night for my lifting. Hillyhollow, valleylow! With the sounds | 1 |
and the scents in the morning. | 2 |
    | 3 |
usquebauched the ersewild aleconner, for bringing briars to Bem- | 4 |
bracken and ringing rinbus round Demetrius for, as you wrinkle | 5 |
wryghtly, bully bluedomer, it's a suirsite's stircus haunting hes- | 6 |
teries round old volcanoes. We gin too gnir and thus plinary | 7 |
indulgence makes collemullas of us all. But Time is for talerman | 8 |
tasting his tap. Tiptoptap, Mister Maut. | 9 |
    He made one summery (Cholk and murble in lonestime) of his | 10 |
the three swallows like he was muzzling Moselems and torched | 11 |
up as the faery pangeant fluwed down the hisophenguts, a slake | 12 |
for the quicklining, to the tickle of his tube and the twobble of | 13 |
his fable, O, fibbing once upon a spray what a queer and queasy | 14 |
spree it was. Plumped. | 15 |
    Which both did. Prompt. Eh, chrystal holder? Save Ampster- | 16 |
dampster that had rheumaniscences in his netherlumbs. | 17 |
    | 18 |
plumbing his liners, we were heretofore. | 19 |
    | 20 |
your girth fatter, apopo of his buckseaseilers, but where's Horace's | 21 |
courtin troopsers? | 22 |
    | 23 |
wound on the teller, appeased to the cue, that double dyode | 24 |
dealered, and he's wallowing awash swill of the Tarra water. And | 25 |
it marinned down his gargantast trombsathletic like the marousers of | 26 |
the gulpstroom. The kersse of Wolafs on him, shitateyar, he sagd in | 27 |
the fornicular, and, at weare or not at weare, I'm sigen no stretcher, | 28 |
for I carsed his murhersson goat in trotthers with them newbuckle- | 29 |
noosers behigh in the fire behame in the oasthouse. Hops! sagd he. | 30 |
    | 31 |
thigh the loafers all but a sheep's whosepants that swished to the | 32 |
lord he hadn't and the starer his story was talled to who felt that, | 33 |
the fierifornax being thurst on him motophosically, as Omar | 34 |
sometime notes, such a satuation, debauchly to be watched for, | 35 |
would empty dempty him down to the ground. | 36 |