knows I have the highest of respect of annyone in my oweand | 1 |
smooth way for that intellectual debtor (Obbligado!) Mushure | 2 |
David R. Crozier. And we're the closest of chems. Mark my use | 3 |
of you, cog! Take notice how I yemploy, crib! Be ware as you, | 4 |
I foil, coppy! It's a pity he can't see it for I'm terribly nice about | 5 |
him. Canwyll y Cymry, the marmade's flamme! A leal of the | 6 |
O'Looniys, a Brazel aboo! The most omportent man! Shervos! | 7 |
Ho, be the holy snakes, someone has shaved his rough diamond | 8 |
skull for him as clean as Nuntius' piedish! The burnt out | 9 |
mesh and the matting and all! Thunderweather, khyber schinker | 10 |
escapa sansa pagar! He's the spatton spit, so he is, scaly skin | 11 |
and all, with his blackguarded eye and the goatsbeard in | 12 |
his buttinghole of Shemuel Tulliver, me grandsourd, the old | 13 |
cruxader, when he off with his paudeen! That was to let the | 14 |
crowd of the Flu Flux Fans behind him see me proper. Ah, | 15 |
he's very thoughtful and sympatrico that way is Brother Intelli- | 16 |
gentius, when he's not absintheminded, with his Paris addresse! | 17 |
He is, really. Holdhard till you'll ear him clicking his bull's | 18 |
bones! Some toad klakkin! You're welcome back, Wilkins,to | 19 |
red berries in the frost! And here's the butter exchange to pfeife | 20 |
and dramn ye with a bawlful of the Moulsaybaysse and yunker | 21 |
doodler wanked to wall awriting off his phoney. I'm tired hair- | 22 |
ing of you. Hat yourself! Give us your dyed dextremity here, | 23 |
frother, the Claddagh clasp! I met with dapper dandy and he | 24 |
shocked me big the hamd. Where's your watch keeper? You've | 25 |
seen all sorts in shapes and sizes, marauding about the moppa- | 26 |
mound. How's the cock and the bullfight? And old Auster and | 27 |
Hungrig? And the Beer and Belly and the Boot and Ball? Not | 28 |
forgetting the oils of greas under that turkey in julep and Father | 29 |
Freeshots Feilbogen in his rockery garden with the costard? And | 30 |
did you meet with Peadhar the Grab at all? And did you call on | 31 |
Tower Geesyhus? Was Mona, my own love, no bigger than she | 32 |
should be, making up to you in her bestbehaved manor when | 33 |
you made your breastlaw and made her, tell me? And did you | 34 |
like the landskip from Lambay? I'm better pleased than ten | 35 |
guidneys! You rejoice me! Faith, I'm proud of you, french davit! | 36 |