BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|509 | 510 |511 |

          Booms of bombs and heavy rethudders? 1
          This aim to you! 2
          The tail, so mastrodantic, as you tell it nearly takes your 3
own mummouth's breath away. Your troppers are so unrelieved4
because his troopers were in difficulties. Still let stultitiam done5
in veino condone ineptias made of veritues. How many were6
married on that top of all strapping mornings, after the midnight7
turkay drive, my good watcher?8
          Puppaps. That'd be telling. With a hoh frohim and heh 9
fraher. But, as regards to Tammy Thornycraft, Idefyne the lawn10
mare and the laney moweress and all the prentisses of wildes to11
massage him.12
          Now from Gunner Shotland to Guinness Scenography. 13
Come to the ballay at the Tailors' Hall. We mean to be mellay on14
the Mailers' Mall. And leap, rink and make follay till the Gaelers'15
Gall. Awake! Come, a wake! Every old skin in the leather world,16
infect the whole stock company of the old house of the Leaking17
Barrel, was thomistically drunk, two by two, lairking o' tootlers18
with tombours a'beggars, the blog and turfs and the brandywine19
bankrompers, trou Normend fashion, I have been told down to20
the bank lean clorks? Some nasty blunt clubs were being operated21
after the tradition of a wellesleyan bottle riot act and a few plates22
were being shied about and tumblers bearing traces of fresh23
porter rolling around, independent of that, for the ehren of Fyn's24
Insul, and then followed that wapping breakfast at the Heaven25
and Covenant, with Rodey O'echolowing how his breadcost on26
the voters would be a comeback for e'er a one, like the depre-27
dations of Scandalknivery, in and on usedtowobble sloops off28
cloasts, eh? Would that be a talltale too? This was the grandsire29
Orther. This was his innwhite horse. Sip?30
          Well, naturally he was, louties also genderymen. Being 31
Kerssfesstiydt. They came from all lands beyond the wave for32
songs of Inishfeel. Whiskway and mortem! No puseyporcious33
either, invitem kappines all round. But the right reverend priest,34
Mr Hopsinbond, and the reverent bride eleft, Frizzy Fraufrau,35
were sober enough. I think they were sober.36