BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|583 | 584 |585 |

stoddard and trutted and trumpered, to see had lordherry's1
blackham's red bobby abbels, it tickled her innings to consort2
pitch at kicksolock in the morm. Tipatonguing him on in her3
pigeony linguish, with a flick at the bails for lubrication, to scorch4
her faster, faster. Ye hek, ye hok, ye hucky hiremonger ! Magrath5
he's my pegger, he is, for bricking up all my old kent road.6
He'll win your toss, flog your old tom's bowling and I darr ye,7
barrackybuller, to break his duck! He's posh. I lob him. We're8
parring all Oogster till the empsyseas run googlie. Declare to9
ashes and teste his metch! Three for two will do for me and he10
for thee and she for you. Goeasyosey, for the grace of the fields,11
or hooley pooley, cuppy, we'll both be bye and by caught in the12
slips for fear he'd tyre and burst his dunlops and waken her13
bornybarnies making his boobybabies. The game old merri-14
mynn, square to leg, with his lolleywide towelhat and his hobbsy15
socks and his wisden's bosse and his norsery pinafore and his16
gentleman's grip and his playaboy's plunge and his flannelly17
feelyfooling, treading her hump and hambledown like a maiden18
wellheld, ovalled over, with her crease where the pads of her19
punishments ought to be by womanish rights when, keek, the hen20
in the doran's shantyqueer began in a kikkery key to laugh it21
off, yeigh, yeigh, neigh, neigh, the way she was wuck to doodle-22
doo by her gallows bird (how's that? Noball, he carries his bat!)23
nine hundred and dirty too not out, at all times long past con-24
quering cock of the morgans.25
    How blame us? 26
    Cocorico! 27
    Armigerend everfasting horde. Rico! So the bill to the bowe. 28
As the belle to the beau. We herewith pleased returned auditors'29
thanks for those and their favours since safely enjoined. Coco-30
ree! Tellaman tillamie. Tubbernacul in tipherairy, sons, travel-31
lers in company and their carriageable tochters, tanks tight anne32
thynne for her contractations tugowards his personeel. Echo,33
choree chorecho! O I you O you me! Well, we all unite thought-34
fully in rendering gratias, well, between loves repassed, begging35
your honour's pardon for, well, exclusive pigtorial rights of here-36