eers, at the end of this age that had it from Variants' Katey | 1 |
Sherratt that had it from Variants' Katey Sherratt's man for the | 2 |
bonnefacies of Blashwhite and Blushred of the Aquasancta Liffey | 3 |
Patrol to wind up and to tells of all befells after that to Mocked | 4 |
Majesty in the Malincurred Mansion. | 5 |
    So you were saying, boys? Anyhow he what? | 6 |
    So anyhow, melumps and mumpos of the hoose uncommons, | 7 |
after that to wind up that longtobechronickled gettogether | 8 |
thanksbetogiving day at Glenfinnisk-en-la-Valle, the anniver- | 9 |
sary of his finst homy commulion, after that same barbecue bean- | 10 |
feast was all over poor old hospitable corn and eggfactor, King | 11 |
Roderick O'Conor, the paramount chief polemarch and last pre- | 12 |
electric king of Ireland, who was anything you say yourself be- | 13 |
tween fiftyodd and fiftyeven years of age at the time after the | 14 |
socalled last supper he greatly gave in his umbrageous house of | 15 |
the hundred bottles with the radio beamer tower and its hangars, | 16 |
chimbneys and equilines or, at least, he was'nt actually the then | 17 |
last king of all Ireland for the time being for the jolly good | 18 |
reason that he was still such as he was the eminent king of all | 19 |
Ireland himself after the last preeminent king of all Ireland, the | 20 |
whilom joky old top that went before him in the Taharan dy- | 21 |
nasty, King Arth Mockmorrow Koughenough of the leathered | 22 |
leggions, now of parts unknown, (God guard his generous | 23 |
comicsongbook soul!) that put a poached fowl in the poor man's | 24 |
pot before he took to his pallyass with the weeping eczema for | 25 |
better and worse until he went under the grass quilt on us, never- | 26 |
theless, the year the sugar was scarce, and we to lather and shave | 27 |
and frizzle him, like a bald surging buoy and himself down | 28 |
to three cows that was meat and drink and dogs and washing | 29 |
to him, 'tis good cause we have to remember it, going through | 30 |
summersultryngs of snow and sleet witht the widow Nolan's | 31 |
goats and the Brownes girls neats anyhow, wait till I tell you, | 32 |
what did he do, poor old Roderick O'Conor Rex, the aus- | 33 |
picious waterproof monarch of all Ireland, when he found him- | 34 |
self all alone by himself in his grand old handwedown pile after | 35 |
all of them had all gone off with themselves to their castles of | 36 |