ters, underfed: nagging firenibblers knockling aterman up out of | 1 |
his hinterclutch. Tomb be their tools! When the youngdammers | 2 |
will be soon heartpocking on their betters' doornoggers: and the | 3 |
youngfries will be backfrisking diamondcuts over their lyingin | 4 |
underlayers, spick and spat trowelling a gravetrench for their | 5 |
fourinhand forebears. Vote for your club! | 6 |
    | 7 |
    | 8 |
    | 9 |
    | 10 |
    | 11 |
    | 12 |
    | 13 |
    | 14 |
    Live well! Iniivdluaritzas! Tone! | 15 |
    Cant ear! Her dorters ofe? Whofe? Her eskmeno daughters | 16 |
hope? Whope? Ellme, elmme, elskmestoon! Soon! | 17 |
    Let us consider. | 18 |
    The procurator Interrogarius Mealterum presends us this pro- | 19 |
poser. | 20 |
    Honuphrius is a concupiscent exservicemajor who makes dis- | 21 |
honest propositions to all. He is considered to have committed, | 22 |
invoking droit d'oreiller, simple infidelities with Felicia, a virgin, | 23 |
and to be practising for unnatural coits with Eugenius and Jere- | 24 |
mias, two or three philadelphians. Honophrius, Felicia, Eugenius | 25 |
and Jeremias are consanguineous to the lowest degree. Anita | 26 |
the wife of Honophrius, has been told by her tirewoman, For- | 27 |
tissa, that Honuphrius has blasphemously confessed under volun- | 28 |
tary chastisement that he has instructed his slave, Mauritius, to | 29 |
urge Magravius, a commercial, emulous of Honuphrius, to solicit | 30 |
the chastity of Anita. Anita is informed by some illegitimate | 31 |
children of Fortissa with Mauritius (the supposition is Ware's) | 32 |
that Gillia, the schismatical wife of Magravius, is visited clandes- | 33 |
tinely by Barnabas, the advocate of Honuphrius, an immoral | 34 |
person who has been corrupted by Jeremias. Gillia, (a cooler | 35 |
blend, D'Alton insists) ex equo with Poppea, Arancita, Clara, | 36 |