his exution with all the fluors of sparse in the royal Irish vocabulary | 1 |
how the whole padderjagmartin tripiezite suet and all the sulfeit | 2 |
of copperas had fallen off him quatz unaccountably like the | 3 |
chrystalisations of Alum on Even while he was trying for to stick | 4 |
fire to himcell, (in feacht he was dripping as he found upon strip- | 5 |
ping for a pipkin ofmalt as he feared the coold raine) it was | 6 |
attempted by the crown (P.C. Robort) to show that King, elois | 7 |
Crowbar, once known as Meleky, impersonating a climbing boy, | 8 |
rubbed some pixes of any luvial peatsmoor o'er his face, plucks | 9 |
and pussas, with a clanetourf as the best means of disguising | 10 |
himself and was to the middlewhite fair in Mudford of a Thoor- | 11 |
day, feishts of Peeler and Pole, under the illassumed names of | 12 |
Tykingfest and Rabworc picked by him and Anthony out of a | 13 |
tellafun book, ellegedly with a pedigree pig (unlicensed) and a | 14 |
hyacinth. They were on that sea by the plain of Ir nine hundred | 15 |
and ninetynine years and they never cried crack or ceased from | 16 |
regular paddlewicking till that they landed their two and a | 17 |
trifling selves, amadst camel and ass, greybeard and suckling, | 18 |
priest and pauper, matrmatron and merrymeg, into the meddle | 19 |
of the mudstorm. The gathering, convened by the Irish Angri- | 20 |
cultural and Prepostoral Ouraganisations, to help the Irish muck | 21 |
to look his brother dane in the face and attended thanks to | 22 |
Larry by large numbers, of christies and jew's totems, tospite of | 23 |
the deluge, was distinctly of a scattery kind when the bally- | 24 |
bricken he could get no good of, after cockofthewalking through | 25 |
a few fancyfought mains ate some of the doorweg, the pikey | 26 |
later selling the gentleman ratepayer because she, Francie's sister, | 27 |
that is to say,ate a whole side of his (the animal's) sty, on a | 28 |
struggle Street, Qui Sta Troia, in order to pay off, hiss or lick, | 29 |
six doubloons fifteen arrears of his, the villain's not the rumbler's | 30 |
rent. | 31 |
    Remarkable evidence was given, anon, by an eye, ear, nose | 32 |
and throat witness, whom Wesleyan chapelgoers suspected of | 33 |
being a plain clothes priest W.P., situate at Nullnull, Medical | 34 |
Square, who, upon letting down his rice and peacegreen cover- | 35 |
disk and having been sullenly cautioned against yawning while | 36 |