BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|554 | 555 |556 |

    What was thaas? Fog was whaas? Too mult sleepth. Let 1
    But really now whenabouts? Expatiate then how much times 3
we live in. Yes?4
    So,nat by night by naught by naket, in those good old lousy 5
days gone by, the days, shall we say? of Whom shall we say?6
while kinderwardens minded their twinsbed, therenow they-7
stood, the sycomores, all four of them, in their quartan agues, the8
majorchy, the minorchy, the everso and the fermentarian with9
their ballyhooric blowreaper, titranicht by tetranoxst, at their10
pussycorners, and that old time pallyollogass, playing copers fear-11
some, with Gus Walker, the cuddy, and his poor old dying12
boosy cough, esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin, dell me, donk,13
the way to wumblin. Follow me beeline and you're bumblin,14
esker, newcsle, saggard, crumlin. And listening. So gladdied up15
when nicechild Kevin Mary (who was going to be comman-16
deering chief of the choirboys' brigade the moment he grew up17
under all the auspices) irishsmiled in his milky way of cream18
dwibble and onage tustard and dessed tabbage, frighted out when19
badbrat Jerry Godolphing (who was hurrying to be cardinal20
scullion in a night refuge as bald as he was cured enough21
unerr all the hospitals) furrinfrowned down his wrinkly waste22
of methylated spirits, ick,and lemoncholy lees, ick, and pulverised23
rhubarbarorum, icky;24