what brilliant bridgecloths and joking up with his tonguespitz | 1 |
to the crimosing balkonladies, here's a help undo their modest | 2 |
stays with a fullbelow may the funnyfeelbelong. Oddsbones, | 3 |
that may it! Carilloners will ring their gluckspeels. Rng rng! | 4 |
Rng rng ! S. Presbutt-in-the-North, S. Mark Underloop, | 5 |
S. Lorenz-by-the-Toolechest, S. Nicholas Myre. You shall | 6 |
hark to anune S. Gardener, S. George-le-Greek, S. Barclay | 7 |
Moitered, S. Phibb, Iona-in-the-Fields with Paull-the-Aposteln. | 8 |
And audialterand: S. Jude-at-Gate, Bruno Friars, S. Weslen- | 9 |
on-the-Row, S. Molyneux Without, S. Mary Stillamaries with | 10 |
Bride-and-Audeons-behind-Wardborg. How chimant in effect! | 11 |
Alla tingaling pealabells! So a many of churches one cannot | 12 |
pray own's prayers. 'Tis holyyear's day! Juin jully we may! | 13 |
Agithetta and Tranquilla shall demure umclaused but Marl- | 14 |
borough-the-Less, Greatchrist and Holy Protector shall have | 15 |
open virgilances. Beata Basilica! But will be not pontifi- | 16 |
cation? Dock, dock, agame! Primatially. At wateredge. Can- | 17 |
taberra and Neweryork may supprecate when, by vepers, for | 18 |
towned and travalled, his goldwhite swaystick aloft ylifted, | 19 |
umbrilla-parasoul, Monsigneur of Deublan shall impart to all. | 20 |
Benedictus benedicat! To board! And mealsight! Unjoint him | 21 |
this bittern, frust me this chicken, display yon crane, thigh her | 22 |
her pigeon, unlace allay rabbit and pheasant! Sing: Old Finncoole, | 23 |
he's a mellow old saoul when he swills with his fuddlers free! | 24 |
Poppop array! For we're all jollygame fellhellows which no- | 25 |
bottle can deny! Here be trouts culponed for ye and salmons | 26 |
chined and sturgeons tranched, sanced capons, lobsters barbed. | 27 |
Call halton eatwords! Mumm me moe mummers! What, no | 28 |
Ithalians? How, not one Moll Pamelas? Accordingly! Play actors | 29 |
by us ever have crash to their gate. Mr Messop and Mr Borry will | 30 |
produce of themselves, as they're two genitalmen of Veruno, | 31 |
Senior Nowno and Senior Brolano (finaly! finaly!), all for love of | 32 |
a fair penitent that, a she be broughton, rhoda's a rosy she. Their | 33 |
two big skins! How they strave to gat her! Such a boyplay! Their | 34 |
bouchicaulture ! What tyronte power! Buy our fays ! My name is | 35 |
novel and on the Granby in hills. Bravose! Thou traitor slave! | 36 |