ho. And whinn muinnuit flittsbit twinn her ttittshe cries | 1 |
tallmidy! Daughters of the heavens, be lucks in turnabouts | 2 |
to the wandering sons of red loam! The earth's atrot! The | 3 |
sun's a scream! The air's a jig. The water's great! Seven oldy | 4 |
oldy hills and the one blue beamer. I'm going. I know I am. | 5 |
I could bet I am. Somewhere I must get far away from Banba- | 6 |
shore, wherever I am. No saddle, no staffet, but spur on the | 7 |
moment! So I think I'll take freeboots' advise. Psk! I'll borrow | 8 |
a path to lend me wings, quickquack, and from Jehusalem's | 9 |
wall, clickclack, me courser's clear,to Cheerup street I'll travel | 10 |
the void world over. It's Winland for moyne, bickbuck! Jee- | 11 |
jakers! I hurt meself nettly that time! Come, my good frog- | 12 |
marchers! We felt the fall but we'll front the defile. Was not my | 13 |
olty mutther, Sereth Maritza, a Runningwater? And the bould | 14 |
one that quickened her the seaborne Fingale? I feel like that | 15 |
hill of a whaler went yulding round Groenmund's Circus with | 16 |
his tree full of seaweeds and Dinky Doll asleep in her shell. | 17 |
Hazelridge has seen me. Jerne valing is. Squall aboard for Kew, | 18 |
hop! Farewell awhile to her and thee! The brine's my bride to | 19 |
be. Lead on, Macadam, and danked be he who first sights Halt | 20 |
Linduff! Solo, solone, solong! Lood Erynnana, ware thee wail! | 21 |
With me singame soarem o'erem! Here's me take off. Now's | 22 |
nunc or nimmer, siskinder! Here goes the enemy! Bennydick | 23 |
hotfoots onimpudent stayers! Sorry! I bless alls to the whished | 24 |
with this panromain apological which Watllwewhistlem sang to | 25 |
the kerrycoys. Break ranks! After wage-of-battle bother I am | 26 |
thinking most. Fik yew! I'm through. Won. Toe. Adry. You | 27 |
watch my smoke. | 28 |
    After poor Jaun the Boast's last fireless words of postludium | 29 |
of his soapbox speech ending in'sheaven, twentyaid add one with | 30 |
a flirt of wings were pouring to his bysistance (could they snip | 31 |
that curl of curls to lay with their gloves and keep the kids | 32 |
bright!) prepared to cheer him should he leap or to curse him | 33 |
should he fall, but, with their biga triga rheda rodeo, the cherubs | 34 |
in the charabang, set down here and sedan chair, don't you | 35 |
wish you'd a yoke or a bit in your mouth, repulsing all attempts | 36 |