that lifeforce ) progress continued here and that they could retransfer w the Master Scepter in generations to come," Dainyl pointed out. "We've been getting Table engineers," replied Lystrana. "And lifeforce specialists." "Even the ancients must suspect something." "They wouldn't have to. In any fashion one considers it, we're a threat to them." Dainyl looked past Lystrana, at the shuttered window on the far side of the bedchamber. "All the disruptions foÂ-mented indirectly by Zelyert haven't changed anything." "Do you think they were meant to?" "No," he admitted. The silence stretched out between the two of them. After a time, Dainyl spoke. "You asked what I thought." He gave a twisted smile. "I think most of those involved know the problem. Each has his or her own soÂ-lution and plans, and not a single one trusts another. No one's words can be totally trusted, even when they're true, because the truth can be used as much to deceive as a lie, and it's more effective. All we can do is look for acts and signals." He looked at his wife. "Am I wrong?" She shook her head slowly. 26 Early on Sexdi, just after dawn, Dainyl stepped onto trie Table in the Hall of Justice. He wanted to visit Dereka before Shastylt decided it was a poor ideaâ"or sent Dainyl somewhere else. He let his Talent link to the darkness below and within the Table, and felt himself dropping ... ... into the chill of the translation tube. Immediately, he concentrated on locating the crimson-gold directional wedge that was Dereka. Again, for a moment, he thought he sensed the faintest purplish pink shading to the locator for Dereka, but when he extended a Talent line to link with the Table there, he no longer sensed the faint purplish overshades. Nor did he sense anything like the purplish arms. With no sense of delay, Dainyl felt himself sliding through the silvered barrier, which seemed to melt away, rather than shatter into shards. He stood on another Table, in a chamber with but a sin- gle wall hanging facing him, a rendering of a green eter-nastone tower set against a beige background, and borÂ-dered in crimson. The light-torches on the walls were at full illumination, revealing that the bare stone walls, unÂ-like those of any other Table chamber he had visited, were of gold eternastone. The main doorway from the chamber was closed by a heavy door of golden wood, but Dainyl didn't think it was oak. In the open doorway to the hidden chambers stood anÂ-other recorder. His shimmering black hair bore faint traces of silver, a sign of great age, if not so great as that of Asulet. He had to be the oldest alector Dainyl had met outside the confines of Lyterna, both from his hair and from the dark purple of his Talent. His smile was warm, welcoming, and without the calculation Dainyl had sensed behind other projections of warmth. "Submarshal, Recorder Sulerya said that you might be paying us a visit. I'm Jonyst." "The most independent of recorders, I understand." Dainyl stepped off the Table. "I have been called that, just as some have called you the most independent of submarshals. Welcome to Dereka." "Thank you. I'm hoping for a better look at the city than in my past visits. Those were all too long ago, and I really never left the Myrmidon compound." "Few Myrmidons do. It takes a special alector to feel at home in Dereka." "Is that because some of the city holds a sense of the ancients?" "It holds more than that. Much of this building they built. Not the interior walls, but the outer walls and the inÂ-ternal structural walls. When the first engineers realized that the only place to put the Table was here..." The recorder shook his head. "We have ten times the space we need, but none of the first regional alectors wanted their people here." "What do you do with it all, then?" "The transport staff has the top floor, and everyone working for me has a capacious study, even the driver. It's a waste in some ways, but... the exterior maintenance is almost nothing." "You've never seen any sign of the ancients? Has anyone?" "I'm convinced that the few survivors must visit unÂ-seen. I've occasionally sensed Talent of a type neither we nor even the wild Talents of landers possess." Dainyl could sense the shading of the truth. "OccaÂ-sionally?" His tone was both dry and suggestive. Jonyst paused, looking at Dainyl. Then he nodded. "That's right. You ran into an ancient in Dramur, didn't you?" How had the recorder known that? "I did." "It's more than occasional, but not all that often. I tell everyone it's occasional, though. You understand why, I trust." Dainyl did. "The alectors who like Dereka are those who have less Talent or who are less Talent-receptive?" "That's generally soâ"except for the regional alector and his senior assistants. The building where they work is built partly on a dead zone. There are a number in this area. They thought that would discourage any anÂ-cients. It did. It also ages alectors far more quickly. So the term for a regional alector here is only five years. It's said that Samist once sent someone who schemed against him here for fifteen years. The fellow died a year after he left." "I can't say that I'd heard that." "Few have. It was a good hundred years back." "The Duarch Samist generally appoints the RA here?" asked Dainyl. "Samist appoints the RA here. Khelaryt does Lysia. Samist appointed Yadaryst last year. He's a cousin of some sort, translated from Ifryn maybe ten years back." Dainyl nodded. "In the end, it probably won't matter. Besides, no one really wants to think about Dereka." "Why not? Because it's linked to the ancients? And beÂ-cause of strange occurrences here?" "There are strange occurrences everywhere." "It's the only place where large numbers of skylances have vanished. Could that have been the work of the anÂ-cients? Or is there another explanation?" Jonyst fingered his square chin. "It had to be a wild lander Talent or an ancient. Wild alector Talents don't last long here." "What about the five alectors who disappeared without a trace? Do you think the ancients had anything to do with them?" "It's possible." "You don't think so, I take it?" "All five had recently been translated from Ifryn. They were traveling across Corus taking lifeforce meaÂ-surements for the Archon. These days, that could be a dangerous occupation." "It could, depending on what they discovered." Jonyst looked intently at Dainyl. "What do you think their measurements showed?" "From what I've seen, total lifeforce on Acorus is beÂ-hind what was planned and expected." "Just so. Like it was any great surprise." Jonyst snorted, then abruptly turned and walked to the formal exit door. He released the first Talent-lock and opened the door. Dainyl followed, careful to close the door and reÂ-place the Talent-seal before following Jonyst up the stone stairs. The recorder opened the door at the top, then closed it behind Dainyl, replacing the second Talent-lock. The two stood in a small foyer that opened into a larger chamber beyond, one with wide windows. The windows, overlooking a boulevard, had extraordinarily low sills set in walls paneled in the same golden wood as the doors, although Dainyl could sense the eternastone walls behind the wood. The room was a library of sorts, he realized, alÂ-though all the bookcases were set on the inside walls. There were two circular tables, each surrounded by five comfortable chairs. "I haven't seen a recorder's chambers like these before." "You won't either. As I told- you, they're not all that practical." Jonyst laughed softly. His laugh ended abruptly. "We'll send you off in the carriage. The MyrmiÂ-don compound is south of here, and it's not a short walk." "That I do recall." "I like your wife. I trust her. She's got good judgment. Don't make me change my mind." Dainyl managed not to start, although he did blink. "I trust her judgment explicitly." "So I'd heard. Will you be here long?" "I'd only planned to be here today." "That's long enough." Jonyst turned again. "We'll have to go the long way to get down to the carriage." Dainyl had to hurry to catch up to the shorter and older recorder. The building had ramps, one of the few in Corus that did, rather than stairs, and the lower ramp led to a low foyer, whose ceiling was less than half a yard above Dainyl's head. "Out through here." Under a portico, clearly added later, waited a carriage. "Guersa ... take the submarshal where he needs to go, and wait for him." "Yes, sir." The driver, a blonde lander, nodded. "Thank you for the carriage," Dainyl said politely. "It's the least we can do, Submarshal. I'll see you later today. Give my best to young Fhentyl." Jonyst nodded and moved back. "That I will." As he stepped into the carriage, Dainyl glanced back north along the boulevard. In the late-midmorning light, he saw yet another gold eternastone building and, beyond it, the green eternastone tower that marked the major cities of the Duarchy, and a few other locales of import. "The Myrmidons, sir? asked the driver. "That's right." Dainyl sat back in the leather-covered seat, thinking. Sulerya had said Jonyst was independent. The recorder had as much as told Dainyl not to hang around Dereka, and Dainyl didn't think the warning had much to do with the ancients. Samist controlled most of the appointments in Dereka, while Khelaryt controlled those in Lysia. Those were exÂ-ceptions to the rule, because usually die RA appointÂ-ments were alternated between the Duarches, and the High Alectors of the six branches appointed their own people to their regional administrations. Why were Lysia and Dereka different? Dainyl had no idea; he hoped Lystrana did. The Myrmidon compound was almost a full vingt south of any buildings in Dereka, and its gray stone walls appeared somehow out of place, as did the feeder aqueÂ-duct that supplied water. The Cadmian compound was north of the city, Dainyl recalled. Of the eight cities mat held both Myrmidon and Cadmian contingents, in half they were geographically separated, and in half they were located adjacent to each other. Was that chanceâ"or plan? Dainyl had no idea, nor did he know if that happened to be relevant to anything. Guersa brought the carriage to a halt by the gates. "Only you can enter, sir." Her explanation was apoloÂ-getic. "I'll be waiting here until you're ready to return." "Thank you. It's likely to be at least a glass. It's more likely to be two. If you'd like to rest somewhere or get a bite to eat..." "You're sure, sir?" "I'm certain." "I'll be back in a glass, sir." Dainyl turned and walked toward the gates. They were unguarded, as were all Myrmidon gates. The duty mesÂ-senger saw him and bolted into the headquarters building. The few moments it took Dainyl to cross the granite- paved front courtyard and enter the building were enough to alert the post, because a tall alector wearing the uniÂ-form of a Myrmidon captain stood in the front foyer waitÂ-ing for Dainyl. "Submarshal Dainyl... I had heard you were touring the companies. I didn't expect you here so soon." Captain Fhentyl was one of the youngest Myrmidon captains Dainyl had met. That was obvious, not from his physical appearance, which was impressive, given that he was as tall as Majer Noryan, and muscular, but in a tapered fashÂ-ion, rather than being bulky and blocklike as Noryan was. Rather his lifeforce and Talent bore the brighter purple of youth. Dainyl concealed a frown. By comparison, NorÂ-yan's lifeforce had seemed not just older, but much older, yet Chelysta had spoken as if Noryan were close to her age. "I won't be here that long," Dainyl offered, "but I haven't visited Dereka in many years." "We're pleased to see you. If we had known, sir, we could have provided a more impressive welcome." Dainyl laughed. "I've never felt the formal receptions and inspections were worth the effort put into themâ" either for the officer being greeted or the units that had to provide them." He paused. "I will inspect, but that will tell me more than prearranged pageantry." "Yes, sir. Right now?" "This very moment, but don't call a formal muster. I'll inspect as things are. We'll begin with the pteridon squares." "Very good, sir." Fhentyl turned toward the rear door from headquarters. Dainyl followed the captain. The pteridons were in good order, as they always were. So was their equipment. The pteridon squares were a good yard shorter than any Dainyl had seen before. After looking over the last square, he stopped and addressed Fhentyl. "The height of the squares ... ?" Fhentyl laughed. "Every officer who hasn't been staÂ-tioned here asks. This is the oldest Myrmidon compound. When they built the later ones, they raised the squares a yard and a third. It was either a point of pride or a tradiÂ-tion, but even when the compound was enlarged, they didn't raise the squares." That was another story Dainyl hadn't heard. "Where do you store the skylances when a squad isn't flying?" "We've gone to storing them all in lockers in the duty pteridon's square. We haven't lost any more, not since..." "You took over?" "I doubt if it happened to be that, sir." "You were an undercaptain then. What do you know about the missing skylances?" Fhentyl flushed. "Not much, sir. They were here, and then they were gone. We checked everything, even took apart some of the stonework. After the last ones disapÂ-peared, Majer Dhenyr had the recorder question every Myrmidon. I don't know as he had much choice. The reÂ-gional alector found out..." "Was Majer Dhenyr close to the RA?" "Close? That'd be hard to say. He went over there maybe once every two weeks to brief him. He never looked happy when he came back. Not that I saw anyway." "Have you briefed Yadaryst?" "No, sir. If he asks, I will, but I'd not be one to ask for trouble." Fhentyl flushed slightly. "I take it that the RA is known to be a hard alector?" "Yes, sir." Dainyl decided not to press on the matter of the RA. "What do you think happened to cause the skylances to disappear?" Fhentyl glanced northward, back toward Dereka. "I don't like to say things like this ... but what else could it be? A pteridon will kill anyone who intrudes who's not a Myrmidon. I knowâ"maybe I'm not supposed toâ"that an ancient can destroy a pteridon. Seems to me that anyÂ-thing that could do that could take a skylance." "That makes sense, except for one thing. If they worÂ-ried about the skylances as weapons, why would they take a handful and leave the others?" "Maybe to make a point, sir?" Dainyl frowned. "Then ... why did they do so seÂ-cretly?" Fhentyl shrugged helplessly. "I couldn't say, sir. It couldn't be to copy them, because they don't work except with a pteridon." Dainyl stiffened inside. He'd need to check the dates, but Fhentyl's suggestion had triggered another possibilÂ-ity. Maybe the ancients had another motive. "No one's lost any since the last one turned up missing here." "No, sir." Fhentyl flushed. "I mean, you'd know more than I would, sir." "We'll have to think about it. Now ... you can show me die armory." "Yes, sir." Even as quickly as they were moving, Dainyl could see that Guersa would have plenty of time for a mealâ"and still a long wait. 27 Because Dainyl had a little time, after he finished his inspection of the Myrmidon compound, he had Guersa give him a brief tour around Dereka. As they drove up the boulevard, the driver pointed to her leftâ"due west. "That's the engineers' complex. Everyone else under the RA is in the main building. Well... except for the transport people in our building." Dainyl studied the walled enclosure surrounding a paved courtyard and several two-story structures within. "Why do the engineers have a separate place?" "It was always that way, they say. It could be because they had to widen the roads. It was a real effort to put the road through the Upper Spine Mountains. All the land around it is dead. Almost nothing grows there. Then, they had to repair the aqueduct... well... reassemble the section the cliff fell on, and build the extension down to the Myrmidon compound. There's no waterâ"even from wellsâ"anywhere near Dereka." That didn't seem to justify a separate establishmentâ" especially since the High Alector of Engineering served Samist, and the RA was appointed by the Duarch of Lu-dar. But then, reflected Dainyl, half of the other regional administrative heads were not. Farther northward, the driver pointed to her right at a massive structure surrounded by goldenstone walls. "That's the building where the RA and the other adminisÂ-trators work." To Dainyl's eye, the building looked more like a palace, except for the modest extension to the rear, barely visible. The rest of Dereka was laid out in much the same fashion as any other Duarchial city, with wide streets coming off the two main boulevards, and dwellings and shops all constructed of stone. The roofs were of split dark slate, rather than tile. From what Dainyl could see on his brief tour, the most visible remnants of the anÂ-cients were the three golden eternastone buildings, the aqueduct, and several walls, and those had clearly been modified and rebuilt. He paused. The ancients' structures were their form of eternastone. What had been strong enough to adapt and modify them? Or were they far, far older than they apÂ-peared, and their strength had waned? Guersa eased the carriage to a halt outside the building that held the Table. "Here you are, sir." "Thank you. I appreciated the tourâ"and your waiting for me." "That's what drivers are for, sir." "Thank you, anyway." Dainyl offered a parting smile before heading inside. Jonyst met Dainyl in the low-ceilinged foyer, barely a glass before sunset. "How did your day go, Submar-shal?" The recorder's eyes and mouth held the hint of a smile. "Generally as expected. I thank you for the loan of your driver and carriage. Guersa made matters much easier." "I'm glad that we could help." Jonyst started up the ramp. "I do appreciate it." Dainyl followed, not saying more until they were back in the library room that overlooked the boulevard. "Fhentyl told me that Majer Dhenyr had you interview all the Myrmidons after the last skylance vanishedâ"and that none of them could have been involved." "I'd doubt it. There's always the possibility of Talent-tampering, but that leaves signs as well. I didn't detect anything like that." The recorder cleared his throat. "An extremely Talented alector might have been able to do it." Dainyl laughed, softly. "I'd wager that you've never run across any that Talented." "There's always a first time for anything, Submarshal. That's a good thought to keep in mind. There are more than a few alectors who died because they saw something and didn't believe it could happen." "I can see that." "I imagine you can. That's one reason why you're a submarshal and still alive." Dainyl mentally noted the order in which Jonyst had mentioned the two items. "How is your wife these days?" "We're expecting a daughter," Dainyl said. "So far they're both doing well. Lystrana has to watch what she eats, though." "Good to hear. Daughter will need the best from both of you. Good shields, especially." "They said we'll be getting more translations from Ifryn." "We already are. Not all of them approved. More wild translations than I've seen in years." "How are they getting access to Tables on Ifryn?" Jonyst shrugged. "How does anyone?" "Corrupt recorders or High Alectors," suggested Dainyl. "Or stealth and Talent?" "All three, but generally the second. When life is at stake..." "You expect to see more wild translations, then?" Jonyst nodded slowly. "I'd be certain of it." Then he offered a smile. "Shouldn't trouble you or Lystrana. We need to get you back to Elcien." He turned toward the foyer outside the top of the staircase down to the Table chamber, releasing the Talent-lock on the door as he did. Without looking back, he headed down the stairs. Dainyl glanced around the library a last time, sensing the serenity of the chamber, then started downward, after closing the door and replacing the Talent-lock. Jonyst had left the door open at the base of the steps and stood beside the Table. Dainyl joined him. "I just realized that I haven't seen any of your assistants." "You won't. I keep them busy. Whelyne is the only one who could take my place, and one of us is always here. You might see her, but not me. The other way around, also." Dainyl concentrated on recalling the assistant's nameâ"Whelyne. He noted that the concealed doorway to the hidden chambers was closedâ"and that without his Talent, he would have had absolutely no chance of discovering that those chambers even existed. "The hid- den chambers for recorders were planned from the beÂ-ginning, I take it?" "Old as I am, Submarshal, I wasn't around then. The first Tables were placed in a hurry, with crude enclosures over pits in the ground. They were as cold as the tubes themselves. Paeylt claimed that some of the chill came because the Tables absorbed the ambient cold. Dereka was among the last because they had to cut into the stone. But you're partly right. Dereka was also the first besides Lyterna that was provided a more finished area. That was also before my time. We've done what we could since then." "Thank you." Dainyl moved toward the Table. "Give my greetings and best wishes to Lystrana." "I will." Dainyl stepped up onto the Table, then concentrated on the darkness beneath. For just a moment, he could sense an aura of purpled pink all around him, but that vanished as he dropped ... . .. into the chill darkness of the translation tube. While the purpled pink had vanished, Dainyl felt, as if from the corners of his eyes, although he could properly see nothing, only sense through his Talent, vague lines of amber-green. Knowing he couldn't afford to linger in the darkness, he focused on the white locator that was Elcien, linking. It flashed toward him. The silvered white of the barrier sprayed away from him. He stood in the Table chamber in Elcien. By the doorway was a figure in the green garb of a recorder. The recorder did not speak, but watched as Dainyl stepped off the Table. Dainyl searched his memory for the recorder's name, finally saying, "You must be Chastyl." "At your service, Submarshal." At his service? An odd response, given that the recorders officially answered to no one except the Duarches or the Archon. "I'm glad to meet you. In all the times I've used the Table, I haven't seen you." Dainyl smiled. "I suspect you've been well aware of my uses, though." Chastyl stiffened, ever so slightly, before replying. "We recorders do our best to keep the Tables functioning, and that includes monitoring their use." "I'm glad you do. I'd hate to make these trips by pteri-don." Dainyl inclined his head to the recorder. "Thank you, and a good day to you." The Talent-lock on the inner door had not been replaced, and he eased past the recorder, still keeping his shields in place, and into the foyer. Because of the difference in time, it was still late mid-afternoon in Elcien, and that meant Dainyl needed to check in at headquarters. He could at least catch up on dispatches and any occurrences and not be surprised on Septi morning. 28 After a long week of dealing with trainingâ" both his own battalion and the two new companiesâ"and two late nights writing up the required reports to Colonel Herolt, Mykel decided that he had to get away from the compound. Immediately after a late breakfast on Decdi, late being a glass after sunrise, he saddled one of the spare mounts and rode out, heading back down the northÂ-east high road toward Southgate. He felt slightly guilty because, while he had given his officers and rankers the day off, they were limited to the area within two vingts of the compoundâ"at the discretion of their officers. That included a handful of taverns and shops, but Mykel inÂ-tended to explore somewhat fartherâ"the center of Southgate, in fact. Why he felt it necessary, he would have been hard-pressed to explain. As he left the compound, on the short stretch or stone paving that connected the Cadmian outpost to the wider high road, he looked to the northeast. He could just make out the subtle change in the road surface, a vingt or so farÂ-ther out, where the granite paving of the road leaving Southgate was replaced by eternastone stretching as far as he could see to the northeast. Heat waves danced above the surface of the stone. In places like Elcien, Ludar, and Faitel, the eternal paving ran without interruption through the town. The same was true in smaller towns like Arwyn and HarÂ-mony, or small cities like Klamat. Yet, from what he had seen, there were no roads or buildings of eternastone in Southgate. Why was Southgate different? He turned his mount southwest on the high road, smiling wryly, because he doubted that anyone could tell him. The fingers of his left hand swept by his belt, not actually touching the leather, but close enough that he could feel, in a way he still had trouble describing, the miniature dagger of the ancients concealed in its special slot. From his actions, Overcaptain Sturyk had clearly disÂ-played both fear, respect, and pity for Mykelâ"and all three emotions seemed linked to Mykel's unasked-for apÂ-pellation as a dagger of the ancients. Yet Mykel had the feeling that the emotions associated with the term were limited to Dramur and Southgate. Mykel reached the outskirts of Southgate, less than half a vingt from the compound. The first structure was a tavern, as usual near Cadmian outposts, but the door to the Overflowing Beaker was closed, and the windows were still shuttered. Beyond that was a two-story narrow house, narrow in front, with a deep covered porch. The main section of the house extended a good twenty yards back from the highway. Two women wearing little more than shifts lounged on battered wooden rocking chairs on the porch. Mykel could feel their eyes on him, but neither spoke, either beÂ-tween themselves or to Mykel, as he rode past the houseâ"certainly a brothel in fact, if not in name, For another half vingt, he rode past various establishÂ-ments designed to separate Cadmians from their coins. Those farther from the compound and closer to the main sections of Southgate seemed less disreputable and merged with more traditional shops, such as a copperÂ-smith's, a cooperage, and a fuller's, although the fullerÂ-ing shop appeared more dingy than the ones Mykel had known in Faitel, despite its whitewashed stuccoed plasÂ-ter outer walls. He saw but a handful of people, mostly older women, out on the stone sidewalks that bordered the high road. Farther from the Cadmian compound, the shops gave way to small dwellings, all with few windows looking out on the high road, and all built around central courtyards. The courtyards looked so small that Mykel wondered how they could offer much respite from the summer heat, but perhaps the brilliant white stucco reflected enough of the sun to help. Still, early in the day as it was, he could feel sweat beginning to ooze down his back, and it was still spring. He rode slowly, letting his eyes range across the houses and occasional shops. Neat and clean as they were, there was something within Southgate that did not feel right to Mykel. Try as he might, though, he couldn't put a finger on why he felt that way or what had created that feeling. As on the ride from the port, the closer he rode to the inner ring and the center of Southgate, the fewer people . he saw, and most of those he did see were on horseback or in carriages and far better attired, generally in white. The few exceptions were young women, uniformly dressed in light gray tunics and trousers, with matching gray head scarves that covered their hair and the lower part of their faces. They carried baskets, filled with all manner of items, from laundry to produce, even small glazed tiles in string bags in one case. He slowed the mount as he neared the inner ring. When he looked at the center of Southgate, with morning sun reflecting off the brilliant white walls surrounding the huge central villasâ"also brilliant whiteâ"Mykel had to squint, so intense was the light. He crossed the inner ring at a measured walk and conÂ-tinued to ride southwest along the paved road that led beÂ-tween the walls that surrounded two of the villas. The road narrowed to a width of ten yards. The space from the edge of the road to the base of the walls measured perÂ-haps fifteen yards and was covered in white gravel. Not a single bit of vegetation appeared to mar the whiteness. The sides of the crenelations on die top of the walls showed no interior stone, just a white surface. As he neared the end of the walls of the two villas, he could see a second granite boulevard, one that curved around a central park in the center of which was some sort of white stone plaza. The street he traversed ended at the boulevard, and he eased to his right and onto the boulevard. The park to his left was edged with a low granite wall, no more than a yard and a half high. Beyond the wall was an expanse of grass, broken by curving stone walks, and hedges no higher than the enclosing wall. The parkâ"if it were suchâ"was empty. Mykel kept riding. Shortly, on his right, he passed one of the gates to the enclosed villas. The gates were of iron, but had been painted white with so many coats of paint that they shimmered. Behind the closed gates he could only see a stone drive leading to a covered portico. Ahead, he saw another street entering from the right, again running in the open space between the walls of two villas. This street continued into the park. Mykel turned his mount down it, toward the center of the parklike area. Once more, the park was separated from the street by the same low granite wall. The street ended in yet another boulevard, if it could be called that, which circled what appeared to be a raised circular platform of brilliant white granite a hundred yards or so across. Directly in front of Mykel was a stele of white stone set ten yards out into the gray granite of the innermost circular boulevard. Mykel reined up and surveyed the area. Four streets ran through the park, each radiating out from the white stoneâ"or the stelae set at the four cardinal points of the compass. There were no decorations or statutes rising from the circle of whitenessâ"just the circle itself. After a moment, Mykel urged his mount the few yards toward the stele before him so that he could make out what had been carved upon it. When he was less than a yard from the stele, he eased his mount to a halt and began to study the series of scenes sculpted into the stone. The bottom row depicted men at workâ"raising a wall, constructing a ship, plowing a field, presumably set outside Southgate. The three images above that showed men riding, hunting, and fighting anÂ-other force. There was a single wider image above thoseâ"it showed thirteen men seated at a table, each holding a scepter. Mykel looked more closely. Standing directly in the center, back of the seated men, was a sculpted figure of an alectorâ"although the stone did not convey the purple eyes or the jet black hair. The alector stood behind the center seltyr, the only one who sat on something resembling a throne. The alector was not threatening, not carrying a weapon, just there. Mykel frowned. Except for the images on the stele, there was no sign of alectors in the construction of South-gate, even in the high roads. He flicked the reins, riding around the innermost boulevard, so that he could see the three other stelae, but all carried the same images. Slowly, he rode out of the parkâ"or memorial... or ceremonial plazaâ"turning his mount back toward the Cadmian compound. As he rode around the boulevard that circumscribed the central plaza, he noted that all the gates to the villas opened onto that boulevard and each gate was set directly in the middle of the wall facing the plaza. As he guided his mount back up the street between two sets of walls, he realized something else. He'd sensed nothing living in the plaza, except the stunted grass and short hedge. 29 The next week passed slowly, and Dainyl finally caught up on the back reports. He also received a polite note from Alcyna the following Septi, a good ten days after he had toured Dereka, expressing appreciation for the unexpected objectiveness in his report. He had pushed aside his irritation and showed the note to Shastylt. "Better and better." That had been the marshal's only real commentâ"without elucidation. While Dainyl felt he should have been pleased that matters were going so well, the quiet worried him as much as adverse reports from across Corns would have. Quiet or not, worries or not, he and Lystrana had enjoyed the warmth of the late spring end-days. On Londi, he had made an informal inspection of First Company after the morning muster. He had returned to his study and reviewed the latest entries in the master acÂ-counting ledgers, but found nothing that suggested irregÂ-ularities. He had not expected he would. There was a cough, and Dainyl looked up. Colonel Dhenyr stood in the open doorway, and Dainyl nodded for him to come in. "Sir, here are the latest reports from the Cadmians." The colonel handed over a sheaf of papers. "Anything interesting there?" "Their Fourth Battalion ... you should probably read it yourself, sir." Dainyl always read the reports in the entiretyâ" sometimes quickly, but he read themâ"and Dhenyrs imÂ-plication that he did not generated more irritation. Even though he told himself he had asked the colonel, he found he was still irritated. "Thank you. I will." Rather than immediately seek out the Fourth Battalion section, Dainyl lifted the thick report, looking at the first page of summary regimental report from the Cadmian headquarters in Elcien, which began with Second BattalÂ-ion. So far as Dainyl had been able to discern, there had never been a First Battalion, and the lowest denominated Cadmian company was Eighth Company in Second BatÂ-talion. In a way, that might have made sense, if the lowest numbered company had been ninth company, since there were eight Myrmidon companies. He pushed away that minor puzzle and began to read the summary from ColoÂ-nel Herolt. ... Second Battalion, Overcaptain Wekeryt, comÂ-manding [acting], is undergoing rebuilding and reÂ-training after returning in midspring after a year and a half deployment to Ongelya. Second Battalion was successful in destroying the loose confederation of -grassland nomad brigands, but fatalities and permaÂ-nently disabling casualties exceeded thirty percent. Second Battalion will be ready for deployment in early harvest... Dealing with the grassland nomads had been a MyrmiÂ-don duty. Sending a battalion of mounted rifles was askÂ-ing for high casualties. The fact that the numbers had not been higher suggested a fair degree of competence by whoever had been commanding the battalion or poorer tactics by the nomads, or some combination of both. Dainyl kept reading. ... Third Battalion, Majer Mykel commanding, is currently deployed to the Southgate Cadmian comÂ-pound. Third Battalion is engaged in training two companies, composed largely of recruits raised in the southwest area surrounding Southgate... scheduled to ride to Hyalt, conducting additional training on route, to establish a replacement comÂ-pound and to complete pacification of the Hyalt area, as per the orders of the Marshal of MyrmiÂ-dons. No discrepancies or casualties reported to date on this deployment. Dainyl couldn't help but wonder how Majer Mykel would fare in Hyalt. Then he frowned. The casualty levels for Third Battalion in Dramur had been far greater than the thirty percent listed for Second Battalion, yet Third Battalion had been sent out only a month after returning to Elcien. Then, who else could have been sent? ... Fourth Battalion, Majer Hersiod, commanding, is currently deployed to Iron Stem, based out of the Cadmian compound. The battalion is providing supÂ-port to the local Cadmian forces in maintaining orÂ-der at the iron and coal mines, and the iron works. Battalion patrols are also providing security against large local predators. Casualties reported to date are moderate... Fifth Battalion, Majer Druvyr, commanding, reÂ-mains deployed to Northport, with companies rotatÂ-ing duties along the northwest high road, with garrisons in Klamat and Eastice ... engaged in maintaining order between longtime settlers and Reillies recently relocated north of the high road ... Casualties light, no recent fatalities ... Sixth Battalion, Majer Juasyn, commanding, reÂ-turned from a year's deployment in the Vedra trianÂ-gle north of Tempre the second week of spring ... patrol actions against Squawt brigands and settle- ments established in violation of the Code were sucÂ-cessful, as detailed in the commander's report. The surviving Squawts, primarily women, children, and elderly men, were relocated to the Semal area... No new casualties reported ... Dainyl turned to the detailed reports of the battalion commanders, making his way through them as well. When he had finished the last of them, he walked to the doorway of the marshal's study. . "Ah ... Dainyl... what can I do for you?" Unlike so many times in recent weeks, the marshal was cheerful and smiling. Dainyl stepped into the study. "I must have missed something, sir. I was reading the reports from Cadmian headquarters, and I came across the report from their Second Battalion ..." "Oh ... yes. That. What about it?" "In the past, from what I recall, it was judged more efÂ-fective to use Myrmidons against the nomads." " 'Effective' is the key word, Dainyl. Myrmidons are indeed more effective. Unfortunately, it requires days and days of overflights, and heavy use of skylances, which, in turn, result in grassfires. The grasslands are suffering a severe drought at present..." Dainyl understood all too well. "The lifeforce loss?" "I'm gratified that you grasped that so quickly. Your predecessor never did understand, poor alector." "I knew there had to be a reason, but since the deployÂ-ment decision was made before I became submar-shal..." Dainyl paused. "There was one other thing. The majer in charge of the Fourth Battalion reported rather large wolves of what appeared to be a new breed. Is that something we should inquire about with Asulet or someÂ-one in Lyterna?" "I'd heard something about that. How big are they?" "They're reported to be close to three yards in length, not counting the tail, and it takes several rifle shots to bring one down. They also have large crystal fangs." Dainyl almost missed the slight stiffening of the marshal at his last words. "The fangs seemed unusual." "I'd appreciate it if you'd send an inquiry to Lyterna. Regular dispatch should suffice. It may just be a species that the life-form masters thought had died out, and, for some reason, has found a predatory niche, but it wouldn't do to overlook it. Asulet will want to know, one way or the other." "I'll take care of that. I'm sorry to have bothered you about the shift in tactics with the nomads, but I appreciate the clarification." "What were their casualties?" Shastylt's tone was close to indifferent. Dainyl could sense the buried concern. "Over thirty percent." "It could have been far worse." Shastylt nodded. "That's better than I feared. Thank you." Dainyl nodded and stepped back. "Close the door, if you would." After leaving the marshal's study, Dainyl returned to his own desk, closing his own door as well. He needed to write the dispatch to Asulet, and to have Dhenyr draft a short letter acknowledging receipt of the reports. Was the lifeforce issue that critical? Basically, the marshalâ"and the Duarchesâ"were sacrificing landers and indigens to conserve the world's lifeforce, and they were counting on the higher birth rates and the greater promiscuity of the indigens to compensate for the troopÂ-ers lost dealing with problems handled previously by Myrmidons. In turn, that implied an almost desperate need for more lifeforce, more quickly than originally planned. In addition, despite his apparent indifference, Shastylt had been worried by the "new" predator. The crystal fangs suggested at least a partial reliance on lifeforce for sustenance. To Dainyl, that translated not into a new predator, but an old one, perhaps one dating back to the time of the ancients. Were the predators making a comeÂ-back because Acorus was returning to a wanner climate? Or was something else at work? Slowly, he took out several sheets of paper. He'd need to be carefulâ"very carefulâ"in the way he phrased the notification to Asulet because it was also clear that Shas-tylt had not wanted to be the one telling the elder alector. 30 Beware of the alector, or especially of the steer, who declares that, because ethical standards, or valÂ-ues, or morals are expressed and codified by the Archon, they are merely the product of our society and, furtherÂ-more, that each region of a world, if left to itself, would have expressed its own standards and values, and such values and standards would have validity equal to those set forth in the Code. This argument contains within it two assumptions. One is correct, but the second is false. The first underlying assumption is that the environÂ-ment in which individuals are raised affects their beliefs and values. This is true, and that truth forms the rationale and necessity for a uniform system of education and unÂ-derstanding for all alectors so that regional influences can be recognized and balanced. The second assumption is that, since differing geograÂ-phies and other regional factors give rise to differences in beliefs and practices, each region's standards can only be judged in the context in which they arose. By extension, logic then requires the presumption that value systems arising out of differences in climate and locale are equal in their validity, and that no value system is intrinsically superior or inferior to another. Early history has shown, all too clearly, that this assumption is demonstrably and egregiously false. When two sets of values conflict, or are compared, one set will prove superior.... Unfortunately, often which set of values is "superior" has been determined by which possessor of values had the greater might and power, rather than upon the ethical considerations of each. To avoid this, the early Archons investigated the structural basis of laws and values ... The bases of any ethical or administrative standard must rest in fact upon three determinations. The first deÂ-termination is whether such a standard is correct. Such correctness must be determined by asking whether the standard provides the greatest good for the greatest numÂ-ber in all conceivable circumstances at all times, and conÂ-versely, and of equal importance, that it provides the least harm in all times and circumstances, even unto those who are powerless. The second determination is whether the standard can be implemented both so that it applies practically and yet falls with equal force upon all, regardless of their beliefs, their wealth or lack 'thereof, or their physical characteristics. The third determination is that the total number of standards shall be the absolute minimum necessary for the maintenance of order. In oversimplistic terms, a law must be fair; it must be practical; and it must be able to be implemented. The same is true of values. They must be fair; they must be practical; they must be limited in scope to what is necesÂ-sary for consensus; and they must be understood and acÂ-cepted by the vast majority of individuals. While these principles are indeed the basis for sensible governing, they are far from accepted as widely as they should be. As noted earlier, there is a desire, particularly by steers, to insist that the world or the universe in which a world exists must have been created, and that such creation requires a supra-intelligent creator, a deity, if you will. From this flows the assumption that the wisdom of such a deity, as revealed by a prophet, is the basis of the standards and values of the believers in that deity, and that any belief system revealed by a deity is superior to any codified by mere mortals. Yet such believers continue to ignore the fact that die prophet who revealed the wishes or commandÂ-ments of the deity has always been in fact a mortal... Views of the Highest Illustra W.T. 1513 31 More than a week had passed since Dainyl had sent off his inquiry to Asulet. He had not received a response, and so far as he knew, neither had Shastylt. LitÂ-tle else of note had occurred. The past twenty-five days had been as uneventful as any he could recall in his years at Myrmidon headquarters. Even the weather in Elcien had been warm and mild, and on the previous Decdi, he and Lystrana had spent the afternoon in the Duarch's Park, just strolling along the stone walks, talking, and enÂ-joying the spring flowers, the sunlight, and each other. As he sat in his Myrmidon study right after morning muster on Tridi, he could not but feel that, behind all the quiet, something was building. Yet he could find abÂ-solutely no concrete evidence of any sort that would supÂ-port his feeling. "Sir?" Dainyl looked up. Hasekytâ"the duty orderlyâ"stood in his doorway. "Yes?" "The marshal would like to see you, sir." Dainyl rose immediately. When Shastylt summoned anyone through an intermediary, trouble followed. Tyanylt's untimely death was a perfect example. Stopping short ot the halt-open doorway to Shastylt's study, Dainyl reinforced his shields, then entered. Before Dainyl had taken two steps into the study, Shastylt burst out laughing. "You're the most observant submarshal in decades, but I'm not angry with you. Close the door and sit down." Dainyl did, but only relaxed his shields marginally. "Asulet sent a response to your inquiry about the new predator. It's singularly unhelpful. He states that it's a matter that needs to be discussed in Lyternaâ"at our convenienceâ"and that he'd be happy to see either of us." "That doesn't sound good." Dainyl had the feeling he was understating matters, but wanted to hear what the marshal felt. Shastylt snorted. "The last time he sent a message like mat was years back, just before the Vedra flooded and wiped out good portions of Dekhron and Salaan." "When do you want me to leave?" "Half a glass ago. Matters are quiet here, but they won't stay that way, and I'd like you to find out what he'll tell you and get back as soon as you can." "Yes, sir." Less than a quarter of a glass later, Dainyl was in the duty coach headed for the Hall of Justice. He had grabbed his flying jacket, although the day was warm enough that he would not be needing it, except for the Table translaÂ-tion. Once at the Hall, largely deserted so early in the morning, he made his way into the underground warren beneath the public spaces. One of Zelyert's assistants peered at him quickly, then nodded and returned to her small study as Dainyl reÂ-moved the Talent-lock on the outer foyer door. The inner chamber was empty when he entered it and stepped onto the square blackish silver surface of the Table. He concentrated... ... letting the blackness rise around him, trying to cenÂ-ter his attention on the pink locator wedge that was Lyterna. Yet almost immediately, he could sense the heavy pinkÂ-ish purplenessâ"and then the purpled arms reaching for him. There was not a single set of arms, but two; they seemed to block the translation tube in all directions. Dainyl reinforced his shields, feeling the heat build within his body, even as the chill from outside tried to leach away strength and volition. He began to search. . . what about the amber green lines? Dainyl had sensed them before, if briefly. As the purple arms drew nearer, he cast out a Talent-probe, tryÂ-ing to visualize it as amber-green, rather than purple. He stretched, seeking the amber-green somewhere beyond the translation tube, a tube that felt endless in all directions, for all that he knew and sensed that it was not. The purpled arms drew closer, forming a web contractÂ-ing around him. A hint of that amber-green he sought appeared someÂ-where above, and he grasped for it with all the Talent-strength he possessed. His body convulsed, as if dozens of bullets had struck him simultaneously. Then all his beÂ-ing felt as though he were being twisted into convoluted segments, then stretched the entire length of the translaÂ-tion tube. For a moment, the briefest of instants.. . he was surÂ-rounded by golden green... and a single winged ancient, even more hazily present than when he had last beheld one of them, studied him with fine greenish Talent-probes. He thought he sensed a thought.... You have not changed enough Dainyl debated not answering, then forced a thought at the ancient. How should I change? You must become of the world, not separate from it. How did one become of the world, besides living and workingâ"and lovingâ"in it? Before Dainyl could formulate another thought, he was back in the darkness and chill of the translation tube . .. hurtling toward the pink locator wedge of Lyterna. All too soon the silvered pink barrier appeared and he found himself flung through it. Silver shattered, and lines of pain ripped down his arms. He rolled across the table as though he'd been pitched like a ball through the tube, barely getting his arms out in time to stop himself from falling off the Table. The man who stood and gaped at him openmouthed was clearly not the recorder, but one of his assistants. Dainyl could sense the residue of purpleness, suggesting that the younger alector had been at least partly involved in trying to trap Dainyl in the translation tube. Dainyl quickly regained his feet and strengthened his shields. "Which of Myenfel's assistants are you?" After he spoke, he realized he did not feel quite so cold as usual. Bruised, but not cold. "Ah ..." There was a pause, then a reluctant admisÂ-sion. "Choranyt, sir." "Choranyt." Dainyl nodded. "I'm here to see Asulet, at his request. Do you know where he might be at the moment?" "No, sir. I really don't. He might be ... where he usuÂ-ally is?" "The museum ... or his ... ?" Dainyl realized he'd never know what to call the area where Asulet worked. "Yes, sir." "I'll find him." The submarshal left the Table chamber, trying to recall the directions back to the museum. In time, a good quarter of a glass, he found himself standing before the recessed niche that held a pteridon, its lifeforce held in abeyance. Then he heard steps coming from his left, and he turned, his shields at full strength. "I must admit I did not expect so prompt a response to my dispatch," offered the silver-haired Asulet. "We thought it best to come immediately." "We? Or you?" "The marshal did not dispute my suggestion." "If he's wise, he won't," replied Asulet. "How was your journey? Sulerya said that you've had some difficulties." "I had a rather undignified arrival," admitted Dainyl. "I rolled out of the translation tube." The silver-haired alector raised his eyebrows, but said nothing, waiting. "Someone tried to trap me when I translated from El-cien here. There were two sets of those purple arms, one in front of me, and one behind. When I arrived on the Table here, one of Myenfel's assistants was in the Table chamber. He'd been using the Table for something." "Which assistant?" "Choranyt." "I'd expect something like that from him. How did you manage to evade the trap?" "I'm not exactly sure," replied Dainyl. "Except I dodged the arms by slipping outside the tube." "That can be extraordinarily dangerous. Most alectors who try that end up as wild translations." "I had the feeling that, if I didn't do something, I'd end up dead." "That was their intent." "Whose intent?" "Paeylt's and Brekylt's. I assume that Sulerya told you about Paeylt." "Not much, except that he opposes you and has his own supporters here in Lyterna and elsewhere, and seems to be allied with Brekylt and Alcyna." "That's all you need to know at the moment." Asulet turned. "If you would come this way?" Dainyl followed the elder alector through several narÂ-row redstone-walled corridors and through two more conÂ-cealed stone doorways until they stood in another open space, this one also with niches in the walls. Asulet gestured to the blue-tinted niche. "Observe." Dainyl stepped forward and studied the creature frozen in life and time. For just an instant, he thought it might be a huge black-coated shaggy dog, with a body three yards in length. But the creature's entire posture screamed that it was a hunter. The smaller teeth in the large jaw were razor-snarp, ana me long crystal tangs exuded menace. So did the greenish yellow eyes. The long legs and large paws suggested a creature at home in winter chill. "That's your predator." "You captured this one?" Asulet shook his head. "Majer Hersiod had a carcass sent to us as soon as they felled one. It arrived in rather poor condition, but the identification was easy enough to make. It's an ice-wolf. This one has been here since ... for a very long time." "Then they're native? From the time of the ancients?" "No. Not exactly. Several of them appeared in the early years, but they died off from starvation. None has been seen in more than a thousand years." "Maybe there were just too few to be noticed," sugÂ-gested Dainyl. "They're not normal predators. They prey on lifeforce." "You're suggesting that the ancients created or bred them?" "Or preserved them until they could survive," added Asulet. "We're seeing more ancients. We've lost pteridons for the first time, and now these ... creatures." Dainyl didn't like the implications, not at all. "What can we do, besides kill them?" "For the moment, that seems the best course. But I thought youâ"and Shastylt and Zelyertâ"should know. Especially Zelyert." "Do Brekylt and Alcyna know?" "They will. There's really no way to keep it quiet for long. Sooner or later one of the creatures will be obÂ-served in the colder and higher reaches of the east." "You think it came from the Aerial Plateau?" "Where else is high and cold near Iron Stem?" "Why now?" "I do not know. I could speculate, but speculating where the ancients are concerned has always been fraught with danger and inaccuracy. So I will not." "Is there anything else you would suggest'/*' "Don't get close to one." "Are they as dangerous as an ancient?" "Oh, no. They can be killed by standard weapons. They're a far greater danger to livestock and herders ... or landers or indigens traveling isolated areas alone." Dainyl almost repeated a variation of his question about why the creatures had reappeared after such a long absence, but another look at Asulet convinced him that the elder alector would only say what he had said, and would not take well to repeated questioning, especially from someone junior to him. "Is there any other information I should know ... or that you would care to pass on, sir?" Dainyl finally asked. "Not at the moment, Submarshal. I will escort you back to the Table." Asulet smiled. "It will save both of us time." "I'm sure it will." Dainyl offered a sheepish grin. "But I wasn't about to trust Choranyt." "A wise decision." Dainyl lost track of the passages and concealed doors that Asulet took before they reached the main corridor outside the Table chamber. There, the elder alector opened the door, releasing the Talent-locks, and led Dainyl inside. Dainyl strengthened his shield. "Excellent," murmured Asulet. Choranyt looked at the two. His face paled. "Have a good trip, Submarshal." Asulet's tone was formal. Dainyl stepped onto the Table, focusing on the darkÂ-ness beneath. He dropped swiftly into the chill blackness, immediÂ-ately seeking the brilliant white locator that was Elcien, and extending a Talent-probe. No purple arms appeared, but for a moment, someÂ-where "behind" him, he sensed a momentary black and purple flash. i nen ne was snaing inougn tne silvered white barrier at Elcien. He stood alone in the Table chamber, and only the briefest hint of frost-fog lifted off his flying jacket. As he stepped off the Table, his Talent indicated that no one else was around. Still he made his way to the private study of the High Alector immediately, recalling Asulet's slight emphasis on the High Alector's name, but the study was empty. When he turned to leave, one of the younger assistants stood in the anteroom doorway. "I was looking for the Highest." "He left earlier, Submarshal. He will be in Soupat until early this afternoon." "Soupat?" "Yes, sir. He didn't say why." "Thank you." With that, Dainyl left the Hall of Justice and finally managed to hail a hacker to take him to Myrmidon headquarters. He had barely turned down the corridor to his own study when Undercaptain Yuasyltâ"the duty officerâ" called to him. "Submarshal, sir. The marshal was looking for you." "Thank you." Dainyl walked past his own study to the marshal's. "I just got back." Shastylt nodded, saying nothing. He did not rise. Dainyl walked into the study and closed the door. He remained standing. "Well... did he have anything useful to tell us?" "The predator is one that dates back to the time of the ancients. It feeds on lifeforce..." Dainyl summarized the rest of what Asulet had told him, not that it took long, since Asulet had been brief to the point of being cryptic. Shastylt frowned. Then he pulled at his chin. "Asulet was telling the truth?" "Yes, sir. He was worried, and he didn't want the word spread. He said Brekylt and Alcyna would find out, sooner or later." "Did he tell you why this was happening now? Does he have any ideas?" "He might have ideas, but he declined to share them. Politely, but firmly." 'The ancients are behind this. Do you think that Brekylt has worked out some sort of alliance with them?" Dainyl didn't know what to say. The idea was preposÂ-terous, given his experiences with them. But he certainly couldn't share that knowledge with the marshal. After a moment, he replied. "Brekylt would seek an alliance with anyone or anything that furthered his ambitions. From the reports I've studied, and what little I've seen, and from what Asulet has told me, the ancients see us all as enemies. Besides, how would they even communicate?" Dainyl felt much safer phrasing the last concept as a question, rather than stating it as a fact. "There is that... but those two are inventive." "I would agree with that, but Alcyna directed her MyrmiÂ-dons to attack them, and the rankers were telling the truth about the attacks. I can't see the ancients allowing that." Shastylt pursed his narrow lips before replying. "No. They would not." After a time, he focused his eyes diÂ-rectly on Dainyl. "What do you think about it?" "I think the ancients are planning something. We have not seen them in hundreds of years, not really, and now, within two seasons, they've destroyed six pteridons, and now there's a lifeforce predator that no one's seen in a thousand years. That's not coincidence. It also suggests that they know the time for the transfer of the Master Scepter is near, or at least that more alectors will be comÂ-ing to Acorus." "More alectors have already been translating here. They could have noticed that," mused the marshal. "I want you to watch for any other signs ... anywhere. Don't report them. Just tell me." "Yes, sir." Dainyl returned to his own study, closing the door. He needed time to think. First, somehow he needed to get word about the giant ice-wolf predator to Zelyert in a way that wasn't obvious to Shastylt, and before long. He also wanted to think about what the ancients had said about him not changing enough. Had he changed at all? How? Was that good? He couldn't help but recall the near-casual way mat the small soaring creature had used her power to hurl him back into the translation tube. Yet, if they had the kind of power that he had seen and experienced, why hadn't they just attacked? Or was it because there still were so few of them? He wished he knew moreâ"or how to find out more without putting himself at the mercy of creatures who had shown themselves to be powerful and dangerous. His eyes drifted to the window and the clear silver green sky beyond. Not even a sign of a storm, but he knew that the times and the weather could change quickly. 32 The hired carriage drove through the open gates of one of the villas in the center of Southgate, carrying Mykel, Overcaptain Sturyk, and the overcap-tain's wife, a brunette a good fifteen years younger than Sturyk, Mykel judged. Mykel wore his better uniform, clean and with everyÂ-thing polished, but wiuiout his sabre. He had been perÂ-suaded to accompany the couple in a rented carriage, because Sturyk had insisted, telling Mykel, "Arriving on horseback is just not acceptable, sir." Mykel hadn't felt like arguing about that. If his taking a carriage made Sturyk more comfortable and resulted in better relations between the Cadmians and the factors and high landers of Southgate, then that was a small price to pay. "This is Seltyr Elbaryk's place," offered the overcap-tain. "Every year the ball is in a different villa. If I'm commander long enough, Sheranyne and I might get to see them all." "Are all those who own the villas seltyrs? I thought some were factors." "Oh ... that's the rank title. Some are factors. Some own lands. Several have ships, and some of those probaÂ-bly smuggle goods." "The same title is used in Dramur, but all of the seltyrs there are large landholders," offered Mykel. "Most of the seltyrs here have family or trade ties to Dramur. They're a close-knit bunch." The carriage came to a halt under a covered, but open portico. Mykel stepped out of the carriage, onto the mounting block. He would have held the door for Sheranyneâ"the overcaptain's wifeâ"except that a footman in spotless light gray already had opened the carriage door and held it. "Welcome to Villa Elbaryk." "Thank you." Mykel nodded and glanced westward, where the sky still held a faint shade of silver from the earlier sunset. Only Asterta was visible in the early-eveÂ-ning sky, a small green disc high in the eastern sky. "The ballroom is straight ahead through the main entry and then up the grand staircase to the left." The three walked abreast, Mykel to the left of SherÂ-anyne, Sturyk to the right. Mounted on every white granÂ-ite pillar was a brass lamp polished to a fine luster, with light radiating through glass panels showing neither smudges nor soot. The walkway was covered with a thick black-carpeted runner, fringed with white and gold. The spring evening was warm, with a hint of flowers, but also with a touch of dustiness in the air. The main entry was a vaulted stone enclosure, win-dowless, that soared a good three stories, lit by an enor- iuous crystal cnanaener. MyKei wondered it the oil tor each miniature lamp was fed down through a tube in the heavy links of the twined brass chains supporting the chandelier, or if each lamp had its own reservoir to be filled. "Impressive, is it not?" asked Sturyk. "Rather," murmured Mykel. The villa was more like a palace, like something he would have imagined for one of the Duarches. Two couples walked up the staircase ahead of them. The staircase circled up and around the side of the entry, its carpeted steps each a good five yards wide. One of the women half-turned to say something to the younger woman behind her. While her gown was cut low enough to reveal that she was shapely and extremely well enÂ-dowed, it covered her shoulders and upper arms. The younger woman's gown left her arms and shoulders bare, although she wore a filmy silver shawl over them. Mykel suspected that either woman's gown cost more than several years of his pay as a majer, and he didn't want to speculate about the worm of the jeweled choker worn by the older woman. "The couple ahead... a seltyr and his wife?" "Oh, no. That's Orefyt. He's a cloth factor, one of the larger ones, but certainly not so wealthy as a seltyr. Everyone does wear their best to the ball." "If they are not seltyrs," added Sheranyne, "their very best." At the top of the grand staircase was another foyer, only larger than any officer's mess Mykel had ever seen, and on the far side was an archway hung in deep green velvet, trimmed with silver. At one side stood a tall man in a formal gray shimmersilk tunic who announced, "Ser Orefyt, Madame Orefyt, his daughter and son." Did formality in Southgate require everything be linked to the man? Mykel tried not to be obvious as he squared his shoulÂ-ders, but he felt as though he headed into a skirmishâ" without weapons. As the three of them stepped through the archway, the functionary in gray shimmersilk tunic bowed, then declaimed, his deep bass audible above the strings of the quintet playing on a dais in the left-hand corner of the chamber, "Majer Mykel, Overcaptain Stu-ryk, Madame Sturyk." Mykel could sense the eyes upon him, even though he did not see anyone looking directly at them, and the mass of so many auras and their lifeforce pressed at him. The ballroom was a good thirty-five yards across, with a domed ceiling that rose some ten yards above the center of the chamber. The archways to the adjoining anterooms were set off by double columns. The walls and the inside of the dome were silver-white, the effect dimmed by the low light from the brass lamps set in wall sconces and by the heavy dark green velvet hangings trimmed in silver. The floor was comprised of alternating green and silver tiles in the shape of diamonds. About fifty couples were dancing, each pair careful to remain clear of others, movÂ-ing not quite sedately to the music. Mykel let himself be guided by Sturyk toward a short line of four people. Both men wore tunics and trousers of brilliant white shimmersilk, with white boots polished to a reflective shine, unlike the others in the ballroom, who seemed to be wearing all variety of color. The wives of the two men wore shimmersilk gowns of deep green, and stood a half pace back, partly behind their husbands' shoulders. Sturyk halted before the first man. "Seltyr Benjyr, my wife Sheranyne." Then he half-turned. "My superior, Majer Mykel, commander of the Third Battalion." Mykel bowed slightly. "I am honored." Before he finÂ-ished his words, he noted that Sturyk and his wife had nodded to the second couple and passed on, leaving him alone with the four in the receiving line. "No, Majer," replied the seltyr, a black-haired and almond-skinned man almost as tall as Mykel, "I am the one honored. We seldom see high-ranking Cadmians nere in aouuigaie, ana u nas Deen years since one nas been able to attend our ball." With a nod slightly more than polite, he nodded to the next man. "Seltyr Elbaryk, this is the distinguished, and, I might add, deadly, Majer Mykel." "We have heard much of you, Majer. It is indeed a pleasure to see you in the flesh. May you enjoy the ball and the hospitality of my home." "I am certain I will, and I thank you." As Mykel stepped away, he could not help but hear the words between the two. "He is young for a dagger ..." "But far sharper... best to let him go his way, for that will serve us best." Mykel was more man certain he had been meant to hear the last words. Sturyk and Sheranyne stood, slightly apart from the others, their attire far less ostentatious than that of those around them. "I take it that Seltyr Benjyr is the first among equals?" asked Mykel. "They don't even pretend they're equal," replied StuÂ-ryk. "He is the Seltyr of Seltyrs. No one questions him. You should be complimented. He spent more time with you than many of the wealthier factors." "I hope that's favorable notice." Mykel laughed. He wasn't about to explain why he'd received the attention. "Better that than being ignored. Now all you have to do is enjoy yourself. The younger women with the bare shoulders and shawls are the ones who are not married." "They'd be very flattered if you asked them to dance," suggested Sheranyne. "But ask their parent or escort, not them." Mykel thought he understood why. "I'm not good at dancing." "It doesn't matter," replied Sheranyne with a gentle laugh. "Some will like you for yourself, and the others will use you to make their suitors jealous. The parents of every eligible girl you ask to dance will be grateful as well." "Because it grants them attention and because they can't possibly marry a Cadmian officer?" "It's unlikely," replied Sheranyne, with a mischievous smile, "but it has happened." Mykel felt like swallowing both boots. He" bowed. "I beg your pardon, Madame." She laughed, good-naturedly, half-turning to Sturyk. "You see, dearest. He understood with only a smile." Sturyk laughed as well. To cover his embarrassment, Mykel gazed across the ballroom for a moment. He tried to shut out the welter of personal auras, the feel of so many people, and just look at the dancers and those standing around the edge of the ballroom. "There are refreshments in the adjoining salons," said Sturyk, "but it's considered poor manners to retreat there immediately upon arriving, and particularly without havÂ-ing danced at least for a time. I can see several of those I know observing us." Mykel permitted himself a wry smile as he looked back at the overcaptain. As soon as Sturyk had mentioned refreshments, Mykel had thought about slipping away. "If you will excuse us." Sturyk and his wife eased out among the dancers. Mykel envied the grace with which they moved. He scanned the, dancers, and those landing at the edge of the dance floor. After a time, he found his gaze being drawn to the far side ot the ballroom, to a black-haired woman in a plain, but flattering, pale green shimmersilk gown. She wore a shawl. He realized that she was the only young woman he had seen without a male escort or a parÂ-ent beside her. There was something ... Mykel stiffened, standing stock-still. The woman was Rachyla. He would have known her anywhere. What was she doing in Southgate? How could she have gotten to Southgate so quickly? He feared he already knew why. Finally, he walked toward her, stepping around the edge of the dance floor, avoiding the couples moving to the music in a step he did not know or even recall seeing. She watched him, neither overtly encouraging nor disÂ-couraging him. As he drew nearer, he could sense her auraâ"almost totally black, shot through with faint traces" of green, unlike any other he had seen. Was that because she was a seltyr's daughter? No ... none of seltyrs had felt that way. "Lady Rachyla." He bowed slightly as he stopped a yard short of her. "I cannot say how surprised I am to see you here." "Then, I suggest you do not try." She laughed, in the ironic and musical way that Mykel could only recall for the instant afterward. "I see you are a majer now. I had not expected to see you, either, but then I heard that you would be here, and I found that I was not surprised." "Unlike me." "It is good to see you surprised, Majer. I saw that so -seldom" "How did you come to Southgate?" "By ship, of course. Is there any other way from Dra-mur?" Her deep green eyes fixed on him. "I meant . . ." "1 know what you meant, Majer. Have you come to ask me to dance? To make the obligatory appearance and flatter your ego that you may choose any of the women and none will refuse you?" "I know little of dancing, and I can see that you have changed little." "I have changed more than you know, Majer, and so have you. You were not afraid to take a dagger of anger . . . yet you fear_to dance with a woman who has "nothing''" " Mykel smiled. "I did not say I feared to dance, I said I did not know much about it, and your feet may suffer." Rachyla shook her head, then held out a hand. "Let us dance." Mykel stepped forward and took her hand. He held her lightly, if firmly, trying to follow the steps of the others and to keep his boots away from her slippered feet, as the small orchestra played an unfamiliar air. He couldn't help wondering how he had ended up dancing with the daughÂ-ter of a seltyr of Dramur in Southgate. "For a man with two right feet, you do not dance badly." "I just follow your lead." "Would that more had." "You have relatives here?" Mykel finally offered, barely avoiding stumblingâ"and another couple. "You did not know? Elbaryk is a cousin. His mother and mine were sisters. He must bear a certain ... responÂ-sibility." "So... your maternal cousin must assist you, while your paternal cousin takes everything your father left?" "Few would state it so directly." "Including finding a husband?" "Majer .. . who would wish a wife with no property? Of those who would, who would I, or my cousin, find acceptable?" "I would not close off that possibility. I recall your telling me something like that once." She laughed, once. "You would use my own words." "Better than mine," he returned. After a silence, she spoke again, her voice low. "You would not have killed my father that day." "No. I would have had him imprisoned." "You are too honorable to be a Cadmian, Majer. It will destroy youâ"or you will destroy all that you now support." Mykel didn't have an answer to her comment. "It is said you are going to Hyalt." "Yes." "And you will kill more who rebel against the evil ones?" "Only if they shoot at us." "tiow can tney not wnen you are tne tool ot tne Duarches? Can you not see that?" "I can be honorable and see what can be done." Rachyla laughed, yet it was not a mocking expression, but one more of ironic sadness. The music stopped with a flourish. Mykel inclined his head to Rachyla. "Thank you, Lady Rachyla. Might I haveâ"" "If you have the slightest regard for me, Majer, do not ask me to dance again," she murmured. Mykel concealed a wince. "Not until you have danced for at least several glasses with others. And do not call me 'Lady,'" she added in an even lower voice. She inclined her head to him. "Thank you, Majer." Her thank-you was louder and clear to those nearby. Mykel bowed again. "My thanks and gratitude to you. Might I escort you ..." "My cousin's wife is there by the double column." Mykel offered his arm. Rachyla took it, but with the tips of her gloved fingers barely resting on the forearm of his uniform tunic. They walked to the edge of the dance floor Madame Elbaryk smiled politely as Mykel bowed once more, both to her and to Rachyla. Then he stepped back and turned. "Mykel?" He looked to his left and saw the overcaptain and his wife at the edge of the dance floor, less than three yards away. He joined them, not looking back, much as he would have liked to. "That didn't take you long," observed Sturyk. "Is she some relative of Elbaryk's?" "His cousin," Mykel replied. "She dances well," added Sheranyne. "She had to. I don't dance well at all." Mykel managed a smile. The orchestra began to play again. "T suppose I should find another young woman," Mykel said. "They'll love you for it." "Sturyk!" "We should dance, dear." Mykel turned and surveyed those standing beyond the dancers, but his thoughts kept going back to Rachyla. Without looking in her direction, he tried to see if he could sense the darkness of her aura, but there were so many auras that his head began to ache. He had to close his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he resigned himself to followÂ-ing Sturyk'sâ"and Rachyla'sâ"suggestions. After several moments, he picked out a thin-faced and brown-haired young woman who stood disconsolately, almost alone, clearly accompanied by a younger brother or cousin. She was neither beautiful nor unattractive. He eased up to the pair, then smiled, looking to the youth. "Might I have a dance with the young woman?" She smiled, but her eyes warned her escort against declining. "You might, Captain," replied the youth, not quite sneering. "Majer," corrected Mykel. "Thank you." He turned to the young woman. "You will excuse me if I am not an acÂ-complished dancer." "I can manage that, Majer. I'm Quesalya." They stepped out onto the dance floor. "Where are you from?" she asked after several moÂ-ments. "I was raised in Faitel, but I'm currently stationed in Elcien, permanently, that is. Is your escort your brother?" "Yes. Carlosyn wishes he didn't have to be here." "He seemed less than pleased," suggested Mykel. "Do you live in Southgate itself?" "We live to the northwest. Father's warehouses are in Soumgate. Have you been a Cadmian for a long time?" "Close to eleven years, all told." mat s a long time ..." Quesalya was not quite the dancer that Rachyla was, but she was skilled enough that Mykel could read her movements and keep from stepping on her toes or careerÂ-ing into other dancers. When he escorted her back to her brother, she gave him a wide smile. "Thank you, Majer." "It was my pleasure." He bowed. As he slipped away, Mykel felt that he had made someone happy, or less unÂ-happy. After that, he asked close to a score of young women to dance, choosing those who seemed to have been forÂ-gotten or who looked neglected. All the time, he felt as though he were being watched, and by more than a few people. He kept his eyes open for Rachyla, but without letting his gaze linger on her. He never saw her on the dance floor. After a time, he slipped away, sampled the refreshÂ-ments, but contented himself with a glass of a pale white wine before returning to the ballroom, where he danced with several more unmarried women. He could see that people were beginning to slip away, decided to approach Rachyla once more. She stood well away from Madame Elbaryk. "A last dance?" He bowed. "If you insist, Majer." Was there the faintest hint of a smile in her eyes? Mykel wasn't sure, but he found that, as on Dramur, he wasn't that certain about anything concerning Rachyla. Neither said anything for several moments. "I watched you," Rachyla said. "A few people did," he replied dryly. "People will say that you chose your partners to make yourself and the Cadmians look good." "I imagine they will." "You did not dance with them for those reasons, I think." "What do you think?" "You ask a mere woman?" "I asked you." Mykel put only the slightest emphasis on the "you." "You are a dagger of the ancients. You are honest. You would be kind. Your blade has three sharp edges, and you will cut yourself more deeply than anyone else. Yet they will die, and you will suffer every death." "That doesn't sound very promising." He offered a low chuckle, one he didn't feel. "You were the one who asked." "I did. That's true. Did Madame Elbaryk say anything about my asking you to dance?" "She said you were handsome and dangerous." Mykel decided to gamble. "And she also said that you were like your mother, too?" Rachyla stiffened, almost stumbling. "How did ... you were never..." Then she smiled and shook her head. "You are truly the dagger..." "Was I right?" "You know you were." Mykel had the feeling that, while he might not have liked Rachyla's mother, he would have respected her, and that was very unlike the feelings he had for the male sel-tyrs of either Dramur or Southgate. "You do not care much for my cousin." "How can you say that? Before tonight, I never met him, and we exchanged only a few words." Mykel was all too conscious of how close she was ... and still... as Dohark had once said, how dangerous. 'To me, it is as obvious as the uniform you wear, Majer." "How about to your cousin?" "Were you not a dagger of the ancients, you would be beneath notice." "That's good to know. I suppose mat means that I should not come calling upon you." "That would not be wise. It also would not be possible." "Oh?" Rachyla did not reply. Several long moments passed before she said, "Sometimes, late on Novdi afternoons, just before sunset, I'm allowed to walk in the memorial park to meditate." "I've been studying the stelae there. If we happened to meet, would that be taken amiss?" "Not if it did not happen often." Her eyes did not meet his. Yet, Mykel could sense she was neither lying nor leadÂ-ing him on. "Then, it will not happen often." "That would be for the best." Shortly, the music died away, and once more Mykel had to escort Rachyla back to Madame Elbaryk. This time, the seltyr's wire's smile was less than perfunctory. Mykel made a point of dancing with several more young women, including a second dance with three othÂ-ers, including Quesalya. It was late when he rejoined the overcaptain and his wife and they made their way out of the ballroom and down to the porticoâ"and the waiting hired carriage, far plainer than those others lined up outside. Mykel glanced heavenward. Asterta was now in the western sky. Selena, a mere crescent, hung just above the eastern horizon. He'd danced with Rachyla under the warÂ-rior moon goddess, but did that mean anything? He doubted it. Neither Sturyk nor Sheranyne said much until the carÂ-riage was well away from the villa of Seltyr Elbaryk and headed around the inner ring road to the northeast. "I thought you said that you couldn't dance, Majer?" Sheranyne's words were a mischievous accusation. "I can't. I just followed what everyone seemed to be doing, and tried not to step on anyone's toes." "That's dancing," said Sturyk. "You made several of those girls very happy." "I did?" "At least one will receive an offer of marriage because you asked her to dance." That did surprise Mykel. "You are a handsome man," she went on, "and there are worse fates than to be married to a Cadmian. Far worse. Some of the reluctant suitors know that as well." She grinned. "Of course, it didn't hurt to mention that you are unmarried." Mykel laughed. "She must have been a friend of yours." "She is, but we won't tell." Mykel was certain he didn't want to know. He also knew that, on the next Novdi, he would be at the memorial park. 33 On Quinti, Dainyl was in the Hall of JusÂ-tice immediately after morning muster. When he had left Myrmidon headquarters, Shastylt had been closeted in his study, preparing for a meeting with the High Alector of Justice later in the day. Even after three seasons as actÂ-ing submarshal and submafshal, Dainyl found that the marshal seldom if ever revealed the subject of the meetÂ-ings, and never the substance. None of Zelyert's assistants more than nodded, after ascertaining his identity, and Dainyl stepped onto the Table, shields in place, with some trepidation. He conÂ-centrated, then dropped ... ... into the chill darkness, although it did not seem as dark as it once had. He immediately concentrated on finding the purple-rimmed black locator that was Blackstear. It was more difficult to discern, but Dainyl still took what seemed but a moment to fix upon it. Even as he Talent-linked to the locator, he was searchÂ-ing for signs of the purple arms and traces of the golden green translation tubesâ"if they were indeed such. Blackstear flashed toward him. For a moment he sensed several instances of the golden greenness, but they seemed more like indistinct globes set in an amorphous black mist. Was there some of that mist surrounding the purple chill of the translation tube? He was still trying to determine that when he burst though the silvered-black barrier. He'd been so intent on what he'd tried to sense in translation that he had to take two quick steps to catch his balance and re-form his shields. Only a hint of fog and mist rose from his uniform and flying jacket, but part of that had to be because the Table chamber was far cooler than most, close to uncomfortably chill. A tall and angular woman in the green usually worn by the recorders stood beside a black wooden chest, shoulder-high. She smiled, an expression of amusement and warmth. "Greetings, Submarshal. I wondered how long it would be before I saw you." Dainyl stepped off the Table, keeping his shields in place, although he doubted the recorder had any unÂ-friendly intent. "You're Delari?" "The very same. You're Dainyl. By the way, give my best to Lystrana. I haven't seen her in years. That's not surprising. There's little of interest to her Highest here. In fact, there's little of interest to anyone here." "Yet there's a Table here." He paused, recalling some of what he had gathered from Asulet and others. "Only because it must be for grid stability?" "That's the sole reason." Delari motioned toward the hidden doorway that opened with her gesture. "Would you care to join me for some cider or ale? The cider's hot." "I wouldn't want to intrude ..." Delari laughed. "Submarshal... you can't be here for any other reason than to see me. There are no Myrmidons here, and the nearest Cadmians are more than two hunÂ-dred vingts south. Sulerya said you'd be here sooner or later." Dainyl shook his head. "What can I say?" "How about that you'd be delighted to join me?" "I would indeed." Dainyl found himself warming to her cheerful, but no-nonsense warmth, especially since his Talent-senses detected nothing but what she preÂ-sented. In the cool chamber, the warm cider sounded like a good idea. "That's better. After we talk, I'll show you what there is to see of Blackstear, mostly snow and evergreens." Dainyl followed her back to a small chamber with a circular table and three chairs. 'Take any chair. They're all the same." As he seated himself, she poured him a mug of steamÂ-ing cider from a heavy covered pitcher. Then she sat down across the table from him. "How can I help you?" "Unofficially, I'm trying to find out what you know about Brekylt and Alcyna, and to what degree some recorders are backing them ... and why?" "Sulerya told you all that." "Has anything changed?" "Not much." She gave a crooked smile. "Did you know that Choranyt suffered a Table mishap?" Dainyl had to think for a moment. "Myenfel's assisÂ-tant? What happened?" "Myenfel doesn't think recorders should get involved with much besides the proper use of the Tables. He inÂ-formed the other recorders that Choranyt was attempting to manipulate energies within the translation tubes, and that resulted in his unfortunate death." "I see. How do you think the recorders in Norda and Alustre took that message?" "Everyone said that they would instruct their assistantsâ"once moreâ"about the dangers." Dainyl nodded. "The effect of the warning might last a few weeks." "Unless you make more unannounced translations to the east. Otherwise, everything will remain quiet, except tor the increasing number of translations from Ifrynâ" "^ and the associated wild translations." "Do the majority of them go to Lyterna?" "No ... I've noticed more headed to Dulka and Hyalt, although they can show up at any Table, even here. Some have enough skill to arrive at Ludar or Elcien." "Is Blackstear's lack of... strategic value why you're recorder?" "You are direct." "Sometimes I can't find the indirect way to ask the question." Delari sipped her cider before replying. "Lysia and Blackstear form the most distant points on the grid, and that's true in terms of geography and energy lines, which are not always the same in terms of distance. Asulet felt that we would provide more stability, especially in the times approaching. There was little argument about my becoming recorder in Blackstear. People would prefer not to be here. I have but one assistant." "Why do you think some of the recorders support Brekylt?" "Why does anyone do anything? Because diey feel it will benefit them." "As a recorder, you must have some feel for the life-forces of Acorus. How do you feel about the Master Scepter being relocated here, rather than on Efra?" Delari took a long, deep breath. "From anyone but you or Asulet, I would not entertain that question." The opening to her answer chilled Dainyl. He didn't know why, but it did. "I fear that Acorus cannot sustain the Master Scepter long enough to rebuild what must be rebuilt. Yet... the Archon must know this. Certainly, the lifeforce masters on Ifryn should. I suspect that the professed indecision is to encourage Ifrits there to choose to translate without knowing the final decision. That would leave those who merely wish to drink the pleasures of the Archon's court waiting until it is too late for safe translations." 'Too late?" "Oh, yes. There's a usage factor, and it's especially critical for the long translations between worlds. If there is too little use, the tubes cool and contract, and only the strongest can safely translate. If there is too much, then they expand and the walls become thinner, and wild translations are more likely. At the end of the translations from Inefra to Ifryn, when the Archon and scepter had left Inefra, and the Tables were open to any who would try, the tube actually spewed alectors into the darkness, into the deep of the voids between stars." Dainyl nodded slowly. He had no doubts that the ArÂ-chon would do what he thought necessary to reduce those who could contribute little to building Acorus or Efra. "You aren't surprised. Did you know that?" asked De-lari. "No, I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me. From what I can tell, more lifeforce is required with each world." "Not exactly. You were born here, weren't you?" "Yes. So was Lystrana." "Those of us born here draw less lifeforce. Those born on Ifryn draw more. Those born on Inefra, not that there will be that many, will draw four times what those born on Ifryn do, and those born on Ifryn will draw four times more than you or I or Lystrana will."' "You think mat the Archon is trying to reduce the numÂ-bers translating here or to Efra?" "I don't know. It would be wise, for the sake of the world, but how does one tell his supporters that there is no room for those who are not productive, not if we are to have a future as a people?" How productive was he, mused Dainyl. Was keeping order all that productive? "Why are you telling me this?" "You need to know, and you cannot afford to tell anyÂ-one besides Lystrana, and I trust her." Dainyl finished the cider. "That was good. It is chill here." "It is always chill here." Delari laughed briefly. "What else should I know?" She shrugged. "What do you want to know?" "There is one other thing.... Have you seen any signs of activities by the ancients?" "You think that..." Delari broke off her sentence. "As more alectors are translating, we've had more sightings of ancients, and they've destroyed at least one pteridon." Dainyl felt safe saying that. Word was out in enough places that Delari could have heard about one lost pteridon from anyone. "Also some skylances are missing, taken in the night right before a pteridon." Dainyl could feel her Talent reading him. "You're not telling me everything." "No, but what I've said is true, and you could have heard it anywhere." "I don't know about that here in Blackstear." Dainyl waited. "I've sensed flashes of what seemed to be amber-green Talent, to the east, possibly in the heights of the Black Cliffs. There are reports that more livestock is missing, and some of the Reillies have said hunters have disapÂ-peared just west of the Ice Sands. Whether the disappearÂ-ances are the weather... or murders... or the ancients ... how could you tell?" "Their Talent is amber-green." "You really think something is about to happen?" "Both the marshal and the Highest are worried. So are Brekylt and Alcyna. She even issued orders on how her Myrmidons should deal with any ancients they might encounter." "That... that would not be good." "Why not?" "I can't say. I mean ... I don't know, except that one of the first recorders in Dereka, before Jonyst, supposedly encountered an ancient, and all that was left of either was a crater in solid rock and a Talent-dead area around it." "No one ever mentioned that." "I'm not surprised." When he thought about it, neither was Dainyl. Delari stood. "Let's go up above. You at least need to take a quick look at Blackstear, such as it is." She pulled a heavy jacket off a wall peg, so bulky that it made Dainyl's flying jacket look thin. Dainyl followed her up a long set of wide stone steps and then back along a stone-walled corridor. Light flooded in from high clerestory windows, but the air reÂ-mained chill. "Here's the north portico. You can get the best view from here." Delari opened the heavy oak door. As soon as he stepped out onto the portico, despite the sunlight, Dainyl understood why Blackstear wasn't a popÂ-ular destination. The Table building stood on a low hill, with the portico facing north. A narrow stone road wound down from the building toward the river to the northwest. Only two piers and a single warehouse stood in the small harbor where river and ocean met. Less than a score of dwellings and shops clustered behind the pier warehouse. To the east of the Table building a forest of evergreens stretched into the distance. The ground under the everÂ-greens was covered with snow that looked to be waist-deep. Directly north of the portico stretched a vingt or so of open tundra, showing heaps of snow in places. Beyond that, Dainyl could see the iron gray waters of the ocean, and farther to the north, a line of white he supposed was ice. A bitter but light wind blew out of the northeast. Despite the heavy flying jacket, he shivered. "How long have you been here?" 'Twenty years." She grinned. "I do use the Table a lot to visit Sulerya. The warmth in Lysia helps, and the translaÂ-tion tubes aren't any colder than Blackstear in the winter." "There really isn't much here." "There wouldn't be anything if the grid stability didn't require a Table here." Dainyl could see that. After a few moments more, he turned. "I've seen enough." "You don't want to visit the harbor?" He didn't miss the glint in her eyes. "No, thank you. Blackstear is worth a short visit, if only to remind one of how much we take for granted ... but I don't need to see the harbor to gain that appreciation." After Delari closed and sealed the door, Dainyl folÂ-lowed her back down to the Table chamber. He was back in Myrmidon headquarters in Elcien by the first glass of the afternoon. Once more, he looked for Zelyert, but the High Alector of Justice was not in, and Dainyl hurried back to headquarters. He had only just settled behind his desk and picked up the first of yet another stack of reports when the marshal stood in his doorway. "Sir?" "You were gone this morning." Shastylt glared. "You were busy, sir. I took a quick trip to Blackstear." "Why did you go to Blackstear? Just to see it?" "I haven't been there. That's true, but I went to see if the recorder or her assistants had noted any actions by the ancients." "In Blackstear?" Despite Shastylt's dubious tone, the marshal closed the study door. "The ancients like cold areasâ"and high ones. The land is much higher leading up to the Black Cliffs. And it's cold. We can't check places like the Aerial Plateau, but I was worth a glass or two to talk to the recorder there." "What did you discover?" "There are people and livestock missing. Some of the Reillies are complaining. There's unexplained Talent use." Shastylt frowned, then nodded. "It is a ley node, and high there." Dainyl had no idea what he meant by a ley node and waited for his superior to continue. Shastylt did not and looked at Dainyl. "Do you still think they're concentrated somewhere on the Aerial Plateau?" Dainyl finally asked. "There, or high in the Spine of Corus." "If they do have a redoubt or something up in the AerÂ-ial Plateau," asked Dainyl, "how could we even bring an attack against them?" "For the moment, we would have to wait, and attack when they enter our lands. As the lifemass on Acorus grows and the air warms, we can employ the road-building wagÂ-ons and cut a highway from the south, from, say, Deforya, one by which we can send die Cadmians against them." "I have my doubts that rifles would be effective." That was as much as Dainyl could say without revealing his own experiences. "We would have to equip them with some variation of lightcutters, and the casualties would be high. More trouÂ-bling is die strategy that it appears they are developing." Dainyl had an idea, but decided against saying it outÂ-right. "Using attacks against Myrmidons and pteridons to require us to draw more on the lifewebs?" "Exactly. If we are required to draw on the lifeweb for shields, that will reduce the lifeforce available before it can be built into a higher and self-sustaining capacity." Left unsaid was the point that too little lifeforce would certainly mean diat die Master Scepter would have to be transferred to Efra, rather man Acorus. "Did you find out anydiing else?" "No, sir." Dainyl smiled wryly. "Except how cold it is in Blackstear." "Have we had any more reports from the Cadmians about Iron Stem or Hyalt?" "One more predator in Iron Stem. It killed some herders, but die Cadmians took care of it. Third Battalion is still training the new troops in Soudigate." "If anyming happens, let me know. I'm off to the Hall of Justice." Shastylt turned, opened die door, and deÂ-parted leaving Dainyl to his reportsâ"before he began reÂ-viewing Dhenyr's first attempt at a logistics projection for me coming seasons. 34 In the dimness of dawn, Mykel walked to the mirror in his quarters. He had not slept all that well, thinking as he had about Rachylaâ"and about what she had said. Had he changed that much in the season since he had last seen her? Had she? Or had his emerging abilÂ-ity to sense the auras of people merely revealed more of who and what she was? He'd never heard of a "dagger of the ancients" before going to Dramur, much less encountered one of die anÂ-cient soarers. He'd never heard of anyone who had met one. He had a better idea what the soarer had meant by developing his talent, but no real guidance on how he should. The sole advice on that had come from Rachyla, who had told him that the alectors would destroy him if they ever discovered he was a dagger of the ancients. He'd half-dismissed that at first. Now, especially after traveling on the alectors' ship and sensing what lay within it, he had the definite feeling she'd been right, alÂ-though he couldn't have explained why in any logical fashion. He also could not help but wonder how a dagger of the ancients had found its way to Rachyla's grandsire. From what she had hinted, it had been his undoing in some fashion, and she felt the dagger would do the same to Mykel. Standing in the cool morning air, he looked at himselfâ"a taller-than-average lander, with a broad foreÂ-head under short and fine blond hair, light green eyes, moderately wide shoulders, and short-fingered hands with large palms. His chest still showed a pinkish scar where he'd been shot, a wound that should have been faÂ-tal, but had not been. Did tihe mirror show or reflect auras? He tried to sense what his own aura might be, but the mirror revealed nothing. The only impression he felt was one of darkness surrounding himself. Did he have an aura as black as Rachyla's? Or was he imagining things? Finally, he shrugged. He certainly had no way to tell what his aura was like, not that was reliable, anyway. He finished dressing, and stepped outside onto the balÂ-cony of the senior officers' quarters. There, for a quarter glass, he stood in the long shadows of sunrise, watching as rankers crossed the paved courtyard, trying to sense their auras. While he had noted auras in passing, he had not taken the time to just watch before. He had difficulty in discerning any aura at all if a ranker was much more than twenty yards away, although there were some few whose auras were clear from twice that distance. He had watched for only a short time before he realized that peoÂ-ple with black auras had to be rare. He sensed not a single one anywhere close to as dark as Rachyla's, and only one ranker whose aura betrayed even a trace of black. None showed the flashes of green. He also suspected that auras indicated something about the lands where people were born, because the maÂ-jority of rankers from the Southgate Cadmians had auras centered in "color" around a tannish yellow, while the majority of those from Third Battalion bore shades of browns, ranging from reddish brown to golden brown. He still had not sensed any more of the pinkish purple shade shown by the navigator's mateâ"or by Hersiod. Could that coloration result from being close to the alectors? Certainly the mate was, but why would Hersiod show such coloration? Or could that have been a result from the time he and Colonel Herolt had been briefed by the Myrmidon officer? Yet the colonel hadn't carried the pinkish overshade. Although he would have liked to confirm more of what he had observed, he needed to eat and prepare for the long day ahead. He walked down the narrow steps to the courtyard and hurried toward the officers' small mess. Two local Cadmians stiffened as he approached. "Carry on." Mykel smiled. "Yes, sir." Behind him, he caught a few words. "... Crelyot saw him on the range ... never missed..." "... doesn't put up with sowshit..." "... Delast overheard ... majer's lived through wounds'd kill an alector..." How had that gotten around? Mykel had never said anything, but some of the rankers from Fifteenth ComÂ-pany might have. He frowned. Was his hearing betterâ"or was he just more aware? When Mykel entered the mess, Rhystan looked up from where he sat at one of the three tables. Loryalt, Dyarth, and Fabrytal were seated in the corner table. All three avoided looking at Mykel as he walked toward Rhystan. "You mind if I join you?" Mykel knew Rhystan wouldn't and couldn't object, but he still felt he should ask. "No, sir." Mykel sat down on the other side of the small table. Within moments, the Cadmian orderly had set a platter and a mug before him. Mykel's eyes dropped to the platterâ"fried goat, some slices of a soft white cheese, slices of quince that had been preserved in something acidic, and overtoasted bread. "It gets to you, doesn't it?" Mykel laughed. "I manage not to think about it until I get here." "... don't know how he can ..." The murmur was from Loryalt, but Mykel ignored it. "How was that ball the other night?" asked Rhystan. "I was as out of place as a Squawt at a Reillie wedÂ-ding." Mykel took a swallow of the cider, except that it was cider cut with the same fruit juice he hadn't recogÂ-nized from the firstâ"and had decided not to ask about. Still, it was better than ale in the morning. "I think the least costly gown worn by any of the women would have taken more than a year's pay. Make that two years' pay. I had to dance with some of the unmarried womenâ"that's what the custom is ..." "A great trial, I'm sure." "Dancing wasn't, I'll admit. But you have to ask their parent or their escort. One little snotâ"he was the brother of the young womanâ"called me an undercaptain." Mykel had almost said "captain," but decided the exagÂ-geration was more politic. "Another young woman said that one dance was enough." Rhystan shook his head. "I was already getting the feeling that they don't like Cadmians." "Oh ... they like us well enough, just so long as we stay in our compounds and only appear when called. Like well-trained guards." Mykel took a bite of the goat. He still didn't like it, but that was what there was to eat. "That's always the way it is. Worse here than Dramur, I think." "Yes and no." Mykel paused. "In Dramur, no one wanted us around. I'm not so sure that they looked down on us so much. Here, we're welcome to spend blood and sweat to protect them, but not to get too close." "It could be." Rhystan sounded doubtful. Mykel looked to Loryalt. "How is Sacyrt fitting in with Seventeenth Company?" "Sacyrt? Oh ... the one from Second Battalion that you tranferred from Fourteenth Company. He's a cold one, but he's been keeping in line. Keeps to himself, Clastyn says." "That's probably for the best." Mykel still worried about the rankerâ"his dark aura had held such reddish ugly streaksâ"but he couldn't do much except suggest that the undercaptain and his squad leaders keep an eye on the man. Loryalt frowned, but didn't reply. After a moment, Rhystan spoke. "It's too hot here. Be glad when we head out. Are you still looking at next Tridi?" "If we don't get rain or worse." "Rain? What's that?" Rhystan snorted. "It's what falls from the clouds in the winter here. That's what they tell me." Mykel had to force himself to eat the soft and slimy cheese. "You're scheduled for drills against the First Hyalt this morning. Bhoral's worried that some of the troublemakers there are getting too high an opinion of themselves." "They probably are. Their last drills were against ThirÂ-teenth Company. You want us to press them?" Mykel nodded. "Fifteenth Company will do the same against Second Hyalt." "I suppose tomorrow, we'll go against Thirteenth?" Rhystan raised his eyebrows. "Seventeenth. Fifteenth will go against Thirteenth." Mykel could sense the unease among the undercap-tains, and that was good, because some of them had inÂ-flated ideas of how well their men were performing. Rhystan, his back to the undercaptains, grinned at Mykel. 35 Just past midday on Novdi, less than a glass after he had returned from Myrmidon headquarters, Dainyl looked out the sunroom windows at the gray skies and drizzle. Novdi was usually only a half day of duty, and matters had been so quiet that he'd felt perfectly jusÂ-tified in leaving sharply at noon, especially since Lystrana had worked late the night before and dropped into bed exhaustedâ"both from a last-moment review of shipbuilding accounts and from an overactive unborn daughter's antics of the night before. Since Shastylt had left headquarters by midmorning, there was no point in staying any longer than normal. He turned as he sensed Lystrana's approach. "I'd hoped it would be warm and sunny." "I know. So had I." Dainyl glanced back at the clouds. "Jeluyne's exhibition is this afternoon in the lower hall of the Duarch's Palace," Lystrana ventured. "It's the last day. The quartet will be playing, too. After that we could have something to eat at Eanthyro's. We could give the girls the rest of today off, and all of tomorrow." "Are these her paintings of Elcien and Ludar?" asked Dainyl warily. Jeluyne was an older alectress who was a friend of his mother. "They're supposedly quite good. Khelaryt has selected one for his permanent gallery." "I'm sure that they're excellent. She's an outstanding artist." "If we see your mother there, we won't have to call on her so soon." Dainyl could sense the humor behind his wife's words. "We might as well. I haven't been to many of the recent social events, and it would be nice to eat out." "I'll tell the girls, and I'll be ready in less than a quarÂ-ter glass." Lystrana smiled and hurried off. It was more like half a glass later, at a time when there was a lull in the rain, when Dainyl stepped outside and put up the banner indicating the desire for a carriage. Zistele and Sentya had already left, hurrying off to the eastern market square, the one favored by the younger landers and indigens. Dainyl and Lystrana stood in the foyer, the door ajar so that they could watch for a carriage. Since they were going to the Duarch's Palace, if not for a formal event, Dainyl wore his blue and gray dress uniÂ-form. Lystrana wore gray shimmersilk trousers with a blue shirt and a dark gray vest, both slightly looser than Dainyl knew she would have preferred, although her childbearing status was not yet that visible. "It's too quiet," he mused. "You've been saying that for days." "I have, and I know that Brekylt hasn't stopped whatÂ-ever he's plotting." "Probably not." Lystrana paused. "Oh, I didn't have a chance to tell you last night. We got a dispatch yesterday that Rensyl suffered a fatal fall from a pteridon when he was being taken from Fordall to Alustre. His creative acÂ-counting is being remedied. One other engineer was inÂ-volved. He was executed, and a team of experienced engineers have translated from Ifryn to replace and enÂ-hance the expertise of the engineering force in the east." "Convenient." Dainyl paused. "Engineers from Ifryn, not from Ludar or Faitel?" "I thought that was interesting." "It suggests that Brekylt has the support of someone highly placed there." "The Archon wouldn't go against the Duarches. I can't see that." "But he might go around them," suggested Dainyl. "Or, if it's his idea, he could have told Samist. If not, who knows who it could be? What did your Highest say?" "He didn't say anything, but he's worried. He went and saw Khelaryt, but he didn't look any happier when he reÂ-turned. He did say that Zestafyn had already been sent to Ludar. I'd prepared some material about it, and I think he sent it with Zestafyn. That was one of the reasons I was late getting home." "Khelaryt's worried, then." "Concerned, anyway." At that moment, a covered carriage pulled up outside. Dainyl hurried out through the drizzle that had resumed and held the carriage door for Lystrana. He looked up at the gray-haired hacker. 'The Duarch's Palace. The north entrance." "North entrance, yes, sir." The hoofs of the carriage horse were louder in the rain, and neither Dainyl nor Lystrana said anything on the ride. When they stepped out of the carriage, they were the only ones entering the palace, but that might have just been chance. They made their way under the covered portico and through the lower archway, past the Duarch's guards, and into the lower great hall of the palace. More than a score of alectors moved among the paintÂ-ings, and Dainyl thought he saw his mother, but she disapÂ-peared behind a small group discussing one of the larger works. The hall was floored with the traditional octagonal tiles of green marble, linked by smaller diamond tiles of gold marble, as were all of the large formal chambers. The hangÂ-ings on the side walls, between the goldenstone columns, were of dark green velvet, trimmed in gold. Upon the small dais at the south end of the hall were seated four musicians, playing something Dainyl half-recognized and should have known. He frowned, trying to recall what it was. "It's Ghestalyn's Translation Variations,'" murmured Lystrana. "Thank you." "We might as well start here," she suggested. Each painting was set upon its own easel, and sepaÂ-rated from the others by several yards. Dainyl paused beÂ-fore the first on the east side of the hall, a view of the Duarch's Palace from out in the bay, clearly just at sunset. The walls shimmered with an unworldly glow, and Jeluyne had caught that transitory orange twilight illumiÂ-nation that lasted but for moments, but promised a gloriÂ-ous future. "Not bad," he murmured. He couldn't have even done a single brushstroke, but no alector would admit such in public. "I like this one," said Lystrana from before the second easel. Dainyl slipped beside her and murmured in her ear. "I like you better." Lystrana flushed ever so slightly, then shook her head. "What do you think of the painting?" Dainyl studied the image of an oceangoing vessel, spray flying from the bow, with rocky cliffs set behind the ship, probably Ludyn Point. "It's well done, but I think she does buildings better." They moved on down the row of paintings. "I haven't seen Kylana, and she's usually here every chance she gets," mused Lystrana. "She always wants to be seen." "Preferably with those in power," murmured Dainyl. "Or those who can tell her the latest intrigues on Ifryn." "Some information on that wouldn't hurt," Lystrana replied in an even lower voice. "True." Most of the images were ones recognizable to either Lystrana or Dainyl, if not both, until they reached the third painting in the second row. The painting showed a market square, filled with landers and indigens. Just to one side of the center was a lander patroller, wearing the double-scepter badge of the Duarchy, his finger pointing accusingly at a smashed squash or gourd on the stone sidewalk before the small produce stand. The seller was an indigen woman who was backed up against her small cart, listening. Behind them both, a sly-looking man was lifting the seller's coin box. None of the others in the square seemed to notice either the dispute between the patroller and the womanâ"or the ongoing theft. "Clever," said Dainyl. "I suppose that must be the eastÂ-ern market square." "It could be any market square," replied his wife. "Lystrana!" called a voice Dainyl recognized all too well. "And Dainyl." The two turned to see Dainyl's mother moving toward them. Alyra wore the dark silver gray that she usually afÂ-fected, with a shimmering silver vest. "It's so good to see the two of you out." Alyra immediÂ-ately faced Lystrana. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine. At times, Kytrana makes me uncomfortable, but I understand that's to be expected." "Oh, it is. Dainyl left me uncomfortable more than sometimes." Alyra frowned, slightly. "I'm glad to hear that, but that wasn't exactly what I meant. Didn't you hear? Your colleague Zestafyn was attacked by a wild translation last night just as he was about to translate from Ludar back to Elcien." Dainyl could sense Lystrana's shock, although his wife only nodded somberly as she asked, "Last night? Just last night? How is he?" Alyra shook her head. "It was one of the dangerous ones. There was a Talent explosion." "Oh ... oh ... I didn't know. Poor Kylana." "Indeed... poor child. She was so distraught she must have found a lightcutter and turned it on herself. Such a terrible tragedy. So truly awful." Dainyl swallowed silently. His mother scarcely knew Kylana and had cared less for her posturing. What Alyra was conveying was not sympathy or gossip, but a warning. "She was so devoted to Zestafyn," Lystrana replied, "but I never would have expected anything like that." "So unexpected. Such a tragedy. One moment, you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, carrying out your duties ... and the next moment..." Alyra shook her head. "I suppose anything can happen anymore, even to the most faithful administrators and Myrmidons. But... we shouldn't dwell on what we can't change." She smiled brightly. "I'm so glad to see you here. How are you finding the exhibit? Isn't Jeluyne marvelous? I so admire her use of color and her choice of subjects." "This one is certainly different," Dainyl said. "One can't ignore the landers and indigens. They have their place. I do prefer the one of the Duarch's Palace, myself..." Dainyl had never heard his mother prattle so. She was more than worried. He definitely needed to get to see Zelyert, and not just aoout the growing number of icewolves. The High Alec-tor might well know that, but Dainyl doubted he knew about why Zestafyn had been killed. Equally important, Dainyl also needed to discover what Zelyert knew. And... he and Lystrana needed to maintain their perÂ-sonal shields far more than they had. 36 Late in the afternoon on Novdi, Mykel rode at a measured pace southwest along the high road, heading back toward the center of Southgate. Despite his earlier worries, the training was going well, and he'd had no problem in letting the rankers and officers knock off two glasses earlier. He yawned, then stretched in the saddle. He had to adÂ-mit that he was tired. In addition to trying to keep track of each company's progress and needs, at night, he'd been studying maps and whatever he could find about the Hyalt area. He'd talked to those senior rankers and squad leadersâ"both in his battalion and among Sturyk's troopsâ"who had any knowledge of the roads, the trade, or the area. He knew more than when he'd begun, but not much. He'd also spent more time trying to get a handle on his talent, studying the auras of various Cadmians, seeing if the auras indicated how they might act or react, and their self-possession. He had some ideas, but how accurate they were he wouldn't know until Third Battalion saw acÂ-tion, and he was in no hurry for that to happen. The road and the side streets were far busier on Novdi afternoon than they had been on the previous times he'd ridden out from the compound. Several times he had to rein up or slow down to avoid carts, wagons, or peddlers on foot. He tried to listen as he rode, and occasionally caught fragments of conversations, some with meaning and some baffling. "... no need fullering ... sweat it up ..." "... Merysa took in more coins after the ball... than all week ... young swells can't barely touch women ... fancy like that... looks that good herself... best one in the house ..." "... might well as chisel cork ..." "... fodder's up again ... another copper a quint... suppose have to mix in fish meal..." For all the traffic in the outer areas, the center of Southgate was as subdued and quiet as it had been the last Decdi he had been here. Mykel saw no one in the park, but he was earlier than an hour before sunset. There were no hitching posts as such, but he did find a section of railing not far from the stele he judged to be closest to the villa of Seltyr Elbaryk. He tied his mount there and walked back to the stele. He had wanted to study the relief carvings. For a moment, he just looked at the images in the stone. From their appearance, they had been done recently, but they felt old. Still, the stele didn't have the feel he had beÂ-gun to notice with the eternal stone of the high roads. The other aspect of the stele was that there were absolutely no words inscribed in the stone beneath or above the relief. Mykel glanced around, but saw no one in the nearer section of the memorial park. He slowly walked along the stone wall to the next stele. It was identical to the first. He continued to the third, and then the fourth. All were identical. Having established that, Mykel looked more closely at the carving itself, trying to discern differences between the figures of the seltyrs. Almost half a glass later, he sensed that someone was coming. He did not turn immediately, but it had to be Rachyla. Her aura was unmistakable. Someone was with her, and from what he could sense, it appeared to be a much older woman. He continued to look at the stele, although he no longer studied it, but just waited, feeling as though he stood on the edge of a precipice. "Majer?" Her voice bore a surprise Mykel knew she did not feel. He turned. "Rachyla ... what are you doing here?" "What are you doing here?" "Taking some time away from the compound. The park and the stelae had interested me, and I thought I'd look at them more closely. What about you?" "I am taking a walk to where I can meditate." Rachyla turned to the graying woman. "This is my aunt Herisha. She is my mother's youngest sister." Although Rachyla had not said, Mykel gathered the impression from Herisha's gray garments and withdrawn demeanor that she was not the aunt who was the mother of the current seltyr. "And have you found anything startling in your peÂ-rusal?" Her tone was not quite mocking. "There's a certain oddness about the image. Some things are obvious, though. The number of seltyrs matches the number in Southgate, and the number of vilÂ-las around the memorial park. That would stand to reaÂ-son, but behind them is an alector, and that is a much larger figure. Yet there never has been an alector in South-gate. There is no regional administrator, and there are no Myrmidons." "Perhaps the carving is a warning that, seen or not, there is an alector behind the seltyrs of Southgate." "That is possible." "Would you mind, niece, if I went over to the bench and rested?" asked Herisha. "I should have suggested it," Rachyla said, "although I will not be long. The majer is most courteous ... for a Cadmian officer." Herisha nodded and turned, limping her way to a stone bench some twenty some yards away, close enough that the older woman could see everything, but hear little. "It's hard for her to walk long distances," observed Mykel. "She likes to leave the villa as much as I do, and I would not deprive her." "You are both prisoners." "I have been a prisoner before, Majer. Have you forÂ-gotten?" "No. I never will." "Neither will I." Surprisingly to Mykel, her tone was matter-of-fact, neither hard nor cutting. "How did you come to be here?" "My cousin Alarynt offered me the choice of dying in my bed or 'visiting' Elbaryk. I don't have to spell out my choice, do I?" "He couldn't marry you off?" "No. If I had sons to another seltyr, even to a junior son, they would have a claim on Stylan." Mykel should have guessed that. "Besides, Alarynt is small-minded and vicious in a deviÂ-ous fashion. By returning me to Elbaryk, he places a burden on him. If anything happens to me, Elbaryk will be accused of not honoring his own mother and the women under his care. Those things do matter to him, unlike Alarynt." The more Mykel learned of the seltyrs, the less he cared for them and their customs, and, somehow, the more he cared for Rachyla. "Do not pity me, Majer." Those words were cold. "I have admired you. I admire you more, the more I learn." "Such a desirable fate, to be admired by a Cadmian ofÂ-ficer and a dagger of the ancients." "And respected, unlike some others who claim they care." Rachyla half-turned. "There are no images of the dagÂ-gers of the ancients." She made it as a fiat statement. "Not anywhere." Mykel understood her change of subject, he feared. "Why might that be?" "Memorials are for those who do great deeds. The few daggers who survived tried nothing of import, and those who attempted more were all discovered by the evil ones and killed." "Your history is so cheerful," Mykel said dryly. "Do you know any that is more encouraging?" "For a Cadmian and a dagger of the ancients? I think not." "You have such promising futures for us both," he said gently. "I cannot change what will be, Majer. You must underÂ-stand that." Mykel thought she had given the slightest emphasis to the word "I," but he was not certain. Rachyla stepped back. "I must meditate. Herisha must be able to report that I did. Good afternoon, Majer." "Good afternoon, Lady Rachyla." "I am not a Lady of Dramur." "You are, and you always will be." Mykel bowed ever so slightly. To me, if to no one else. She turned and walked swiftly toward her chaperone, not ever looking back. Mykel watched her for a time, then finally walked back to where he had tied his mount. He had to believe that he would see her again, yet Third Battalion would be riding out well before the next Novdi. He mounted slowly, looking toward the memorial park, but Rachyla was nowhere to be seen. 37 In the end, Dainyl just appeared at the Hall of Justice early on Londi, prepared to wait for Zelyert. He did not have to, because the High Alector of Justice was there and motioned him into his private study. "And where are you headed today, Dainyl?" "Just to see you, sir." "Oh?" "Some information has come to my attention. I never know what you may know, sir," Dainyl began, "but there are several matters which, by themselves, would seem insignificantâ"" "Dainyl... things are bad enough without your soundÂ-ing like Shastylt. Just tell me." "The icewolves have reappeared in the Iron Stem area, and they're lifeforce predators. Asulet won't speculate, but I'm judging he believes the ancients are using them for some purpose to weaken us. Second, the Duarch's head of intelligence discovered that one of Brekylt's chief engineers was diverting significant resources to conÂ-structing some sort of equipment in Fordall. It might be military equipment, perhaps forbidden equipment. On his return from reporting to the High Alector of Engineering and possibly the Duarch of Ludar, he suffered a Table translation mishap in Ludar with enough power to create a Talent explosion. His wife immediatelyâ"apparentlyâ" killed herself with a lightcutter that was never issued to him or her. Third, even before Zestafyn was killed, the chief engineer who had been diverting resources died in a pteridon mishap while being transported to Alustre, and a number of experienced engineers were translated from Ifryn to Alustre to replace him and the others involved in the transgression." Dainyl could sense that Zelyert was not all that surÂ-prised by the icewolves, or by Zestafyn's death. The other occurrences did create a reaction, almost hidden, but not quite. "Does Shastylt know of these?" "He knows about the ice-wolves. He was the one who dispatched me to Lyterna to talk to Asulet. They kill by taking lifeforce, but rifles are effective against them." "And the other matters?" pressed Zelyert. "They are not properly within Myrmidon jurisdiction, and I thought you should know." The High Alector of Justice nodded slowly. "You do not trust your own marshal." "He is very preoccupied these days, sir." "You are standing over the translation tube to oblivion, figuratively, of course." Zelyert's deep voice was mild. "Perhaps, sir, but I thought such a translation would be less likely once the information was in your possession, sinceâ"" "Since someone wanted to keep it from me? Nonsense. Young Zestafyn doubtless wanted to strike some sort of bargain with those around Samist. He always has been playing both sides." Those words rang untrue, both in sound and to Dainyl's Talent-senses, but he just nodded slowly. "Even if he were not, that is the way in which it must be handled. Personal venality must be the cover for now." Dainyl doubted that would convince many, but he wasn't about to argue. "It won't convince those that know," Zelyert continÂ-ued, "but what it will do is suggest that we are not strong enough to open the matter to the Duarches or the Ar-chon." His eyes narrowed. "What else have you discovÂ-ered?" "That the ancients have increased activities in the north, not all that far from Blackstear." 'They would have to reappear now. Why do you think that is so?" "I would judge that they can sense changes in lifeforce and Talent and the increased usage of the Tables for long translations." Zelyert stood. "That will do for now. You can send me a dispatch on any future developments that affect the Myrmidons or Cadmians." Dainyl rose as well. "Yes, sir." Dainyl was fortunate to find a carriage outside the Hall of Justice and arrived at Myrmidon headquarters a quarÂ-ter glass after morning muster, not that his presence was usually required, but he'd always felt that senior officers who worked shorter glasses undermined their own auÂ-thority and credibility. Unfortunately, the calm lasted only until midmorning, when the marshal summoned him, this time through the duty messenger. "Why were you in the Hall of Justice?" asked Shastylt before Dainyl had even closed the door to the marshal's study. The senior alector's voice was silky. "Because the Highest wanted to know about the ice-wolves and how they had affected the Cadmians. He also wanted to know if we had seen any more activity by the ancients." "I suppose you had to tell him?" "Could I have really said no to him?" "At times, you would do better to avoid him ... if you understand what I mean." Dainyl did, unhappily. "I have spent little time in the hall now that my investigations of the east and Dereka have been completed." "That's for the best." Shastylt paused. "Do we have any newer reports from either Southgate or Iron Stem?" "We do, but nothing has changed. The Cadmians in Iron Stem report killing another of the icewolves, but matters with the iron works and mines are quiet. The CadÂ-mians will be leaving Southgate on Tridi to ride to Hyalt with the new Hyalt companies. Third Battalion will be conducting more training en route. Also, from our MyrÂ-midons, the recent reports show that we've lost no more pteridons or skylances." "What is Alcyna planning?" "She's only reporting that everything is normalâ" except that, even with the melting snow, Third Company has had no success in locating the missing Cadmian company." "Will they find them, Submarshal?" "I would doubt it, sir." "So would I." Shastylt looked up. "That will be all." "Yes, sir." With each passing week, Dainyl liked less and less the balancing act he was attempting between Shastylt and Zelyert, especially since he trusted neither. Shastylt he trusted least, because he felt the marshal's ambition was far more personal, while whatever Zelyert was attemptÂ-ing had at least some rationale of a higher purpose. But then, he reflected, either would remove him if it suited the purpose at hand, and Zelyert was more to be reÂ-spected than Shastylt. 38 Mykel stood beside the roan in the stable, ensuring that the materials he would present to the Hyalt council were secure. There was a proclamation, a work authorization for the new compound, and a letter of credit with no specified limit, although Mykel had been inÂ-formed that he had best have good reasons if he drew more than two hundred golds a month. There was also a set of plans, based on those of the compound at South-gate, if a smaller version. He fastened the saddlebag tight, and then checked the saddle girths before leading the gelding out of the stall. After walking his mount out of the stable into the early-morning light and mounting, Mykel glanced around the compound. Third Battalion was forming up for the ride to Hyalt in good order, far more quickly man they had a month before, not that Mykel had emphasized the in-post formations nearly so much as weapons pracÂ-tice, combat tactics, and field maneuvers. But there was a definite carryover. The two Hyalt companies were slower, but better than he had expected, if not yet so sharp as he had hoped they would be. He turned die roan, checking the compound, checking the various companies. Some of the local Cadmians were watching as well. The dirt and dust he had noted when he arrived had vanished, and the local Cadmians appeared sharper. He wasn't certain why, since he'd never said a word to Overcaptain Sturyk. Was it the power of example? He almost snorted. More likely the power of fear. Beyond the southwest corner of the compound lay Southgate, and in the center of the city were the villas of the seltyrsâ"and Rachyla. He kept thinking about herâ" and that was foolish. He certainly didn't understand her. She'd volunteered where and when he could find her, and then she'd made it very clear that her situationâ"and her inclinationâ"precluded any future between them. Mykel wasn't interested in merely bedding her, and he couldn't marry her, because she wasn't about to marry a mere Cadmian. Nor would her cousin want her to marry anyÂ-one. In any case, a Cadmian officer had no business even thinking about marriage until he was senior enough and settled enough to be a compound or a regimental comÂ-mander. Mykel felt a crooked smile cross his lips. Telling himÂ-self that was all very good, but he wasn't doing very well at listening to himself. Overcaptain Sturyk walked from the headquarters building toward Mykel, who waited for the older officer. Sturyk stopped several yards from Mykel and looked up. "I see you're ready to move out." "Less than a quarter glass, I'd say." "I just wanted to wish you well, Majer." "Thank you. You've provided solid support for Third Battalion, and I conveyed that to Colonel Herolt in my last dispatch report." Sturyk smiled. "I appreciated the copy, sir." "Sometimes a record helps, as I'm certain you've found." "Yes, sir. Do you know when you'll be returning? Or how long you'll stay on the return?" Mykel shook his head. "That all depends on our success in Hyalt and how long it takes. How we return to Elcienâ" that's up to the colonel or the marshal. They may order us somewhere else, rather than back through Southgate." "You're welcome here, anytime. The best of fortune, Majer." "Thank you. And to you." Mykel could see that the batÂ-talion was formed up, and he rode the score of yards into position to receive the muster report from Bhoral. "Third Battalion, all present and ready to ride, sir. First and Second Hyalt Companies, present and ready to ride." "Thank you." He nodded to Bhoral. "Let's go." "Battalion ... forward, by companies ..." Mykel eased the roan forward. Thirteenth Company would lead for the first glass, and he'd ride with Under-captain Dyarth. The sound of hoofs on stone, the occasional squeaking of the supply wagons, and occasional commands were the loudest sounds that marked Third Battalion's deparÂ-ture from the compound. Mykel did not actually join up with Thirteenth Company until just outside the gates. "Good morning, Dyarth." Mykel moved his mount in on the left of die junior officer. "Good morning, sir. Looks like it's going to be a hot ride." "It probably will be until we get past Zalt. After that the land is higher, and we might get rains in the Coast Range. That'll be a while, though." Even on the high roads, and carrying their own rations, it would take at least five days to reach the way station at Zalt. A full week beyond Zalt lay Tempre, and then another five days to Hyalt. All that assumed good weather and no troubles with brigands or the supply wagons. Mykel doubted that everything would be trouble-free, although he'd had the wagons inspected and had insisted on spare draft horses. Neither officer spoke, except for orders to the company and battalion, until they were on the high road. The sun was still low in the eastern sky, and Mykel was glad that they were headed northeast, rather than due east and diÂ-rectly into the sun. "Sir?" ventured Dyarth. "Southgate... the people there ... they were pleasant enough, but not like in Ar-wyn or Harmony or even up in Klamat." "Are you suggesting that they were more interested in our rankers' coin than in their person?" Mykel asked. "It did seem that way. Was Dramur like that?" "Worse, I'd say. People shot at us there." "More than the Reillies or Squawts?" "Yes. Majer Vacyln lost two entire companies to those kinds of attacks." Mykel wasn't about to take responsibilÂ-ity for those casualties, not when the late majer had igÂ-nored his advice. "What do you think about Hyalt?" "I don't know. I've tried to get more information, but no one seems to have much." That bothered Mykel as much as anyming. Less than a glass to the northeast of the last dwellings mat could be properly said to be part of Southgate itself, rather man cots or hutsâ"or estate villas overlooking the grasslandsâ"the road began to slope downward on a genÂ-tle but definite grade into a wide and shallow valley. The grass that grew, while showing spring green, was defiÂ-nitely sparse. There were no cots or huts in the valley, and Mykel did not see any goats or sheepâ"or cattle. "Poor land," observed Dyarth. "Leastwise, they're not overgrazing it." "I imagine the alectors would have something to say if they did." 'That's true." Half a glass later, Mykel looked back. From where he rode, it appeared as if the higher ground on which South-gate had been built might once have been an island or a peninsula, but he hadn't looked at the area around the harbor that closely. Certainly, the lower terrain through which Third Battalion rode was less fertile than the higher ground, and the opposite was usually the case. He could recall his cousins talking about how bottomland was so much richerâ"and how often the alectors reÂ-stricted what they could do with it. He glanced at the high road ahead, stretching endlessly ahead, straight as a rifle barrel. 39 Mykel blotted away the dampness from his forehead, then shifted his weight in the saddle as the roan carried him southward on the high road. Beside him rode Rhystan, since Sixteenth Company was riding van for the rest of the morning. According to the last vingt-post, Hyalt was another five vingts ahead. Mykel's eyes took in the terrain on both sides of the road, land covered with grass, thick and with the teal shade of new growtii. To his left, grasslands stretched to die eastern horizon. To his right, the grasslands rose slowly to a hillcrest less than half a vingt away, then dropped, only to rise into a slightly higher rolling hill farther west. Perhaps three vingts west of the road, the grasslands ended, replaced with wooded hills that, in turn, were replaced by the low mountains that formed the eastern edge of the Coast Range. From what Mykel could see, the trees were low evergreens, mixed pines and junipers. In the few road cuts, Mykel had noted that die soil was tiiin with reddish sand beneath. That explained why he and Third Battalion had seen only scattered flocks of catÂ-tle on the grasslands. Farming or heavier grazing would have ruined the grassy plains. He turned and looked back over his shoulder at the ridersâ"and die supply wagons diat followed the column. Over the tiiree weeks it had taken to ride from Southgateâ"widi rest stops for men and mountsâ"Mykel had worked in as much training as possible. The two new companies now iooked like Cadmians when they rode. At the sound of fast-moving hoofs on the road, Mykel turned. He kept riding, waiting as one of the scouts rode swiftly toward the battalion. "Sir? Wagons ahead! Carrying something pretty heavy." Ahead in the distance, Mykel saw three heavy wagons, each drawn by six dray horses, and all were heading northward. He could insist that the wagons give way, but heavy as they were, and with the sandy soil beyond the shoulders of the road, there was a good chance that they might get mired or break a wheel. He also didn't like ridÂ-ing past them in single file or narrow formation. Mykel turned in the saddle, looking at Toralt, the duty messenger. "Pass the word. At my command, we'll ride, fast trot, to the hillock on the right up ahead. Form up in battle formation facing the road. Same company order as now." "Ride to the hillock, fast trot, form up in battle formaÂ-tion, same company order. Yes, sir." Toralt turned his mount out of formation and headed toward the rear. "More practice, sir?" asked Rhystan. "Mostly. I doubt that irregulars would use wagonsâ"or even know we were on the wayâ"but you never know when you're first arriving somewhere." Less than a tenth of a glass later, Toralt rode back and reported. "Sir! All the officers stand ready." "Battalion! Forward!" "Sixteenth Company ... forward!" "Thirteenth Company ..." Before long, the entire force was formed into a line of battle on the hillock on the west side of the high road. "Rifles ready!" The command echoed across the battalion. The wagons were close enough that Mykel knew they posed no threat, but he wanted the younger Cadmians in particular to get the feel of waiting ... and waiting ... with rifles ready. He'd seen too many inexperienced troopers fire too soon because they were impatient. Slowly, the wagons crept northward on the high road, nearing the battalion. Each wagon carried a driver and a guard with a rifle up front, with four mounted guards in front and two riding behind. While the wagons didn't creak or sag, the measured pace of the team and the faint crunching of sandy soil that had drifted across the enter-nastone in places and was being flattened by the heavy iron tires of the wagons were more than enough to tell Mykel that they carried ingots of some sort. The sign on the black-painted side of each wagon was simple: minzt AND SONS, TEAMSTERS. Mykel could sense the unease on the part of the teamÂ-sters and even the armed guards, who kept looking back at the Cadmians long after the wagons had passed the forÂ-mation on the rise overlooking the high road. Once Third Battalion was back on the road, Rhystan looked at Mykel. "They didn't do badly." "No. We'll see how they do against irregularsâ"if there are any." The captain gestured out at the grasslands to the east. "Doesn't look like there's much here. How do they live?" "There's some dryland nut trees to the south, and there's a tin mine to the southwest, and a copper mine to the west. They've got cattle here as well. Some of them are sent north and butchered in Tempre or shipped downÂ-river to Faitel and Elcien." He grinned. "That's what the books and everyone I talked to told me, anyway. They've got some clay too, and there's a china works. Hyalt's smaller than Dramuria, they say." "Why would they have irregulars out here, then?" "There's always someone who's not happy with the way things are. Hyalt's far enough away from places that people think matter that no one pays much attention. If someone starts yelling about the Duarches or the CadmiÂ-ans in Faitel, how long is it before they get carted away?" "A glass, if they're lucky," replied Rhystan. "No one paid any attention here, not until it was too late." "You think that's the whole story?" Mykel laughed. "It never is. We found that out in Dra-mur. I just hope what we don't know isn't as bad as it was there." 'That makes two of us, Majer." For all his explanations to Rhystan, and even with his concerns, Mykel still felt uneasy. 40 Dainyl stood at the window of his study, looking out into the early afternoon. The sun poured down from a cloudless silver-green sky, and the faintest breeze of early summer wafted through the partly open window. For the last month, nothing untoward had ocÂ-curred. No pteridons or skylances were missing. No MyrÂ-midon casualties or accidents. No wild Talents had been reported. Iron Stem remained calm, and the Fourth Cad-mian Battalion had managed to contain the handful of icewolves that had appeared, although local Iron Valley herders had complained about a handful of dead sheep and cattle. The Third Cadmian Battalion was close to arÂ-riving in Hyalt. Neither Shastylt nor Zelyert had tasked him with any new or thankless tasks. Matters were calm. As Submarshal of Myrmidons, Dainyl should have been pleased. He was not. There were far too many aspects of events that hinted at troubles to come, yet about which Dainyl could do nothingâ"not without incurring the wrath and displeasure of the marshal, the High Alector of Justice, and the Duarch of Elcienâ"because there was almost nothing in the way of hard proof about any of his suspicions. The hints were there. Some were in the small stack of reports on the corner of his desk. There was the report that Seventh Myrmidon Company had moved to its new compound in Dulka, and another from Seventh Company reporting that Undercap-tain Sledaryk had been transferred to Lysia when Under-captain Hasya had requested a stipend after fifty years of service. Alcyna had promoted Undercaptain Veluara to captain and transferred her to take command of Seventh Company, rather than promoting Undercaptain Klynd to replace the late Majer Faerylt. Others were scattered bits of information, like Majer Noryan's past, the "replaced" report about the pteridons lost to the ancients, the resource diversions by the eastern engineers, and the mysterious deaths associated with its discovery. The shadow of a pteridon crossed the outer courtyardâ"an incoming dispatch flight, not that there would be anything but routine messages, if recent disÂ-patches were any indication. Dainyl was surprised, less than a quarter of a glass later, when the duty messenger rapped on his study door. "A dispatch for you, Submarshal." "Thank you." Dainyl stood and took the envelope. After the messenger departed, he checked it. The Talent-seal was unbroken, and when he opened the enveÂ-lope, he found that the message inside was brief. Submarshal Dainylâ" At your convenience, since you were deputed to handle the matter, I would like to request your presÂ-ence in Lyterna to discuss additional developments regarding the ice-wolves and similar predators. These may have a significant impact on Cadmian and Myrmidon operations. The signature was that of Asulet, underneath the title of Alector of Lifeforce. Dainyl made his way to Shastylt's study, since the marÂ-shal was in, and his presence was never something Dainyl could count upon. The marshal did not rise from behind his desk. "You have that worried look, Dainyl. I should say that you look more worried than usual, since you never look unworried anymore." "Isn't that my task, sir, to worry about the routine matters so that you can concentrate upon the others?" Dainyl extended the envelope. "This just arrived with the dispatches." Shastylt took it, read it quickly, and handed it back. "Is there anything happening now that Dhenyr can't handle?" "No, sir. Everything else is quiet. For now." "You worry too much, Dainyl." Shastylt chuckled. "Wait to worry until we actually have problems we can address. Just take the duty coach and use the Table this afternoon. Asulet will be there. He never goes anywhere." Behind the marshal's banter, deep behind, Dainyl could sense more than a little worry. "Does he ever leave Lyterna?" "He hasn't in years, or if he has, no one knows about it. There are sections of Lyterna that no one knows about but him." There was a brief pause. "Find out what he has to say and then let me know. If I'm not here when you get back, I'll be here in the morning." "Yes, sir." Dainyl nodded and departed. Less than half a glass later, he walked down the subterÂ-ranean corridor beneath the Hall of Justice toward the Table chamber. Outside of a single assistant, he saw no one in the hidden warrens. Nor did he sense anyone else. The Table chamber was also empty, and he stepped up onto the Table, his shields ready for anythingâ"he hopedâ"as he concentrated and dropped through the Table and... ... into the chill purple darkness. He immediately conÂ-centrated on finding the pink locator wedge that was Lyterna and Talent-linking to it. As he felt the distant Table moving toward him, he continued to be alert for any signs of troubleâ"and for amber-green flashes in the deeper blackness beyond the translation tube. He thought he sensed one such flash before the silvered-pink barrier at Lyterna shattered into its insubÂ-stantial and vanishing Talent-shards. Standing on the dark Table, he strengthened his shields. He had not worn his flying jacket, not with the warmth of the day in Elcien, and the frost boiled off the shimmersilk of his uniform tunic as he stepped off the Table in Elcien, Myenfel was the one who waited for Dainyl. "I trust you had no difficulties, Submarshal." "None at all, thank you. I appreciate your concern." Myenfel only nodded in response, then gestured. A gray-haired and frail-looking alector appeared. "Eshart will take you to Asulet. It's likely to be quicker that way." "Thank you." Myenfel offered a brief smile, then nodded to the gray-haired alector. Eshart said not a word, but immediately headed out of the Table chamber and down the long light-torch-lit corÂ-ridor, then up a narrow staircase, and along the main gallery east of the so-called Council Hall, and past the grand pteridon mural of a scene that never was. It was a scene Dainyl also hoped he never would seeâ"and hadn't thought at all possible until the events of the past season. Another series of twists and turns and a narrow hallwayâ"almost a tunnelâ"brought Dainyl out in a wider corridor he recognized, since, to his left, he could see the niches that held the ancient examples of Acorusâ"and the spare pteridonsâ"preserved in time against a future need. Eshart turned right and then stopped at the first doorâ"open. "Come in, Dainyl." Asulet's voice issued from within the chamber. "Please close the door." Dainyl stepped into the room, closing the door, and found himself in a study paneled in wood of a deep golden shadeâ"or was it oak that had aged centuries? He took a moment to survey the chamber, since he'd never been in Asulet's study before. Bookshelves comprised one entire wall, and every space was full. A line of wooden cases was stacked against the back wall, under a painting of Derekaâ"or a Dereka that was meant to have been, because the image held twin green towers. The wide table desk was also of ancient oak, as were the two wooden armchairs before it, and the upholstered chair beÂ-hind it. As with all chambers within.the underground structure, there were the light-torches, the air ducts and returnsâ"and no windows. Asulet stood at the corner of the desk. "Are you finÂ-ished cataloguing all that I have here, Dainyl?" "I doubt that I ever could, sir. Even if I could, I wouldn't understand a fraction of it." "At least you know that. Sit down." Dainyl waited until Asulet eased his gaunt frame into the chair behind the desk before taking a seat. "You arrived quickly, as usual." "Matters are quiet. I doubt that they will remain so, but Shastylt says that I worry too much." "As if he does not." Asulet leaned forward. "There are two matters I would like to discuss with you, Dainyl. The first one deals with the predators. The icewolves feed on lifeforce, as you know. What you may not know is that there was another lifeforce predator, far more deadly, that also feeds on lifeforce. Its rough form is that of an indi-gen. Although it appears slightly smaller, it is quite strong, and its skin is rock-hard and tannish. It may sparkle in the light at timesâ"" "Do you have one preserved here?" "No. They are more intelligent, and very rare. We were never able to capture one. One fieldmaster insisted that he saw one sink into the ground instantly, but no one else saw that happen, and there are no other records that support the claim. There are enough records and other evidence to support the existence of this predator. Like us, when they die, nothing long remains, but even without lifeforce-treated shimmersilk, their skin is almost impervious." "You think they may be reappearing also?" "I think a few have always been around, but with the reappearance of the icewolves, there may be more of them." "Why would they be more of a problem than the ice-wolves? Or can't they be killed with standard weapons?" "It's difficult to stop them with a standard Cadmian riÂ-fle. A skylance or a lightcutter will sufficeâ"if one gets a direct blast. I'd suggested rifles of larger caliber in the beginning, but the engineers insisted that was unnecesÂ-sary. The Duarches also didn't want rifles with excessive power in widespread usage, and they didn't want to create the idea that weapons used by indigens could come with larger barrels and cartridges. They felt a single rifle model would discourage firearms ... invention." And cannon, Dainyl thought. "So the Cadmians should be warned and told that only concentrated fire is effective?" "I would suggest waiting until there are reports of such creaturesâ"if there are. They may not reappear. I thought you and the marshal should know about the possibility." 'Thank you. If they should reappear, we'll have some idea of how to respond." "I would hope so. The second matter is a report from Sulerya. The number of translationsâ"and wild translationsâ"has increased to a level that we would not expect for several years, yet there are no reports of these translations. My own measurements show a greater life-force drain." "The wild translations ... isn't there quite a range? I heard about oneâ"after it was killed, it didn't disinte- grate. The body just remained there like a lander's. How could something like that happen?" Asulet fingered his chin. "That has happened, once or twice. My best judgment is that the alector panicked and tried to become part of Acorus while still in translation." "Is that possible? Becoming part of Acorus?" "Oh, yes. Even you or I could do it, if we didn't try it in a translation tube, but it wouldn't be a very good idea. It takes an enormous amount of Talent, and, in the end, we'd be more like Talented landersâ"smaller, weaker, and possibly even less intelligent." "You speak with authority. I assume someone tried it, then?" "Poor Turbryt did. So long ago that you don't want to know. He couldn't figure a way to change back, and he was desperate enough to try the long translation." Asulet shook his head. "He ended up as a wild translation on Ifryn, and..." Dainyl winced. After a moment of silence, he spoke quickly. "All the successful translations from Ifryn are goÂ-ing to Alustre or other Tables in the east? Besides Lysia?" "That appears to be the case, but not entirely. There are also more going to Hyalt." "They're not being reported to the Duarches?" "I could not say, but it appears unlikely that Khelaryt knows about them. Zelyert would not, and I would not be amiss to his knowing, but do not seek him out. He likes to feel that he is the one discovering and controlling." That made sense and fit with what Dainyl had observed. "Oh, Dainyl... I might add that you've become more Talented. It won't be long before Zelyert notices, if he hasn't already. Shastylt probably won't notice, because he tends to shut out things that don't accord with his views, and he doesn't think people ever change." "What do you suggest I do?" "Whatever you canâ"like all of us. That's all I had." Asulet's smile was both warm and wintry. "I assume you can find your way back to the Table." Dainyl smiled. "I think so. Give my best to Sulerya, if you see her." "That I will, and my best wishes to Lystrana." Dainyl rose, bowed slightly, and departed. It seemed strange that he had traveled halfway across Corns for such a short conversationâ"except mat what Asulet had said was not something that either he or Dainyl would have wanted in writing. As he walked back, he saw only two older menial alec-tors in the corridors, and the Table chamber was empty. Once in the chamber, without hesitation, he stepped onto the Table and concentrated. In the darkness of the translation tube, he could sense a web of purple "ahead" ... somehow linked to Elcien or the tube pathway between the two. It felt as though it were looking for him, or that whatever lay behind it was doing so. Could he translate somewhere elseâ"Blackstearâ"and then make a second translation? What if he did? Would that stop the webmaker? Or would he find yet another web "before " him ? He certainly didn't want to try what he had done the last time. Getting involved with the ancients was dangerÂ-ous and likely to get more so. Yet he had to do something. The chill was seeping into him. He extended a line of Talent. The weblike barrier strained toward him, colder even than the chill darkness around him, drawing him toward it. He could sense that it was designed to suck out his very lifeforce. Another one appeared "behind" him. The ancients had said that he could change. He didn 't want to change, especially after what Asulet had just told him, but the ancient's words implied he might be able to do some things as they did. What if he changed just his Talent-force? Trying to focus his thoughts and Talent in the enervatÂ-ing chill, he concentrated on replicating the sense of greenish Talent he 'd seen from the ancients. A line of yellow appeared. Dainyl needed more green, and he concentrated on amber and green. What resulted was something amber-greenish lying over purple pink. He could barely thinkâ" but he thrust it forward, trying to create a link to the blackness and green outside the purple darkness of the translation tube. Brilliant purple-pinkness coruscated all around him, and, if he could have, he would have closed his eyes, but the brilliance seared through him, blinding even his Talent-senses. His teeth wanted to chatter, and his body to spasm with the frigidity around him, but when he could again sense what lay around him, the webs had vanished. A series of green points flashed around him, and then vanished. His Talent-link with Elcien was shaky, but he firmed it up and then flashed through the white-silver barrier. His legs shook, and he half-staggered off the Table, then leaned against it, gasping and shuddering. The entire Table chamber darkened, as if the light-torches had dimmed. Dainyl glanced at them, but the darkness hadn't come from them. Another wave of darkÂ-ness dimmed the chamber, lasting longer than the first. Sulerya had said that using Talent energies in the tubes between Tables was dangerous. Had his defenses caused what was happening? A third and briefer wave of darkness emanated from the Table. Dainyl waited a time, but there was no more darkness. Finally, he straightened and made his way from the chamber through the outer foyer and into the outer corridor. He replaced the outer Talent-lock and turned, more than ready to head back to headquarters, although he felt more like going home and sleeping. "Traveling again, Submarshal? Where?" Zelyert stood several yards down the corridor, smiling, although there was little warmth in the expression. "Lyterna. Asulet had some informationâ"" "He's always interesting. You can spare a moment, can't you?" Zelyert motioned for Dainyl to follow him. Since the Highest's question was a command, Dainyl entered the small private study, careful to close the door behind him. Since Zelyert remained standing, so did Dainyl. Tired as he was, he was careful to maintain full shields. "What did he officially tell you?" asked the High Alec-tor of Justice. "He fears that there is another of the lifeforce predaÂ-tors loose. It's likely to become more of a problem." "Oh... the sander things. I've read the reports on them. They could be a problem for the Cadmians. Their rifles don't have enough impact power to break their outer skin. Does he really think they'll reappear?" "He thinks that the icewolves are the first step." Zelyert nodded. "He's usually right about those things." "You've had more experience with him, sir, but it seems that way to me." "Why did he really want you there?" Dainyl didn't even debate denying that Asulet had anÂ-other reason. "He's worried. He's gotten information that large numbers of wild translations are taking place. Based on that, he thinks that other successful translations from Ifryn are taking place. The alectors who are making the translations aren't arriving in the places where he or you could track them, though." "I thought it might be something like that. Did he tell you not to tell me?" "No, sir." "He's learned something, at least. What do you intend to do about it?" "I don't know that it's something that is my task, sir, but I haven't had time to consider it. I don't think transÂ-lating to Alustre would tell me anything." "It wouldn't, and it would be futile, and dangerous, not to mention that it doesn't have anything to do with your duties. For the time being, Dainyl, I suggest you deal with Myrmidon and Cadmian matters." "I have been, sir." "I know, and I suggest it remain that way, and that it be clear to everyone that you are doing so." "Yes, sir." "And Dainyl?" "Yes, sir?" "You're very wise not to try to deceive me." "I wouldn't even think it, sir." "That's the mark of a good marshal... or submar-shal." Zelyert smiled. "That's all I wanted to know." Dainyl made his way out and up through the concealed stairs and though the Hall of Justice. He still had to report on the sander creatures to Shastylt, and he wasn't at all happy with Zelyert's parting words. 41 "Not exactly the best spot for a comÂ-pound," observed Culeyt. Mykel and the captain had reined up on the low rise overlooking a rubble-strewn set of buildings and a wall roughly fifty yards square. Rather, the outside dimensions were fifty yards. One section of buildings had collapsed. The remainder had clearly been pillaged, with no winÂ-dows, no glass, no doors. Over the too-low wall, Mykel could see dirt-covered paving stones in the center of the small garrison. Less than fifty yards separated the ruined garrison from the two-yard-high weathered brick walls of the loading yard of an abandoned factor's warehouse. What remained of the warehouse was little enoughâ" stone cornerposts, a few charred timbers, and shattered roof tiles. By comparison, the compound buildings had fared relatively better. "No. You could heap up earthworks here or even timÂ-ber barricades and fire down. They didn't expect anyone to attack them. Not when they built it, anyway. It's more like an overgrown town patroller station." "Looks like someone looted it," added Bhoral, from where he had reined up behind the two officers. "I'm certain they did. We'll camp here until we get things squared away, but this is no place for a real comÂ-pound." Mykel turned his mount. "Captain, Fourteenth Company will accompany me. Bhoral, pass the word that the others are to do what they can here for temporary quarters. Sixteenth Company will stand by, ready to ride, until I get back. I'll tell Captain Rhystan myself." Mykel rode farther up the hillside to the low crest. From there he could survey Hyalt and some of the surÂ-rounding area. The town lay east of the rise on which the garrison had been built, with the high road dividing it so that a third lay west of the road? and two-thirds to the east. The larger dwellings in the town were situated on a raised flat stretch of land slightly to the northeast of the town square. At the south end of the town, the road turned eastward, just north of the narrow creek that wound to the southeast. From the maps, he knew that that stretch of road connected Hyalt and Syan, some two hundred and fifty vingts east. He turned in the saddle, looking out over the hills to the west, covered with a mixture of grass and junipers, with occasional low pines. He frowned as he noted, farÂ-ther to the west, a redstone structure apparently carved into the side of a bluff. A single freestanding redstone building was situated out from the bluff, and a low stone wall set off both structures from the surrounding rolling grasslands. A stone road ran from there toward Hyalt. After a moment, he nodded. That had to be where the regional alector was located, but he wondered why the compound was set so far from the town itself. Then he shrugged. That was probably for the best. He wasn't cerÂ-tain he wanted to be close to any alectors. At that thought, his fingers brushed his belt, and he could sense the faint green force emanating from the conÂ-cealed dagger of the ancients. He rode down the slope toward Sixteenth Company and Rhystan. "You find it, sir?" asked Rhystan. "Find what?" Mykel grinned. "Whatever it was." Rhystan grinned back. "The alectors' local headquarters are out to the west. Part of it's tunneled into a cliff. Seems odd. Everywhere else, they're close to the center of things." "Everything about this place seems strange." "I'm taking Fourteenth Company with me to pay a visit to the council head. You're in charge. Sixteenth Company is on standby, in case someone's unfriendly. The others are to do what they can to make the garrison temporarily usable. We'll need to find a better site for a permanent compound." "Much better." Rhystan shook his head. "There's no good way to defend this with just a company. It's better than being in the open, but not much." "That's why we need to get working on building a new compound firstâ"and why I need you to be on guard." "We'll be here." Rhystan nodded. As Mykel rode back toward Culeyt, he heard Rhystan's voice. "Sixteenth Company! Listen up!..." Mykel glanced once more at the shell of what had been a garrison. He hadn't ever been certain he'd use what his father had taught him about building, but it looked like he was going to wish he'd learned more. "Fourteenth Company, ready to ride, sir," announced Culeyt before Mykel had even finished reining up. "Let's go." Fortunately, the street into the main section of Hyalt was wide enough to ride two abreast, and still leave room for the scattered pedestrians and infrequent carts and wagons. Three lanes farther along, Mykel and the comÂ-pany turned south on the high road, which also served as the main boulevard of the town. A half vingt south, they came to the town square. "Company, halt!" "Sir?" 'That looks like the council building over there." Mykel pointed to a one-story redstone building set beÂ-tween a chandlery and a building without any identifying markings. "If you'd send a scout to inquire ... we're looking for the head of the town council." "Yes, sir." Culeyt turned. "Coroden ..." While the scout rode toward the building facing onto the square, Mykel studied the area. The square itself was a good hundred yards on a side, centered on a golden marÂ-ble platform, with a statue of the Duarches set on a pedestal in the middle. Several yards back from the pedestal was a low redstone wall. As in most towns and cities in Coras, the roofs were tiled. The walls of the houses and other buildings were a mixture of stone and masonry, the older structures being of stone, the newer ones of a sandy red brick. The doors and trim were either oiled or painted a dull reddish brown. He could sense the eyes of several people on the side porch of the inn looking in the direction of the company. A woman with laundry in a basket on her head hurried across the edge of the square, turning away from the ridÂ-ers. Mykel couldn't blame her. "Sir!" called Coroden. "This is the goldsmith's. The council chamber is off the square that way." "You head there, and we'll follow," replied Mykel. The council chamber was only a block away, a redÂ-stone building larger than the goldsmith's, with a roof composed of grayish red tiles, and high windows with open shutters rather than glassed panes. Mykel, Culeyt, and Fourteenth Company waited while Coroden entered the council chamber. He was out of sight only a few moments before returning. 'The clerk says that the head of the council's not here, sir," reported Coroden. "I imagine that he's not. Find out where he is and how we get there. And his name." "Yes, sir." Coroden went back into the building, emerging shortly. "The council head is Troral, and he's a wool factor. His place is down two lanes and over a half block, just off the high road." The scout remounted. That made sense to Mykel. A factor wanted to be close to either a river or a high road. As the company rode back toward the inn and past the square, heading southward, most of those on the side porch of the inn slipped out of sight. Only a bent old woman carrying a bucket remained. She stared at Mykel. He met her gaze evenly, and after a moment, she looked away. Troral's factorage was a modest structure, no more than fifteen yards across the front, and less than that in depth, although Mykel could see a stable down the side lane past a battered loading dock. The factorâ"a narrow-faced and balding man whose remaining hair was gray and wispyâ"appeared in the front doorway before Mykel could dispatch Coroden. He wore a wide canvas apron and said nothing. "You're Troral?" "Yes." The balding factor's answer was wary. "I'm Majer Mykel, commanding officer of the Third Battalion. We're here to rebuild the garrison and reestabÂ-lish Cadmian companies here." The stocky factor looked up at Mykel, then at the comÂ-pany that filled the side street. "You've got a lot of troopers here, Majer. Hyalt doesn't need that much protection." "The garrison that was here obviously wasn't enough," Mykel pointed out. "What can you tell me about what happened?" "There's not much to say, Majer. I'm sure you've been told. One night there was shooting, and the next morning, they were all dead. There were bodies all over. We sent word to the regional alector, and there were Myrmidons here in a few days." "No one was shooting at anyone else?" Mykel had trouble believing Troral's story. Why would they need Cadmians? Or was it another case where someone was afraid of what might happen? "There hasn't been a shot fired here since then." What bothered Mykel even more was the feeling he got that Troral was telling the truth, at least as he saw it. "That's why I wouldn't think you'd need so many troopers. Hyalt's not that well off, but it's peaceable." "I'm sure it is." Mykel smiled politely. "This is just one company. Third Battalion has five, and there are two Hyalt companies that will remain once we've made sure that none of the irregulars or brigands are left and once the new compound is completed." "I see. Regional alector sent a message saying someÂ-one would be coming to rebuild things. We didn't expect so many troopers. Bad enough that the alector's been buying more provisions in the last season. Drives up prices, and that's hard on folks. What would you be wantÂ-ing of me?" "I wanted to let you know why we're here." Mykel paused. "I'd also hope that I'd be seeing the heads of the guilds that handle building early tomorrow." "I'm not a guildmasterâ"" "I understand, but I'm certain you can get the message to them. We will be paying for the construction, once we select the right site." "You're not rebuilding..." "No. That garrison wasn't defensible, and it's too small. We'll find the site, and then the owner and the council will put in a reimbursement claim with the reÂ-gional alector." "They won't pay enough." Mykel kept smiling. From what he'd seen, the alectors weren't spendthrifts, but they also didn't try to gouge out the last copper the way more than a few merchants and factors he'd seen did. "I suppose you have to do what you must," grudged Troral. "We all do, and work for less coin than we'd like is better than none." A faint smile crossed his lips. "You might be wanting some blankets and other cloth." "We might at that," Mykel replied. "Once we're getÂ-ting close to having the new compound completed." He leaned forward and handed a copy of the proclamation and authorization to Troral. "That copy is for the counÂ-cil." "It might be hard to build ..." "I'm certain we'll find a way, and that you'll be of great assistance." Mykel smiled. "I look forward to seeÂ-ing the guildmasters. Early tomorrow." Troral nodded in response. "We'll do what we can, Majer." Mykel inclined his head, slightly. "A good day to you." He turned the roan back northward, letting Culeyt bring Fourteenth Company behind him. Which would be harder, tracking down insurgents that no one had seenâ" or would talk aboutâ"or building a new compound? He wasn't looking forward to either, and, in a way that he couldn't describe, he was more than a little concerned with the isolated and semifortified structures of the reÂ-gional alector. With that location and Myrmidons, why had they even needed to call in Cadmians? Or were there more of the ancient soarers around and the Myrmidons didn't want to risk pteridons? Until Dramur, Mykel hadn't even realized that the creatures could be destroyed. He wanted to brush his fingers across his belt, but he knew that the dagger of the ancients was still there. Was the indestructible dagger somehow a key to the powers that could destroy a Myrmidon or a pteridonâ"or just a symbol of that power? Rachyla's warnings seemed far more ominous now that he was in Hyalt than they had in Dramur or even Southgate. 42 On Quattri morning, a good glass and a half before first light, Lystrana stood just inside the door, holding Dainyl tightly. "Be very careful." "I will, but you're in as much danger as I am." "Not so long as I'm in the Duarch's Palace." She kissed him on the cheek and stepped back. Dainyl had his doubts about that, but there was little he could do, and Lystrana was as Talented as he was, if not more so, and certainly more experienced in intrigue. With a brief last smile, he stepped out into the darkness. In moments, he was walking briskly along the boulevard toward the Hall of Justice. The faintest hints of fog swirled off the bay and across the isle of Elcien, although they would vanish with the morning sun. Selena, showing but a crescent, was low in the darkness of the western sky, and while the green disc that was Asterta hung just high enough in the east to be visible over the roofs of Elcien. Zelyert had effectively ordered Dainyl to confine himÂ-self to Myrmidon and Cadmian affairs, and Dainyl inÂ-tended to do so. He just intended to handle some of those matters in Lysia. As he had planned, there was only one assistant in the concealed lower chambers of the Hall of Justice, and the young alector nodded politely at the submarshal as Dainyl made his way to the Table chamber. After carefully replacing the Talent-locks, he stepped onto the Table. The darkness beneath seemed less black and overpowÂ-ering, if as chill. Even as he linked to the orange and yelÂ-low locator that was Lysia, Dainyl kept his Talent-senses exploring the pure blackness beyond the distinct purpled confines of the translation tube. The translation tubeâ"or the space in which he traveledâ"seemed to curve, almost to buck, several times. That was something Dainyl hadn't experienced before, but he concentrated on the locator. Still, within his brief transit, he sensed a half score of the quick green flashes that signified ancients. Why so many? Then the silvered orange and yellow parted away from him more like mist than shards. He stood on the Table in Lysia. As he stepped down, the hidden doorway parted, and Sulerya stepped out. She had deep circles under her bloodshot eyes, and her short black hair was dull and disÂ-arranged. "Submarshal... it felt like you. I wasn't cerÂ-tain. I'm glad you made it." "Glad? What happened?" asked Dainyl. "You look exhausted." "Idiots! Brekylt's recorders ... I don't know what they did, but yesterday the entire grid nearly collapsed. The word is that Kasyst was killed in the backlash." Kasyst? Why was the name familiar? Dainyl raised his eyebrows. "Kasyst?" "The recorder at Norda." "Oh ... him." "You know him?" "His assistant tried to shoot me as a wild Talent. That was the explanation, anyway. I couldn't very well accuse him of lying." Especially not then. "What exactly did you have to do with it, Submarshal? You're not exactly surprised." Dainyl shrugged. 'They tried to trap me between TaÂ-bles again when I headed back to Elcien from Lyterna. My shields were adequate." "Again? They're greater idiots than I thought possible. tney a oesiroyâ" She broke ott her words. "Why are you such a danger to them?" "I wish I knew. Others must know what I know. You certainly do. So does your father. Sevasya and Khelaryt have to know some of what I know and more besides. Shastylt and Zelyert know a great deal. These days, I don't control anything, not really." "All that is true." Sulerya's attempt at a smile came out as a tired grimace. "But I don't see Brekylt and his recorders attacking them." "When did any of them recently translate anywhere except to Ludar? Why do you think that Zelyert and Shastylt are sending me places?" "Why are you letting diem?" "I could avoid some of the translations," Dainyl admitÂ-ted, "but I don't see any way out of the difficulties except by discovering exactly what Brekylt and Alcyna have in mindâ"and being able to prove it." "They must think that you could. Can you?" "Not yet, but that's one reason I'm here. I need to talk to Sevasya and some of her senior officers and rankers." "She's around this morning. I saw her earlier." Sulerya paused. "You won't mind if I don't escort you this time?" "You're worried about the Table grid?" "Most of the adjustments and compensations have to be made here or in Dereka. That's the way the system was designed. I think we have it stabilized, but..." "Until you're certain everything is stable, you don't want to be far away," Dainyl finished. She nodded. "I can find my way. I hope matters remain calm, though." "So do I." Dainyl nodded, turned, and made his way out through the doors, still unguarded, and up the staircase. The courtyard beyond was bathed in hazy morning light, and the heat was like a steamy shower. Even Dainyl blotted his forehead after a score of steps across the paved court- yard toward the small stone building that held Eighth Company headquarters. "Submarshal, sir! Welcome back to Lysia." The duty officer was on his feet as soon as he saw Dainyl. "Is the captain in?" "Yes, sir. That way, sir. Second door." "Thank you." Dainyl had remembered, but appreciated the directions. Sevasya was standing beside her desk. A slow smile crossed her wide face. "Submarshal. Two visits in less than a season. What can we do for you?" Dainyl didn't bother to close the door. Not yet. "I'm attempting to clarify some matters. You didn't take over here until after Noryan was transferred to Alustre, did you?" "No. It was a year later." The smile faded. "Is there anyone still here in the company who was? If there are, I'd like to speak to them." "I think Undercaptain Juanyl was, but I'd have to check, and maybe Aisenyt. You know that Submarshal Alcyna has tended to require more rotation than in the west?" "I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that Eighth ComÂ-pany is more stable than the others." "For the last five years or so, that's true. If you'd like to follow me, sir." Dainyl followed Sevasya down the corridor two doors to the small file room. "This will take a moment." She opened the topmost of the second row of file cases, flipping through the jackets inside. "Date of service ... arrival..." Dainyl smiled and waited. Less than a quarter glass later, the captain straightened and turned. "I was right. Juanyl was here then. So far as I can see, he's the only one." "Is he here this morning?" "Everyone is. We try not to fly on days that are this hot and damp, except very early in the morning, or just be- fore sunset. His collateral duty is maintenance officer." She replaced the dossier and closed the file box. "Do you want to talk to him now?" "That would be best." Dainyl cleared his throat. "After Undercaptain Juanyl, I'd also like to talk to Undercaptain Sledaryk." "He's only been here a few weeks." "I know. It's about what happened in Dulka after I visÂ-ited there. But, if we could see Juanyl first..." "This way." Sevasya turned, and the two walked back down the corridor, out the rear doorway of the headquarÂ-ters building, and across the courtyard. They found the undercaptain in a small room, looking at a set of plans. Juanyl was a midsized alector, a half head shorter than Dainyl. His skin wasn't alabaster white, but bore a tinge of almond, perhaps because of the years of flying service. "Captain ... Submarshal, sir. I was checking the drain plans. With last week's rain, we had some problems ..." "Juanyl, the submarshal would like a few words with you." Sevasya looked to Dainyl. "There's nothing secret about this, Captain. I'd hoped you'd stay." She nodded. Dainyl turned to the older Myrmidon. "I've been tryÂ-ing to find Myrmidons who knew Majer Noryan before he went to Alustre. I know that was years ago ..." 'Twelve years, sir, to the season." "What can you tell me about his early times in the Myrmidons?" "Well, sir... I can tell you this. I never thought he'd be more than a career ranker, sir. Maybe not even that. He was the company driver for three years. Good with horses, and shy with people. He was always nervous, and thin. Never said that much, and looked sort of strange if anyone told a joke, like he didn't understand. Majer Al-cyna, she was the one who said things would change, and I guess she was right." "Were those her words?" asked Dainyl. 'That was a long time back, sir, but as I recall, what she said was that times were changing and that even Noryan had a role to play. Sort of smiled when she said that." Dainyl could imagine Alcyna saying that, especially if he happened to be right about what had happened and was continuing to happen. He could sense Sevasya stiffÂ-ening inside her relaxed exterior. "Is there anything else you can remember? Did he have any special abilities?" "Except with the horses ... and even the pteridons, I can't say that he did. Often wondered if he felt more comfortable with them. I don't think he ever risked either animal on anything. Don't think he could have, but... that was then." "Did he ever have any close friends here?" "Not that I know. He was a translation orphan, fostered north of here. Wasn't close to his foster parents, even though they schooled him. Both of them died in an acciÂ-dent of some sort, maybe six months after he went to Alustre. It could have been less." "How well did he speak?" Juanyl chuckled. "Who would know? I never heard him say much more than 'Yes, sir' or 'No, sir.'" Dainyl asked a few more questions, listening carefully to the responses, before saying, "Thank you. I appreciate your spending the time." He turned. "Captain ... if we could proceed." "Yes, sir." Sevasya led Dainyl back across the humid courtyard. "For the moment, Undercaptain Sledaryk has been the one drafting flight and schedule rotations for my approval." Dainyl thought he understood. The two walked back into headquarters, halting at the first door inside the building. Sledaryk jumped to his feet. "Submarshal! Captain!" "The submarshal wanted a few words with you, UnderÂ-captain." "Yes, sir." Dainyl took a moment to study Sledaryk, both with eyes and Talent. Two things were clear. First, Sledaryk was relatively young for an undercaptain, and, second, he was strongly Talented, if not particularly well trained. "How long did you remain in Dulka after Captain Veluara took command?" "Two days, sir. Just long enough to gather my gear. I was told that Captain Sevasya needed an experienced unÂ-dercaptain because one of hers had put in for a stipend. I took my pteridon; it's easier that way. I was told that UnÂ-dercaptain Hasya flew hers to Alustre to be transferred to a newâ"another Myrmidon." Sevasya nodded. "Hasya was tired of the damp and the heat and wanted to be in Alustre. She'd found a position with the Highest of the East, with the chief of trade. It was easier just to transfer one pteridon to a new flyer." "Did you meet Captain Veluara?" "Yes, sir, but only once or twice. She was pretty busy with the new regional alector. That's Quivaryt. Nothing much got done after... after you were there. Not for a while, anyway." "I imagine," replied Dainyl dryly. "How would you describe Captain Veluara? I've met her, but I'd like your impressions." "Ah ... yes, sir." Sledaryk paused. "She looks young, sir, but she's a lot older than she looks, you know, the way Majer Faerylt was. She got right on the business of getÂ-ting the company moved to the new compoundâ"knew where everything was supposed to be and who was doing what. She knew everyone's name and background, even." "Would you say that she seemed very experienced?" "Yes, sir. Very much so, sir." "Did she say anything about what would happen to the old compound?" "Undercaptain Lyzetta asked about that. Captain VeluÂ-ara said that was one of the things she was working out with the RA, and that the Highest of the East had already made plans for the old compound once we'd moved. She didn't say what they were, just that it was up to the Highest." "Did anyone in Seventh Company know Captain Velu-ara from an earlier assignment?" "I don't think so, sir, but I didn't ask anyone. I was getÂ-ting ready to leave." "Did Captain Veluara spend much time debriefing you?" "No, sir. I mean, we spent maybe a glass where she asked about my squad, and the rankers in it, how long they'd been there, if they were local or from places like Alustre, whether any were married, just background inÂ-formation." "Did any replacement for you arrive, or do you know if the captain intended to promote someone?" "She said that Submarshal Alcyna would be dispatchÂ-ing an undercaptain from Alustre shortly." Dainyl nodded slowly. "Thank you, Undercaptain. I think that you'll find you've been extraordinarily fortuÂ-nate to be transferred to Eighth Company, and I do trust you'll appreciate that." He looked to Sevasya. "CapÂ-tain ... I'll need a few moments of your time." "Of course." Sevasya led the way back to her study. Neither officer said anything until the captain closed the door. "How did she think she could get away with it?" asked Sevasya. "Except she did, didn't she?" "It makes sense. Noryan was a translation orphan. No one knew him, not really. Alcyna picked him when he was still young and then transferred him to Fourth Company." "How did you figure out that Noryan wasn't Noryan?" Dainyl shrugged. "I couldn't say. He didn't feel right, and some of the reportsâ"I know one was changed." All of that was true, although it wasn't the whole truth. "You think Veluara is one, too?" Dainyl would have wagered that, based on his own earÂ-lier observations of the newly promoted captain and on what Sledaryk had said, but he replied, "I don't know. It's clear that she's part of whatever they're planning." "What are you going to do? If I might ask, sir?" "For the moment, nothing. One doesn't accuse two disÂ-tinguished officers without some sort of hard proof." "And a great deal of support from one's superiors," she added. "That, too," Dainyl admitted with a laugh. After a moÂ-ment, he asked, "And what are you going to do, as a MyrÂ-midon captain and daughter of a Duarch?" "What I canâ"guard Lysia and do my duty. I'm barred from contacting him, and he's conditioned against listenÂ-ing to anything I might say." Sevasya looked squarely at Dainyl. "You have better access to him than do I." Dainyl scarcely had any access. He had enough rank to get perhaps a single appointment, and that would have to be through Lystrana. That would put both of themâ"and their unborn daughterâ"in even greater danger. What would he say to the Duarch? That he believed the Highest of the East was conspiring, perhaps with the Duarch of Ludar, to do ... what? Dainyl still had no idea at what end all the conspiring was aimed. To gain power and deÂ-pose the Archon while bringing the Master Scepter to Acorus? To thwart the possibility that Zelyert might want to stop the Master Scepter from coming to Acorus and thus support the Archon? What if Khelaryt happened to be subtly encouragingâ"or not discouragingâ"Zelyert's plans, whatever they were? Should the Master Scepter come to Acorus? The more he saw what Brekylt and his allies were doÂ-ing, the less he seemed able to determine why. "I have some access, Captain. But without more knowledge, it will not be useful, except to secure my death." "Then ... had you best not discover it, Submarshal?" Dainyl smiled, wryly. "Like all knowledge of value, it is not easy to discover, and once discovered, to understand." In the end, Dainyl walked briskly back to the Table chamber, his Talent-senses alert, even as he recognized that Lysia was one of the few places where he was relaÂ-tively safe. Sulerya was standing beside the Table as he entered the chamber. "Are things stable?" he asked. "For now. Probably for a while. At least until the next time you try a translation somewhere." She tilted her head slightly. "Did you discover what you were looking for?" "Yes, but it's not anything I can use to prove what's happening." "You may never be able to prove anything, Submar-shal. Does that mean you will not act for what you see as the best?" "That is a good question, Recorder. I don't have an anÂ-swer for it." "You'd best find one, then." Dainyl glanced at the Table. How safe was it? Did he have any choice? "Submarshal Dainyl?" "Yes, Sulerya?" "The Table tracking systems don't seem to be functionÂ-ing at the moment." The hint of a tired smile crossed her mouth. "That won't affect your translation, of course." "Thank you." Dainyl stepped onto the Table. The purpled darkness between Tables was undisturbed. Dainyl did not even sense a single flash of green beyond, and there were no attempts at impeding his progress. The silver-white barrier dissolved away from him. His uniform was scarcely chill when he stepped off the Table. Chastyl stood waiting. The recorder inclined his head to Dainyl. "Welcome back, Submarshal. I'm glad to see that you had no trouble with the Tables." "So am I... and thank you." What puzzled Dainyl about the greeting was the genuineness behind the words. Chastyl was clearly pleased to see him, although it was equally clear that the recorder had no special likÂ-ing for him. Dainyl arrived at Myrmidon headquarters less than a half glass after morning muster. He was still standing in his study, looking at the reports on the side of his desk, when Shastylt appeared in the study doorway. "Good morning, sir." "Where have you been?" "Is something wrong?" Dainyl reinforced his shields. "Outside of having a deputy I can't find? No. That's bad enough." Dainyl wasn't about to argue about half a glass, alÂ-though Shastylt was often gone for longer periods. "I've been in Lysiaâ"" "Zelyert told me that he'd strongly suggested you conÂ-fine your activities to your duties." Shastylt stepped into the study. "I was there on Myrmidon tasks, sir." Dainyl slipped around his superior and closed the door. "Such as?" "I have fairly strong indications that many, if not all, of the officers in three of the four eastern companies are not who we think they are. Noryan is probably a translated Myrmidon from Ifryn." "He's from Ifryn. He came here as an infant. I checked." "No, sir. The original Noryan did. He was shorter than I am, rail-thin, and nervous. He had no sense of humor, and didn't want to talk to anyone. He liked horses and pteridons and had no sense of command at all. Alcyna transferred him from Eighth Company just before CapÂ-tain Sevasya took command. The Noryan who appeared in Alustre is almost as tall as Khelaryt, as muscular as a bull, with shoulders to match, with a low-key sense of huÂ-mor, and leadership skills. He was an undercaptain in less than two years, a captain in two more ..." "That would explain much." "You don't seem surprised, sir." 'The only thing surprising is that you're still alive." Shastylt laughed, an edge to his voice that Dainyl had not heard before. "Why? At this point, I don't have anything that I could bring before the Highest or the Duarch. There might be two alectors left alive anywhere who know firsthand what I just told you, and I doubt either could say absolutely that Noryan is not Noryan. Besides, the Noryan we know has an outstanding record since he was transferred from Eighth Company." "That wasn't what I meant. The Table grid almost colÂ-lapsed yesterday, and stability wasn't restored until this morning. You could have been a wild translation by now." "I was fortunate." "More than you know, Dainyl." Shastylt stood silent for a moment. "Do you have any idea what Brekylt has in mind?" "No. Not besides building his own power, that is. It's clear he and Alcyna essentially have control of Third, Fourth, and Seventh Companies, and that they control the Tables in Alustre, Norda, Dulka, and Prosp. They're not pleased with you or with the High Alector of Justice. I was hoping you might be able to tell me why." Shastylt fingered his squarish chin, then nodded. After several moments, he began to speak, slowly. "Brekylt thought he should have been named High Alector of JusÂ-tice, and Samist had pressed for that. Khelaryt thought differently, and in a difference of opinion between the Duarches, the final decision rests with the one who has direct supervision. Khelaryt chose Zelyert. As Zelyert has hinted, he has great concerns about how lifeforce growth is managed. Too rapid and too widespread a growth of manufactories will indeed increase indigen lifeforce, but that spike in lifeforce is followed by a rapid decline in overall world lifeforce because the growth is fueled by the destruction of things like the forests, too many fields bearing only one crop, and too much killing of nondomesticated plants and animals. Brekylt and Samist want to increase indigen lifeforce and present that as a reason why Acorus is suited to hold the Master Scepter. Zelyert and Khelaryt believe that a broader-based lifeforce mass is more conducive to supporting the Master Scepter. In effect, die Archon has only said that he will evaluate bodi Efra and Acorus when the time comes." All of that might well be true, Dainyl noted, but it was far from a complete explanation. "Are they afraid Zelyert and Khelaryt might be able to prove they are right?" "I think they fear that they are wrong and that Acorusâ"and theyâ"will suffer." "How will they suffer? If the Master Scepter does not come here, will they not remain as they are?" "No. Khelaryt and Samist will be judged to have failed, and will be replaced by regents of the Archon. All those serving them will be examined. Some may remain. Some certainly will not." "And if Samist and Brekylt managed to take total conÂ-trol of Acorus, what would the Archon do?" "If they proved it could best support the Master Scepter... nothing. If not, they would be cast into the long translation tunnel without end." Dainyl felt a cold shiver go down his spine. "You tell me, Submarshal," said Shastylt. "Are they planning such a revolt?" "I don't know. I would judge that they are planning for that possibility." "That is what Zelyert has fearedâ"and planned for." "Might I ask how?" "You might, but I cannot say, because he has not anÂ-swered that very same question for me." That also was true, Dainyl sensed. It also raised anÂ-other question. "Can we do anything about Alcynaâ"and those companies?" "Can you imagine anything worse than Myrmidon fighting Myrmidon? The drain on lifeforce from any proÂ-longed battles would doom Acorus to being forever subservientâ"if it didn't plunge the world into immediate chaos and destruction. Your task is much the same as it was in Dramur. We must keep the Myrmidons out of the conflict, not because we do not support the Highest and the Duarch, but because we do." "Wouldn't it just be simpler for Alcyna or Brekylt to have a mishap of some sort?" "It would indeed. Do you know anyone who could acÂ-complish that without leaving a trail back to usâ"and setÂ-ting Myrmidon against Myrmidon? It's ironic, but they face exactly the same problem." "So ... lesser individuals who support themâ"or usâ" suffer mishaps ... until someone can break the stalemate in a decisive wayâ"without ravaging the lifeforce of the world?" "You have an admirable grasp of the situation, Dainyl. Within those confines, we do what we can and we must. As always. I'll leave you to think about it." After Shastylt departed, Dainyl walked back to the window. The situation was worse than he had feared, and in more ways than he had expected. He also noted one other interesting point: Shastylt had given him no orders and no directives. They had only been implied. He also realized something else. Shastylt had never committed to either side, not really. That surprised Dainyl not at all. 43 Mykel was up well before dawn on Quinti, checking with his officers. He hadn't slept all that well, with dreams about the ancient soarersâ"the first he'd had in some time, but they brought back all too clearly the sense of antiquity and power that he had felt so strongly when he had met the soarer above the mine in Dramur. The battalion had spent the day before returning some semblance of order to the garrison. Mykel had also made sure that the ammunition wagon had been unÂ-loaded and the contents stored in the old armory, underÂ-ground in the vaults that hadn't been that damagedâ"just missing whatever ammunition might once have been there. He didn't want Third Battalion's ammunition out in the open. The duty guards had seen no signs of irregÂ-ulars or brigands, but Mykel hadn't expected they'd apÂ-pear for a few days, not until word got around, especially since they seemed only to have targeted the Cadmians. The garrison roof had remained intact in most places. That might have been because the roof tiles were cracked and in poor shape and probably would have come apart if anyone had tried to remove them, but Hyalt wasn't known for heavy rain, and any roof over the troopers was better than none. Late on Quattri Mykel had visited the chandlery and several other places and gotten the names of some growÂ-ers. Before long, he'd have to work out provisioning arrangementsâ"along with everything elseâ"because the provisions on the wagons, replenished last in Tempre, would last but another week at best. Then there was the need for fodder for the mounts. Regular furnishings and equipment for the new compound would be sent by wagon from Tempre once it was nearing completion. Morning muster was barely completed on Quinti when two townsmen appeared, one driving a battered cart pulled by a swaybacked horse, and the other sitting beÂ-side him. The cart creaked to a halt outside the gap in the walls that had once held a gate, but even the iron hinges had been pulled out of the brickwork. Suspecting that the two were the guild heads, Mykel walked toward them. By the time he reached the cart, the driver stood beside the horse, holding the traces loosely. He was a squarish indigen, with darker skin, strong blunt features, and brown hair showing streaks of gray. His broad hands were callused, with a pinkish welt across the back of his left hand. "Poeldyn, Majer. Building guild. Troral said you'd like to be seeing us." "Mykel," the majer offered. "I did." He looked to the second man, minner, perhaps a few years younger, with a full reddish blond beard. "Styndalâ"crafters." "We're going to be relocating and building a larger compound." "On this hill... shoulda been done long time back," muttered Poeldyn. "What about this hill?" "Just... unlucky ... always has been." Poeldyn forced a smile. "What you be needing?" "We'll need stoneworkers, masons, carpenters, tilers..." "You got plans ... and someone who knows what they mean?" asked Poeldyn. "I have the plans, and I know something about what they mean." Mykel grinned. "What I don't, I'm sure you two do." "We don't work for free," added Styndal. "I have some golds, and a letter of credit for the balÂ-ance, so much to be drawn every month." "Credits ... aren't good for ..." "The letter means I can draw golds on it. I assume TroÂ-ral or one of the factors has arrangements." Styndal nodded. "He's got arrangements." "Biggest problem'11 be getting quarrymen," offered Poeldyn. "The quarries haven't been used lately?" "You might say as so. That was where all the trouble started ... and for all their blue-flame lances, them MyrÂ-midons weren't all that good at rooting out the strange ones.... They'd flame everything, even melt some of the facing stone, and afore long the creatures'd be back." "Tell me about the strange ones." Poeldyn glanced at Styndal, then finally spoke. "They were fearsome things. One was half man, from the waist down, and like one of those flying creatures the MyrmiÂ-dons have on the top. Another one was like a sandox, exÂ-cept with a big triangular horn. There was one big black giant cat with claws sharper' n knives ..." "Has anyone seen anything like mat lately?" "No one's wanted to go out to the quarry, not with no one building anything," Poeldyn pointed out. "Not since Boreal... anyway." "Boreal?" The name meant nothing to Mykel, but there was something about the way the crafter had menÂ-tioned it. "He was a squad leader with the Cadmians ... should have been the undercaptain, from what everyone said. Real good about getting to where trouble was. Funny thing, though. Everyone else got cut up or shot. Looked like he'd been burned. Not much blood, either, not for all the slashes." Poeldyn shrugged. "Since he got killed, no one wants to work the quarry. Never any trouble when his squad was out there. Best shot in Hyalt or anywhere around." Those words sent a chill down Mykel's back, but he pushed the feeling away. "I'll have a patrol investigate the quarry before anyone returns to work there." He paused. "Who owns the quarry?" "It belongs to the regional alector, but anyone in the town has the right to quarry there now that they finished their building out west." "What else should I know?" Mykel kept smiling. "Have the irregulars, the ones who attacked the garrison, been seen lately?" The two craftmasters exchanged glances once more. This time, Styndal was the one to reply. "No. Fact is, no one rightly knows who did it. One morning, like PoelÂ-dyn said, everyone was dead. Some folks heard screams the night before, and some noise. Some of the bodies were shot, and some were slashed up, like with blades. We never saw anything." "Not then, and not since," added Poeldyn. "Troral told the alector, and his folks came and took care of things, and they had the flying creatures." That didn't exactly square with all the reports Mykel had gotten. "What happened to all the ammunition and the supplies, then? And the mounts?" "Majer... sir... Maybe the alector's folk took them. If not... Hyalt's not the wealthiest of places. Things ... well... who could blame folk if stuff disappeared in the dark." That was even worse, Mykel reflected, because it meant it was likely that some or all of Cadmian rifles and ammunition were out among the localsâ"up to fifty rifles, with spares, if all the weapons of the two squads that comprised the garrison had been taken. "And there's been no shooting since?" "Well... Beznanet got found dead last week. No one minded. He'd been stealing fowl for years. Other'n that... nothing." Mykel waited. "Will the new place be having spaces for the pteri-dons?" Styndal asked, almost deferentially. "All Cadmian compounds have at least a few stages for when the alectors fly in messages. The plans call for two. There won't be any pteridons or Myrmidons here all the time." "That'll be better. Some of the crafters ... well, Majer, - you know how some folks can be." Mykel could understand being wary of the pteridons, but not what that had to do with building a compound. "Anything else?" Poeldyn laughed. "Let us know when you've got the place and when you want us to start, and then we'll look close-like at the plans, see what changes we might have to make." "I'll do that. Can I leave word with Troral?" "That you can." After the two drove off, the cart wheelsâ"or axlesâ" squeaking, Mykel walked back through the battered and crumbling gateposts. He had known there had to have been problems in Hyalt, but he hadn't expected that he'd have to worry about creatures around a quarry in addition to insurgents who didn't sound like any insurgents he'd ever encountered, if they were insurgents at all. But... if they weren't, who were they? And the comments about the squad leader who was a crack shot and who'd been burned ... that sounded like an alector sidearm, and he didn't like the possibility of a rogue alector wandering around Hyalt at all. 44 There are comparatively few alectors, guiding hundreds of thousands of other beings. This has always been so and will continue to be so. What is it, then, that distinguishes an alector from those beings, or from another alector who is no better than the masses? Size and strength are often cited, but bulls are bigger than alectors, and so are sandoxen. Intelligence is also cited, but many among the masses have intelligence close to that of alectors, and in some cases, equal to ours. Nor is Talent enough to claim distinction and leadership. Those who lead and guide others must possess not only superior physical and mental capabilities, but the personal honor and integrity to assure that their decisions lead to the best possible lives for those they guide. Each individual should have the opportunity to employ his or her abilities to their greatest possible extent in a benefiÂ-cial, peaceful, and productive manner. To seek power for its own sake, or wealth, or any other excess is but to con- firm that the individual who does so lacks the integrity reÂ-quired of an alector who would lead. All respect a crafter who creates an object of quality and beauty, and all are repulsed by one who would atÂ-tempt to pass off an inferior product for the same price. Yet all too often respect is granted to the leader or adminÂ-istrator who administers in a fashion that favors one group unfairly over another, but is this not an inferior product of leadership? While equality of ability and acÂ-complishment does not exist in any society, and any sociÂ-ety which expects such is doomed, equality of opportunity to excel within one's field must be granted to all. Similarly, respect must be accorded to excellence in every trade and service. Fostering equality of opportunity and respect for honÂ-est accomplishment, and not just for the few who accuÂ-mulate masses of gold or power over others, those are the virtues of worth for an alector, and only so long as those virtues are held in high esteem will we endure, for personal honor and integrity are the basis of all that we have accomplished.... Views of the Highest Illustra W.T. 1513 45 In the end, Mykel chose Fifteenth ComÂ-pany to investigate the quarry, partly because he had deÂ-cided to accompany that force and partly because more than half the company had seen strange creatures in the last battle on Dramur. What with all the other arrangeÂ-ments, including getting directions to the quarry, Mykel aim rnieenm company man t get away trom their temÂ-porary quarters until mid morning on Sexdi. Mykel and Undercaptain Fabrytal rode side by side, with a pair of scouts ahead by thirty yards, not that they would be much help if someone attempted an attack from a window of a building in Hyalt. Mykel had not seen anything to indicate that was likely, not with the streets and lanes holding women and children, and a handful of men. There had been no reports of any vioÂ-lence in the town, either, and people didn't look fearful, except of him and the Cadmians. Still, he kept looking, and trying to sense if anyone might be targeting them. He didn't feel that, and in Dramur that feeling had been trustworthy. Ahead, just short of what looked to be a chandlery, he saw a woman, with long blonde tresses plaited into a single braid down her back. She had taken one of the four children with her by the arm. Mykel watched and listened. "Garytt! I saw that " Mykel smiled. He'd heard words like that when his sisÂ-ter Sesalia had addressed one of her brood who'd misbeÂ-haved. Before long, she'd be having her fifth. Five children? He hadn't even found any one with whom he'd thought of having childrenâ"let alone five. He gave a wry laugh under his breath. That wasn't enÂ-tirely true, but Rachyla was about as unobtainable for a Cadmian majer as an ancient might be for an alector. He smiled more broadly as he neared the young mother, but at the sound of the horses, she ushered the four into the chandlery without even looking toward the Cadmians. Mykel's eyes went back to the structures on each side of the high road. Unlike Southgate or Dramuria, the houses and buildings were of different ages and styles, alÂ-though all were built of stone or brick or some combinaÂ-tion of the two. Some few older houses had split slate roofs, but most had grayish red roof tiles. As Fifteenth Company rode southward on the main boulevardâ"the eternastone high roadâ"Mykel observed the side streets and lanes. Roughly every third street was paved with red-stone, and had redstone sidewalks, as did the boulevard. The alleys and lanes between the paved streets were of packed reddish sandy soil and had no sidewalks. Except for a few larger structures clearly belonging to factors, the houses and other buildings were all of one story. The smaller dwellings had few windows, and that made unfortunate sense because wood for shutters was tariffed, and glass was not cheap. "Hyalt seems like a poor town, doesn't it, sir?" asked Undercaptain Fabrytal. "I haven't seen many poorer, not of its size," Mykel admitted. "Makes you wonder why they've got alectors here, I mean, with not that many folks or that much trade." "There are some mines to the south and west of the quarry. Tin and copper." Near the south end of Hyalt, the high road turned eastÂ-ward, but Fifteenth Company continued heading south for another quarter vingt on a older road paved with red-stone blocks, many of which were cracked and chipped, and some of which were missing, their space filled with packed dirt or clay. After another half vingt, the road split, the paved section turning west-southwest. "The one to the left!" Mykel called out. The quarry road had deep ruts that had been weathered down and filled with fine reddish sand and dirt. There were no recent tracks of either horses or wagons. Before long the road began to rise and did so for close to half a vingt before leveling out onto a stretch of scrubby grassÂ-land that ended at the foot of a low hill. From a vingt away, Mykel could see where the hill had been cut away and the redstone layers exposed. There might not be anything at the quarry, but... beÂ-ing prepared made sense, and if there were not, the exer- cise wouldn't hurt. Mykel turned in the saddle, looking at Fabrytal. "Order a line abreast, by squads, five across. RiÂ-fles ready." The faintest hint of a puzzled frown crossed the under-captain's face, but he pulled his mount to the side and stood in the stirrups. "Fifteenth Company! Line abreastâ" by squads. Five across. Third squad centered on me. RiÂ-fles ready!" Fifteenth Company was re-formed within moments, then continued riding across the grasslands. Less than a hundred yards from where the excavation began, Mykel looked to Fabrytal again. "Have them halt here." "Company! Halt!" Mykel surveyed the area to the south. He had only seen one quarry before in his life, and that had been the masÂ-sive granite quarry to the north of Faitel, where he had grown up. The quarry at Hyalt was far smaller, less than half a vingt from side to side, and extending only fifty or sixty yards into the hillside, with tiers cut out of the stone, like stair steps up the redstone. There was a muddy redÂ-dish pool less than ten yards across in the southeastern corner of the lowest level. "Just a big hole in the ground," said Fabrytal. "That's what quarries areâ"holes in the ground where people have taken stone out. This is a small quarry." Mykel surveyed the quarry once more. Something about it bothered him, but he couldn't pinpoint either a specific source or location. Finally, he turned to Fabrytal. "ForÂ-ward at a walk. Rifles ready." "Fifteenth Company! Slow walk! Forward! Rifles ready!" Mykel had his own rifle out as well, disregarding the unspoken adage that a commander should concentrate on tactics, rather than engage in direct combat. The company had moved forward a good thirty yards toward the unused quarry when a dark shadow appeared just above the base of the quarry, in the western corner where the stonework ended and the hillside remained relÂ-atively untouched. Mykel blinked. The shadow looked black, but it felt like an ugly pinkish purple. Then it was no longer a shadow, but an enormous catlike creature that raced toward fifth squad, the westernmost troopers of the company. "Company! Halt! Fifth squad! Fire at will!" Mykel snapped. "Fifth squad, fire at will!" "Company, halt! Fifth squad ..." echoed Fabrytal. Mykel watched intently for a moment, then scanned the rest of the quarry, but he neither saw nor sensed anyÂ-thing else that felt threatening. His eyes went back to the giant cat, its body at least a good two yards in length. Fifth squad's first shots did little good, and the cat creature accelerated silently toward the troopers. The creature jerked and stumbled as several shots ripped into it, but Mykel could see no wounds, although the cat slowed somewhat. Continual fire poured into the creature as it neared fifth squad. Less than a handful of yards short of the squad, it fell forward, legs twitching. "Keep firing!" came the command from Vhanyr, the fifth squad's leader. More shots struck the wounded creature, and it writhed, then slumped onto the ground, but its body still twitched. "Hold the company, rifles ready," Mykel ordered FabÂ-rytal. "I want to get a good look at that creature." "Yes, sir. Company hold! Rifles ready!" Mykel rode along the front of the arrayed company at a fast walk. Vhanyr had ridden out from his squad several yards, but reined up short of the fallen creature, still twitching on the reddish sandy ground that sported but sparse grass. Mykel reined up beside the squad leader, his own rifle still out and ready. "Sir." Vhanyr held his rifle in the general direction of the cat. "We must have put fifty bullets into it before it went down." Mykel would have judged far less than that, but he'd seen over a half score impact the giant black cat. As he watched, it lifted its head and struggled to rise, jaws openÂ-ing and revealing teeth that seemed half-crystalline, half-yellow. Was it healing itself? He lifted his own rifle and firedâ"once, twice, three times, and again. His shots tore away half the creature's head, and it dropped onto the ground. The creature had not bled, Mykel realizedâ"unless a purplish blue ichor staining a clump of grass was what the creature had for blood. Nor had it made a sound in the entire span of its attack. "What is it? Do you know, sir?" asked Vhanyr. "I've never seen anything like that," Mykel admitted. He'd never read about anything that remotely resembled the black catlike giant. As he watched, the clumps of grass around the fallen beast shriveled and blackened. The dead creature apÂ-peared to lose its shape, disintegrating into a long pile of a greasy-looking purplish black substance. Then, abruptly, bluish red flames burst from the disintegrating corpse, the heat so intense that Mykel eased the roan back away from the pyre. "... what the frig!" "... never seen anything like that..." Mykel wrenched his attention away from the bluish flames and studied the quarry again. He could see or sense nothing. That didn't mean another of the cat creaÂ-tures might not appear again at any time. "Fifth squad, reload! Now!" Vhanyr's command reminded Mykel to do the same. He did not replace the rifle in its case, but rested it across his thighs, one-handed. "Sir?" asked Vhanyr. "We'll be advancing shortly," Mykel told the squad leader, then turned his mount back toward the center of the company. He doubted they would see another of the beasts immediately, but he could definitely understand why the quarrymen were leery of the place. That meant at least two squads on duty all the time the stone was being cut and carted away. He reined in the roan beside Fabrytal's mount. "ForÂ-ward at a walk." "Forward..." Mykel kept studying the quarry, the courses of stone, and the hill that surrounded them. Strange creatures inÂ-deed. 46 Dainyl and Lystrana sat in the darkness of their bedchamber, Lystrana reclining on the bed, and Dainyl sitting on the chair beside her. "The quiet in Elcien is disturbing," Dainyl said. "We know that Ifrits, and it could be scores of them, are comÂ-ing through the Tables to the east of Corns. Zelyert knows as well. It's fairly certain that the engineers of the east are constructing additional equipment of some sort, probably of a military nature. Three of the four eastern Myrmidon companies are under Brekylt's and Alcyna's control, and I'd wager Second Company in Ludar is aligned as well. If Brekylt can present his position as supporting the Ar-chon, Samist will agree to whatever they have in mind." "What is your point, dearest?" asked Lystrana. "Why isn't anything being done from here?" "It is." She laughed, ironically. "One of the recorders who supported Brekylt is dead. One Myrmidon majer and one RA are also dead. Several engineers are dead. More than a few know that it is dangerous to oppose a submarshal directly." "Yet all that has changed nothing," Dainyl pointed out. "Why would it? Khelaryt cannot act unless he has proof that they are subverting the goals set by the Ar- chon. Zelyert and Shastylt will not offer what they know because they cannot prove what is happening. Voicing the uncertain always risks losing power. Neither wishes to do that, if for different reasons." "What am I supposed to do?" "What you always do ... what is right. But you cannot do it until you have an opportunity. I have no doubt that you could go to Alustre and destroy Brekylt and Alcyna. If Zelyert had been wise enough to remove them from power ten years ago, it would have made a difference. How would that change matters now? Except to assure that you would have all those who support them opposed to you, and that you would lose any support from Zelyert and Khelaryt." "What little support I do have." Dainyl snorted. 'That is better than no support... or active opposition." He knew that she was accurate in that, much as he hated to admit it. "Where do you think all those alectors from Ifryn are going?" asked Lystrana. "If large numbers of strange alectors appeared in Alustre, would there not be reports, one way or another? You found a number still loyal to Khelaryt there, such as Kaparyk." The answer was obvious, and Dainyl had felt it all along, even if he had not voiced it. "They're being sent to Dulka, and perhaps Hyalt. They've moved Seventh ComÂ-pany well away from the Table, and there's a perfectly good and empty compound adjacent to the structure that houses the RA and the Table. Alcyna has sent another one of the translated and replacement Myrmidonsâ"that's Veluaraâ"there to keep the Myrmidons in line and away from what's happening. Most of the undercaptains are juÂ-nior, and the only one who voiced any real insight was transferred to Lysia." He paused. "Some could be going to other centers where the recorders support Brekylt, places like Norda." "I would suggest isolated centers as well," she sugÂ-gested. "If the renegade alectors can use the Tables ..." "They can hide anywhere," he finished. That sugÂ-gested Hyalt might be a problem in the future as well, as if he weren't worried enough about Majer Mykel and his Talent. "What if you conducted an inspection in force there? With Myrmidons from Lysia?" "I have the feeling mat sending Myrmidons from Lysia wouldn't be a good idea. It might be better to send Fifth Company from Dereka. It's much farmer, but..." Dainyl shook his head. "That's not something I could do without Shastylt's support, or at least not his opposition." "Not now." Dainyl understood. He could certainly plan what needed to be doneâ"and howâ"and suggest to some of the eastern companies that some full-company maneuÂ-vers might be necessary later in the year. That would filÂ-ter eastward, but the vagueness might well keep Alcyna off balance. Then, he reflected, it could also force her to act earlier. Or she could take it as a bluff, and that might be best of all. 47 Mykel looked across the small mesa-like expanse, a vingt across from northwest to southeast, and three-quarters of that in depth from northeast to southÂ-west. It was less than a vingt from the outskirts of Hyalt, and it even had a good spring that fed into the stream runÂ-ning along the southeastern edge of the lower slopes. FarÂ-ther to the southeast was a flock of sheep, with a single herder and two dogs. The late-morning sun shone out of a clear silver-green sky, and there was but the barest hint of a breeze from the northwest. The incline to the flattened hilltop was modest, rising only ten yards above the grasslands to me south, and the site was less than half a vingt from the high road north to Tempre. The one drawback was that there was no road or lane connecting the site to the high road, but that could be built since the slope was gentle and the terrain was not that rugged. Behind Mykel, Seventeenth Company was reined up in formation. Undercaptain Loryalt was to Mykel's left. For the past several days, Mykel had scouted the terrain around Hyalt, assigning different companies to accomÂ-pany him. "Take some work, sir, but this site looks a lot better than where the old garrison is," observed Loryalt. "It's near the high road and not too close to the town. If the town grows, there will still be space." Mykel had his doubts about how much Hyalt would grow, but he wanted to account for that possibility. "You think it will, sir?" "You never can tell." Mykel smiled, then added, "We've got some patrolling to do. We'll ride down to the high road and head north to that first lane west. We haven't ridden through that area yet." "Yes, sir," replied Loryalt. Mykel took a last look at the site, far superior to the other possibilities he had viewed, before turning the roan down the slope,and westward. "Seventeenth Company! Forward!" The company rode westward. Less than a quarter of a vingt to the north was another flock of sheep, a small one with less than a score of ewes and half as many lambs. The herder, an angular but short man with dull gray hair and a grizzled beard, watched the company for a moment before turning away. Once at the high road, Mykel and the company turned north along a stretch that held no wagons or riders except themselves. Nor was there any trace of any recent travel on the lane that Seventeenth Company took westward from the high road. The lane wound between low hills above what might have been a creek in wetter times. Al- though the hillside on the north side of the road was but lightly wooded, with scattered junipers and low pines, afÂ-fording relatively good visibility, Mykel had Loryalt send the scouts ahead of the main body of the company a good half vingt. After another quarter glass, the road climbed over a low ridge. As Mykel rode to the top of the rise, he looked to the south, but could not see the regional alector's comÂ-plex, although he knew it had to be only a few vingts away. On the other side of the ridge, the lane descended into a wide vale filled with scattered bushes and sparse grass. The tops of the rises on each side of the vale were only three or four yards above the lane itself. "Send another set of scouts to ride the top of the rises." "Yes, sir." While Mykel had not seen anything, and there was litÂ-tle cover, he disliked following a low road without some outriders. In moments, the two scouts were on the rises, riding as easily across the open terrain as were the Cad-mians below them. "There's not much out here, sir," said Loryalt. "No. Even the grass is sparse." Mykel could see the pair of scouts ahead on a flat stretch of die lane. The silver-green sky, clear as it was, began to darken, yet the white light of the sun did not dim. Nor were there clouds anywhere. He glanced toward Loryalt. "Nice day," observed the undercaptain. "Not too hot. Not too cold." Mykel gave a perfunctory nod, his head turning, and his eyes scanning the low rise to his right, then the dale on the left of the dirt lane, men the rise to the left. He reached for his rifle, taking it from its case and checking once more to make sure it was fully loaded, although he knew it was. Crack! The very sound shivered through Mykel, yet it was not a sound, loud as it felt to him, that the others exÂ-perienced. His eyes fixed on a point in midair, a good twenty yards above the road and almost a hundred to the west of where he rode, but well behind the scouts. Blue shapes appeared from nowhere. "Company halt! Rifles ready!" Mykel snapped. "Now!" Should he spread the company? He glanced to both sides of the road. Spreading the troopers would likely only make them more vulnerable. "Company halt! Rifles ready!" Loryalt's voice held the slightest trace of surprise. "Look to the west! Fire on my command!" At first, Mykel had thought the score or so of creatures that had appeared were ravens, but no ravens were that bigâ"or purpled blue. The flying creatures formed into a wedge that turned eastward, toward Seventeenth ComÂ-pany, and the noonday sun glinted off metallic blue beaks. They were miniature versions of the pteridons flown by the Myrmidons. The flying wedge of creatures dove toward die Cadmi-ans. "Fire at will!" "Fire at will!" echoed Loryalt Mykel aimed at the lead creature of the wedge and willed his shot home. As the bullet struck, the creature exÂ-ploded into a ball of blue flame that splattered down on the road some forty yards ahead. Shots rose up around Mykel. He forced himself to concentrate on the next flyer. Another ball of flame splattered, this time into the hillÂ-side to his right, far closer. By the time he had fired a third and fourth time, the creatures were almost on the company. A mount screamed, and then a trooper. The miniature pteridons swept past, and Mykel reÂ-loaded. He could feel the heat from where one of the downed creatures burned not ten yards from him. He turned in the saddle, watching as they circled back toward the company, this time coming in from the south, but too far away for the moment for a decent shot. He raised his rifle, then concentrated, firing once, then again. Two of the beasts exploded, tumbling from the sky. He fired again ... and then reloaded, because die creaÂ-tures had not turned away but were climbing as if to begin another diving attack. This time three of the creatures all headed toward Mykel. He forced himself to fire deliberately, concentratÂ-ing on one shot after another, ignoring the shots coming from others in the company. When the second wave passed, there were only three of the beasts remaining, and they flew steadily northÂ-ward, passing beyond the rise. "Stand down! Undercaptain, let me have a report on casualties." Mykel had no doubts that he had lost men and mounts. "Yes, sir." Loryalt turned his mount. Mykel reloaded, even though he doubted that the flyers would return immediately, and replaced the rifle in its saddle case. He felt shaky in the saddle, and sweat ran down his face and the back of his neck. He reached for his water bottle and drank. The creatures that had exploded in flame had burned themselves into blackened piles of ashes, leaving only black greasy splotches on the soil. There were no charred bones or scales... only the ashy residue of intense fires. All were scattered in a rough arc around Mykel. He stood in the stirrups and tried to see if there were any other blackÂ-ened heaps, but the only others he saw were two larger black pyres, large enough to have been men and mounts. He forced the bile down in his throat as he settled back into the saddle. It took an effort to keep his fingers from touching his belt or the hidden dagger of the ancients. While he waited for Loryalt to return, he rode forward to the nearest blackened spot on the ground. As with the giant cat, splotches on the grass around where the creaÂ-ture had fallen had turned black, even beyond the burned area. Slowly, he rode back to the head of the company, his eyes and feelings still scanning, trying to see if anything else might appear. Loryalt reined up short of Mykel. His face was set, slightly pale. "Sir, Seventeenth Company reports six caÂ-sualties, all dead." 'Thank you, Undercaptain. Their bodies?" "Ah ... no, sir. They burned to ashes. There's ... there's nothing left, sir. Nothing at all." "Is there anything we can do?" "No ... no, sir." "I wish there were." Mykel turned the roan. "I think it's time we headed back to the garrison. We can let fifth squad lead." He doubted that they would see any more creatures, but continuing the patrol would seem far too callous, and, for the moment, there was little to be gained. "Seventeenth Company!..." Mykel and Loryalt rode along the shoulder of the road until they reached what had been the rear of the column, where Loryalt ordered the company forward, with the rearguard now the forward scouts, and the former scouts bringing up the rear. A quarter of a glass passed before Loryalt spoke. "Sir? What were they?" "I don't know. They look like smaller versions of what the Myrmidons fly. I'd judge that they were the strange creatures that the crafters talked about, but neither one could tell me anything about what the creatures they knew about actually looked like." "They were hard to bring down. Some of the men said that they hit them three or four times, and nothing happened." "We killed most of them," Mykel pointed out, "even if it did take the whole company. I'd like to find out what they are, though." Mykel tried to keep the worry out of his voice. His Cadmians could handle the giant cats, but the miniature pteridons? So far as he could tell, only his shots had been effective. "Yes, sir." Loryalt was silent for a time. Mykel continued to scan the skies and the terrain, wonÂ-dering how he could possibly be everywhere, and what would happen if a company ran into the small pteridons when he wasn't around. Did the Marshal of Myrmidons know about the creatures? If he did, why had Cadmians been dispatched, rather than Myrmidons? He'd need to report about the creatures quickly, even if no more showed up, although that seemed rather unlikely. 48 Mykel shifted his weight on the mounting block, where he sat in the center courtyard of the old garriÂ-son in the sunlight of late afternoon, his legs crossed, balÂ-ancing the oblong of wood that served as a writing desk for the report he needed to submit. At least, he could send it with the sandox coach that served Hyalt on Duadi and Sexdi. Writing the report was going to be difficult, because he wasn't about to point out, directly, that there were no inÂ-surgents or irregulars to speak of, not that he hadn't had enough difficulty in arranging for the purchase of the land and for the beginning of construction on the new Cadmian compound, not to mention the creatures at the quarry. Thankfully, over the preceding week, there had been no more appearances by the miniature pteridons. Not so thankfully, he was still having dreams about the soarers, but he could not remember them with more than a vague sense of eventsâ"and a feeling of unease. Fodder was more expensive than he had hoped, beÂ-cause most animals around Hyalt were grazedâ"and that was scarcely practical for the mounts of Third Battalion. Mutton and lamb were less expensive, but he suspected that he and the rest of the Cadmians would tire of that beÂ-fore long. He had arranged for a peasant girl to raise chickens for the Cadmians, but even chickens took a while to grow. Another problem had been that, according to the growers, the chandler, and other merchants, the reÂ-gional alector had been purchasing far more food and supplies over the last season or so. In between those arrangements, he had to observe and supervise the training of the new Cadmians, as well as extra training for his own "replacement" companies. He took a deep breath and forced himself to concenÂ-trate on writing the dispatch before him, framing each sentence carefully in his mind before writing it out. In a proper compound he would have made a draft, but, for all that Hyalt lay outside the eastern walls of the old garriÂ-son, he might as well have been in the field. Finally, he looked at the key sections and reread them carefully. ... Third Battalion has maintained regular patrols and sent scouts into all areas that might harbor irreguÂ-lars or insurgents. To date, the battalion has not found any evidence of camps or activity that would clearly suggest recent insurgency. In the course of patrolling, Sixteenth Company was successful in discovering four brigands to the southeast of Hyalt. All but one were killed in attempting to escape, and the survivor was turned over to the town justicer. While Third BatÂ-talion will continue to maintain a vigilant stance in the course of its patrolling, training of the Hyalt comÂ-panies, and rebuilding of the Cadmian compound, thus far it appears as though the Myrmidons were exÂ-tremely effective in dealing with whatever insurgency previously existed, or in encouraging the insurgents to leave the area for the present time. The more serious threat to the battalion has reÂ-sulted from the need to protect the quarrymen. PredaÂ-tors of types unknown locally or in other regions of Corus have attempted to attack both quarry workers and Cadmians on three occasions. Local residents have confirmed that these predators were of the same types dealt with by the Myrmidons earlier.... Fortunately, on both times when Mykel had not been present at the quarry, Rhystan or Fabrytal had been, and their companies had been successful in killing the beasts without additional Cadmian casualties. ... The most common attacker resembles a large black mountain cougar, but it is far larger, a good two yards in length. It is extremely swift. ConcenÂ-trated rifle fire was required to bring down the three beasts that have attempted to attack the Cadmians on quarry duty. Once each was killed, within a fracÂ-tion of a glass, the carcass began to smolder, and then burst into flames. Only ashes were left. The other predators were large birdlike creatures, purple-blue, with long beaks that appeared crysÂ-talline. These appeared from nowhere to attack Seventeenth Company as it patrolled northwest of Hyalt. If these creatures, which resemble miniature pteridons, strike a Cadmian, the bird, the Cadmian, and his mount burst into intense flame. In addition some appear to use something like a venom on its beak. One Cadmian was slashed with the beak and died in less than a quarter glass from the poison. ... To date, losses to the flying creatures total six Cadmians. There have been no casualties from the attacks of the giant cats.... At the sound of creaking cart wheels and axles, Mykel took a last look at the dispatch before carefully folding it and slipping it into his uniform tunic. Then he set aside his makeshift writing desk and stood to wait for Poeldyn. The cart creaked to a halt several yards short of Mykel. The swarthy craftmaster swung off the driver's seat of the cart, still holding the leads. "Good afternoon, Craftmaster." Mykel stepped forward. "Afternoon, Majer. You know there was another one of those cat creatures at the quarry this morning?" "I had not heard about this morning. I trust Fourteenth Company took care of it." "That they did. It was a close thing, though. Makes it hard for the men to concentrate on the work. They say the pay's not enough for that." "I imagine some would say that, Craftmaster." Mykel found himself both surprised and inwardly amused to hear himself using words his father had said more than once. "Still... diey're getting close to what is paid in the quarries at Faitel, and I don't know of anyone else needÂ-ing stones in Hyalt." "Pay doesn't mean much to a man with a stone bed and a coverlet of earth." "That's true. We both know that quarrying is hard work. That's why the pay is high already. Several men have had injuries from the work. But I don't believe anyÂ-one has died, or even been injured by the cats. You're suggesting additional pay for something that hasn't hapÂ-pened." "You're a hard man, Majer." "I'm being fair, Craftmaster. The Cadmians are takÂ-ing the greater risks, and they get paid far less for a day's work. No one is compelling the quarrymen to work the stone. If we weren't building the new comÂ-pound and protecting the quarrymen, they'd have no work." The faintest hint of a hard smile appeared at the corÂ-ners of Poeldyn's mouth. "Are you sure you weren't the son of a factor, Majer?" "Eldest son of a crafter. He's a master tiler in Faitel." "I'll trust to that to make sure all remains fair." "I'll do my best, Craftmaster." Mykel wasn't promisÂ-ing anything, but he'd probably have to come up with golds or something if anything serious did happen to one of the quarrymen from an attack by a cat or one of the miniature pteridonsâ"and he needed to add that concern to his dispatch report to Colonel Herolt. "I've the feeling you just might, Majer." Poeldyn nod- ded. "It's going to be slow for the next few days. The next course of stone has fractures, won't be good for much beÂ-sides underground bracing of wall foundations...." Mykel listened intently. 49 Dainyl looked at the stack of reports waitÂ-ing for him, riffled through them, and set them back down on the desk. After a moment, his eyes fell on the thin volÂ-ume he had set on the corner of the desk earlierâ"Views *"" of the Highest. He picked it up and paged through it, not quite idly, finally stopping at a section he recalled vaguely. He smiled as he read. When an alector or an indigen offers a reason for action, or lack of action, or when an administrator acts or sets forth a policy, the discerning alector must always ascerÂ-tain the structural rationale for such. The structural rationÂ-ale is the prime and accurate support for a decision or policy, and not usually the reason made public. Anyone who acts, if pressed, will provide a reason for such action, and the reason will invariably support the action, but a raÂ-tionalization for public attribution and scrutiny is usually not the structural rationale that prompted the action or policy. His lips curled at the last line. Did anyone above him in the hierarchy ever lay out the true or structural reason for action? Not often. With a snort, he closed the volume and set it aside. He still needed to go through the reports. He decided to start with the thickestâ"that of the Cadmian Mounted Rifle regiment. First, he looked at the summaries. Second Battalion was still at Elcien rebuilding and retraining af- ter extensive losses to the grassland nomads. Third BatÂ-talion had reached Hyalt and had begun patrols against potential insurgents, continued training the Hyalt Cad-mian companies, and had commenced the construction of a new Cadmian compound. Fourth Battalion remained in Iron Stem and was maintaining order and fending off atÂ-tacks by the icewolves. Fifth Battalion continued operaÂ-tions out of Northport, dealing with fractious Reillies. There was also a brief section pointing out that, if reÂ-cruiting and training were begun for replacements before battalions returned from deployments, that policy would bring the various battalions up to full strength earlier and allow for greater retraining before redeploying battalions. ** Dainyl decided to offer a cautious note to the marshal on that point, suggesting that Colonel Herolt had a valid concern. Dainyl's more direct and personal concerns lay with Majer Mykel and Third Battalion. The longer before anyÂ-one discovered the majer's Talent, the happierâ"and less likely to be blamedâ"Dainyl would be. He turned to the section of the report containing greater detail about Third Battalion. ... Third Battalion, Majer Mykel commanding, is currently deployed in Hyalt and has commenced building of a new compound there while undertakÂ-ing patrol actions, in coordination with training the two Hyalt companies, to complete pacification of the Hyalt area, as per the orders of the Marshal of Myrmidons. In addition to dealing with brigands and seeking to prevent attacks by irregulars, Third Battalion has reported several attacks by unidentiÂ-fied creatures. Six fatalities have been incurred as of the latest report from Third Battalion.... Unidentified creatures? Were they wild translations? In Hyalt? Dainyl turned to the pages holding Majer Mykel's more detailed report. His lips tightened as he read about the giant black cats and the small pteridons. They had to be wild translations, and that confirmed what he had learned about a number of the unreported translations from Ifryn going to Hyalt. But why Hyalt? After a moment of reflecting on Hyalt, he nodded. Hyalt had been one of the earlier Tables established, and the Table and a number of facilities were actually built into a large hill or small mountainâ"well away from the town itself. Dainyl set the report down on his desk and hurried back to the file room. Squad leader Doselt, the adminisÂ-trative clerk, looked up from where he stood before an open file case. "Sir?" "I'd like to review all the First Company reports from last summer to date. If you'd gather them immediately." Doselt looked at the submarshal. "Yes, sir. Right away, sir." "Thank you." Dainyl walked back to his study and sat down, thinking. Sulerya had indicated that the recorder in Hyalt was sympathetic to Brekylt and, presumably, Duarch Samist, and the presence of wild translations sugÂ-gested strongly that the same was true of the local reÂ-gional alector. Had Shastylt pulled First Company's second squad out of the Hyalt area because he knew that and feared that they would be lost if they remained? "Sir?" Doselt stood in the study doorway with an armÂ-load of reports. "Put them on the desk. I'll let you know when I'm finÂ-ished." "Yes, sir." The Myrmidon placed the reports in two stacks and straightened. "This stack is summer and fall. These here are harvest and winter. There aren't any spring reports in the files yet, sir." v "Thank you. If you'd close the door on the way out?" "Yes, sir." Even before the door closed, Dainyl reached for the first report in the summer stack. A glass later, Dainyl finished the last reports filed by Undercaptain Yuasylt and Captain Ghasylt. There was no mention of strange creatures or wild translationsâ" only accounts of sniping by indigen and lander irreguÂ-lars and several attempted ambushes by what appeared to be wild Talents, one of which had killed Insorya, the most junior member of second squad, but which had not injured her pteridon. The last report from Captain GhaÂ-sylt about the Hyalt mission concluded that the wild TalÂ-ent had been killed when second squad spotted an ambush from the air and attacked with all five pteridons and sky lances. Dainyl rose. He opened the study door carefully, beÂ-cause he was fuming, but walked carefully down to the duty desk. Undercaptain Chelysta stood immediately as Dainyl approached. "Submarshal, sir?" "I'd appreciate it if you would find Captain Ghasylt and have him report to my study immediately. He should be here somewhere. I saw him earlier." "Yes, sir." "Thank you." Dainyl turned and marched back to his study. He had only gone several steps when he overheard the messenger's comment to Chelysta. "... wouldn't want to be in the captain's boots ..." Dainyl took a deep breath. He needed to calm down. Whatever had happened wasn't likely to have been Gha-sylt's doing. Scarcely had Dainyl reseated himself behind his desk when the captain appeared in the doorway of the study. "You wanted me, sir." "Please sit down." Dainyl kept his voice level. Ghasylt did not meet Dainyl's eyes as he sat in the chair across from the submarshal. "The latest report from the Third Cadmian Battalion mentions that strange creatures have reappeared, and that according to the locals, they seem similar to the ones preÂ-viously handled by the Myrmidons." Ghasylt did not look up, nor speak. "I didn't recall anything like that," Dainyl said quietly. "There's nothing in your reports, or Yuasylt's, about that." ' "No, sir. There's not." "Might I ask why?" Ghasylt swallowed, still not meeting Dainyl's eyes. "The marshal told me not to report that. I thought he'd told you." "It may have been an oversight," Dainyl said, striving once more to keep his voice level, "because I was in Dra-mur at the time, but since I did not know, discovering that we still have strange creatures in the area around Hyalt took me by surprise." "Yes, sir. I can see that." . "Tell me about them," Dainyl said more calmly than he felt. "Well, sir. One was like a huge cat, except faster and all black. Another was sort of like a sandox, except it had a triangular horn, and the last onesâ"those were the ones that we saw most oftenâ"were like small wild pteridons. One of those was what got Insorya." "I take it that skylances were effective against all of them." "Yes, sir. Yuasylt said that the hardest part was hitting them. They just went up in blue flame then, though." "I know there aren't any records, but did Yuasylt say how many they encountered?" 'There were something like thirty of all kinds." "Were they all there to begin with? Did the numbers lessen after the squad had been there a while?" "They appeared every few days for a season, and then they seemed to disappear. I mean, no more showed up. That was when the marshal told me to have second squad come back here." Dainyl nodded, then stood. He'd learned what he needed to know, and probably about as much as Ghasylt actually knew. "Thank you. That's what I needed to know." "Yes, sir." Dainyl could sense the captain's relief as he left the study. While he wanted to talk to Shastylt about it immediÂ-ately, the marshal did not return to headquarters until late in the afternoon. Dainyl stepped into the marshal's study and closed the door behind himself. "Yes?" Shastylt raised his eyebrows. "We have more wild translations in Hyalt, and from the report from the Third Battalion, Cadmian Mounted RiÂ-fles, I'd judge that the number is increasing." "I don't recall discussing that with you, Dainyl," Shastylt replied mildly. "I don't believe that you did, sir. That was when I was in Dramur, but it wasn't too hard to figure it out. The CadÂ-mian majer is reporting more strange creatures, one type looking like a giant black cat and the other like a small pteridon. He also notes that the locals say they're the same as the ones the Myrmidons handled. To me, that suggests we have a problem with the recorder and alector in Hyalt. Or that the problem that you resolved before has reemerged." Dainyl smiled pleasantly, shields in place, and waited. In turn, Shastylt smiled as well. "What do you suggest we do, Submarshal?" "Before attempting to come up with any plan, I thought it best to consult with you. You have far greater knowledge of what has occurred in the past in Hyalt. For me to proceed without that knowledge would hardly be prudent." The marshal nodded. "You are always prudent, Dainyl. It is one of your better traits." Dainyl waited. m Finally, Shastylt continued. "You may not know that Rhelyn is both the Recorder of Deeds and the local reÂ-gional alector in Hyalt. In such a lightly populated area, it was felt that one alector could handle both duties. His allegiance is to Samist, but he has always been close to Brekylt. You might also recall that one of the Highest's assistants was killed by a wild translation last winter, and the word was that it was on a translation to Dereka... ." Dainyl recalled that Falyna had mentioned something about that, joking that Dainyl might want the position. "... That was true enough, but what was not said was that he was translating to Dereka from the Table in Hyalt." "How many others have had mishaps that way?" Shastylt shrugged. "I could not say. I do know that very few alectors from Elcien now visit Hyalt." An ironic smile appeared. 'There were few enough before, but now there are virtually none." "No one has done anything?" Dainyl knew the answer, but wanted to judge Shastylt's reaction. "What would one do? And to what end? Hyalt is viewed as too out-of-the-way, and of little interest to those who do not understand and too dangerous for too little gain by those who do." "If Rhelyn is building a force of some sort, he could send them through the Table to Ludar or Alustre." "If... that is the question, but... would you like to take the Table there to verify what might be happening?" "Not this moment," replied Dainyl. "I would consider it as part of a larger planâ"perhaps if a squad of MyrmiÂ-dons from Dereka were nearby." "Why Dereka?" "Because I could go to Dereka and dispatch them from there. If we sent a squad from here, Rhelyn would know long before they arrived." "You might consider developing a plan along those lines, Submarshal. We may need it." Shastylt stood. "Not now, you understand." Dainyl was afraid he did. 50 Mykel blotted his forehead as he stood in the late-day shadows of the old garrison's west wall. Summer had indeed come to Hyalt, and with it, cloudÂ-less days where the white sun burned down out of the sky with an intensity that reminded Mykel of Dramur, although the air in Hyalt was drier, so dry that unproÂ-tected skin exposed to the sun for more than half a glass burned and cracked. At least, Mykel's did, and that was one reason he stood in the shade. He had another report to write, and he needed to inspect the stables, such as they were. Culeyt stood beside Mykel in the shade. "Hottest day yet." "They'll get hotter." Two long weeks had passed since Mykel had sent off his last report to the colonel, and he needed to write and dispatch another, but little had happenedâ"except for the continual, if intermittent, atÂ-tacks by the giant cats at the quarry. So far, none of the Cadmians or quarrymen had been injured, but SevenÂ-teenth Company had lost one mount in the last attack. Mykel had observed and supervised, as necessary, variÂ-ous exercises and drills where the three more experienced companies had worked with the Hyalt companies. He had tried to keep the more strenuous drills earlier in the day, when it was generally cooler. "I can hardly wait, sir." Both turned as a wagon pulled up outside the garrison gate posts. Mykel read the sign on the sideâ"troral, factorâ"and blotted his forehead once more before stepÂ-ping out of the shade toward the gate. The council chief stepped down from the bench seat on the wagon, then turned to the driver. "I won't be long." Mykel walked toward the factor and stopped. "Factor Troral." "Majer." "What can I do for you?" "When you arrived, you talked of insurgents and that sort of thing." Troral looked hard at Mykel. "We'd had reports, but we haven't found much," replied the majer. "One of my men ... his sister and her husband have a stead out to the northwest. He went out there yesterday night. No one was there. Part of the roof beams of one of the goat sheds had burned through and brought down part of the roof, and there were burned patches of ground, but no sign of anyone. Strange thing is that most of the flock was still there, and nothing seemed to be missing from the cellars." "That is odd." Mykel didn't like that at all. It sounded like the miniature pteridons had attacked the stead, but he'd have to see to make sure. It had been two days since any company had been out northwest. Seven companies sounded like more than enough to patrol at once, especially if he had reduced patrols to individual squads, but after the incidents in the quarries and on the road, he had the feeling that the creatures might well overrun a squadâ"except for those under Rhystan. Even they would have suffered high losses, and he didn't like the idea of losing some of his more experienced troopers to the various creatures. "When I heard that, I told him I'd tell you." "That sounds like more than brigands," offered Mykel. "Where is this stead?" "If you go north on the high road, you want to take the first lane west past the hilltop with the stone corralsâ" they're the only ones on the west side of the road. Then you follow the lane west, oh, a good three vingts until it forks. You take the south fork, the one on the left... Mykel concentrated on listening, trying to fix the diÂ-rections in his memory. "... and there are two piles of red rocks on each side of the lane that leads to the house. Gerolt's staying there with his eldest for now." "We'll head out there in the morning," Mykel promÂ-ised. "If there's trouble out there, we'd like to stop it beÂ-fore it gets worse." "I'm sure that Gerolt will appreciate that." Mykel wasn't so sure about that, especially if whatever company he assigned and accompanied found bodies. "We'll do what we can, and I appreciate the information, councilor." "Might as well get some use out of you, Majer." Troral nodded, then turned and walked back to the wagon, where he climbed up onto the seat beside the driver. Mykel turned. He had to get back to work, late as it was, especially if he was going to take a company on paÂ-trol in the morning. "You think it's irregulars or insurgents, sir?" asked Culeyt. "I hope so." But he had the feeling that what they would find was likely to be anything but insurgents. In the meantime, he had matters to tend to, although he decided to put off writing a report to the colonel until after the morrow's patrol. That only made sense, he told himself, as he headed for the stables, blotting his brow once more. 51 Early on Tridi morning, Mykel sat astride the roan, surveying the walls of the new compound, so far as they had progressed. Behind him, Fifteenm Company was re-forming, after having watered all the mounts from the new stone troughs outside the foundations of the staÂ-bles that had yet to be built. The eastern side wall was complete except for the final capstone course. The western and the rear northern wall had but two or three courses of redstone above the level of the ground, and only die foundations were in place for the southern front wall and main gate. Within the uncomÂ-pleted compound, the main barracks was the nearest to completion, with roofers setting the reddish gray tiles in place, although none of the interior walls had been comÂ-pleted beyond the main load-bearing beams and supports. He would have liked to have construction ongoing on a paved road to the high road as well, but mat would have to wait. There were not enough stoneworkers nor enough stone coming from the quarry. Still, the compound construction was proceeding in a satisfactory manner, as was the training of the two new Cadmian companies. Both were working under the suÂ-pervision of Rhystan and Bhoral at me moment, paÂ-trolling and drilling along the south high road that ran east to Syan. Mykel glanced westward. He had not slept all -mat well, with dreams about the ancient soarers, dreams where they were summoning him toward ... someming, but in those disturbing dreams he never quite got to the point where the soarers were. He was also not looking forward to investigating what Troral had reported. While he had thought over the possiÂ-bilities for a better formation for a company under attack by the small pteridons, the problem was simple enough. He was the only one who seemed able to kill the creaÂ-tures, and that was clearly a result of whatever talent he had. Yet, too tight a formation and any of the beasts would take out more than a single Cadmian if Mykel failed to stop mem. Too loose a formation and Mykel would be less effective. It was also apparent that the creaÂ-tures were not all that intelligent, or mey would have deÂ-termined that he was the only real threat. He turned his mount. "Undercaptain?" "Yes, sir. Fifteenth Company stands ready," replied Fabrytal. "Let's head out." "Fifteenth Company! Forward!" Mykel and Fabrytal rode down the gentle slope at the head of the column, with scouts riding out more quickly to take station more than two hundred yards ahead of them. There were no flocks on the grasslands nearby, in part because some of those lands now belonged to the Cadmiansâ"or more properly, to the Marshal of MyrmiÂ-dons, with oversight by the commanding officer of the First Cadmian Regiment, Mounted Rifles. "You think we'll find anything out there?" asked FabÂ-rytal a quarter glass or so later, after they had turned north on the high road. "We'll find something. I hope it's traces of brigands or insurgents." "Yes, sir. That makes two of us."- There was the slightest haze high in the sky, turning it more silvery, and the sun did not seem quite as intense as it had the past several days. On the other hand, the air was still, without the slightest hint of a breeze. Close to a glass later, Mykel reined up short of the two piles of red rocks that, if Troral's directions had been corÂ-rect, marked the stead. The lane beyond the rocks was not long, only a hundred yards. At the end of the lane was a small dwelling, no more than ten yards across the front and a third of that in depth. The roof was a patchwork of tiles of differing sizes and shapes, and the walls were of large mud bricks. The outbuildings were even more crudely constructed, windowless and with sections of roof tiles layered and pieced together along with odd-shaped wedges of roofing slate. No one was outside, and Mykel could sense nothing untoward, no auras that reminded him of the creatures. He studied the lane itself. There were hoofprints, more than a few, but certainly not a large force. He would have judged ten riders. "Sir..." offered Jasakyt, one of the scouts. "Yes?" "Those aren't any hoofprints I've seen. All the shoes are alike, but they're not Cadmian shoes. Ours have the twin diamonds." Organized irregulars or insurgents? Mykel didn't like that at all. "Anything else?" "Prints are pretty deep. Deeper 'n ours. Means that they're carrying gear, or they got bigger mounts or heavÂ-ier riders, or all three. Can't tell much beyond that, except the prints are more 'n a day old." "No newer prints?" "Just one or two, and the shoes are different." "We might as well see if anyone's here." "Sir... best I send a scout in to see," suggested Fabry-tal. Mykel had to agree, if reluctantly. While he felt that Gerolt would not shoot, there was no sense in giving a spooked herder that chance. He nodded. The undercaptain turned in the saddle. "Dyrsak, Sen-glat... ride in and see if anyone's there. Majer would like to talk to them." "Yes, sir." As the two Cadmians rode up the lane, a lean man in brown sauntered out from one of the outbuildings. He stopped and waited for the riders to reach him. Mykel waited and watched until Senglat raised his hand and waved. "Wait here with the company," he told Fabrytal. "I'll ask about watering the mounts after I talk with him." If need be, Mykel could insist, but he preÂ-ferred to ask. He eased the roan forward, down the narÂ-row lane toward the two Cadmians and Gerolt. As Troral had said, four blackened patches had seared the ground and structures, especially just beside the front door to the dwelling and at one corner of an outbuilding. The patches on the ground were long and thin, more like black streaks or lines. Mykel looked more closely at the outbuilding. In places, die surface of the mud bricks had turned shiny, almost glassy, and above that area the roof beams had burned through. A third of me roof had colÂ-lapsed into the small building. Mykel reined up short of the man in brown. "I'm Ma-jer Mykel. Troral asked us to come out." "Gerolt." The man's face was weathered and lined, and streaks of gray ran mrough his long hair and short, but ragged beard. His heavily scuffed boots bore learner patches of a lighter shade. "Have you seen any sign of your sister or her husÂ-band?" asked Mykel. "No. Except he was running from something. His boot tracks were far apart. They ended just short of the goat barn there." "Mind if I look?" "Help yourself." Mykel rode slowly toward the building with me blackÂ-ened corner and partly collapsed roof. As Gerolt had said, there were boot printsâ"and the prints ended in a larger black spot. Mykel had been afraid of that. He turned to Gerolt. "Troral said that not much was missing." "Depends on what you mean. Maybe three, four goats and a lamb and ewe don't sound like much to him. They were a lot to Sis." "Have you seen anyone else?" "Haven't seen anyone, except you. Did see something glowing over the hills to the southwest afore it got full dark last night," Gerolt said slowly. "Thought it might have been fire. Went away too quick for that. Didn't smell smoke. Wasn't about to go looking." "You haven't seen any strange tracks?" "Told you. Haven't seen noming...." Mykel asked several more questions, but Gerolt could provide no other information, and Mykel had the strong feeling that the man was telling the truth. In the end, Mykel secured permission to water the mounts. After all the mounts were watered, Mykel and Fifteenth Company headed back southwest, in the genÂ-eral direction where Gerolt had said he'd seen the glow over the hills. "What do you think, sir?" asked Fabrytal, riding on Mykel's right. "Could it be those flying things?" "It's possible." Mykel doubted it. The blackened spots left by the pteridon-like creatures had all been more oval or circular, and the fires hadn't been hot enough to turn particles of sand into glass. "What could it be?" Mykel shrugged. He had an idea, and he didn't like it at all. "We'll have to see." Just past midday, Mykel called for a halt on a flat area to the north of the second line of hills to the southwest of the stead where he had talked to Gerolt. Beyond the first line of hills had only been a swale a vingt or so across filled with the sparse grass that was turning from the green of late spring to the gold of summerâ"before it dried completely in the arid heat of late summer and harÂ-vest. The second line of hills held scattered junipers and bushes and rose higher than the first. Beyond the junipers was another set of hills, rocky and more rugged, and those were close to where the regional alector's comÂ-pound was located, from what Mykel's memory and maps indicated. Mykel had halted because men and mounts could use the rest. He would have liked water for the horses, but waÂ-ter wasn't all that plentiful around Hyalt. He had also orÂ-dered a stop because he could sense a faint reddish purpleness beyond the juniper-scattered hilltop. That feeling was similar to what he associated with alectorsâ" or at least what he had sensed aboard ship. Whetiier it was emanating from just over the hilltop or from the more distant regional alector's compound he could not tell, but there was no reason not to look into it. "Undercaptain." "Sir?" "Hold the company here. I'm going up the hill to check something. If you'd detail two men to accompany me." "Yes, sir." Fabrytal's crisp response disguised his puzÂ-zlement. "Jasakyt, Olfyn ... forward!" Mykel concealed a smile. Fabrytal had picked Jasakyt because the scout had worked with Mykel before. Olfyn was far more fresh-faced, one of the latest replacements to Fifteenth Company before Third Battalion had left Elcien. "We're going to ride up the hill. Olfyn, you'll be staÂ-tioned halfway up, and Jasakyt will take position just short of the top." "Yes, sir," murmured both rankers. Mykel eased the roan off the road and started across the grassland. From a distance, the ground appeared to be unbroken tan and green, but when Mykel glanced down, he could see patches of red-sandy soil between the clumps of grass. After they had covered a hundred yards and started up the gentle slope, Mykel glanced at the older scout, whose face bore a look of fatalistic resignation. "Jasakyt, why the long face?" "Just thinking, sir." "Thinking that you don't want this to be like Dramur?" "I'd hope not, sir." Just past the midway point on the slope, Mykel turned to the younger Cadmian. "Olfyn, you hold here, right over by that tree." He gestured to a juniper that was little taller than the head of a mounted Cadmian. "Yes, sir." Jasakyt and Mykel continued riding up the rise, avoidÂ-ing the few rocks that protruded from the grass and sandy ground, and turning as necessary to avoid the scattered low brush and infrequent junipers. As they rode, Mykel could sense the growing strength of the purpleness on the far side of the hill. "Right here." Mykel reined up beside another larger juÂ-niper, far enough below the hillcrest that he could not see over itâ"or that whoever or whatever was on the other side could not see him. He dismounted and handed the roan's reins to Jasakyt, then took his rifle from its case. "Begging your pardon, sir, but shouldn't I..." "Not this time, Jasakyt. I hope I won't be long." As Mykel headed up the last part of the hill, he could hear the scout murmur, "... worse 'n Dramur, maybe." As he neared the crest, he realized that he could have ridden farther, because the top was flat and extended anÂ-other fifty yards before sloping down. While Mykel could see the top of the regional alector's building and upper part of the structure carved out of the redstone cliff beÂ-hind it, the width of the hill blocked his view of the nearer valley south of him. The feeling of purpleness had grown ever stronger, and he moved more deliberately, changing his approach to take advantage of the scrub and low junipers. When he finally reached the south side of the ridge, he settled behind the trunk of a juniper. For several moÂ-ments, he just looked out. From what he could determine, at the base of the ridge was a group of men in shimmerÂ-ing silver uniforms, trimmed in black, with black trousers. They stood behind a cart that held a tripodal framework. Farther to the east, mounts were tethered to a line fastened between two junipers. A line of light flared from the tripod and struck the side of an embankment carved from the lower part of the hill by a stream in wetter times. Mykel squinted. He wasn't certain if there happened to be a target set before the embankment. Were they firing the device at someÂ-thing or just calibrating it? And who were they? The feeling of the purpleness was overwhelming, but he needed to know more. If he scuttled away now, what could he say or report? That he thought he'd seen strange troopers with a strange weapon? He studied the hillside below, mentally charting a path that would bring him to a section of the lower ridge that overlooked the cart and tripod. Then, he slipped from be- hind the juniper and moved downhill and behind some brush, keeping low the entire time. From what he could tell, none of those below even looked up. From the brush he crept to behind another juniper, and then farther downÂ-hill behind more brush, all the time careful to keep his riÂ-fle from hitting the scattered clumps of grass or open stretches of sandy soil. Mykel paused to catch his breath. From where he was, a good hundred yards below where he had started, he had a better view of the troopers below. Both his feelings and his eyes confirmed that the uniformed figures were alectors, and at least one was a woman. There was not just one target, but a line of crude man-shaped figures set up before the sandy embankment with three blackÂ-ened patches on the embankment behind where previous targets had stood. Purplish energy pulsed around the obÂ-long shape at the top of the tripod, from which proÂ-truded a short crystalline barrel. SSSSS.... A line of blue fire seared across the brush above Mykel's head. He flattened himself, trying to locate the source of the weapon that reminded him of the lightcutter sidearm used by Submarshal Dainyl. In instants, he could see a uniÂ-formed alector less than a hundred yards away, downhill and to his right. The alector stood beside a juniper, scarcely bothering to conceal himself. Another line of blue fire flared, this time almost singeÂ-ing Mykel's shoulder, so close that he could feel the heat. "Wild Talent! Or an ancient!" Mykel wasn't about to have a bunch of strange alector troops after him or his companyâ"not with those weapons. He lifted his rifle, turning and aiming for a head shot. He'd seen what happened when crossbow bolts and bullets struck the uniforms and shimmering clothes of alectors. He squeezed the trigger evenly, firmly, concenÂ-trating and willing the shot home. The alector dropped, his weapon tumbling from his hand. Several of the other uniformed alectors turned. Mykel moved sideways, still on his stomach, and brought his riÂ-fle to bear on the tripod, and once more aimed and fired, concentrating and willing the shot home, directing it at the source of the energy. Soundlessly, brilliant white light flared across the hillÂ-side, light so intense that Mykel was blind for several moÂ-ments, and his eyes burned and watered. As his sight returned, first in sections, with gaps in his vision, he made out an area twenty yards across that had been seared black. The two remaining alector troopers were a pair who had been standing beside the horses, and they clutched at their faces. Of the others there was no sign at all. Keeping low, Mykel scrambled and scuttled back over the hillcrest. Once he was on the flat top of the ridge, he didn't bother to crouch, but moved at a slow run toward the north side. Just before he reached the point where Jasakyt could see him, he slowed to a swift walk. "Sir! You all right?" called Jasakyt. "I'm fine." Mykel's eyes burned, and his vision was blurry, but he counted himself lucky at that. His fingers trembled slightly as he stopped to reload the rifle before he sheathed it, and he had to make an effort to mount. "Are you sure you're all right, sir? What was that light?" "One of those strange creatures exploded," Mykel replied. "Then some more did. It was bright enough that it was hard to see for a bit. For the time, though, we won't have to worry about them." What he said wasn't a total lie. There had been strange creatures and an explosion, and they wouldn't have to worry for now. What would happen later was another question, but he wasn't about to explain exactly what happened, not until he had a chance to think things through. He settled himself in the saddle and turned the roan downslope. "If you don't mind my saying so, sir," said Jasakyt once he had pulled his mount alongside Mykel's, "I'm thinking this could be worse than Dramur." "It could be, or it might not. We'll still have to see." "Yes, sir." Jasakyt's polite response carried a tone of great doubt. Mykel laughed. What else could he do? "You may be right, Jasakyt, but do they ever deploy us for something easy?" "No, sir. But sometimes you hope." When they reached Olfyn, the younger scout looked to Jasakyt and then Mykel. "More of those creatures," Mykel said. "We don't have to worry for now." The two scouts trailed Mykel, letting him get farther ahead, until Olfyn murmured to Jasakyt, "What... did he do?" "You don't ask, and you don't tell anyone ... majer's saved more asses by putting his on the line. Good comÂ-manders ... hard to come by ..." Mykel smiled ironically. Just how long could he keep that reputation? Especially with alectors in strange uniÂ-forms and strange weapons appearing? What was he supÂ-posed to do? Should he just ignore it? If he did, and the strange alector engineers or troopers were part of what had been reported as an insurgency, then not warning someone could mean a disastrous attack for which no one would be prepared, with huge losses. If that happened, not only would far too many Cadmians and others be killed, but his own future would be problematical, and that was if he even survived. Yet he couldn't report too much to Colonel Herolt, and by the time the colonel reÂ-layed the report to the Marshal of Myrmidons ... He snorted, then looked toward the company, still waitÂ-ing. Fabrytal rode toward him, meeting him a good score of yards away from the head of the column. "Sir?" The undercaptain's voice was polite, but soliciÂ-tous. "Were there more creatures over the hill?" "For a time," Mykel lied, adding more truthfully, "I wish I knew where they came from and how we could handle them better." "Yes, sir. It seems like only some shots bring them down. They must only be vulnerable in certain small places." "Something like that," Mykel agreed. "We've done what we can here. We'll ride back to Hyalt along the road that swings westward." That route would carry them westward enough that a line of higher rocky hills would separate them from the regional alector's comÂ-pound. The company would also cover some roads not patrolled before and reenter Hyalt from the southwest. He hoped that they would not encounter more of the strange creatures, but the more he knew about the terÂ-rain, the better. As he rode, he tried not to think about the report he would have to writeâ"and where and how to send it. 52 Immediately after morning muster on Tridi, Dainyl was headed to the Hall of Justice in the duty coach. He was less than pleased with having to use the Table so comparatively soon after the last attempts to trap him. Still, he needed information, and the only one who could supply itâ"that he could trustâ"was Sulerya. Delari was probably trustworthy, but Sulerya knew more, and for the risk involved, he might as well go to the more knowledgeable. If Hyalt had been designed any other way, Dainyl's efÂ-forts to develop a tactical plan to deal with Rhelyn would have been far easier, but then, Hyalt's strengths and isoÂ-lation were doubtless why Brekylt had made it the initial staging point in the west. One possibility was that Patronyl, the recorder in Tempre, was not fully trusted by Brekylt and the Duarch Samist, since Tempre would have been far more convenient. Another was that forces could not be concealed as easily in Tempre, but that Tem-pre would follow Hyalt if nothing were done to stop the infiltration. The coach halted outside the Hall of Justice, and Dainyl stepped out under the hot and hazy day, one withÂ-out a hint of a breeze. "Do you want me to wait, sir?" "No. I don't know how long I'll be." "As you wish, sir." Dainyl turned and walked up the wide stone steps and through the columns at the top, crossing the entry foyer, and then the main audience hall, where petitioners were already gathering. He made his way to the concealed enÂ-try, screened himself, and opened the hidden doorway to the chambers below. If someone saw him, so much the better, because he would have vanished in plain sight, and that could only reinforce the mystique about the powers of alectors. At the bottom of the stone-walled staircase, he turned down the corridor toward the Table chamber. "Cadmian business, Submarshal?" asked Zelyert, stepÂ-ping out of his study, not quite blocking Dainyl's way. Dainyl stopped. "Yes, sir. I should be back before too long." The High Alector of Justice nodded, politely. "You deÂ-fine that rather loosely, Dainyl, but since it's clear there's no duplicity involved, I won't press. Not too much." ZelÂ-yert smiled. "There are some irregularities involving some Cadmi-ans on deployment, sir, and I need to clarify exactly what they may be facing." That was absolutely true, if incomplete. "You'd prefer not to be more explicit?" "When I'm gathering information, sir, I hesitate to speculate, because, if I'm wrong, I've given you incorrect information, and I end up looking foolish. I'd be happy to provide you the details of what I know so far." "In a sentence, if you would." "The Cadmians in Hyalt have reported some strange occurrences. I need to find out more in order to determine whether we should send back a Myrmidon squad." If not an entire company, with a few additional measures, if such are even possible. "Hyalt?" Zelyert shook his head. "Best be careful there, Submarshal." "I intend to." But not quite in the way you think. The High Alector stepped back, looking very thoughtÂ-ful, but said nothing further. Dainyl would have preferred not to have mentioned Hyalt at all, but there was no avoiding it. While he could have held even tighter shields, that would have alerted Zelyert that his shields were in fact stronger than the High Alector realized and that Dainyl was hiding someÂ-thing. Dainyl just hoped that his reputation for caution would cover his unwillingness to be too specific. Chastyl stood at one end of the Table chamber as Dainyl entered. "Good morning, Submarshal." "Good morning, Chastyl." Dainyl gestured toward the Table. "You are not traveling?" "No. I am just monitoring the Table. There have been more odd energies, but nothing like what happened last week." Odd energies? Dainyl liked that not at all. Still, he smiled and stepped onto the Table, concentrating on the blackness beneath ... Immediately, he dropped into the depths beneath the Table, depths that now seemed more like a blackened purÂ-ple haze. Simultaneously, he was aware of the purpled confines of the translation tube and that it rested, or seemed to, upon a wider area of blackness. He pushed that perception away and focused on the orange-yellow of Lysia, linking himself there. He thought he sensed a green flash and a longer purÂ-pled presence, but he slipped through the orange-yellow barrierâ"more like a curtain of mist than the obstacle it had once been... ... and found himself once more in Lysia. There was not even a trace of fog rising from his uniform, which only carried the faintest chill. Sulerya stood in the opening to the hidden chambers, watching him. "I thought it might be you. That was a quick translation. I doubt if any of the recorders, unless they were looking closely, even noticed." She smiled. "What are you here for?" "I'm sure you know. To talk to you." "Not Sevasya?" "Not this time." "Then, come join me. Close the door behind you." She turned and walked up the hidden passage. Dainyl found the Talent lock and closed the stone beÂ-hind him. Sulerya sat in one of the three, chairs. Dainyl took die third chair, leaving one between them, but he turned the chair so mat he faced her more directly. "You look quite serious, Submarshal." The faintest hint of a smile lifted the corners of her narrow mouth, but the incongruous green eyes showed no amusement. "I am. I'm here for advice and advisement." "From a mere recorder?" Dainyl snorted. "You are no mere recorder." He had his suspicions, but mere was no point in declaring them. 'That is not why I'm here." 'Then why?" "Can any Table be isolated from the others? From outÂ-side the particular Table, that is?" asked Dainyl. "No." Sulerya frowned. "Not unless enough Tables were shut down to destroy the entire grid, but you'd have nothing then, except perhaps a tfiin direct link to Ifryn. Each Table was designed to be brought on the grid indeÂ-pendently." "Then, they can be shut down."