BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|293 | 294 |295 |
|Page Notes|

your dappled yeye here, mine's presbyoperian, 1
shill and wall) we see the copyngink strayed- 2
line AL (in Fig., the forest) from being con- 3
tinued, stops ait Lambday1: Modder ilond 4
there too. Allow me anchore! I bring down 5
noth and carry awe. Now, then, take this in! 6
One of the most murmurable loose carollaries 7
Sarga, or the ever Ellis threw his cookingclass. With Olaf 8
path of outgoing. as centrum and Olaf's lambtail for his spokes- 9
man circumscript a cyclone. Allow ter! Hoop ! 10
As round as the calf of an egg! O, dear 11
me! O, dear me now! Another grand dis- 12
cobely! After Makefearsome's Ocean. You've 13
actuary entducked one! Quok! Why, you 14
haven't a passer! Fantastic! Early clever, 15
surely doomed, to Swift's, alas, the galehus! 16
Docetism and Match of a matchness, like your Bigdud dadder 17
Didicism, Maya- in the boudeville song, Gorotsky Gollovar's 18
Thaya. Tamas- Troubles, raucking his flavourite turvku in 19
Rajas-Sattvas. the smukking precincts of lydias,2 with Mary 20
Owens and Dolly Monks seesidling to edge 21
his cropulence and Blake-Roche, Kingston 22
and Dockrell auriscenting him from afurz, our 23
papacocopotl, 3 Abraham Bradley King? (ting 24
ting! ting ting!) By his magmasine fall. Lumps, 25
lavas and all.4 Bene! But, thunder and turf, it's 26
not alover yet! One recalls Byzantium. The 27
mystery repeats itself todate as our callback 28
mother Gaudyanna, that was daughter to a 29
tanner, 5 used to sing, as I think, now and then 30
consinuously over her possetpot in her quer 31
            1 Ex jup pep off Carpenger Strate. The kids' and dolls' home. Makeacake-
            2 A vagrant need is a flagrant weed.
            3 Grand for blowing off steam when you walk up in the morning.
            4 At the foot of Bagnabun Banbasday was lost on one.
            5 We're all found of our anmal matter.