Danabrog (Cunnig's great! Soll leve! Soll leve!): with mare's | 1 |
greese cressets at Leonard's and Dunphy's and Madonna lan- | 2 |
thorns before quintacasas and tallonkindles spearhead syngeing | 3 |
nickendbookers and mhutton lightburnes dipdippingdownes in | 4 |
blackholes, the tapers of the topers and his buntingpall at hoist: | 5 |
for days there was no night for nights were days and our folk had | 6 |
rest from Blackheathen and the pagans from the prince of pacis: | 7 |
what was trembling sod quaked no more, what were frozen loins | 8 |
were stirred and lived: gone the septuor, dark deadly dismal dole- | 9 |
ful desolate dreadful desperate, no more the tolvmaans, bloody | 10 |
gloomy hideous fearful furious alarming terrible mournful | 11 |
sorrowful frightful appalling: peace, perfect peace: and I hung up | 12 |
at Yule my duindleeng lunas, helphelped of Kettil Flashnose, for | 13 |
the souperhore of my frigid one, coloumba mea, frimosa mea, in | 14 |
Wastewindy tarred strate and Elgin's marble halles lamping | 15 |
limp from black to block, through all Livania's volted ampire, | 16 |
from anodes to cathodes and from the topazolites of Mourne, | 17 |
Wykinloeflare, by Arklow's sapphire siomen's lure and Wexter- | 18 |
ford's hook and crook lights to the polders of Hy Kinsella: | 19 |
avenyue ceen my peurls ahumming, the crown to my estuarine | 20 |
munipicence?: three firths of the sea I swept with draughtness | 21 |
and all ennempties I bottled em up in bellomport: when I stab- | 22 |
marooned jack and maturin I was a bad boy's bogey but it was | 23 |
when I went on to sankt piotersbarq that they gave my devil his | 24 |
dues: what is seizer can hack in the old wold a sawyer may hew | 25 |
in the green: on the island of Breasil the wildth of me perished | 26 |
and I took my plowshure sadly, feeling pity for me sored: where | 27 |
bold O'Connee weds on Alta Mahar, the tawny sprawling beside | 28 |
that silver burn, I sate me and settled with the little crither of my | 29 |
hearth: her intellects I charmed with I calle them utile thoughts, | 30 |
her turlyhyde I plumped with potatums for amiens pease in | 31 |
plenty: my biblous beadells shewed her triumphs of craftygild | 32 |
pageantries, loftust Adam, duffed our cousterclother, Conn and | 33 |
Owel with cortoppled baskib, Sire Noeh Guinnass, exposant of | 34 |
his bargeness and Lord Joe Starr to hump the body of the camell: | 35 |
I screwed the Emperor down with ninepins gaelic with sixpenny- | 36 |