jackadandyline! Let me never see his waddphez again! And mine | 1 |
it was, Barktholed von Hunarig, Soesown of Furrows (hour- | 2 |
springlike his joussture, immitiate my chry! as urs now, so yous | 3 |
then!), when to our lot it fell on my poplar Sexsex, my Sexen- | 4 |
centaurnary, whenby Gate of Hal, before his hostel of the Wodin | 5 |
Man, I hestened to freeholdit op to his Mam his Maman, Majus- | 6 |
cules, His Magnus Maggerstick, first city's leasekuays of this | 7 |
Nova Tara, our most noble, when hrossbucked on his pricelist | 8 |
charger, Pferdinamd Allibuster (yeddonot need light oar till | 9 |
Noreway for you fanned one o'er every doorway) with my all- | 10 |
bum's greethims through this whole of my promises, handshakey | 11 |
congrandyoulikethems, ecclesency. | 12 |
    Whosaw the jackery dares at handgripper thisa breast? Dose | 13 |
makkers ginger. Some one we was with us all fours. Adversarian! | 14 |
The spiking Duyvil! First liar in Londsend! Wulv! See you scar- | 15 |
gore on that skeepsbrow! And those meisies! Sulken taarts! Man | 16 |
sicker at I ere bluffet konservative? Shucks! Such ratshause bugs- | 17 |
mess so I cannot barely conceive of! Lowest basemeant in hystry! | 18 |
Ibscenest nansence! Noksagt! Per Peeler and Pawr! The broker- | 19 |
heartened shugon! Hole affair is rotten muckswinish porcupig's | 20 |
draff. Enouch! | 21 |
    | 22 |
    | 23 |
    | 24 |
    | 25 |
    | 26 |
Pity poor whiteoath! Dear gone mummeries, goby! Tell the | 27 |
woyld I have lived true thousand hells. Pity, please, lady, for | 28 |
poor O.W. in this profundust snobbing I have caught. Nine dirty | 29 |
years mine age, hairs hoar, mummery failend, snowdrift to my | 30 |
ellpow, deff as Adder. I askt you, dear lady, to judge on my tree | 31 |
by our fruits. I gave you of the tree. I gave two smells, three eats. | 32 |
My freeandies, my celeberrimates: my happy bossoms, my all- | 33 |
falling fruits of my boom. Pity poor Haveth Childers Every- | 34 |
where with Mudder! | 35 |
    That was Communicator, a former colonel. A disincarnated | 36 |