BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|545 | 546 |547 |

Rechabites obstain! Clayed sheets, pineshrouded, wake not, walk1
not! Sigh lento, Morgh!) Quo warranto has his greats my soliven2
and puissant lord V. king regards for me and he has given to me3
my necknamesh (flister it!) which is second fiddler to nomen.4
These be my genteelician arms. At the crest, two young frish,5
etoiled, flappant, devoiled of their habiliments, vested sable, with-6
drewers argent. For the boss a coleopter, pondant, partifesswise,7
blazoned sinister, at the slough, proper. In the lower field a terce8
of lanciers, shaking unsheathed shafts, their arms crossed in sal-9
tire, embusked, sinople. Motto, in letters portent: Hery Crass10
Evohodie. Idle were it, repassing from elserground to the elder11
disposition, to inquire whether I, draggedasunder, be the forced12
generation of group marriage, holocryptogam, of my essenes, or13
carried of cloud from land of locust, in ouzel galley borne, I,14
huddled til summone be the massproduct of teamwork, three15
surtouts wripped up in itchother's, two twin pritticoaxes lived as16
one, troubled in trine or dubildin too, for abram nude be I or17
roberoyed with the faineans, of Feejeean grafted ape on merfish,18
surrounded by obscurity, by my virtus of creation and by boon19
of promise, by my natural born freeman's journeymanright and20
my otherchurch's inher light, in so and such a manner as me it21
so besitteth, most surely I pretend and reclam to opt for simul-22
taneous. Till daybowbreak and showshadows flee. Thus be hek.23
Verily! Verily! Time, place!24
          What is your numb? Bun! 25
          Who gave you that numb? Poo! 26
          Have you put in all your sparepennies? I'm listening. Sree! 27
          Keep clear of propennies! Fore! 28
          Mr Televox, Mrs Taubiestimm and invisible friends! I may- 29
may mean to say. Annoyin part of it was, had faithful Fulvia,30
following the wiening courses of this world, turned her back on31
her ways to gon on uphills upon search of louvers, brunette men of32
Earalend, Chief North Paw and Chief Goes in Black Water and33
Chief Brown Pool and Chief Night Cloud by the Deeps, or again34
had Fluvia, amber whitch she was, left her chivily crookcrook35
crocus bed at the bare suggestions of some prolling bywaymen36