BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|506 | 507 |508 |

snow off walls. Have you ever heard of this old boy "Thom" or1
"Thim" of the fishy stare who belongs to Kimmage, a crofting dis-2
trict, and is not all there, and is all the more himself since he is3
not so, being most of his time down at the Green Man where he4
steals,pawns,belches and is a curse, drinking gaily two hours after5
closing time, with the coat on him skinside out against rappari-6
tions, with his socks outsewed his springsides, clapping his hands7
in a feeble sort of way and systematically mixing with the public8
going for groceries, slapping greats and littlegets soundly with9
his cattegut belts, flapping baresides and waltzywembling about10
in his accountrements always in font of the tubbernuckles, like11
a longarmed lugh, when he would be finished with his tea?12
          Is it that fellow? As mad as the brambles he is. Touch him. 13
With the lawyers sticking to his trewsershins and the swatme-14
notting on the basque of his beret. He has kissed me more than15
once, I am sorry to say and if I did commit gladrolleries may the16
loone forgive it! O wait till I tell you!17
          We are not going yet. 18
          And look here! Here's, my dear, what he done, as snooks 19
as I am saying so!20
          Get out, you dirt! A strangely striking part of speech for 21
the hottest worked word of ur sprogue. You're not! Unhindered22
and odd times? Mere thumbshow? Lately?23
          How do I know? Such my billet. Buy a barrack pass. Ask 24
the horneys. Tell the robbers.25
          You are alluding to the picking pockets in Lower O'Connell 26
          I am illuding to the Pekin packet but I am eluding from 28
Laura Connor's treat.29
          Now, just wash and brush up your memoirias a little bit. 30
So I find, referring to the pater of the present man, an erely de-31
mented brick thrower, I am wondering to myself in my mind,32
qua our arc of the covenant, was Toucher, a methodist, whose33
name, as others say, is not really 'Thom', was this salt son of a34
century from Boaterstown, Shivering William, the sealiest old for-35
ker ever hawked crannock, who is always with him at the Big Elm36