and ours. Fly your balloons, dannies and dennises! He's door- | 1 |
knobs dead! And Annie Delap is free! Ones more. We could | 2 |
ate you, par Buccas, and imbabe through you, reassuranced in | 3 |
the wild lac of gotliness. One fledge, one brood till hulm | 4 |
culms evurdyburdy. Huh the throman! Huh the traidor. Huh | 5 |
the truh. Arrorsure, he's the mannork of Arrahland over- | 6 |
sense he horrhorrd his name in thuthunder. Rrrwwwkkkrrr! | 7 |
And seen it rudden up in fusefiressence on the flashmurket. | 8 |
P.R.C.R.L.L. Royloy. Of the rollorrish rattillary. The lewd- | 9 |
ningbluebolteredallucktruckalltraumconductor! The unnamed | 10 |
nonirishblooder that becomes a Greenislender overnight! But | 11 |
we're molting superstituettes out of his fulse thortin guts. Tried | 12 |
mark, Easterlings. Sign, Soideric O'Cunnuc, Rix. Adversed ord, | 13 |
Magtmorken, Kovenhow. There's a great conversion, myn! Cou- | 14 |
cous! Find his causcaus! From Motometusolum through Bulley | 15 |
and Cowlie and Diggerydiggerydock down to bazeness's usual? | 16 |
He's alight there still, by Mike! Loose afore! Bung! Bring forth | 17 |
your deed! Bang! Till is the right time. Bang! Partick Thistle | 18 |
agen S. Megan's versus Brystal Palace agus the Walsall! Putsch! | 19 |
Tiemore moretis tisturb badday! The playgue will be soon over, | 20 |
rats! Let sin! Geh tont! All we wants is to get peace for posses- | 21 |
sion. We dinned unnerstunned why you sassad about thurteen | 22 |
to aloafen, sor, kindly repeat! Or ledn us alones of your lungorge, | 23 |
parsonifier propounde of our edelweissed idol worts! Shaw and | 24 |
Shea are lorning obsen so hurgle up, gandfarder, and gurgle me | 25 |
gurk. You can't impose on frayshouters like os. Every tub here | 26 |
spucks his own fat. Hang coersion everyhow! And smotther- | 27 |
mock Gramm's laws! But we're a drippindhrue gayleague all at | 28 |
ones. In the buginning is the woid, in the muddle is the sound- | 29 |
dance and thereinofter you're in the unbewised again, vund | 30 |
vulsyvolsy. You talker dunsker's brogue men we our souls | 31 |
speech obstruct hostery. Silence in thought! Spreach! Wear | 32 |
anartful of outer nocense! Pawpaw, wowow! Momerry twelfths, | 33 |
noebroed! That was a good one, ha! So it will be quite a material | 34 |
what May farther be unvuloped for you, old Mighty, when it's | 35 |
aped to foul a delfian in the Mahnung. Ha ha! Talk of Paddy- | 36 |