Yet be there some who mourn him, concluding him dead, | 1 |
and more there be that wait astand. His fuchs up the staires | 2 |
and the ladgers in his haires, he ought to win that V.V.C. | 3 |
Fullgrapce for an endupper, half muxy on his whole! Would | 4 |
he were even among the lost! From ours bereft beyond be- | 5 |
longs. Oremus poor fraternibus that he may yet escape the | 6 |
gallews and still remain ours faithfully departed. I wronged you. | 7 |
I never want to see more of bad men but I want to learn from | 8 |
any on the airse, like Tass with much thanks, here's ditto, if | 9 |
he lives sameplace in the antipathies of austrasia or anywhere | 10 |
with my fawngest on his hooshmoney, safe and damned, or | 11 |
has hopped it or who can throw any lime on the sopjack, | 12 |
my fond fosther, E. Obiit Nolan, The Workings, N.S.W., | 13 |
his condition off the Venerable Jerrybuilt, not belonging to | 14 |
these parts, who, I remember ham to me, when we were like | 15 |
bro and sis over our castor and porridge, with his roamin I | 16 |
suppose, expecting for his clarenx negus, a teetotum abstainer. | 17 |
He feels he ought to be as asamed of me as me to be ashunned of | 18 |
him. We were in one class of age like to two clots of egg. I am | 19 |
most beholding to him, my namesick, as we sayed it in our Am- | 20 |
harican, through the Doubly Telewisher. Outpassed hearts wag | 21 |
short pertimes. Worndown shoes upon his feet, to whose re- | 22 |
dress no tongue can tell! In his hands a boot! Spare me, do, a | 23 |
copper or two and happy I'll hope you'll be! It will pleased | 24 |
me behind with thanks from before and love to self and all I | 25 |
remain here your truly friend. I am no scholar but I loved that | 26 |
man who has africot lupps with the moonshane in his profile, | 27 |
my shemblable! My freer! I call you my halfbrother because | 28 |
you in your soberer otiumic moments remind me deeply of my | 29 |
natural saywhen brothel in feed, hop and jollity, S. H. Devitt, | 30 |
that benighted irismaimed, who is tearly belaboured by Sydney | 31 |
and Alibany. | 32 |
    | 33 |
other, that neverperfect everplanned? | 34 |
    | 35 |
    | 36 |