broken exthro Castilian into which the whole audience perse- | 1 |
guired and pursuited him olla podrida) outbroke much yellach- | 2 |
ters from owners in the heall (Ha!) in which, under the mollifi- | 3 |
cation of methaglin, the testifighter reluctingly, but with ever so | 4 |
ladylike indecorum, joined. (Ha! Ha!) | 5 |
The hilariohoot of Pegger's Windup cumjustled as neatly | 6 |
with the tristitone of the Wet Pinter's as were they isce et ille | 7 |
equals of opposites, evolved by a onesame power of nature or of | 8 |
spirit, iste, as the sole condition and means of its himundher | 9 |
manifestation and polarised for reunion by the symphysis of | 10 |
their antipathies. Distinctly different were their duasdestinies. | 11 |
Whereas the maidies of the bar, (a pairless trentene, a lunarised | 12 |
score) when the eranthus myrrmyrred: Show'm the Posed: | 13 |
fluttered and flattered around the willingly pressed, nominating | 14 |
him for the swiney prize, complimenting him, the captivating | 15 |
youth, on his having all his senses about him, stincking thyacinths | 16 |
through his curls (O feen! O deur!) and bringing busses to his | 17 |
cheeks, their masculine Oirisher Rose (his neece cleur!), and | 18 |
legando round his nice new neck for him and pizzicagnoling his | 19 |
woolywags, with their dindy dandy sugar de candy mechree me | 20 |
postheen flowns courier to belive them of all his untiring young | 21 |
dames and send treats in their times. Ymen. But it was not un- | 22 |
observed of those presents, their worships, how, of one among | 23 |
all, her deputised to defeme him by the Lunar Sisters' Celibacy | 24 |
Club, a lovelooking leapgirl, all all alonely, Gentia Gemma of the | 25 |
Makegiddyculling Reeks, he, wan and pale in his unmixed admir- | 26 |
ation, seemed blindly, mutely, tastelessly, tactlessly, innamorate | 27 |
with heruponhim in shining aminglement, the shaym of his hisu | 28 |
shifting into the shimmering of her hers, (youthsy, beautsy, hee's | 29 |
her chap and shey'll tell memmas when she gays whom) till the | 30 |
wild wishwish of her sheeshea melted most musically mid the | 31 |
dark deepdeep of his shayshaun. | 32 |
And whereas distracted (for was not just this in effect which | 33 |
had just caused that the effect of that which it had caused to oc- | 34 |
cur?) the four justicers laid their wigs together, Untius, Mun- | 35 |
cius, Punchus and Pylax but could do no worse than promulgate | 36 |