skirts of city. Groove two. Chamber scene. Boxed. Ordinary bed- | 1 |
room set. Salmonpapered walls. Back, empty Irish grate, Adam's | 2 |
mantel, with wilting elopement fan, soot and tinsel, condemned. | 3 |
North, wall with window practicable. Argentine in casement | 4 |
Vamp. Pelmit above. No curtains. Blind drawn. South, party wall | 5 |
Bed for two with strawberry bedspread, wickerworker clubsessel | 6 |
and caneseated millikinstool. Bookshrine without, facetowel upon. | 7 |
Chair for one. Woman's garments on chair. Man's trousers with | 8 |
crossbelt braces, collar on bedknob. Man's corduroy surcoat with | 9 |
tabrets and taces, seapan nacre buttons on nail. Woman's gown | 10 |
on ditto. Over mantelpiece picture of Michael, lance, slaying | 11 |
Satan, dragon with smoke. Small table near bed, front. Bed with | 12 |
bedding. Spare. Flagpatch quilt. Yverdown design. Limes. | 13 |
Lighted lamp without globe, scarf, gazette, tumbler, quantity | 14 |
of water, julepot, ticker, side props, eventuals, man's gummy | 15 |
article, pink. | 16 |
    A time. | 17 |
    Act: dumbshow. | 18 |
    Closeup. Leads. | 19 |
    Man with nightcap, in bed, fore. Woman, with curlpins, hind. | 20 |
Discovered. Side point of view. First position of harmony. Say! | 21 |
Eh? Ha! Check action. Matt. Male partly masking female. Man | 22 |
looking round, beastly expression, fishy eyes, paralleliped | 23 |
homoplatts, ghazometron pondus, exhibits rage. Business. Ruddy | 24 |
blond, Armenian bole, black patch, beer wig, gross build, | 25 |
episcopalian, any age. Woman, sitting, looks at ceiling, haggish | 26 |
expression, peaky nose, trekant mouth, fithery wight, exhibits | 27 |
fear. Welshrabbit teint, Nubian shine, nasal fossette, turfy tuft, | 28 |
undersized, free kirk, no age. Closeup. Play! | 29 |
    Callboy. Cry off. Tabler. Her move. | 30 |
    Footage. | 31 |
    By the sinewy forequarters of the mare Pocahontas and by the | 32 |
white shoulders of Finnuala you should have seen how that | 33 |
smart sallowlass just hopped a nanny's gambit out of bunk like | 34 |
old mother Mesopotomac and in eight and eight sixtyfour she | 35 |
was off, door, knightlamp with her, billy's largelimbs prodgering | 36 |