Rechabites obstain! Clayed sheets, pineshrouded, wake not, walk | 1 |
not! Sigh lento, Morgh!) Quo warranto has his greats my soliven | 2 |
and puissant lord V. king regards for me and he has given to me | 3 |
my necknamesh (flister it!) which is second fiddler to nomen. | 4 |
These be my genteelician arms. At the crest, two young frish, | 5 |
etoiled, flappant, devoiled of their habiliments, vested sable, with- | 6 |
drewers argent. For the boss a coleopter, pondant, partifesswise, | 7 |
blazoned sinister, at the slough, proper. In the lower field a terce | 8 |
of lanciers, shaking unsheathed shafts, their arms crossed in sal- | 9 |
tire, embusked, sinople. Motto, in letters portent: Hery Crass | 10 |
Evohodie. Idle were it, repassing from elserground to the elder | 11 |
disposition, to inquire whether I, draggedasunder, be the forced | 12 |
generation of group marriage, holocryptogam, of my essenes, or | 13 |
carried of cloud from land of locust, in ouzel galley borne, I, | 14 |
huddled til summone be the massproduct of teamwork, three | 15 |
surtouts wripped up in itchother's, two twin pritticoaxes lived as | 16 |
one, troubled in trine or dubildin too, for abram nude be I or | 17 |
roberoyed with the faineans, of Feejeean grafted ape on merfish, | 18 |
surrounded by obscurity, by my virtus of creation and by boon | 19 |
of promise, by my natural born freeman's journeymanright and | 20 |
my otherchurch's inher light, in so and such a manner as me it | 21 |
so besitteth, most surely I pretend and reclam to opt for simul- | 22 |
taneous. Till daybowbreak and showshadows flee. Thus be hek. | 23 |
Verily! Verily! Time, place! | 24 |
    | 25 |
    | 26 |
    | 27 |
    | 28 |
    | 29 |
may mean to say. Annoyin part of it was, had faithful Fulvia, | 30 |
following the wiening courses of this world, turned her back on | 31 |
her ways to gon on uphills upon search of louvers, brunette men of | 32 |
Earalend, Chief North Paw and Chief Goes in Black Water and | 33 |
Chief Brown Pool and Chief Night Cloud by the Deeps, or again | 34 |
had Fluvia, amber whitch she was, left her chivily crookcrook | 35 |
crocus bed at the bare suggestions of some prolling bywaymen | 36 |