for further oil mircles upon all herwayferer gods and reanounc- | 1 |
ing my deviltries as was I a locally person of caves until I got my | 2 |
purchase on her firmforhold I am, I like to think, by their sacre- | 3 |
ligion of daimond cap daimond, confessedly in my baron gentil- | 4 |
homme to the manhor bourne till ladiest day as panthoposopher, | 5 |
to have splet for groont a peer of bellows like Bacchulus shakes a | 6 |
rousing guttural at any old cerpaintime by peaching (allsole we | 7 |
are not amusical) the warry warst against myself in the defile as | 8 |
a lieberretter sebaiscopal of these mispeschyites of the first virgi- | 9 |
nial water who, without an auction of biasement from my part, | 10 |
with gladyst tone ahquickyessed in it, overhowe and under- | 11 |
where, the totty lolly poppy flossy conny dollymaukins Though | 12 |
I heave a coald on my bauck and am could up to my eres hoven | 13 |
sametimes I used alltides to be aswarmer for the meekst and the | 14 |
graced. You are not going to not. You might be threeabreasted | 15 |
wholenosing at a whallhoarding from our Don Amir anent villa- | 16 |
yets prostatution precisingly kuschkars tarafs and it could be | 17 |
double densed uncounthest hour of allbleakest age with a bad of | 18 |
wind and a barran of rain, nompos mentis like Novus Elector, what | 19 |
with his Marx and their Groups, yet did a doubt, should a dare, | 20 |
were to you, you would do and dhamnk me, shenker, dhumnk you. | 21 |
Skunk. And fare with me to share with me. Hinther and thonther, | 22 |
hant by hont. By where dauvening shedders down whose rovely | 23 |
lanes. As yose were and as yese is. Sure and you would, Mr Mac | 24 |
Gurk! Be sure and you would, Mr O'Duane! To be sure and you | 25 |
would so, Mr MacElligut! Wod you nods? Mom mom. No mum | 26 |
has the rod to pud a stub to the lurch of amotion. My little love | 27 |
apprencisses, my dears, the estelles, van Nessies von Nixies voon | 28 |
der pool, which I had a reyal devouts for yet was it marly lowease | 29 |
or just a feel with these which olderman K.K. Alwayswelly he | 30 |
is showing ot the fullnights for my palmspread was gav to a | 31 |
parsleysprig, the curliest weedeen old ocean coils around, so spruce | 32 |
a spice for salthorse, sonnies, and as tear to the thrusty as Tay- | 33 |
lor's Spring, when aftabournes, when she was look like a little | 34 |
cheayat chilled (Oh sard! ah Mah!) by my tide impracing, as | 35 |
Beacher seath, and all the colories fair fled from my folced cheeks! | 36 |