is sure he means bisnisgels to empalmover. A naked yogpriest, | 1 |
clothed of sundust, his oakey doaked with frondest leoves, offrand | 2 |
to the ewon of her owen. Tasyam kuru salilakriyamu! Pfaf! | 3 |
    Bring about it to be brought about and it will be, loke, our lake | 4 |
lemanted, that greyt lack, the citye of Is is issuant (atlanst!), urban | 5 |
and orbal, through seep froms umber under wasseres of Erie. | 6 |
    Lough! | 7 |
    Hwo! Hwy, dairmaidens? Asthoreths, assay! Earthsigh to is | 8 |
heavened. | 9 |
    Hillsengals, the daughters of the cliffs, responsen. Longsome | 10 |
the samphire coast. From thee to thee, thoo art it thoo, that | 11 |
thouest there. The like the near, the liker nearer. O sosay! A | 12 |
family, a band, a school, a clanagirls. Fiftines andbut fortines by | 13 |
novanas andor vantads by octettes ayand decadendecads by a | 14 |
lunary with last a lone. Whose every has herdifferent from the | 15 |
similies with her site. Sicut campanulae petalliferentes they coroll | 16 |
in caroll round Botany Bay. A dweam of dose innocent dirly | 17 |
dirls. Keavn! Keavn! And they all setton voicies about singsing | 18 |
music was Keavn! He. Only he. Ittle he. Ah! The whole | 19 |
clangalied. Oh! | 20 |
    S. Wilhelmina's, S. Gardenia's, S. Phibia's, S. Veslandrua's, | 21 |
S. Clarinda's, S. Immecula's, S. Dolores Delphin's, S. Perlan- | 22 |
throa's, S. Errands Gay's, S. Eddaminiva's, S. Rhodamena's, S. | 23 |
Ruadagara's, S. Drimicumtra's, S. Una Vestity's, S. Mintargisia's, | 24 |
S. Misha-La-Valse's, S. Churstry's, S. Clouonaskieym's, S. Bella- | 25 |
vistura's, S. Santamonta's, S. Ringsingsund's, S. Heddadin | 26 |
Drade's, S. Glacianivia's, S. Waidafrira's, S. Thomassabbess's | 27 |
and (trema! unloud!! pepet!!!) S. Loellisotoelles! | 28 |
    Prayfulness! Prayfulness! | 29 |
    Euh! Thaet is seu whaet shaell one naeme it! | 30 |
    The meidinogues have tingued togethering. Ascend out of | 31 |
your bed, cavern of a trunk, and shrine! Kathlins is kitchin. | 32 |
Soros cast, ma brone! You must exterra acquarate to interirigate | 33 |
all the arkypelicans. The austrologer Wallaby by Tolan, who | 34 |
farshook our showrs from Newer Aland, has signed the you and | 35 |
the now our mandate. Milenesia waits. Be smark. | 36 |