stainks! Porterfillyers and spirituous suncksters, oooom oooom! | 1 |
    As these vitupetards in his boasum he did strongleholder, | 2 |
bushbrows, nobblynape, swinglyswanglers, sunkentrunk, that | 3 |
from tin of this clucken hadded runced slapottleslup. For him | 4 |
had hord from fard a piping. As? Of? | 5 |
    Dour douchy was a sieguldson. He cooed that loud nor he | 6 |
was young. He cud bad caw nor he was gray Like wather parted | 7 |
from the say. | 8 |
    Ostia, lift it! Lift at it, Ostia! From the say! Away from the say! | 9 |
    Himhim. Himhim. | 10 |
    Hearhasting he, himmed,reromembered all the chubbs, chipps, | 11 |
chaffs, chuckinpucks and chayney chimebells That he had mistri- | 12 |
buted in port, pub, park, pantry and poultryhouse, While they, | 13 |
thered, the others, that are, were most emulously concerned to | 14 |
cupturing the last dropes of summour down through their | 15 |
grooves of blarneying. Ere the sockson locked at the dure. Which | 16 |
he would, shuttinshure. And lave them to sture. | 17 |
    For be all rules of sport 'tis right That youth bedower'd to | 18 |
charm the night Whilst age is dumped to mind the day When | 19 |
wather parted from the say. | 20 |
    The humming, it's coming. Insway onsway. | 21 |
    Fingool MacKishgmard Obesume Burgearse Benefice, He was | 22 |
bowen hem and scrapin him in recolcitrantament to the right- | 23 |
about And these probenopubblicoes clamatising for an extinsion | 24 |
on his hostillery With his chargehand bombing their eres. Tids, | 25 |
genmen, plays, she been goin shoother off almaynoother on- | 26 |
awares. | 27 |
    You here nort farwellens rouster? Ashiffle ashuffle the wayve | 28 |
they. | 29 |
    From Dancingtree till Suttonstone There's lads no lie would | 30 |
filch a crown To mull their sack and brew their tay With wather | 31 |
parted from the say. | 32 |
    Lelong Awaindhoo's a selverbourne enrouted to Rochelle | 33 |
Lane and liberties those Mullinguard minstrelsers are marshal- | 34 |
sing, par tunepiped road, under where, perked on hollowy hill, that | 35 |
poor man of Lyones, good Dook Weltington, hugon come er- | 36 |