after Tom Bowe Glassarse or Timmy the Tosser. 'Tisraely the | 1 |
truth! No isn't it, roman pathoricks? You were the doublejoynted | 2 |
janitor the morning they were delivered and you'll be a grandfer | 3 |
yet entirely when the ritehand seizes what the lovearm knows. | 4 |
Kevin's just a doat with his cherub cheek, chalking oghres on | 5 |
walls, and his little lamp and schoolbelt and bag of knicks, playing | 6 |
postman's knock round the diggings and if the seep were milk | 7 |
you could lieve his olde by his ide but, laus sake, the devil does | 8 |
be in that knirps of a Jerry sometimes, the tarandtan plaidboy, | 9 |
making encostive inkum out of the last of his lavings and writing | 10 |
a blue streak over his bourseday shirt. Hetty Jane's a child of | 11 |
Mary. She'll be coming (for they're sure to choose her) in her | 12 |
white of gold with a tourch of ivy to rekindle the flame on Felix | 13 |
Day. But Essie Shanahan has let down her skirts. You remember | 14 |
Essie in our Luna's Convent? They called her Holly Merry her | 15 |
lips were so ruddyberry and Pia de Purebelle when the redminers | 16 |
riots was on about her. Were I a clerk designate to the Williams- | 17 |
woodsmenufactors I'd poster those pouters on every jamb in the | 18 |
town. She's making her rep at Lanner's twicenightly. With the | 19 |
tabarine tamtammers of the whirligigmagees. Beats that cachucha | 20 |
flat. 'Twould dilate your heart to go. | 21 |
    Aisy now, you decent man, with your knees and lie quiet and | 22 |
repose your honour's lordship! Hold him here, Ezekiel Irons, and | 23 |
may God strengthen you! It's our warm spirits, boys, he's spoor- | 24 |
ing. Dimitrius O'Flagonan, cork that cure for the Clancartys ! You | 25 |
swamped enough since Portobello to float the Pomeroy. Fetch | 26 |
neahere, Pat Koy! And fetch nouyou, Pam Yates! Be nayther | 27 |
angst of Wramawitch! Here's lumbos. Where misties swaddlum, | 28 |
where misches lodge none, where mystries pour kind on, O | 29 |
sleepy! So be yet! | 30 |
    I've an eye on queer Behan and old Kate and the butter, trust me. | 31 |
She'll do no jugglywuggly with her war souvenir postcards to | 32 |
help to build me murial, tippers! I'll trip your traps! Assure a | 33 |
sure there! And we put on your clock again, sir, for you. Did or | 34 |
didn't we, sharestutterers? So you won't be up a stump entirely. | 35 |
Nor shed your remnants. The sternwheel's crawling strong. I | 36 |