BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|311 | 312 |313 |

lugger. Stolp, tief, stolp, come bag to Moy Eireann! And the1
Norweeger's capstan swaradeed, some blowfish out of schooling:2
All lykkehud! Below taiyor he ikan heavin sets. But they broken3
waters and they made whole waters at they surfered bark to the4
lots of his vauce. And aweigh he yankered on the Norgean run so5
that seven sailend sonnenrounders was he breastbare to the brina-6
bath, where bottoms out has fatthoms full, fram Franz José7
Land til Cabo Thormendoso, evenstarde and risingsoon. Up the8
Rivor Tanneiry and down the Golfe Desombres. Farety days and9
fearty nights. Enjoy yourself, O maremen! And the tides made,10
veer and haul, and the times marred, rear and fall, and, holey11
bucket, dinned he raign!12
          Hump! Hump! bassed the broaders-in-laugh with a quick 13
piddysnip that wee halfbit a second.14
          I will do that, sazd Kersse, mainingstaying the rigout for her 15
wife's lairdship. Nett sew? they hunched back at the earpicker.16
    But old sporty, as endth lord, in ryehouse reigner, he nought 17
feared crimp or cramp of shore sharks, plotsome to getsome. It18
was whol niet godthaab of errol Loritz off his Cape of Good19
Howthe and his trippertrice loretta lady, a maomette to his20
monetone, with twy twy twinky her stone hairpins, only not,21
if not, a queen of Prancess their telling tabled who was for his22
seeming a casket through the heavenly, nay, heart of the sweet23
(had he hows would he keep her as niece as a fiddle!) but in the24
mealtub it was wohl yeas sputsbargain what, rarer of recent, an25
occasional conformity, he, with Muggleton Muckers, alwagers26
allalong most certainly allowed, as pilerinnager's grace to peti-27
tionists of right, of the three blend cupstoomerries with their28
customed spirits, the Gill gob, the Burklley bump, the Wallisey29
wanderlook, having their ceilidhe gailydhe in his shaunty irish.30
Group drinkards maaks grope thinkards or how reads rotary,31
jewr of a chrestend, respecting the otherdogs churchees, so long32
plubs will be plebs but plabs by low frequency amplification may33
later agree to have another. For the people of the shed are the34
sure ads of all quorum. Lorimers and leathersellers, skinners and35
salters, pewterers and paperstainers, parishclerks, fletcherbowyers,36