Vah! Suvarn Sur! Scatter brand to the reneweller of the sky, | 1 |
thou who agnitest! Dah! Arcthuris comeing! Be! Verb umprin- | 2 |
cipiant through the trancitive spaces! Kilt by kelt shell kithagain | 3 |
with kinagain. We elect for thee, Tirtangel. Svadesia salve! We | 4 |
Durbalanars, theeadjure. A way, the Margan, from our astamite, | 5 |
through dimdom done till light kindling light has led we hopas | 6 |
but hunt me the journeyon, iteritinerant, the kal his course, | 7 |
amid the semitary of Somnionia. Even unto Heliotropolis, the | 8 |
castellated, the enchanting. Now if soomone felched a twoel | 9 |
and soomonelses warmet watter we could, while you was saying | 10 |
Morkret Miry or Smud, Brunt and Rubbinsen, make sunlike | 11 |
sylp om this warful dune's battam. Yet clarify begins at. Whither | 12 |
the spot for? Whence the hour by? See but! Lever hulme! Take | 13 |
in. Respassers should be pursaccoutred. Qui stabat Meins quan- | 14 |
tum qui stabat Peins. As of yours. We annew. Our shades of | 15 |
minglings mengle them and help help horizons. A flasch and, | 16 |
rasch, it shall come to pasch, as hearth by hearth leaps live. For | 17 |
the tanderest stock with the rosinost top Ahlen Hill's, clubpub- | 18 |
ber, in general stores and. Atriathroughwards, Lugh the | 19 |
Brathwacker will be the listened after and he larruping sparks out of | 20 |
his teiney ones. The spearspid of dawnfire totouches ain the | 21 |
tablestoane ath the centre of the great circle of the macroliths of | 22 |
Helusbelus in the boshiman brush on this our peneplain by Fan- | 23 |
galuvu Bight whence the horned cairns erge, stanserstanded, | 24 |
to floran frohn, idols of isthmians. Overwhere. Gaunt grey | 25 |
ghostly gossips growing grubber in the glow. Past now pulls. | 26 |
Cur one beast, even Dane the Great, may treadspath with | 27 |
sniffer he snout impursuant to byelegs. Edar's chuckal humuristic. | 28 |
But why pit the cur afore the noxe? Let shrill their duan | 29 |
Gallus, han, and she, hou the Sassqueehenna, makes ducks- | 30 |
runs at crooked. Once for the chantermale, twoce for the pother | 31 |
and once twoce threece for the waither. So an inedible yellow- | 32 |
meat turns out the invasable blackth. Kwhat serves to rob with | 33 |
Alliman, saelior, a turnkeyed trot to Seapoint, pierrotettes, means | 34 |
Noel's Bar and Julepunsch, by Joge, if you've tippertaps in your | 35 |
head or starting kursses, tailour, you're silenced at Henge Ceol- | 36 |