Lima since Ineen MacCormick MacCoort MacConn O'Puckins | 1 |
MacKundred. Only but she is a little width wider got. Be moving | 2 |
abog. You cannot make a limousine lady out of a hillman minx. | 3 |
Listun till you'll hear the Mudquirt accent. This is a bulgen | 4 |
horesies, this is wollan indulgencies, this is a flemsh. Tik. Scapu- | 5 |
lars, beads and a stump of a candle, Hubert was a Hunter, chemins | 6 |
de la croixes and Rosairette's egg, all the trimmings off the tree | 7 |
that she picked up after the Clontarf voterloost when O'Bryan | 8 |
MacBruiser bet Norris Nobnut. Becracking his cucconut be- | 9 |
tween his kknneess. Umpthump, Here Inkeeper, it's the doater- | 10 |
een's wednessmorn! Delphin dringing! Grusham undergang! | 11 |
And the Real Hymernians strenging strong at knocker knocker! | 12 |
Holy and massalltolled. You ought to tak a dos of frut. Jik. | 13 |
Sauss. You're getting hoovier, a twelve stone hoovier, fullends | 14 |
a twelve stone hoovier, in your corpus entis and it scurves you | 15 |
right, demnye! Aunt as unclish ams they make oom. But Nichtia | 16 |
you bound not to loose's gone on Neffin since she clapped her | 17 |
charmer on him at Gormagareen. At the Gunting Munting Hunt- | 18 |
ing Punting. The eitch is in her blood, arrah! For a frecklesome | 19 |
freshcheeky sweetworded lupsqueezer. And he shows how he'll | 20 |
pick him the lock of her fancy. Poghue! Poghue! Poghue! And | 21 |
a good jump, Powell! Clean over all their heads. We could kiss | 22 |
him for that one, couddled we, Huggins? Sparkes is the footer | 23 |
to hance off nancies. Scaldhead, pursue! Before you bunkledoodle | 24 |
down upon your birchentop again after them three blows from | 25 |
time, drink and hurry. The same three that nursed you, Skerry, | 26 |
Badbols and the Grey One. All of your own club too. With the | 27 |
fistful of burryberries were for the massus for to feed you living | 28 |
in dying. Buy bran biscuits and you'll never say dog. And be | 29 |
in the finest of companies. Morialtay and Kniferope Walker and | 30 |
Rowley the Barrel. With Longbow of the lie. Slick of the trick | 31 |
and Blennercassel of the brogue. Clanruckard for ever! The | 32 |
Fenn, the Fenn, the kinn of all Fenns! Deaf to the winds when | 33 |
for Croonacreena. Fisht! And it's not now saying how we are | 34 |
where who's softing what rushes. Merryvirgin forbed! But of | 35 |
they never eat soullfriede they're ating it now. With easter | 36 |