along, the trio of whackfolthediddlers was joined by a further | 1 |
intentions | 2 |
hadbeen variety who had just been touching the weekly insult, | 3 |
phewit, and all figblabbers (who saith of noun?) had stimulants | 4 |
in the shape of gee and gees stood by the damn decent sort after | 5 |
which stag luncheon and a few ones more just to celebrate yester- | 6 |
day, flushed with their firestuffostered friendship, the rascals came | 7 |
out of the licensed premises, (Browne's first, the small p.s. ex-ex- | 8 |
executive capahand in their sad rear like a lady's postscript: I want | 9 |
money. Pleasend), wiping their laughleaking lipes on their sleeves, | 10 |
how the bouckaleens shout their roscan generally (seinn fion, | 11 |
seinn fion's araun.) and the rhymers' world was with reason the | 12 |
richer for a wouldbe ballad, to the balledder of which the world | 13 |
of cumannity singing owes a tribute for having placed on the | 14 |
planet's melomap his lay of the vilest bogeyer but most attrac- | 15 |
tionable avatar the world has ever had to explain for. | 16 |
    This, more krectly lubeen or fellow | 17 |
poured forth where Riau Liviau riots and col de Houdo humps, | 18 |
under the shadow of the monument of the shouldhavebeen legis- | 19 |
lator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare, woodmann, spare!) to an over- | 20 |
flow meeting of all the nations in Lenster fullyfilling the visional | 21 |
area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily representative, | 22 |
what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross sections | 23 |
(wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching) | 24 |
of our liffeyside people (to omit to mention of the mainland mino- | 25 |
rity and such as had wayfared via Watling, Ernin, Icknild and | 26 |
Stane, in chief a halted cockney car with its quotal of Hardmuth's | 27 |
hacks, a northern tory, a southern whig, an eastanglian chroni- | 28 |
cler and a landwester guardian) ranging from slips of young | 29 |
dublinos from Cutpurse Row having nothing better to do than | 30 |
walk about with their hands in their kneepants, sucking air- | 31 |
whackers, weedulicet, jumbobricks, side by side with truant | 32 |
officers, three woollen balls and poplin in search of a croust of | 33 |
pawn to busy professional gentlemen, a brace of palesmen with | 34 |
dundrearies, nooning toward Daly's, fresh from snipehitting and | 35 |
mallardmissing on Rutland heath, exchanging cold sneers, mass- | 36 |