BOOK: | I | II | III | IV |
|262 | 263 |264 |
Page Notes
seldomers that most frequent him. That same       1
erst crafty hakemouth which under the assumed 2
name of Ignotus Loquor, of foggy old, 3
harangued bellyhooting fishdrunks on their 4
favorite stamping ground, from a father theo- 5
balder brake.1 And Egyptus, the incenstrobed, 6
Mars speaking. as Cyrus heard of him? And Major A. Shaw 7
after he got the miner smellpex? And old 8
Whiteman self, the blighty blotchy, beyond 9
the bays, hope of ostrogothic and ottomanic 10
faith converters, despair of Pandemia's post- 11
wartem plastic surgeons? But is was all so 12
long ago. Hispano-Cathayan-Euxine, Castil- 13
lian - Emeratic - Hebridian, Espanol - Cymric- 14
Smith, no home. Helleniky? Rolf the Ganger, Rough the Gang- 15
ster, not a feature alike and the face the same.2 16
Pastimes are past times. Now let bygones 17
be bei Gunne's. Saaleddies er it in this warken 18
werden, mine boerne, and it vild need older- 19
wise 3 since primal made alter in garden of 20
Idem. The tasks above are as the flasks below, 21
saith the emerald canticle of Hermes and all's 22
Non quod sed loth and pleasestir, are we told, on excellent 23
quiat inkbottle authority, solarsystemised, seriol- 24
cosmically, in a more and more almightily 25
expanding universe under one, there is rhyme- 26
less reason to believe, original sun. Securely 27
judges orb terrestrial. 4 Haud certo ergo. But 28
Hearasay in O felicitous culpability, sweet bad cess to you 29
paradox lust. for an archetypt!                     30
                    1 Huntler and Pumar's animal alphabites, the first in the world from
          aab to zoo.
                    2 We dont hear the booming cursowarries, we wont fear the fletches of
          fightning, we float the meditarenias and come bask to the isle we love in
          spice. Punt.
                    3 And this once golden bee a cimadoro.
                    4 And he was a gay Lutharius anyway, Sinobiled. You can tell by their
          extraordinary clothes.