teeny witween piece torn in one place from my hands in second | 1 |
place of a linenhall valentino with my fondest and much left to | 2 |
tutor. X.X.X.X. It was heavily bulledicted for young Fr Ml, | 3 |
my pettest parriage priest, and you know who between us by | 4 |
your friend the pope, forty ways in forty nights, that's the | 5 |
beauty of it, look, scene it, ratty. Too perfectly priceless for | 6 |
words. And, listen, now do enhance me, oblige my fiancy and | 7 |
bear it with you morn till life's e'en and, of course, when never | 8 |
you make usage of it, listen, please kindly think galways again | 9 |
or again, never forget, of one absendee not sester Maggy. Ahim. | 10 |
That's the stupidest little cough. Only be sure you don't catch your | 11 |
cold and pass it on to us. And, since levret bounds and larks is | 12 |
soaring, don't be all the night. And this, Joke, a sprig of blue | 13 |
speedwell just a spell of floralora so you'll mind your veronique. | 14 |
Of course, Jer, I know you know who sends it, presents that | 15 |
please, mercy, on the face of the waters like that film obote, | 16 |
awfly charmig of course, but it doesn't do her justice, apart from | 17 |
her cattiness, in the magginbottle. Of course, please too write, | 18 |
won't you, and leave your little bag of doubts, inquisitive, be- | 19 |
hind you unto your utterly thine, and, thank you, forward it | 20 |
back by return pigeon's pneu to the loving in case I couldn't | 21 |
think who it was or any funforall happens I'll be so curiose to | 22 |
see in the Homesworth breakfast tablotts as I'll know etherways | 23 |
by pity bleu if it's good for my system, what exquisite buttons, | 24 |
gorgiose, in case I don't hope to soon hear from you. And thanks | 25 |
ever so many for the ten and the one with nothing at all on. I will | 26 |
tie a knot in my stringamejip to letter you with my silky paper, | 27 |
as I am given now to understand it will be worth my price in | 28 |
money one day so don't trouble to ans unless sentby special as | 29 |
I am getting his pay and wants for nothing so I can live simply | 30 |
and solely for my wonderful kinkless and its loops of loveliness. | 31 |
When I throw away my rollets there's rings for all. Flee a girl, | 32 |
says it is her colour. So does B and L and as for V! And listen | 33 |
to it! Cheveluir! So distant you're always. Bow your boche! | 34 |
Absolutely perfect! I will pack my comb and mirror to praxis | 35 |
oval owes and artless awes and it will follow you pulpicly | 36 |