TAFF (though the unglucksarsoon is giming for to git him, jotning | 1 |
in, hoghly ligious, hapagodlap, like a soldierry sap, with a pique at | 2 |
his cue and a tyr in his eye and a bond of his back and a croak in his | 3 |
cry as did jolly well harm lean o'er him) Is not athug who would. | 4 |
Weepon, weeponder, song of sorrowmon! Which goatheye | 5 |
and sheepskeer they damnty well know. Papaist! Gambanman! | 6 |
Take the cawraidd's blow! Yia! Your partridge's last! | 7 |
    BUTT (giving his scimmianised twinge in acknuckledownedgment | 8 |
of this cumulikick, strafe from the firetrench, studenly drobs led, sa- | 9 |
toniseels ouchyotchy, he changecors induniforms as he is lefting the | 10 |
gat out of the big: his face glows green, his hair greys white, his | 11 |
bleyes bcome broon to suite his cultic twalette). But when I seeing | 12 |
him in his oneship fetch along within hail that tourrible tall | 13 |
with his nitshnykopfgoknob and attempting like a brandylogged | 14 |
rudeman cathargic, lugging up and laiding down his livepelts | 15 |
so cruschinly like Mebbuck at Messar and expousing his old | 16 |
skinful self tailtottom by manurevring in open ordure to renew- | 17 |
murature with the cowruads in their airish pleasantry I thanked | 18 |
he was recovering breadth from some herdsquatters beyond the | 19 |
carcasses and I couldn't erver nerver to tell a liard story not of I | 20 |
knew the prize if from lead or alimoney. But when I got inoccu- | 21 |
pation of a full new of his old basemiddelism, in ackshan, pagne | 22 |
pogne, by the veereyed lights of the stormtrooping clouds and | 23 |
in the sheenflare of the battleaxes of the heroim and mid the | 24 |
shieldfails awail of the bitteraccents of the sorafim and caught the | 25 |
pfierce tsmell of his aurals, orankastank, a suphead setrapped, | 26 |
like Peder the Greste, altipaltar, my bill it forsooks allegiance | 27 |
(gut bull it!) and, no lie is this, I was babbeing and yetaghain | 28 |
bubbering, bibbelboy, me marrues me shkewers me gnaas me | 29 |
fiet, tob tob tob beat it, solongopatom..Clummensy if ever mis- | 30 |
used, must used you's now! But, meac Coolp, Arram of Eirze- | 31 |
rum, as I love our Deer Dirouchy, I confesses withould pride- | 32 |
jealice when I looked upon the Saur of all the Haurousians with | 33 |
the weight of his arge fullin upon him from the travaillings of | 34 |
his tommuck and rueckenased the fates of a bosser there was fear | 35 |
on me the sons of Nuad for him and it was heavy he was for me | 36 |