| 1 |
    | 2 |
Jack! Sure, that old humbugger was boycotted and girlcutted | 3 |
in debt and doom, on hill and haven, even by the show-the-flag | 4 |
flotilla, as I'm given now to understand, illscribed in all the | 5 |
gratuitouses and conspued in the takeyourhandaways. Bumbty, | 6 |
tumbty, Sot on a Wall, Mute art for the Million. There wasn't an | 7 |
Archimandrite of Dane's Island and the townlands nor a minx | 8 |
from the Isle of Woman nor a one of the four cantins nor any on | 9 |
the whole wheel of his ecunemical conciliabulum nor nogent | 10 |
ingen meid on allad the hold scurface of the jorth would come | 11 |
next or nigh him, Mr Eelwhipper, seed and nursery man, or | 12 |
his allgas bumgalowre, Auxilium Meum Solo A Domino (Amsad), | 13 |
for rime or ration, from piles or faces, after that. | 14 |
    | 15 |
gangsted. | 16 |
    | 17 |
    | 18 |
to go to the jampot. And this leggy peggy spelt pea. And theese | 19 |
lucky puckers played at pooping tooletom. Ma's da. Da's ma. | 20 |
Madas. Sadam. | 21 |
    | 22 |
ariring out of her mirgery margery watersheads and, to change | 23 |
that subjunct from the traumaturgid for once in a while and dart- | 24 |
ing back to stuff,if so be you may identify yourself with the him | 25 |
in you, that fluctuous neck merchamtur, bloodfadder and milk- | 26 |
mudder, since then our too many of her, Abha na Lifé, and getting | 27 |
on to dadaddy again, as them we're ne'er free of, was he in tea | 28 |
e'er he went on the bier or didn't he ontime do something seemly | 29 |
heavy in sugar? He sent out Christy Columb and he came back | 30 |
with a jailbird's unbespokables in his beak and then he sent out | 31 |
Le Caron Crow and the peacies are still looking for him. The | 32 |
seeker from the swayed, the beesabouties from the parent swarm. | 33 |
Speak to the right! Rotacist ca canny! He caun ne'er be bothered | 34 |
but maun e'er be waked. If there is a future in every past that is | 35 |
present Quis est qui non novit quinnigan and Qui quae quot at | 36 |