Finnegans Web

Finnegans Web
A Webified version of the typescript of
James Joyce's Finnegans Wake,
supplied by Donald Theall,


| I | II | III |IV |

Credits This HTML version and other electronic versions of James Joyce's Finnegans  Wake and Ulysses are made available via the World Wide Web, FTP and Gopher through the courtesy of Trent University. Both texts are available in HTML and WP 5.1, with most of the graphic and typographic effect included, and in ASCII text without these features.
The FW text was prepared by scanning the Second Edition (Faber, 1950). The scanned text was checked against a speller, created from a word count list provided by Professor Mark Olsen of the University of Chicago, based on scanning Clive Hart's Concordance. Nota Bene
Errata to the Second Edition were consulted and corrections incorporated into the text.

Starting from Dr. Theall's ASCII text, Szeliga wrote a series of AWK and PERL scripts that transformed the regular pattern of book, page and line breaks and created 628 interconnected HTML files. Corrections from the 1959 Viking Compass paperback edition The toughest part was converting the hundreds of italics and diacritical marks into the corresponding HTML tags.



  • Converted to 628+ linked HTML files, Doublends Jined
  • links to prev & next pages, first page of each book
  • Chapter page tables for direct access
  • Marginalia and footnotes in II.2 implemented using Netscape Frames
    • If you don't have frames in this section, you're out of luck
  • Accent graves, acutes, circumflex in original converted when possible to ISO-8859 (Latin-1)
  • Diacritical marks not in ISO-8859 drawn into inline GIF images
  • Diagrams and Music converted to inline transparent GIF images
  • Sigla: HCE, ALP, Four, SHEM, SHAUN, ISSY - Hoodle doodle.
  • italics, Sized F onts, other typographic gimmicks
  • Greek text in marginalia converted using new <MATH> &omega; </MATH> tags.
    (Not implemented in most browsers but coming real soon now.)
  • Designed with Netscape Navigator, using 12-point New Century Schoolbook, on a 19" monitor. It may look funny with other browsers and fonts.
  • Embedded GIFs and sigla will definitely look funny with other settings.
  • If you have a favorite section, please verify it for me.

    Searchable Index for FW    powered by Exc!ite - I've got it working here, but it doesn't like the relative pathnames
       New version of Exc!te due out end of October someday will fix that.
    Line References
    TO DO
    • Put in a little CGI form to jump to a particular page
    • Framing the marginalia was tough enough; getting the comments to line up between frames is expecting a bit much, don't you think?.
    • If anybody recognizes the font for FW, with the small digits and crossed VV in the W (like in the Volkswagon logo), drop me a line.
    • Send errata lists. Look for unclosed tags from italics that start on one page and end on another.
    • Currently working on simultaneous group annotation of text. Check out Sanford's demo.
    Plans, Dreams, Desires
  • Colors for text can make online-transcription of the Notebooks clearer, given the number of arguments over   JAJ's Crayola box I've seen on FWAKE-L.
  • Genetic Text analysis, going through the earliest sketches and notebooks, transition versions and the final edition, as each successive step version edition can be traced with hyperlinks.

  • Finnegans Wake has long been a prime candidate for Hypertext, to link the many notebooks and versions that preceded it and the wealth of commentary that came after it.
    Reading Finnegans Wake is a group effort. This is being released for comment. Please send corrections, praise and blame to Tim Szeliga.
    This is not a permanent site. If it is received well and proves useful, perhaps somebody in the Commonwealth can host it.

    Late Breaking News

  • Thanks for the comments and feedback! This site may be moving to Trent U soon, to join the original text.
  • Searchable Index for FW - powered by Exc!ite - I've got it working here, but it doesn't like the ~tim/fw.
       New version of Exc!te due out end of October will fix that.
  • Currently working on simultaneous group annotation of text. Check out Sanford's demo.
  • The same process can be applied to the Ulysses text at Trent as well. (Oh, that got your attention, didn't it!)
  • Just downloaded the Linerefs file, which can annotate the text. Will look into weaving it into html files.
  • Colors for text can make online-transcription of the Notebooks clearer, given the number of arguments over   JAJ's Crayola box I've seen on FWAKE-L.
  • Genetic Text analysis, going through the earliest sketches and notebooks, transition versions and the final edition, as each successive step version edition can be traced with hyperlinks.
  • Pertinent Files:

    In netscape, try Shift-left-button to download link.

    Files with .taz extension have had tar and gzip run on them.
    Unmarked Original - the original as I received it
    HTML-marked Text - divided into sixteen chapter files, called "BookI.C" (Not available)
    Patches - Set of patch files to run on the Trent text files.
        Use the GNU patch program:    patch Book1.1.txt -o book1.1 < patch1.1
    AWK & Perl scripts - to apply to HTML-marked text. You need awk to do this.
    sigla images - in GIF and bitmap format
    Chapter Heading - Pages and indices
    Individual Pages - HTML files and images (not available)

    Notes and Comments

    To Do List

    $1.77 in the remainder bin at a college bookstore, with a broken spine, held together with a thick rubberband.