BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|289 | 290 |291 |

      deceptered, in what niche of time 1 is Shee or where in the rose 1
world trysting, that was the belle of La Chapelle, shapely Liselle,       2
and the peg-of-my-heart of all the tompull or on whose limbs-to- 3
lave her semicupiose eyes now kindling themselves are brightning, 2 6
O Shee who then (4.32 M.P., old time, to be precise, according to 5
all three doctors waterburies that was Mac Auliffe and poor Mac- 6
Beth and poor MacGhimley to the tickleticks, of the synchron- 7
isms, all lauschening,a time also confirmed seven sincuries later by 8
the quatren medical johnny, poor old MacAdoo MacDollett, with 9
notary, 3 whose presence was required by law of Devine Fore- 10
sygth and decretal of the Douge) who after the first compliments 4 11
med darkist day light, gave him then that vantage of a Blinken- 12
sope's cuddlebath at her proper mitts  if she then, the then that 13
matters,   but, seigneur! she could never have forefelt, as she yet 14
will fearfeel, when the lovenext breaks out, such a coolcold 15
douche as him, the totterer, the four-flights-the-charmer, doub- 16
ling back, in nowtime, 5 bymby when saltwater he wush him these 17
iselands, O alors! to mount miss (the wooeds of Fogloot!) under 18
that chemise de fer and a vartryproof name, Multalusi (would it 19
wash?) with a cheek white peaceful as, wen shall say, a single pro- 20
fessed claire's 6 and his washawash tubatubtub and his diagonoser's 21
lampblick, to pure where they where hornest girls, to buy her in 22
par jure, il you plait, nuncandtunc and for simper, and other duel 23
mavourneens in plurible numbers from Arklow Vikloe to Louth 24
super Luck, come messes, come mams, and touch your spottprice 25
(for'twas he was the born suborner, man) on behalf of an oldest 26
ablished firma of winebakers, Lagrima and Gemiti, later on, his 27
craft ebbing, invoked by the unirish title, Grindings of Nash, 7 the 28
            1 Muckross Abbey with the creepers taken off.
            2 Joke and Jilt will have their tilt.
            3 Old Mamalujorum and Rawrogerum.
            4 Why have these puerile blonds those large flexible ears?
            5 Pomeroy Roche of Portobello, or the Wreck of the Ragamuffin.
            6 No wonder Miss Dotsh took to veils and she descended from that
            7 The bookley with the rusin's hat is Patomkin but I'm blowed if I knowed
      who the slave is doing behind the curtain.