BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|320 | 321 |322 |

had, like the pervious oelkenner done, liquorally no more powers1
to their elbow. Ignorinsers' bliss, therefore, their not to say rifle2
butt target, none too wisefolly, poor fish, (he is eating, he is spun,3
is milked, he dives) upholding a lampthorne of lawstift as wand4
of welcome to all men in bonafay, (and the corollas he so has5
saved gainsts the virus he has thus injected!) discoastedself to that6
kipsie point of its Dublin bar there, breaking and entering, from the7
outback's dead heart, Glasthule Bourne or Boehernapark Nolagh,8
by wattsismade or bianconi, astraylians in island, a wellknown9
tall hat blown in between houses by a nightcap of that silk or it10
might be a black velvet and a kiber galler dragging his hunker,11
were signalling gael warnings towards Wazwollenzee Haven to12
give them their beerings, east circular route or elegant central13
highway. Open, 'tis luck will have it! Lifeboat Alloe, Noeman's14
Woe, Hircups Emptybolly! With winkles whelks and cocklesent15
jelks. Let be buttercup eve lit by night in the Phoenix! Music.16
And old lotts have funn at Flammagen's ball. Till Irinwakes from17
Slumber Deep. How they succeeded by courting daylight in18
saving darkness he who loves will see.19
    Business. His bestness. Copeman helpen. 20
    Contrescene. 21
    He cupped his years to catch me's to you in what's yours as 22
minest to hissent, giel as gail, geil as gaul, Odorozone, now our-23
menial servent, blanding rum, milk and toddy with I hand it24
to you. Saying whiches, see his bow on the hapence, with a pat-25
tedyr but digit here, he scooped the hens, hounds and horses26
biddy by bunny, with an arc of his covethand, saved from the27
drohnings they might oncounter, untill his cubid long, to hide in28
dry. Aside. Your sows tin the topple, dodgers, trink me dregs!29
    And with the gust of a spring alice the fossickers and swaggelers 31
with him on the hoof from down under piked forth desert roses in32
that mulligar scrub.33
    Reenter Ashe Junior. Peiwei toptip, nankeen pontdelounges. 34
Gives fair day. Cheroot. Cheevio!35
    Off. 36