BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|272 | 273 |274 |

Curragh By old Grumbledum's walls. Bumps, bellows  1     
machree, me and bawls. 1 Opprimor's down, up up Opima!  2
bosthoon fiend. Rents and rates and tithes and taxes, wages,  3
saves and spends. Heil, heptarched span of  4
Femilies hug peace! 2 Live, league of lex, nex and the mores!  5
bank! Fas est dass and foe err you. Impovernment  6
of the booble by the bauble for the bubble. So  7
All we suffered wrap up your worries in your woe (wumpum-  8
under them Cow- tum!) and shake down the shuffle for the  9
dung Forks and throw. For there's one mere ope 3 for down- 10
how we enjoyed fall ned. As Hanah Levy, shrewd shroplifter, 11
over our pick of and nievre anore skidoos with her spoileds. 4 12
the basketfild. To add gay touches. For hugh and guy and 13
Old Kine's goy and jew. To dimpled and pimpled and 14
Meat Meal. simpled and wimpled. A peak in a poke and a 15
pig in a pew. 5 She wins them by wons, a haul 16
Flieflie for the hectoendecate, for mangay mumbo jumbjubes 17
jillies and a tak mutts and jeffs muchas bracelonettes 18
bombambum gracies barcelonas.6 O what a loovely free- 19
for the speech 'twas (tep) 7 to gar howalively hinter- 20
nappotondus. grunting! Tip. Like lilt of larks to burdened 21
crocodile, 8 or skittering laubhing at that 22
wheeze of old windbag, Blusterboss, blow- 23
harding about all he didn't do. Hell o' your 24
troop! With is the winker for the muckwits 25
of willesly and nith is the nod for the umproar 26
napollyon and hitheris poorblond piebold 27
hoerse. Huirse. With its tricuspidal hauberk- 28
            1 Shake eternity and lick creation.
            2 I'm blest if I can see.
            3 Hoppity Huhneye, hoosh the hen. I like cluckers, you like nuts (wink).
            4 Sweet, medium and dry like altar wine.
            5 Who'll buy me penny babies?
            6 Well, Maggy, I got your castoff devils all right and fits lovely. And am
        vaguely graceful. Maggy thanks.
            7 My six is no secret, sir, she said.
            8 Yes, there, Tad, thanks, give, from, tathair, look at that now.