Hitherzither! Almost dotty! I must dash!) to pour their peace in | 1 |
partial (floflo floreflorence), sweetishsad lightandgayle, twittwin | 2 |
twosingwoolow. Let everie sound of a pitch keep still in reson- | 3 |
ance, jemcrow, jackdaw, prime and secund with their terce that | 4 |
whoe betwides them, now full theorbe, now dulcifair, and when | 5 |
we press of pedal (sof!) pick out and vowelise your name. | 6 |
A mum. You pere Golazy, you mere Bare and you Bill Heeny, and | 7 |
you Smirky Dainty and, more beethoken, you wheckfoolthe- | 8 |
nairyans with all your badchthumpered peanas! We are gluck- | 9 |
glucky in our being so far fortunate that, bark and bay duol with | 10 |
Man Goodfox inchimings having ceased to the moment, so allow | 11 |
the clinkars of our nocturnefield, night's sweetmoztheart, their | 12 |
Carmen Sylvae, my quest, my queen. Lou must wail to cool me | 13 |
airly! Coil me curly, warbler dear! May song it flourish (in the | 14 |
underwood), in chorush, long make it flourish (in the Nut, in the | 15 |
Nutsky) till thorush! Secret Hookup. | 16 |
    | 17 |
is vuile, var? | 18 |
    To which yes he did, capt, that was the answer. | 19 |
    | 20 |
ventruquulence. | 21 |
    Which that that rang ripprippripplying. | 22 |
    | 23 |
should as youd remesmer. I hypnot. 'Tis golden sickle's hour. | 24 |
Holy moon priestess, we'd love our grappes of mistellose! Moths | 25 |
the matter? Pschtt! Tabarins comes. To fell our fairest. O gui, O | 26 |
gui! Salam, salms, salaum! Carolus! O indeed and we ware! And | 27 |
hoody crow was ere. I soared from the peach and Missmolly | 28 |
showed her pear too, onto three and away. Whet the bee as to | 29 |
deflowret greendy grassies yellowhorse. Kematitis, cele our er- | 30 |
dours! Did you aye, did you eye, did you everysee suchaway, | 31 |
suchawhy, eeriewhigg airywhugger? Even to the extremity of | 32 |
the world? Dingoldell! The enormanous his, our littlest little! | 33 |
Wee wee, that long alancey one! Let sit on this anthill for our | 34 |
frilldress talk after this day of making blithe inveiled the heart | 35 |
before our groatsupper serves to us Panchomaster and let har- | 36 |