end pastime of executing with Anny Oakley deadliness (the con- | 1 |
summatory pairs of provocatives, of which remained provokingly | 2 |
but two, the ones he fell for, Lili and Tutu, cork em!) empties | 3 |
which had not very long before contained Reid's family (you ruad | 4 |
that before, soaky, but all the bottles in sodemd histry will not | 5 |
soften your bloodathirst!) stout. Having reprimed his repeater | 6 |
and resiteroomed his timespiece His Revenances, with still a life | 7 |
or two to spare for the space of his occupancy of a world at a time, | 8 |
rose to his feet and there, far from Tolkaheim, in a quiet English | 9 |
garden (commonplace!), since known as Whiddington Wild, his | 10 |
simple intensive curolent vocality, my dearbraithers, my most | 11 |
dearbrathairs, as he, so is a supper as is a sipper, spake of the | 12 |
One and told of the Compassionate, called up before the triad of | 13 |
precoxious scaremakers (scoretaking: Spegulo ne helpas al mal- | 14 |
bellulo, Mi Kredas ke vi estas prava, Via dote la vizago rispondas | 15 |
fraulino) the now to ushere mythical habiliments of Our Farfar | 16 |
and Arthor of our doyne. | 17 |
    Television kills telephony in brothers' broil. Our eyes de- | 18 |
mand their turn. Let them be seen! And wolfbone balefires blaze | 19 |
the trailmost if only that Mary Nothing may burst her bibby | 20 |
buckshee. When they set fire then she's got to glow so we may | 21 |
stand some chances of warming to what every soorkabatcha, | 22 |
tum or hum, would like to know. The first Humphrey's latitu- | 23 |
dinous baver with puggaree behind, (calaboose belong bigboss | 24 |
belong Kang the Toll) his fourinhand bow, his elbaroom surtout, | 25 |
the refaced unmansionables of gingerine hue, the state slate | 26 |
umbrella, his gruff woolselywellesly with the finndrinn knopfs | 27 |
and the gauntlet upon the hand which in an hour not for him | 28 |
solely evil had struck down the might he mighthavebeen d'Est- | 29 |
erre of whom his nation seemed almost already to be about to | 30 |
have need. Then, stealing his thunder, but in the befitting le- | 31 |
gomena of the smaller country, (probable words, possibly said, of | 32 |
field family gleaming) a bit duskish and flavoured with a smile, | 33 |
seein as ow his thoughts consisted chiefly of the cheerio, he aptly | 34 |
sketched for our soontobe second parents (sukand see whybe!) | 35 |
the touching seene. The solence of that stilling! Here one might | 36 |