toothed dragon worms with allsort serpents, has compolitely | 1 |
seceded from this landleague of many nations and open and | 2 |
notorious naughty livers are found not on our rolls. This seat of | 3 |
our city it is of all sides pleasant, comfortable and wholesome. | 4 |
If you would traverse hills, they are not far off. If champain land, | 5 |
it lieth of all parts. If you would be delited with fresh water, the | 6 |
famous river, called of Ptolemy the Libnia Labia, runneth fast | 7 |
by. If you will take the view of the sea, it is at hand. Give heed! | 8 |
| 9 |
| 10 |
| 11 |
| 12 |
| 13 |
a shun! Pip! Peep! Pipitch! Ubipop jay piped, ibipep goes the | 14 |
whistle. Here Tyeburn throttled, massed murmars march: where | 15 |
the bus stops there shop I: here which ye see, yea reste. On me, | 16 |
your sleeping giant. Estoesto! Estote sunto! From the hold of | 17 |
my capt in altitude till the mortification that's my fate. The end | 18 |
of aldest mosest ist the beginning of all thisorder so the last of | 19 |
their hansbailis shall the first in our sheriffsby. New highs for | 20 |
all! Redu Negru may be black in tawn but under them lintels | 21 |
are staying my horneymen meet each his mansiemagd. For peers | 22 |
and gints, quaysirs and galleyliers, fresk letties from the say and | 23 |
stale headygabblers, gaingangers and dudder wagoners, pullars | 24 |
off societies and pushers on rothmere's homes. Obeyance from | 25 |
the townsmen spills felixity by the toun. Our bourse and politico- | 26 |
ecomedy are in safe with good Jock Shepherd, our lives are on | 27 |
sure in sorting with Jonathans, wild and great. Been so free! | 28 |
Thank you, besters! Hattentats have mindered. Blaublaze devil- | 29 |
bobs have gone from the mode and hairtrigger nicks are quite | 30 |
out of time now. Thuggeries are reere as glovars' metins, lepers | 31 |
lack, ignerants show beneath suspicion like the bitterhalves of | 32 |
esculapuloids. In midday's mallsight let Miledd discurverself. | 33 |
Me ludd in her hide park seek Minuinette. All is waldy bonums. | 34 |
Blownose aerios we luft to you! Firebugs, good blazes! Lubbers, | 35 |
kepp your poudies drier! Seamen, we segn your skivs and wives! | 36 |