score, phonoscopically incuriosited and melancholic this time | 1 |
whiles, as on the fulmament he gaped in wulderment, his on- | 2 |
saturncast eyes in stellar attraction followed swift to an imagin- | 3 |
ary swellaw, O, the vanity of Vanissy! All ends vanishing! Pur- | 4 |
sonally, Grog help me, I am in no violent hurry. If time enough | 5 |
lost the ducks walking easy found them. I'll nose a blue fonx | 6 |
with any tristys blinking upon this earthlight of all them that | 7 |
pass by the way of the deerdrive, conconey's run or wilfrid's | 8 |
walk, but I'd turn back as lief as not if I could only spoonfind | 9 |
the nippy girl of my heart's appointment, Mona Vera Toutou | 10 |
Ipostila, my lady of Lyons, to guide me by gastronomy under | 11 |
her safe conduct. That's more in my line. I'd ask no kinder of | 12 |
fates than to stay where I am, with my tinny of brownie's tea, | 13 |
under the invocation of Saint Jamas Hanway, servant of Gamp, | 14 |
lapidated, and Jacobus a Pershawm, intercissous, for my thuri- | 15 |
fex, with Peter Roche, that frind of my boozum, leaning on my | 16 |
cubits, at this passing moment by localoption in the birds' lodg- | 17 |
ing, me pheasants among, where I'll dreamt that I'll dwealth mid | 18 |
warblers' walls when throstles and choughs to my sigh hiehied, | 19 |
with me hares standing up well and me longlugs dittoes, where | 20 |
a maurdering row, the fox! has broken at the coward sight till | 21 |
well on into the beausome of the exhaling night, pinching stop- | 22 |
andgo jewels out of the hedges and catching dimtop brilliants | 23 |
on the tip of my wagger but for that owledclock (fast cease to it!) | 24 |
has just gone twoohoo the hour and that yen breezes zipping | 25 |
round by Drumsally do be devils to play fleurt. I could sit on safe | 26 |
side till the bark of Saint Grouseus for hoopoe's hours, till heoll's | 27 |
hoerrisings, laughing lazy at the sheep's lightning and turn a wida- | 28 |
most ear dreamily to the drummling of snipers, hearing the wire- | 29 |
less harps of sweet old Aerial and the mails across the nightrives | 30 |
(peepet! peepet!) and whippoor willy in the woody (moor park! | 31 |
moor park!) as peacefed as a philopotamus, and crekking jugs | 32 |
at the grenoulls, leaving tealeaves for the trout and belleeks for the | 33 |
wary till I'd followed through my upfielded neviewscope the | 34 |
rugaby moon cumuliously godrolling himself westasleep amuckst | 35 |
the cloudscrums for to watch how carefully my nocturnal goose- | 36 |