or be the hooley tabell, as Horrocks Toler hath most cares to call | 1 |
it, I'll rehearse your comeundermends and first mardhyr you en- | 2 |
tirely. As puck as that Paddeus picked the pun and left the lollies | 3 |
off the foiled. A Trinity judge will crux your boom. Pat is the | 4 |
man for thy. Ay ay! And he pured him beheild of the ouishguss, | 5 |
mingling a sign of the cruisk. I popetithes thee, Ocean, sayd he, | 6 |
Oscarvaughther, sayd he, Erievikkingr, sayd he, intra trifum | 7 |
triforium trifoliorum, sayd he, onconditionally, forfor furst of giel- | 8 |
gaulgalls and hero chief explunderer of the clansakiltic, sayd he, | 9 |
the streameress mastress to the sea aase cuddycoalman's and let | 10 |
this douche for you as a wholly apuzzler's and for all the puk- | 11 |
kaleens to the wakes of you, sayd he, out of the hellsinky of the | 12 |
howtheners and be danned to ye, sayd he, into our roomyo con- | 13 |
nellic relation, sayd he, from which our this pledge is given, Tera | 14 |
truly ternatrine if not son towards thousand like expect chrisan | 15 |
athems to which I osker your godhsbattaring, saelir, for as you | 16 |
gott kvold whereafter a gooden diggin and with gooder enscure | 17 |
from osion buck fared agen fairioes feuded hailsohame til Edar | 18 |
in that the loyd mave hercy on your sael! Anomyn and awer. | 19 |
Spickinusand. | 20 |
    | 21 |
all religions overtrow so hworefore the thokkurs pokker the big- | 22 |
bug miklamanded storstore exploder would he be whulesalesolde | 23 |
daadooped by Priest Gudfodren of the sacredhaunt suit in | 24 |
Diaeblen-Balkley at Domnkirk Saint Petricksburg? But ear this: | 25 |
    | 26 |
he, consistently, to the secondnamed sutor, my lately lamented | 27 |
sponsorship, comesend round that wine and lift your horn, sayd | 28 |
he, to show you're a skolar for, winter you likes or not, we | 29 |
brought your summer with us and, tomkin about your lief eurek- | 30 |
ason and his undishcovery of americle, be the rolling forties, he | 31 |
sayd, and on my sopper crappidamn, as Harris himself says, to let | 32 |
you in on some crismion dottrin, here is the ninethest pork of a man | 33 |
whisk swimmies in Dybblin water from Ballscodden easthmost | 34 |
till Thyrston's Lickslip and, sayd he, (whiles the heart of Lukky | 35 |
Swayn slaughed in his icebox for to think of all the soorts of | 36 |